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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  June 23, 2024 1:05am-2:44am MSK

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has long taken a course to the east, this is a response to the challenges of the time and the desire to establish a mutually beneficial partnership with those who are ready for such cooperation, ready to work without ultimatums. we have long-standing friendships. we are moving across the world map in all directions, despite the closedness of individual countries that are accustomed to talking from a position of strength: asia, africa, europe and latin america, people, cities, enterprises where minsk is known, valued and respected. it is impossible not to notice belarus, it has preserved and is developing healthcare, industry, government structure, you did not let the country be destroyed, you held it, this is a victory, and belarus gathers friends, we are already citizens of your country, our country, our country, i have been living for 31 years, it’s good, everyone is happy, belarus is wonderful, my wife belarusian, my children are here already... strongly, we
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have settled here for 45 years. main topics on the main broadcast. watch on tv channel belarus 244. we are observing such trends that crime is moving into the digital sphere, more and more of our citizens are involved in the internet in one way or another, payments are carried out remotely, but at the same time, the risks have increased, the vast majority of the population, we... criminals have a variety of ways to get young people involved? in the digital world, everything leaves digital traces; if you delete information about yourself in one place, it will be saved in another place, this information can be retrieved, analyzed, and earned once.
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it’s possible that you won’t even make money and go to prison, we develop critical thinking, we don’t believe everything that they say, we believe some objective things, don’t say the project be quiet, don’t miss new episodes on the belarus 24 tv channel, the hosts of the travel show know exactly how to behave when visiting, leave a bad mood here with you, take only good things with you.
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come on guys, hurry up, what are you doing here, the commissar ordered me, uh-huh, okay, the heel came off, and why are you here to guard the swamp , okay.
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well, at least you’re alive, seryozha mitya, they killed mitya, yeah,
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and he kept walking behind, his heel came off, and you were still moving, i just stared at me, can you imagine, i give right here like this, the rifle is somewhere, but i’m telling you. i’m standing here, like this, can you imagine, they’re behind me in a hyundai and shooting at me, i immediately ran into the swamp , kept running, then i tripped, the rifle got stuck under some snag, i looked for it, looked for it, it’s not there anywhere, can you imagine, then he jumped up, ran, then he wanted to go back, and there was already an ambush, ha, well, he’s alive, smoking room, what happened, did you kill ksenia’s brother, but then... he turned on the germans, was confused, a rifle i lost it, it’s good that i survived, it’s my fault, i framed it a guy
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who is already afraid, so they scare him. in the blind, pinchuk, your platoon will take down the posts until they are discovered, don’t shoot, there are posts, guys, our job is to take down the posts quietly, don’t shoot without a command, okay, come on, elin first, h, wait, come on, be careful, there's brushwood there, yeah, i heard it,
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demolition guys, hurry to the bridge, faster, faster, come on, faster, faster, come on, come on, machine gun here, faster, faster, follow
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me, come on, come on, come on, seryoga, prepare some health food, not wounded , no, lay it down, the third is ready, the fifth is ready, the first ready, the fourth is ready, the second is ready, the sixth is ready, the seventh, here, come on, set fire, come on, come on, come on, come on, the eighth is ready, signal, everyone off the bridge, well done, only. well, teska, you did a great job, it’s okay,
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you’re going home or you changed your mind, you didn’t change your mind, tell pinchuk’s platoon to be on the berezina near the ferry in 3 days, okay, engine. you can go home through the swamp, if you have time, the krauts will now choose you, but the operation cannot be disrupted. who said everything was burned to ashes, don’t throw any more seeds into the ground, who said that the earth died, no, it hid for a while, motherhood. not to take from the earth, they lit it, no,
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it turned black with grief, the trenches lay like a cut and the craters shine like wounds, the naked nerves of the earth know unearthly suffering, it bears everything, it will wait out everything, don’t write down the earth in books, who said that the earth does not sing, that she was silent forever, no, she rings, with a deafening tone, from all her wounds, because of souls, because the earth is our soul, we cannot trample the soul with boots. who said that the earth died, no, it
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hid for a while. ksenia, wait, i want to talk, we already talked, why are you looking at me all the time? you’re angry, well, i don’t know how to look after, i don’t know how, but my friend seryoga can, but i don’t, i like a girl, i come up and tell her. no need, nikita, you didn’t understand me,
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sometimes i just want to talk to a person, it’s time to go, let’s go now, what are you doing, nothing. wake up guys, it's time to go, let's go.
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nikita, yes, let me, i’ll go to my mistress, just come on quickly, but i can, come on, come on, seryozha, i’m with you.
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and here we are, hello, hello, hello, well, hello, gavrilovna, what are you looking at, come down to the hut, i’ll feed you, thank you, let me help. no, no, nothing, seryozhenka, yourself, you go, yes, come on, great, valentina, sit down, boy, why are you standing there? sit down, no, thank you, i’m there, come on, valyusha, hold the honey, grandfather todor got this for you straight from the tree, and this is for you, gavrilovna, salt, what a holiday we have today, mom, for me , however, daughter, hold it, try it, try it,
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hold it, come on, help yourself, i was sick of him. well, little one, you are afraid of me, after that fright she became such a savage to me, you walk, look hungry, frozen my, thank you, yes, salt. and we dissolve all the fertilizer, chairmen, when you didn’t take it out of the station, now they found it, they’re just going blind from this salt, well, god willing, we’ll drive away the germans, when something happens,
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so, i know, i know, but god bless him - then, but to be fair. everything was reasonable, otherwise there was one here who got his horse drunk yesterday, he’s in god’s company, he’ll sell it, he’ll drink it, he’ll send a comrade over, he’ll shout that the horse will take him, it can’t be, show them to me, you’re still getting excited, serezhenka, from that's too bad so, you fought so much, before you were at least a commander, now... you’ve become a simpleton, it’s your own fault, seriously, what am i talking about, after everything, after such a war, you know how everything should be, that’s what the people are holding on to, but
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what do you think? “listen, here they are burning our little children, women, what are they counting on, sooner or later we will get to their germany, but no matter what, hitler wants to bind everyone with blood, atrocities, so that they will go with him to the end, but i don’t know how anyone is there"? and i ’ll ask them for theirs too, to the end, we’ll ask, of course, we’ll ask, but we’re not them, nikita, there’s no need for us to become wild, okay, you ’d better tell your grandmother or grandfather, my job is to crush them until they ask for a drink,
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that’s it, they’re still. they will absorb the smoke from my village, they will, seryozha, what? they argued again.
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someone, me, me, mom, me, wait, son, that means so. bolzhavets, molokovich, sovoz, tolya, stay here, the rest follow me, let's walk through the village. dad is at home,
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he’s been here for a long time since the night before yesterday, he came in drunk, he also added, this is the only guy i see, come in, come in, come in, boys, come in. just don’t touch him, you fool, hello, sit down, guys, sit down, feed us, mom, guests after all, go, kids, hungry, as soon as you killed a partisan, oh, my heart bleeds, there’s more... this one, my god, what will happen to him now? oh, i climbed the wall again. do we have a rifle? you, me, dad.
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the bun will say he drank the rifle. “ i sold it to the bandits, don’t worry, he won’t say, son, a bigger idiot, you couldn’t find me in my father, nothing, they will thank you, and i was, you were and are a drunkard, because of drunkenness in i went to prison, okay, ksenya, please come out for a minute, well, that’s it, then you’re in vain, what?” in vain, what in vain, that a person has five lives, so that it can be given to anyone as he pleases, okay, beard, there’s no point in hiding behind the past ,
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people will understand this traitors, then i don’t care, let’s shoot, oh well, kabenitsa, i decided to take my anger out on children and women, no, i wasn’t in beards, i wasn’t in begging either, oh... the old lady won’t let me lie , it’s true, seryozha, he wasn’t, he was lying here drunk when the germans were burning, thank god, at least once he had this damn vodka did no good. i don’t have guests, it’s you son in vain,
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he came back when the war started, i’ll tell you straight, he ran away from there, but he didn’t even think about any police, they started getting involved, i see he’ll end up, so he became what you call a bobby, and i see you are some kind of boss. that they didn’t know who the dad was? who burned villages and people?
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zder teams, germans, ss men, and a bun with some of their own, but i wasn’t, believe it or not, i don’t care, i do n’t care. at least as a person, where is the bun now, in the black fords, there they take everyone who, who, your lands, that is, ours, the partisans, took everyone out of the moss, as if from the moss, the carriages? i understand, this is molokovich, god, i see that a familiar face is your village, yeah, yes, our village, dad, ours, that’s it. that's enough,
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get ready, dad, let's go, light it up, son, calm down, you, calm down, calm down, we'll sort it out in the squad, get ready, you'll lead me to yours, mm. return the rifle in time!
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give him back the rifle, you hide there, and i ’ll go to them, uh, don’t be afraid, i won’t let you down again, so quickly figure it out in groups, hold on, kolka, watch him. understood, yes without a command not to shoot, you remove the sentry, he brings out, come on,
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one shot, everyone was sent to god, quickly, quickly, be careful with the child, quickly everything will go to platinum. i won’t go out anymore, i’ve lost everything, whoever returns it to me, let it be right away, like your father,
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auntie is running for something, i need to ask, maybe ours were passing by, sons, where are you going, there are a lot of germans right there, one. in the village, there is some bad guy collecting eggs, there, yeah, in the village, okay, guys, watch the road, what's wrong, molokovich is with me, collecting eggs, okay, let's help him, egg collect, hey, don't trip.
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“stop the halt, the residents are in the family camp, and ksenia, and we, by the way, intercepted your friend, can now go admire him, yes, i didn’t know, i didn’t know that the indigenous people had concluded a truce with germany, but you understand not a german, they saved the village, their inhabitants, you really don’t understand or are just pretending, the earth should burn under their feet, right?” “that’s how it is with them, and not with children and women, well, okay, if you forgot because of your native brother, then i remember mine, there women are not bad, i’m for my own, let’s go, just
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call, it’s time to educate. we follow the sporting life of our country. this week, the volleyball minsk resident won her eleventh championship for olga polchevskaya, this is the first gold award as the main coach of the team. gomel managed to restore parity in the series against bntu bilas 1:1; the final score of the return match was 21:20 in favor of the gomel handball players. we are reviewing the most interesting event. 5 people in minsk alone, tens of thousands more in 15 countries.
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television in our country, as in russian federation, dominates the information field, since the twentieth year our audience has grown, it has a very clear request for socio-political broadcasting, many say, you cannot teach to love your homeland, you can, you need to teach to love your homeland, you need to talk about its achievements. how much has been done for a person, and we need to talk about it, the media is a very important link between, well , i’ll call it very loosely the people, the authorities, without the media this communication cannot exist, the media conveys the main meanings, ideological directions, the course that is determined by
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the state, feedback must come from the population, not a single achievement of our country, not a single one of our citizens, we will never give them up, we will not betray them with all our might, even if necessary, and the president said this , even with our lives, we are obliged to protect all our values, all our achievements, markov’s project is nothing personal, watch on the belarus 24 tv channel. there it is, there, there,
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with this. come here. nikita, we will avenge yours, but not now, not this, you understand, you are scum, you are a violent bastard, get out of here, to hell, so that your spirit is gone, so that there is no corpse worm for you, so that the kids shoot, kill, so that the kids.
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well, why are you knocking? the old man hired me. who's in the village? probably you. and you are cheerful, grandfather, there are cheerful people. who are they, the police or someone else?
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now you say, feed this and that, the woman, where are you, called guests, so fry some eggs, put you to bed too, put you to bed! on the floor, the bed is soft, yes, it’s mine, or it’s not mine anymore, but you’re delusional, herod, here, here are the boys, he’s out of his mind, don’t pay attention, eat, here’s some sour milk, cucumbers, tomatoes, i’ve boiled some potatoes for you, you’re welcome, eat it, thank you, you’re partisans, but
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he, he didn’t recognize you, he recognized you, don’t be afraid, lord, i wish i’d ​​kept quiet for a little while, but whoever will pay, eat some hot food, kids , thank you, mom, thank you, on the second, how is he walking, is he walking? okay, touraine, it was you who took the german ones, and the partisan ones are in your felt boots, look what you write there, well, here you go, don’t be angry with him, boys, you’ve been an accountant all your life, everything with papers, write him , then, as good people do,
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when they are served, don’t be afraid, the city people lived with everything ready, you know, uh-huh, well, as long as i’ve been living, waving, woman, with documents, lord, teach me, i haven’t seen such a thing, my grandfather, although it’s an infection, signature yolk mitka, he’s a good swell, grandfather kharitoshi’s moonshine is good, the zherditsky brothers were good lads, yes, they killed both of them at once, because moonshine is on their minds, which means there is no balance in their heads. what, maybe there is some left? you have to live until you bury them, everyone
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is making noise, demanding, without numbers, without counting, and you also have to stay, if anything happens, well, handwriting, who is it, grandfather, who, who, who, the chief of police himself, the bun, what do you think, has this one been there too? such an inhuman, such a bastard, he lives with the village essays, our local, they won’t get to him, he suffered. you're like, my dear, you put them in the water, it will be easier, thank you, all sorts of tanks passed by, and tanks, all sorts of things, but it looks like i can't wait for my sons, even if they're alive,
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listen, they started building the house before the war, the hut is falling apart, they're going to burn everything down. what's timid around, be healthy, grandfather, come on, after all , our little serozhenka loves such idiots, listen, cunning grandfather khariton has 100 years of life, you will live here, you need to shoot such people, but you have 100 years. these, okay, live, if you don’t mind it, listen, nikita, do n’t you really, really don’t understand anything, someday you’ll at least understand something, okay, seryozhenka, okay, you live by the books, and i don’t i saw enough of these, i saw enough of all kinds in the camp, yes, yes, in the camp, yes, and
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i also saw people like you, too, we had one like that, on the very first day he lost his glasses, with them... and his tongue sticks out like a kitten , and the germans they’ll bring some rubbish, they’ll throw you into a pack, come on, whoever is educated, stop it, grab it, great, great, funny, the platoon commander is here, here, petrovsky has sent for you, urgently, clearly, hello, molokovich, get the people up, there you go the commissar is already here, to the berezina, we’re probably going, yes, to the berezina, yeah. don't mix up your papers again, grandpa, goodbye, thank you.
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eine schöne landschaft muss ich sagen. die
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ferie ist da, mannschaftswagen, los! we didn’t have time, didn’t have time, didn’t have time to look back, but our sons! and the sons go into battle, who will replace me, who will go on the attack, who will come out for the treasured man, and i wanted, let him be the one dressed in everything that is not for
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his height, i have time to smile, i saw that he would come for me, we didn’t have time, or we didn’t have time look around, and sons, and sons are leaving for battle, today there is no need for the singing of hearts, mine was loudly knocking for me that it’s still my end, not the end yet, the end, this is a couple, the beginning, now my eyes will close. i will hug the earth tightly, we didn’t have time, we didn’t have time, we didn’t have time, we didn’t have time to look back, but the sons, and the sons, were leaving for battle. hold it
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can you imagine, petrovsky and our guys are approaching the car, and the germans are completely confused, i don’t understand anything, because all of us have changed into german uniforms, and pinched into an officer’s uniform.
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here i was stunned, the earth was flying, and then they ran up to me, lurching and it seemed like a fool, they were me, skinny, roofing felt, but i love myself, i love you. tolenka, did you hear, well, you are unscrupulous, lina, what are you,
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i didn’t hear anything, but anna mikhailovna, you see, both are alive, and you were worried, only your very funny one, why did you do it. this what are you about? why did you force tolya to be shot? after all, he is still a boy. well, it’s okay, now he’s a partisan. yes, a partisan, but not a little beast. i brought my children here myself. and i want them to remain human. if there are only living ones. in general, this is war, not toys. well, that's it. i'm going to the state now. transferred to another platoon. why was sergei called to headquarters? why are you silent, nikita? should you
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have called, did something happen? forgot where it is? maybe he needs a wife? separate the kids, rags, diapers, hire that lousy german as a nanny, i went and said to the commander: they need to be driven out like that, so that others won’t be bothered, wow, that’s not what you ’re saying, but you seemed different to me, oh well, i’m doing my job, i’m... a partisan, of course, there’s a war going on here, but god knows what they're doing, they're indigenous partisans, i'm ordering them
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to return, well, that's it, hand over your weapons, take them, seryoga, wait, wait, wait, what do you want from me, you don't even listen to me... you want, what do you want from i need you, why don’t you get out of here, why don’t we tear it up, wait, well, the old partisans fought, but look in the eyes, yes... friend, look, look, until you feel ashamed, until you remember everything, everything.
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everything from the forty-first, look until you remember everyone, yours, both of your lips.
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what happens to them? this is not despair, not fearlessness. it’s just that my nerves can’t stand it, it’s not my nerves, i already feel like winners, but i don’t understand that life is becoming more expensive. forgive me for interfering, something, something, i myself, good, got excited, yes, from the mainland, we should throw up weapons and ammunition, and on these planes we will send the wounded children, well, how
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agreed? come on guys, hurry up, fly out, eagles, hold on, here, eat, guys, what? there wasn't a pot, or what? okay, eat what they give, give me bread, now, their life, well, eat what you eat, well, you’re in vain, it’s guys, i was so scared when i heard, and why were you scared,
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really, it’s just nikita as always again understood nothing. and really, get out of here , he will arrest you, there will be no one to treat you, go, he will go, after the war i will understand no worse than you, now i have no right, guys, time, time, take the bread, smoke, hold it, thank you. every day we work to ensure that you receive the latest and most useful information. the twenty-minute format allows us to talk about what is happening in belarus and the world, and take a linguistic walk around the capital in the company of our guides. find a new place on the map of belarus that is definitely worth seeing, and also suggest projects
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and films that will certainly become popular. watch on the belarus tv channel 24 hosts of travel shows know exactly how to behave at home, leave a bad mood here with you take with you only good things, smiles and...
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watch on the belarus 24 tv channel, how are things with you guys, nothing, it’s normal. thank you, but wait, well, just figured out what to do after the war, you think, live, live, that’s a great idea,
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excuse me, come on, come on, live, so, study, of course, my brother and i are unlikely to have to, mom that's enough for the war, let's go to work together, right? sergei sergeevich, it’s true that they would take hitler all over russia to kletsi, to kletstsy, all over russia, however, they didn’t believe it, that’s my grandfather is like that, grandfather, let’s
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take pity on kanna mikhailovna, let’s do it to her. what kind of gift have you been on an airplane? no, you will accompany the wounded to the mainland, and you will also fly, well, i’m going to go with me to the airfield, be careful, there’s a wire here, i won’t fly, well, i think you and i will have a serious man-to-man conversation, we’ll have to give orders. no, sergei sergeevich, what would you do if you were in my place? we waited so long for the first red army soldier to suddenly fly away? well, here's the family camp, aren't you tired?
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no, not your mouth, give me your hand, they waved away 12 km, but i didn’t even notice, smack ivanovich, look at the watering hole. the guest stomped, come on, come on, let's go to the kubanka, prickly, you'll be back soon, yes, i 'll get the children ready for the plane, but wait, no, i 'll take a long time, well, well, then i'll come to my deaf, i definitely need to come in, who is my deaf? , yes, our neighbor in the village. he fell out of a burning house, now he’s trying to tell me everything about how, but maybe i won’t go today, the mood
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is kind of funny, cheerful, why would it be, it’s wonderful, you really are kind of strange today, war it will end, i will always be like this, well, well, goodbye, hello, see you, happily ever after. well, chmikh ivanovich, i’ll give you to the boys, i’ll go home, here you go, what is this, nikita? it’s possible, i brought this as a gift for the guys, well , give it, take it, everyone’s a hedgehog! don't be angry, thank you, sorry.
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well, thanks for the ride, what? oh, come on, you're a down-to-earth guy. come on, i 'll sit down myself. oh, yeah. and my brother is also in trouble,
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the girl doesn’t love me, she doesn’t like me, i don’t know how to look after him, or something, he doesn’t like everything, and those from our village, don’t be afraid, they’re also alone the steps are still there, yeah. i understand, i understand, uh-huh, uh-huh, i understand, it’s okay, we’ll survive, we’ll survive everything, it’s time for me, it’s time. well, be healthy,
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be healthy, i’ll come in, i’ll come in, i’ll come in, come on! well, it seems like i got everything done.
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they're going to a family camp; it won't work. you don't know penchuk, but now let's get to know each other, yes. and now quickly follow me, follow me, i’m here, here, here, why is everything wrong, everything seems to be as always, the same sky, again, blue, the same forest, the same air, and the same water, only he’s not returned from battle, the same forest, the same air and the same. water, but he didn’t return from the battle,
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now i don’t understand which of us was right in our arguments without sleep and rest, i didn’t miss him, only now, when he didn’t return from the battle, i didn’t miss him only now, when he returned from the battle. he was silent not in papat and did not sing along to the beat, he always talked about something else, he did not let me sleep, he... got up at sunrise, yesterday did not return from the battle, he did not let me sleep, he got up at sunrise, yesterday did not return from the battle, what’s empty to you is not what we’re talking about,
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i suddenly noticed, there were two of us, for me it was like the wind blew out the fire when he was not... from the battle, for me it was as if the wind blew out the fire when he did not return from the battle, now spring has escaped, as if from captivity, by mistake i called out to him, friend, leave him smoking, there was silence in response, he didn't return from battle yesterday, friend. leave him smoking, there is silence in response, he did not return from the battle yesterday, our dead will not leave us in trouble, our fallen are like sentries, the sky is reflected in the forest
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as in water, and the trees are blue, the sky is reflected in the forest as in water. and the trees are blue, there was enough room for us in the dugout completely, time has flown for both of us, everything is now alone, only it seems to me that i have not returned from the battle, everything is now alone, only it seems to me that i have not returned from the battle. invite the commander, where is our headquarters? here, the report was confirmed, the germans are massing forces in the zhmykhovichi area, and the neighbors know, everything has been agreed upon, communication has been worked out, that’s what i
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wanted, let me go to zhmykhovichi, why? on red square, no, the award ceremony must take place without fail, it’s clear, and so that not a single soul knows about the blockade, let the people have a holiday, i agree, strengthen the fighting
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security groups, i obey. and you look at the situation, but keep the road, the road until the very last, until everyone gets out, i’ll wait for you, and then together we’ll move to join ours. get out the maps, maps, our soviet troops have entered the land of long-suffering and heroic belarus, the day of complete
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liberation of our entire land is not far off, but the enemy is crawling into his fascist lair. wants to leave behind a dead desert, now the main thing is to prevent the nazis from destroying the population, women, old people and children, so you, ja, von allen mannschaftswagen abgesessen, abgesessen.
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olya, olya, olechka, my daughter,
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the wounded and the children first, let grandpa through, come on, boy, come on, that’s it, it’s overloaded, take a little more, take the child, okay, without leaving you. thank you, thank you very much, goodbye, goodbye, well, i flew to moscow, tomorrow there will be another one. tell the commissar, let's go
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with his rocket, come on, give me the red one, connect the guns, everything is ready, abgesatten, eins nach links, nach rechts, ziehen. everyone arrived in time, we're tearing up the rocket, get ready rocket, rocket, follow me.
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well, the owners are on a business trip, and you thought our people would come back here, we’d rest, and then go back to the plane in the evening, yeah. do you hear it thundering? yes, choose from these, the rest are mined, this one, well , your petrovsky will tell us that it ’s our fault that the plane didn’t arrive, and what does mine have to do with it, you think i didn’t see how you looked at him like a girl, it’s even funny , fine? what, you know, you, ksenia gave it to me, she and anna mikhailovna, instead of my mother,
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i don’t even remember mine, yes, they died without a war, ksina wasn’t enough, but for me, no matter how long i ’ve taken off my shoes, i’m going crazy, is it great that you ’ll come?
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tolya, tolya! tolya, lina, my grief, well, where did you go, you’re going to fall, tolya, can we come to you, no, we can’t, here everything is shaking, your dress is even better on top, ours, ours, where? yes, you climb up the tower, and over there on the cannon, i can even see the tanks, where? yes, climb, you're faster, well, now, now, well, now you see, yes,
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i see, yes. tolya, i love you, germans, there are mines there.
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it will come out to the treasured one. to the bridge, and i wanted it to be him, fully dressed, not in height, now my eyes will close, i will hug the earth tightly, we didn’t have time, we didn’t have time, we didn’t have time, before we had time to look back, and sons and sons were leaving for battle, the noises were muffling the beating of hearts, but mine was knocking loudly for me that everything my end is not the end yet, the end is someone’s beginning, i manage
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to smile, i saw who was coming after me, we didn’t have time, we didn’t have time, we didn’t have time, we didn’t have time. look back, and sons, and sons go into battle.
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white russia, you are mine, not to the skin artist in life.
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he says: you know, you can jam on the piano, he came home, he took it off skin, he became unprotected, open, he trusted so much.
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on the golden porch sat the tsar-tsarevich, the king-tsarevich, mulyavin, mesevich, tyshko, bartkevich, valera mulyavin, yashkin, valera, demishka, sasha. our youth, all at these nostalgic heights were the bassist of the song leanid tyshko, who captured the nicknames of all the artists of the ensemble pesnyary at the beginning of the 1970s. unsolved charms.
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this is the very first recording of the ensemble of singers, made in sakavik 1970 in the fashionable minsk restaurant kamennaya kvetka. yes, yes that hour of childhood is called lyavonami and the frequent pop music review of the belarusian philharmonic hall is called “lyavonika”. as many revues were called “lyavonikha”, that same collection of kalektyў, so it would be movіts, autamatychna atrymў “lyavony”. of course, this revue of lyavonikha, a campaign of kalektyў would not be half-hearted, but just the opposite, it...
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i have a spastic share, i don’t regret it, i’m not small, and the most prominent artist of the revuelyavonikha was lidzia karmalskaya mulyavina, the first woman ka uladzimir mulyavin. it’s a pity on vyalik, you can only purchase adzina audio recordings. not a great gentleman, but we can feel there how lidzia karmalskaya was in full swing, how they were sleeping, and her young songs were singing, and then yashche
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lyavony, little darling, you don’t seem like a mochanka. on the 1st spring of 1969, the lyavons showed their first solo program to the master council of the belarusian philharmonic. lyavony khatseli adzyalitstsa ad review lyavonikha i stats samastoym kalektyvam. that sapraudy gistarychny masters gave them advice on this matter.
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on the 1st of april 1969, a short adliku was published at the letapis of the pesnyary ensemble. at minsk pra viya lyavony ўzho paishoў rozgalas yashche tada ў 1969 that there is such a group in the belarusian philharmonic, it was then called levona and we were already following, i even had their recordings, i admired them, such a
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one was going to the first all-union competition of pop artists in maskva, before this they were pressed change the name, officials from the ministry of culture did not ask for the name of the lyavon, they were told that this word is associated with certain high-ranking bourgeois, and all uladzimir mulyavin adkamandzirav ў from the library of tyshko and misevich, and leanid tyshko.
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the collection of yakub kolas knows eight jumping images of the song, and misevich fell, and all the years have passed from this library and mulyavin, further pits, there have been variations in the names of the songs, and uladzimir georgievich yago.
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little by little, keeping in mind that they were performing in the competition, they began to ask maskwu to perform at the concerts of the great shameful ones, which were broadcast live, and all of them performed on the 4th edition of the 70th year ў...
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they said that ў in the amatar region of the zlatyya blaki there are velma-velma ademetny roaches. paslya the completion of the architectural-future technical school, worked by the architects at one of the minsk design bureaus, called leanid bartkevich. uladzimir georgievich requested the ensemble pesnyary in the snows 1970 . and amal adrazu just wrote a few days ago "for this song, which has become eight, as it seems, a cult, cult hit of the song for many years ago , alexandrina. i have not forgotten the song, that day, on the muram darozhtsy, it stood i, music,
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creativity, probably the most creative hours, my mother called them. created by his famous alexandrina, animals have always lived in our house, this time...
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in 1971, the film “the wicked guy” was released. in this place, in the country, songwriters and
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singer leanid bartkevich sang veniyamin basner’s song “byarozavy sok”. they complained that the public came to see these films only behind you, to shepherd... the spring flow and the homeland is generous, fed me, with birch sap, takes it. this song was released at the finals of the all-union tv festival song of the year, this was such a great broadcast, the nobles are shameful, everyone watched this
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program, but that evening the songs came out not only from the birch juices, but the doubles, the doubles slept byaroz vysok, and for other numbers i have my own cardinal case yas kanyushas. vyalikay popularnasts kasya yas kanyusha this song caught the attention of the cartoon "well pagadzi".
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good morning belarus with svetlana borovskaya, this is a fascinating acquaintance with unusual people. my name is olga, i am the owner of this institution, a cultural institution, a house of crafts. i thought there was no one here who would come once a week. hello, well, there is a little zhen, here the most important question is how did you choose, here you are sitting on the sofa and thinking what kind of business it would be to spin secrets into the dark.
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flour, some without sugar, some with additives, so that we do everything, we will imagine everything, you will see everything, today we in the house of crafts have restored all types of folk belts, watch on the belarus 24 tv channel, it means to you excursion, and you get it to the tax office after some time, exploring belarus is easy, even...
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