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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  June 25, 2024 11:00am-12:00pm MSK

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while our law enforcement officers are working and making belarus safer, european police filters are actually not working. ksenia lebedeva’s author’s view on the policy of double standards in the project is different. watch on the belarus 24 tv channel.
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we follow the sports life of our country. this week, volleyball menchanka won its eleventh championship, for olga polchevskaya - this is the first gold award as the main coach of the team. gomel managed to restore parity in the series against bntu bilas 1:1. the final score of the response match 21:20 in favor of the gomezh handball players. we are reviewing. interesting event. 1,500 people in minsk alone, tens of thousands more in 15 countries around the world. a total of 189 thousand people were united by the onerun international half marathon. the strongest team of the continent at the european youth wrestling championship was the belarusian women's team. as a result, the belarusians have seven medals, three of which are gold. we listen to the opinions of competent specialists. minsk, as i already said, is of very high quality. the back line, a couple of
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foreign players, it is the defenders who make really the whole game, all this in sports projects on the belarus 24 tv channel . you created the first, so far the only department of cardiology of internal diseases in the post-soviet space, from scratch.
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degree or a practicing physician? health is, firstly, the personal property of every citizen, it is easy to lose it, many people say that a doctor is a person who stands between man and god, are you not interested in money? i'm interested in belarus, i'm interested in belarusian clinical medicine, i have a lot here students, i am not prone to betrayal.
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hello, the program “tell me not to be silent” is on air. victoria popova and tatyana shcherbina in the studio. and today our guest is the director of the republican scientific and practical center for cardiology, natalya mitkovskaya. good afternoon, natalya pavlovna. good afternoon, victoria, good afternoon, tatyana. hello. we are very glad to see you in our studio. in many respects, belarus has been becoming a leader in the field of medicine among countries for several years now. cis, but the last thing we met was that it is the leader among the cis countries in provision of population with health workers per 10,000 people. how do you explain to yourself the reasons for this breakthrough, the belarusian miracle? do journalists come up with beautiful names for this phenomenon a lot? well, i must
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say that the first time i heard such a formulation was from the lips of my foreign colleagues, who saw what we have done for 20 years. we have one of the best medical schools in the world, we must value this, realize it, and graduates of our schools quickly become professionals of a very high level,
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the development of all these new technologies over the past 20 years has happened so quickly and efficiently that my canadian colleagues once told me: “natalia, this is a belarusian miracle.” i studied teaching in various areas abroad, i also immersed myself in this topic and realized that if we do not move towards restructuring education in favor of those diseases, nasological forms that
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are most often accompanied by death, we will not reduce mortality rates, for example, from systemic diseases blood circulation, so then i applied to...
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a place at the university as one of the best departments, and in recent years there have been situations where we took first place, this is a natural process, because almost every year we defend a dissertation, but last year it was the best doctoral dissertation dissertation in our country, the diploma was presented by alexander grigoryevich lukashenko, for us it is a great honor and responsibility, and we believe, i repeat once again, that our education... is one of the best, which is why our cardiac surgeons are so valued abroad and receive offers on a regular basis to move there to live and work. i am very glad that most of them still choose belarus as their favorite country. it’s interesting that a person who chooses his profession,
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the profession of a doctor, already a cardiologist, a person who will work in intensive care, saving lives, actually sacrificing himself, that is, these are really people who come to this profession by vocation, it is impossible to be. but there is little to want in these circumstances, the person who chose this profession, all
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he learns through life, worries about each of his patients all his life, and still goes to work with joy all his life. natalya pavlovna, but you are in high demand, i know that you participate in international congresses, very often travel abroad with reports, i am sure that from the dissertation for which alexander grigorievich presented the award, we will not understand anything, even if you are the title. broke into this top twenty, all other systems must work very well,
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diagnostic, laboratory services, and even the primary link that finds this patient, selects him for such an intervention, that is, this indicator indicates that in general the healthcare system works very well, of course it needs to be improved, of course, we need to work on primary care, on secondary prevention, on new technologies, but ultimately, at the moment, even very picky foreign colleagues say that we are at a very high level, we are participating in very serious studies on the treatment of patients with chronic heart failure, when, without major surgical operations , a person very quickly finds himself in an x-ray operating room and his heart receives a kind of brace. support, as a result of which sometimes we, and even the patient himself, refuse
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heart transplantation. here we are in one of the first positions in the world, we are at a very decent level in x-ray vascular technologies. and i have already said that the state has invested huge amounts of money in creating a system for providing care to patients with cardiac pathology, here we are talking about acute conditions, a heart attack,
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someone i would trust, i answer briefly, the key word in your phrase is doctor, i would trust the doctor, who is he? purely practical doctor? or a teacher of a higher school in a particular situation is unlikely to be of fundamental importance, although there are simply more specialists in a higher medical school, well, with deeper and longer experience, nevertheless , there have been cases in my life when i personally
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turned to excellent practical doctors, well, in general it seems to me that our doctors...
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suggested, please, here's natalya, if you want, your specialists can come to us, at the moment the paperwork is being processed, in september we will study how german doctors introduce so-called hybrid technologies, when an x-ray vascular surgeon is in the same operating room and a cardiac surgeon and work with the same
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patient, we also have quite a lot of experience, but our german colleagues have a little more experience. has a large age category, well, this is an example of solidarity, and doctors, it seems to me, are international, despite against a political background, they invite, teach, victoria, thank god that this did not affect true specialists in the field of medicine, because this would have been an extremely immoral situation, we have been friends for many years.
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of course, each of them, living in their own country, must somehow submit to the state regime and requirements, so we take this calmly and are waiting for other, other times to come, in one of the institutions of the minsk region, you are now implementing a pilot project, we read about this in your interview with the newspaper sb belarus today, it aims to identify citizens with high very high cardiovascular. and you said in an interview that you expected 10% of the total number of employees of the institution to be sick, but it turned out to be 40, which is alarming, yes, why such a high figure, do you think, natalya pavlovna? well , in order for these indicators to look a little different, this is, firstly, the personal
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property of every citizen, it is easy to lose it, well, it can be very difficult. worked in the area, we worked in minsk, and we saw, in general, the same numbers among people completely different professions, those who
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create joy for us, yes, they sing and dance, those who sew beautiful bags, those who work in agriculture, have approximately the same physical load, not important, yes, that means there are others factors. identifying a very high percentage of patients with high these indicators, we should expect them to come to us in 10-15 years
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with a serious pathology, so if we want to prevent this, now we need to convince people to take care of their health, give up habits, take care of their health, because that not everything can medicine, in general, the contribution of medicine to the health of citizens of a particular country,
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stop smoking, drink less alcohol, move more, get fresh air, that is, things are banal, yes, they sound banal, try to implement them, that is , people, as a rule, begin to think about it , when their health tells them that there is already a problem, and we’ll take a break for a while, i remind you, we have a telegram channel, say don’t be silent, subscribe, ask questions, and invite guests, we have connections,
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get acquainted with belarusian enterprises and an outstanding result of their work, this is a very interesting job, because when we come to work in our... and other departments, we are constantly introducing something, constantly developing something, when it is still being produced it turns out that the consumer also makes his choice in our favor, this is such pride and such happiness, as from a manufacturer, you can’t imagine, an approach to business that everyone should strive for, what vinegar production is, this is actually, to be honest, a specialty that the most responsible people at the enterprise, work is a joy for me. this is pleasure and results, this is stability, confidence in the future. my work is life for me. they always say to me: you go to work, smile, go home from work, smile, go forward, move, and we are here too, so
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come to... us, watch how we live, watch the project, quality mark on the belarus tv channel 24. they are devoted to their work, the land for me is a carmilitsa, it gives us everything, bread and milk, without labor on it, well, nothing impossible to produce, i can’t imagine another job where i’m not connected to the earth, we’re ready to share knowledge, show one day from my life. the battalion is designed to carry out tasks of searching for non-fatal burials of military personnel with a view to their further perpetuation. based on the results of field search work, information has been established about more than 3,700 deaths during the great patriotic war, as well as during the first world war. watch on tv channel belarus 24. in
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the most vast expanses. fertile land and the most hardworking people with whom you can achieve high and good harvests. i get moral satisfaction when i hear the fireworks of the guard of honor during a solemn reburial, when i really understand that the work was done efficiently and the result was achieved. the program “say don’t be silent” is on air again, and today our guest is the director of the republican scientific and practical center of cardiology, natalya mitkovskaya. if you allow me, natalya pavlovna, a few more words about prevention, because, as i understand it, this is for today day is one of the most important areas of our medicine, here is the practical advice from the ministry of health , we see that it is strictly forbidden
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to even prescribe vitamins to yourself. more dangerous than hypovitamosis, that is , whatever it is, you can additionally introduce into your body only under the supervision of a competent doctor, even a banal insult, imagine, because there is a condition of allergy that can occur to anything at all, vitamin hypervitamosis d - this is a very complex, serious situation, that ’s why it’s just uncontrollable, without
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research. the initial level of your indicator in the blood without consulting a good doctor, i really don’t recommend doing this, especially when there are situations, a colleague at work, the doctor prescribed something for her, she then begins to advise everyone else, that is, it’s still individual, yet more interesting are situations when the doctor advises one thing, but the person consults with all his neighbors and makes a different decision, so...
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well, i understand what you are talking about, we all have elderly relatives who take off the medications given to them by doctors they prescribe it, and then they wonder why i got sick right in the garden and fell, and i won’t drink it, but they told me it’s very harmful and dangerous, sometimes it’s impossible to convince me otherwise, it makes my stomach hurt, well, like natalya pavlovna , are you fighting with your careless patients who cancel?
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which i prescribed for him and emphasized in my recommendations a constant intake, this is an unpleasant phrase, the person pushes it aside, his consciousness disconnects from it, and
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he decides that in a month i have become better, i followed the doctor’s recommendations, this is enough, unfortunately, this is one of the most fundamental mistakes, because the first principle of treating cardiological...
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doctors have a shorter life expectancy than people of other professions, the same goes for city transport drivers, pilots, that is, all such stressful professions, of course, affect the quality of life, the life expectancy of people, but that is why we need to take these circumstances into account, create decent work conditions for these people conditions.
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does not experience anything, this, by the way, is a typical manifestation of coronary heart disease in people with type 2 diabetes mellitus, and we have such patients among cardiologists... speaking to the citizens of minsk, last year
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we provided assistance in 30% of cases, and the rest of the patients were from the regions, and this distribution was quite even, but with the issues that i talked about, that is , identifying risk factors for influencing them with the help of a doctor, possibly at the primary care level, that is, a general doctor practitioners, therapist, cardiologist.
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in which quite a lot of projects are carried out by scientists not only from the republican scientific and practical center of cardiology, but from state cardiology and cardiac surgery, other scientific institutions, from the regions, their range is wide, serious cardiac surgery research,
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large clinics, centers should be able to buy access to the databases of these journals, only in this way you can make sure that you not only do not lag behind, in some situations you even get ahead of the world space, and the library cannot decide this question is somehow ours, so that she
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has a subscription, well, well, i think that this is being solved in some universities and libraries, of course, but in principle i must say:
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when i formed as a doctor, it was a very strong impression, the operation was absolutely brilliant using the first new technologies, and the girl lived happily for many years after that, so the heart is the most important organ, no, of course, the organ that hurts is the main one, yeah, what an interesting definition, today, the specialists of your center are performing 20.
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there should be a waiting list of three months, so that in principle this is a normal situation, the small system does not have failures, so that we constantly have patients who should be prepared for intervention, come to the center and end up on the operating table, but sometimes this queue lengthens a little at the moment, we... while we have a situation, it was due to some problems in the procurement system, and our patients know about this, because at some stage we had to call people, transfer.
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and look for all our episodes on the youtube channel belarus 1. on air again say don’t be silent, our guests today are the director of the republican scientific and practical center for cardiology, professor natalya mitkovskaya, and you told us a very interesting thing that doctors need.
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stale, it was incredible, it was incredible, in general, any such new product allows me to rest,
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recover, switch off, although my head never completely switches, that is, i can be in the theater, listening to a beautiful music and think about a difficult patient or about some problem that i am currently dealing with in my profession, and the most interesting thing is that these processes are parallel. with equal success, we will also discuss the family situation, you were born into a military family in ukraine, and you often emphasize that you have this ukrainian blood in you, and, accordingly, we cannot ask how you feel about the current protracted conflict, do you think do you take this side or do you prefer to abstract yourself from this situation? i am the daughter of a military pilot, at one time my father managed work. in almost all regions of the former soviet union, my sister was born in georgia, i am in ukraine,
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she has a feeling that we are in some sense people of the world, but absolutely, for me , belarus is a priority, i always i say, this is my favorite, beautiful, amazing country, i am infinitely happy that. are you not interested in money? i spent quite a long time in japan during, at the beginning
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of my internship, then work, in canada, i talked a lot with european colleagues, i’m interested in belarus, i’m interested in the belarusian clinical medicine, i have many students here, i am not prone to betrayal, that is to say briefly. why didn't you go into private medicine? and because i’m quite happy with the state, i don’t want to develop this idea in any way, i’ve just always been very proud of the fact that i worked in one of the largest clinics in minsk, now it’s a center for transplantation, surgery, hematology, that is, it’s an absolutely brilliant structure, then i came to the belarusian state medical university. in general, my profile is very short. internship 3 years of work in the ninth clinical hospital, which i just said, then the bgmo and the last 3
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years of the republican scientific and practical center of cardiology. my workload has always been such that i have no time to work elsewhere, taking into account the medical, scientific and pedagogical workload, i have many students, i have never had one, all people who are not prone to betrayal have short profiles, this is life punishes, but we know that you have another outlet, this is the house, and the country house that you mentioned, and you grow various... rare plants there, what if can you tell our viewers who are getting carried away with pleasure, you know, i ’m not much into gardening, yeah, that is, at one time i planted such a mixed forest, birch, pine, spruce, juniper, some of them i brought from abroad, such a sin there is in my
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soul, i really love these forever. the first one began to resuscitate the patient, until a team of very serious students had already grown up, in private life, of course, this is a problem, but at the moment i, well trained, are choleric, choleric, yes, that is i learned to control myself, and why they chose cardiology for themselves as a specialization, why not pediatrics,
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there was absolutely no such goal. that’s how fate turned out, i had absolutely wonderful teachers, and one of them , pshonik, simply hypnotized me at some stage, it became very interesting to me in the first place, by the way, because a cardiac patient rarely has one disease, this a very multifaceted patient to become a normal cardiologist, that's... and that somehow made me attracted me, especially since another of my teachers, grigory pavlovich modvikov, was known throughout the post-soviet territory, then the soviet union, as an absolutely brilliant rheumatologist, and according to my scientific works, i am the first rheumatologist, that is , this combination of professions allows me talk about the fact that i am first and foremost
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a therapist, and then whatever add-on you want ...
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now natalya metkovskaya is speaking. taking this opportunity to address a wide variety of audiences, i would like to say to my dear compatriots: be healthy, be happy in our absolutely beautiful, amazingly beautiful country. i want to address my colleagues, dear friends, i sincerely admire you, i wish you
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health, prosperity and development. with my profession, i appeal to my students, you must be the best, always, thank you, natalya, in the company of greek professors it will be... in politics, alexander grigorievich has already become
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a figure in scale that goes far beyond the post of president of belarus. nominally he is responsible only for his country. in fact, thanks to his colossal experience, he is highly respected in the world and even in the democratic world, though. they are not recognized there, has a strong influence on many regions of the world. only those who do not have some desired power speak about democracy and democracy all over the world; they want to get it, but cannot. politics is when public comments along the way speak rather about the absence of real actions. we'll wait and see, we're not messing around with russia, especially so. for me, these are the main words of alexander grigorievich about the future of our region and the fact that we are not in a hurry have it. two sides of the coin: the conflict in ukraine is unlikely to end quickly, but no matter how long it lasts, it will end with a stable and long-lasting peace. author's project of igor turai propaganda, watch on tv channel belarus
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24. my history, nature, culture, faith. people, it's crazy, you'll love it once and you won't forget it again, it's all right here.
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live you watch the main news at noon, pavel zovik is with you, hello, in this episode, the union position on the external contour, a wide range of bilateral relations,


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