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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  June 24, 2024 8:50am-9:01am MSK

8:50 am
praised by jesus chrystus, dear brothers and sisters, at chrysce, beloved tv presenters, today we honor the honor of saint john chrysciel. this magical name yang means pan and affection. jan chrystsitsel. otherwise, he would like to work on this task, so that jesus grows up, and he himself is remembered. it’s not fun to shepherd the death of your old father, ian, who will be a dzitsem, hell of the holy divine servant, which could be shepherded by his old father, and his life in the desert. here on the market for more than 20 years, in tsalkavytay ўbogastі, in the atmosphere of malіtva i...
8:51 am
together with the gods, we reveal god’s words. the prophet john chrystsitsel had a mission in 26-27 ad. he not only learns and insists, but also tries to keep up. jan khrystsitsel is not only abvjastsіў abvíastsіў ab khíkіm pryshestі christ, but also the great preacher of the gospel. holy. the first, written story is dedicated to the ascribed birth of jesus himself, and takes place in the first section of the gospel of st. luke. or, on the other hand, yana’s position is taking up extraordinary months in the history of illness. yong
8:52 am
the article seems to be a metaphor for two commandments: old and new. jan, 6 months old for jesus. make sure to teach yourself and teach yourself like an ancient prophet. only ian, at the age of hell, the prophet of the old testament, is not only an absolute relief, but also a specific indication of this to people. adnak yan. khristitsel was not in trouble. i will suffer an earlier death. and only the learned muggles were witnesses of christ’s power over death. everything that was written by the great john chrystsitsel in the new zapavets is not safe from jesus khrista. saints john not only refers to his father, but also to his own person, as well as to his month and son. bozhaga. dzyakuyuchy getama, jan
8:53 am
hrystsіtsel z'yaўlyaetstsa uzoram for the skin of the hrystsіyanin, like the sun, recognizing hryst, wanting to abvyaščatsi i svedchyts ab іm. brothers and sisters, how can we, the present-day christians , learn from our christian zeinascy hell of the prophet? at jan chrystsitsel, at the first chargu, we can learn how to be pa'.
8:54 am
the calibre is that which is naughty, demoralizing, scattering and forgetting. may daragiya, at that moment, kali yan akhrystsіў esus, the pit closed the secret identity of christ as the son of god, and he becomes known. assembling the newlywed yana was the first to confess to being unprepared for the slaves of chryst. as a student of jesus, do not bother anyone with yourself, remember, in order to surrender to dear jesus, this is an important lesson that jan chrystsitsel gives us. yago shepherd declared himself to be a spiritual egg and a spiritual mother, so as not to send jesus to anyone. varta zvyarnuts uvagu yashche na adzin aspect. jan chrystsitsel s extraordinary. paslyadoўnasstyu
8:55 am
padchreslevіva, that's why we're saving comes only from jesus christ. everything that can be worked and can be worked with. only then, when it comes to connection with the sustrechy of may, our vartas and sense, and also meetings with christ. yan expressed adchuva, that the pakul yesus did not go away, everything that the chalavek can do, if you get out of it, it will be ineffective, and also the same dates. and us, who have long shepherded the harvest of jesus. our disciples cannot save us unless we have an ill-fated living connection with jesus christ. the little thing will not save us if we do not give up on him.
8:56 am
hadzhenne ў kascel do not raise us if we are not we will sustrakatsa with him at the sacramantas and adaratsi. if you don’t rescue us, we will die. this month will be a struggle and a confession, unless we give up our work and naming, and our marriageable zeynism will not raise us up, unless we respect pan and the poor people. remember, only yesus saves us, and so don’t stop reminding us of jan chrystsitsel’s post. at jan chrysciel's we can do everything. vuchytstsa vernastsi yesusa da kantsa. in different struggles of faith, in different troubles and sorrows, saint john can be ours intercessors and guardians. there we do not forget to celebrate and get the saint in order
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to break away from the pure and deep faith of jesus, to be a witness to the pure love and people. servant. tamnіtsy ednasti, narrowing and sami, and also the faithful disciples of christ and berry lights. pope benadykt, who was revered by the saint john chrystsitsel, wrote 16 verses, which is what he told the papiars of jesus. pra yago tsudoўnaya zachatstse abvyashchae anel maryi is a sign that there is nothing magical about god. for the past year and vyalikaga tsudu, what do you give us? zbaullenne, yadnanne god from the chalaveks is the day of the holy spirit. the chapters of the gospel fall on the throne with great significance in the person of jan chrysciel, like a prophet, like the completed old
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commandments and the unveiled new ones. pointing to jesus of nazareth, as to the messiah and son of god. yesus himself budze gavaryts pra yana is factual. the geta is the one in whose right hand it was written. i'll send you a favor to you, maygo anela, please give me a gift to taba. sapraudy, i tell you, i say yesus. there was no big step for jan chrystsitsel from the people of the people. ale naymensh u valadarstvo thank you so much for iago. daraghi. syabry, the most holy dzeva marya , the oldest svayachtsy elzbetse, kalita nasila v ulonna yana, the celebrant of christ. let us know that
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the inheritance of jesus christ, the son of god, is faithful to each of us, as christ was the abbot of the great pakoray and ancestral ruble. the highest name. it’s a sunny day, and there haven’t been many of them in our country, because the name jan is very popular among us, i wish for all of us to become saints, because the holiness of this particular life is the punishment of god. on let us be the most important information of christ and the gospel, i bless you. the name is aitza and the son and the holy spirit. amen.
9:00 am
live news to belarus 1. in the studio sergey lopanitsin, good morning, watch this episode. the counter-terrorist operation was completed in makhachkala and derbent, six militants were neutralized, and three days of mourning were declared in the region.


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