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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  June 25, 2024 9:00pm-9:45pm MSK

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good evening, live panorama, in the studio ekaterina tikhomirova about the main events of this tuesday, when we expect to become a full member of the sco, as well as strategic tasks, coordinated work on the union track, alexander lukashenko held negotiations with russian foreign minister sergei lavrov, preparations for the forum regions of belarus and
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whether the alliance’s policy will change and how this will affect the conflict in ukraine, this will be discussed in today’s program. the cultural capital of russia, st. petersburg, is hosting young people from eight cis countries today. what bridges the memory train participants built it, we'll tell you the details. a historical verbal duel and a super show of american politics. how will the first round of debates go? that business, industrial, sports pervomaisky district of minsk 55, we will learn about the achievements and plans of the hero of the day, and at the same time we will take a closer look at new and useful locations in this part of the metropolis. belarus is one step away from joining the shanghai cooperation organization - one of the largest integration organizations in the world. our geopolitical choice is determined by the principles that underlie the sco, equality, respect. participating countries to each other,
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regardless of political weight or economic influence. this policy towards partners has always been close to belarus; we expect to join the shanghai family at the upcoming summit, which will be held on july 3-4 in astana. russia, by the way, is also a participant in the association, and provided belarus with considerable assistance in this. our president today personally expressed his gratitude to the minister of foreign affairs for the work carried out by the russian side.
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on the belarusian side the issues will be resolved without delay without any stop. the foreign policy component of the union of belarus and russia is growing throughout the world, and it will have increasingly practical significance in the future. sergei lavrov is convinced of this; all the work of minsk
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and moscow in the international arena will be aimed at the most effective union building. integration processes are gaining strength, belarus and russia are implementing 28. their main task, to promote equal cooperation in these issues on the continent, but is also subject to overseas influence and manipulation. minsk and moscow noted that the osce is not only failing to cope ; they advocate that security issues be resolved by the countries of the region independently, without interference.
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the second conference on eurasian security will take place at the end of october, beginning of november, we discussed preparations for it, we will definitely participate and will definitely help ensure that it conceptually specifies how we can further advance these processes. eurasia needs its own security concept, it must ensure balance interests of all countries continent, it was noted at the meeting that the partners of minsk and moscow were invited to this work and are unanimous on these issues, emphasized sergei lavrov. bilateral relations continued to be discussed in the house of representatives. the new convocation, which began work in march, continues to strengthen fraternal ties
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with russian colleagues. last week , the composition and working bodies of the parliamentary assembly of the union of belarus and russia were formed. lawmakers in the two countries must work together. thanks for supporting our initiative on developing a charter for multipularity and diversity in the 20th century. the meeting took place in the council of the republic; the policy of belarus and russia is aimed at protecting sovereignty and independence, noted
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natalya kachanova, speaker of the upper house of parliament. they talked about preserving our historical memory; in turn, sergei lavrov emphasized: our common task is to prevent the revival of nazism. especially against the background of the campaign to demolish monuments in honor of the liberators, the glorification of those who tried to enslave all of europe. also minister foreign affairs of russia thanked belarus for... its support expressed in connection with the terrorist attacks that occurred the day before in sevastopol and dagestan. belarus and china will more actively develop partnerships in the educational sphere. today alexander lukashenko held a meeting with the secretary of the party committee of peking university, hauping and representatives of chinese universities. ahead of them is participation in the forum of rectors of belarus and china. communication with colleagues. minsk is counting on... with china in matters of training personnel in modern directions, in the palace of independence
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they talked not only about the education of young people, but also about the development of belarusian-chinese relations in general. natalya breus, more details. representative guests from china often visit belarus, from politicians to businessmen, but we have definitely never seen such a solid delegation of rectors before. this only confirms that cooperation between minsk and beijing is gaining momentum. not only in economics, there is interest in expanding student exchanges, youth communication and university contacts. alexander lukashenko, both as president and as the father of a student, i’m only for it. the republic of belarus is interested in the further development of partnership relations with china in all areas of the educational sphere. especially today, when we are implementing cutting-edge projects in the region together with our chinese friends.
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electric vehicles. therefore, we are counting on cooperation with china in matters of personnel training in the areas i just mentioned. let me emphasize that we have significant experience and competence in these areas. today we need to speed this up cooperation. the guarantee of our scientific sovereignty to ensure successful import substitution. i support the initiative to create a center for fundamental research. i am confident that his activities will become a new round of scientific and technological development. and considering that we have absolutely no closed topics from our friends in china. we are ready to share, among other things, the technologies that china has today. does not have, you are our friends, you are our brothers, you can count on us. good personnel,
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scientific specialists are a solid foundation for any economy. how to do both better, with each other’s help, will be discussed by university heads at the rectors’ forum. more than four dozen higher educational institutions in belarus and china were invited to participate. colleagues have already had time to communicate, and guests have taken part in the symbolic ceremony of laying wreaths at the victory monument to appreciate the patriotic.
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prestigious in china, more than 46 thousand students receive education there. lukashenko has his own history with the university; while there 8 years ago, our president, communicating with young people, said how it is important that we managed to build friendship and cooperation in a short period of time, and even then that china is one of the pillars of multipolarity and stability in the world. serious conversations among local students may not be very surprising that seven dozen heads of state and government visited the university, but the fact that lukashenko last year in...
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sports, we are very interested in quickly realizing ours, dear pin the project we agreed on in beijing and build a sports center at beijing university with the help of belarus. i am convinced that i will find time to come to you again and present belarusian sports, including hockey at a higher level. we would like to leave our more serious mark on the development and
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culture of sports in chinese folk culture. republics, in general, in dialogue with young people, personal example participation will always be better than any dry arguments, an example for many will be how minsk and beijing build a confidential dialogue based on friendship, the main politicians of belarus and the prc support good relations, this certainly helps countries develop economic projects. i feel sorry for us in minsk; we discussed international problems for a long time and at length. the position of our countries in the coordinate system, then i told him that china will soon become a power that will determine the weather in the world, and today no one doubts this, and i am very glad, i often say this, that in my time visiting
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china for the first time as a deputy, he came to parliament and said that the future belongs to china, then no one here believed. today i turned out to be right, since the time i became president, for three decades now , we have been carefully, carefully, brick by brick, building our buildings in belarus in those areas where we do not have technologies, you are creating enterprises with us, of which there are only there are four or five types of belarusian national biotechnology corporations in the world. bnb is one of the leading enterprises, we are constantly expanding the activities of this company, and only thanks to our chinese friends. china helps us a lot in the field of defense and security, this is no secret, we work together on many issues, we will
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always cooperate with china, and we have agreed with mr.... russia, india, and other countries. therefore, we are ready to provide you with all possible support in your interests when promoting them into the european union. neman has been done in this direction. you and mr. sidinpin have very close friendly relations. he respects you very much. there is also a high level of
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mutual understanding with belarus. we all feel it. i haven’t come to minsk for so many years, this is already mine third time. and now i see how dynamically and energetically the city is developing. i would like to note that the development concepts of belarus and china are very similar, and in belarus and china we all must act as a single force, a united front, in order to make our contribution to the development of the country. as for education, the logic here is simple: if universities strengthen cooperation in the field of basic sciences, then young people will have more contacts. economics, that's for sure.
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our export supplies, but there are much more opportunities. for now, together with china we are implementing there are many high-profile projects from car production to biotechnology, we are building sports facilities, and more. we have many common facilities, including sports, humanitarian ones, you are building a stadium and a swimming pool, this year we will finish this
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construction, we want to agree that you help us, especially when planning the architecture to build a similar to the chinese museum of the history of belarus, we are already with your specialists...
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the educational sphere, this means that the country’s economy is being seriously involved china and belarus are ready to invest in the future. natalya brios, alexander oleshka, tv news agency. and also cooperation, which gives real numbers in the economy, we are preparing to host the forum of regions of belarus and russia, it will become the 11th in a row, this time the host of the site is the vitebsk region. for the first time, the forum will be held in several cities at once: vitebsk, polotsk and novopolotsk. for 2 days on june 27 and 28, our countries will present their industrial, cultural, and tourism potential. what else will the program be filled with? forum, my colleague will tell you. marina romanovskaya. vitebsk region is in anticipation of the eleventh forum of regions of belarus and russia. in young novopolotsk, ancient
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polotsk and festival vitebsk they promise a warm welcome. they thoroughly prepared for the arrival of guests; the cities have noticeably changed and become even more comfortable. in the regional center, the main venue of the slavic bazaar - the summer amphitheater - will have a new sound. here , on the territory of the cultural and sports complex, the installation of pavilions is in full swing, where an exhibition of the achievements of folk culture will be held economies of the regions of belarus and russia. the intellectual potential of the two states will also be presented, and an exhibition of technology will take place on freedom square within walking distance. we are doing everything to, of course, justify this high trust, this high honor. made this forum unforgettable for its participants, and of course, brought practical benefits for business entities, for our regions and for cultural exchange, so we try,
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of course, to take into account all the needs of our guests, the vitebsk concert hall has changed beyond recognition, during the slavic bazaar, novice artists take their first steps here, now the decorations are in a business style, this is the location of the key events of the forum, in particular, the concert hall will host plenary... meetings and the signing ceremony of agreements, already we are 100% ready to receive guests, all our halls that will be used at the forum have already been put in decent shape, there is a lot of equipment here, a lot of light. delegations from belarus and russia are aimed at a fruitful work, over the years the forum has acquired the status of a productive dialogue platform for government officials and the business community. people come here with an idea.
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very symbolic, because we have a common history, and the regional center is celebrating its 1050th birthday, perhaps this number of guests is the best gift for an ancient city that is always young at heart, the vitebsk hotel has very good reviews, and people come to the square and watch we are currently turning on the fountains in test mode, i would definitely recommend it to the residents of our city visit the sites of the regional forum, which, by the way, are still open. on city days saturday and sunday. tomorrow, on victory square in vitebsk, a flower-laying ceremony will take place at the memorial in honor of soviet soldiers, partisans and underground fighters.
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festive in the evening. concert, and of course, the long-awaited event - the opening of the fountains, the holiday promises to be grandiose and bright, like the whole coming week. marina romanovskaya, mikhail khristoforov, terenovostei agency, vitebsk. the memory train continues its journey through the places where victory was forged. let me remind you that the route includes 14 cities in belarus and russia. the train started on june 22 from brest, today it stops. participants of the memory train were solemnly welcomed at the petergov station, where they talked with belarusian and russian senators. elizaveta sinyak will tell you what program the cultural capital of russia welcomed. st. petersburg, the cultural capital of russia, the city of white nights and drawbridges. but today representatives of the youth of the cis countries built bridges of friendship in memory. golden reflections and refreshing splashes of water
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petersburg in...
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i’m proud of it, my great-grandmother told me a lot about it and i’m very proud that in my family there are also people who helped the front at that time. young people must convey to the future generation, to children who are younger than our age, that we must remember what happened in the past, because only as long as we remember this, everything is fine with us, all people live in the world in goodness. the train program could not ignore the russian railways museum. the guys also visited the sights. in the center of st. petersburg st. isaac's cathedral monument to the bronze horseman. this is such pride for our children who took part in this big competition, which they won, tried hard, it is a great honor to be a participant in this memory train project. while our train passengers are having dinner and relaxing after a busy day's program, the cultural capital is preparing to surprise at night. the guys will have a city tour, a walk along the embankment and drawbridges . elizaveta senyak, maxim lvov,
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tv news agency. saint-petersburg, russia. and these guys are opening the anniversary parade in our capital. their mission is to lead the procession in honor of independence day. on the parade ground of the suvorov military school in the morning, the cadets honed their skills, and after lunch they reported on the work done to the minister of defense, who came to check the readiness of the foot columns in person. alena leshkevich will tell you how the rehearsal went. it’s hot today on the parade ground of the military commentator’s office; one might say that a pre-general parade rehearsal is taking place here; defense minister viktor khrenin personally came to check the readiness of the foot columns. open the solemn procession on july 3 will be suvorov drummers. symbolically, in the year of the eightieth anniversary of the liberation of belarus , there are 80 people in their box, these are the best of the best guys. today, suvorov students
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trained in full dress uniform for the first time. once again, they have no room for error, because since they go first, all the attention is on them, and the suvorov soldiers set the rhythm for the entire walking colony, here we are training on the parade ground, we have to
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prove it. that our school is really worthy, really worthy of being first in the parade, since at the first the parade crew pays more attention to the first box, there are more cameras, well... there is more emphasis than on all the others, so here on the square we try to give our best, we do everything possible and impossible, for the guys such participation is a huge honor, because in addition to the fact that they are opening the parade, the broadcast will be on large screens throughout the country, 88 people are being prepared to participate in the procession, eight are a reserve bench in case someone gets sick, because excitement and hot weather can... give know about myself, but i’ll put the guys in a fighting mood. june 29 and on july 1, dress rehearsals will take place at the stela minsk, hero city, both foot columns and equipment will gather on winners avenue, everyone will be able to come and see it
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, it will be spectacularly beautiful. alena lishkevich, dmitry garkusha, television news agency. the national academy of sciences discussed how to protect history from attacks on distortion. experts from russia, tajikistan and uzbekistan are participating in the liberation of belarus from fascist invaders. these are scientists, archivists, teachers, local historians, museum and library workers, in total more than 400 experts. during the 2 days of the symposium , hundreds of reports and presentations will be made, among thematic vectors, the great patriotic war in the scientific, cultural and memorial dimension. history on the pages of school textbooks. we invited our colleagues from the russian federation within the framework of cooperation between the union state and the cis member countries, it is very good that today, despite the long distance, we have visiting scientists
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from tajikistan, uzbekistan, belarusian historians, the academy of sciences inviting us here, where we can present our views, and this is really the right approach, because it so happened, yes, that many archives. deposited precisely in moscow, the central archives of the period of the great patriotic war, and those documents that do not exist, let’s say historians come to belarus, work in the archives in moscow, find new documents on the partisan movement, on the activities of troops in the underground, so to speak, on many related issues with the liberation of belarus. this has a colossal educational scientific character, we exchange experiences, for example, one of the goals and objectives of our trip is not only. participated in the form, also get acquainted with the activities of the center of military history of belarus, then the historical agenda will be picked up by young people, in the nearest poster of the scientific community forum belarus russia,
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nazi crimes without a statute of limitations, which starts in minsk on july 1. today on the calendar of historical events of the eightieth anniversary of the liberation of vitebsk from the nazi invaders, nine long painful ones. months on the outskirts of the city there was a front. on june 25, with the birth of ivan bogramyan, the battles for vitebsk begin. units of the army group center were surrounded around the city, and reingaard's third tank army was also trapped in the vitebsk cauldron. june 25, 1944, the forces of the first baltic front unite with the troops of the third belarusian front, the encirclement of the vitebsk cauldron is completed, the red army soldiers
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break into vitebsk, and street fighting begins. on this day, soviet troops completed the occupation in the bagushevsky, seninsky and chausky regions. during 3 days of operation bagration. the red army liberated more than 300 settlements belarus. there were 33 days left until the complete liberation of belarus. the next package of military assistance to kiev in the amount of $150 million was announced today by washington. it will include hymers missiles and large-caliber projectiles. perhaps the ukrainian armed forces will also receive atacoms missiles, the same ones. which ukraine recently used to strike the beach of sevastopol, where four people were killed and 150 were injured . the americans’ active desire to incite conflicts in europe and throughout the planet, the former head of french foreign intelligence notes. i don't know, i know
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did you know that since 1945, americans have fought 52 wars, since 1945 they have directly or indirectly started war 50. american wars are only part of the bloodshed that was started by washington in the post-war period, as the chinese society for the protection of human rights considered, 81 intervened in the united states % of all conflicts on the planet, that is, they were involved in at least two hundred wars. moreover, in the 250 years of the existence of the united states, they have not been at war for less than 20 years. this is an obvious consequence of the specifics of american hegemony. details are revealed. plan ex-us president donald trump to
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quickly end the ukrainian conflict, the american politician has repeatedly assured the public that he will be able to do this in 24 hours. according to reuters, two of trump's key advisers presented him with a plan to hold peace talks between russia and ukraine. if the politician wins the autumn elections in the united states, the white house will deliver an ultimatum to kiev. the country will receive new weapons only after everyone... is at the negotiating table, it is also assumed that ukraine’s membership in nato will be postponed for long term. whether trump's words are pre-election populism or not, preparations for the trump- biden debate continue these days. the schedule has already been agreed upon; the show will last an hour and a half with two commercial breaks. both candidates will stand behind music stands. musicians like this are used as a stand for... notes, but the political orchestra will not allow either advisers
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or assistants to participate in the debate, for biden this poses a serious threat, the current us president has recently increasingly needed a hint from the conductor, at public events he hangs up regularly, so to speak, trump is unlikely to do him such a favor. it is known that a separate stage for the american president was preparing to simply stand on his feet for these 90 minutes, and nevertheless, today the white house press secretary said that at the debate biden will literally gush with energy. the trumpists are seeking an examination because they are confident that biden will be pumped full of energy drinks. the media admit that at the last moment biden will be removed from the debate and will be replaced, for example, by michelle obama. debate will take place on june 27. about the room for two,
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the historical confrontation, details in the author's section periodic table. a historical verbal duel and a super show of american politics. how will it go? first round of debates in the usa: what will the coin decide? let's look at all the political elements and put them in their places. this is the periodic table. let's figure it out together. the most anticipated event of the us election campaign. the drop in ratings forced biden to agree to debate trump. therefore , preparations for the first round of debates are in full swing. the rematch will take place on june 27. a promotional video has appeared online. the ballot will decide the fate of democracy, it will decide
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the question of your freedoms. nothing is impossible for us, we will return america to its former power. despite the number of people wishing to watch the donkey-elephant fight, for the first time in half a century no spectators will be invited. as noted by the american media , the democrat’s headquarters advocated for this format, fearing that trump’s support group would root too zealously for their idol and thereby interfere with the discussion. forty-fifth president of the united states and the current leader of the white house will meet in an empty studio and will express their positions for an hour and a half, with two commercial breaks. both candidates agreed to speak from the podium, their positions to be determined by a coin toss. during the debate, all microphones will be muted except for the microphone of the candidate whose turn it is to speak. the stakes are higher than ever, important clarifications, candidates are prohibited from bringing pre- prepared ones with them. and communicate with assistants, you will have to cope without cheat sheets. to
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the public has already become accustomed to verbal missteps, falls and imaginary friends of sunnoi adju and all this surroundings clearly will not work in his favor. the same cannot be said about trump, who benefits from any pearls from his elderly counterpart. moreover, the blond brawler fears that biden will be pumped full of stimulant drugs before the debate, and therefore promised to demand it. doping samples i just want to have a discussion with this guy, but you know, i'll push for a drug test before that. the teams are trying their best to win. the electorate is on its side, why it’s just worth it, court cases. trump was found guilty of falsifying documents, and the president's son hunter was found guilty of weapons violations. there is a war of incriminating evidence in progress. the biden campaign is ready to spend $50 million to discredit its republican opponent. political strategists
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make custom commercials emphasizing that the former president is a criminal, a fraudster and a rapist. strict freedom of speech calls the tune while the one who sits in the white house, and therefore trump supporters are being actively purged from the fbi. and another testimony provided by an fbi whistleblower, documents he provided to john solomon of jarddan news indicate that the fbi is now conducting an internal review of political correctness. in his case, to resolve the issue of his security clearance, after 12 years of work in the bureau, the fbi checked. whether he supported donald trump's vaccination regime, the second amendment to the us constitution, when it was determined that he supported all these things, which at least half the country supports, he was denied admission. but despite the spoiled reputation in the courts, the republican remains an influential politician. according to the economist's statistical model,
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biden's chances of winning the election are one in three, while trump's are two in three. we all want peace and stability to return. trump, and not war and chaos, as during the last 4 years. the us presidential elections are scheduled for november 5, 2024. and it is already obvious that the democrats’ attempts to remove trump from the race have failed. a very interesting and spectacular season is beginning in the political life of the united states. us presidents will fight in a televised duel. minsk is growing new housing this year, with plans to reach 650,000 m2, with the largest number of new buildings in the moskovsky, oktyabrsky and pervomaisky districts of the capital. by the way, the most
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prosperous one in the literal sense is 55 today. this part of the megalopolis is one of the youngest and at the same time dynamically developing. the eastern gate is the most scientific cluster of it and business centers, all this is the pervomaisky district. among his business cards are the building of the academy of sciences and the botanical garden, and the national library. new kindergartens will open here this year, and a new clinic is also on the way. alexey kondratenko found out about the achievements and plans of the hero of the day, and at the same time took a closer look at new and useful locations in the capital. only ours. post-war minsk was not just restored and built over the decades, the belarusian capital found its new face, along with it style and architectural celebrities, there are many of them in the most flourishing pervomaisky district of the city,
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and if, for example, the buildings of the national academy of sciences, the belhydromed center or the botanical sub-heritage are still before wartime . then since the fifties new celebrities have appeared on the map of minsk, these are academy of arts, belarus film studio, film, bel tv and radio building,


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