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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  June 24, 2024 3:05am-3:41am MSK

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and all the trunks were watered to coincide with the fireworks, at that hour at the celebration there was one special moment for our souls, at the end of the road, in a distant direction, under the thunder of polka we said goodbye for the first time, to everyone. who died in the war, how the living say goodbye to the dead, how the living say goodbye to the dead, until then, in the depths of our souls, we have never said goodbye so irrevocably. only
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here, in this special moment, filled with the grandeur of sadness, we were separated forever from them, these volleys separated us from them, these volleys separated us from them. inspired us with roaring trunks steel, which we no longer count as losses, covered with haze, it goes into the distance, the shore filled with comrades. but
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foliage will appear again, our children will grow up, grandchildren, and the thunder of gunfire on any celebration will remind us of that great separation, will remind us of that great separation. i am belarusian, i am happy with this cossack land. between the forests and the puchas of the
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past, i am belarus, i am glad that i have this name, and the good glory of belarus in the world knows not without reason, i am belarus, and i am happy that mother gave me, that relatives song i feel the weather from a distance and i’m close, i’m belarusian, and even though it’s too small, i’ll tell you. i come from a tribe of submissive people and i won’t give a damn about trouble. the project was created with the support of the national tourism agency and the ministry of antimonopoly regulation and trade of the republic of belarus. when does the soul push you to move forward? and keep up with your heart.
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your stomach is full, and you have a thirst for travel and adventure, you love to eat somewhere along the way, always, food anywhere, belarusian cuisine is not only potato pancakes, see for yourself, because cuisine is a reflection of history, culture and character of the people, we will show: what they eat in the west and east of our country, how they cook in the suburbs and in polesie, we go on a journey to draw up a gastronomic map of belarus. today in gorki i tried dairy products in all their diversity, fluffy pastries, a taste straight from childhood, roast with potatoes... a dish for men
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who are not given meat. this is an exclusively youth city. she grew up to college, which is probably why, despite its long history, the city has a youthful feel to it, student enthusiasm. the belarusian agricultural academy is exactly the case when an educational institution makes a city world famous, much like
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oxford or cambridge. and this is true, because the academy is one of the oldest and largest in the cis. there is even a museum where you can get a closer look at the history. of this establishment, if you think that the food on your table begins at the store, you are mistaken, the food on your table begins at the agricultural academy, we have one in belarus, its many people know, but i personally don’t know anything about it, but tatyana knows, tatyana, please tell me how the agricultural academy appeared on the territory of belarus, well , the story begins in the 19th century, when there was a famine in russia and crowds of hungry peasants came. along russian roads in search of power. it was then that the sworn economic society martvinul made a memorandum for the all-russian emperor nicholas ii and said that christians sow reform as 100 years ago, because the well-being of the people depends on fruits produced by the earth, the quality and
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quantity of these fruits depends on sex science. when choosing where to locate the academy, many factors were taken into account, including the presence of large water and flooded meadows. forests, roads and much more. it’s not surprising, because everything plays a big role in agriculture, and in the end the choice fell on the hills. from session to session, the students live happily at the agricultural academy, especially, by the way, how did the students live? well, our students lived according to a certain daily routine, for example, in winter they got up at 6:00 morning. and i see that breakfast is available from 7:30 to 80. what did the students of the agricultural academy eat? then , a long time ago, well, then we are talking about an agricultural school, and they ate quite modestly, tea with milk, a piece of rye bread, for lunch they ate meat , cereal cabbage soup, cereal soups, meat, and also
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pies with rice, meat, well, a ladle they had milk, but the students recalled that it was very pleasant to eat half an hour in the cold dining room with cold milk... so they usually took their milk and cooked themselves there, they made coffee and tea. but the school inspector didn’t particularly like this kind of arbitrariness; if he found violators, he forced them to pour everything into a common vat and drink from it, it turned out to be a kind of coffee-tea-milk drink, they say the taste was unforgettable, but after the inspector changed , the students' menu became richer, and the attendants had an important duty - to prepare garchik. for the whole school, ground it into powder, then added sugar, salt, boiling water, and oil, added vinegar, here’s the recipe, this student, he he says, for the rest of my life i will remember it, just how much we cooked, because there was essential oil, and it was not so easy
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to prepare mustard for the whole school, but there was a compliment from the cook, because the person on duty was entitled to a large cutlet with a side dish, in addition , a large cutlet with... the horners for their efforts, it would seem that they are fed well and taught useful work, but there was a time when they were simply afraid to send children here; such a legend came down to us when the tsar’s circular came out about sending young children to agricultural school, then the bailiff poyarkov traveled through the provinces and told the tale that the mogilev province is located on the edge of siberia, a mountain was erected on the graves, a school was opened on that mountain and they will teach your children about every mountain, which is why it is called the highlander school on the mountain. trusting peasants believed in this, and so that their children would not be taken to such a terrible place, they paid in gold. in exchange, the transcripts indicated that the potential student was deaf, blind, and mute. what a wonderful story this place has, and this story is quite even about food, although not
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only about it, it’s worth special attention devote to the architecture of the academy. the agricultural academy occupies about a third of the hills themselves; it’s a city within a city, right away. it is clear that academ town has a two-hundred-year history; here modern buildings coexist very harmoniously with ancient, even royal ones. on the territory... of the academy there are several very old buildings from 1840, this is one of them, built by the architect angelo campiona, who came here from italy. it’s a pleasure to walk here, it feels like i’m in the territory of a palace, it’s so beautiful here, we turn along one of the paths to the side, and here i am already in the holy of holies, in the agricultural gene pool. guardian of the agricultural gene pool.
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here the seed base is preserved, which already exists and provides a reserve, a reserve for the creation of
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new starting material, new varieties. last question, when will bananas start growing in belarus? they are in the botanical garden of the academy, just like that, you can imagine, everything is here, and this is not an empty phrase, so i wanted to drink tea, and olga had everything ready for this. i think it's herbal teas are a brand of our country, sincerely. i think we don’t need black tea, we don’t need any other, green, for example, type of tea, because we have many aromatic belarusian herbs that are in no way inferior to overseas ones. look, ordinary oregano is a plant like this; if you cool this tea with ordinary oregano, put it in the refrigerator, otherwise it will quench your thirst in the hot summer, well, it’s just a nice thing. moving on, peppermint. this is what it looks like, this is how it looks like tea, here it is
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it’s funny, if they would let me smell this with my eyes closed, i would say that it’s chewing gum or toothpaste, i recommend trying it, but just a little, so it’s sop, medicinal, a funny word, i just understand that it’s medicinal, which means you can drink it liters, i’m joking, of course, but tea based on it is really healthy, it has a light ginger-sage taste and is good to drink during a cold, you know, it seems to me that this is a godsend for our country, i sincerely say, and most importantly, that all these varieties were bred where? in our native belarusian state agricultural academy, for which i thank her very much. many of the plants grown here can be seen in the botanical garden. the botanical garden was also designed by an italian architect; it was opened in 1847, which means that it is much older than the minsk botanical siege. there are about fifty plants from the red book growing in the park, but besides them there is something to
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admire. do you think these are big bills? you are mistaken, these dominoes indicate the age of the botanical garden, although the locals joke, that this is a large back massager. in the warm season, the botanical garden resembles a blooming garden, everything is green and colorful. and here is a banana, not collected, growing in belarus. gorki is famous not only for its academy. they have another symbol, and it is not grain, not meat, but milk. usually it happens like this, you see such a milk tanker, and then you sit at the table and eat some dairy products, and what happens between these two stages, no one knows, so this is damn interesting to me, so i go to factory for the production of dairy products. belarusians love milk, belarusians drink milk, well, in the mountains they also prepare a lot of flavor from it. products and mira will now tell me, show me, maybe even treat me. in fact
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, we’ll tell you a secret, mira and i have known each other for a long time, she’s my good, old friend, she just works at a wonderful dairy enterprise, for me it’s magic, that’s why i came to see, i decided to start, of course, with the most important meal , breakfast. this is our cottage cheese with sour cream, a delicious product from natural milk using modern equipment. mira also gave me a lot of small sandwiches. i’ll be happy to try what they use, guess what it is? this is a sandwich with butter, this is the simplest thing that can be, but here it is the most delicious, i probably haven’t eaten such wonderful sandwiches since childhood. with butter and, in principle, i didn’t think that it was possible to repeat that taste, but it is possible, the taste of childhood, i want to tell you, is reminiscent of a morning in the village, a grandmother’s sandwich with butter, and made from natural cow’s cream, the local enterprise is more than 100 years old, today they produce more than 50 thousand tons of dairy products per year, and i can see how this happens right now,
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remember the movie charlie and the chocolate factory, there in every department in every cycle, something magical happened it’s the same in dairy production, just look, milk is wonderful in itself, you can bottle it and drink it like that, or you can make an effort and get something else out of it: sour cream, butter, cottage cheese or kefir, the choice is extensive, that’s the first thing look, sour cream or any other dairy product, it’s so difficult, but in fact, in any dairy product there are two main ingredients, this is cream and sourdough. depending on what is required, one of the ingredients comes first. in the preparation of kefir or yogurt, the main role is given to the starter culture, but for butter, cream is very important. everyone gets a pack of butter. of course, i’m not some kind of village idiot, but the desire to break off a piece
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and eat it has definitely awakened. in fact, the packaging process simply fascinated me, never before. wondered how much there is there are many types of packaging, and now i know for sure, there are many, each product has its own, and what’s also surprising is that here in every room, in every workshop there is its own smell, somewhere it smells of cottage cheese, somewhere of vanilla, somewhere of fresh sour cream, this such magical sensations, they are definitely worth experiencing, and now we are smoothly moving into the territory of another... products are stored here, it is incredibly cold here, even in such a refrigerator you cannot sit for a long time, if you are not a sour-milk drinker, introduce us to all this variety of colors tastes alexander, i i see that there are products here with different flavoring additives, yes, that is, everyone will find something to
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taste, their favorite m... is very tasty and really refreshing in general, and the whey proteins themselves, from a biological point of view, are more balanced, unlike other types of protein . in fact, the company made the dream of all bodybuilders come true. additives are no longer needed, there is a completely natural product. what exactly is included in this drink? we use components such as sweetener sevi extract and sucrolose, what? sevi extract and sucrolose? yes, yes, you heard correctly. for a common person, in fact, this is a completely incomprehensible word, so to make it clearer, i’ll decipher it: these are sweeteners that do not affect blood sugar levels, therefore they are considered more useful. i tried everything, i looked at everything, but i really want to see how it all works, can you let me into the enterprise for a short tour? let's take a walk. a process
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called ultrafiltration occurs. what is this? here the whey is divided into two fractions: carbohydrates and... proteins. by getting rid of carbohydrates, we leave protein concentrate and get a lower-calorie product. these huge reservoirs contain protein, from which a fermented milk drink will be made a little later. want to see what it looks like? then lactobacilli are added to the protein, which begin to work actively within five or 7 hours. lactobacilli are responsible for the taste and consistency, and then the drink is bottled. this drink has a short shelf life, but it has a lot of benefits. in one a glass is a complete snack. the slides have many culinary symbols, one of them is pies. to leave not only pleasant but tasty impressions on your trip,
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i advise you to stop by a cafe with standard pastries, which is located not far from the station. so, pirogi, when i was preparing for my trip, i was looking for information about gorki, i came across the word pie at least 10 times, so i decided to try what pirogi in the city of gorki are famous for. i want to try more of everything, the table is literally bursting with baked goods and nightly cheesecake. i i’ll say right away that even in appearance it doesn’t look like cheesecake. our belarusian curd pies are neither a casserole nor a cheesecake, this is an absolutely separate dish, and the dish is quite popular and in demand, we didn’t skimp on the curd fillings, it’s sweet with a vanilla flavor, it literally melts in your mouth, i think i could easily i ate the whole pie, but i’d rather try something else, especially since there is so much to choose from, and this pastry for every person born
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in the soviet union will cause an amazing nostalgia, this is sour cream, we did n’t buy this pastry very often, it wasn’t cheap, it cost about 12 kopecks, but nevertheless it was the most favorite, why? i’ll explain: this is a very simple dish, the secret of people’s love for sour cream is in the filling: the filling was made from cottage cheese, fat sour cream, sugar, then all this was carefully put into the dough and baked. what did all soviet boys like to do? when sour cream fell into our hands, this crust was eaten at the very last moment, it was put aside. and then happiness began, and even now it gives just as much pleasure as before, the sour cream is still just as fluffy, tender
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and beloved. this would seem to be a simple pastry, but it seems to me that it is precisely under this that one can evaluate the skill of a cook, a pastry chef, if the sour cream is a success, and here it is wonderful, it is fresh, juicy, very soft, tender, what does a chef mean? just a genius, i’m not afraid to say that local baked goods could qualify for a michelin star, but for now it gets five stars out of five from me. for the sporting life of our country. this week , the minsk volleyball player formalized her the eleventh championship for olga polchevskaya is the first gold award as the main coach of the team. gomel
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managed to restore parity in the series against bntu bilas 1:1. the final score of the return match is 21.20 in favor of the gomel handball players. we review the most interesting event. 1,500 people in minsk alone, tens of thousands more in 15 countries around the world. in general , difficulty. 89,000 people were united by the one-run international half marathon. the strongest team of the continent at the european youth wrestling championship was the belarusian women's team team. as a result, the belarusians have seven medals, three of which are gold. we listen to the opinions of competent specialists. minsk, as i already said, has a very high-quality back line, a couple of foreign players, namely defenders, who really make the whole game. all this.
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at first glance it seems not visible, each unit commander is in his own way a choreographer who consistently builds certain actions of military personnel, watch the belarus project on
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the belarus 24 tv channel . for example, in turkey or greece this is the case familiar, when a restaurant is open downstairs, and the owner of the restaurant himself lives on the second floor. in belarus, i only heard about such things, supposedly it was a long time ago. this is still the case in the hills. i would like to introduce you to the restaurateur, farmer atelier, all rolled into one, tatyana. tatiana, multilateral. there are a lot of ingredients on the table, we will need all of them to prepare a pot roast with potatoes. usually in belarus they say that roast means only meat.
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yes, we are used to it. so see, but i always add a little potato, let's start let's first, that means i have sunflower oil, well, first of all, you have me, don't forget about that too, if you need help, please, i'm ready to help you a lot, okay, can i ask you to cut the meat into small pieces, for roast we need pork ribs and neck part, when a man comes, they say, i ’ll eat potatoes at home, give me meat, so i try to have 70% meat in the orshka, oh, this is a good thing, i’ll join... to men who usually say this: roast can really conquer anyone a man, when charles i, king of great britain , first tried it, he was so delighted with the taste that he elevated the roast to a noble title right on the spot. look, we’re starting to saute the food, that is, now i’m adding butter, everyone says, sunflower oil, yes, it has a specific taste, that’s why i’m also adding butter, this is necessary in order to soften the taste
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under... sunflower oil, while i busy with meat, tatyana cuts garlic, onions and puts them in a frying pan, which is especially valuable, all these products are not purchased, straight from the housewife’s yard, today we have sown 156 hectares, which means corn, and of course, at the request of our district, i help fulfill his order for buckwheat, and so, with such a serious farmer, we are preparing roast today. we grate the carrots and also send them to the frying pan, after our frying is ready, we put it on the bottom of the pot, we make a pillow of vegetables, yes, we will make a pillow, because the meat can burn, and by the way, i have already chopped the meat, don’t forget about the tomatoes, peel them, chop them, throw them into the pot, now it’s here scraps the meat, we put it almost to the top,
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now we need salt, yes i... from your tearing, oh, well, you didn’t regret the salt, that’s okay, that’s enough, yes, and i love rock salt, which is unrefined, dated, here these are spices, i smell paprika, dill, however, every housewife has her own favorite set of spices, so we don’t regret it, we add more of them for aroma and taste, now we take potatoes, cut them coarsely, a little smaller than pieces of meat, there is no room left in the pot. a lot, so we only need one or two potatoes, now we close it, and of course i’ll also add a little butter. this is our secret ingredient, we won’t tell anyone about it, the taste will be just right, put our pot in the oven at 245° for 1 hour. potato roast recipe.
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who we need pork bones and neck part: cut the meat into small pieces, at the same time cut the onion, garlic, grate the carrots, heat the frying pan , pour sunflower oil to soften the taste, add a little butter, add our vegetables frying pan until they turn golden brown, put the frying on the bottom of the pot, before cutting the tomatoes, remove the skin from them, put them in the pot, only after that we send the meat there, add: salt and spices, cut the potatoes, put in the last layer, secret ingredient : another piece of butter, put our pot in the oven for an hour at a temperature of 245°. in general, the word roast comes from the word heat, in no case should you fry, because this dish is not fried, but it is cooked in the heat a russian stove, or an oven, this is also
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possible. i can’t wait to try it, but so that you can also see our wonderful dish, i’ll put it on a plate. i see that below we have all our sautéing, but also some kind of juice, sauce, i don’t know what, but we didn’t add water or any liquid base, where did all this come from, because we added tomato, which then gives like a sauce and we peeled it off. that is, it turned out that the tomato is almost invisible, yes, but it’s actually highly cooked; roasts are available in many countries, and adding or removing some ingredients, you can make it look like bulgarian, italian or german, but i like ours, belarusian, bon appetit and i look forward to you appreciating it, the meat was stewed very well, in fact it’s a stew
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dish, and it became very soft, now i will try something without which a roast is not considered a roast, namely ribs, without them it will no longer be a roast. but just stewed meat in a pot. it was the ribs that gave the dish its special flavor and texture. cooking ribs is a special art. if you cook them on the grill, they are easy to burn, that's true. if you cook or stew them in a frying pan, they may simply not finish. this is the perfect way to cook pork ribs. our ribs languished in the pot, absorbing the tastes of others.
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russian roast, be sure to order it, when you travel a lot, you develop your own system for evaluating cities, countries and attractions in them, hills are knocked out of my already established system, and yet it is a beautiful city.
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markov fedor grigorievich, commander partisan brigade named after voroshilov. with the beginning of the great patriotic war in the red army, he was a political instructor of a company on the western front, a participant in the defensive border battle in belarus. in august 1941, he was called from the front and sent to the enemy’s rear with the task of launching a partisan fight in the velei region. from september 1941 he became the commander of a partisan special group. the brigade under his command from january to october
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1943 destroyed 8,835 german soldiers and officers, as well as 60 police officers and traitors to the homeland. have... 72 cars, derailed 35 trains, 42 railway and 140 road bridges were blown up, for the exemplary fulfillment of government tasks in the fight against the nazi invaders behind enemy lines, and for the courage and heroism shown, fedor grigorievich markov was awarded the title of hero of the soviet union. with the presentation of the order of lenin and gold star medals, awarded two orders of lenin, the order of the red banner of labor, medals, including for the partisan of the patriotic war
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of the first degree. streets are named after him many belarusian settlements. in the city of molodechno there is a park and a street named after markov, on which a bust of the hero is installed. the fight against the elements is like natural selection, the strongest survive, the chosen ones are ready to rush into battle to become better, whether their expectations are met, the game will show.


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