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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  June 24, 2024 9:45pm-10:55pm MSK

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in indonesia, colonialism began, here it ended, we burned our cities to keep the dutch out, hello belarusian, hello belarus, hello belarusian, hello belarus, hello belarusian, hello belarusian, hello belarusian you have many years of experience in the development o' .
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independence square is the main point of the indonesian capital. under the scorching sun we are trying to take the first shots after arriving in the city. this is quite difficult to do. belarusians are in high demand in the center of jekarta. hundreds of photos in half an hour. indonesians love it very much this type of communication. guests are always welcome here. mentally kind and open, because just recently there were hundreds of years.
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it is technology that indonesia today is actively introducing into its rapidly growing economy, with gdp growth rates that are the envy of others, on average 5%, and mead does not make such proposals to everyone. yes, we hope that belas can have a co-production. and here, this could be a hub or access to the southeast asian market and i see great potential in this kind of cooperation, for example, one of belas’ specializations is massive tires, and we are the largest exporter of rubber, so we can complement each other, we can have this kind of joint production and will be mutually beneficial for each other. we share the same values ​​and defend social justice, in general, we speak the same language. continue
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to compare jekarta and minsk, and mentally there are no political barriers to a breakthrough in trade and other areas. the belarusian zuber, by the way, has perfectly settled into the local zoo and has been delighting visitors for a long time. why go to indonesia? because indonesia is the largest country in southeast asia, it is a very large market, it is a country that is friendly, neutral, both in relation to russia and in relation to belarus. opportunities for marketing goods produced in belarus, first of all we are talking about goods of the belarusian industry, i mean agricultural machinery, i mean tractors, i mean both belaz and maz, let me remind you that the mining industry in indonesia is very developed, this is a very wide range of possibilities. therefore,
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cooperation between belarus and indonesia should just expand. speaking one language is not just a catchphrase in indonesia. the country is inhabited by more than 300 different ethnic groups, they have a thousand dialects and languages ​​of communication, people from different islands do not understand each other, and english is simply a salvation for them. skyscrapers in jakarta grow like mushrooms after rain, there is no kind of architecture here. japanese and korean builders seem to be competing. originality, the glass facades reflect the achievements of modern indonesian history. capital skyscrapers should not misleading, the standard of living in the country cannot be called homogeneous,
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only 10% of residents have high incomes, approximately another 15% live below the poverty line, their spending does not exceed 2 dollars a day. at the same time, i was very lucky with the landscape and geography. indonesia is located between two continents and at the crossroads of many trade routes. there are a lot of natural resources underground, there is enough labor on the ground, and the population is almost 280 million people. the already large economy has every chance to grow further. indonesia has been really favored by complementary assessments, a new industrial country of the g20, a new asian
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tiger, a regional leader and a future lump of the world economy. indonesia is also, by many characteristics, a country that produces a lot of its own, yes, that is... in indonesia the automobile industry is very developed, in indonesia there is serious agriculture, mining, oil and gas, and many other areas, few people know that indonesia is one of the world leaders in food production, because, for example, almost the entire volume, well, not the entire volume, but such a large half of the global volume of instant noodle production comes from indonesia, indonesia also occupies a serious position. in the market for coffee, tobacco, and some other goods that are often found in everyday life, they are consumed by the population, so indonesia plays a serious role here. indonesia is one of the few countries in asia that is capable of producing military equipment, weapons, and complex
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weapons from drones to submarines. boats as part of joint projects with someone, but capable, yes, because many countries directly depend on imports here - therefore, from an economic point of view, we talk about indonesia as a very powerful power, which even ranks sixteenth in the world today in terms of gdp it also doesn’t lag behind the nominal value in many other indicators. several other facts indicate that the local economy is doing well: the main logistics on the island state is by air. on the largest of them, indonesia has already built 400 airports permanently new ones are added. and 2 years ago the most ambitious project was launched here, the authorities allocated tens of billions of dollars from the state budget to build another capital. until recently, this country was called tera incognito for business, today it is destined to become the new asian tiger, although, judging by the pace of development, it is already quite an adult
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independent predator, and plans here are being formed in no small detail, well, for example, moving the capital and not just moving , and to build anew in an open field, from jakarta she must move to nusantara to another island. would become four times larger without that huge metropolis. this will be the largest project in the history of indonesia: to build a city of the future, the belarusians were called. there are several reasons for this decision: overpopulated jekarts, crazy traffic jams, constant flooding. they say that the capital in some areas is sinking by 15-20 cm per year. there is even visual evidence in the old city. this sign shows that the northern region of the capital has subsided. in just the last half century by 4 s m. the sinking city, as many experts call jakarta: pumping out groundwater, errors in planning, poor management of the city, but
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experts are increasingly giving a disappointing forecast: by 2050, 95% of the northern part of the capital will be under water. it is difficult to argue that nusantara is, at a minimum, a symbol of the nation’s capabilities; only the preliminary estimate is $34 billion. indonesian. equipment, products and any assistance that we are ready to provide, because for them this is the construction of the future. jakarta is an old city, here you feel like you are plunging into the colonial past. architecture, name, guns on the squares remained after the fierce struggle with the golans, and even these channels were the embodiment of the engineering thought of the capture. but during
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construction, something was still not calculated; standing water in such a climate turns into a breeding ground for infections. in the old town today tourists stroll leisurely, local residents try to entertain them, people who have had their resources taken away for years now play the guitar for guests for a couple of dollars and sell inexpensive goods along the roadside. to understand and come to an agreement with a partner country, it is important to know not only its present, but also its past. yes, indonesia, like africa, was a dutch colony for many years. we have been colonized for over 300 years in our history, and slavery, famine, it did happen in indonesia. an interesting fact: the average height
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of indonesians is 163 cm, while the dutch are 182, which is why tall people in the country are still not liked. colonialism began in indonesia, but it ended here, or so the locals say: 300 years under the yoke of holland ended at the bandun conference in 1955. that year, about three dozen countries in asia and africa decided to say a firm no to colonialism, it was thanks to this meeting that 5 years later in 1960 a particularly caustic irony of fate happened at the un at the un: they killed colonialism in a building built by the dutch for songs and dances, then in 55 bandung was dubbed the world capital of asia and africa. since then, that very spirit of bandung has been an important part of the mentality. by the way, it was after that conference at which the document on the five principles of peaceful
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coexistence was adopted that indonesia proudly announced itself as a third democracy. amsterdam was furious, although indonesia became independent back in 1945, but the dutch tried to regain possession several times, it was too tasty a morsel. there was a big war, in some cities like jakarta, surabaya, batabia, there was no big war in bandung, but we tried to protect.
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a popular place of historical tourism for residents of the netherlands, they find places where their great-grandfathers served, and joyfully tell the locals about it with photographs, you can imagine the reaction. well, of course, the history of everything the world will always have two sides, good and bad. yes, beautiful buildings that we call art deco buildings, we have a lot of things that combine eastern and western culture, which are mixed in the architecture of the buildings, these are also the dutch, the trouble is that they think that they have humanized us, but in my opinion, if they had not come to this place, we would have had our own culture. according to various estimates.
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by the way, indonesian president joka widoda, a person who for us is also very interesting. lukashenko and indonesia's most popular politician have a lot in common. judge for yourself. a man of the people, not a nomenklatura leader, he won the 2014 elections by a wide margin, then again 5 years later, and today his rating is off the charts over 80%. work biography, manufactured, sold furniture, was the director of an enterprise, even in a country of western values, where capitalism is from the main development. his approaches are very popular with society, he does not hide behind a closed fence, he actively goes out to the people and communicates in different platforms, plus they are looking more and more boldly towards social programs, the market is to markets, but people want to feel the shoulder of the state. indonesia plans to provide free lunches for schoolchildren, is looking at supporting the population when buying a home, and helping pregnant women and those who have already become
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mothers. and in june, the indonesian peacemaker leader joka wedoda even went on a tour of europe with diplomacy of harmony and good offices. the goal is to find a peaceful solution to the conflict in ukraine. this similarity in positions has forced indonesian society to take a closer look look at belarus, where, despite a distance of 1000 km, they say the same thing. mr. lukashenko, i see a great leader of belarus, very strong, principled, very kind. man, also when i was in minsk, i met him personally, he is a very kind person, and i believe that belarus under the presidency of lukashenko will be a very strong country in the future. his excellency, mr. lukashenko is a very strong man, a strong leader who greatly respects his people, he has been promoting the development of the republic of belarus for many years, i think that we we need such a leader from his confident position,
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this does not mean that he is a dictator, strong, which means decisive in his policies.
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the west against the russian federation, against, by the way, including the republic of belarus and many other countries of the world, takes a neutral position here and adheres to the fact that sanctions are not an effective tool, that again, consensus is necessary, the interests of all powers must be taken into account and that the world order cannot be built by force. some countries, i don’t want to name specifically, play football. every time you start to understand the game, they change the goalposts and the rules. therefore, it is very difficult for us to come to mutually beneficial cooperation due to such constant changes in the rules. i think your president has an understanding of the clear parameters of our cooperation. no one will say that he is better than the other. we are equal. we 'll sit down and talk face to face. you know,
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we had experience when we were in unequal positions, someone was sitting on a big chair, someone on a small chair. something like this, but without there are no problems, especially logistical ones, since the situation in the bustling canal forced container ships to enter europe, completely skirting africa, the goods come in several times more expensive. when we have logistical difficulties, not even political ones. remember the time 2 years ago, when a ship blocked the suede canal, we were losing money. peace is our biggest dividend. and we need reliable friends. belarus is a reliable country with very clear advantages. which we know about, we, like you, are looking for non-standard markets for ourselves, we must dig deeper, discuss further ways of cooperation, and the course of jock widoda, apparently , will continue in march of the twenty -fourth year, indonesia held presidential elections, the victory was won by the minister of defense probova subeanta, whose inauguration will take place in the fall, widoda according to the constitution fulfilled all deadlines. looking at
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the minar from the indonesian tower is even difficult. believe that you are on an island, but in the ocean of the global economy, indonesia has excellent prospects, the domestic market is in demand, like these skyscrapers will only grow, the need for equipment, technology, personnel and food, of course, too, there is hardly a country that is moving forward at such a gigantic pace; to gain a foothold here means to be close to one of the future world leaders. the map of belarus' presence in southeast asia includes another important colorful point, this is vietnam, from jakarta to hanoi it is approximately 3.00 km and 4 hours by plane. we will overcome this distance in just a few seconds. it doesn’t matter if they are towers or temples, but it is precisely such objects that firmly frozen in the architecture of southeast asia involuntarily hint at the wisdom that is taken here at every step, especially when it
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comes to choosing a course of development or partners. hanoi, on the other hand, confidently combines flexibility with traditions, which allows it to balance when it is particularly stormy on the outer contour, without being distracted from national interests; today vietnam is keeping up and confidently holding its position. in the ranking of countries with the most active rates of economic development. belarus and vietnam have a long-standing relationship relations that began to develop since the times of the soviet union. thousands of students from vietnam studied in belarus, our country helped the formation of an independent vietnamese state. it must be said that today there is a lot of that atmosphere on the streets of hanoi. serb and molot were state soviet. the symbolism remains a symbol of the communist movement today. vietnam is one of the top five countries in the world where the communist party is
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the dominant political force, its leadership role is felt at every step, be it red flags or crimson banners or schoolchildren in pioneer ties, and also the ubiquitous presence of the founder of the party , ha chi minh, whom the vietnamese customarily call grandfather ho. such reverence for the founders of the entire communist movement is understandable; the party united the country during the colonial rule of france and ensured the effectiveness of the transition from a command to a market economy. the doimoi strategy adopted in the eighties gave the vietnamese economy more over three decades than all the previous, seemingly progressive years. now the competition between powers is difficult for us.
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this is a unique foreign policy course that gives a specific economic effect. in just a few decades, vietnam broke out of the category of poor underdeveloped countries and became one of the five strongest economies in the osian, second only to thailand. the gdp here is steadily growing by 5-7% per year, in the post-covid period, records have been broken in export-import turnover, being in the very center of the region, competition between the usa and china is especially felt. we see that now there is a migration of production from china, transnational production corporations. first, because. that it has become cheaper to produce here, the second reason is that there are sufficiently qualified personnel here to carry out this work, and we must also explore this path. the lion's share of
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vietnam's exports are high-tech goods, phones and computers; this economic and trade potential is pushing many states to strengthen bridges. belarus has been moving in this direction for more than three decades; we have been connected by diplomatic relations for so long. i highly appreciate the prospects of belarus. i believe, that trade turnover from belarus to vietnam may increase significantly. we have three main directions: economy, investment, tourism. ha chi minh city values ​​investments in high technology and heavy industry. a direct trade corridor has been open to us since 2016, when a free trade agreement emerged between vietnam and ias. rice, textiles, and agricultural goods come from vietnam to belarus. the main exports of belarus remain fertilizers, pharmaceuticals, milk, and equipment. actually the list is enough modest if you evaluate the scale of the asian consumer market. we must intensify contacts at a high
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level in general, yes, between governments, between parties, and so on. why create the main mechanisms for the implementation of these relationships in all aspects? at first, the effect of the agreement with 120 million dollars, trade turnover reached 200. these figures cannot be called a breakthrough, much less a limit, and it is only partly a matter of distance, the reasons lie in other indecisiveness of partners on opposite sides of the continent, experts are sure. asia has long cast off the third world stigma; it is self-sufficient and does not need the patronage of more developed powers; it can only come here with an equal, mutually beneficial dialogue, which is what belarus offers. in terms of investments as of the first quarter.
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we return to jekarta, the official population is 10.5 million people, with the surrounding area almost 34. we were lucky, we filmed during ramadan, when literally half the city went on vacation, believe me, it’s still a shock. parking in indonesian looks like this: hundreds, no, not cars, but these two-wheeled helpers, they are the kings of local roads, as they say here, indonesians live on mopeds, public transport in the city is poorly developed, and this is essentially... free one and a half liters per 100 km, with because gasoline costs a dollar, and driving with the wind in this climate is expensive, they say that almost every resident of a thirty-million-strong metropolis has a moped. mopedists in jakarta are the kings of the roads, they do not obey any rules, they wanted to, overtook on the right, or maybe on the left, there’s so much traffic, and we were driving
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to... the shoot for an hour and a half, a couple of kilometers awakens the desire to walk, but there are no sidewalks here. indonesia as a whole is an atypical country, the world's largest island state. the archipelago has approximately 18,000 islands, although no one really knows how many there are. most of them are not only small, uninhabited, but do not even have names, and sometimes simply go under water. one of the most densely populated countries in the world, located in the most seismically active zone of our planet. 400 volcanoes, 80 of which are active within this region , up to 90% of all world earthquakes and 2/3 of all volcanic eruptions occur. features the main perspective of indonesia is the structure of its population. just imagine, almost half
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are schoolchildren. they will become the basis of the workforce and the main driver of the economy in the next 20 years, and it is predicted to be neither more nor less than fourth place in the world. politicians are counting on young people, the local vertical is trying to speak the same language with them, similar the videos are very popular on official accounts, the simplest and most understandable form for those who are constantly on their phones. this is what the message from the head of the local foreign ministry looks like. assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh, bagi saudara-saudara kita di palestina, semoga penderitaan mereka segera berakhir, perang dan kekejaman dapat segera dihentikan. in this sense, indonesia has a huge advantage: thailand, japan and other countries in the region are forced to invite labor from outside, but this situation is also a big challenge,
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level of education needed. one of the suppliers imports from indonesia to belarus. a piece of belarus in large hypermarkets of a huge country, of course there are no inscriptions made in belarus, but on these shelves there is undoubtedly the contribution of our agro-industrial complex. belarusian milk powder in jakarta and other cities is in very good demand from imported raw materials; local companies produce their own milk and baby food and are asking to increase supplies. in mimnesia , belarusian exports also go to the philippines and singapore, and yoghurts also arrive there. the total amount of contracts is over 40 million dollars. the topic of food safety is a special focus in indonesia; the country has huge domestic demand for goods. and we are discussing with our indonesian partners and friends opportunities for expanding cooperation in this area. in particular, we are talking about mutual recognition of halal products, certificates, and
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accreditation. and large enough, the potential is great. it is not at all surprising that the ministry of agriculture is called the second most important here. indonesia has approximately 40 million peasants the dutch once brought coffee and tea here. now indonesia also produces luwak, the most expensive coffee in the world. we understand that belarus is good in the production of dairy products. we really need a huge amount of dairy products. this is available in belarus. all we have to
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do is try. it is better to get to know each other, what you need and what we need, what needs to be done to facilitate our trade relations, real changes require even greater interaction between countries. products, but also affects indonesia. agricultural production in the supply of not only agricultural you know that this is disrupted by changes to make the agricultural sector more modern and technological, so the country has been actively following the path in recent years, to teach farmers to work with modern machines, to use digital technologies, to focus on processing, but the country is heterogeneous, in different regions live differently, so the process
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of modernization is long and difficult. the introduction of new equipment requires adaptation, with us there are special places in the country , we need to know what technologies belarus currently owns in order to understand how we... thus, we can work together with various government agencies after deciding how exactly we will introduce belarusian technology into our country . we can work together. industrial down streaming is also about indonesia, the opening of the maximum number of production facilities, in our opinion, import substitution. "indonesia is implementing a policy to attract assembly investors to its territory. production, and in order to sell equipment here, it must have a share of local components, which for some
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items reaches up to 30%, up to a third; accordingly, it is necessary to look for local partners who, together with our belarusian enterprises, will produce this equipment here in indonesia, and this is one of the important areas that we will deal with, in order not to depend on foreign supplies, here they choose a simple principle: we will do everything that we can do ourselves; what we cannot do, let others help. you have technology, you have we have many years of experience in developing a very dynamic agricultural system. we can cooperate, we can use some of your equipment, study how you conduct your agriculture, understand how we can develop together and create a model of cooperation. beneficial to both countries. the volume of local gdp is 1.3 billion dollars, as they say, this money needs to be used for the tasty market of the largest investors. japan, china, south korea, usa. there are no problems with partners here, rather the opposite. jakarta chooses who to have with
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case. for belarus, indonesia is still an entry point into the osian market. 10 countries of southeast asia, population 700 million. the total gdp is almost 4 trillion dollars, and the share in the world economy is growing steadily. headquarters. the association's apartment is in the center of jakarta for a reason. indonesia is the most powerful and influential state in the regional organization. that is, if the country signs a free trade agreement with yas, it will be easier for our goods to enter this huge market, which today all the world's major powers are fighting. negotiations are ongoing actively. the next round is already in july. participants note that the process of concluding trade deals has advanced significantly. jecarta plans to complete it this summer. local business. is waiting for a trade agreement along the oceanic eac, not a single leg will give way to such an economic colossus. we cannot ignore the potential of the eu region. it has approximately 450 million markets. we also have our
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large market - 270 million. the rationality of this cooperation lies in this: we must have mutually beneficial conditions for the two regions. i also know that vietnam already has its own free trade with the eu. now we are also waiting for such a mechanism, because there are so many benefits that can be obtained from this cooperation. for belarusians, the prospects here are much greater than just exporting goods, pleasant words from the vietnamese, which undoubtedly need to be confirmed by deeds. a strong legal basis for development has been formed between the two countries.
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options, approaches to overcome difficulties and develop relations, especially trade and economic relations between our... countries, the common ground between belarus and vietnam is well known to mr. huy, as an ambassador, in minsk he represented the interests of an asian state, the most difficult time for us - a pandemic, sanctions, an attempt at rebellion, he saw and the determination of the belarusians, led by the leader, to defend theirs, and he showed the courage and russianness to defend the country, to defend what...
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inserted rapeseed oil, cereals, milk, export of food products to the vietnamese market reached the million dollar mark, our manufacturers do not intend to stop there, the market capacity allows us to increase supplies many times over, and we also have obvious advantages over our competitors. new zealand, australia, france, poland, there is no competition with local producers for belarusian milk, if you compare them with the same percentage of fat content, the taste is different, belarusian milk has more. in the conditions of market turbulence, today they are talking not
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so much about expanding the range, but more about the need to create a joint production. today there is a project to build a plant for the production of milk using belarusian technologies and based on belarusian raw materials. the plant may grow in this area in the coming year. yoghurts, ice cream, butter, cheeses, plans for the release of the most popular items and risks have been calculated more than once, they are growing in proportion to the presence of sanctions. well, normal, that is, one container costs about 2,000 dollars, now it increases by 4,500 and a little more, this also increases the cost - can be considered a conductor
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belarusian fkhano is still a partner of a number of our manufacturers, including maza. since 2019, a joint venture has been opened in hingen to import and assemble trucks. we built a test road, prepared assembly, welding, painting shops, and adapted the proposed positions to the local market. i had to reformat. in two directions, the first direction is in accordance with the technical regulations, we modified the platform, made it smaller, modified the side protective and rear protective devices, well, in general, some small modifications that did not affect the design of the machines in any way; the second direction is in accordance with market requirements, in accordance with the requirements of the main buyers. belarus competes with manufacturers who have... a short logistics distance with vietnam. japan, usa,
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india, china. the trump card for belarus is reputation. our equipment played an important role for the vietnamese during the formation of the state. belarusian tractors and minsk motorcycles for farmers in the northern region remained the only option move off-road, harvest crops and feed your family. and this is still remembered and appreciated here. my parents rode a minsk motorcycle, we made money on it, from childhood i remember its sound, the smell of the exhaust, over time they work well, there are no problems with the engine, getting spare parts is actually a big problem, and we contact students who study in belarus, so that they could help buy and bring. vietnamese farmers in tay nen province, where we are now, it is 2 hours
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drive from ha chi minh city, out of 300 tractors 70% belarusian, they say time-tested quality, and it’s not without reason that it was our tractor, and not american or chinese, that was featured on the local 200 dong banknote. asia is a region with great. in the future, this part of the world today sets the agenda for global development, the president of belarus has spoken about this more than once in different formats: the world economy is being rebuilt on this continent, it is important not to blink and not waste time. for the belarusian long-distance export arc, asia is certainly a special direction. super-promising country head of state visited back in 2013, even then it was clear that we needed to roll up our sleeves and work together. deepening relations with the states
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of southeast asia is one of the priorities of belarus’ foreign policy. at the same time, indonesia is a key country. in asia and africa today there is a galloping demand for industrial products, which means that you need to be closely involved with your offer. the head of state set this task at a large meeting on industry in april of this year. the president of the republic of belarus just ordered to intensify cooperation. with countries embassy accreditation, this is indonesia, but also malaysia, singapore and the philippines, such projects that would help us gain a foothold in this market, put our relations on a long-term basis, would be the creation of assembly plants in indonesia and other countries in the region our flagships
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of the belarusian industry, and indeed indonesia is an agricultural country, there are a lot of farmers here, they are in need. in technology, and belarus could just provide the equipment you talked about, this and low-power tractors, mini tractors and walk-behind tractors, and what a farmer can use on his plot. in indonesia , two things are especially valued, quality, modern technology, meet wush, the name of the indonesian high-speed train, 11 trains, 8 cars and 350 km. one of the fastest in the world, bought in china. in 6 months of work, we have already transported more than 2 million, we have from 14 to 15 thousand passengers per day, high season, for example, on long weekends or national holidays, this number can reach 20-21 thousand passengers per day.
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prices are hefty; a trip from jekarta to bandung is 142 km and costs about $20, which does not prevent local governors and officials from using it. yes, jakarta is such a crowded city that many people find it easier to travel back and forth every day than to live in the capital. about 20 people have already used our transport 100 times. we're really excited about this. this really allows people to save their travel time from jakarta to bandung, driving 30 minutes instead of 3 hours. such a train is like a bar of expectations for jakarta, they want to develop here just as quickly fly forward like an arrow. transport is very expensive. the statehood of indonesia developed rapidly in the forties of the 20th century, and in order to somehow unite and make friends these 18 thousand islands, a certain common idea was needed,
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a basis for being together, the country had such reasons, or rather principles, as many as five appeared: democracy. social justice, internationalism, nationalism, we are proud of ourselves, but we are no better than others, and of course, faith in god, generalized power, such a fist of justice, ideology proposed by the first president of the country , sukarno, and today the basis of indonesia’s bonds, there is even a state primer in which all this is spelled out, it is understandable even to children, pictures are attached. but even more important for any indonesian is garuda, the mythical bird, the coat of arms of indonesia, right in the center is that same pancha force, claws according to the number of national holidays, in them the inscription is united in diversity, this position also applies to world conflicts. indonalikt people - like
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a war, we want this war to end as quickly as possible, because it is bad for everyone, a lot of injured, dead people, and of course. we want both sides to begin diplomatic negotiations to resolve this war. this is how people in indonesia think because these two countries are our friends. russia has been our friend for a very long time, and so has ukraine. we want them to talk to resolve this conflict. only a representative of a country that has felt the brunt of war can say this. for belarus, this is a great national situation; for indonesia, the situation is even more complicated. taman mini or indonesia in miniature, such an exhibition of national economic achievements. literally every region, every island comes here with its own specialties. from national clothes to full-fledged temples, this is a map of indonesia in miniature, but every local resident will tell
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you that a very small but important piece is missing here, we are talking about east timor. the topic of east timor is extremely sensitive in indonesia. from 1975 to 1999, the country's army fought fierce battles with the fretilin organization, a revolutionary front for independence. timor. previously timor was colony of portugal, then joined indonesia, but its neighbors were not happy with this situation. fretilin was sponsored by the americans, british and australians. life in the region turned into a living hell for many years. concentration camps, partisan bombings, and both sides did not disdain the most brutal methods. just imagine, in 1970 there were 600,000 people living in east timor; by the end of the twentieth century, a third
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less. in 2002, under the auspices of the un, the region was recognized as independent, but local clashes are still going on. hectares of mined territories that. and today remain hostage to american aggression, this is laos, vietnam’s western neighbor, in a war that america prefers to call a secret, without admitting its direct participation, the record for the intensity of bombing has been broken. for 9 years, bombs fell on laotian territory every 8 minutes. while the west was bombing, help came. from the soviet people. military pilots delivered the necessary cargo and evacuated civilians under 20 thousand flights and dozens of dead soviet soldiers
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on lausian soil. this monument did not appear so long ago in 2022, against the backdrop of growing confrontation in the world, it became a special symbol and reminder of the long-suffering path to independence, which today resonates equally for fraternal peoples. in this war, the americans actively used cassette tapes. and today they generously supply kiev, thereby turning the territory of ukraine into unfit for human life, this confirms the sad experience of laos, where even today out of a dozen provinces are considered potentially dangerous territories. when it was announced that in the context of events westerners use similar
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shells in ukraine, laos was the first country to officially declare its attitude towards this event, saying that this is an inhumane practice that must be put to an end. a country of medals of lands not involved in economic turnover, simple. for a country where half of its gdp comes from agriculture, these are, first of all, direct losses in the economy, which are already not quickly recovering from the pandemic: growing external debt, declining exports, rising inflation. home the challenge, of course, remains for us, this is how to restore the economy. now we have the problem of difficulties in the economy; inflation has been very high lately. here. this is the highest priority for us, and, of course, there is another task - this drug trafficking, this is also one of our priorities, this situation
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makes laos highly dependent on the help of other states, the presence of china is especially felt, which opens its production here and implements cross-border projects , lau became part of the international transport network, the railway route within belt and road initiatives. we are an agricultural country. the majority are employed in the agricultural sector, we also have a mining sector, in which we attract a lot of foreign investment , we pay a lot of attention to hydropower, we have good political relations, but we need to establish other areas, trade, investment and tourism - this is one of the areas that is important to develop , there are enough mineral resources in the lands of laos, foreign investment is helping to develop the mining industry, but the situation... in general in industry is not so is optimistic, and here, as nowhere else, belarusian technologies can be useful. belarus
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has never been a friend to the detriment. the interests of some other state have always proceeded from the fact that both parties benefit from cooperation, in this regard, vietnam, like all of asia, all regions of the global south and east, they respect this position of our country and are ready to increase interaction in any areas, as much as we...
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for laos, of course, this platform is a good prospect to declare their interests, and they are primarily in attracting investments. in laos, among the leading personnel there are many graduates of our universities; all of them received their education in belarus during the years of the soviet union. after a long pause, the issue of training and retraining of personnel is relevant again. this is the near future. closer, perhaps, is the rest of the lausian children in the belarusian bison - this is another
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friendly step of our country. until now, when. i remember that when we lived in minsk, we tried belarusian apples for the first time, we tasted delicious bread soup for the first time, we were impressed by the tastes of such products as sour cream, beef stew, which we have never tried before, i feel that russian belarusians are very friendly, peace-loving, it’s no wonder that all great things begin with the building of ordinary people, if not rulers, then ordinary people, both in the center of europe and in central asia is equally aware that it is time to act. the night has passed, the entire globe is feeling the global confrontation between world powers and economic turbulence, from which it is still possible to distance oneself, except perhaps in orbit. space is one of the areas in which there are still cooperation between russia and america. during the flight, representatives of these countries see from space our globe, the colors of the world, green and blue, space unites and flight into space
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is always in the name of the development of humanity, so that... all countries live freely and can develop, i believe that space unites. famtouan is the first cosmonaut of asia, his flight in the eightieth was 10 years ahead of japan , more than 20 china, he says, he followed the expedition with the participation of marina vasilevskaya, the first belarusian cosmonaut of all to belarus, from the first cosmonaut of asia, a special cosmic greeting. isteklal translates as independent. the main mosque of southeast asia is the shrine for almost 86% of indonesia's inhabitants with a capacity of 120,000 people. by the way, indonesia is the largest state in the world in terms of the number of muslims among its citizens , 273 million. but this mosque, like
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a religion, has another important... component of 350 nationalities, hundreds of dialects and languages ; there is simply no other way to unite them into a single nation , but this does not mean that other faiths are not held in high esteem here, for example, on in the famous balle they profess buddhism; right next to the ikkleal mosque there is an ancient catholic cathedral, built by the dutch. the main architectural landmark of the mosque is a spherical dome with a diameter of 45 m. this is the eye of allah. the building was built in 17 years; the grand opening took place in 1978. by the way, the design of the building was invented by fredrik selaban, a catholic. the philosophy of this architecture is very open to people. there are seven principles of goodness here, these are the 12 pillars of islam, 12 men. this mosque contains a huge
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number of symbols of our independence. isteklal is independent. the mosque is a place of traditions, for example, until recently , people called to prayer with the help of a baduk, the largest drum in the world, age -
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economic turmoil, of which the island state has had more than enough throughout its history, although now the asian tiger seems to have grown stronger for a long time. despite the overwhelming majority of muslims, indonesia is multi-religious, and religion is even written down in the passport. here is the evidence about an orthodox church near jakarta. amazing place, amazing stories, how far people are from orthodoxy.
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for people, yes, who want to live their own lives, and every person has a universe inside, i don’t know what controls people who shoot at living people, she moved here from donbass, thought for a couple of months, but 10 years have passed, she found housing and work, but reading the news is still painful. donetsk is a place for heroes, that is, the people who live there today, everyone lives there. 10 years, every day there are deaths there, every day there is destruction, it’s very scary. donetsk residents, of course, are heroes and they live at any moment, maybe they will arrive.
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the last time i was in donetsk was in 2021, 4 months, in short, everything was left there, the dream is also simple, to return home. and before , i could still consider, for example, options for temporary work there, somewhere in europe, in the united states, but today i can no longer consider this. "they don't hear us, if they heard us, it would make sense for them to say something, but they are not interested in what we think and what we say, so i think that we need to keep
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ourselves, first of all, to preserve ourselves and resist evil when this evil comes to our doors. and the last phrase in the interview, which seems worthy of a national creed for individual politicians. people, come to your senses, take the path of truth. stop doing evil. religions and cultures are intertwined, but in any part of the planet people talk about one thing: we want to create and work together, not flinch from war, and if we cry, then only from happiness. minsk is often cited here as an example and greetings are conveyed to the whole of belarus, the country who never threatened anyone and who never betrayed the main rule of the world.
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continents, see the next episode. we need to do everything possible to improve relations with minsk. i was bullied for my trip to belarus, but we need to be friends. because of sanctions against belarus, i lost half a billion euros. the italians say that we are now paying for the sanctions. italians understand that they are being lied to. there are people for whom
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the migration crisis is big business. about what is happening in ukraine is to blame nato and america. i lost my eyesight in prison when i was facing false charges. the italians, they began to delve into the essence of the problem, and often come up to me, even the same teachers at school, katerina, we are for you, we just can’t talk about it. our economy is very much in ruins, this is the role of the eu. a fairly
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significant number of belarusian manufacturers continue to work with italy, despite the existing difficulties. belarus is a wonderful country, and i believe that doors will open. slavic bazaar deserves the highest praise.
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the song of irojima is stopped, maybe everything is changed, but the yans are not fallen. do not know the smoke of spring, the forest is clear, only this life will not be hourly, life will be eternal, as it is, the bright folk words, a monthly strain on the grass, and no matter what life you are in, yes, there is joy.
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these signs are so simple and extraordinary for the skin vernik. may the deepest meanings, in reality, this is the shortest expression of our faith, the faith of god the aitz, who so loves the light that... life over death, the victory of righteousness, purity, light, above evil, about the need
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for spiritual upbringing and education, they happily come to classes, we have classes right here in the church, i thought it was... right, necessary, because children should breathe at least the church air , about the sacraments of the orthodox church, when people come to the divine liturgy, when they take communion there, in some sense, in some sense , a certain sacrament of our unity with each other with the living, with the dead is performed, we will tell and show in spiritual and educational projects on the belarus 2 tv channel
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