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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  June 25, 2024 8:00pm-9:00pm MSK

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from joint projects and programs not only in the health sector, but in agriculture, trade and education. historical truth, the immortal feat of the soviet people and heroic belarus, on whose lands the great victory was forged. a large-scale forum dedicated to the eightieth anniversary of the liberation of our country from the nazi invaders is being hosted by the national academy of sciences. the event is international, about 400 experts from russia, tajikistan and uzbekistan participate. these are scientists, archivists, teachers. belarusian historians, the academy of sciences invite us here, where we can present our views, and this is really the right approach, because it so happened, yes, that many archives were deposited in moscow, the central archives of the period of the great patriotic war, and those documents that no, let’s say historians come to belarus, work in archives in moscow, find new documents on the partisan movement, on the activities of troops underground, so to speak, on many things...
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dedication to the eightieth anniversary of liberation belarus from the nazi invaders. the cult play was written in 1985. at one time, it was staged with triumph in many theaters. the work was awarded the all-union lenin komsomol prize and the ussr state prize. nowadays, stories of military tragedies sound more relevant than ever. the belarusian team arrived in yakutsk to participate in the international sports games for children of asia as part of a team of 144 athletes. their age does not
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exceed 16 years. belarus will be represented in twelve sports. this is 3:3 basketball boxing, volleyball, judo, athletics, table tennis, swimming, shooting, wrestling, archery, taekwondo and rhythmic gymnastics. champions and prize-winners, as well as national record holders, will fight in yakutsk. the opening ceremony of the asian children's games will take place on wednesday. spectators will enjoy a three-hour program with a parade of the athletes’ delegation. june 25, 1944, the forces of the first baltic unite with the troops of the third belarusian front, ends.
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vitebsk, street fighting begins. on this day of the vitebsk cauldron. red army soldiers rush into soviet troops completed the occupation in the bagushevsky, senensky and chausky regions. during 3 days of operation bagration, the red army liberated more than 300 settlements in belarus. there were 33 days left until the complete liberation of belarus. hello, you can often hear that all normal people don’t want war, judging by the fact that...
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experts’ proposals, let’s say, let’s establish that our enemy directly is these guys, we still don’t follow this path let's go, so why not belarus even with such statements by alexander lukashenko demonstrates that we do not want confrontation with anyone, even without publicly naming our obvious enemies now, everyone understands today who they are. moreover, we see perfectly well, we propose, yes, here is sergei antolyevich, a security architecture for many, many years, we say that there are opportunities and every opportunity must be used so that people live, and not survive, and well, with on the other hand, we are constantly seeing now, here is new information that in 2024 nato spending on military
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purposes will be increased there by 18%, that is, and so they were exorbitant, well, we really were constantly throughout. a lot of peace-loving initiatives were put forward personally by the president of the republic of belarus from the rostrum of the general assembly of the united nations. i won’t say that we are not heard, we are heard, but again we
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come up against issues of national interests of individual states, already today these are obviously geopolitical interests. because the world is being restructured, the hegemon does not want to give in and share his power, which he acquired thanks to the collapse the soviet union, therefore , absolutely all the tools are being used, recently, of course, the power element, it is also actively involved, and for this, of course , allocations for armaments are being increased, and we see that... the nato bloc, behind all its supposedly peace-loving rhetoric, is actually is preparing for the use, for the possible use of force, therefore, nevertheless, the president of belarus constantly
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emphasizes in all his speeches that we want peace, we do not want any aggravations directly among our own... pushing us to the fact that we cannot relax, we must constantly keep our finger on the pulse, we must know, as the head of state said today, what is happening inside the country, outside its borders, in order to anticipate our opponents at least one step. it is absolutely clear, absolutely clearly defined
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that we see everything, notice it, and at the same time maintain absolute composure, which our world needs, because it is obvious that those people who today stand near serious arsenals do not want serious weapons in their hands. stubbornly turn on sanity, otherwise how to perceive the words of agent secretary nat stoltenberg, who states that the alliance countries are holding consultations on bringing their nuclear arsenals into condition. well, a shocking statement, but amazed at the ex-prime minister of the netherlands and the ex-prime minister of the netherlands is considered a more restrained politician, but they are already in the heat of their statements, i would even say that the statements from the times of the caribbean crisis have long since come, and i would even add not only statements, but also actions, judging by what groups they are building up among ours...
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it is china that is in connection with the deployment of nuclear weapons, let me even quote him now, he is really very embarrassed by the fact that china, which is actively investing in modern types of weapons, is going to increase the number of its nuclear warheads until 1.2030, and he makes this conclusion : this means that in the near future nato may be faced with a previously unseen situation with two potential nuclear adversaries in the person of china and russia, well, this is quite frank. not only on the russian federation, but also on china
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serious and in all already doctrinal strategic documents, after all, china is designated as a very serious adversary, true russia, true russia is designated for some reason as an enemy, let’s put it this way. but this fusion is the unity of two large, well, i’m not afraid to say great countries, of course it instills fear in washington. well, since we have already touched on the topic of this nuclear tension, which god knows is being promoted by a western country, it is unclear why, we often talk about the fact that there are capitalists there, capitalists need profit, and what kind of profit during a nuclear war, it seems that logically it is not profitable for them, but we must remain calm, keep our finger on the pulse, be on the alert, listen to our head
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of the general staff, i can say with confidence, a unit of part of the armed forces of belarus. we are ready for the use of special nuclear weapons, just like that, we are ready, but we don’t want to, we also discussed all these statements, clearly, clearly, calmly, succinctly, very specifically, from the secretary of state just yesterday, including countering such statements because i didn't show it yesterday on the air, but we ask him, how is our situation today?
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for example, which was reviewed by the head of state yesterday, the document is, of course, secret, there are a large number of markers by which the state responds to all kinds of threats, including information ones, because the information threat directly affects national security, stoltenberg’s statement about a possible nuclear strike is heard , which may lead to some unrest in belarusian society, these unrest can be used to drive people out to some protests, this will distract our security bloc from security.
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the military bloc, but also the civilians, are ready for any danger and are ready to effectively eliminate it in clearly established directions, that is, do not gather for meetings for the billionth time, let’s discuss what we will do, but according to the prescribed manuals, this is straightforward, well, yes , about the fact that it’s a pity that we can’t tell you everything, when it comes to military secrets, you know less and sleep better, so we wish our viewers a good sleep in few hours. when we talk about national security, we primarily, it seems to me, belarusians include this, well, down-to-earth common sense: this is our land, we are here, there are people nearby who live behind the fence, essentially on the same land, and we all want our children to be born first, so that they live here, realize some of their potential, in
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theory we should just come to an agreement with the poles, with the lithuanians, with the latvians, but when it seems... it happens completely , here is a new round of polish lawlessness on the border, on this time they beat syrian citizens half to death, and according to their version, we are to blame for some reason again, this is what polish defense minister zalewski speaks for: if anyone imagines that our task should be to shoot migrants, as the confederation party wants, then he wants war with belarus.
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or, after all, behind this out of sync between words and specific deeds that we record and show in the news, we should see something more serious. both at the same time. well, of course, in this phrase, the man, the polish politician, is probably just tried to gain clickability, because he put everything in one phrase, and putin, and lukashenko, and the kgb, and refugees, and the confederation, everything, and, yes, and everything is not, not absolutely incoherent, absolutely incoherent.
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these bodies still breathing in the animal gate, it’s scary. what is behind all this? this means the first, most important conclusion: poland is not a sovereign country, it is completely controlled from the outside. this means, secondly, the polish elite does not defend the interests of the people, because if it defended the interests of the polish people, you immediately sit down, look at the numbers, and immediately open all the points with belarus.
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but this is the political line of our neighbors, of course, we cannot agree, from the point of view of our humane
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approaches, we have always been very attentive to these people, remember the crisis that was organized for us on the western border, and as the president, what he gave instructions, as our society, we responded, yes, we warmed them, fed them and... there is another interesting topic, so you started talking about provocations that could go through a variety of scenarios, how do you like this turn, polish prime minister donald tusk
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equated it workers from belarus and russia with african migrants, moreover , he said that we need to take a closer look at everyone who came after the twentieth year, who said that he an it guy came with a laptop, or maybe this is a kgb agent, that is, he himself recently walked in the status of an agent of the kremlin, now in everyone he is a kgb agent. but for all the irony of these statements, we understand what the name was, what the name was in 2020, especially the emphasis was on it specialists, now for some reason he takes a closer look at them, why not, i communicate, including with officers of the state security committee, and when this news appeared, well, let’s say, from those that are still on the territory of our state, from one of these friends, buddies , as soon as this news appeared, it came
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to the russian it specialists, he compared them with african migrants, that is, this suggests that the polish side, the lithuanian side, will always treat them as second-class citizens, and we now see, with pain we are watching how some it specialists they climb a tower in vilnius, demanding a residence permit, other it specialists, this can be shown, even on air, receive coupons for cutlets, which they are given in poland.
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they are finally beginning to understand that they are second-class citizens, and tusk no longer hides this, he directly wrote: africans separated by commas are it specialists, others are dumped, look how they feel, even at such a subconscious level, that the world is changing, we are so good at we belong to africa, we belong to asia, we do not divide, we have partners all over the world, in this sense we, as vadim frantich correctly said in one of the interviews, the global south, the global east, the global majority, we feel it, we are ready to work with it, not to segregate anyone,
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there was no such tradition in our history, i wanted to say, look, this is also a nuclear history, mental, ideological , after all, this is fascism in its purest form, when you start looking and dividing under the pretext that you will see some kind of agent in some individual person who came to you for various reasons, we see a real clash of interests here approaching this nuclear line like never before, and the people who are at the head of the military bloc are playfully talking about things that usually should be kept silent, holding closed meetings like yesterday...
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proof of this is the position of belarus, the position of the president of the republic of belarus , that even in this difficult situation... world restructuring, such anger, primarily from the west, we must talk about peace, and we must take maximum steps to ensure it, that’s what putin stated about ukraine, proposed a specific plan, this is a step on this path, given that in ukraine there are security issues, this is of course a step, it is of course perceived differently. well, let's go back to what preceded, say, the northern military district, the russian federation made a specific proposal to the west to ensure equal, indivisible
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security, both for the west and for the russian federation, including for the union state of the republic of belarus, and this proposal was mentoring, well, just yes, yes, rejected.
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russian, proposed a simple plan, simple, and there is nothing new in it, please, our conditions for starting such a conversation are simple and boil down to the following: ukrainian troops must be completely withdrawn from the donetsk, lugansk people's republics, kherson and zaporozhye regions, and i would like to draw your attention specifically from the entire territory of these regions, within their administrative boundaries that existed at the time of their entry. to ukraine, as soon as they declare in kiev that they are ready for such a decision, they will begin a real withdrawal troops from these regions, and will also be officially notified of the refusal of plans to join nato, on our part immediately,
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literally at the same minute, an order will follow to cease fire and begin negotiations, generally strongly, while he was demonized there in switzerland, he proposes a specific plan that may be working.
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to convince the world through the media that the united states is taking the right steps, in reality this, of course, is a failure, that’s it. i would like to emphasize once again that the unification of countries around brix, the desire to join brix is ​​very in many countries, up to 50 countries are now being recruited, the expansion of the shanghai organization and cooperation, these are precisely the forces that can not only, they do not seek to oppose themselves to the united states, they are trying to balance this world. to make it more fair and, accordingly, so that
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peace initiatives, including alexander grigorievich lukashenko, proposals of president putin, are heard and implemented, and not those schemes, you know, secret, gray, others, that are grist for the mill of western countries trying to preserve them hegemony. obviously, this peace summit, in reality, it was a war summit in switzerland, failed, you know, i don’t even want to call it a peace summit, let’s call it one, it failed, it failed in everything, starting from the fact that it wasn’t there there was the president of the united states, other vip figures were photographed, disappeared, and even finished the final photo, because there was a complete violation of all protocols from ukraine.
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waving his fists, how to stop him, hit him, excuse me, in the face or throw a bucket of water on him, so we have this cold bucket, icy cold water, it’s stored, it’s standing, but in russia it’s not a bucket, it’s a well with a bronze hammer, when we douse them with water, then they will think about peace, look, ukraine even recognizes it already.
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the american president, this is not hidden by anyone, everyone is saying that it will be november 5th, and we will understand everything, we will see everything, we will decide everything, and before that we don’t even really know what will happen ourselves, vyacheslav, you are to blame, you remembered you are biden and we will not forget about him, everyone noticed that with biden everything is worse, what can you say, here you just need to please take a look. the frame, of course, is so
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telling, in itself, in principle, we, unfortunately or fortunately , did not see the new biden in this, he has all the thoughts, well, at least those that can still move freely about the elections, probably the main one the idea is how to survive until these elections, but there is also a serious question around this, who in this case rules america, even if the american president is with himself, here we get into the problem that is fundamental to the world.
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the united states, to put it mildly, but let's even in the context of those cases that we now. the secretary of state of the united states, deputy leaders, but not always everything is smooth, between the seventh floor of the state department and the white house, which is actually represented today by salevan, the national security advisor, in general in the practice of the united states, after the election
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of the president, the president is the first to announce the candidacy of the secretary of state and then second. announces a candidacy for national security advisor, we remember these famous figures who held this position: brzyzinski, yes, and bolton, and other figures, so we have to take a closer look at these people and especially at mr. salevan, well, you probably already took a closer look, what did you look at, salting in?
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thanks to the head of state and his foresight, but nevertheless, they began to choke us with sanctions, and this was the time of clinton, obama, it began, it began, of course, with bush, so we of the time, you touched on salevan, so we agreed that the closer the elections , there will be more provocation, we
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will notice everything with you and record it, because i am a supporter of not showing fugitives, because this is free advertising for something... many people are no longer interested, our viewers are mostly not interested, but there are significant moments, when the same salvan meets the conditional tikhanovskaya in the white house, what is this about? well, this is about the fact that they are trying to influence public opinion, legitimacy, well, legitimacy, well, in what way, it’s in the air, well, i don’t know, i’ll figure out why, excuse me, i smile, because well, for me everything is like a professional, yes some kind legitimacy, it is not there, it is simply created for others, for that, with the help of propaganda, therefore, but nevertheless, nevertheless, this, this is a campaign not to someone else who is serious enough, that people who,
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that means , is not interested in the national interests of his country, yeah. are not ready to work for the interests of a foreign state, the foreign state always takes over and will use as much as is profitable, that’s it, we heard that, if there’s anything else to say on this topic, well, i would say that this is the systematic work of the gazdep to support forces of this kind all over the world, they inevitably welcome them, make statements, support them, no matter where they work, in haiti, in armenia, in belarus, in principle, they don’t care about standard work, these are just parts. there is less and less work all over the world, influencing some final result, yes, if earlier from these there about 20 years ago, but from meetings, from financing, let’s say, they really set things on fire.
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this year we celebrate how alexander lukashenko became president of belarus, but everything is visible with the naked eye, all that huge advantage, all that huge benefit, all these gigantic results that president lukashenko provided to all of us belarusians, therefore, from the point of view of these results, from the point of view of the fact that the president of belarus... is the best friend of the president of russia, and from my point of view this also affects our whole life, yes, these
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advantages, preferences, these personal ones said, when he has no one to negotiate with, i definitely think alexander lukashenko should run for a new term and be with us at least until the age of thirty, at least taking into account the fact that i have good contact with ours.
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a wonderful, wonderful move, it is completely obvious, because even if someone is still, out of some naivety, asking, why is it so beneficial for us to go there, read, look, who is part of this organization and what layer of issues they today they hold, not just discuss, but hold, influence them, we understand perfectly well that this is largely due to the fact that the attitude towards us they trust such giants as the russian federation and china.
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this is a very serious message for serious reflection, although many things are obvious, they are obvious, we even mentioned them today, this is still the president’s policy focused on our people, this is... a verified strategy and tactics, despite the various turns of the political the fate
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of foreign policy events.
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the organization with our final entry will grow and develop steadily, we have our own path, we have independence, independent people always have a hard time in life, they can cause irony, bewilderment, ridicule, and many people don’t like them, but independent people are always respected and quietly envied, because independence is actually a very great luxury, it is
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expensive, and we have this luxury there is, and it didn’t fall to us. we worked it with our own hands, we hold it with the same hands, and hence the respect of countries such as russia, and china, and many other countries, they see that we are going our own way, and this is very rarely occurs, well, this is such a classic question, what is the strength, brother, the strength is in the truth, so that i am not accused of excessive propaganda, yes, well, come on, what do we have for russia and china to respect us? noted with respect, including the united states, if we have a powerful economy, well, to be honest, no, a powerful army, no, it all comes down to the fact that alexander grigoryevich lukashenko personally generates this respect, we are enormously lucky that we have in the current difficult moment of the whole world, it is precisely such a politician, with such will, with such experience as well, but i’m
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inclined to look at it all from different angles. yes, on the other hand, alexander grigorievich is now solving the problem of what will happen to the country when the country does not have such a strong politician, by modernizing the entire political system. if everything goes well, i will work at the very summit where we will become members of the sco, but right now i would like to congratulate this organization on the fact that it includes not only belarus, but also alexander lukashenko personally, and this will make the highway very very fine. is that in the modern world trust is very important, trust is very important, and so, china and russia know very well that we do not trade with partners, and no foreign, so to speak, visiting candy, carrots, some kind of preferences, grants, subsidies , he will not undermine this
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trust built over decades, based on this, such great superpowers respect us, and other countries also do business with us, why? because in foreign policy, we try, just like in textbooks, in the diplomatic academy, yes, to adhere to the classical canons diplomacy, that's all according to the classics, without offending anyone, respecting everyone, that's why we have such respect, thank you for this conversation, our dear experts and guests, thank you for the attention of our tv viewers today. that's it, every day we work to ensure that you receive the latest and most useful information.
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the twenty-minute format allows us to talk about what is happening in belarus. suggest projects and films that will certainly become your favorites. this and much more awaits you in the ether 24 on 7 project. watch on belarus 24 tv channel. television in our country, as in the russian federation, dominates the information field; since the twentieth year, our audience has grown, it has become completely clear. request for socio-political broadcasting, many say: you cannot teach to love your homeland, you can, you need to teach to love your homeland, you need to talk about its achievements, how much has been done for a person, and this needs to be talked about, the media
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is a very important link between, well i will call it very conditionally people power, without the media this communication cannot exist, the media conveys the main meanings, ideological directions, the course that is determined by the state, feedback should come from the population. not a single achievement of our country, not a single one of our citizens, we will never give them up, we will not betray them, with all our might, even if necessary, and the president said this, even with our lives, we are obliged to protect all our values, all our achievements, the project markov is nothing personal, watch it on the belarus 24 tv channel, i want to stop for a moment. see how it rains, leaves move, the sun shines, and how all these little things build our lives, we want to look at this world differently,
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discover something new every day, it’s so interesting to us, because we do it with love, with love. from belarus.
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good evening, live panorama, in the studio ekaterina tikhomirova about the main events of this tuesday, when we expect to become a full member of the sco, as well as strategic ones? tasks coordinated work on the union track. alexander lukashenko held negotiations with russian foreign minister sergei lavrov. preparing for the forum regions of belarus and russia.


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