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tv   100  BELARUSTV  June 25, 2024 3:55am-4:50am MSK

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if you suddenly feel not entirely happy, then look at those around you, maybe even share with them a little of your vision of happiness, then it will come back to you, and you will feel happiness yourself.
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hello everyone, in exactly a minute a guest will come to us and answer all the questions: are you ready to meet our hero? anatoly, in what mood are you going to the conversation? i'm very worried. what do you expect from children in the studio? but in principle, i, too, was such a passionate child, i think that... these are the children who
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came, they are the same, you promise to say only the truth, i promise, then good luck! so, we welcome our guest, honored artist of belarus, the golden voice of legendary singers, anatoly kusheparov. i want to warn you that according to the rules of our program, you are eligible three times. refuse to answer the question, i hope you don’t use it, and be attentive to the questions, at the end of the program you will have to choose the best one, well , now you have one minute to briefly talk about yourself, time has passed, i studied at the polytechnic, engineering economic, and then i got into the pesnary, but my whole life in the pisers passed as you know, i even
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had a 2-week vacation, and often all our tours were planned for 3 years in advance, so you can imagine what it was... life. so, we have 100 children in our studio, each with their own question, let’s see how quickly you can answer. children, who is ready to ask a question first? good afternoon, my name is violetta. why do you think the songs of songwriters are still listened to by representatives of different generations? i always regret that your generation is the one that listens the least, because they worked in st. petersburg, they came in classes, he says, where, why can’t you hear, why, that is, they liked it, which means, well, firstly, we always have the presence of melody, uh, poetry was present, harmony , beautiful melodies, well, this is always what we need for ordinary
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people, what was your childhood like, you probably come from a creative family, well, i lived... in a house where many lived from the writers' union , you don’t know many of these names, we drank pestrak, yaze pusha, but we were boys, naturally, we laughed at them there, and my mother was an editor, my father was a school director, my father was like this, well, everything is fine, there was a library at home, they read, wrote, sang, they ate, and... how did your parents react to your desire to become an artist? you know, it all somehow happened spontaneously, it wasn’t like i was ready to become an artist or that everything went somehow on its own, that’s because participation in the polytechnic, i’m an intourist was our
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only restaurant then, so and we were in this orchestra, i was a soloist there, and there were both female and male parts. that's why it's like this everything worked out, please tell me, how did you get into the pesners and was there a cruel selection there? we had our own team, vain tourist, this is an all-union joint-stock company, so he came from there, that means the artistic director of the mulyabin, so he then stood up from the table, said, who sang this song, i say, who sang this song sang, i’m sure you can come, i didn’t sleep all night, somehow i was wondering how this could be, i could leave the guys there, and then i couldn’t handle it, you know, so i didn’t go, and then six months later, when
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we met mulyavin, where he lived on the avenue, lop-lop, he says why he didn’t come, tomorrow at ten, that’s it, and so it went, with a bang, simply. when did you realize that your parents were truly proud of you? i ’ll tell you, both parents and children, i still don’t understand whether they are proud of me or not, for example, i have a daughter, here’s her husband, well, he’s a foreigner, even if he had a lot of my records, and i i didn’t tell the children, god, why are they? you decided for yourself what to do, what to do with it, whether to be proud or not, for me somehow, you are independent, looking at you, you are all charming, beautiful and independent, and i think that the future belongs to you, so to define how
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that doesn’t make sense, what do you think? what qualities make an artist great? work, natural, and then again i am glad that sometimes there can be a school like this, this scholasticism, yes - in some classics this is all possible, our genre was, frankly speaking, no one taught anything there, well, directors there were stages there, that was all, but it all had to come from... internal content, you see, this is how you are built on your own, you understand, therefore, well, obviously there were no such directives, and if a bear stepped on your ear as a child, it means that’s it,
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there’s no chance of building a career in music, well of course, do something else, there ’s a lot there, because everything is open to us, someone or a talented accountant there, well , count the money, they used to say that if you don’t have 100 rubles, have 100 friends, but it all came to this , that now money is the only thing that matters. that’s it, this is very bad, i’m against it, my dears, learn, be yourself, you are beautiful, charming, you have your own self, never give up on it, hello, my name is kira, i love singing very much and i dream of becoming a famous artist, could you please hold a mini- show for me now? audition to evaluate my chances, come on...
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by the way, i also lost one of them, i just didn’t follow, and then why are you in in english, after all, we have such songs, and our songs are actually very beautiful and i know a lot of songs about belarus, i can sing you a piece, let's go there behind the dawns behind the fogs in the silence of the forests and fields, hidden. wonderful, but i
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’ll tell you that you have everything, and a voice, and really, well, the dream, as they say, is in our hands, everything is in your hands, so dear, you are charming, beautiful, your presentation is wonderful , why not, let's go ahead, thank you very much, a fateful compliment, let's turn 180°, yellow sector, please, your question, what hidden talents do you have? i’ll tell you, somehow everything in my life, i walked out on stage, i immediately started singing, it means that when i was involved in motorsports, it means that i also got on a motorcycle and immediately drove off, then when i received a driver’s license, they put me in... well, through connections, of course, it was time then, but i went straight away, i knew how
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to stop, where there to switch, everything, all this, that is, for me, frankly speaking, there were no difficulties for me to do something, that is, i took it right away, did it, you know, and then i already gave my all, that’s how it is, well, how does anyone do it, it worked out like this for me, so throughout my life i had all. like this, give everything until the very end, and it worked out or didn’t work out, it’s not for me to judge, but it’s true that songwriters in their best years earned very large fees, it’s true, i’ll tell you, i’m one of the first to acquire car, even from the railway station, four zhiguli cars came there, oh, and i took it off, well, the first one... then none of the guys drove for a long time, and i’m just a born driver, you know,
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somehow i had it all, then the volga and one went there, the second, i remember the numbers 0.027, that is, well, something like this, here again in life, life was personal only during vacation, two, well, two or three weeks in general, i always loved going to the glider. crimea, koktel, constantly every year both muscovites and kievites gathered there, that’s what now, as they say, everyone was like that, they loved each other, adored songs under the moon, everything, well, everything was great, did this happen at songwriters’ concerts , any unexpected, perhaps funny situations, and how did you get out of them? well, of course, i'll tell you, because we have three concerts, sports palaces, it was a day off,
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because sometimes we work in the city for a week, there, and somewhere in uzbekistan, there were even seven concerts, of course, because we were constantly brewing in our environment, we published a wall newspaper there , ridiculed all each other’s shortcomings, they wrote lampoons about each other, i was listed in our newspaper as anatole zaliapukha, often when we were already tired of three or four concerts there. sports palaces, here’s a white guy flying, and some inveterate fly, there’s a slap for our soloist, to this, and i take it like this, and no one listens to anything anymore, no one sings, oh, he was offended by me, well, everything was, i’ll tell you that everything was,
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of course, we amused each other as much as we could, but how without it? could we ask you to sing the song vologda with you? let's have fun, let's sing, letters, letters personally to our mailbox. i ’m writing a novel with a sequel, i know, i know exactly where my address is, who is in my mind, through the dance, where is my dark-eyed one, where, count, where, where , where, where, count, where, where, in the thought, where is the carved shine ,
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where is my dark-eyed one, where, polo, where, where, where, where, ox, where, where? the birch tuba danced. tell me, please, did it happen that you didn’t like the song, but you had to sing it, full blast, of course, i sang a lot, for some reason i had this image
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of a shchelsky lad, i sang all these songs , which you may even know, you don’t know, well... you need to know them, you know, so i had an image, yes, although i could, when mulyavin said that you understand, we all auditioned, there were soloists who we had time, he says, listening to you, you want to cry, so what’s wrong, the song should touch you, that’s right, either cry or laugh, that ’s why i really loved it, the soloist is a lyricist, the soloist there, dramatic singing, there’s no one in general with us as always, the boss pulled this whole herd along with him, his vision, it was, as they say, the guys made the arrangements, and he, here we need to change, here we need to do this, like this. when i was preparing for
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our meeting on the internet i found a lot of interesting facts about songwriters, could you would you say which of these facts is true? what about fiction? alexandrina helped write the famous song in code, is it true or false? code, no, did you make this up? the pesnyars had their hair cut at the request of the party, that’s a lie, we didn’t cut their hair, i’ll tell you, that’s why they tried to force them into the party all the time, and by the way, i was a komsork in the pesnyars, the pesnyars were accused of illegally selling records, no, is this true or false, this lie. the following fact: they earned a day as a soviet doctor for a month, or even more, or even more, i changed cars, the only thing, yes, and they received overtime in 3 months, four of us had 35 rubles, well, who had the title, this is very decent money, yes, i didn’t have it,
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for example, i still don’t know what we had soap there with coupons. the union collapsed, unfortunately, yes, that’s the only effect, because there’s no work anywhere, well , i remember this option, a neighbor calls me... they’re stripping your car there, that is, by the time he and i got down, they’d already taken off the wheels, removed uh windshield, rear window, and 50 meters away, there was
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police with dogs, everything was closed, nothing, everything, they didn’t find anything, that ’s the situation then, i remember my daughter, i met her after music school, she was accosted by some kind of hooligan, well, everything was then like this, as they say, it worked, that’s why it i ’m seriously saying, otherwise i, i would never have left, yes, actually, i left so that i’ll leave, i’ll be back tomorrow, well, it just so happened, you regretted it once, you know, they ask the question, that’s nostalgia , you miss me, yes, i miss you, at night, we are constantly, when i was standing on stage with the singers, i thought, lord, leave. to the forest at least to breathe in this forest smell, that’s it, it never worked out, you know, so i think that
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no, i continue to live, why did you decide to move to the united states of america, the fact is that i never decided, i until now i haven’t decided yet, it’s their idea, because i’m here too, i ’ve come here six times this year. well, in belarus there may be less, mostly moscow, of course, but i don’t have such a thing that i just moved, i didn’t renounce my citizenship, i’m a citizen, i was and will be, well everything else, it just happened like in life, since the kids left, i have three children, my two girls are like that, haha, such beauties, and my boy is also 8 meters tall...
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perform the american dream? well, let’s start with the fact that i didn’t have the american dream as such, it’s an ordinary normal country
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in which if a person works, he gets everything, it’s still there, maybe someone out there has dollars growing on trees, there is no such thing, i’ll tell you, frankly speaking, somehow - everything that where i worked, so i can say that all this suited me, i provided for my family and my wife. i have a pianist, there is a grand piano at home, which we transported him 17 times, she only sat down at it once or twice, although she reads from sight and plays , i don’t know how to make her, but sometimes i sit there with leggings, and so on in principle, everything suits me, so i’ll tell you that no one is sitting on my neck here to do what i do.
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invested in the cost of it, so we experiment, we write, so to speak, sometimes voices, for example, i have a keyboard player is located near rostov, which... my
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guitarist is also in minsk, so to speak, is in ryazan and here, too, in moscow, so i signed some basis, we are sending it, i recorded a little voice there, they put it there, that’s all , that’s how much is on my youtube there are a lot of such recorded songs where i write, well, i spend money on this, but what is it that’s mine? do you understand how you can take it from me, uh yeah? well, these are the things, you lived in belarus in the nineties and you can compare it with real belarus, what do you think has become better in our country, and what's worse? i’ll tell you, of course, everything has become much better, everything, these huge stores and supermarkets have been built, that’s all, i’ve always been surprised and
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still shocking. frankly speaking, when , for example, you take some kind of milk or sour cream or whatever, well, it costs not just one type, but 10, 15, 20, and we film all this and sometimes show it there all these neighbors there, is it really so, yes, you can imagine, and young people come with carts, they have kids there and that’s it the floor is full, that's it. everything, everything around, the parking lot is full, everything, but why, why is it wonderful, really, belarus has risen, they say that public people, especially artists, often marry each other, is this a myth or truth, i’ll tell you that i’m a wife, 40 years old, the same one, larisa, so on... how
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did you meet your wife, how did she hook you? and we were working concerts, so i somehow, of course it happens, the tenorists always broke for 2 days, everyone was already sitting there, they were being treated there, i and mulyavino broke down there the fourth, fifth day, so to speak, well , they sang a lot of things, everything was interchangeable, so somehow my throat was not very good, i went to the second floor.
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it’s just, you know, and so, she’s great, she manages everything, i won’t say anything, she’s a huge helper, a great helper, and in the children, in the house, in our house we have the purest order, everything around, not a speck of dust, not a speck of dust, anywhere , and then not so long ago i was against it, they took this robot that runs, keeps running up, listen, get out of here, it’s one, one, one, one, and
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then it unloads and loads itself, so now we don’t do much around the house, what we do, in general, in general, when i woke up in the morning, then the day began, these are pensioners, please tell me, what is the difference between teenage love and love in adulthood? i ’ll tell you, you asked a very good question, here i am... when i was 15 years old, and some muscovite came there, she was such a fox, she was there and petted me with all this, and i fell in love with her, well, purely humanly, that’s it, for me it’s only this love, then it’s all somehow, so to speak, it even passed, thank god it’s all, that’s why i i’ll tell you, when a person gets older...
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it depends on the relationship with each other, how you understand each other is not necessary, because something must be said in order to understand a person, what he wants or either says or hints, or looked at, you already understood that you can’t say this or something, you know, so i think that this is mutual understanding, then respect, this is what all this is built on, these relationships, it’s very... difficult, but at the same time some people just don’t understand this, here i am, i’m all to myself i’ll build it, and i and i just want it this way, this shouldn’t happen, you know, but the love of such obvious love right here until the end of my life, well
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, i didn’t think that this was happening, but all this is very complicated, and in a word, to unfortunately, this cannot be said. the land for me is a nurse, it gives us everything, bread and milk, without labor, nothing can be produced on it, i can’t imagine another job where i’m not connected to the land, we’re ready to share knowledge and show one day
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from my life. the battalion is designed to carry out tasks to search for investment burials of military personnel for the purpose of their further perpetuation. without burial, when you really understand that the work was done efficiently and the result was achieved. getting to know belarusian enterprises and the outstanding results of their work. this is a very interesting job,
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because when we come to work, in our department, and in other departments, we are constantly introducing something, constantly developing something, when it is still produced, it turns out that the consumer also makes his choice. in our favor, this is such pride and such happiness as from manufacturer, you have no idea. an approach to business that everyone should strive for. what is vinegar production? this is actually, to be honest, a specialty for which the most responsible people in the enterprise. work for me is joy, it is pleasure and results, it is stability, confidence in the future. my work is life for me. they always say to me: you go to work, smile, come home from work smiling. we move forward, we move, and we are here too. so come to us and see how we live, watch the quality mark project on the belarus 24 tv channel. minsk has long headed
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for the east, this is a response to the challenges of the time and the desire to establish mutually beneficial partnerships with those who are ready for such cooperation, ready to work without ultimatums, we are connected by long-standing friendly relations , we are moving. on the world map in all directions, despite the closed nature of individual countries that are accustomed to talking from a position of strength: asia, africa, europe and latin america, people, cities, enterprises where minsk is known, valued and respected. belarus is not it may not be noticed, it has preserved and is developing healthcare, industry, government, you did not allow the country to be destroyed, you held it, this is a victory, and belarus is gathering friends. we are already citizens of your country, our country, our country, i have been living for 31 years, it’s good, everyone is happy. belarus is beautiful, my wife is belarusian, my children are already here, three sons, we have settled here for
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45 years, the main topics are on the main air, watch on the belarus 24 tv channel . how did you raise your children strictly or did they twist ropes out of you? they twisted the ropes, i i’ll tell you, because nothing was refused, but they had everything, all the cartoons, everything, all the videos, all the phones, everything, you know, i took the last one off myself, but they gave everything to them, no need to wait for gratitude, this children. it was you who charmed me from this, unfortunately, we don’t
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always, so i even remember my parents, my father’s mother, my father was impeccable, oh , what a mother too, so i regret it now, god forbid that you regret it so much, that our parents received little attention, please protect your parents, mother, dad, because they are the best thing that ever was, is, will be, please, i wish you this from the bottom of my heart, because they are the only ones you have and they are everything to you. have any of your children realized themselves as an artist, or do they have any other interests in life? no, i have a middle daughter...
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“she’s also far from a stupid girl, but she married such a relatively rich man, then things didn’t work out for her in life, but she’s all rich, you know, so that’s also very bad, you know , and this boy who is growing up with them, he is very rich, everything, but i feel sorry for him, she murmurs so much about him, these people are dragging themselves, they are dragging this on themselves, so don’t forbid...” god then the right words, that where, where he was born, it was useful there,
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of course, but that’s what happened to me, that they ruined everything, they weren’t particularly useful anywhere, i can talk a lot on these topics, so it’s not that there’s some kind of resentment in me, i’m happy with everything, and so far i ’m satisfied, i’m glad, after all, you would like for one of your children to repeat your fate, no, no... in no case is that all, it’s like winning the lottery, i’ll tell you that like in moscow i have two groups, in minsk there is one group with whom i work, both there and live and really everything is the same, and even in america i have a group, in general i work concerts , there are no problems, and we work as we should, with a bang at the end people stand up and clap, that ’s it... they walk around, well, your audience is supposedly
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leaving, i wouldn’t say, now everyone comes at 30 years old, at 40, and says: we are ready to listen to you every day. we are often told that we learn from mistakes, if so, why so? is it a shame to accept defeat? a very good question, i’ll tell you, you don’t always learn from mistakes, sometimes this one, when a person gives everything, it would seem, is not ready for something, but this turned out to be exactly what was needed, so don’t take it as a dogma , this is the mistake you will never repeat in your life again, well, my whole life has been a mistake, because i know that at the beginning i was worthy of something more, you know, if only now, god forbid, everything would be like... like they say, return to your path, as they say, i would
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i would have gone differently, you know, maybe i would have worked as some kind of engineer, but not just some kind of engineer, but i would have worked, you know, and this singing, as they say, would have been all pure for you, for me, there, you know, that is, there is a lot here, it’s a very tricky question, but you’re great. please tell me which song of the singers is your favorite? i ’ll tell you, it’s very difficult, because... what have i been listening to for many years there for a couple of decades, otherwise i don’t listen, is it really us, and this was sung in a concert live, five of us, six, seven, you know, that’s what you have to look up to, you know, so i think, of course, the mulyavin is very lucky that
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they got together in the seventies, that’s exactly the golden composition, it’s not for nothing that we call the golden composition, because all that, that... then it happened later, but they were already a little non-pisners, without internal content, i believe that with the departure of the mulyavin, the pesniers ended their existence, that’s all, this is my personal, don’t take it to the end either, love the young, there they are such handsome men, anatoly, can i ask you to sing? favorite song from the repertoire of songwriters, from that very golden composition. if you want it there, let’s get the belarusian girl, louder, a little bit, it seems that fate has been given away, since there is such
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love, we have it together. yes, and it lasts for many years, and love has no end, it’s not, you belarusian, you’re my mystery, everything with you, life is not sweet. only it was only for many years, but love has an end, this is what it is, years, years, years fly by, everything is forgiven, and love, love,
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love becomes more and more idolized, white, white, belarusian pile. i love everything more and more, it burns, blazing, there is, back, through my life, i will come like a pitiful one, i follow god, you are with me, behind the beautiful one with your dream, i follow you, i follow you, years, years, years fly by, everything is forgiven, but love, love, love is becoming more and more stronger, white and white,
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my belarusian girl, i love more and more deeply , the years fly by, everything is forgiven, and love, love, love is becoming more and more stronger, white and white, my belarusian girl, i love more and more deeply, blazing, blazing oh, your love.
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well, here she is about life somehow very well, in my opinion, here you are, girl, take the microphone, what question did you ask, let’s get to know you, i asked a question about fate, about mistakes, about how, about what mistakes are, well, do mistakes teach us, how do we learn from mistakes? no, yes, all this is correct. according to the rules of our program, the author of the best question receives a special gift from our guest. go out onto the site. well done,
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anatoly, now you have the opportunity to ask the children your question, naturally, you naturally have some kind of dream, what kind of person you want to be, well, of course, we all want to be. named after yanka kupala at the faculty of journalism, and i want to become a journalist, accordingly, i really hope that i will
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be able to retain the sociability and sociability that i now have, and i am sure that we will meet again in the role, when i become a journalist, since i was 3 years old i really wanted to become a dentist, i set myself the goal that i would study all 11 classes with excellent marks, enter a medical university, and study to become a dentist and open my own personal dentistry. this is wonderful. it's arrived time to say goodbye to our audience. so, honored artist of belarus, soloist of the pesnyary ensemble, anatoly koshiparov, today is a guest on the program 100 questions for adults. i'm waiting for you, anatoly, at the entrance to the site. guys, thank you, thank you. thank you, thank you guys, thank you very much, this is where i ask you
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to stay. anatoly, do you think you did a good job with our children’s audience today? i really liked the audience, but it is far from being for children, because it already has its own big thoughts, which means it speaks about what we have. there is some future, now i'm calm. today you managed to answer 43 questions. tell me, if we call you again, agree to come. with pleasure. i am addressing our young audience. do you think that our hero was as frank as possible with you today? whoever thinks so, raise your hand. why do you think so? and, i think that our guest was quite honest with us, because, well, first of all, when i talk, i look at the person. in the eyes, secondly, this is the intonation with which he spoke, gesticulated with his hands, he somehow
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he jumped up a bit, showing some of his own situations from life, and it seems to me that it’s unrealistic to come up with something like that, he was very sincere with us, you talk to anatoly with him and you just feel such good energy such a positive and light feeling remains after the conversation. i believe that anatoly was extremely honest with us, first of all, this is due to the fact that he proved how important it is to be a person with a capital m, and never strive to be like someone else, only to be like yourself, this very important in life. who thinks that anatoly still didn’t say something, hid something, maybe was a little disingenuous in his communication with you. no, no, anatoly is like that. a person who would not trust you today. anatoly, we have this rule: the hero always has the last word. summarize the conversation that took place. firstly, everything
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is in such the right direction that i really liked it all, and i will gladly come back next time when i need to be prepared, because, well, really, who is the most interesting for us is our children, our future, present. we wish you nothing but health and have some kind of middle ground in everything, a golden mean, it must be present in all of us, then everything will be in peace, calm and peace. so, today the guest of the program 100 questions for adults was the honored artist of belarus, anatoly koshiparov. see you in a week. watch in the next issue.
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dear passengers, today in our studio we have the general director of belavia airlines, igor nikolaevich cherginets. fasten your seat belts, we're taking off. what privileges do you have? airline director? maybe you can fly for free? can you recommend new routes for the new season? people sometimes complain that flight prices are high in bielawa, do you agree with this? and as usual, the surdes marina vasilevskaya became an astronaut , why did they choose her? is it true that my wife called you from space? first of all , planes, and then girls, but for you
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, where is love? 100 questions for an adult: love comes first for me, i really love aviation, love for my family, for my homeland, it is love that drives everything, everything in this world.
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