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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  June 23, 2024 3:25am-4:50am MSK

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our participants are in such a good mood, but that’s it for now, igor, i won’t look at it, igor, that’s it, this is 100% tactics. what was it? this was the starting signal, this is a victory, this is a mutual victory, they waited so much that they did not expect it, this is the first time after the start that the athletes did not start.
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and let's go, water test, okay, come on, come on, come on, carefully, carefully, also this hockey player and handball player laughed until the last moment, as if they had not been told what tests awaited them on the way to 53 meters, everything is fine, everything is fine , don't fall, come on, they we walked confidently over the bumps, no big deal, but we'll see what happens... next, here they are, the monkey bars, she, she's still churning, and the water is 1 m deep. sergei, grabs the ditch, seruga, that's it, that's it, it ended so quickly, this fall, for handball legend sergei rutenko they become the first and last in the distance.
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into which you still can’t fall, because then you drop out, but on the other hand , artyom no longer needs to rush, if he and rutenka got confused there, it would be funny, it would be funny, meanwhile sergei explains to my, probably, spectators, fans, that, but yes, i made such a mistake, in handball everything is a little different, but what is our brave hockey player fighting, fighting with the cobwebs? his hands are probably hurting, i’m already fucking confused, wow, and he ’s coping, amazingly, you seem to be worried about, you’re already thinking, what are you worried about, this is a rival, trolls, now he’s going to try to troll.
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and he ends up on this, let’s say, helipad, some kind of boxer in general, then the last one, the last one, forward, forward, forward, my dear, forward, unexpectedly, yes, unexpectedly quickly it all ended, well, now run, now run, the last, last step, forward to the ramp, climb the ramp and there the treasured one. why are you
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relaxing already? well, what do you think of the ramp? the difficulty is that the slope is negative, but look, these are the muscles of a hockey player! wow, but the hands remember, victory, victory, well, come on, cool, and the whole of china joined our broadcast, he is watching and congratulating our hockey player, well, what are you, my goodness! artyom korkotsky, orange panthers, fireworks in honor of artyom, a magnificent victory, there were medals, there was bronze, silver at the national championship, here is the crystal of the hero show, how cool it is, when you
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take the same one, i will also clap and say the same, look how he throws it, he plays, he plays with this prize, he can do whatever he wants with it. 53 meters behind with a victory, i decided to go for a swim, not to be serious, well, i lost it, sometimes i lost to a worthy opponent, congratulations to artyom, it’s never a shame to lose to a good opponent, i tried, i did the best i could, but... physics is still stronger, i understand my weight and i understood that it would not be easy, so i draw conclusions, you will have to lose weight, work harder on your form, when you compete with such an opponent, you inevitably push yourself, but after his fall, unfortunately this happened a feeling of calm that i didn’t have to
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rush, i felt such lightness, satisfaction and pleasure from the fact that i was able to overcome these obstacles, they were not easy.
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i saw you on tv and you were talking to the loser on the side. and you both do laughed, what can you laugh about, excuse me, please, with the man who just lost hopelessly, he was really glad that he got a good spectacular start - this is the first, second he got a spectacular finish, very cold water, but as sergei said, i left beautifully, there was something there, no. the panthers proved that they have no equal in speed and got their first crystal, the griffins are waiting for an opportunity to win back, the griffin team is not yet at full strength, sergei decided to dry his feathers, and the panthers -
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grace, strength, now you have the first crystal, peda above you gives you confidence in your own abilities and motivates you to new achievements. let's win together, the motto of the creators of the game of the presidential sports club. for 18 years now, he has been developing professional and amateur sports in belarus, helping many talented people achieve their dreams. well, it's time to go get new crystals; very soon you will be fighting the elements of air. in that. trying to add to the difficulties the factor of fear, it will not be easy at all, you have no choice you are not there. act quickly, don't swing on the swing of doubt. i'm loading the second test. element of air.
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tests, you can spin on moving steps, fly into the abyss, taking the wrong step along a tight blindline, cope with the invitation in a minute and a half.
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a very energetic person, so i can’t sit in one place, it will be very difficult for our competitors on the court, the muscles are prepared, the muscles are charged, the muscles are ready to win, just like me, the griffins will win, the griffins team throws ivan into battle with danyuk, ivan says that his dream is to give a solo concert on the moon, well, now he is closer to the moon than a few minutes ago, 4.5 closer to exactly that...
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ivan sdanyuk, our and your hero for the next few minutes, at least for the first minute and a half, in 90 seconds, ivan is on his way to the main crystal, he must pick off an additional, bonus crystal, but he needs to do it in a minute and a half, but for now it’s going on. here he is not very fast, although who walked faster on his steps, these treacherous steps, oh my god, now he’s really using tactics, crossing steps that it is not clear what they carry, one scrolls, the second can suddenly fall, you need to grab, hold on with your hands, very confidently, in my opinion, he does it riskily, i would even say arrogantly, he... seems to be showing your disdain for these most insidious steps and you rope is helped here by the rings, the rings
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help, the rings helped, how confidently he did it, here is the first bonus crystal, we have it, crystal, there are seven goals ahead, well, let's see, come on singer, how often do you ivan here so stood on the washers at a height of 4.5 m? so risky, really boldly goes forward, our little green man, come on, you need to grab the rope and two, just even i want to say that it’s not even 4 from to, somehow i downplayed this danger for ivan, the height is already 5 m, 5 m, and no support, there is insurance, everything is safe, but i wouldn’t want to fall, that’s what it means to drink, yes, yes, and if you grab it. you lost the belay, so the penultimate one, the last one on the way,
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the island, he knows that he needs to step on this puck with both feet at once, otherwise maybe misalignment and the same fall, well, let's cling to the platform, caught on, caught on to it, and yes it was a crystal, ivan zdanyuk wins another important victory of his life, you look, well done, dare. an excellent stage, boldly, confidently, in some places one might even say boldly, but also... corrected and we honor and feel his joy. ivan sdanyuk. two crystals for griffins. a couple of seconds before the start, my legs became a little dull. i realized that i needed to concentrate on the task and move forward.
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the emotions were unrealistically captivating. i heard my support group like this became a trigger to go faster, even more confidently and win, win. the hosts of the travel show know exactly how to behave at a party, if you are in a bad mood, leave it here with you, take with you only kindness, smiles and the warmth of your eyes, great is what you need today and what you need, let’s go with us too, so tall
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and huge, in general, come here, you’re my good one, history, you know, foreign students travel around belarus, study its history and explore the sights. this the place is unique not only for the city of myadel, but it is also unique for the whole of belarus, because it is so one of a kind, and this place is called the myadel calvaria, and they also share their vivid impressions, but this is like something for us, like wigpen, it seems. how is life for foreign guests in belarus? welcome, now you are in my studio, where i shoot videos every day, i
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compare and show belarusian and venezuelan cultures. the first time i came to belarus was in 2000.
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song fly like a bird. a month of 47 concerts, just so that somehow we would be on a big tour, so we played for 2 to play sports, there was no time at all, the most i could do was at the khadjimal hotel, hundreds of cities, 13 countries, we always only watched on tv, i never in my life thought that i myself would participate in such...
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it seems to me that he is so afraid, he can change right away, maybe i should go, i can’t go,
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forward, panthers, forward, igor dudarchik, higher, choice the panther is clear, igor said, attention, that he is afraid to fly airplanes, that he is afraid of.
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you're a coster for insurance, you drop out of the competition, but he passed, that's it, the worst thing is that he passed, he only has a minute and a half to pick up this very bonus crystal, which he approaches with the help of rings, walking along the line, but he managed , i think i’ve exhaled now, yes, everything is fine, now there’s just a little bit left. and it seems to me that now more confidence has appeared in igor’s eyes after completing two aerial stages, somehow his eyes sparkled and
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there is still strength in his hands. he's got everything under him control. come on, come on, come on, calm down, calm down. and you know what an advantage he has, he’s competing second, and he saw how ivan sdanyuk did it. of course, it was as if he grew up in the jungle, and he saw all these cunning things ivan did. yes yes. the class, if there was a time fix here, would have overtaken ivana in time, but it doesn’t matter, he takes the second crystal and brings his team forward, this is the singer, igor dudarchik, here is strength, and dexterity, and fearlessness, and the smile of a winner. i stuck to the plan, but, but as soon as i took the first step, the whole plan disappeared, everything went wrong, of course i wanted
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to go a little differently, i looked like a cuttlefish there, yes, but nothing, the main thing was i managed to take everything, completed the task, didn’t let the team down, we’re right let's go to victory as best we can, it goes, it goes, it goes, and little milk, of course i wanted to go differently. how did you want to go? my plan was different, but i didn’t stick to the plan, how will it work out scary, well, differently, yes scary, but when you understand all the responsibility, that i can’t help but take the intermediate crystal, that’s it removes all the fear, we should win or not, we have to win, handsome, handsome, well, panthers, panthers, panthers, they are both artists, it... they tried to find some mistakes, i got confused there, they practically made no mistakes , i
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don’t want to beg the dignity of others, but these are cool guys, but like this, this is how you and i ended, pay attention, we are air, the most complex air, which turned out to be generally quite simple for skilled participants. having spread their wings, the griffins showed their strength in the air, while the panther again distinguished themselves by their fearlessness, both teams had two crystals. two participants from two teams took two crystals, this is the maximum that could be won, well done! the next test awaits you, and this is the element of the earth. this is an adventure in the spirit of indiana jones, overcoming traps, solving puzzles
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and chasing. test, element of earth. in this test. the participant needs to enter the vault to pick up the main crystal. he has 5 minutes for this. get into the aerodynamic corridor, pass the key through the pipeline and use it to open vendshakhta, make your way through it and exit through the secret door. unlock the lock by adding up the clue numbers you have collected. the path to the main crystal is lined with a set of lasers, go around them
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carefully after that. who can’t do anything, i’ll just shout, my maximum is to guide, show the way, i’m like a guiding star, many go to the gym, i don’t have time for this, we always work 24 hours, this is a market story, stay with us , you had diaries with you, bye-bye, when at night in the morning, in the evening, and the day i forgot everything no longer important, this is your last call. i’m not
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used to being second to third, i need first or nothing, but of course, i really want to show others that but, but, i not only know how to talk on camera, this is probably the essence of the whole project, how a reboot, this is some kind of renewal within yourself, an understanding of what you can do, what you are capable of, this is really a victory over yourself, i am not as weak as it may seem even to myself, please, someone out there, give me strength . from the panther team, earth element now helena merai is immersed, she is the host of a children's show hero, so who knows all the moves and exits in this labyrinth, helena is supported from the command post by igor dudarchik and artyom korkotsky.
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we don’t bother with this diamond, who are there? man, i mean man, what are you doing, igor, so, wait, i can’t get there yet, it’s 3 minutes, 3 minutes. stuck
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somehow somehow 3 minutes time left something hand hand hand hand hand hand everything is not necessary okay don’t rush everything is fine neatly oh also children walk here ok how much time, let's have a lot of time, come on, how long are we talking? remember the key, drag it, how to drag it here? look, about, here, here, here, see, see, see, maybe, where, where the hint is faster, look, go, go, go, go, go, you have a hint behind you, behind you, when if you, yes, behind, behind you, a little more, move on, i can’t pass, okay, don’t push it, maybe someone came up with it, and i know who came up with it, something is a little high, but there are a few minutes left, what, four,
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look, behind you, now, behind you somewhere . should be behind me, walk a little further, i see, i see, i see, i see, come on, come on, that's it, screw, madam, come on, come on, 48, 48, you remember, you remember, in my opinion, yes, come on, come on, well done, well done, 48, 48, the key, open the key, that’s it, the key is there, i already have the key, 3:30, 3:30, why did you send me here, how? it's open, oh, hurray, that's it, 48, so what do we have next, so go downstairs, how can you get down here, i'm one and a half, sit down, sit down, sit down, here you go, jump, yes, sit down, jump, now, now you have towards the end, look, it should be at the top. neat so on the sides so you see these sticks there so yes at the bottom i ’m not at all athletic ger sports come on there was a hint below yes you had a hint below yes okay that’s it go go go we’re wasting time 73 remember oh yes 4873
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what time is it 2:25 oh what are you doing, well , you memorized the numbers yes 4873 oh 2 minutes i generally wheels. 25 come on a minute 40 left 48 73 25 48 73 25 73 25 6 4 7 11 yes 11 2 3 the unit was in my head 14 1406 0 146 0 146 0 1 4 6 yes oh that's it
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hurray a minute left a minute remained calmly calmly let's not worry, i i won’t fit here, give me 20 seconds, you will fit in, god, you won’t fit in, okay, 20 seconds, yes, come on, good job, take your time, everything’s fine, you see, that’s it, take it, come on, 13 seconds left, that’s it, you have plenty to spare , well done, what are you guys, how
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did you get out of here, yes, maybe, yes, at least take it in your hands, what, give it 5 seconds, 5 seconds, you have there is no choice anymore, give me five, that's it, well done, that's it, 2 minutes went, 2 minutes, one, one was, take your time, yes, one, that's it, the main thing is to be careful. here, here, here, here, here, here, here, look, yes, yes, yes, where, no, everything, everything, everything, i’m hooked, panther girl, well done, well done, i tried, no, well, somehow , and that’s it, yes, yes, i got hooked, but i didn’t get hooked, i didn’t get hooked, but you can’t send me anything anymore, i’m not a cat at all, go there yourself,
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i went down to had and came back, this is not a joke, i don’t i know how it goes for kids? i don't i know how some adults go through this, but i’m just zero, okay, i wouldn’t count there, it could be attributed to ignorance of mathematics, but lasers and emotionally it hits very hard, i just want to demolish everything in my path, of course, i want us to win, simply because it probably plays on adrenaline, after all this i don’t want to comment on anything. i’ll say everything, all the children who went through this are heroes, i think well done, well done, well done, i’m a hero, you’re actually great, here we’ll substitute, anchor, you're our good fellow, why little anchor,
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we understand how insulting it is for etital if you warmed up before the test, maybe you, so why should i warm up there, you saw, first my leg got stuck, then my hand, while this... . entered the door, i was already tired. work, we will introduce you to the people of our country. the honor guard performs the tasks of ensuring state events, meeting and seeing off the first persons arriving in the territory of our country. they have a lot of interesting stories behind them when i melted i started working, i had a feeling that i was in trouble.
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in his own way a choreographer who consistently builds certain actions of military personnel. look, the belarus project, on the belarus 24 tv channel. in politics, alexander grigorievich has already become a figure in scale, going far beyond the post of president of belarus. nominally he is responsible only for his country, in fact he... thanks to his colossal experience , great respect in the world and even in
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the democratic world, although they are not recognized there, has a strong influence on many regions in the world. only those who do not have some desired power speak about democracy and democracy all over the world; they want to get it, but cannot. politics is when public comments along the way speak rather about the absence of real actions. we will see already that we are not in a hurry with russia, especially since this is the main thing for me. alexander grigorievich’s words about the future of our region and the fact that we are in no hurry to go anywhere have two sides to the coin. the conflict in ukraine is unlikely to end quickly, but no matter how long it lasts, it will end stable and long peace. author's project of igor tur - propaganda. watch on the tv channel belarus 24.
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a person who practices boxing, he is already crazy in his own way, it seems that nothing depends on fragility, the most important thing is willpower, desires, everyone thinks you like being beaten, but just anyway... i don’t like that they beat us, so we do everything so that they don’t beat us, we beat ourselves, there is some kind of madness, madness in this, from the first day i wanted to become a world champion and didn’t even consider anything other than gold, not without difficulty, of course, but in the end i came to my goal, my strongest feature, if we take physiology, it is usually speed, when you leave your comfort zone, you can really look at your life completely differently, these tests will... for me, probably not very simple, unusual,
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the main fear is, of course, just somewhere at some stage getting stuck in the dark, in principle it cannot be overcome, when you overcome some difficulties in the end you get new emotions, you begin to praise yourself, well done, you did it , with men, in principle, it is easier to overcome everything in life obstacles, so i hope that there will be real men, there is one motto, if someone can do it, i can do it even better. the element is earth, now ekaterina vandaryeva, from the griffins team, will try to conquer it. ekaterina, a sports news presenter on the stv channel, is my colleague, but this is where our professional similarity ends, and ends abruptly, because katya is a world champion in thai boxing. let's see if this will help her in the maze; our good friends will support her from the command post.
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let's go look at the hint. katya, look, the first clue will be as soon as you go up, now through the tunnel, right at the exit, right at the exit, you go up now, right away it will be somewhere, so don’t run far, somewhere here, here it will be here somewhere now, calmly, don’t rush kat, calm, everything is fine, somewhere here, stop, back, kat, back, i found a clue, yes,
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just the first clue, which one, kat, what number, okay, then, go ahead, hello, can you hear us, yes, i hear, i’m moving this thing, where the second hint is approximately, the second hint will be at your bottom, when you go down, you’ll already jump down, that’s it, now calmly pass, that’s it, i’m moving, moving, moving, right , key, super, katya, what’s the first number, you, so , the first number, and 37, 37, 37, okay, open it calmly, open everything calmly. well done, that's it, well done, well done, well done, jump, so, i'm getting into the checker, come on in, now you'll have to go all the way, don't go all the way, you'll have to go up, as soon as there is space to go up, you have to go up,
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where is the space, you passed it, a little back, yes, climb up, i’m going up, now as soon as you jump down, okay, climb later. same thing, but where is the hint, no, no, climb, climb, calmly, below, when you jump, here you remember, you need to open this loop, take your time, you have the loop like this, opened it, jump down, jump down and there will be a hint, right below you there’s a hint, right below me, somewhere here, look, maybe under the mat, this might be, well, it’s not a flask, no, look, maybe under the mat, there’s a mat lying with you, it’s in very corner, look, clearly, exactly under this mat that you jumped onto, you’ve only had half the time, everything ’s fine, look around, look around, look, she’s right on the floor, up, up above, look above you, mine, mine , mine, at the mine, look, the mine that came out, yes, yes, yes, damn, what ’s climbing back in me, yes, come on, come on,
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come on, oh god, there are 54, 54, 37, okay, move on, will be near the door, the next clue. near the door, in the center, in the center of the door, in the center, here somewhere to the right, look more to the right, to the right, no, no, not just on the door, she, she is in the middle, in the middle of the room opposite the door, katya, here somewhere, look at the door, take two steps back, two steps back, here somewhere below , look, either at the top, look around, so, in the center in the sand, in the center in the sand, look, in the center in the sand, in the center in the sand. i found everything let's what 68 68 37 54 80 91 and the last one what the last one what 68 149 149 food faster definitely yes try 0 149 and lattice lattice
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lattice wrong wrong 37 54 68 68 91 - 68 100 159 0 159 faster 0 159 damn, i didn’t make it in time or something , but it was right, how stupid, well, well, that’s for sure, i even counted it, but oh, it’s such a shame how quickly time passes? in general, we didn’t want to rush you too much, you were already walking fast, it’s a shame i wanted between the lasers there, it’s a pity, today manna from heaven didn’t want me to take these
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crystals, for me it was such an interesting experience, i’m generally with such i’ve never encountered it when you’re really like in the movie... you know how everyone crawls there, when someone with a pistol is chasing someone through these mines, it was, well , unrealistic, just emotions, it’s a pity, of course, that we almost didn’t have time, you see how, after all, time plays a huge role in life, it seems , such a little thing, decides a lot, beautiful, well done, damn, in general, damn, no, well, it was cool, honestly, i didn’t feel like that, it wasn’t usual. i liked it honestly, but i really wanted between these lasers, then i, like lara k, didn’t press the bars a second time or didn’t have time, and i also needed a laser be on time. we understood that now we’ll start telling you little, little, little, even faster than the beginning, we therefore, run, run, some kind of
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run, you’re doing great, good, very interesting, the sparkle, the crystals in the eyes are overshadowed by the sense of danger, players of both teams remained. our game has prepared another test for you, this is a test of the strength of the element of fire. teamwork is important here, try your best. do everything possible and impossible to earn crystals. the game is an opportunity to test each other. just don't
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be disappointed. i activate the test. element fire. at the beginning of the beat. participants need to carry a heavy hammer over the boulders and pass it on to the second players. then dive into a huge cube to find a valve for supplying water. the second players, having broken the wall and dug the entrance to the mousetrap, must crawl along it with a fire hose in order to get water into the mice and fill the uscrest flask. having grabbed it, the third participants need to climb onto the mast and hang it. its top, all that remains is to slide down the rope and pick up the treasured crystal. and here it is, the next stage
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this time a relay race. at the sand stage, the panthers throw artyom karkotsky, a hockey player, and green stripes from handball player sergei rutenko. expected confrontation. they competed with each other at the water stage, then won a landslide victory. korkotsky, rutenko, intend to take revenge at this stage. but the second pair is a real bruiser, faster and more spectacular. well, let's see, helena mirai, ivan sdaniuk. well, using the subtraction method at the decisive stage. we get a couple of opponents in igor dudarchik from panthers and ekaterina vandaryeva from griffins. and we will have to decide the fate of this relay. it is very important because for now. panthers win with a score of 3:2,
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the element of fire and the first stage - sand. sergei and artyom drag the hammer to the place where they will need to break through the wall. the hammer itself is not that heavy, but it is attached to two cannonballs, each weighing 20 kg. and so the participants begin to break through the wall in order to insert a fire hose there. here we see that the teams act simultaneously, no one is going to the water compartment yet, we need to open this the very cell and gets there first. helena, accordingly, artyom korkotsky has the opportunity to quickly go for the valve,
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meanwhile their assistants take out the valve, without the valve it is impossible to activate the fire hose, at the same time the team goes through the stage. ivan will have to, ivan will have to untangle these ropes, and in the meantime helena can crawl under them and then you also need to straighten the hose so that water comes out, because only with water can you hit this water target, so that...
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shoots water here, so water appears at ivan, but accordingly the panthers have an advantage, next awaits igor dudarchik and ekaterina vandareva, who will be the first to cope with the task of getting the first intermediate crystal, which cannot become the only one, you must definitely get the second one, you don’t need to stick your hand very deep into it, you must get the crystal , solely due to the fact that the water lifts it up, here everyone is longer. first igor dudarchik, i will remind you that ekaterina vandaryeva, in addition to the athlete, is our colleague, and of course, she will now have to catch up, catch up with all her might, she hooked her crystal, but she’s in the same place, she’s on the machki, but higher on the machki, igor dudarchik, we remember how great he did the air exercise, and this is his challenge, look. this is the victory
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crystal for team panther. igor worked very well on massta and brought two crystals to his team. and the panthers are increasing their advantage, because the crystal that is now on catherine’s belt does not count. ekaterina couldn't take the main crystal, so we add two crystals... from them it becomes five and the griffins have two left, at the last stage the advantage of the panthers will already be three steps, 5:2, with this result the teams came to the tower. ugh, everything is so fast, how quickly artyom took this
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vent, how quickly, quickly, quickly helena climbed through all these. the tunnels began to be watered, well, the most interesting thing was when the water rose, and at the opponents it was still standing still, rising, rising, i thought, well, that’s it, our victory is close, but it suddenly began to rise, it stopped, there’s something there things went wrong with the water and we were almost level, but i somehow managed to get a little bit and jump to the top, that’s very interesting, the very last stage, that’s where it will be difficult, and most likely i’ll be there, that’s the main thing... no not to fuck, but to win, well, well, i hope, well, we must win, all the sand got into my face, into my eyes, but i understand that now there is no time to get rid of it, i went forward, sergei gave me the opportunity climb into the pool, when our opponent emerged from there, he deliberately stirred up the water so that we would not see the nut, when we saw the ropes, unwind the knot, or
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go into some kind of gap, but i understood that i wouldn’t get through, so i... untied the knot, which was right in front of my eyes , dived into the nearest hole, unfortunately, we really couldn’t it only took a couple of seconds to get to the coveted diamond to win this test, but we still have everything ahead, the most important test is the tower, on which i think that everything is possible, i didn’t pass the cage, but i did well on this test , i think everything depended on me, everything is on you. everything is on me in general, the opposing team played clearly dishonestly, normally, they occupied the pool, did not allow me to get in, and the worst thing was when he took out this venti, all the water, i’m diving at all, i’m not breaking, i’m breaking like that, he’s just half with such a hand what i did, he did with one hand, but it was slippery on this one, well, it’s kind of slippery, but there was more of a problem with these ones, when it scabbed up to
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the panthers 1 2 3 panthers. success comes to those who believe in themselves and overcome the power of doubt. there was no fire relay equal to panthers. they have two crystals. the griffins were left without prey. the panthers increased their lead. now they have it. the fights with the elements are over, but the game is only getting worse, the main test awaits you, the tower! you
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have come a long way for this moment, who has more strength? who has the stronger nerves and who will take the main crystal? and now everything will be decided. promisers don't always live up to expectations. which one of you will be the best? the final fight. tower. in the ultimate test, two competitors must climb to the top of a tower with different heights, deftly overcome the vertical wall leading to...
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it’s fine, and even higher, push him higher, if only i had brought some more crystals, well , that’s all, this should be a victory already. the confrontation between the heavyweights, that you didn’t go, i don’t understand, after the water it’s all over, the heavyweight competition, this is the most handball and hockey, they thought that the girls might be abandoned, as a result they were left at
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, let’s say, the average class, average, but not weak, who of them will be higher, in the end, we will find out. 5:2 is this actually played out? advantage? ivan, to catch up?
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his team advances to the second stage of the competition. for me, ivan is the same hero as igor, right ivan, vanechka, you are also super, at the last strength, my
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fingers were already falling off, i walked through strength, through pain and got to the second floor, began to climb, but unfortunately, i heard the cherished victorious sound. 5 seconds would actually decide the whole game, so you should never give up, you need to go forward, move towards your goals, and most importantly, remember that you are not alone, but you are with the team, and you cannot let the team down, that’s all, we won, you know, we planned to win, but we didn’t tell anyone about it, i really wanted to help give a hand, but i already realized that there was no point anymore, i already took this diamond, winning in one stage is good , but the most important thing is to win. the whole show, then there will be a real victory, well , hurry up already, let's congratulate, well done,
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it was cool, made me laugh, that's it, the whole team, this is super, this is a real success, let's move on. there are new challenges ahead that will provoke them even more. remember, our main rival - we ourselves, only the hero defeats him, enjoying. you need to be on alert, if you lose
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vigilance, you will lose to your opponent, welcome to the world where everything is real.
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we are belarusian and we are such a land, we are holy.
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paroglas with ourselves, we with you, our forgotten pen, hail to the earth, our bright name, hail to the peoples of the orthodox union. your
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beloved, moti, occupied, you are ours, our beloved mother, radima, live forever, let us follow your example, friendship people. our mountains are clear, fear and joy are possible. how glorified is our land, bright name, welded people's ancestral union, our beloved mother, slave, dear
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belarus, ours. good evening, live broadcast of panorama, in the studio of ekaterina tikhomirova, about the main events of this saturday. 83 years ago, on this day, nazi germany carried out a treacherous
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attack, followed by 1,418 of the most terrible days and nights of the great patriotic war. we remember at what cost our victory was given. orban revealed nato’s secret regarding ukraine, western countries are getting closer and closer to the front. the air echelon of the russian aerospace forces arrived in belarus to participate in the independence day parade. our aviators promised a large-scale air show in the skies above the capital. my colleagues have more details. russians, we remember those who took small steps towards our common great victory. on the night of june 21-22, the sacred ground of the brez fortress again shook from the roar of grenades and loud explosions. let's talk about how national memory unites cities and countries. premiere of the requiem concert every
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third in the palace of the republic. this is a musical theater tribute to memory great victims and heroes. patriotic war, we will talk about the creation of a behind-the-scenes project, and also show the emotions of this tragic story. day of remembrance and sorrow, representatives of the youth of the cis countries met in brest, what objects were visited by the participants of the memory train, details in a few minutes. on this tragic day, we honor the memory of the heroes who gave us peace through their lives. flowers were laid at places of remembrance and mourning across the country in memory of the victims. details in the material. summer, victorious and ours in the final competitive day at the brix games, summing up the performance of the belarusian national team. an agro-industrial center whose know-how makes the grain field golden. timber industry
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complex, cultural, sports, cozy city, regional center of the minsk region with foreseeable prospects for investors. we are heading for grains, the current business card of the city in the project. for life. on this day, 83 years ago, the peaceful dawn was filled with the smell of gunpowder. the war has begun. the great patriotic war. without her announcement, nazi germany attacked the soviet union. it was about 4 o'clock in the morning the longest day of the year, followed by another 1,418 most terrible days and nights. and also feats and courage. our people. the breska fortress was one of the first to receive an enemy attack. the defenders of the bastion did not expect an attack, but they were not going to give up and defended the citadel until their last breath. according to the blitz krieg plan, it was planned to take the bastion in just a few
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hours. the heroes held the line for a whole month. eight decades have passed, we are asked to forget the names of the soldiers, those who did not bow their heads then. do we... do we have today, such a right to glorify those who died for the honor and independence of their homeland is remembered every year. in the brest fortress, at the hour of enemy attack, candles are lit. 20 thousand people, about 40 official delegations paid tribute to the memory of the defenders of the brest fortress. details from katerina striche. the sacred land of the bresse fortress, it was she who was the first to receive the blows of hitler’s troops, therefore, on the night of june 21-22, brest did not sleep. when in the brest fortress everything began according to tradition with the requiem rally, veterans, relatives
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fallen heroes and guests from other countries and cities bring flowers here, to the eternal flame at the foot of the monuments, because we belarusians remember those who took the first steps on the path to a great victory. one of the bloodiest wars in human history lasted 1418 days. defender heroes are talked about not only on the day by everyone...
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who remember this, this is our answer to all those, that every year people gather here who want to rewrite history, who want to hide the crimes of their predecessors, who want to re-plan similar crimes, and we are here for...
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that terrible summer day was recreated bit by bit by the participants of the thirteenth
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international rally of reenactors, about 350 history buffs from belarus, russia, lithuania, latvia and estonia, pyrotechnics, tanks, motorcycles, armored vehicles and trucks, everything is as realistic as possible , the bmw 326 car was produced from the thirty-sixth year to the first year, this is a car famous for the fact that it participated in many. films including the famous stirlitz filmed, as they say, 17 moments of spring. for russia and for belarus, this war became a domestic war, it passed like a bright flame from brest to moscow, rolled like a bloody roller through the destinies of innocent people, dividing their lives into before and after. at the brest fortress defense museum they talked about preserving the historical truth about the war. the book operation bogration by the partisans of the land of belarus was presented here. what needs to be done today in order to preserve the historical truth, what needs to be done so that, first of all
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, young people entering a big life, russians, belarusians, representatives of the countries of the commonwealth of friendly countries, together with we fairly and honestly assessed the feat of the soviet soldier and the soviet people who defeated fascism. the project is not just a successful result of the joint painstaking work of scientific researchers from belarus and russia, it is rather a reminder of the heroism and courage, feat and self-sacrifice of the soviet people during the hard years of war. katerina strikha, sergey matveychuk, alexey kozmin, tv news agency. it is certainly important that our next generations do not forget the importance of such dates. today, together with all of belarus, we pay tribute to the victims great patriotic war. we witnessed
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a historical reconstruction of the first day of the war, a sea of ​​emotions, it’s just that many of our guys just sat there and cried from excitement, from the emotions that they experienced, and i remembered how the tank was driving and firing from a cannon, there were still explosions, very it was noisy, very colorful, it was very emotional, very emotional, because watching everything that was happening, it was as if we were there ourselves, and we wanted to cry and generally support all the soldiers. who were there, they were very they played realistically, especially men who seemed to be running against the fascists, also women who wanted to help everyone, in memory,
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commemorative events were held throughout the country today, at the foot of the monuments, flowers to honor all the victims of the fascist genocide. every third person fell victim to the brown plague, every belarusian family experienced the bitterness of loss. my colleague victoria sharkova collected the sad moments of this day. no matter how much time passes, tears come to my eyes when i think about the kids who never became adults, about boys and girls who left young, about everyone who wanted to live. but nazism, the theme of which remains today.
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provoke another conflict, a conflict that will engulf the whole of europe today, but we remember the lessons of history, we appreciate this, we are proud of our grandfathers and great-grandfathers who fought and gave their lives for our freedom, remember the past to create the future, more than 500 people gathered on the wild field in mogilev. at 4:00 in the morning
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a requiem rally was held here, the ringing of sorrow. residents of the regional center and nearby villages portraits of heroes carried flowers. what is peace? deputies of the supreme council of the bssr of the first convocation also fought for the freedom and independence of belarus. parliamentarians and youth representatives gathered at the government house to honor the memory of those who did not return from the war. a memorial plaque at the entrance to the oval hall, as a memory of the 94 deputies who died and disappeared. almost every fifth deputy died on
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the fronts of the great patriotic war and went missing. before the start of the war.
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to say that today, on this mournful day in there is not a single place left in the country for military memory and worship of the fallen, where belarusians would not bring flowers. victoria sharkova, violeta sokolovich, natalya bardilovskaya and roman felutich. tv news agency. today , the telenews agency is starting a project dedicated to the eightieth anniversary of the liberation of belarus, the beginning and course of one of the largest military campaigns in the history of mankind, the strategic offensive operation bogration. in the first episode of the project , liberation day by day, about what happened on the fronts the day before the first volleys from soviet inforum pero.
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june 22, 1944. exactly 3 years after the treacherous attack of nazi germany on the soviet union, the red army conducts reconnaissance in force along the entire length of the front. before the start of the strategic offensive operation bagration in sudki. the headquarters of the supreme high command, after a lengthy discussion, approved the general staff's plan for two directions of main attacks in the area of ​​​​the settlement of parichi in the rogachev region with the closure of the enemy's encirclement near bobruisk. until the complete liberation of belarus 36 days remained. in memory of the victims. and heroes of the great patriotic war, a musical and theatrical dedication, because it is through poetry, melody in synthesis with newsreels and facts that you feel more strongly all
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the pain that our people had to endure. today , the national premiere of the requiem concert took place at the palace of the republic, every third. the project was created by a music media company with the support of the ministry of defense, the prosecutor general's office, and today bel tv and radio has joined the project. company. first show with was successfully held on poklonnaya hill in moscow, on the eve of the day of the great victory. how did the belarusian viewer receive a.


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