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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  June 22, 2024 5:15pm-7:00pm MSK

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you'll be back soon, but i 'll get the kids ready for the plane, but wait, no, i'll take a long time, well, well, then i'll come in to the deaf-mute, i definitely need to come in, who is this deaf-mute, but our neighbor in the village, he fell out of a burning house, now i everything... trying to tell how, or maybe i won’t go today, the mood is kind of funny, cheerful, why would it be, wonderful, you really are kind of strange today, the war will end, i’ll always be like this, well, well, goodbye , hello, see you, happily, well, chmikh ivanovich. i'll give you to the boys, i'll go
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home, hey, guy, hold on, well, what is this, nikita, yozhek, anna mikhaivna, you can, i brought this to the guys as a gift, well, give it, take it. hedgehog is common, don’t be angry, thank you, sorry.
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well, thanks for the ride, what? oh this? well , come on, you're a business guy. come on, i 'll sit down myself. oh, my brother is in trouble too.
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“the girl doesn’t love me, she doesn’t like me, i don’t know how to look after me, or something, she doesn’t love everything, but what about our village, don’t be afraid, there are only steps left, right? i understand, i understand, uh-huh, uh-huh, i understand, nothing , we’ll survive, we’ll survive everything, it’s time for me, it’s time, well, be healthy,
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be healthy, i'll come in, i'll come in, i'll come in, come on! well, it seems you have done everything.
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it won’t work out, penchuka, you don’t know, let’s get acquainted now, and now quickly follow me, follow me, i’m here, here, here, why is everything wrong, everything seems to be the same as always, too... the sky is blue again, the same forest, the same air and the same water, only he did not return from the battle, the same forest, the same air and the same water, only he did not
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return from the battle, i now cannot understand which of us was right in our disputes without sleep and peace? i didn’t miss him anymore, only now, when he didn’t return from the battle, i didn’t feel anymore grab him only now, when he returned from the battle, he was silent not in papat and did not sing along to the beat, he always talked about something else, he did not let me sleep, he got up with the sunrise. yesterday he didn’t return from the battle, he didn’t let me sleep, he got up at sunrise, yesterday he didn’t return from the battle, what is empty now is not something to talk about, i suddenly noticed, there were two of us,
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for me, it was as if the wind had blown out a fire, when he did not return from the battle, for me it was as if the wind blew out a fire, when he did not return from the battle, now spring has escaped, as if from captivity, i mistakenly called out to him, friend, leave him to smoke, in response there was silence, he did not return from the battle yesterday, friend, leave him to smoke, and... light, silence, he did not return from the battle yesterday, our dead will not leave us in trouble, our fallen are like sentries, the sky is reflected in the forest, like in water, and the trees
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stand blue, the sky is reflected, in the forest, like in water, and the trees stand, blue, there was enough space in the dugout for us, time flowed for both of us, that’s all now alone, it only seems to me, it’s me who hasn’t returned from the battle, everything is now alone, only it seems to me, it’s me who hasn’t returned from battle. invite the commanders, where is our headquarters? here, the report was confirmed, the germans are gathering forces in the zhmykhovichi area, and the neighbors know, everything has been agreed upon, communication has been worked out, that’s
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what i wanted, let me go to zhmykhovichi, why, but i didn’t imagine. let the people have a holiday, i agree,
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strengthen the combat security groups, i obey, look at the situation, but keep the road, the road until the very last, until everyone gets out. i’ll wait for you, and then together we’ll move to join ours, get the maps, maps, our soviet troops have entered the land. long-suffering and heroic belarus,
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the day of complete liberation of our entire land is not far off, but the enemy, crawling into his fascist den, wants to leave behind a dead desert, now the main thing is to prevent the fascists from destroying the population, women, old people and children. immelaufschritt,
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olya, olya, olya, my daughter,
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the wounded and the children first, let the grandfather pass, come on boy, come on, well, everything is overloaded, why don’t you take a little more, take the child, okay, take the child, don’t leave him, come on, come on , ksenia, ksenia, darling, hello! here’s a souvenir for you, thank you, thank you very much, goodbye, goodbye, well, i flew to moscow, tomorrow there will be another one, tell the commissar, we’ll set out on his rocket, come on! give me the red one, connect the guns, everything is ready!
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everyone arrived, on time, we’re rushing at the rocket, prepare the rocket, rocket! follow me.
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well, the owners are on a business trip. and you thought our people would return here, we’d rest, and in the evening we’d go back to the plane, uh-huh, you hear it thundering, yes, choose from these, the rest are mined, this one, well, your petrovsky will tell us that we it’s their fault that the plane didn’t arrive, and what does mine have to do with it, you think i didn’t see how you looked at it like a girl, it’s even funny. okay, what, you know, you, ksenia gave it to me, she and anna mikhailovna, instead of my mother, i don’t even remember mine, and they died without a war, ksenia became little, but just for me.
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no matter how much i took off my shoes i was going crazy, you came up with a great idea. tolya, tolya, tolya, lina, woe, you are mine, well, where
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did you get in, you’re going to fall, eh... this is for you, no, you can’t, everything is shaky here anyway, your dress is even better on top, lina, ours , ours, where, yes, you climb up the tower, and over there on the cannon, i can even see the dungeons, where, yes, you climb faster, now, now, well, now you see , yes, i see, yes, tolya, i love you.
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and the germans, there are mines, little side, dear, tolya, tolya, well, where, tolya, tolya, tolya, tolya, no, tolya, you’re far away, i’m going to attack, let’s go,
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whoever comes out to the soviet bridge. and i wanted, let there be that one, dressed in everything, not for his height, now my eyes will close, i will hug the earth tightly, we didn’t have time, didn’t have time, didn’t have time, didn’t have time to look back, and sons, and sons are leaving for battle , the washouts were suppressed. not hearts, mine was knocking loudly for me that my end was not yet... the end, the end, this is someone ’s beginning, i managed to smile, i saw who
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was following me, we didn’t have time, we didn’t have time, we didn’t have time, before they had time to look back, sons and sons were leaving for battle. kali is known in the wild, so the light poured into the world, all the husky evenings were gone, and only the wind blew the sand of the ear, as long as you slept and understood, which was singing shynya. the skin magic is applied to nature, near
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the forest, near the field, on rivers and lakes, in the fresh air, sniff clean you, listen to the singing birds and the woods of the forest, smile! for salodai zauzhaytse jumping vocals at the harmony with the proroday belarus 24.
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general prosecutor's office of the republic of belarus, stored here. cases in which the drama of the belarusian people, in them materials about the crimes of the nazis and their henchmen against civilians of the republic during the war, about victims, huge, irreparable, about torture, executions,
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extermination, including with the residents, but what forced again already in the twenties of the 21st century, address the issue of genocide belarusian people. it contains information about previously unknown information identified only during the investigation of a criminal case in the field. tortured people and
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many, many other facts that were not previously known to us, including due to the imposition of classification, irrefutable facts, figures, materials of investigative cases, in them reminders of the consequences... attempts to divide peoples according to the principle elites and subhumans, about how terrible fascism is, what destruction and suffering it brings to the world? on august 9, 1940, hitler issued an order to prepare for the blitzkrieg, it did not... need to be implemented before the winter of 1941, it went down in history as the aufbauost plan, the build-up of forces in the east, in it... among
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the priority tasks it was envisaged to clear poland, the western part of the soviet union, of 31 million people , to evict up to 46.51 million people beyond the urals, and to defeat the 14 million who remained there, without a mosque, to defeat the russians as a people. belarusians were also understood as russians, 75% of them should be. infection with dangerous diseases, all this is in the arsenal of means of killing residents conquered territories, because the main question had to be solved: how quickly from... from
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a huge number of unnecessary people. we were talking about millions. punitive operations were considered an effective method. they began to be actively used in nazi-occupied belarus from the first days of the invasion. early in the morning of july 25, 1941, the silence of the village of pogoreltsy, northwest of belovezha, was disturbed by the roar of approaching trucks. concerned
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residents tried to understand what was happening, someone looked out the window, someone ran out onto street, but the fascists were already in full swing there. bursting into houses, they pushed people out into the street, forcing them to sit in the back of cars. those who resisted were beaten with a rifle butt. in front of the villagers, the fashta shot a local activist who was trying to protect them. the crying of children, the moans of women, and the lamentations of old people echoed throughout the village.
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and the whole village began to burn, maybe 40 huts burned down and the baby was born two weeks ago, just like that little baby and mother were shot at the doorstep, they were only told that... and then they buried them in the cemetery and didn’t take them anywhere, well immediately after i got home to be buried in the cities, i was between 11 and 12 years old, my dad took us to the forest for the night, we weren’t far away, there was a ditch there, but it was dry, there was no water, and the hole was so great, great , and there the father cut down the little bits, so that there... we
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sat in these lawns, so that this was not visible anywhere, we had five children, the least was the weather, the germans walked at night and already the mother of his tacos in his arms trim, and a micro-matrara, oh, so that you don’t want to cry, so that you don’t feel that they’ll shoot us right away here, evidence.
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fascists on belarusian soil.
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the germans began the pacification operation against civilians with executions, a proven method of intimidating the population. already all these men who were collected from the villages. 15 people were taken there for sokholeyka where they shot 15 people, six people from the farms were burned behind the karchami and two sons, father and mother near the church , were shot there by the germans and in the day there could be six people, too, parents were six girls, my family was a guy and that’s 20.
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they forced machine guns shoot, the machine guns immediately began to fight, but did not stand on ceremony with anyone, regardless of age, they did not spare anyone, neither women nor children, they killed just like that in order to reduce the excess.
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the first experience of gas extermination in the occupied belarusian territory was used in a psychiatric hospital in a new way. subsequently, gas installations, mobile. stationary ones, created on the basis of new developments by german specialists, will appear in the ghetto concentration camps. history has preserved the terrible evidence of mass executions that were carried out from the very beginning of the fascist invasion of the territory of the republic. but i know that nilki they poured on those who were able to, they watered them down, those who couldn’t were beaten, they only saw. what is the smoke where, well, they said, what are these guys sleeping, here are
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the kuzevichys, dabreneva, they burned there, some dear mother was there, she lived there, ghani, i know, daughter, lip, so i didn’t displease them isya, yany after . and again terrible evidence. from the testimony of cherny vasily fomech. in the uruchya area i met an eyewitness. well, he started telling me this story. early in the morning, my mother got us up and said: let's go, kids, let's collect something.
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which, in its cruelty towards civilian population and scale subsequently shocked the world. one of the means of mass extermination of the population was concentration camps. on the occupied belarusian territory , hundreds of thousands of civilian prisoners of war became their prisoners. one of the first camps was created on june 29, 1941 by order. commander of the fourth army kluge in the area of ​​​​the village of drozdy near minsk.
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about 140,000 military personnel, the civilian male population of minsk, found themselves in an open field under the pretext of re-registration. what happened in the camp in figures and facts recorded by the emergency state commission on. in the first 12 days, the nazis shot more than 10 thousand people in drozdy, about 2 thousand died due to heat, hunger, and the outbreak of an epidemic. thus, the nazis began to implement plans regarding the local population, prisoners of war, as...
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in the summer of 1941, the number of concentration camps for prisoners of war on the territory of belarus rapidly increased. there are more than 44,000 prisoners of war. the total number of dead soviet prisoners of war on the occupied territory is more than 80 thousand. according to updated data, almost 1 million
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people. how i lived in the ghetto, i don’t understand, in general, how i survived, you just have to have a wild imagination to imagine how i got out there, i remember a lot. in the geto, i believe that god gave me instructions to tell about everything that i saw and what i heard and what i experienced. from the first days of the war in the occupied territories,
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along with concentration camps and prisons, ghettos were also created. the largest were warsaw. in lodd, lvov, but not a single ghetto in europe could not compare with minsky in its cruelty and mass extermination of civilians. in the towns , everyone was shot within 2-3 months, but here it was 2 years and 4 months; we went through all this in 2 years.
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in front of the mother, so that 60 people would not die. the minsk ghetto existed from july 20, 1941 to october 21, 1943.
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it became one of the largest in europe. at least 100,000 people passed through it. only fifty prisoners managed to escape from europe into the ghetto. regarding children in nazi-occupied territory a plan was being implemented for their total destruction along with the adult population. i learned about this tragedy as a child from my grandmother daisa stepanovna shakhmetova,
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who in 1942 was a pupil of this orphanage. and just before the execution, she managed to jump out of the car and escape, she and another boy, viktor abramov, survived this tragedy, but what actually happened in the damashchevsky orphanage, what tragedy took place there in the fall of forty-two? of the children put in the car, tosya shekhmetova 9 years old, got off the car and ran away, all the other 54 children were teacher grokholskaya.
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means, or the sapper shovels that they had, shallowly, completely, the fact of the execution was confirmed by residents of the village of leglevka, at the time of the execution they heard crying, screams of children and shots. in the following days, we were at the scene of the execution, we saw children’s corpses and the ground soaked with innocent children’s blood.
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a tragedy of its own unfolded in minsk: there was an orphanage near the pit on zaslavskaya street, the children were all stabbed to death, not killed by bullets, but stabbed to death with knives, you know, then... somewhere they said the lithuanians slaughtered it, which means someone knew, or a soldier takes a child by one leg, tiny and with a head, it’s scary.
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in the brevskaya, bobruisk, polotsk, and polezhskaya regions alone , 63,290 children were hanged, burned, or shot. according to the materials of the investigation into the facts of genocide, 14 children's concentration camps were created in the occupied territory, where blood was pumped out of children for wounded wehrmacht soldiers. from documents presented to the emergency state commission regarding atrocities in relation to children, one of these
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blood-sampling children's camps, a camp in the red bank of the zhlobin region, we learn about the know-how of the fascists, it was listed as testing a new scientific method of blood sampling. children were hung under their arms, their chests were squeezed, and they gave them a special injection to prevent the blood from clotting. the skin on the feet was cut off, the blood flowed into sealed baths. the lifeless bodies of the children were taken away and burned. the technique applied to all children's concentration camps. but blood was taken from children in almost all concentration camps where they contained. one of these is babruisky.
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but the war was doing its job. in total , 166,885
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children were killed in belarus during the years of occupation. more than 138 thousand were left orphans, almost 33.00 minor residents of the republic were taken to germany. more than 35,000 belarusian children became prisoners of children's concentration camps. and know-how. the world will recognize the fascists for the mass extermination of people at the nuremberg trials in 1946. the materials of the azarich death camp case will present evidence of more than 20 thousand prisoners exterminated in record time, even by wartime standards, almost 10 days. they took me
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from the village of izabelina, this is the mogilev region, kirov district, the germans did not provide food in the concentration camp, there was no water in the concentration camp, we took this dirty snow, heated it in our palms, and so we drank the water, and there were corpses lying nearby... dead people, and those who were still alive did not have the strength to remove them, the camp was a swampy place, fenced with two rows of barbed wire; at a distance of 2 m it was not allowed to approach the wire if someone violated this zone immediately, that means they started shooting. people were dying
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before our eyes, the tone was standing, the cap was standing, the cloak was standing, well, we were brought to the camp, and many were driven on foot, they already came so exhausted that they fell and never got up from that place, we were kicked out of the village, they drove us all on foot , from that paralyzh and ...
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his hands, there was constant shooting, usually starting from 5 o’clock, as it were , in the evening, and until 9, until, apparently, our troops discovered that this was a camp. i also remember one terrible story, next to us there was a family, a large family, there was there are many children, one night i really remember this night, there was a strong frost at night, it thawed during the day, then it was frosty again and this family did not
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wake up the next morning, so they just sat there. everyone, so they remained on their haunches. in march 1944, on the territory of the bssr, the nazis conducted a monstrous experiment on the civilian population, which shocked the world with its cruelty. in our camps. everyone was infected with typhus, once they brought, as i remember, bread, this bread was so bitter, you know, it is impossible, it came out straight from the molois, but this bread was sopilka.
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from a memo to a german soldier. remember follow through. you just have to act, not be afraid of anything. no nerves, no heart, no pity, you are made of german iron. destroy pity and compassion in yourself, kill every russian, soviet, do not stop if in front of you is an old man or a woman, a girl or a boy, and there was no pity. this will be confirmed in new investigations by the general prosecutor's office of the republic into the facts of genocide against the belarusian people. from the testimony of the scarecrow vladimir
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nikolaevich, a resident of an urban village kapotkevichi, polesie region. on the morning of march 29, 1942, from the direction of the urban village of kapotkevichi, we arrived on a sleigh in uryazhki.
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vazarych had a commandant’s office, there were so many fingers that she was working towards a goal, and the burgo-place was close to us, every day our daughters traveled to their destination in other villages, in our village, they didn’t kill anything , and in other villages, vasils of meat, vasils vechki, vasil geese, vasil ўse, ate and lived, the fascists with policemen began to arrive, the chief of police, tall, healthy, take the cow to
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the germans, if you don’t get a cow, we’ll take yours we’ll shoot all the children, and the cow had to be driven through the forest, 4 km of trees where the german garrison was located in the forest, my mother started a virolka narogi. this cow, what should i do? the punishers cruelly took revenge on the civilian population for their failures. each time the nazis invented new methods of reprisals. more sadistic and cruel. residents of the village of korpilovka, where there were 127 households, did not immediately burn them down. they began to count down 10 people for the punisher and take them to the stables. soon machine gun fire was heard from there.
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but the fate of the residents of korpilovka during the punitive operation bamberg repeated in hundreds of other belarusian villages. during the period of the so-called moderating action, about. 80 belarusian villages, 3,600 houses were burned, more than 5,000 inhabitants died. particular atrocities were committed by the punitive forces against the village of khvoynya, petrikovsky district, where 1,419 of its residents were killed. the nazis were preparing to take revenge for... failures at the front in the fight against partisans. the population of the republic had to endure even more bloody and
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large-scale punitive operations of the fascists. terrible eyewitness accounts of events, those who managed to escape, we came home, my mother was killed, she was burned, our mother was lying at home. 12 people were killed, as the germans suffered , because the fences were destroyed a lot, 38 people were killed, only those who escaped from other countries were saved, and these people were killed by men of 40, 50 years old, 38 people were killed, as already.
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in the military-historical journal of the white migration sentinel, which surrendered in paris until 1988, an article by valdis baltinsh entitled “i dare not remain silent” was published. it is about terrible atrocities during the period of punitive operation swamp fever. and about what the latvian legionnaires from... the ss battalion did on belarusian soil. i don’t remember the name of the village in which my attention was attracted by a cloud of flies circling over a wooden barrel. looking into the barrel, i saw severed men's heads in it. some had mustaches and beards. after talking with the surviving residents, we had no doubt that armor was also operated here. ss men. even
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those who were on the other side were horrified by the cruelty of the latvian ss legion. punitive operation swamp fever lasted until september 21st. legionnaires from among the latvian nazis became accomplices of the fascists. i remember the blast, then the lithuanians and latvians fired all over again, they kicked us out, and we didn’t want to leave the barn. and the boys
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ran away, the enemy bullet still caught up with them, they lay separately, in a deserted house in the village of trakhimovichi, huddled in a corner, a child, a girl of about five, was quietly crying, until recently her mother was nearby. but suddenly shots were heard and people were screaming. mom only managed to move the chest away and hide her behind it. the germans burst into the house and mom was taken somewhere. i wanted to get out of my hiding place, i wanted to eat, i wanted my mother to come as soon as possible, but there was such silence all around that it became scary.
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the girl carefully stood up, there was no one in the house, maybe her mother was somewhere on the street? the girl , stepping carefully so that the floorboard did not creak, was already approaching the door. suddenly it swung open, two people entered the house, they were talking to the quiet man, and out of joy the girl rushed to meet them. but she was pressed against the wall, it was painful, she began to cry, but one uncle began to shout at her, demanding to say who still in the house. and the girl just cried, repeating, i want to go to my mother, i’m still crying, mom, mom, policeman, i’m your mother, and i’ll take you to the barn and shoot this girl there.
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in december 1942 , another bloody nazi operation began with the rounding up and execution of civilians. it went down in history under the name hamburg and took place in the lida baranovichi volkovysk triangle. my grandfather said everything, crap. then geta was neshkarats, there were people hanging out in the forest, ustretsyats chalavek, they forgot, dzed kazha, what geta karatsily, kazha, latvians, brother, there were dangerous people, yago put on the stage, it was terrible, it seemed,
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the troubles that the fascists created? they caught the little woman, dzetsi, at the cart, the germans went there in the new settlements, set fire to the barn, fire began, that teacher patron collected and took the roof there, and the germans drove them away, returned them, returned them, drove them into the house,
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closed and found and set fire to gasoline , well, and then... and the cotton man himself lived, jumped out from the fire, dzyadzenki, not stralyajtse, yago zhyvogali, and hamburg punitive forces killed 364 residents in the village of bolshaya volya, 336 in the village towns, 142 in trakhimovichi, dyatlovsky district, villages of mostovsky district were damaged, boyars - 50 people, shara - 80,
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zadvorya - 151. unfortunately, their own people surrendered their own.
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gave up like hatseli. the german command, giving orders to carry out punitive operations, demanded that the most stringent measures be taken against the local population. they treated the civilians according to the order, from the testimony...
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what they had and what they would give us, they immediately took us away and put us in the kirov prison, what was there? genocide against civilians was associated not only with the fight against the partisans and residents who sympathize with them. as documents testify, the fascists developed a special technique for their destruction. from the interrogation of rotkov sevolodavich...
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118 police security battalion was formed in the fall of 1942 in kiev from among western ukrainian nationalists, ukrainian prisoners of war and mobilized youth from rural areas of the kiev region, the battalion was commanded by security police major erich kerner and major konstantin smovsky. the second battalion was transferred to belarus, took part in punitive operations in minsk, vitebsk and grodno
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regions. that day the fastas called for reinforcements. the ss sonder command under the command of the criminal dirlewanger, which was particularly cruel. having burst into khatyn and not finding the partisans there, the massacre began. over civilians. how the events unfolded further, in the testimony of eyewitnesses, residents of the village-settlement of the kamensky village council, pleschenitsky district, minsk region. march 25, 1943. on march 22 of the above year, german monsters attacked the neighboring village
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khatyn and burned its building. the inhabitants , numbering 150 people, were brutally tortured and burned. 40 adult men and 34 women were burned. there were 70 children of different ages from one month to 14 years. the village of 26 households was completely burned. another one was added to the sad list of burned belarusian villages in march 1943. khatyn. the execution of the population of the village of khatyn became the last chord of the bloody operation winter magic
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, or in the german version, winter charms. it was held from february 16 to march 31, 1943 years in the triangle sebish, asveya-polotsk. the main performers were german units, who were also present. anti-aircraft and artillery units, a communications platoon, two special groups, isd police, a special -purpose air group. the main striking force is the seven latvian army battalions, the ukrainian and lithuanian battalions, and the estonian clan. in latvia , several police battalions were campaigned, they were huffing, and during the dark night, 15 august 1943, they collapsed, as if entire fronts
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were on... hibernation. exit on the very right front of the fight against peaceful inhabitants. the geta front is farming in ryza, where the latvian police battalions were assembled, five and five of them, both estonian and ukrainian dachshunds. the tactics are also special. groups, which consisted of three or four latvian police battalions, were supposed to enter the villages on the spot and shoot everyone who was suspected of involvement in the partisans. some of the able-bodied residents were sent, as a rule, first to the salas fils camp, and from there then to germany. we were all gathered at
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the station, the latvian turma and the sauspetsk chancellor camp the former chancellor of the past thousands of asveyakoў only dzyatsey more than a thousand were i trying to somehow get involved and know my status as a worker in the camp, and what kind of workers are they?
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since 2000, the osveysky district has a pre-war population of only thousands. in the light , only three people are found alive. at the same time, during operation winter
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magic, with the participation of punitive forces, 387 were killed. over 13 thousand civilians were killed , over 7 thousand were forcibly taken to germany for forced labor. we made a breakthrough with the partisans, in the forest, it’s scary there there were, with all the weapons, the germans, and planes, and cannons, shells, there were people, you know, everyone was huddled together, they lay down, i remember, little, i was under this heap...
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fastas against the inhabitants of the borisov-begoml partisan zone carried out the bloody massacre with particular
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cruelty. aviation was sent to destroy defenseless people. yes, it was the narrow-minded people who jumped us pushcha near the shanchsky district. and there are these people there.
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civilians, 5,000 young men and women were taken to germany; in total, during the codbus operation, the punitive force was burned completely or partially 221 settlements. on july 18, 1943
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, the germans came to the village of dory, volozhin district, baranobich region , they began to herd people to the square, there they were told: all residents must gather in the church, a representative of the gibits commissariat will hold an important meeting with you. on the sleeves, when the church was filled with people, the massacre began, as
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eyewitnesses of the events testify, people were killed using proven methods, sadistically, at night at gunpoint, in the morning a bloodbath.
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gunfire began, this is a story it’s impossible that there was a scream, a scream, you know, these terrible events are in the memory of those who lived through them.
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for 6 weeks in the summer of forty-three, the nazis burned belarusian villages, destroying the civilian population. in terms of its duration and atrocity, operation herman ranked among the most bloody and sadistic. in the autumn of '43, the punitive forces arrived.
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dusseldor, my parents worked at a brick factory, they left their children in some dark building, they slept on the floor in some tents and went hungry, my sister was younger than me, she died of hunger, we got to estonia and... they put us on a ship, so we sailed to germany, the parents were taken to another camp, and the children were taken to another camp, my god, how it was very hard, the concentration camps detained the children from whom
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they took them. the bunks full of blood died all the time, because they took blood not one at a time, but many times, they took it from me, but right away i was feeling bad, they didn’t take it, maybe i already didn’t have enough blood, terrible stories to live with. republics driven into slavery in germany, their thousands, each with the tragedy of a specific person from whom everything was taken away.
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the germans came and said: if you don’t give them to germany, then we will destroy all your families, well, my father said, well, we want to live, grow, let’s add, in
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captivity people’s destinies turned out differently, places of convict labor for... hijacked citizens from belarus , large enterprises were established in germany, such as luft hansa, telefunkin, bence, juncker and others working for the reich war machine. my mother, they worked for their family at the merents factory. it was a large enterprise; they were engaged in sewing clothes for german military personnel. this is a very large enterprise. this is the city of neun-münster, they were very strictly punished if a needle broke, the mother had a character, she was hardworking, the german warden, noticing that she was very diligent,
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suddenly somehow came up, looked, took pity on her, stroked her in her pocket and put it in her pocket four needles, but he said, if you show it to someone, i say, i gave one needle to my friend, after all, she broke it, this... the girls were taken to work in germany from chaussky district. those deported from the republic were sent to quarries in france for coal mines; those who ended up on farms or in personal service to the german masters were a little more fortunate. slaves were sold to them at a reasonable price, which could be purchased not only in germany; people were sent to austria, east prussia, latvia, poland, lithuania. the polish woman was 23 years old, she
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was nine years old, and she was nine years old. then you already showed that you will feed the pigs, 100 pigs. the stories of the inhabitants of belarus driven into slavery are different, but they are all similar in one thing, the conditions were unbearable, the treatment was inhumane, it was very difficult for everyone there. this is written about in letters from captivity, which history has preserved for us, and which never reached our homeland, our torn homeland.
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kudryashev sebastian, stads, camp, stadium. while i'm still alive, the food here is bad, we only get... cranberries, 300 g of bread, many remained collectibles for life, without arms and legs. solodkaya polina, kassel, frankfurterstrasse 1991. i’ve been sick for 3 days now, but i’m still working, otherwise i have to go to the barracks. i don't get medical help and no food either. i have to fast for 12 hours. reshetnikova motya, camp of eastern workers, rogenfeld, fortress. demets. my
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dear mother, it would be better if you buried me than sent me to a foreign country. at the beginning of january 1946 in minsk, in the building of the district officers' house, the military prosecutor's office. the republic continued to interview witnesses on the facts of genocide of the civilian population of the bssr. izvekova valentina antonovna, another witness, a prisoner of the koldycheva camp, entered the investigator’s room. it was organized by the fascists back in the beginning of the war, near the city of baranovich.
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and wanted a worse death. on november 3 , 1944 , the next issue of the krasnaya zvezda newspaper was published in the soviet union with a million copies. it published an article by ilka lady gib
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on that very civilized europe. make peace with the germans and leave the punishment of nazi criminals to god. the response from the ussr followed immediately. the newspaper published testimonies of those who were the first to enter the burned belarusian cities after liberation. and saw with my own eyes the consequences of nazi crimes. and memories of ilya ehrenburg himself. there is a scary place near minsk, a large cane. there, the germans, wanting to hide traces of crimes, burned corpses, dug out those buried and burned them. charred bodies, a girl's head,
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a woman's body, hundreds, hundreds of corpses. for belarus, the trostenets death camp has become a terrible symbol of incomparable cruelty. it absorbed the pain and suffering of prisoners of all concentration camps and ghettos created on the territory of the republic, including. 546 thousand were tortured, shot, burned alive directly in this hellish place. by in terms of the number of people destroyed, it ranks fourth in europe, after such notorious nazi death camps as auschwitz, majdanok, treblenka.
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but history has preserved the testimonies of survivors of that terrible tragedy: during the day we were at home, at night we went into the field and we spent the night there so that they would not come at night.
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