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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  June 25, 2024 7:20am-8:00am MSK

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gdp. covid has wreaked havoc not only on people's health, but also on the global economy. thus, from 2019 to 23, the us national debt increased to 122% of gdp, france to 111%, and china from 60 to 84%. housing prices in dubai have been rising for the fifteenth quarter in a row. since may last year alone, it has increased by 20%, since the end of 2020, real estate prices have increased by 60%, and rents by 83. dubai now ranks 15th in the ranking of the most expensive cities in the world for foreigners. it is not surprising that interest in dubai has decreased in the first half of the year compared to the same last year, the number of transactions by russians with real estate in the emirates decreased by 82%. it’s simple, in popular areas almost all housing has already been sold out, again. the risk of running into
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unscrupulous developers is too great. this was the economic news, have a nice day and see you on the air. the morning broadcast continues with the program zone x. i am violetta sokolovich. hello. fraudsters go beyond all possible limits of permission, sending deceived images of pensioners as their couriers. the level of cynicism is amazing. one of the victims now a seventy-two-year-old resident of minsk has become a part-time defendant in a criminal case of fraud, who, according to the police, took more than 3,500 euros from almost her peer. the victim told the detectives that an unknown person called her on her mobile phone,
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introduced himself to state control officers and said that the scammers, using her passport data from someone else’s account, stole money on her behalf. the frightened woman agreed to declare all her savings, supposedly to confirm the source income and transferring a large amount to the courier, she waited for several thousand euros to be returned to her after all the necessary procedures, as the cybercriminals convinced her of this. however, their accomplice had already managed to transfer the stolen money through. kiosk to the specified account. they tell me that this money needs to be declared. but you know, such a complex machine to do this job, so i will assign my employee to you, she will come to you in the evening, and then in the morning you will go and take the money, because these euros of yours must be converted into belarusian ones, and then you will receive them back. as the detainee explained, she had previously believed false law enforcement officers who, over the phone , asked her to declare her savings.
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however, now the detained pensioner will have to answer for her noble actions on an equal basis with the organizers of the criminal scheme, such is the law. the police were reminded that intermediaries of cyber scammers also have a responsibility to compensate the victims. the review of criminal and emergency incidents will continue to be published. 15 years of imprisonment to be served in a correctional colony. in conditions of increased
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regime and a fine of 12,000 rubles each. in the judge of the zavodsky district of the capital, themis pronounced a sentence on the so-called sportsmen. there are two belarusians in the dock, the boys are 22 years old. they were accused under several articles of the criminal code, including part four of article 328. it is reported that the defendants joined an organized group that was engaged in illegal trafficking of prohibited substances. the guys got jobs as collectors. the duties of young people included causing. participation in an attack on two persons, which resulted in victims were hit multiple times, forced them to apologize to the online store, after which they burned the victims' sportswear and stole their property. everything that happened was filmed on a mobile device camera for the purpose of further transferring the video to the curator to confirm the work performed and receive funds. according to the verdict of the court of the factory district of the city of minsk, the accused were found... guilty of illegally for the purpose of sale,
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acquisition, storage, transportation, illegal sale of especially dangerous psychotropic substances in on a large scale, committed by an organized group, as well as theft of property of victims, destruction of their passport. the verdict has not yet entered into legal force; the parties can appeal it. after a visit from a new acquaintance, a strike pistol and a robot vacuum cleaner disappeared. a resident of mensk contacted the police and reported that property worth about a thousand rubles had disappeared from the apartment. law enforcement officers found a suspect, a forty-two-year-old man, who had previously had problems with the law. the operatives found out that the person involved came to guests to a menchanin, after a joint feast, the owner fell asleep, so the guest was not at a loss and looked after him. then he handed over the property to a pawnshop, and spent the proceeds for his own needs; a criminal case was opened for theft. buying a car in the usa brought a very unpleasant surprise, a bmw car, which was sold at auction in the usa, attracted the attention of a belarusian, the man bought the car, the price turned out to be significantly lower than the market price, but
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soon a surprise awaited him, the new owner decided to register the suv, but during inspection of a car by a police officer doubts about the authenticity of the identification... the rvd is being checked. a criminal case regarding an accident in the stoltsy district. as a result of the incident, people were injured. golovek, the accident occurred on june 23, according to the investigation , a nineteen-year-old driver in a skoda car lost control, the vehicle went into a skid. the car slid into a ditch and then overturned. at the time of the accident, there were five people in the car, aged from 16 to 19 years. they were all injured and were hospitalized;
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now their lives are not in danger. on the spot an investigative team worked on the incident. according to preliminary information, the guys were driving along a country road at a speed of about 90 km. this was the project zone x, don’t miss our evening broadcast on belarus-1.
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hello, if you are sitting with your children, i suggest doing a few dance moves to cheer you up, ready, starting position. legs together, take one step with your right foot to the side, keep your feet parallel to each other , lower yourself down to your right side, bringing your pelvis out as far back as possible, keep your knee straight over your foot, keep your back straight, and
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carefully rise up, take a step back, let's do it a little faster, step with your right foot to the side, pelvis goes down, strong stomach, rise up straight. back and side step and a little faster: 1, 2, 3, four, go down as deep as possible, one. two, rise, three, four, down again, uh-huh, 4, 3, 2, 1, at the bottom point, denitsa belarus, good morning, colleagues, i’m glad to start this day with you, well, now i’m ready to share the most interesting news groddan and the region. let's start with sports news, not for... it's no secret that student physical education is the basis of the belarusian big sport of the national
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team. the minister of sports and tourism sergei kovalchuk focused on this during a meeting with the youth of kupala university. the development of sports infrastructure in belarus was also discussed at the event. let us remember that over the past few years a large number of relevant facilities have appeared in the regions, and this helps to train. champions strengthen their position country's sports arena. further news on the topic of the health campaign. in all regions of prineman there are camps with round-the-clock and daytime attendance. thematic events are held there regularly, which means that every new day is different from the previous one. rescuers and police officers are frequent guests there. thus, a safety quest took place at the kupalenko health camp. this time, children were taught safe behavior and prevention of delinquency among minors was carried out.
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emergency situations ministry workers have long moved from words to deeds, use various interactive forms where children are active participants. in this case, fire safety rules are learned faster. well, after completing the quest location, the camp guests cooled off the campers with an improvised rain from a fire hose. and also in grodno. unveiled a memorial plaque in memory of the victims of the genocide of the belarusian people, those who died on the territory of the grodno prison during the great patriotic war. the initiators of the appearance of the memorial plaque were the grodno prison and the regional prosecutor's office. let us remind you that from the first days of the war, the nazi invaders used the prison to torture and exterminate soviet activists, members of the resistance and partisans, as well as civilians. it has been established that during the war years. almost a thousand people died, but that’s not all, traditionally we have a story, this
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time we’ll talk about car rallies. valeria, thank you very much for the selection of news, well, friends, let’s watch the promised story about the motor rally. promotions and events dedicated to the eightieth anniversary of the liberation of belarus from the nazi invaders pass. all regions, their main mission is to honor the memory of those who died during the liberation of our country, the soldiers, as well as civilians who became victims of the nazis. on the eve of the anniversary , a patriotic motor rally started in the places of military glory of the grodno region, in which representatives of the armed forces of the western operational command, military commissariats of the region, as well as active citizens took part. route of the grodno run. bridges, skidel in the republic of belarus, probably, if not the years of the great
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patriotic war, the memory of those veterans who, after the war, rebuilt our cities, our villages, raised our industry, about those people who handed over the banner of victory into our hands, and this memory will live in every generation, our main task is to convey the memory of veterans, of those terrible events, which took place during the great patriotic war. to our younger generations, and in order to convey this, we tell, show, meet with them, more than twenty cars, and those who wish to take part in this rally will drive to military, military burial places, will take part in the fourth religious procession, the army and the church, which will be held in the mostovsky district, will visit iconic places, pay tribute to our veterans, lay flowers and wreaths at the foot of the monuments, and thereby we will pay our debt to those who died, and to the younger generation who will now
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participate in these events, at monuments, on obelisks, in religious processions, we will once again show an example of the need to love, value your history, your memory and pass it on, starting from an early age to to the next generations. a column of cars with state symbols started from the regional center. by the way, such motor rallies are organized in other areas. grodno region. their common meeting place is the city of mosty. in the district center, those present laid wreaths at the mass grave of soviet soldiers and partisans who died during the great patriotic war. further, the route of the rally passed through the village of knyazhevodtsy, mostovsky district, where fascists burned 970 civilians. the last point of the patriotic action was the city skidel, there the rally participants visited the mass grave of soviet soldiers. roof
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fixed the firewood on. they know exactly what success is on sports grounds, they actively express themselves not only in front of the screen, but on sports fields, they have worked as a volunteer at many major tournaments, they themselves prefer dancing and zumba, at one time they played in the svistich football club in the second league of the belarusian championship . and also was the captain of the amateur hockey team red fire, but what will the result be in a real battle of intellects, as a sports in gymnastics is an element that involves turning 360° or more in the air over the head? andrey, somersault, somersault, of course, the diagram shows special exercises for training athletes, but
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what sports discipline are we talking about? i think this is the shot put, this is the shot put, absolutely right, that's right. watch the intellectual and sports show "head game" on our tv channel. we will talk about the diversity of belarusian cuisine. and these are recipes, culinary recipes, written down by maria karkovich, the owner of the cembrov estate. and this cake is from this book. this is the cake from this book, yes. let's witness the birth of culinary masterpieces. after we make this pretzel, we will mold it. it needs to be boiled in boiling water and then placed on a baking sheet for further baking. marvelous. well, of course, i’ll also add a little butter. this is our secret ingredient. we won’t tell anyone about it, the taste will be just right. and we will draw up a detailed gastronomic map of our
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country. and you know what a very bright aroma of honey. is there honey here? of course it's a type of bread which...
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century is ours, for the rich will, happy evening, sleepy will come together, and the old traditions will breathe a new life. the cossacks began to fret with their husbands, dear sweetheart, brow, you called me wisely, just with projects in advance ...
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more than once we are tired of dear, in the spring of may, please, come to you, i will drown in my thoughts, and there will be peace in my soul i feel , and there... i soak in my soul.
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it seems to me to share the most relevant information by 7:40, and this is information about the weather, so, the temperature map to the studio, i’m ready, now there will be gibberish, so, in minsk today up to 26° with a plus sign. the same excellent temperature indicators are expected in the brest region in gomel, as well as mogilev. it’s a little colder in vitebsk, literally 1°. it's up to 25°c here. and in grodno +25 +27. cloudy with clearings everywhere, well, fantasy, not weather. i would say, yes, whatever the weather, it's june 25th. remember, it's a beautiful day with such wonderful temperatures . well, right now our broadcast continues to be the most popular, most beloved, most rated section, it’s called morning profession: we watch and also enjoy, the television news agency
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presents: in the public domain, we have no secrets from our people, let’s look at the all-union navukovo.
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150 g meat. crispy potatoes are in great demand. this is a wonderful snack for breakfast, a healthy and nutritious treat for children, and an indispensable convenient food for fishermen and tourist hunters. here. it produces dozens of different dishes, including the well-known belarusian potato pancakes. amateurs don't always have it easy
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cooking, as you can see, has now become much simpler and easier. dried potatoes can be stored for a long time and are easily transported over long distances. dishes prepared from it have all the taste and nutritional properties of fresh potatoes. no wonder potatoes are called second bread. 1 kg of potatoes can provide 840 calories, almost 1/3 of the daily energy needed by a person engaged in physical labor. educational institutions work on research. atrymany have crackers with additional local produce, meat, fish and cottage cheese. in the worst possible moment, you can get them in stores. to become one of your own in a foreign country,
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you don’t have to be born there, this, this is the symbol of belarus, yes, but as in russian, ice, yes, ice, yes, i’m right, ice, yeah, the okinchitsa estate memorial, that means, yes . it’s him, yakuva kolosa, it’s enough to behave at a party, like the host of the show, like at home. oh, i specifically chose dramas, this is my love, how delicious it is and how it smells, we study the history of belarus and explore its sights, together with foreigners, our region is considered such a homeland, such poetic. with tradition, because we have such beautiful nature and it inspired kolos, and many other poets and writers. diosmio, how insipid you are, yes.
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this is the idea of ​​life, this is what life looks like, i agree, watch it on the belarus 24 tv channel. the heroes of this program chose to live outside the city, where they see more opportunities and use them to the maximum. you moved from france to belarus, yes, you bake - delicious, cool, traditional real croissants, there are some. the secret is: love, well, of course, and endure and patience, love and patience, very good, that is, the real secret, kevin will not reveal, your grandmother was engaged in herbalism, grandmothers were traditional herbalists, and you are not a traditional herbalist, traditional herbalism, yes, that every woman who lives here in the countryside, she simply must know, yes, how
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to cure her family, then... i am belarus, i am happy with this cossack land, and with the middle-class pushcha. dzikikh hell lived for the century of ancestors. i am belarusian, i am a ghanaian, that i call this name, and to the good glory of belarus in the world i know it's not for nothing. i am a belarusian, and i am happy that matsimov gave me, that i can smell the songs of my relatives from a distance. i am a belarusian, and even though these days are too small, i will say, i come from
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the pakoi tribe. belarus, excellent students, winners, laureates of competitions and festivals, talented and promising, the best youth from all regions of belarus have been invited this friday to minsk. capital for the republican holiday of university graduates, and it will be held for the second time in the open air format on the site near the capital’s sports palace, and we we are glad to meet in our morning studio its chief director, artistic director of the youth theater and stage vladislava artyukovskaya, good morning, vladislava, good morning, glad to see you, i would like to start with the personal, do you remember your graduation, i remember it very well, i remember the student one, of course no, sorry, in my
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time. made such graduates and i probably even look at my contemporaries with envy that they have such an opportunity to celebrate so grandly, but still we met the dawn, we definitely met it, and i so i understand that one of the same features - this graduation, which will take place on friday, will be a meeting of the dawn, but what kind of meeting, let's talk about this in more detail, well, firstly, we are gathering in the center of our capital on the banks of the svisloch river, and as you remember, already last year we did such a premiere, we always do such a water extravaganza. this year it will also be a decoration for this holiday, and there is such a reference to allah porus in st. petersburg, we wanted us to also have our own scarlet sails, so a real ship will sail, a real ship will sail on the svisloch, i notice this fact, friends, by the way, here’s an interesting feature, we talked about it behind the scenes, that the svisloch is not a very deep river, this also has some certain technical complexity, but i’m sure that our guys will cope with everything, i will tell you not
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just a technical one, it was very... difficult, now construction is already underway, we can see a little how it will be, what kind of ship it will be, so that it has the opportunity to sail along the svisloch, but it will float, that's all it will be good, the location will be traditionally located near the sports palace, what will it be like, it will be a large grandiose stage, where there will be places for djs and mcs, we will do a large interactive program with students and of course large production numbers with stars ours... and i’ll tell you not even the names, we focused more on songs, this year we did a survey among students and chose all the most well- loved hits that they can sing with us, so there will be a big one a program with hits, it will not only contain some individual songs, but will be mixed, for example, the sensational ones from the king from the jester, which is now there or from hand to hand, we will specially make such programs and
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even want to do it. we are making our own history, but still i want to name names, we talked behind the scenes here, the headliner, one of the headliners is klava koka, yes, yes, klava koka, such a surprise for our graduates, they played a little, well, we’ll hide it already a spoiler, but i think
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the guys will be very pleased to know what for they have such a gift, well, i remember that last year the stage was divided into two parts, yes, that is - graduates could watch two concerts, practically at the same time, but they moved on, this year it will be repeated, like... we we decided not to repeat this, after all, every time there are some new approaches of ours, we are making one large stage, it will be a little reminiscent of a pier, because there are also such elements, somewhere there are anchors, somewhere we have a pier, somewhere there are ropes in order to connect with our water, by the way, oh ship, he will just pass and show his beautiful scarlet purus, everyone will make a wish, or it will be possible to somehow climb onto it, of course you can’t climb, he will float right there, you just need to swim to him.
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this year she will somehow change the symbol or you will make it, we changed it is no longer a hot bird, we already have sails, we are sails of dreams, after all, the reference goes to assol, to how she dreamed and... we have such a trick, we ask graduates to make their wish, and i think that our graduates have it definitely eat, because they are planning their adult life, their future, their achievements, and we say that their wish will definitely come true, because this ship will appear, yeah, well, the culmination of the holiday, what will happen, the appearance of this ship or something - one more thing, a grandiose fireworks display, we specially do a grandiose fireworks display on the water, i’ll tell you, even cooler than last year, right now... we can’t wait for such beauty, but this is the second time the event is taking place, are there any reviews from graduates, maybe some proposals to be included about the songs, about making hits, because the graduates wanted to participate more in the program itself, they wanted more,
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well, somehow sing along, dance, we learned all their wishes in order to do this really this program that would be interesting to them, this evening, well, let's talk more about your profession, because after all, the director...
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my graduation is not just a day of the week, how quickly the days of our difficult studies flew by, like gnawing on granite, science was a serious bully, now it’s clear what the fuss was about. your mother, and we fell in love easily, looking around, casting glances, our world was divided in half, remember in physics class, we counted the days when we could walk with you until dark, here is our graduation moment, i’m taking off your ribbon and taking you to my place home, here in our graduation moment i’m with you, let’s remember forever in the finale that’s not yours, hey, you’re ugly. i ’m with you, i’m taking off your ribbons and taking you to my
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home, here’s our graduation, in the moment i’m with you, let’s remember our penlital forever, and you’re like an angel in this dress in the light of the lanterns, i will approach so modestly, although it’s time to be bolder, they will dance until the morning and there will be cigarette smoke while the dance floor is humming, there is a place for young people, let’s remember this world without the smallest details, we need to think ahead and we need to be bolder. and many years later, in june, not in the heat, we will remember with warmth, our graduation evening, i will miss you, so will i, here we need you in a sleeping moment, i will take off your ribbon with you and take you to my home.
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friends, this day will never happen again in your life, let's remember every moment, every smile, every second tonight, because you are the best, right now, let's raise all our hands to the sky, light the lanterns, let's all sing the chorus of this song together, we agreed, god, how beautiful, what a graduation moment. i'm with you, here's our graduation moment, i'm with you
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forever in fina, last moment i'm with you, i'm taking off your ribbon and taking you to my home, here's your graduation moment i'm with you, let's remember forever fina, graduation, i'm with you.
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matins broadcast on belarus 1 and belarus 20. four continue the news in the studio.


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