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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  June 24, 2024 5:05pm-5:35pm MSK

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but at the same time, the risks have increased, the vast majority of the population, we need to teach them the basics of our own information security so that they feel safe in those new realities. there is always a threat, the internet, the darknet, someone always wants to make money on this, criminals have a variety of ways to involve young people there. in the digital world , everything leaves digital traces; if you delete information about yourself in one place, it will be saved in another place, this information can... be picked up, analyzed, you can earn money once, maybe you won’t even earn money and go to prison, we develop critical thinking, we don’t believe everything that they say, we believe some objective things, the project, don’t be silent, don’t miss new episodes on the belarus 24 tv channel, secrets, good morning and good mood, good morning belarus on the satellite tv channel belarus 24 program.
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running and training, like rain, sunshine, sunshine, and how our life is based on these fragments, we want to look at these light for everyone, and cover our skin it’s not new for us, it’s so good for us, because we work for it with anyone, with anyone and belarus, this city is not inferior in area to minsk, said the polish writer and researcher jan mairkiewicz, and french travelers once, on the contrary, considered this place a large village, which is called a city. our distant ancestors cleared
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trees, built huts, and uprooted plots. this is a city of real workers, strong and independent. we're in trouble, welcome. a small town on the drud river is located practically on the border of the mogilev and vitebsk regions, it attracts with its originality and special flavor. today , just over 10 thousand people live here; tolochin arose on the territory of the powerful druze principality. we begin our journey from the place where the history of the city began.
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once this place was superior to vitebsk and was equal in size to minsk, as historians say. the largest trade route from voryak to the greeks also passed here. and today it is a small cozy village called drutsk. the grand duke's settlement was part of composition of polotskaya land. for the right to be on the throne in due time. the minsk and drut princes fought, saw these lands and vladimir manomakh, who first mentioned the place in his teaching in 1078 and the hero of the word about igor’s regiment, igor svetoslavovich. trutsk is mentioned nine times in the ubatiev chronicle. polodsk - 10, minsk - 8, and vitebsk - six. it turns out that the name of the grand duke's settlement appears in the most ancient chronicles, as often as one. from the most ancient
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cities of belarus, i suspect that not accidentally. the ancient settlement of drutsk is a unique archaeological monument, the only place in the country where there are completely... excavations. they sailed from byzantium . not a single confirmation that drutsk had extensive trade relations with kiev,
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the baltic states, smolensk and byzantium was found during numerous archaeological ships, from the scandinavian countries, there was extensive trade, they brought and... lavender oil, rose oil, well, for example, yes, and then some kind of wood, for example, sandalwood, which local jewelers made various jewelry with druzka was exported, furs, timber, and honey were exported, and many wanted to own druzka, since it was a large trading point. this is not the only information preserved about the powerful principality that stood at the source of belarusian statehood. and archaeologists believe that drutsk existed several decades earlier than the news that appeared about it in the chronicle. and it is not surprising that here in 1001 one of the first, and perhaps even the very first, christian temple on the polotsk land was founded. unfortunately, images of the wooden cathedral of the holy
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mother of god, located on this site, have not survived to this day. the temple itself over time repeated the fate of drusk, which stood on these lands in the 11th-12th centuries. an impregnable fortress, and then completely disappeared, but the rich history of the tolochin region remained, with its main milestones, we will definitely get acquainted. we are heading to tolochin along the old road, which once connected st. petersburg with kiev, but now leads to mogilev. my attention was drawn to the buildings located near... routes, at the same distance. most likely, this is a customs or border post, which was located on the old ekaterinsky tract. in those days, such brick structures were installed on postal routes so that travelers could more easily navigate
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the terrain. postal stations in drutsk and tolochin were founded in 1708 by the last tsar of all russia and the first all-russian emperor peter ii. at the same time, for the first time , due attention was paid to road construction, signs and border markers began to be installed pillars, and this became a necessity because tolochin simultaneously belonged to two different states; this happened after the first partition of the polish-lithuanian commonwealth, when the border of the city passed along the trud river, the eastern part went to the russian empire, the western part to poland. customs in tolochin was opened in 178
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and we will break the established tradition. the city was first mentioned in written sources in 1433. it was owned by various princely families, but it reached greater prosperity in the 17th century under the reign of the lion sapieha. military leader, thinker and diplomat, had he had his own residence here and built several iconic objects. it is known that the chancellor of the grand duchy of lithuania was born in the orthodox church. among his relatives are metropolitans, archbishops and priests. leo from opega, as a man of a broad soul, gave them monasteries not only on the territory of belarus and in russia. then, under the influence of the reformation, he became a protestant and later converted to catholicism.
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editors club. wasting effort on knocking on a door that is locked, uh-huh, there’s no point, but there are enemies there, both the president and the president i went to where the door was open.
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getting to know belarusian enterprises and the outstanding results of their work. this is a very interesting job, because when we come to work in our department, and in other departments, we are constantly doing something. we implement, we are constantly developing something, when it is still released it turns out that the consumer also makes his choice in our favor, this is such pride and such happiness as you cannot imagine from the manufacturer. an approach to business that everyone should strive for. what is vinegar production? this is actually honest speaking, such a specialty is the most responsible people in the enterprise. work for me is joy, it is pleasure and results, it is stability, confidence for tomorrow.
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svyatopokrovsky convent in the style of vilna boroka, the architectural pride of this region. in 1604, lev sapieha built a wooden church here, a school and a hospital, and the new owner of the city of sangushka , a century and a half later, founded a basilian monastery with a residential complex and a temple, which was for some time uniad, and later became orthodox.
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started in 2004. this stone iconostasis, rare for belarus, contains not just a whole historical era, but a piece of the soul of every parishioner. local families donated money for some icons, pilgrims donated money for others, in general, as they say, from the world at a time. the most ancient icon of the mother of god of belynichi. the shrine is located here more. 100 years. in via tolochin station. people stopped him,
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in 1812 there was a religious procession from the village of belynichi to save the icons, they brought them into the temple and left them here for preservation. and only after decades the shrine took its place of honor on the church wall. the uniqueness of the icon is that it was updated independently. the more prayers people said in front of her, the brighter she became over the years. this is a place of gaining strength. the tolochin land has seen dozens of healings, hundreds of happy human faces and eyes. and words of gratitude are heard here constantly. there are no fewer tourists in the monastery than in the polotsk st. sophia cathedral or the carmelite church in deep. next to the church there is a two-story residential building, unremarkable in appearance , if you don’t delve into history. certainly. the bridge over the berezina near borisov was destroyed. this is exactly the news that
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napoleon bonaparte received when he was in this building on the second floor on the night of november 22-23, 1812. and the french emperor had no choice but to burn all the archives of the army. according to some historical data, among the artifacts consigned to the fire were the battle banners of the famous army. and also their most valuable and revered elements, the pommel, made in the form of bronze eagles. in general, napoleon was very fond of gold, he ate it.
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became a famous singer-producer, people's artist of russia, philip kerkorov. people also often come to the tolochin monastery to drink healing water. she enters this chapel from under the altar. water is perfectly
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stored, this is a fact, even after months and years it remains fresh and does not lose its taste. the second vein of the act. it is necessary to immerse yourself in the holy spring completely with your head, this is the only way, according to the clergy, a person can wash away all the evil spirits, but i kind of understand, due to my profession , i unfortunately can’t do this right now, but still, i’ll take advantage of the situation, i only wash my feet. by the way, the water temperature in all the underground saints... both in winter and in summer is the same, in this particular one + 4° celsius. immersion in the spring is not the only tradition in the holy place. tourists, as a rule, do not leave the holy monastery without a loaf of monastery bread. irina nikolaevna, we were in a hurry to come to you, we wanted
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to see the process of preparing this culinary masterpiece, they say that it is better to see once than to hear 100 times. bread and how does it end? we begin where the manufacturing process itself begins , every working day with prayer, here we have a sifter, each batch of flour is sifted for each dough, notice the sifted flour.
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all with work experience, former employees of the bakery after all: flour, water, yeast, salt and lighted water, no added flavorings, the secret of baking is actually simple, the main thing is to knead the dough with good thoughts and a good mood, see how fluffy the dough is, loosened, the monastery leadership has far-reaching plans for... on on the territory of the complex , a refectory will soon appear; future muralists will be decorating it; the guys work 12 hours a day. hello, sasha, hello, tell me what you do, i help the guys, everything is simple in principle, that is, take the fear, apply it, if you don’t, you can try, let’s
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try, you do this on a voluntary basis, as i understand, if other guys doing practice, you... a volunteer, yeah, how did this happen, why did you decide to join? well i'll get better at this temple, that is, to help, this place is truly unique, it was not difficult for me to help, that is, the guys are good, it’s nice to help them. with god's help, mother anfisa is sure, the monastery will turn into a spiritual and educational center. there will be cells, a house church, a small hotel, a conference hall and a cafe for pilgrims. they are planning to create a special museum in the room where napoleon bonoparte spent the night. the museum has many exhibits, ranging from ancient bricks to...
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we will introduce you to those arriving on the territory our country, they have many interesting stories behind them. and when i started working, i started working, i had the feeling that i was in the vatican, a kind of state within a state, with its own clear structure, each commander. unit, during the existence of the honor guard company, he contributed something of his own, now we continue to live the traditions and are ready
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to surprise again again, what is the work of concertmasters, it is shadowy at first glance, as if not visible, each unit commander is a choreographer of his own, which consistently builds one or another...
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even if necessary, and the president said this, even with our lives, we are obliged to protect all our values, all our achievements. markov’s project is nothing personal, watch it on the belarus 24 tv channel. we are a pioneer on the street. formerly tatar. who owned the building previously is an open question. some believe that this was the residential house of the owner of the glass factory, isaac merlis. others are sure that
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the building previously belonged to the zarechno-tolochinsky land bank. and in either case, the building does not cease to be a unique architectural monument of the late 19th century. uniform buttons of soldiers of the french and russian army. pistol, fragments. buckshot bullet cores. it seems to me that our film crew discovered traces of the great campaign of the great army. and this region is famous not only for military operations. the main collection of the museum contains more than 10,000 exhibits. the exhibition has several halls. ethnography, exhibition, historical, hall of nature, ancient history. the latter contains finds from burial mounds. tools, arrowheads, knives. locks, keys, elements of decoration of that time. in kurkan burial grounds, archaeologists discovered women's jewelry brought from egypt and byzantium.
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only women from noble classes, who knew very well the value of money, could afford such dazzling beauty in the dark. this is confirmation that the izvoryak waterway to the greeks still passed nearby. here is an explanation of another version. city ​​names. tolcheya means a lively trading settlement. historical data confirms, indeed, since the 17th century several fairs were held here every year. tolochin, like any city, is famous primarily for its people. here the people's artist of the ussr, hero of belarus mikhail savitsky appeared. this land gave the world such people.
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let's return to historical realities. in the war of 1812, another tolochin church, a catholic one, owes its revival. as i already said, the war between the russian and french empires completely devastated tolochin and destroyed architectural buildings. of course, the ancient church was no exception, but only later. insufficient, work was suspended for a long time. unfortunately, material assistance was provided. in 1848, a committee was created to raise the necessary funds, and after 5 years the construction was completed. until the 1930s, the church
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was a parish church. after the great patriotic war, the building housed a weaving workshop, a furniture store, a weighing workshop, and a granary. later it was partially repaired, and in 1993 the church was returned to the believers. the temple was named after the preacher and one of the most famous franciscans, anthony of poduana. saint considered a miracle worker of the highest degree of perfection. the italians even have a humorous saying, too... much mercy, o saint anthony, this is what they say when they receive more than they want, to such an extent that this more gives the opposite result. in addition to churches, the city has well-preserved brick buildings from the late 19th and early 20th centuries. most of them are also the heritage of the slavinskys, who owned the city before the revolution. right now we are heading to a place that also belonged
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to famous landowners. and here is our main one landmark: fire station. and, as far as i know, the fire department in the city has always been at its best. on the central square there once stood a tower with a signal bell; at that time there were two teams working in the city - state and voluntary. but now we’re not talking about firefighters. we are on the territory of a landscape architecture monument. this is all that remains of the picturesque manor park of the late 19th and early 20th centuries. joseph polier. why this name? but because this place belonged to jozef slavinsky. and, by the way, the park was not far from the family estate it served as excellent protection from the wind. the landscape park was founded in 1890. no.
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they live in the alley, and the daughters of talachynka are like lilies, pickled with flowers, eternally frozen, they are probably first of all in love with their work, because it’s not for nothing that tolochin is called a city of workers. veb sergeevna, hello!


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