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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  June 26, 2024 2:00am-3:10am MSK

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the hegemon does not want to give in and share his power, which he acquired thanks to the collapse of the soviet union, so absolutely all the tools have been used lately, of course the power element, it is also actively involved, and for this , of course. allocations for armaments are increasing, and we see that the nato bloc, behind all its supposedly peace-loving rhetoric, is actually preparing for the use, for the possible use of force, therefore, nevertheless, the president of belarus constantly emphasizes in all his speeches that we want peace, we don’t want... any aggravations
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right next to our borders, but nato, nato, of course, is solving its problems, and first of all they are related to preventing the acceleration of the development of the russian federation, but also and belarus, because we are developing very dynamically. let's talk about this further in continuation of the topic of the meeting that took place the day before, minister of the security council. we must constantly keep our finger on the pulse, we must remember that we cannot relax, we must know, as the head of state said today, what is happening inside the country, outside its borders, in order to forestall our opponents at least one step. it is absolutely clear, absolutely clearly defined that we see everything, notice it, and at the same time maintain absolute composure, which our world needs, because it is obvious that...
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thank god, information has now arrived that stolpeng will be replaced by ex-prime minister minister of the netherlands, and the ex-prime minister of the netherlands is considered a more restrained politician, but they are already at the height of their statements, i would even say, they happened a long time ago statements from the time of the caribbean crisis, and i would even add not only statements, but also actions, judging by what groups they are building up near our borders, therefore... in our
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situation, it remains, firstly, to call for peace, which is what we are doing constantly, by the way, these messages are primarily addressed to the residents of nato countries, european countries, just yesterday i spoke with lithuanians, they came to belarus to stay here, they thanked president lukashenko and the ministry of foreign affairs very much for the fact that they... can get in the car calmly come to belarus on weekends, which means weekdays, and i asked them, because the situation inside lithuania, they say, all people are for peace, all people admire your model, your sovereign policy, sovereign, it turns out, there in lithuania even the agricultural land was sold to the danes, they cannot build anything on their land, and he says: but we can’t do anything, we
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are coming to the elections, you saw, you watched this recent plot, and this result, when the lithuanian tyrant i drew it for myself. the message of our president, our state authorities, parliament, the ministry of foreign affairs, people hear it, our satellite channels help, our active information work on the network, yeah, people hear it, especially in the border areas,
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the second point, well, we see the applied result on elections as a result of elections to the european parliament, because the fact is that the main arsonists and provocateurs of the war are scholz. and macron suffered a crushing defeat, finishing third, third place, i think, with macron will be finished in the next month, because he is stupid, political, of course, political, igor petrovich, because he announced re-elections of the national assembly in the next month, it is clear that he is flying like plywood, excuse me, over paris, this is very beautiful allegory, that’s why people hear, people hear, but there is, you know, the risk that this is...
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a more generally liberal person, but for now stoltenberg is in power, in power, and it’s interesting that in this statement of his he quite frankly identified his enemies bloc, russia and china, are named openly, and china is in first place, this is in connection with the deployment of nuclear weapons, let me even quote him now, he is really very embarrassed that china, which is actively investing in modern types of weapons, is going to increase the number of its nuclear...
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in all doctrinal, strategic documents, china is still designated as a very serious adversary, true russia, true russia is designated for some reason as an enemy, let’s say so, but this one adhesions are the unity of two large, well, i’m not afraid to say great countries, of course it instills fear in washington, well, here we are in college... we touched on the topic of this nuclear tension, which god knows is being promoted by a western country, it’s unclear why, we we often say that there are capitalists, capitalists need profit, and what kind of profit during a nuclear war, it seems that logically it is not profitable for them, but we must
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remain cool, keep our finger on the pulse, be on the alert, listen to our head general staff, i can say with confidence, subdivision of part of the armed forces of belarus to the use of special... national security, and he responds by saying: what do you think, journalists, because national security depends very much on how you think and how you report when there is some kind of a loud , resonant statement by a nato representative about a possible nuclear strike is not only a warning that it may happen, or a declaration of intentions, it is already an element of an attack
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on the national security of countries that oppose nato, that is, belarus number, that is, what is the meaning of that document, for example, that was examined yesterday. the head of state has a secret document, of course, there are a large number of markers by which the state responds to all kinds of threats, including information threats, because information threats directly affect national security. stoltenberg makes a statement about a possible nuclear strike, which could lead to some unrest in belarusian society, these unrest could be used to bring people to some kind of protests, this will distract our security bloc from protecting security there in the middle along the perimeter of belarus, which creates additional escalation on the border, which increases the risk to, relatively speaking, the challenge category, the most comprehensive document, it’s a pity that the secrecy of this document does not allow telling everything to the audience, but in any
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case, the journalists who worked at this security council meeting yesterday had a strong feeling that the state system, not only the military bloc, but also civilians, are ready for any danger and are ready for it effectively eliminate along clearly established directions, that is, do not gather for meetings for the billionth time . when it comes to military secrets, you know less, sleep better, so we wish our viewers a good sleep in just a few hours, every day we work to ensure that you receive the latest and most useful...
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we study the history of belarus and explore its sights together with foreigners, our region is considered the homeland of such a poetic page, because we have such beautiful nature and it inspired and kolos, and many other poets and writers, dios mio, how insipid you are! yes, this is a united life, i agree to win, watch it on the belarus 24 tv channel. minsk has long headed to the east, this is a response to the challenges of the time and the desire to establish a mutually beneficial partnership with those who are ready for such cooperation, ready to work without ultimatums, we are connected by long-standing friendly relations, we are moving along the world map. in all directions, despite the closed nature of individual countries that are accustomed to talking from a position of strength: asia, africa,
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europe and latin america, people, cities, enterprises where minsk is known, appreciated and respected. belarus is impossible not to notice. it has preserved and is developing healthcare, industry, government, you did not allow the country to be destroyed, you held it together, this is a victory, and belarus is gathering friends. we are already citizens of your country, our country, our country, i have been living for 31 years, good, happy with everything. belarus is beautiful, my wife is belarusian, my children are already here, three sons, we have settled here for 45 years, the main topics are on the main air, watch on the tv channel belarus 24. when we talk about national security, we primarily,
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it seems to me, belarusians include such, well, down-to-earth common sense, this is our land, we are here, next to people who live behind the fence, essentially on the same earth, and we all want our children to be born, to live here, to realize some of their potential, in theory we should just come to an agreement with the poles, with the lithuanians, with the latvians, but when we seem to be talking interpersonally.
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you start normal interaction, that is wall or turning it into a tourist site , the second point is that they do not defend the interests of the polish people. and the third point, in connection with points one and two, it means that we need to prepare for provocations, which means they won’t stop until there is some kind of reprimand from overseas. unfortunately, this is the reality, in connection with this whole situation, i will make an important point in an interview with the president.
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of course, we cannot agree from the point of view of our humane approaches, we have always treated these people very carefully, remember the crisis that such a political line of our neighbors organized for us, on the western border, and as the president, what instructions he gave, how our society reacted, and we warmed them, fed them and took care of their children. that is, completely, completely opposite approaches, and despite the fact that western propaganda, the western media, of course, are silent about ours.
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it specialists from belarus and russia, moreover, said that we need to take a closer look at everyone who came after the twentieth year, who said that they were an it specialist with a laptop, or maybe this is a kgb agent, that is, until recently he himself had the status of an agent of the kremlin, now in everyone he is a kgb agent, but with all the irony of these statements, we understand what the name was, what the name was in 2020, especially the emphasis was on it specialists , and now for some reason she’s taking a closer look at them, why not,
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she remembers with reverence, with love, life in minsk, no, well, she’s definitely an agent for yes, that is , you know, they are finally beginning to understand
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that they are second-class citizens , but... tusk no longer hides this, he directly wrote: “africans, separated by commas, it people, others reset." look how they feel, even at such a subconscious level, that the world is changing, we treat africa well, we treat asia, we don’t divide, we have partners all over the world, in this sense we are right, vadim frantich said in one of his interviews, the global south, the global east, the global majority, we feel it, we are ready to work with it, not to segregate anyone, in our history, there have been no such traditions, this is what i wanted say, look, this is also a nuclear story. mentally ideological, because this is fascism in its purest form, when you start looking and dividing under the pretext that you see some kind of agent in some individual person who came to you for various reasons, we see a real clash of interests based on approximations, more than ever to this nuclear line, and the people who are at the head of the military bloc are playfully talking about things that usually need to be kept silent, holding closed meetings, as
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we had indicatively yesterday, this is how professors work. position of belarus, position of the president republic of belarus that even in this difficult situation, world restructuring, such anger, primarily from the west, we must talk about peace, and we must take maximum steps to ensure it, that’s what putin
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stated about ukraine, specific...
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proposed a simple plan, simple and there is nothing new in it, please, our conditions for starting such a conversation are simple and boil down to the following: ukrainian troops must be completely withdrawn from the donetsk and lugansk people's republics, they gave at the time their
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entry into ukraine. as soon as they declare in kiev that they are ready for such a decision , begin a real withdrawal of troops from these regions, and also officially notify about the abandonment of plans to join nato, our side will immediately, literally at the same minute , order a ceasefire to begin negotiations, well, in general, strongly, while he was demonized there in switzerland, he proposes a specific plan that can quite realistically work, it seems to me. that this is the very case when the personality factor plays a very important role, here there is a leader with a strong by will, he offers specifics, that’s when , relatively speaking, this specificity is heard, when it finds real addressees, then something can happen, let’s remember helsinki 75, the most striking example of modern world politics, when there were also different
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views on the future of... there were different sides of europe and there was an acute situation in cyprus, but nevertheless, different countries found the political will to meet in a neutral place and discuss. who have the political will, who are ready to unite around this approach, how to ensure peace not only in ukraine, in general in the post-soviet
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space, european, euro-atlantic, i will say again that the withdrawal, the withdrawal of signatures, this is a serious slap in the face, of course, once i emphasize that the unification of countries around the brix, the desire to join there are a lot of countries in brix, up to 50, now countries are being recruited, the expansion of the shanghai
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cooperation organization, these are exactly the forces that can not only, they do not seek to oppose themselves to the united states, they are trying to balance this world, to make it more. fair, and accordingly, so that the peaceful initiatives, including those of alexander grigoryevich lukashenko, the proposals of president putin, are heard and implemented, and not those schemes, you know, secret, gray others that are grist for the mill of western countries, trying to maintain their hegemony. it is obvious that this peace summit in reality, it was a war summit in switzerland, failed. you know, i don’t even want to call it a peace summit, a war summit, let’s call it in our own words, yes, it failed, it failed in everything,
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starting from the fact that the president of the united states was not there, other vip figures disappeared while taking pictures, and even ending with the final photo, because in violation of all protocols from ukraine there was a complete stranger there . besides zelensky, the usual clerk, the head of his administration, mr. ermak, which also nullified this summit from the point of view of diplomatic ethics, but you know, when they finally - the initiator and warmongers - think about peace, i would give such a parallel as in in life, you know, there is such a family tyrant, not a political tyrant, like a naseda, that means he’s a family tyrant, a brawler, here he is also... waving his fists, how to stop him, punch him, excuse me, in the face, or throw a bucket of water on him, so we have this bucket of cold icy water, it’s
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stored , but it’s worth it, but in russia it’s not a bucket, it’s a well with a bronze hose, when we douse them with water, then they will think about peace, look, ukraine even recognizes not only a bucket anymore. water, but also a baton, yes, i think they finally remembered this, because look, even ukraine after this, this conference, he says that next time, of course, we need to meet with russia, but the very next time, no way, kuleby said, the idea is that the next summit will be the end of the war, and of course, we need there is another country at the negotiating table, but the most interesting thing is that all this is already so closely connected with the american elections.
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the frame, of course, is so telling in itself, in principle, we unfortunately or fortunately did not see the new biden in this, he has all the thoughts that can still move freely about elections, probably the main idea is how to survive until these elections, but if the serious question around this is who rules america in this case, even if the american president is with himself, it’s still a fundamental problem for the world, putin suggests let’s sit down, with whom to negotiate, with zelensky no, biden no, sunak is leaving the uk, macron, by and large, and scholz as well. imperceptible, with whom exactly to
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negotiate, it seems to me that at the moment it is absolutely unclear, well, with whom, you have to negotiate with someone, i think that on the one hand i agree with my colleague that somehow ermak was incomprehensibly recorded in this photo, but sometimes some accidents do not happen by chance, i think that in the near future there will be, well, a little it’s clearer why it’s possible that i’m in this photograph from the summit...
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so i’d like to, well, try to answer it, well, we see the state of the president of the united states of america, but you asked him, so he’s hanging in the air, in fairness it should be noted , what after all, power in the united states is distributed in such a way and not everything is decided by the president of the united states, to put it mildly, well, let’s do it even in the context of the cases that we are now discussing. let's see who is in the foreground for the americans, and we will see two figures: blinken, and salevan, national security assistant, national security assistant, well, there are those, which means the theory is that the seventh floor of the state department is actually controlled, well, that’s what it is a figurative expression where the office of... the secretary of state of the united states is concentrated,
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deputy presenters, but not everything is always smooth, here between the seventh floor of the state department and the white house, which is actually represented today by salevan, the national security advisor, in general in the practice of the united states, after the election of the president, the president is the first to announce the candidacy of the secretary of state and then the second to announce .
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i recently heard in a television interview with our colleagues that you said that, in general, you would like to be alexander lukashenko’s confidant in the upcoming elections, and we remember very well that it’s been exactly 5 years ago, to put it mildly, you did not share the course of alexander lukashenko, while we have already managed
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to get to know you during this time, we see that you are a flighty person, which means there is something specific that motivates you, the opposition has already thought of something for you, then... i said about this, well, taking this opportunity, given that you are a public person, i would like to understand what motivates you, in fact, the fact is that i have always shared the position of the policy of the president of belarus, i i didn’t come from some zmagars, from the communists, communists always walked hand in hand with the president of belarus, just returning from business, i tried to find a closer path to power, but...
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therefore, from the point of view of these results, from the point of view of the fact that the president of belarus is the best friend of the president of russia, and this, from my point of view , also affects our whole life, but these advantages, preferences, these personal contacts, when there is no one to negotiate with, i definitely think alexander lukashenko should run for a new term and... be with us as at least until the age of thirty, as at least, taking into account the fact that i have good contact with our viewers, i constantly speak, meet, the audience reacts well, i will be happy to travel around the country to convince and support those who still doubt
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that this policy do you think we need to continue, after the twentieth year, along the same path that you took with... the realization that there are many of our people? everyone who remained in belarus, they all look differently now. yes. yes, some part left, 4 years later they still reflect, well, we won’t be them wipe away tears, change diapers. we move on, everyone who is here, we are all one team now, we are all in the same boat, and we will not allow this boat to be rocked. let's get closer to the end. probably some conclusions, a wonderful event awaits us all soon, this is our country’s entry into the shanghai cooperation organization as a full member, this is a wonderful, wonderful move, it’s absolutely perfect.
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they just discuss, but hold, influence them, we understand perfectly well that this is largely due to the fact that the attitude towards us and what layer of issues they hold today, not such giants as the russian federation and china, they trust and see our strength, look,
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nevertheless, thanks to the president, our country goes, without ordering, without sitting on two chairs in foreign policy, but clearly implements its national goals and objectives, pursues its national interests, including geopolitical interests, so joining the shanghai organization, cooperation is just implementation.
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strengthen, strengthen this organization, which in in the beginning, of course, it was more formed as, well, in asia in eurasia, in a neighborly, neighborly way, so definitely to us, we legally completed all the procedures, but even before their completion we were already sitting at this table, we were full-fledged , we remain members of this organization and i am confident that... the organization with our final entry will grow and develop steadily. vyacheslav. we have our own way. we have
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independence. independent people always have a hard time in life. they can cause irony, bewilderment, ridicule and many of them are not love. but they are always respected on their own. they envy us, because independence is actually a very great luxury. it's expensive. and we have this luxury, and it did not fall to us from the sky; we have it.
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on the other hand, alexander grigorievich is now solving the problem of what will happen to the country when the country does not have such a strong politician, modernizing the entire political system, if everything goes well, i will work at the very summit where we will become members of the sco, but right now i would like to congratulate this organization on the fact that it includes not only belarus, but also alexander lukashenko personally, and the highway will be very, very good from this. the fact is that. in the modern world trust is very important, trust is very important, and so china and russia
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know very well that we do not trade with partners and there are no... classical canons of diplomacy, that’s all according to the classics, without offending anyone, respecting everyone, that’s why we have such respect. thank you for this conversation, our dear experts and guests, thank you for your attention to our tv viewers, that's all for today.
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belarus hopes to join the sco at the upcoming summit in astana. it will take place on the third and fourth of july. the russian country provided considerable assistance to our country in this. the president personally expressed his gratitude to the russian foreign minister for the work done. negotiations between alexander lukashenko and ' took place in the palace of independence. lavova, the head of the foreign policy department in minsk on an official visit, the president of belarus emphasized the important role of the two countries’ foreign ministries on the union track. their work is an example for others departments, facilitating the full entry of belarus into the shanghai family can hardly be overestimated. judging by your statements recently, i see that we have fulfilled all our obligations and
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there are no such problems with belarus’ accession to the sco today. this is very important for belarus.
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partnerships. belarus is interested in developing partnerships with china in the educational field. alexander lukashenko held a meeting with the secretary of the party committee of peking university, haopn and representatives of chinese universities. such a respectable delegation rectors have never come to us before. this is a clear example of the high level of relations between belarus and china. cooperation is gaining momentum not only in the economy, but in science and education. interested in expanding student participation.
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in the health sector, but in agriculture, trade and education. a number of joint projects and programs not only historical truth, the immortal feat of the soviet people and heroic belarus, on whose lands the great victory was forged. large-scale forum dedicated to the eightieth anniversary of the liberation of our country
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from the nazi invaders, is accepted by the national. academy of sciences is an international event attended by about 400 experts from russia, tajikistan and uzbekistan. these are scientists, archivists, teachers, local historians, museum and library workers. historians of the academy of sciences invite us here, where we can present our views, and this is really the right approach, because it so happened, yes, that many archives were deposited in moscow, the central archives of the period of the great patriotic war, and those documents that do not exist, let's say in historians come to belarus, work in the archives of moscow, find new documents on the partisan movement, on the activities of troops underground, so to speak, on many issues related to the liberation of belarus.
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fascist invaders. the cult play was written in 1985. at one time , it was staged with triumph in many theaters. the work was awarded the all-union lenin komsomol prize and the ussr state prize. nowadays, stories of military tragedies sound more relevant than ever. the belarusian team arrived in yakutsk to participate in international sports games children of asia in the national team of 144 young athletes. their age does not exceed 16 years. belarus will be represented in twelve sports: 3:3 basketball, boxing, volleyball, judo, athletics, table tennis, swimming, shooting, wrestling, archery, hyekwando and rhythmic gymnastics.
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champions and prize-winners, as well as national record holders, will fight in yakutsk. the opening ceremony of the children of asia games will take place on wednesday. viewers will enjoy a three-hour program with a parade of the athletes’ delegation. belarus is not slowing down the pace of import substitution and relies on the strong shoulder of the union, but for the russian regions this is also the most important task, and the countries intend to solve it together. belarus and tatarstan will have to reach new heights in cooperation and billion- dollar trade - this is no longer a cherished dream, but a reality. and another example of a long-term and strategic partnership is the relationship between belarus and china. what can be noted in the news agenda.
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germany, the peculiarity of the operation is the use of reverse endoprostheses. news, analytics, expert commentary and interesting facts. see the events program. on thursdays on the belarus 24 tv channel. we will talk about the diversity of belarusian cuisine. and these are recipes, culinary recipes recorded by maria karpovich, the owner of the chembrov estate, and this cake is from this book, this is a cake from this book, yes, we will witness the birth
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of culinary masterpieces, after we make this pretzel, we will blind it, it you need to boil it in boiling water only after that put it on a baking sheet for further baking, amazing, and of course i also i’ll add a little s... this is our secret ingredient, we won’t tell anyone about it, the taste will be what we need, amazing and we’ll draw up a detailed gastronomic map of our country, and you know, the aroma of honey is very bright, there is honey here, of course, this is the view there will be heaps of bread called honey, custard honey monastery bread, if you want to try the original belarusian roast, be sure to order it. watch the “food anywhere” project on our tv channel.
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let me love you like a flower in the field, like a young plant that hangs over a crayfish, like i'll patch it up. the heartfelt laughter is so precious , for clear eyes, for a young soul, may i love you, may i love you for the bright hours that you give me every now and then, for the most intense, dear couple here, let me love you.
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one of the key places today is occupied by microelectronics for the simple reason that it surrounds us everywhere, including household appliances, gadgets, production equipment, medical equipment, computer technology and... the whole sphere, it is in demand today , but one way or another, any program can only be implemented on software hardware on which the microelectronics itself is based. microelectronics is the engine of progress in all areas. my name is maxim maksimovich, i am deputy general director for development and training. produced by the open
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joint stock company integral, the management company of the integral holding, the motto of our company is high technologies for a better life. the working day begins at 8 am, taking into account the fact that the company operates around the clock. the first thing i receive is information about how the equipment worked and all the preparation for production during the night period. based on the results of this information, any actions are taken, if necessary. i oversee the development of production itself. the structural unit that is subordinate to me is the main department.
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energy, chief mechanic's department, investment department, equipment procurement, production preparation department, capital construction design department one of our branches integral transservice. integral is engaged in the production of integrated circuits, as one can say from the very name of the enterprise, for some reason many people are confused, everyone believes that we produce boards on which the elements are located and were even... we do not produce boards, but we are just that we produce those components that are subsequently installed on boards by manufacturers of some equipment or household appliances or devices. accordingly, our main product is integrated circuits, such as nominal values, that we produce are about 2,500, that is, this is a very wide range of what an integrated circuit is, in essence, in a nutshell, it is a device that... processes
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signals or stores them. each microcircuit has some of its own functionality, some of its own characteristics, naturally, we produce the needs of a specific consumer who sets these characteristics. the production of the integral itself, the technologies that have been mastered on it, is not only an energy-intensive product, it is also a cost-intensive product, technologically complex, complex in some respects, this is both physics and chemistry. optics, that is, this is all the scientific stuff that, in principle, exists in the world. there are certain design rules, all our designers know these rules, but design now does not take place on a drawing board, as it was in soviet times, with the help of software, these are supercomputers that allow, with relative knowledge.
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this is the result of the developer’s work that is already sent to the technological service; the manufacturing route itself is formed in the technological service, the sequence of all technological operations, all this ultimately forms technological documentation,
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technological documentation is sent to production, i work as the chief designer of department a, at the moment i am working on an electrical circuit, a port expander microcircuit with an spi interface, this microcircuit will be used in household appliances, in special devices to expand the capabilities of microcontrollers. the development of the electrical topology diagram will take approximately a month and a half. development time in general depend on the complexity of the chip. the production of the integrated circuit itself begins with the production of the kremlin. silicon is essentially quartz sand. we do not produce silicon ourselves; it is purchased from the russian federation and the people's republic of china.
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why use silicon? because, on the one hand, it is an inexpensive material, but its physical and chemical properties are good and allow it to be manufactured. 100 mm, we have three production lines, one production line for a diameter of 100 mm, a second for a diameter of 150 and a third for 200 mm, subsequently this silicon is cut into wafers at our branch in pinsk, on the surface of this...
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