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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  June 22, 2024 9:00pm-9:40pm MSK

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who comes into the house, the place where yakub kolas was born, right here, on this little girl they make a wish, travel with the belarus 24 tv channel . good evening, panorama live, in the studio ekaterina tikhomirova about the main events of this saturday: 83 years old ago, on this day, fascist germany made a treacherous attack, they went after him. 1418 most terrible
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days and nights of the great patriotic war. we remember at what cost it was given to us. victory and peace today. unlearned lessons or the european train is heading towards third world. orban revealed nato's secret on ukraine. western countries are getting closer and closer to the front. the air echelon of the russian aerospace forces arrived in belarus to participate in the independence day parade. our aviators promised scale. air show in the skies over the capital. my colleagues have more details. we belarusians remember those who took small steps towards our common great victory. on the night of june 21-22, the sacred ground of the brez fortress again shook from the roar of grenades and loud explosions. let's talk about how all folk memory unites cities and countries. premiere. requiem concert every third in
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the palace of the republic, this is a musical and theatrical dedication to the memory of the victims and heroes of the great patriotic war, we will talk about the creation of a behind-the-scenes project, and also show the emotions of this tragic story. representatives of the youth of the cis countries celebrated the day of remembrance and mourning in brest; what objects were visited by the participants of the memory train, details in a few minutes. on this tragic day, we honor the memory of the heroes who gave us peace at the cost of their lives. flowers were laid at places of remembrance and mourning across the country in memory of the victims. details in the material. summer, victorious and ours on the final day of competition at the brix games sum up the performance of the belarusian national team. an agro-industrial center whose know-how makes the grain field golden. timber industry complex, cultural, sports cozy city. regional center of the minsk
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region with foreseeable prospects for investors. we are heading for grains, a current business card of the city in the project, a place to live. on this day, 83 years ago, the peaceful dawn was filled with the smell of gunpowder. the war has begun. the great patriotic war. without her announcement nazi germany attacked the soviet union. it was around 4 o'clock in the morning, the longest in... the brez fortress took one of the first enemy attacks. the defenders of the bastion did not expect an attack, but they were not going to give up and defended the citadel until their last breath. according to the blitz krieg plan, it was planned to take the bastion in just a few hours. the heroes held the line for a whole month. eight decades have passed and we are being asked to forget the names of the soldiers, those who did not bow their heads then. do we have today?
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such a right to glorify those who died for honor and the independence of the homeland is remembered every year. in the brest fortress, candles are lit at the hour of enemy attack. 20 thousand people, about 40 official delegations paid tribute to the memory of the defenders of the brest fortress. details from katerina striche. the sacred land of the bresse fortress, it was she who was the first to receive the blows of hitler’s troops, therefore on the night of june 21-22, brest never sleeps. in the brest fortress, everything began according to tradition with the requiem rally, veterans, relatives of fallen heroes and guests from other countries and cities bring flowers here to the eternal flame at the foot of monuments, because we belarusians remember those who did the first. steps on the path to great
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victory. one of the bloodiest wars in human history lasted 1418 days. they talk about heroic defenders not only on the day of national remembrance of the victims. the world-famous citadel, being here, you understand even more how important it is to preserve the peace that our ancestors gave us. national memory once again united dozens of cities and countries; about 20 thousand people took part in the rally with requiems in memory of the fallen. belarus still stands like an indestructible brez fortress on the path of nazi followers, not allowing the revival of alien christian morality and ideology. this is our sacred duty to the heroes, veterans and victims of the great patriotic war. as long as
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we remember at what cost the right to a peaceful life was won, plans to put pressure on our country are doomed to failure, just like hitler’s close cry. thousands of people again trembled from the roar of shells and incredibly loud and powerful explosions, behind me was one of the most
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probably dramatic moments, the nazis taking innocent civilians prisoner, it’s scary to imagine how people felt in june forty-one. that terrible summer day was recreated piece by piece by the participants of the thirteenth international rally of reenactors, about 350 history buffs from belarus, russia, lithuania, latvia and estonia, pyrotechnics, tanks, motorcycles, armored vehicles and trucks, everything is as realistic as possible, the bmw 326
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was produced since the thirty-sixth year to the forty- first year, here is a car famous for the fact that she participated in many film shoots. including the famous filming of stirlitz , filming, as they say, 17 moments of spring, for russia and belarus this war became domestic, it passed with a bright flame from brest to moscow, rolled like a bloody roller through the destinies of innocent people, dividing their lives into before and after. at the bretz fortress defense museum they talked about preserving the historical truth about the war. the book operation bogration by the partisans of the belarusian land was presented here. needs to be done today to preserve the historical truth, what needs to be done to ensure that, first of all, young people entering a big life, russians, belarusians, representatives of the commonwealth countries, friendly countries, together with us
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, fairly and honestly evaluate the feat of the soviet soldier and the soviet people who defeated fascism.
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colorful, it was very sincere, very emotional, because watching everything that was happening, it was as if we were there ourselves and we wanted to cry and generally support all the soldiers who were there. they played very realistically, especially the men who as if they were running towards the fascists, also, women who wanted to help everyone, the pain of memory, commemorative events were held throughout the country today, flowers were laid at the foot of the monuments to... honor all the victims of the fascist genocide. every third person fell victim to the brown plague, every belarusian family
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experienced the bitterness of loss. my colleague victoria sharkova collected the sad moments of this day. no matter how much time passes, tears come to my eyes thinking about the kids who never became adults, about the boys and girls who left young, everyone who wanted to live. but nazism, the theme of which remains relevant today, decided. otherwise: khatyn is a place invariably filled with pain. hundreds of concerned people came to the famous memorial today, the flow did not stop. driving past on the eve of such a date, of course, i wanted to stop by and refresh my memories, especially the new museum, eerie, eerie, burning barn, left a special impression. we came to khatyn to see, today, as they say, is a memorable day, the war began, there are many belarusian people died. burned alive and so i decided to take my grandson so he could see it all.
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scarlet and flowers, as a symbol of flight and blood, lay down at the victory monument from the power block. from the obelisk, warriors, winners, whose mission to protect their homeland they continue to carry out, look at people in uniform. the struggle continues today, only it has changed; we have to resist attempts to rewrite history and the outbreak of new conflicts. hotheads in the west who are trying to provoke. it is the world that must be valued and in no case we must stoop to the terrible word war,
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we must not think in terms of some cruel, let’s say, standards, we must enjoy life, we must , of course, thank those who gave their lives for our peaceful sky today. our most important, most important task is to show the truth, to show that we are truly the descendants of victorious wars, to show this to our children and grandchildren, so that they can continue to feel what peace is. deputies of the supreme council of the bssr of the first convocation also fought for the freedom and independence of belarus. honor the memory of those who did not return from the war to parliamentarians and youth representatives gathered at the government house. a memorial plaque at the entrance to the oval hall commemorates the 94 deputies who died and disappeared. almost every fifth deputy died on the fronts of the great war and disappeared without trace.
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today, on this mournful day, there is not a single place left in the country of military memory and worship of the fallen, where belarusians would not
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bring flowers. victoria sharkova, violetta sokolovich, natalya bordilovskaya and roman felutich. tv news agency. today the tv news agency is starting a project, dedicated to the eightieth anniversary of the liberation of belarus. the beginning and course of one of the largest military campaigns in the entire history of mankind, the strategic offensive operation bagration. in the first episode of the project. liberation day by day about what happened on the fronts the day before the first salvos, so yes... june 22, 1944, exactly 3 years after the treacherous attack of nazi germany on the soviet union, the red army conducts reconnaissance in force along the entire length of the front
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until the beginning of the strategic offensive operation bagration on the day. supreme headquarters the high command, after a lengthy discussion, approved the general staff's plan for two directions of main attacks in the area of ​​​​the settlement of parichi in the rogachev region with the closure of the enemy's encirclement near babruisk. there were 36 days left until the complete liberation of belarus. in memory of victims and heroes. the great patriotic war, a musical and theatrical dedication, because it is through poetry, melody in synthesis with newsreels and facts that you feel more strongly all the pain that our people had to endure. today at the palace of the republic the domestic premiere of the requiem concert took place, every third. the project was created by a music media company with the support
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of the ministry of defense of the prosecutor general's office, and today the belarusian television and radio company has joined the project. the first show was a success on poklonnaya hill in moscow, on the eve of the great victory, as the belarusian viewer received the new project in detail and emotion, olga medved. every third, the name is not abstract, this is real updated statistics, which indicates that at the hands of punitive forces in the bloody years during the fascist occupation in our country, not every fourth person died, as previously thought.
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surprising horrors that cannot be explained, could a person really do this to a person, every centimeter of the belarusian land is soaked in blood, 12,348 settlements have been destroyed and burned, more than 3 million civilians and prisoners of war have died, and these numbers are growing every day, an investigation by the prosecutor general's office on criminal charges case on the fact of genocide of the population of belarus during the great patriotic war and the post-war period. at the moment already. part from moscow to minsk we show new footage in which there is more accurate information about the victims of nazism, this is our tribute to the memory of our ancestors, those who died in concentration camps, tortured children, we remember the victims of krasny bereg, trostenets, and we talk about all those who died in this war. mom, mommy, tell me, is
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it possible to shoot at children? the years passed, and at night i was burned out. the echo of war especially resonates today, when the world is trying to deny that those atrocities happened at all, in order to convey all the pain of the war years, a team of the best specialists has been assembled, the poetic basis of the script is a requiem for the skin fourths of anatoly vertinsky, the musical component, both well-known songs and premiere compositions written specifically for the project by our modern...
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it is so in the soul, of course, it finds some kind of reflection, it touches some strings, i really liked the concert, it was very heartfelt, i actually cried for half of the concert, because it was so close, my father was about...
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emotions, that’s probably the most difficult thing - to show not the work of the light or the choreography or the actor, but to convey that thought, which the authors of this performance put into
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it, no classical television techniques, cranes and carts, emphasis on close-ups, chronicle footage and the feelings of the audience from what they saw, watch the concert every third, tomorrow june 23 at 19:15 on belarus 1 and belarus 24. chumak, tv news agency. preparations for independence day, the eightieth anniversary of the liberation of belarus from the nazi invaders, are in full swing. an air train with army aviation from the russian aerospace forces arrived to participate in the parade. the group includes mi-28 helicopters, mi-26 and k-52 alligator. this vehicle has a very impressive appearance; it is a russian reconnaissance and attack vehicle.
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from the fascist invaders, of course, this is the very minimum tribute that we can pay to our ancestors, the heroic ancestors who won that terrible war, won, liberated our land, the land of belarus. in the independence day parade with the belarusian military , foot parade units from russia, azerbaijan, kazakhstan, kyrgyzstan, uzbekistan, tajikistan and china will march through the streets of the capital. first cadets and paratroopers will take part in the ceremony. the review of military equipment and the march of foot columns will traditionally take place on july 3 at stella minsk hero city at the intersection
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of pobediteley avenue and masherovo avenue. and this sunday, from 10 pm to midnight , the first parade rehearsal at stella is planned. the traffic police warn drivers about traffic restrictions. tanks are a technique that has been missing since its appearance at the beginning of the 20th century. there is more than one military conflict, today this combat vehicle is throughout beautifully presented by a television news agency in the arsenal of the motherland project. what military equipment was like in the last century and what it appeared in modern independent belarus thanks to belarusian gunsmiths. each series of the project is like an anatomy of technical revolutions, the latest developments in the domestic defense complex, and the creation of our own small arms production. t-34
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to the latest t-72 bm2. tanks are a technique without which, since its appearance at the beginning of the 20th century, not a single military conflict has been possible. for a long time, exactly superiority in the segment of these combat vehicles determined success. on the battlefield, in a little more than 100 years, an iron structure on tracks has turned into a modern combat complex, which is capable of not only delivering a crushing blow
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to the enemy, but also having... additional protection of modular armor, like the latest belarusian modernized t-72 tank bm2. the soviet t-34 is the best among the heavy equipment of the great patriotic war, the most popular tank in the red army. this museum exhibit is one of the modifications of the thirty-four. he was developed in kbhar. of the russian locomotive plant in 1939, but serial production began in june 1940, and 115 vehicles were produced in 8 months. the design of this vehicle marked a qualitative leap in domestic and global tank building. for the first time, it organically combined projectile-proof armor, powerful weapons and a reliable chassis. during the war, the t-34 became
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a real battle hero. over time , the legendary combat vehicle required modifications. the thirty-four went through several modernizations, and then appeared t-64, it was on its basis that a tank was created that set trends in this segment of combat vehicles. the t-72 received three sections. front for control, combat in the middle part of the hull and engine-transmission in the stern. crew. azht-72 consisted of three people, a commander, a gunner and a driver. in total, since the seventy-second year, over 20 years , more than 20,000 t-72 tanks of all modifications were produced in the soviet union. needless to say, all these factors made the tank not only more combat-ready, but also increased the protection of the crew. once upon a time, in order to disable the t-34
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, one precise ... tribute was enough, but technical evolution did its job more than 80 years after the birth of the legend, its rebirth took place, since then it has taken its rightful place among the arsenal of the homeland. commemorative events related to the tragic anniversary of the attack of nazi germany on the soviet union were held in most of the cis republics. in russia, in the center of moscow, on poklonnaya hill, participants, including veterans, honored guests, volunteers, lit candles to to honor those who died during the war. the embankment in the russian capital was illuminated by the light of 1,418 candles, corresponding to
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the number of great days. nazism on the fronts of the great patriotic war, every tenth of them died. the memory of the heroes of that war, no matter what nation they represented, is sacredly preserved in azerbaijan. for residents of moldova, participation in commemoration events on june 22 has become another way to express their protest against the rehabilitation of traitors to their homeland and the country’s authorities’ oblivion of the memory of heroes. and the heads of the csto foreign ministry adopted a special
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statement in connection with the eightieth anniversary liberation of belarus do not lose vigilance on the external contour,
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move more actively in the markets and work for a food safety net, all these topics were in the field of view of the head of state this week. our authors took a fresh look at the presidential agenda. what did they talk about behind the closed door of the security council? the republic of belarus is a peaceful country, well, whoever wants to hear it will hear it. and a gift to the president from the trade unions. unexpected, why unexpected? who's interlane? yes, sure.
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the hungarian prime minister believes that the world is heading towards a third world war, orban himself is diligently avoiding the involvement of his country, the military crisis, for example, in exchange for agreeing to appoint the dutchman ruete as nato secretary general, budapest achieved the right not to participate either with money or people in those nato operations that are not related to orban, in particular, does not want to be in the national interests of hungary. war, if our people supported the government
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there is a minimum goal that has been achieved, the european train is heading towards the elections to the european parliament, i can click stop valve, the train will stop and the hungarians can get off it; if the stars align well, they will be able to convince the driver and no one will go further. the united states allowed kiev to use its weapons against targets located deep in russia at a distance of up to 100 km from the border. there is a hybrid war going on in relation to belarus, an important topic of the next meeting of the club of editors for belarus alone, and the collective west is waging this conflict by rewriting history.
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a statement indicating the inadmissibility of rewriting history in moscow noted that the installation of the monument testifies to the deliberate systematic work of the authorities, the romanian authorities, to rehabilitate fascism. and the german bilt reports that in lower saxony the local rodina party held a neo-nazi celebration with the participation of young people. the main element of the decor was the swastika, and participants with torches chanted hitler. the authorities of lower saxony say that they know about the action, but
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cannot take any measures, since the meeting took place on private land. europe is being rebuilt based on the election results. macron even dissolved the national assembly, the lower house of the french parliament. the changes will affect many areas in the european union, but as for today’s key area, security, here the main trends will continue, despite the obvious increase in anti-war sentiment among voters. military-electoral perspective, the focus of the project is disposition. disposition is on the air, this is gagarin. go. elections in europe. the media is full of rating tables, mandates, sensations, and photographs of defeated winners. everything as usual. what is the conclusion can be done from the point of view of
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eu military policy? analysts, which is no longer surprising in recent times, have expressed completely different opinions, but there are also common points, very interesting and supported by numbers. from the important point: those who fiercely support the fighting in ukraine are losing their positions on the continent. this is already a trend, the contours of which are noticeably thickening. a great example is france. marine lee pen's party, a national association, bypassed the ruling coalition of french president emmanuel. macron twice. macron got burned by a lot of things, there were also the yellow vests, however, analysts cite forced belligerence in containing russia as the key reason for the defeat. in general, the statement about sending troops to square on the eve of the elections did not play the game and joke that was the stake, as did the ardent friendship with zelensky. another unexpectedly ardent friend of vladimir zelensky and supporter of arms supplies to kiev, olaf scholz, looks a bit strange after the elections .
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conceded to the opposition in the elections in russia that the ruling parties in her country were the european parliament. there is also, as noted specialists, responded inexplicably kalas's struggle against the russian language with monuments to soviet soldiers. and yet, the electoral situation in europe is developing in such a way that the essence of politics will not change; the majority will be those who, once in parliament, unite with their partners. in the coalition, and here the supporters of the war have a stronger position, this
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is precisely connected with a specific unifying moment, the confrontation with russia. in addition, europe today depends more on the us elections than on its own. for us this means necessity continues to prepare for defense, without making allowances for a possible detente. it will not happen because too much money, hundreds of billions of dollars have been injected into the circulatory system of the war, and the beneficiaries, the current western elites , will... hold on to these investments with their teeth.


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