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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  June 24, 2024 4:50am-5:35am MSK

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from time to time, guns, we are barons, native people, and evil is with you, with you, my petravor, the layers of our land.
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bright name, glorified by the peoples of the provers union, our beloved mother, give birth, lived forever and in order, our beloved, then go. we have forever living belarus, the strength of the people, the strength of our people is safe, the verbal paths, our mountains are high and clear, it is true. possible joys of the saints, we say
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our bright name to the land, we say our forefathers’ union to the peoples, our beloved mother, model mazhyvitse. belarus, our beloved, matter.
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the election debate mode has been activated in the usa or asel against the elephant, what parties, such symbols? the hysterical neurosis of western tabloids and not only why the russian visit to kinyan and hanoi excited secretary general nat and washington, it’s not the season, there’s hellish heat on earth in southern europe and the middle east, you look around. and we are on the air of tv channels belarus 1 and belarus24. in the studio daria tarasova. hello. the election debate between biden and trump is scheduled to take place next thursday. american politics is built in accordance with the best dramatic examples and the debate will become a real, albeit intermediate, culmination of the presidential campaign. there is no doubt that the tv show will not change anything or practically nothing, and political strategists will quickly determine a new point.
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time and space, in which everything should be decided, but nothing will be decided. in general, the tension will not be allowed to subside until november 5, although it is already obvious that none of the options for the outcome of the american presidential elections will happen. and what will happen, let's try to tell fortunes together, word to oleg romanov: if you look for what is happening in big american politics is the most appropriate definition, then it will be the turnover of lupercalia, well, simply because the highest society of the new world of the president of the united states has less than 5 months left, they will meet, if nothing out of the ordinary happens, two extremely young people, soviet leaders who came to power in the early eighties were sensitive...
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biden managed to speak out about the security situation in the country and the world. if you didn’t understand anything the american president said, don’t worry, it’s not your problem. english is bad, but his... biden also held several public campaign events, which were such a resounding success that he had to be forcibly removed from there, literally tearing him out of the embrace of catalepsy. joe biden's condition seems so bad that people are trying to find rational explanations for his persistence in following the path of the samurai president. the new york post, for example, writes that
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the american leader is simply pretending to be incompetent, because such is the demand, however, the newspaper is focused on the democratic party, and therefore, he expects biden to shake off his feigned stupor, straighten his shoulders and... like ilya muromets, jump off the stove, if there is one in the white house, and, having jumped off, kill trump the robber with a sword, another part of the public believes that the president they have changed the proportions of the face, the earlobes, the nature of the signature, they are carefully studying and confirming the opinion that biden is now completely different from davich, therefore, the one from davich, who was obama’s vice president, and the current one are completely different people, with this is not the king real precisely because, as the authors of this theory believe, the new puppet is easy to control from behind the scenes, of course, nothing is impossible, but we still consider this a completely arrogant conspiracy theory. as for the pretense and secret ilya muromets in the white house, participants in the recent g7 summit shared their impressions with newspapermen. they say, of course, everyone knew that biden was bad, but
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they couldn’t even think that he was that bad. and so the spiteful critics create video clips in which they upload everything that the owner of the white house nakurolet. as a soundtrack, fashionable... the songs are already a bit short, and soon the timing of beethoven's symphonic works will no longer be enough. then tucker carlson comes in and says what everyone is feeling and maybe even thinking, but is not taking the risk of putting it into words. actually, the ability to say that the king has no clothes made carlson the most famous of modern journalists. i think that his real opponent is nature, the natural finitude of human life, and so yes, he is on the verge of death, he is dying. in real time right on our website eyes, the only question is how long will they play out this performance and maintain the semblance of life in this corpse, it is impossible to imagine that he will last long after victory or defeat in the elections, he is of no use to the democratic party , this is a real tragedy.
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no one cares about biden’s fate as a person; if you like, i care about his fate more than his party, because i feel sorry for biden, for his comrades-in-arms he is just a tool, nothing more. by the way, on the eve of the debate. which are due to take place on june 27 are multiplying rumors that biden will withdraw and will nominate one of his associates, vice president haris or michelle, the wife of barack obama, as a candidate. there is even speculation that the american leader will suddenly pass away. in the states, they always knew how to not let events take their course and willingly helped fate do the inevitable or necessary. so kennedy won’t let you lie. god knows, the wait won't be long. the rules of the debate are known and assume that biden and trump will be there.
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extremely incompetent leaders, we have stupid, perhaps the most stupid leaders in the world, from now on we need to introduce checks mental abilities of politicians, conduct iq tests, cognitive tests. be that as it may, polls already give trump a 4-5% advantage over biden. the white house is trying to solve this problem. before the elections, the democrats will try to turn 2 million illegal immigrants into full-fledged americans; half a million have already been amnestied this week, with another 1.5 million on the way. a significant portion of these people will definitely come to the polls and vote properly. the economic situation in the states is not brilliant,
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but not catastrophic either. inflation has subsided, at least statistically. gdp shows albeit small, but steady growth. the debt is growing by 2 trillion a year and is already almost 35 trillion. this, however, plays into the hands of the bidenites. do they have the freedom to spend as much as they want, on whatever they want? and the bills will have to be paid sometime in the future, and definitely not by them. trump. insists that he will make a revolution in domestic foreign policy, first of all he promises to close the borders and send 15 million illegal immigrants to mexico, then send the army to fight the drug cartels. the problem is that the laws don't allow him to do that. allow, and attempts to pass a decision through parliament will be buried in this very parliament. trump also promises to declare a tariff war on china, but this is most likely just a dream. economically, chimmerica is a single organism and sharply. cutting off the chinese from the american would be pure suicide. finally, the republicans vow to immediately stop
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the ukrainian conflict, and transfer nato from self-financing or even dissolve it? indeed, there is a topic tempting crazy people european leaders, some of them have already suffered in the elections, will suffer more, they say that we need to send nato ground troops to ukraine, this is crazy, there are no compelling american interests that would justify nato's direct participation in the conflict. we need someone who will say, stop talking nonsense, there is no direct threat to nato. but big international politics has colossal inertia; it is impossible to change anything in a matter of days. alas, both under biden and trump, the ukrainian conflict will continue, simply because it is too many people need it. the united states has collective leadership, no matter how carefully it is hidden. no new bonaparte is capable of wresting the reins of government from the invisible hands of representatives of the deep state, and least of all this... during the last attempt, his decisions were simply sabotaged by the middle floors of the state apparatus and
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this resistance cannot be overcome in the future. in general, no matter what happens in november, nothing serious will actually happen. the united states will retain its global dominance, the american dollar will remain world currency, 1,500 american bases scattered around the planet will continue to function. yes, there are long-term downward historical trends that do not bode well for states. but these trends are swift and instantaneous on a historical scale; in comparison with human life , they are infinitely long. yes, changes are inevitable ; they are unlikely to be favorable for the states, but they can only be assessed from a distance of 10-20 years. agree, even the most desperate will not give so much to either trump or biden optimist. olek romanov, around the planet. strong irritation in...
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notes the chinese newspaper global times, cooperation between the two countries will cause a migraine for the white house. the ministry of foreign affairs of the republic of korea summoned the russian ambassador to siuli and expressed his protest to him in connection with the conclusion of an agreement between russia and the dprk. secretary of state blinken directly stated that putin’s visit to pyongyang is aimed at developing military-technical cooperation, because washington intends to prevent this. following this, the russian president visited vietnam, anticipating the danger
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loss of its influence, the united states immediately announced the sending of the secretary of state for east asian and pacific affairs there, bloomberg reports. the official reason for the trip was the desire of the united states, quote: to reaffirm its support for an independent, sustainable and prosperous vietnam. a meeting took place in almaty.
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history from generation to generation, in order to prevent the mistakes of the past from being repeated and to strengthen collective immunity against the nazi virus. at the council of foreign ministers of the csto countries, attention was paid to special attention to the organization's future exercises and peacekeeping forces, the peaceful uses of outer space and
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hypersecurity, and the situation in the middle east and north africa. discussions of the peace summit in switzerland do not subside, everything would be fine, but their topic was the failure of the event, but the constantly emerging violations and failures. the head of the ukrainian foreign ministry , kuleba, admitted that the signatures of a number of participating countries were forged, which is proven by a series of revocations of signatures following the summit under the final communication, jordan, iraq, rounda, antigua,
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the train has left and no one will stop it, we are approaching the last opportunity, to reconsider what is happening in ukraine, if the big leaders do nothing soon, we will face a real disaster, no one wants peace, no one doesn’t talk about the world, the world is already as if forbidden. orban, who stated that western countries will continue to send more and more arms money to the war. the house of representatives of the ussr adopted the military budget for 2025, it became the most significant ever history of the country, 895 billion dollars, of which 33
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will be allocated for the implementation of nuclear programs. and 164 for the purchase of new weapons, another 144 billion will be spent on scientific research work on the development of military equipment. now the document must be adopted by the upper house of the us congress. lithuania has come up with no less military troubles. the country's sejm adopted a plan to create a state defense fund. 3% of the country's gdp will be spent on it. funds from... by increasing taxes on the population, primarily on the profits of small enterprises, automobile fuel, cigarettes, alcohol, but most importantly, they will require an additional tax from municipalities with the wording for civil defense needs. already this year it is planned to raise up to 300 million euros; the first
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collections will go, as explained in lithuania, to a worthy reception of the five thousand-strong brigade from germany. who will be the next nato secretary general? all 32 countries of the alliance have agreed on the candidacy of the acting prime minister of the netherlands, ryut, the newspaper writes. the approval of the new secretary general will take place at the july summit in washington. one of ryuta's main tasks there will be an increase in military spending of all nato members to 2% of gdp. at the same time, the netherlands is at this level of rutto. i couldn't get it out. the fine is 700 euros per photo. realities of a free and democratic europe. the kalna court of lithuania appointed a coordinator. international good neighborhood forum, lithuanian activist erika švinčenie was fined for taking a photo with lenin, allegedly threatening public
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order and the security of the country. previously, she had already been fined 150 euros for photographs of the ussr coat of arms and the caption to the post: people should live, not survive. a document was found in germany that provides details of the history of the ursulyfon family. the father of the head of the european commission, ernest albricht, led the state of lower saxony, in the eightieth he pardoned a nazi criminal who was sentenced to eighteen life sentences for participation in massacres. the amnesty was declared due to the poor health of an elderly nazi. albrecht died 8 years later in freedom surrounded by his family, with such a pedigree ursula is still vying for a second term as... the leader european commission. in the spirit of modern european ideology, the police in latvia have been searching for those involved in the heinous
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crime all week. seven passengers of a local bus allowed themselves to sing the song katyusha, an enlightened riga cannot forgive its residents for this. there are cameras, there is fog over the river, it went out. the authorities discovered the corresponding video on tiktok and announced that the capture of the criminals should become a nationwide matter, and any concerned citizen who recognized them should report the villains to the police. passengers the bus is accused of justifying russian aggression and promoting totalitarian ideology; the singer-criminals face not only fines, but
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anti-semitism, persecution for political reasons, as well as manifestations of xenophobia and other motives, glorification of nazism and rabid russophobia. there is an increasingly clear trend towards expanding the powers of law enforcement agencies and intelligence services related to intrusion into the personal lives of citizens in germany, if we compare the country when i arrived here, that is, this turns out to be 25 years ago and today, there is a huge difference. this dynamic - when there is a negative development of the situation with human rights, it is of course very alarming, especially with regard to freedom in...
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now it is actually no longer safe, the latest public opinion polls confirm that many germans are afraid openly express your opinion, fearing some kind of persecution. finland celebrates the expression of words and their thoughts, that is, the manifestation of racism and racial discrimination among law enforcement officials. you know, in finland, like in other countries of the european union and nato, there are a lot of problems. naturally with human rights, direct evidence, of course, is that finland has received a lot of negative verdicts from the european court of human rights. the report devotes 192 pages to ukraine, where nazi criminals and fascist henchmen are being whitewashed, with more than 170 pages taken from the united states. specific examples of how authorities continue to restrict access to
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shelter on... the us-mexico border, the homeless problem has not been solved, indigenous women continue to experience disproportionately high rates of sexual violence, not to mention police brutality and abuse in prisons. when studying country sections, the authors recommend taking into account the fact that these are the states that are actively trying to export democratic and human rights standards, under the guise of universal ones, to indicate to others. on their shortcomings, but in fact interfere with their internal affairs. in the field of human rights , there are still no hints of the intention of western states to abandon a confrontational approach in favor of constructive international cooperation; moreover, the most serious concern is the connivance of these countries with the ideas of racism, the revival of nazism, well, let’s not even talk about chauvinism it’s worth it, it seems to me that it has already reached a literal degree in the west.
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so to speak, state ideology, as the official representative of the russian foreign ministry said, the presentation of the report also scheduled for july 3 and 5 within the framework of the 56th session of the un human rights council in geneva at the osce headquarters in vienna. the west's double standards in the field of human rights risk a complete fiasco in the eyes of the world majority. jan mendelev, around the planet. every minute, 20 people leave their home due to war, persecution or fear for their lives. and the statistics reminded me of world refugee day. today, the number of internally displaced persons in the world has reached 120 million people, which is 1.5% of the world’s population, it was calculated in office of the united nations high commissioner for refugees. from sudan to ukraine, the middle east and myanmar, refugees
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are caught in the border zones in quite brutal ways. they shoot to kill pregnant women and old people. border diplomacy in neighboring poland has already turned into a real death machine. there is no rush to solve the problem of european solidarity policy. and those who build walls, olga davidovich. poland has long been notorious for its cynical, selective attitude towards migrants and refugees. the confrontation in warsaw with brussels on this issue has been going on for a long time. years. the country's authorities categorically refuse to accept refugees arriving from syria from...
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poland will not accept any migrants within the framework of the migration pact. poland has received hundreds of thousands of migrants in connection with the russian-ukrainian war. this is how tusk explained to brussels, and to all eu countries, why he does not intend to follow the migration pact, in fact he once again showed that
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he is. the country is not open to everyone, and the point here is not at all a matter of sympathy for the ukrainians, pure pragmatism, they were in great demand here long before the northern military district. every year poland in need of labor, issued them visas worth a million. of whom almost half were workers, however, recently they have been disliking ukrainians in poland and are planning to take a number of measures to push such migrants out of the country. what can we say about the attitude towards refugees on the belarusian-polish border, where european humanism is manifested in all its glory. we hear daily from asylum seekers about the use of pepper spray against people wishing to apply for international protection, about how they are brutally pushed, kicked, handcuffs. stripped naked and pushed naked onto the belarusian side. you don't have to look far for living proof. this week, polish security forces knocked out the eye of an iranian refugee. according to a local human rights organization, polish soldiers shot the woman in the head.
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according to the refugee, two polish border guards, moreover in baloklavy, opened fire without warning. the iranian citizen is now hospitalized. warsaw , having grown weary, did not react in any way, however, as it did to other atrocities. on the belarusian state border with the eu. almost every month, more and more often lifeless bodies are found among mutilated refugees. we have heard many times from current prime minister donald tusk that security does not exclude humanity. meanwhile, nothing has changed at the border. in fact, the situation not only has not changed, but has worsened. warsaw announced the creation of a buffer zone on the eastern borders of the country and officially began the process of legalizing the use of firearms by border guards. migrants to polish inhabitants.
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this, in my opinion, is more of a show, so that it could our government, say that we are doing something in this area, and throw this stick at the eastern,
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eastern question, because mostly foreigners come to poland, and those illegal immigrants also get through belarus, the main route is, of course, mediterranean sea. there, every year about a million refugees enter the european union, and some of them also end up in poland, but in order to somehow justify their inactions, such resolutions are adopted, they are also needed in order for the population to somehow justify the huge costs, that the majority of migrants choose the balkan routes, spoke last year... the press secretary of the polish border guard anna michalska and cited the corresponding figures, but this, as it turned out, is not an argument at all. germany has once again decided to reproach belarus for the growing flow of migrants. apparently, she decided to divert attention from how she herself solves problems with refugees. eyewitnesses tell
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how german police take an illegal immigrant to poland, and for money. hundreds of migrants have already accumulated in border towns, they they’ll start wherever they have to, populate bus stops, the authorities don’t know what to do with them, they can’t push refugees back to germany. i don’t want to host it, so i have to look for the guilty on the eastern borders, no one thinks about poor people, such are the double standards of european humanity. olga davidovich, around the planet. you are watching a program around the planet on belarus-1 and belarus 24. galactic mood swings. astronomers have shared the first observations of
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a galaxy's color dna changing as a result of awakening black hole at its center. the study began with the unremarkable galaxy sds 1335+0728, located 300 million light years from earth. her biography was analyzed by astrophysicists using ground-based space observatories. over time , the galaxy began to emit a suspiciously large amount of light in the ultraviolet, optical and infrared ranges, and then began to glow with x-ray radiation. the authors of studies from the university of diego portal and in chile explained the star whim, as a rule, such giant monsters sleep and do not shine, all wine and hunger, the galaxy suddenly began to absorb gas and became very noticeable. what else has happened over the past 7 days, what events will not leave you without emotions, about which you will certainly talk about. worth finding out.
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nikita makhodkin has prepared a special selection for you. how north carolinians catch squirrels. predicting who brought a storm of emotions to sports fans? a festival at an altitude of 3,500 and priceless art that comes with a price tag. we will learn about this and more in the coming minutes. what kind of oracles have sportsmen come up with? fans: in recent years , not a single european football championship has been complete without exotic predictors. tapir theo, dog oscar, pig abby and goat, hannes were tasked with predicting the results of key euro 24 matches in german cities. in dortmund , the pet of the local zoo, walter the orangutan, took on a responsible task. last friday he determined the outcome of the german football match. switzerland. the technique is standard.
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the primate had to drink from a bucket under the symbols of one of the teams. whoever chooses first wins. walter is generally one of our most famous pets. many people know him, he generally stands out from the crowd, tall, with a wide face, long hair, but he gained particular popularity when he became a predictor at football championships. walter for several years in a row. correctly guesses all the results, hence the well-deserved fame and success. a show you haven't seen yet: squirrels on water skis, and a toy boat helps them cut through the waves of the pool. after performing tricks, the animals jump straight to their owners, one of the festival hosts entitled perfection of the sand hills, where unusual squirrels amaze the public with their skill... admitted that the idea to teach animals such skills came
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to his father back in the eighties, but after a while the idea grew into a whole section for training squirrels, water riding skiing thousands of tourists flocked to the hemis gompa monastery at an altitude of about 3,500 m above sea level in northern india. the excitement is caused by one of the largest festivals in chiba. perform plays and religious dances for expulsion of evil spirits. the performance represents the victory of good over evil, the main theme of the ritual ceremony of the festival. this is my first time at this festival, i like both the fact that it unites people and the mood with which adults and children come here. i haven’t seen anything like this in the air, we are used to other things, so here i
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like the colors, the music, and the dancing. works by pabla picasso will go under the hammer at sotheby's auction, the estimated price is tens of millions of dollars, a painting by the spanish-french artist of a guitar with red thread is one of the main lots of the upcoming auction. all the works presented are bold and truly appealing to emotions. picasso's appeal continues undiminished; he remains the most highly regarded artist of the twentieth century, the most influential and the most collectible, and this applies both to truly important masterpieces such as this work, and to works on paper, prints, and ceramics. the sodby's evening auction , entitled modernity and relevance, will be held in london on june 25. along with the works an altarpiece by street
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artist jeanne michel basquiat will go under the hammer, as well as some of the works of art by artists such as françoise gelo, yayoi kusama, elizabeth peyton and paola regu. an athlete, a komsomol member and simply a beauty, she grew up in the family of a sea captain and was born in the romanian port of constanta. the dna combines french and english ancestry. in the epilogue of the circus school. dozens of eminent people tried to work under the dome as a tightrope walker angana, a student from the caucasian captive heroin, spontaneity and the ability to drive along serpentine roads won. in shurik's new adventures, the main role performed by the actress was voiced by nadezhda rumyantseva. in the film adaptation of gogol's story , he had to lie in a coffin. the actress's initials are written in the credits of the first soviet horror film - v. date of the week - june 22, 77. honored artist of russia natalya varley turned 77. you looked around the planet.
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what categories of belarusian goods? most in demand?
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