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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  June 22, 2024 3:00pm-3:15pm MSK

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live broadcast news on belarus-1 in the studio sergei loponitsin, hello, watch this episode. we value peace, we remember at what cost it was acquired, today is the anniversary of the beginning of the great patriotic war. keep powder dry. a surprise check of the readiness of the armed forces continues in belarus. polonaises and grads are also in service. the final
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competitive day of the brix games is in kazan. our athletes have new medals. and tomorrow is the closing ceremony. today there was a war 83 years ago, june 22, nazi germany treacherously attacked the soviet union. belarus took the first blow from the enemy; on our territory, the occupiers carried out a scorched earth tactic, literally destroying our cities, everything. defense of the legendary citadel, those terrible first days of the war, the soldiers heroically defended their homeland. katerina strikha, about the eerie dawn on june 22, 1941, which divided people’s lives into before and after.
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national memory unites cities and countries, this is confirmed by those people who came to the heroic fortress of bresse that night, some of them are separated by hundreds, or even thousands of kilometers, but on the day of national remembrance of the victims of the great patriotic war and the genocide of the belarusian people, they are a single whole. at the requime rally.
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know and honor this day. at dawn there is the roar of shells and machine gun fire. the heroes of the spectacular reconstruction of the defense of the brest fortress are participants in the thirteenth international rally of reenactors. it didn't turn out to be a fun walk. it is very, very difficult to defeat such people. pyrotechnics, tank, motorcycles, armored vehicle and truck. everything is as realistic as possible. car, bmw. here is a car famous for the fact that it took part in many film shoots, including the famous stirlitz filmed, as they say, 17 moments of spring, in the museum of defense of the brest fortress they talked about preserving the historical truth about the war, new publications from the library of the union state were presented here, in particular the third book... of the series defending the fatherland, dedicated to
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the partisan movement. the project is the result of joint painstaking work of scientists and researchers from belarus and russia. katerina strikha, sergei matveychuk and alexey kozmin, telenews agency. it's already eight decades in june, the belarusian people with pain in their hearts honor the memory of the victims of the great patriotic war, remembering their relatives who died in the fight against nazi germany. and today in the center of minsk there is everyone at the victory monument. the head of the belarusian bloc, the guarantor of the security of our country, bowed his head and honored the memory of those who, at the cost of their lives , fulfilled their duty, defending their homeland and defending our peaceful future. in his speech , the secretary of state of the security council drew attention to the fact that today some politicians in the west are trying to rewrite history, erasing them from the face of the earth. monuments to soldiers-liberators, belittle the contribution of the red army to the cause of victory, to the liberation of european countries from the brown plague of fascism. but it is impossible to break the spirit of our people, we remember and... probably, many
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in belarusian families have ancestors who fought during the great patriotic war, i have two grandfathers who also fought during the great patriotic war, one of whom i was named after completely, volfovich alexander grigorievich went through the entire war of 1941 to 1945. second grandfather was a military man a pilot, a naval pilot, he served for a little less than 1943 to 1945, but nevertheless they also made a small contribution. contribution to the common cause of victory, we should be proud of this, we should raise our children on this, which is what i am doing with the current generation, and our generation today in belarus is wonderful, today, today the boys and girls, indeed, you see , together with us, the military, carried vigil of memory, laid flowers, and looking in their eyes, i want
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to believe in the future, not to believe, but we are confident in that future, that they will preserve it and accept it from us this relay of memory, the correct relay of memory. alexander volfovich drew attention to the fact that today some western politicians are escalating tension on the borders of belarus, destroying decades of established economic and humanitarian ties between our peoples, announcing the use of nuclear weapons, not understanding what consequences this could lead to, because by their actions they are pushing the new destructive conflict on the territory of europe, therefore the main task of the leadership of our country is ensuring peace and security, and the military organization of belarus is able... to repel any aggressor to cause unacceptable damage. the mournful date of the beginning of the great patriotic war was celebrated today in khatyn. the memorial complex, which became a sad symbol of the genocide of the belarusian people, of all the burned villages of belarus, gathered people on june 22 in the format of a nationwide laying of honor. each delegation,
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excursion group, each visitor could, in a convenient manner, walking through the territory of the monument, lay flowers at the monument unconquered person to the eternal fire, and also enter the temple. on the territory of the memorial to pray for the destroyed residents of khatyn, for all those who died during the war. khatyn is a place where you generally understand what war is? war is not only a battle for...
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feelings that should tell us all that peace is at any cost. istar and mlad, people of different ages, from all over belarus, guests who came from other countries, honored the memory of the victims with a minute of silence. they laid flowers at the reconstructed monument to the wounded soldier of the memorial complex defeat. it is located on the border of chervinsky and smalevichi districts. this is a place of memory of the partisan brigade of the same name. during the war, its soldiers derailed 300 fascist echelons and killed almost 15,000
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nazis. the soldier's monument, located in the wilderness, was destroyed by a hurricane in 2017. a little later, they started talking about saving the memorial at the republican level. i am twenty-nine years old, i was only 13 years old, my business was, this was intelligence, a connection to that, given to that one, i went there here, here like this, from 1943 until the victory itself,
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funding came from both private individuals and republican holdings and companies, the memorial was updated on the eve of the day of partisans and underground fighters. woman, war, victory, a joint photo exhibition of the belarusian women's union and the belarusian telegraph agency opened in minsk. the exhibition includes 44 archival photographs. there is a story in every photograph.
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and i would like our young generation, especially beautiful, cool, modern belarusian girls, to see i saw this, pain, emotions, tears of victory, i understood that this world and those values ​​that we have today are what we have, and what cannot be lost under any circumstances, and in no way under no circumstances should we allow this, this woman’s pain, to manifest itself not only in photographs, but in life. women veterans were also invited to the presentation of the photo exhibition.
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in memory of the victims and heroes of the great patriotic war. today at the palace of the republic the patriotic premiere of the requiem concert every third. its first show took place at poklonnaya hill in moscow, on the eve of the great victory day. the title is updated statistics, which indicate that during the bloody years of the fascist occupation in our country , not every fourth person died, as previously thought, every third person. the requiem concert is a synthesis of a poetic basis, a video chronicle of new information about the hard times, as well as well -known ones. and new songs written specifically for the project. bel tv and radio company captures the musical and theatrical performance from
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the best angles, all the emotions, from the shocking we will show facts about nazi atrocities, poignant human stories and touching authorial decisions in the tv version. watch the requiem concert every third this sunday, june 23 at 19:15 on belarus 1 and belarus24. arsenal of the motherland is a new project of the television news agency together with the state military-industrial committee. in each video we will show and tell how the military-industrial committee of our country developed. how, for several decades, design engineers have amazed us with their achievements. newest development of the domestic defense complex. its own ammunition, drones, rocketry,
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communications and light armored vehicles. what military equipment was like in the last century and what it appeared like in modern independent belarus. each video of small arms production will be like an anatomy of technical revolutions. in the first episode we will talk about tanks in 3 minutes from the legendary t-34 to the newest t-72 bm2. tanks are a technique that, since its appearance at the beginning of the 20th century, no one can do without. one military conflict. for a long time, it was the superiority in the segment of these combat vehicles that determined success on the battlefield.
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in a little more than 100 years, the iron structure on tracks has turned into a modern combat complex, which is capable of not only delivering a crushing blow to the enemy, but also having the additional protection of modular armor, like the latest belarusian modernized t-72 bm2 tank.


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