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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  June 24, 2024 9:00pm-9:45pm MSK

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this is a panorama, summing up the main results of the day, the calendar shows monday june 24th. the main goal is to move forward together, among the tasks is to increase cooperation in trade turnover. promising projects with the leningrad region were discussed at the palace of independence. the barbaric terrorist attacks in
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dagestan, the inhumane attack on sevastopol, alas, the death toll has increased. eurosoldier borel has already officially proposed sending european military personnel to ukraine. militarization is reaching a dangerous point. see also in our issue. skora forum regions of belarus and russia, the governor of the leningrad region is already with the president. we'll tell you the details of the negotiations. exemplary collaboration across a wide range of areas. the head of the russian foreign ministry arrived on an official visit to minsk. details of the meeting of the foreign ministers of belarus and russia in a panorama. asia is getting louder and louder in the international arena. how does this fastest growing region of the planet live? who is called the new asian tiger? the clear policy project continues its long journey. let's look after the panorama. 30 aircraft in
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sky over the zaslavsky reservoir from belarus and russia. the first training session of the airborne part of the parade took place today. we will tell you the results, as well as how the pilots prepared, in a panorama. the most ancient city of belarus, polotsk, met today the participants of the memory train project. what was the program filled with and what impressions did the guys have? let's share the details. the vitebsk region is preparing to host the forum of regions of belarus and russia. russian governors are already gathering with us. a busy negotiation marathon will take place in the coming days. alexander lukashenko was the initiator of this format of interaction with russia, which has always brought and continues to bear fruit for countries. the leader’s personal attention to each subject of the federation makes it possible to find more common mutually beneficial projects. and today in the palace of independence. alexander lukashenko
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held a meeting with the head of the leningrad region. everything that was agreed upon in the work, we are ready to move forward together, increasing industrial scientific potential, and most importantly, strengthening technological sovereignty. natalya breus will continue. for this in just one year, drazdenko came to belarus twice; the scope of cooperation obliges the head of the leningrad region to visit often, out of a dozen of his visits.
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leningradskaya can easily boast of such active trade with our country. two years ago we agreed to reach a billion-dollar trade turnover, it is almost there. according to forecasts, 2024 will be a record year for us and leningraders, but this is definitely not the ceiling. i think that we need to talk today, maybe about 2 billion. there must be flows, we will find such options, all the more so there will be there is a serious opportunity to increase this trade turnover. we have always had problems with the transportation of goods, we have finally started restoring the railways, which in soviet times were capable of handling probably one and a half to two times more cargo, we will restore these roads this year and there will be no problems transportation of goods in the northern direction, especially since we have begun building our own ports in your region, including in murmansk.
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and without you there is no way to get there, so i i think that we can overcome this two-billion-dollar milestone in the next five-year period for sure, our main goal is to move forward, together. increasing industrial, scientific potential and, most importantly, strengthening technological sovereignty, which we talk about so much today, we were just a little short of 934, well, almost 935 million us dollars in turnover, but aleksanevich, in the first 5 months we have an increase of more than 23%, then it is clear that this figure will be overcome, and this is not because we have nowhere to retreat behind minsk. moscow, yes, but because we really we see how the pace is increasing, and it is absolutely correct that we are constantly expanding the range of cooperation. the leningrad region has taken up large-scale gasification, including the construction of new boiler houses and gas pipelines and the purchase of necessary equipment. we have
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experience in this area and our partners’ proposals are completely satisfactory. as guests will say, they are very competitive, and at the same time they are developing infrastructure there. are engaged in construction services and supply of materials, are interested in participating in large-scale projects, and not only they, our manufacturers here already know it quite well. when selecting elevator equipment, the choice settled on mogilev elevators, for the best price-quality ratio. our
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builders, for example, were responsible for drilling piles and constructing key structures of the vysotsky grain terminal; one might say, they were working on a solid foundation for future grain exports. construction with a quality mark is our brand. negotiations recently took place with the northern construction administration, which is the general contractor for the construction of power units three and four leningrad nuclear power plant. our specialists have begun working on supplying a wide range of building materials and other products there; i know that there is a demand for unique builders, who we have trained with russian help.
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support, by the way, the president, right during the meeting, gave the command to the government of the leningrad region to provide assistance and support in this matter. the region became one of the first to date the purchase of our agricultural machinery from the budget; they trust and check it in action. our tractor-harvesters have proven themselves well in the fields. the president will remind you that the range of belarusian cars is much wider. in the industrial sector, we will be able to participate in the replacement of competencies.
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there we will sign several documents with our partners, we still cooperate with the brest, and mogilev, and vitebsk, and minsk regions, and it is with the brest region that we will sign a new cooperation agreement, we have brought entire delegations, one of the deputies who oversee transport reform, we talked today about the fact that, within the framework of transport reform, we will need to buy a large volume of buses and small high-capacity ones, i was surprised that alexandrevich knows very well what is happening in the leningrad region, he said that i know that a reform of the road industry is taking place, it has already been completed, i say yes , and we want to start working together with road companies in belarus, including we have a large purchase of equipment, from 500 to 700 units, and here we also count on help and support, so in all these areas my during the forum, the deputies will
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work with their belarusian colleagues. the ground for the forum of regions is being prepared by a joint commission on cooperation, so far all ideas have been monetized as a standard; by the way, it proposes to strengthen mutual... relations with the leningrad region in national currencies ; this will be an example for others. a program of action has been written with the region, they adhere to it, but they are ready to see each other’s strengths and use them. for the common benefit. natalya breu, svetlana lukyanyuk, anton malyuta and alexander oleshka, agency tv news. president of belarus alexander lukashenko, on behalf of the people and himself, expressed his most sincere condolences to russian president vladimir putin in connection with a series of barbaric terrorist attacks in dagestan, the victims of which were law enforcement officers and civilians. we strongly condemn the inhumane attacks on religious sites, the purpose of which was to intimidate. people, sow panic and mistrust in each other, disrupt the interfaith peace and harmony that
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has existed for centuries in friendly dagestan. in this difficult time, i wish you courage fortitude to the relatives of the victims to survive the irreparable loss, as well as a speedy recovery for the victims. the head of state expressed his conviction that all those responsible for committing this serious crime will be identified and will receive a well-deserved punishment, the condolences say. the pain and horror of the dramatic terrorist attack in the crocus shopping center had not yet subsided when russia was shocked by two criminal planned actions at once, attacks by radical militants on churches and a synagogue in dagestan and shelling by american missile attack from sevastopol. numerous experts are of the opinion that these two dramatic events - one chain - sow fear and provoke panic. the terrorist attack in dagestan was recognized as the largest in russia over the past 10 years, the attack was carefully
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planned, the radicals were divided into two groups, some attacked makhachkala, at the same time two militants staged an attack in derbent, acted synchronously, two orthodox churches, a synagogue, and a traffic police post were attacked , as a result, 15 law enforcement officers were killed, as well as five civilians, when already we went down and got the first thing: a hand grenade. as for the terrorist attack in dagestan, here , of course, their curators in london were hiding behind the backs of international terrorist structures, so in general we...
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the american ambassador was told that the united states had actually become a party to the conflict, supplying the ukrainian armed forces with weapons that were used to attack russia. yesterday, the ukrainians attacked the city beach, five dead, three children, two adults, five atacama missiles were equipped with cluster warheads, which emphasizes terrorist.
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terrorist attack in sevastopol. the double terrorist attack that was carried out on russia, on russian cities, on civilians, of course, this is interconnected with. events, directors and organizers should be looked for in washington and london. with all the differences in events, however, we understand perfectly well that in the first case, the attack on the beach in sevastopol was carried out by the ukrainian armed forces using american long-range atacoms missiles, target designation and reconnaissance support operations were carried out by
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americans. in memory of the victims of the bombing , spontaneous memorials appeared in sevastopol. people bring flowers, toys, light candles. today is a day of mourning here, and until further notice, a state of emergency is in effect in the city. elizaveta kazakova, daria belausova-petrovskaya, mikhail drugakov, television news agency. and it turns out that two coordinated terrorist attacks occurred just after the successful visits of the russian president to north korea and vietnam. western press. yes, exactly how political elites simply became feverish; the struggle for a sphere of influence turned out to be not so simple. the americans have not yet gotten involved in the conflict directly, indirectly, indirectly, through the supply of weapons, but they are still participating in it. the degree of tension is growing every day of the protracted conflict. the supply of long-range missiles, which
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struck sevastopol, is clear evidence of undisguised aggression. he shared this opinion with us. political scientist, professor at moscow state university, andrey manoila. the strike on sevastopol was carried out by akams missiles, which are capable of flying at distance up to 300 km. and all the previous modifications that the americans supplied to ukraine were atacamas, which flew a maximum of 150 km. and in this regard , the americans supply this kind of weapons, knowing full well that a significant part of these missiles will fly across the territory of the russian federation. according to the civilians who live there, the americans are actually waging an undeclared hybrid war against the russian federation, against the union state as a whole, but before a direct clash, even if there is one step left, no one has taken this step yet, that is , if the americans and the russian federation collide, but it will be a nuclear war, this is
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what the american leadership apparently fears. leadership, but the americans are apparently not afraid enough, because they are so frivolous that they are making this line that separates the people of our countries from direct armed conflict more and more thin. the council of europe adopted the fourteenth package of sanctions against russia, among restrictions, including a ban on the transit of russian lng. through european ports. belarus and russia will respond asymmetrically to these steps of the west. this was stated by the heads of the diplomatic departments of our countries today at a meeting in minsk. yana mendeleva has all the details. exemplary collaboration across a wide range of areas. through the years. negotiations between the heads
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of the foreign ministries of belarus and russia took place in the capital. sergei lavrov's visit to our country is timed to coincide with the anniversary.
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we stand back to back in the fight against unprecedented political, economic, and now military pressure from the collective west. sergei oleynik expressed sincere condolences in connection with the numerous victims as a result of the terrorist attack in dagestan, stressing that minsk has always remained close to moscow, in sorrow and joy. belarusian-russian interaction has acquired an unprecedented character in recent years. at all levels, presidents set the tone. this quote from sergei lavov appeared in many media today. special attention devoted to the topic of forming a single space of the union state. in the areas of defense and security, they noted that the solution to this task is facilitated by the joint regional grouping of forces deployed on the territory of the republic, as well as
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modern russian defense systems and tactical nuclear weapons, which reliably cover our common western borders in accordance with the decisions that were made presidents of the two countries, analyzed the progress of work on draft security concepts.
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this time in the spotlight of asia, what lives this is the fastest growing region of the planet, and who is called the new asian tiger, exclusive interviews and places where there have not yet been cameras from belarusian tv channels, a new series of the project, clear politics, a great journey, watch right after the panorama, the next point on the map... asia at once three countries - indonesia, vietnam and laos. i highly appreciate the prospects of belarus,
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i believe that trade turnover with vietnam can increase significantly. colonialism began in indonesia, but it ended here. we burned our cities to keep them out dutch. belarus produces some goods that we don’t have, my parents rode a minsk motorcycle, we made money on it. in laos they know
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the belarus tractor and the minsk motorcycle. we really need the support of both governments and presidents. we cannot ignore the potential of the ias region. in vietnam. we do not support sanctions, indonesia is an agricultural country, there are a lot of farmers here, they need equipment, a piece of belarus in large hypermarkets of a huge country, very good, we understand that belarus is good in the production of dairy products, this is the president's chocolate, you have it. what other countries don’t have, and take care,
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preparations for independence day are in full swing, today the first air training of the air part of the parade took place, several dozen ships on the zaslavsky reservoir practiced all the elements that will be presented on july 3 over minsk, belarusian aviators are represented by a powerful team , this is 11. open mi-8 mtv-5 helicopters with national, armed forces and air force flags. both the altitude and flight speed of these machines small so that spectators can see
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all the beauty of the flight. this year , mi-35 helicopters will fly at the parade for the first time. these vehicles entered service with the fiftieth mixed air base in august last year. in total , there are 30 aircraft of the belarusian air force in the sky over the zaslavsky reservoir. an-26 transport aircraft, yak-130 combat trainers, sud-25 attack aircraft and su-30 sm fighters. the training is completed by an il-76 flight.
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and no, a positive work attitude, and i say again, participation in parades, in such events dedicated to such, especially dates, they are always honorable and the responsibility is very high. i will also add that russian knights and swifts will take part in the parade; aerobatic teams of aces should arrive in our country tomorrow. more than 650 people at the parade are represented only from our branch of the armed forces, but the fact is that the armed forces of our close fraternal states are participating. this gives us significance, probably, confidence in the correctness of the decision made, but in fraternal relations, that is, we are always ready to jointly carry out tasks to protect peace in our territories countries training for the parade is the first, but i note that our aviators have plenty of experience, the best of the best are at the controls, i will add such maneuvers for the pilots not only as a colorful show, but also as an element of preparing for real combat
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work. all the parade crews can be seen in the sky over minsk on june 27 this thursday, well, at the dress rehearsal. alexander kamovich and alexey youth, television news agency. participants in the memory train project were met today in polotsk, the first stop was the memorial to the victims of fascism, the pesi tract. during the war it was located here fascist overpowering camp for soviet prisoners of war dulak-102. how the sun
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pierced that day. clouds and illuminated granite slabs with the names of the dead. in polotsk , the urochishche peski memorial became the first point on the route of the memory train. before the war , a pine forest grew on this empty square, but in the fall of '41 all the trees were cut down, the territory became a killing field. during the war , there was a german resettlement camp for soviet prisoners of war, dulak-125. at one point , graves were being dug at one end of the field, and people were being buried at the other. it came to what. due to inhuman conditions , up to 200 people died a day, most of the prisoners of war died in the first winter, that is, out of 15,000 , 12,000 did not survive the first winter, in the fall people were simply kept on the street, that is, they slept on the street, ate on the street, in total more than 40,000 soviet citizens remained forever in the sands of this land. during the period of occupation, the german invaders destroyed about 150,000 prisoners of war and
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residents of polotsk; through a touching performance, participants in the memory train witnessed the tragic events. they are like that they played well, that you really felt all the emotions that they, in fact, wanted to convey to us. and the women cried and you look at your peers, they are also crying, and you don’t understand how cool, how cool it is that the generation now also understands the severity of that time and is grateful to their ancestors. brave are the exploits of our ancestors, who sacrificed themselves so that we could have peace. my grandfather on my father’s side fought in world war ii, he reached austria and fought in the liberation of vienna, when the germans retreated, they moved him leg, because of this he became disabled, but i am proud of him, right in this place where the fascists once committed chaos and destroyed, in fact, carried out genocide of our
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peoples. it became a very emotional point for the guys; coordinators, curators, adults, counselors, today could not hold back their tears, because the production was so deep, which allows the children to immerse themselves. understand what it was like to have a break in life in a peaceful country at that time, there are not only memorable places on the train route, in the polotsk program for cis youth and cadet school of rescue efrasenyevsky monastery. this place is fascinating in its history because those historical icons and people who believe in it have been preserved there. it was very interesting, and for me, as a person who comes from a fairly religious orthodox family, it was very important to get to this place, to touch history, and also.
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an organ music concert took place. on such a solemn note, the fourth day of the journey to the cradle of belarusian statehood ended. tomorrow, according to the plan, it will be a different country. elizaveta senyak and maxim are in touch lviv. and we moved on. the remains of civilians who died at the hands of the punishers during the great patriotic war. today they were buried in the khoiniki region. the burial place near the village of vit at that time gnoev remained unknown for many years. upon careful study of archival documents, a version emerged that there may be remains of representatives of the roma nationalities in the ground. during
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the excavations, searchers found coins, fragments of shoes, household items and women's jewelry. they confirmed the version of the people's nationality. november the day of the forty-second year turned out to be a civilian one.
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evidence of the inhuman torture of belarusians by the fascists, large-scale work to restore historical justice continues. 80 years ago, precisely in these days, thanks to the offensive operation bagration, we decisively got rid of the fascist occupiers. on june 24, 1944, soviet troops from several sides launched an attack on bobruisk. wehrmacht group of several tens of thousands of people. among which the striking force of the ninth army is surrounded, the lid of the bobruisk boiler closes. from donetsky, election to pero. june 24, 1944.
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the first belarusian front begins an attack on bobru.
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another red line, budapest will continue to block the allocation of 6.5 billion euros from the european peace fund to kiev until discrimination in that country stops. throws into the information field, the allegedly aggressive behavior
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of migrants precisely on the border with belarus, a new propaganda team being deployed, the price of the issue is 2.5 billion dollars, this is how much occupied warsaw will need to strengthen the borders of your militant state from russia and belarus. according to the polish ministry of defense, the project is planned to be completed by 2028, while the regime naturally wants to ...
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foreigners go to belarus not only to stay, but to live. recently , four german families moved to the belarusian outback, bishinkovichi district. they lead their daily lives and develop the tourism potential of the place. enterprising foreigners built an eco-trail, one and a half kilometers long, and a house made of environmentally friendly materials in a village in the vitebsk region. pure materials, which residents of germany, the netherlands, russia, and the usa already know firsthand. and the life of the germans who...
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transportation of children for students in rural areas is organized, there are 10 school buses, among the topical issues is also the solution of personnel issues and targeted training of specialists, upcoming innovations in the education system were also discussed. key innovations could be to enable local executive authorities to make decisions on the use of existing bus fleets for delivery children's sports, cultural events, social and political events.
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we are modernizing the sports ground of secondary school number one, which will be completed in the near future, this is also funding provided to us by the region, we do not stand still. the educational institutions themselves through non-budgetary activities, they earn money through various types of their activities, this money we we also use it for routine repairs and cosmetic repairs in educational institutions, the work has been completed. summer health camp, in which 31 children recovered their health, from
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today we are in full swing preparing for the new school year, of course we are not doing anything global, we did not plan this year, since publications are inside the building, our classes, our offices , they have been preserved, we have been working on this for a year, so that we have order, so that we do not re-paste the wallpaper, say, every year, that’s why we touch up the paint somewhere, during a working trip to the vitebsk region, igor sergeenko paid attention and fire safety, a positive trend over the past 2 years in sharkov. there were no victims of the fire in the region. now the emphasis is on fire prevention, informing people, and raids in the private sector. a patriotic bike ride took place in minsk. the action was joined by 150
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participants, representatives of the organization of enterprises in the leninsky, central and partizansky districts of minsk. in the navigator, mass graves, monuments dedicated. feat of the heroes of the great patriotic war. the youth of the minsk tractor plant are not in takes part in bicycle rides for the first time, for our enterprise this is very important, more than 150 young people today together in a single impulse, one might say, for their grandfather, for victory, each for their enterprise for their country, today they are making this wonderful cycle of honor in tribute to memory about the people who gave us a peaceful sky. above our heads, everyone is strong in spirit, we were lucky with the weather, because it’s not very hot, today we invited not only our students to this bike ride , but these are the youth of labor collectives, the most important goal is that we we always remembered that terrible war, how many people died, we did everything to ensure that
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this never happens again on our belarusian soil, today workers of culture, information, sports and tourism paid tribute to the heroes of the great patriotic war, a bicycle ride in honor of independence day our country went from the university of physical culture and sports to the museum of the great patriotic war. the feat of the heroes will never be forgotten, the participants of the action emphasize. the bike ride ended with the laying of flowers, by the way, minsk, the hero city. well that's it information picture of the day, right now we are watching the project “understandable politics”. big adventure. belarus on four continents, where minsk is known, appreciated and respected. today we are leaving for asia, this is an understandable policy, we are continuing a long journey, a new series and a new continent, africa and latin are behind us, new markets and promising
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partners for belarus, is sanctions pressure really a time of opportunity, who is against the unipolar dictate of the western center. i highly appreciate the prospects of belarus, i believe that trade turnover with vietnam could increase significantly. colonialism began in indonesia, but it ended here. we burned our cities so...
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