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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  June 25, 2024 6:00am-7:00am MSK

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in conditions of war, and even more so to be drawn directly into hostilities, which, for example, our president opposed and opposed in every possible way, this is an absolutely correct policy. the project is objective, don’t miss new episodes on tv channel belarus 24. belarus, good morning, belarus, wake up, wake up, beloved country, together with you, today is a wonderful tuesday, june 25, welcome anna kviloriya maryana murenkova, good morning, good morning, on on the clock you said it was 6:00, no, but i’m telling you, if you suddenly forgot, what time does our program begin, and today is the day of friendship and unity of the slavs, this important holiday symbolizes unity and marriage.
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5 days or 6 days of june you definitely need to wake up with our program, in fact, that’s what we suggest you do, let’s go, i don’t presume to predict fate, our life is joy and fun. if you are in my heart,
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russia, then you are in my heart, belarus, if you are strong in my heart, then belarus is in my heart, we love all our songs with you, and when we are sad we laugh until we cry, we love our forests and diseases are not among these. i don’t presume to predict fate, our life is joy and sadness, if you are in my heart, russia, then belarus is in my heart, if you are in my heart, russia, then belarus is in my heart, the new century is knocking on our doors, more fun is my product. washing brother, we
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are slavs, we are free birds, there are no borders or barriers for us, i can’t predict in a second, our life is joy and sadness, if you are in my heart, russia, it means we love our forests and woodlands and the flaxen sky, not to catch our common faith, not to destroy minsk, nor moscow, sir, our life is joy and sadness, if you are my heart, russia, then my heart is belarus. friends,
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we continue to help you wake up, mariana morenkova, anna kveloria, in studio 600 on makaonka 9, broadcasting to you on the belarus 1 tv channel, belarus24 satellites, and also use the bel tv and radio company application, convenient, fast, mobile. watch us whenever you want, whenever you, well, want to, and turn on the good morning right away, oops and maryana, let’s say without false modesty, what we always want for the day. yes, and let's find out what our team has prepared for you today. notes from dashchinka, matvey lichonok will tell you how to get rid of the smart and insidious hogweed in his story. a man who changed the world, let's get acquainted with the biography of an engineer, scientist, one of the founders of packet data transmission technology, paul beran. and we will also find out how the one who makes the morning of our country good, our self-people, begins his day. column
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today the heroine is ekaterina kruglova, a leading microbiologist. size, aroma, damage ponytails. what other criteria should you pay attention to when buying a tama? the purchase will tell you, and we’ll also figure out passive or active summer recreation, here’s the question, residents of the city of minsk have already shared their opinion on this matter, all the details are in the story of anna gandzhur, i’m really interested in waiting for the story about tomatoes, you need to focus on the tail, yes tomatoes, it turns out yes, but i thought you would say, you would like to know what kind of vacation the menchan people prefer, no, well, this is also natural, although i guide myself. well that's not all the plans for today, in the next part of the program , we will talk with the chief director of the republican score for graduates of higher educational institutions, vladislava artyukovskaya. in the third hour, according to the tradition of tuesdays, we will meet in the studio a psychologist, mediator, author, our permanent super-topical column, which is actually called actual. alla
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komarovskaya under the guidance of this wonderful, beloved expert. let's figure out what awareness is and how to develop it? and why do we need it so much to build a quality one? well, let's end the broadcast at the concert venue, because there is not a day without a premiere in our program, and we are waiting for factorby graduate karina erofeeva, her premiere song is called the wall, we heard, it’s a hit, by the way, so don’t miss it, we have such a rich program ahead, so friends, we planned the live broadcast, we planned it for 3 whole hours, i would even say, we wrote it out in detail, now let’s also write down in detail the recipe from our anatoly moiseev, today he is preparing green resotto with mushrooms, wow? good morning, today we will prepare a healthy and properly balanced breakfast in terms of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, we have a wonderful resotto for breakfast
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, in addition to the rice itself, we use mushrooms and green peas, we will need rice. piñons, onions, garlic cloves, green peas, hard cheese. pour half of the green peas into a deep container and mash until pureed, cut the champignons into slices, finely chop the onion into cubes, peel the garlic, grate it on a fine grater, and also grate a little hard cheese. on a heated frying pan add a small amount of olive oil, add onion and garlic, fry until golden brown, after a couple of minutes add champignons, fry them until they release water,
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add washed rice to the vegetables in the frying pan, fry everything together for about 3 minutes, pour in a glass water, bring to a boil and add, that’s right, ground black pepper, salt and a full teaspoon of oregano, mix everything thoroughly and simmer under the lid for 20 minutes. when the leaf is cooked, add green pea puree, it will give color. stir and add the remaining whole peas, place the resotto on a plate, sprinkle with grated cheese and decorate with herbs. bright summer green. breakfast is ready! mushrooms and peas combine very harmoniously with each other; the dish has an incomparable taste, rich mushroom aroma and delicate creamy consistency. a good day starts with a good breakfast, bon
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appetit! tv news agency presents an overview of popular print and online publications: the season of electric scooters is in full swing, and this this means that gaia’s report is updated with alarming frequency with information about violations involving them. at the end of may , an eleven-year-old boy fell under the wheels of a car while on a roller coaster. on the same days in minsk, a car hit a man and a teenager who were crossing the roadway in one such vehicle. the beginning of this summer will be remembered as a sad experience by schoolchildren from the stolin region, who decided to ride on a gadget as many as three, maybe it is worth introducing drastic requirements for the use of electric scooters, they wondered correspondents of a rural newspaper, and at the same time found out what is important for those who like to ride in the breeze. with the onset of warm
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weather, thousands of followers of quiet hunting flocked to the forests, in excitement, in search of a mushroom plot or berry clearing, many forget about time, about where they are. ministry of emergency situations: how not to get lost in the forest. the rescuer is advised to first study the map of the area, wear bright clothes to be more visible, take a supply of water, food and a first aid kit, and do not forget to charge it. mobile phone. read more about how not to get lost in the forest, read the material in the life hacks section. he oversees all scientific research in the field of oncology in the country. about 400 operations were performed personally. one of the youngest academicians of the national academy of sciences of belarus , deputy director of the alexandrov republican scientific and practical center of oncology, sergei krasny, confirms the origin of his surname, which is interpreted as key and main. about how he changed it. opinion, thirty-five years of experience in combating a fatal disease, sergei anatolyevich told an sb correspondent
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weeks, and also shared preventive tips. traveling around the country, you are convinced how carefully we treat the historical cultural heritage; thanks to enthusiasm and with the help of the state , even those objects of which almost nothing remains are restored from scratch, as if princely castles and estates are growing out of the ground, and ancient ones are being revived. .. folk customs, correspondents of the minsk-novosti agency got acquainted with three such locations, for example, the town of sula. it was first mentioned in documents back in in the 15th century, as belonging to the radevilov family, near the agricultural town of dukora, there was once a beautiful and rich estate that resounded with balls and knightly tournaments throughout the entire area. how abandoned estates are turned into ethno-museums and what mysteries their names sometimes hide, read on the news agency’s website.
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today we will work on stretching coordination, for this we will need a gymnastic hoop. our first exercise will be called twisting. we take the hoop with both hands, turn it in any convenient direction, it can be this... this we hold this for 5 seconds, our elbows must be straight, we carefully unwind and twist in the other direction, we can do such repetitions from 10 to 20 times, we look at how we feel, our next exercise will be on coordination to strengthen the toes, for this we will need a hoop again , we lift it up. we stretch up to the ceiling as much as possible, the stomach is pulled in, the butt is pulled up, we put our foot
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on the toe, either right or left, tear it off 1, 2, 3, put it back, return to the starting position, the same with the other leg (1, 2, 3) we put our legs straight, we can do this exercise up to twenty times, more, depending on your physical condition. hey, our next exercise will be on coordination, also on strengthening muscles, for this we will need a hoop again, it will be called a swallow, we take the hoop with both hands, put it in front of us, our legs are straight, you can lean forward a little depending depending on the height of the hoop, we raise our leg into a swallow position, keep our arms straight, legs straight and stand like that 5 seconds lower the leg, do the same with the other leg, it may not work right away,
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the foot may walk, we strengthen ourselves, stand on the entire foot, we can do five such approaches on each leg, fix the gymnastic hoop in your palms, arms extended forward, elbows don't bend, do it. twisting, hold in this position for a few seconds, repeat the twisting in the other direction, now raise your arms up, reach for the ceiling, take one leg back, put it on your toes, lift it off the ground, lock in this position for a few seconds, toe stretched, repeat the exercise on the other leg, place the hoop on the floor in front of you, take one leg back, lift it off the ground, pull the toe, don’t let your knees
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go ... lake may the shape of a regular circle, which does not change at this time, there is a surprise: what is it like to look for the right people from heaven, and the size of such enchanting lusteraks in belarus. good morning, country, mariana marenkova, anna quiloria continue to greet you on tuesday, it’s the 25th
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june, well, now let's find out what the weather will be like on today's beautiful, we are sure, summer day. maryana vasilievna, i ’ll be happy to tell you, but first i want to emphasize that it wasn’t morning, it was some beautiful old romance called morning-foggy, do you understand why it’s ancient? well, because there is such an old romance, morning foggy, okay, let’s go on, i ’ll tell you about the weather, +24 +26 in our minsk region, we have the same situation in the brezskaya region, in vitebsk to +25 +24 +26 in gomel, in grodna up to 27° today. during the day the air will warm up and +24 +26 in mogilev it will be cloudy with clearings, no rain, the fog will clear very soon when you go to work. maryana vasilievna, and pay attention, you and i said yesterday that it would be hot, we kept our promise, here you go, hot indicators, hot indicators and no rain for today, well , i’m in a great mood, because the weather
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is fine, meanwhile the marathon -festivals in our country are just gaining momentum, we constantly tell you where to go, what see how to enjoy summer belarus, yes, and belarus knows how to enjoy, by the way, so you know that alexandria is again gathering friends for the anniversary, in fact, yes, right here on kupala night, july 6, the agricultural town of alexandria, shklovsky district for the fifteenth since yes, yes, it will become a place of attraction for creative people, numerous tourists, and you know that thousands of people are coming to this small place these days, and they will be appointed before...
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this is a real soul for lovers of active summer vacation, these are the advantages that those who choose passive relaxation can boast of, and about this, what they can offer, what they can offer, how they can justify it, why you need to relax passively, why you just need to lie down and lie there, our correspondent looked into the issue anna ganjur, let’s watch her story, good morning, today we’ll find out what kind of vacation belarusians prefer, active or passive, so let’s go? passive, i prefer, i have a hobby, which, i make dolls, so active recreation, yes , do you prefer, which sport, basketball, volleyball, also football and a swimming pool, so listen, super, why on catamarans, then go for a ride, not basketball, play volleyball, today is a good day, almost sunny, went out for a ride, are you going to spend the summer active or passive,
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of course active, what it means how this movement is life, you need to play sports, travel, creatively, swim, swim, ride in supes, listen, you are so cool, i have never skated in supes, and how are you going to spend your summer, also active, also rivers, sea water, and maybe something else: bicycle, running, jumping, bicycle, running, jumping, of course, active at any age, and what does it mean, in your opinion , active, it’s like, it’s like playing sports,
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working at in the country, the belarusian ice is so short, long-awaited, everyone spends it in their own way, most belarusians prefer active recreation, because this is a great opportunity to enjoy warm days, get bright impressions and recharge with positivity for the whole year. into the gentle sea, the sun on the planet, in this hot dance, we fly like the wind, several azure. and the breath of passion, we are in the arms of love, this is our happiness, under our feet, golden in color, our
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hot summer is friends with you, our eyes are the color of the sea, in them i burn with passion, and we equally share the same happiness with you. kumango from this love, my heart believes in longing, the sky is shining, the sand under my feet is golden in color and you and i are circling, our hot summer, the light of the sea in our eyes, they are burning with passion, and we... soon we are dividing into two koro happiness juice under your feet golden color and we are circled with you by our hot summer, in
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our eyes the color of the sea in them is burning with passion and we will bring happiness to yours. according to the children, the happiness of the souls under their feet is golden in color, the light of the sea spreads out, passions are tearing down in a divided way, for two there is one happiness, and the sand under our feet is golden in color, circling us with you.
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with a plus sign. yes. and today, by the way, no rain. well, next, let us tell you about international news. for example, in the royal botanic gardens kew in london , the world's largest flower bloomed again under called amorphophalos titanically henceforth. we 'll call it the snake tree. despite the terrible smell, thousands of people came to see the plants. the whole point is that it blooms once every few years and blooms only for two days. and, by the way, we constantly talk about this in the program. well, in these two days. he needs to attract as many insects as possible for pollination. it is the largest flower in the world and can reach almost 3 m in height. and one and a half meters in diameter. there's a giant hidden underground
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tuber-shaped root, weighing up to 50 kg. the plant was first described by italian botanist ada ardabeki in 1878 on the island of sumatra, the only place where it grows naturally. the locals were familiar with it for a long time and used the giant one. a tuber of the snake tree itself for food, well, what can i say, as i understand it, all sorts of insects are bugs, well, not spiders, of course, whoever pollinates the orphophalos there, they fly to this nasty smell, you see how it turns out it’s dangerous and attractive, terrible at the same time, i thought that in nature this nasty smell was created in order to scare away everything unnecessary, logically yes, i agree with you, well, it’s not such a simple flower as we thought, where does it bloom, where is it... oh, friends, yes, this
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is, of course, a painful topic for those who regularly go to the countryside or live outside the city. indeed, hogweed, a dangerous plant, came down to us from the mountains, but it didn’t come down on its own, as you know, scientists brought it down from there to the soviet union. time, and borshevik, its second name is pine borshevik. it was considered to be very good feeding, but then people realized that it is not so harmless, it can cause terrible burns, and the most interesting thing is that it’s not just by itself that you touched the leaves there and it caused a burn, but it reacts when there are off-rays, that is, the sun is bright, and indeed burns can be the worst. and another interesting detail about hogweed, that its seeds can sleep in the soil for up to 12 years, you can imagine, so when scientists finally not only scientists, but all over the world in the soviet union too
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we figured out that, as it were... you know, it was in vain that we sort of let him down from these caucasian mountains, it was already a little late, so we are actually still fighting with him, you see, you live, you live and you don’t know what’s next to you know all about this plant, you know, our correspondent matvey lichonok also found out a lot about this weed, so to speak, yes, a pest, he will tell you right now how to fight it, sosnovsky's hogweed began to actively spread in the territory of the former soviet union , including our territory countries after world war ii. it was perceived as a convenient and cheap fodder crop, because it grows very quickly and also reproduces. later it turned out that this plant contains furanocoumarins, these are substances that, in sunlight and under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, can cause first- to third-degree burns. in addition, if you feed
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cows with hogweed, the milk will turn out bitter and later, for these two reasons, hogweed was no longer cultivated as a fodder crop. later, farmers noticed that the plant even after the cessation of cultivation , it germinated very well on its own in the places of its former sowing, at the same time it occupied more and more new territories due to the fact that the hogweed seeds spread well by water and wind, despite the fact that they themselves are quite large. the structure of the brogue is as follows: it has a large , hollow stalk inside, it looks like celery, large leaves similar to grapes diverge from it in different directions, the whole plant is covered with villi that secrete juice. let's try to cut off a hogweed leaf, you see it's straight the sun shines with the juice of the hogweed, which is located in the stem, and this juice, if it gets
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on... in humans under the influence of ultraviolet radiation , it can cause burns, in general, in conditions of high temperatures at temperatures above 25-30°, it is generally not recommended to enter these plantations, since substances may also be released into the air. previously, at the moment, the main method of combating hogweed was mowing; as such, it does not rid the area of ​​hogweed, it only restrains its population as the plant grows. walks all year or growing season. at the moment, our institution has formed a fairly large assortment of drugs, there are about ten types of them. and these drugs, i mean herbicides, they suppress sosnovsky's hogweed well. such drugs do not completely destroy hogweed, but gradually suppress it. most importantly, they do not have soil activity, that is, they do not destroy all living things around, so they can be used
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on... albeit over time, they will die. quite a promising drug in the current herbicide is magnum. it is approved in our agricultural sector for use in planting grain crops. it is also possible, it is registered on goldenrod and sosnowski's hogweed. its application up to 100 g per hectare is well maintained. we are located on the territory of the derzhinsky district, we see a small population of sosnovsky hogweed, it is clear that some plants have such a yellowish color, that
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is, it was here. recently chemical treatment was carried out, i believe that within a month the hogweed and other herbaceous plants are here will die off, so if you notice sosnovsky's hogweed on your site or even next to it, immediately contact the green building or housing and communal services that serves your area, do not try to fight it yourself, because the plant not only suppresses useful crops around, but also poses a serious danger to humans.
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faith in god, who loved the light that he gave the son of his adzinarodnag, and the importance of religious holidays.
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in belarus, stinging insects are increasingly finding their way into country houses, apartments, any adult can cope with them on their own. the operation to destroy the nest must be performed after sunset, then the maximum number of insects is in the nest. you should wear
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thick gloves and a beekeeper's mask on your face. carefully place a thick bag over the nest and, using a shovel, knife or thin metal sheet or even a sheet of plywood, separate it from the place where. as described above, the ministry of emergency situations department is ready to provide assistance on a paid basis, for this
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you need to call the well -known numbers 101 or 112 and be sure to take care of yourself, because you may be allergic to oos, this is very common and very scary if their bite can lead to a terrible one. let's find out how this very world was once changed by paul beran, an engineer, scientist, one of the founders of data transfer technology. paul beran was born in 1926 in grodno. a couple of years later the family moved
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to boston and then to philadelphia. at age 23 , paul received his bachelor's degree from drexel institute of technology. electrical engineer specialty, he immediately began working as a technical specialist on... the world's first commercial univak computer. 10 years later, beran received a master of science in engineering from the university of california at los angeles. the young scientist specialized in the development of computer technology and worked in a laboratory of the us department of defense. with the advent of the network measurement center, organized to create computer networks, beran began developing an invulnerable communication system. in 1962, he proposed a do... system interconnected computers to save data in case of loss of part of the network. it was beran who invented the routing protocol, which uses an ip address. the scientist also proposed dividing each message into packets,
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which would be transmitted separately over the network and collected together only on the recipient’s computer. this packet data technology is still used today and is the basis for the functioning of the internet. he is the holder of several patents, his name is included in the inventors' hall of fame in akran, a scientist, has been honored with membership in the internet hall of fame. beran received the bell gold medal and the us national medal of technology and innovation, but most importantly, his development is now used by billions of people every day. paul beran, a man who changed the world. once again, friends to all. good morning, if you suddenly forgot who is here in
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the studio? maryana vasilievna, remember? anna kveloria, maryana murenkova, yes, some more international news on our air. anna. yes, i will announce it. friends, amazing indeed find. a bronze age ship that sank more than 3,000 years ago was discovered at the bottom of the mediterranean sea. just imagine how it was preserved there. the shipwreck is located 90 km off the northern coast of israel. experts call the find. evolutionary because these fragments are the oldest ever found at the bottom. an examination using a special robot showed that the ship was about 14 m long, with hundreds of intact amphorae lying next to it. archaeologists believe that this was once was a canaanite cargo ship from the bronze age proper. according to them, such ships 3.00 years ago were the most efficient means of transport for transporting products such as oil, wine and other agricultural goods. he could... sink due to a storm or a pirate attack, experts have already raised
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several amphorae from the bottom, after research they will be presented to the public. i wonder what will happen there? well, i think that over time we will definitely talk about this and find out everything together. well, here’s a discovery off the coast of israel, and meanwhile, the bel tv and radio company is endless and will go to... the mediterranean sea is now a bit expensive, what is the name of the new novel by the author of the hunger games saga, why is the robot walking freely in china. fans of the hunger games saga are in awe. susan collins is writing a new novel. a new story from the author of the hunger games trilogy and the prequel balad of the songbird snakes has already been called " harvest sunrise." the film will be released in cinemas in march next year. plot details have not yet
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been disclosed. what is known is that a fifth of the hunger games universe will tell about fiftieth anniversary games, which took place 24 years before the events in the first book. in this battle , hamich eborneti, the future mentor of the main character katnis, played by jennifer lorens in all films, will fight for life. let me remind you, the last hunger games movie, the ballad of the song snakes. from a series of dystopian films was released in 2023. a pizza-making championship took place in the capital of argentina. more than 170 pizza-makers from around the world took part in it. awards were presented in several categories: for the most delicious pizza, for the fastest preparation, for the fastest dough rolling, for the best acrobatic performance. the skill was assessed by 30 specialists, pizza makers, bakers, journalists and
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famous restaurateurs. the overall winner of the championship was daniel gabrieli. he owns a restaurant in buenos aires and will compete in the world pizza championships in italy next year. cuban miguel sanchez took second place, and diego borgis from venezuela took third place. new addition to chester zoo. they were born there a few days ago. endangered. such a number of chicks have not been seen in the park for more than 10 years. according to veterinarians, all the babies are healthy and their parents are taking care of them. newborns already have names. they were named after plants. for example, there is a tulip, a dandelion and even a narcissus, and the names were chosen for a reason, in accordance with the character. previously , penguins at the zoo were named after nhs heroes. tang olympians, as well as chiptsev and football
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clubs, they promise to show the kids to the public in the near future. the robot conquered for the first time the great wall of china. the metallic humanoid demonstrated its capabilities by moving along stairs and uneven surfaces. the device also had to tilt to fit through the narrow arches of the old towers. according to the developers, other humanoid robots are unlikely... to be able to walk in such conditions? the new machine succeeded in this thanks to proprietary technology that is used in the robot’s learning process. the algorithm helped enhance the device's ability to perceive. space and make decisions in unfamiliar terrain. thanks to this, the robot analyzed the quality of the road it was walking on and adjusted its gait in a timely manner. the main purpose of displaying a humanoid against the background of one of the most famous monuments in the world is to normalize their presence among people and demonstrate progress in robotics. and we
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remind you of this about 15 times already, i hope you remember. if you didn’t remember, then we will remind you again, and more than once during today’s broadcast, friends, right now let’s share interesting international news, in fact, international yoga day en masse celebrated in india throughout the country, conducted training sessions in which thousands of schoolchildren, civil servants, military personnel and ordinary people, of course, including, took part. the main classes were held in the capital of the northern union territory of jammu and kashmir, in the city of srinagar. there the class was headed by the prime minister of india, precisely on his initiative. the un established international yoga day in 2014, and since then modi has demonstrated asanas on this day every year in different parts of the country. this time in class he noted that now the whole world is literally views yoga as a powerful tool for achieving global good, quote. because it helps people live in the present without carrying the baggage of the past with them. you are like
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a practicing yogi, i would even say. i really like how anna valerievna attributes some non-existent traits to me. i have nothing to do with yoga, but in fact it really trains mindfulness, and i would like to remind you that already in the third part of our program we are waiting for anna komarovskaya, our mediator and psychologist, who will talk specifically about mindfulness as a improving the quality of your life, primarily mental, and we hope that your favorite yoga pose is not shavasana, it’s the corpse pose, after all, something more interesting, for example, downward-facing dog, very incidentally drives energy, well, not now. .. unexpectedly we will talk about how to choose the right tomatoes in the store. tomatoes, they are low-calorie vegetables and contain many useful substances, for example, vitamins c and k, potassium, folic acid, and tomatoes are especially rich in lycopene, which has antioxidant properties, and also lycopene
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can protect skin from strong sun exposure. let's figure out how to choose tasty and high-quality tomatoes. the first thing you should pay attention to. this is based on the color of the fruit, it should be uniform, without foreign inclusions, without dots, without any light spots. by the way, light spots will indicate the unfair use of nitrates during tomato production. a tasty tomato should be quite elastic, not too soft and not too hard. if the tomato is hard, it is most likely not ripe, and if it is soft, there is a high probability that it is overripe. if a tomato has a green stalk, it means the vegetable is lying. on the counter not very long ago, you shouldn’t buy tomatoes with damaged stalks, bacteria accumulate in them very quickly. when choosing tomatoes, we will evaluate the smell, be sure to smell it, especially at the stalk, and if the smell is characteristic, tomato, pleasant, then this is all in favor in order for us to consume such a fruit,
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but if there is no smell, then this is a clear sign that the tomato is spoiled, that as for the size, it depends on the variety, large, fleshy, there tomatoes are later varieties that need more time to ripen. among the early tomatoes, there are practically no large ones, and if you find them, there is a reason to think about using nitrates. there are a number of varieties, this is a biological feature that will intensely add shine to kuri. therefore, there are two options: either a varietal feature, or an unscrupulous manufacturer. if we buy tomatoes in season, then shine on the skin is the norm. if we buy in the off-season. that excessive shine is a wax coating, we will additionally wash it off with enough water. it is better to store tomatoes at room temperature; due to long storage in the refrigerator, their texture may become mealy. so, a tasty tomato has a uniform, rich color without spots. the presence of a green petiole is a clear sign
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of freshness, and don’t be shy to smell the tomato. you should feel a rich tomato aroma. delicious and healthy shopping. i’ll leave at dawn, i’ll return if i can,
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the wind is in my will, but i won’t have time to catch it, that’s it yes kilometers, star or shine, siberia, who? children, if you shout, taiga, miles away, the star barely shines, siberia, who will answer you, if you shout, knee-deep snow, even higher in depth. i’m going to visit god, he’s the only one who hears, yes the yoke, yes the kilometers,
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the star and everything is shining, siberia, who will bet , if you shout, taiga, yes the kilometers. the star barely shines, sibi, who will answer you, if you shout, snow and blizzards, frosts of dametsel, it’s not known and not early, but we didn’t have time to meet each other. taiga and kilometers, a star, barely shining, siberia, who will answer you, if
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you scream, yes, it’s a game and kilometers, the star barely shines, siberia, who will answer, if you shout to you, i’ll leave at dawn, i’m no longer jealous of you, no one will help now, i’ll drown in siberia, taiga, taiga, taiga, yes kilometers, svesta barely shines.
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today is june 25 on the calendar, today we meet a wonderful day, tuesday, it’s almost the middle of the week, and what has she prepared for us in synoptic terms, this is the middle of the week, so, attention to the screen, we turn to anna valeryevna, summer weather and nature, she tells me, that now there will be morning indicators. so, +12 +14 on this beautiful summer morning in minsk, in brest up to 15°c. actually, we have the same indicators in gomel. grodno, mogilev, and vitebsk were a little different, well, somehow 1° less than everywhere else, +11, +13 in
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this region, although cloudy with clearings, no precipitation. you may ask, how will the picture change during the day? and i’ll ask how the picture will change during the day, anna valeria, please look, in minsk it’s up to 26° with a plus sign, the same indicators are in brest, in gomel, in mogilev, in vitebsk up to 25° celsius, in grodno. they promise +25 +27, also cloudy with clearings, no precipitation, nothing extraneous, autumn in the sky, excellent temperature indicators, just suitable for june 25, we want a small spoiler for you - you will give it by the end of the week, there will be very good weather , up to 20° heat, i would emphasize, up to 29, and i said up to 20 to 29, yes up to 29° heat, but this morning a... there was a light fog, we hope that it has already cleared, well, at least in the capital region, well, the weather is like old russian
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romance, foggy morning, it's me. thank you, yes , thank you for reminding me, i ’ll write it down for myself now, i’ll use this phrase, and in the meantime, on june 22, at the museum of the defense of the brest fortress, a book of the literary publishing project library of the union state, operation bagration, partisans of the belarusian land was presented at a round table, the illustrated edition contains unique archival data. the book has about 350 pages, the authors tried to write it in an easy language, it will be interesting for children and adults to read, a real gem of the publication. this is an illustrative blog, it helps to better perceive published documents, direct quote. let us remind you that the belarusian offensive operation, code-named bagarion , began on june 23 and ended on august 29 , 1944. its idea was to break through the enemy’s defenses with simultaneous, deep strikes in six sectors, divide his troops into
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pieces and thus take them into the cauldron. bagration can follow the chronology of the operation. aired on tv channel belarus 1. new episode from television news agency liberation day after day on your screens right now from the davetsky pyro on june 25, 1944, the forces of the first baltic united with the troops of the third belarusian front, the encirclement of the vitebsk cauldron was completed. red army soldiers burst into vitebsk, street battles begin. on this day, soviet troops completed the occupation in the bagushevsky, seninsky and chausky regions. during 3 days of operation bagration, the red army liberated more than 300 settlements
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in belarus. until the complete liberation of belarus. 33 days left. thanks to our colleagues from the telenews agency. these are really very interesting videos. well, our program dobroya ranitsa belarus will also not remain aloof from this important date - the eightieth anniversary of the liberation of belarus from the nazi invaders. next week, on july 2, look forward to our special issue of good ranitsa belarus. all our colleagues, we will disperse to cities and regions of our country. we visit key points of the bugartion operation itself , we will tell you in our own way these stories that are certainly connected with people, there are a lot of them, they are all heroes, all of them, some died, some gave their lives to liberate our country, some then lived a great happy life one way or another, forever writing these names in our history, all so that every morning we wish each other
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good morning belarus. on this note, the first hour of our live broadcast ends, immediately after the news release we will contact the city of grodnoy and find out what interesting things happened this week region, and also talk with the chief director of the republican ball for graduates of higher educational institutions, vladislava artyukovskaya. in the third hour, according to the tradition of tuesdays, we will meet in the studio a psychologist and mediator, the author of our regular topical column, alla komarovsky, under the guidance of an expert, we will figure out what awareness is, how to develop it, whether we need it at all, a small spoiler, we do. needed, yes, already realized, we will listen to a new song from karina erofeeva called styana, a very beautiful composition, friends, our parting, as you understand, will be short-lived, very soon we will be back again, we will tell you that maryana vasilievna, good morning to belarus, see you.
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i have to tell you that today, for the first time in many years, i was truly happy, kindred spirits, you know, that’s how long i’ve been living, everyone only needs my money, and i think the reason is different, you want me to cheat five women in a week i’ll submit an application with them to the legislative office, and then i’ll tell them that i don’t have the money. "i agree, be my wife, where are you going to get your passport, here is alphonse, on the second one is already in my eyes, and they are all paying for it, can you imagine what a bastard, i saw you in a dream, i dreamed of such a life, i’m sure
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that my love will appear soon, and that’s why i’m scared.” and joyfully, well, now it’s clear , why is there such disgusting service here, what can you expect from waiters who read such cheap nonsense, watch the series how to scam a millionaire on the belarus 24 tv channel . we are going on a trip to belarus. the river kaunya flows through our city. so here is kalin kavnya or topkaya kavnya. , settlement on topkaya kavne. this name gave the modern name to the city of kalinkovich. let's take a historical excursion. this icon was built by the builder of this temple, ifim petrovich sorokin, in 1915. this painting is unique in that it is signed. usually this is not traditional for icons, but we will also visit the brightest sights of our country. they say that this water heals many diseases. unmarried women come here to
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take a sip from this nutritious water and find a husband. well, scientists, in turn , claim that it is very useful thanks to high magnesium content. the victor gromyk art gallery has three halls. everything is collected here artistically. the heritage of the region, its path, history, and more, look in the program for the route built on the belarus 24 tv channel
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. good morning, tuesday, june 25, information day on belarus 1 and belarus 24,
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the television news agency begins. watch the episode in pavel lazovik's studio. based on the inviolability of fraternal friendship, the foreign ministers of belarus and russia adopted a statement on foreign policy objectives allied


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