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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  June 26, 2024 3:10am-3:40am MSK

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with a diameter of 100 mm, we have three production lines, one production line for a diameter of 100 mm, the second for a diameter of 150 and the third for 200 mm. subsequently, this silicon is cut into wafers at our branch in the city of pinsk , a special layer is formed on the surface of this wafer, and in this layer the structure of the microcircuit is subsequently formed through various kinds of technological operations. these elements relative to the plate so that there is no short circuit. main technological process in process forming a microcircuit is a lithography process. how does the lithography process work? this means that the overplates are positioned.
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here is a photo template on which the chip topology was formed by the developers. we are at the crystal production site, this is the photolithography section, and it is in this section that the pattern is transferred from the photomask to the plate itself. as we see, there is a yellow light in the corridor; all this is done so that the photoresist, which is applied to the surface of the plate before forming a resource there, does not lose its properties. this is a polymer material that changes its properties under the influence of light, a certain wave. subsequently, there are illuminated areas and unexposed areas on the plate, this is how tracks are built, which are subsequently removed from this plate; thin films are applied to these tracks, which are either dielectric films, if necessary. the formed elements
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are isolated relative to the plate, or the tracks along which signals subsequently pass, that is, they are already metallized parts. depending on the complexity of the microcircuit itself, the number of these layers can be from two to 40. the most complex microcircuit, which is produced on an integrated circuit, contains 33 layers. all these 33 layers are the elements that make up the microcircuit itself. the technological process of manufacturing microcircuits is long and complex. as the wafer moves along the route, the wafer itself accumulates all sorts of defects. in order to remove these defects, we are now in the corridor where there is a section of chemistry and diffusion, so with the help of chemical treatment the plate is cleaned of various types of impurities and subsequently delivered to the site.
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thermal diffusion, diffusion itself is needed in order to obtain a dielectric layer that isolates the elements that make up the microcircuit from each other. the production process uses a large number of different chemicals, including gases. all gases are supplied through pipelines: hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen. it should be noted that the issue is not only about supplying just gas, but the gas must be purified from all kinds of impurities. part gas. mainline, that is, it directly comes here from the station, a certain part of the gases comes in cylinders, why is it all in a closed design, these gases are harmful to both the environment and humans, accordingly, the cabinets themselves in which the cylinder is located are equipped with all sorts of safety devices, if depressurization suddenly occurs, the automation blocks the supply of the gas itself to the technological process, including entering... this gas technological process,
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before being released into the atmosphere, passes special cleaning installations, the output is just air, which is cleared of all harmful impurities. we are going on expeditions in the depths of our country. for a long time, it’s time for an emergency, but we don’t know that we’re straightening out every day . things have happened so many times before that the braska region has passed away. let's look at the history and meat abrasions. the temple of paraskeva of serbia was recognized in 1766 by the aginskis and the uniyats. pazne
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peradadzena pravoslavnym faithful. the princess was growing up, there kali began to sway and three young princes, brothers snut, no and bras. yana was responsible for being a sappernik. you are welcome, i give you a house, you are welcome! i poppy makuvei, i crumple anisia, for all share, for the will of wealth! vidzitsa evening, sleepy kazuidze! i take a breath from the old traditions, a new life. the cossacks began to fight with their peasants. happy, charming,
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school bastards, i remember how we, little, young, boys on bicycles rode here to the lakes, next to several kilometers, well, we overpaid here for the hell. hard work, resourcefulness, passion, the main qualities of these people. tsikavastsya and all the legends of the fall in history, napeina, i had from the very dyatsinstvo, i tried, as i say, the palyashutskaya vyhavanne, that is , the vyhavanne that happened in such a stake.
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to create conduction zones between elements in the microcircuit structure, it is necessary to introduce impurities. in this situation, we are at the ion doping site, where premixes are introduced into the structure, premixes such as boron, sturm and arsenic to create physical bonds between the elements that make up the structure of the microcircuit they perform a sputtering operation, we use aluminum as a conductor, all this happens in a cluster -type installation, the final product of crystal
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production is the microcircuit itself, the number of microcircuits depending on the product on one plate is large , this is from... to 1000 pieces, where each microcircuit represents something independent of each other, and it is also called a chip. this is where crystal production ends, and then the plate goes to assembly production. on the plate a microcircuit has been formed, in order to encapsulate it, it is necessary to separate the crystals from each other, for this a scribing operation is performed, that is. cutting the plate into crystals. if the product is shipped to the consumer in an open-frame design, then the plate itself does not undergo the scribing operation and , accordingly, all subsequent ones as well.
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after the scribing operation, the cut wafer into chips enters the next operation. this is the operation of mounting the crystal into the housing. the next operation is the operation by connecting the contact pad of the microcircuit itself, here we see it, directly with the output of the housing itself. aluminum or copper wire is used for connection. after completing the operation of connecting the contact pads of the crystal to the terminals of the package, the following operation is performed. this is a sealing operation. the sealing operation is necessary in order to protect the crystal from external influences. after completion of the sealing operation, the products are sent to measurement testing, where they undergo control testing, pass the labeling stage ultimately ends up
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in packaging before being shipped to the end consumer. at each technological operation, technologists have determined their own quality control methodology. naturally , there are measuring instruments, there is measuring technology, where you can evaluate the functional performance using various kinds of programs or simulations. circuit, whether it is good or bad, then comes control after manufacturing the microcircuit itself, and then comes control testing the microcircuit when it is mounted in the case. at the moment we we are located in the state center bel-microanalysis, and integral, our division is engaged in analytical studies of products manufactured using integrals. is also involved in monitoring the technological process of manufacturing
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products that take place at each stage of its production, plus here, of course, we are studying products at the final stage, since we have very modern scientific equipment, the state also helps us with this under the program for the development of the material and technical base scientific organizations, we have purchased enough expensive, good equipment. namely , high-precision, high-quality, technologically advanced, of which there are many of our copies in belarus, so here we also conduct scientific research both through the forces of the integral itself, including by involving academic institutes, educational institutes and other, say, scientific organizations. the amount of time it takes to make a chip also depends on the complexity of the chip.
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this is a full production cycle, that is, there is both development and production of developed products, this is when we talk about microcircuits, but this is not the only direction that the integral has, one of the directions is medical technology, at the moment we are at the thermometer assembly site, it should be noted that the crystal, which is the heart of the thermometer, is also an integral production, crystals are supplied to this site. these are thermometers, these are
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medical beds, these are blood pressure meters, this is a device for artificial ventilation of the lungs, the range of these products will be expanded in the future, integral is also engaged in the production of electronic watches and... the ussr launched the buran spacecraft into orbit. here. certain electronic components included integral products. in 2005, the belarusian
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belka satellite also contained certain products manufactured by integral. in 2018, integral developed a large integrated circuit, which is used in remote sensing of the earth in satellites. and these are recipes, culinary recipes written down by maria karpovich, the owner of the chembrov estate, and this cake is from this book, this cake is from this book, yes, we will witness the birth, culinary masterpieces, after we make this pretzel, we will... mold it, it needs to be boiled in boiling water only after that put it on a baking sheet for further
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baking, amazing, and of course i’ll also add a little butter, this is our secret ingredient, we won’t tell anyone about it, the taste will be what we need, awesome and we’ll draw up a detailed gastronomic map of our country, and you know what a very bright aroma of honey, here there is honey, of course, it is a type of bread. which is called honey, custard honey monastery bread, if you are in the mountains you will want to try the original belarusian roast, be sure to order it, look about...
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it just won’t grow on its own, unlike the apple tree there, good morning belarus with svetlana borovskaya, look at belarus 24 i fell in love with the pilot, i thought he was flying, i came to the airport and he picked me up.
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oa integral has an industry laboratory for new technologies and materials. it was created in 2018, it was gradually equipped with the necessary equipment, personnel, and the main task of this industry laboratory is the accelerated development of new technologies in order to subsequently transform these technologies into mass production. this plate.
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put into mass production, this substrate contains about a hundred crystals or chips, which are the heart of the integrated circuit, and are installed in the housing during assembly. the history of integral begins in 1961, it was then that the decision was made to build a plant, which in the future will... be engaged in the production of microelectronics products, in in 1963, the first products were received, literally last year, in december of the twenty -third year integral celebrated its sixtieth anniversary, in 2013 it was decided to register the holding integral, today the composition of the holding
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is as follows: it is a management company, which is located in minsk, then the management company integral consists of branches. branch of the semiconductor device plant, branch of the transistor and branch of the bel microsystem. this is oovo electric module in the city of molodechno, this is tivitatron llc in the city of brest, this is coral llc in city ​​of gomel, and this is a printing house, which is also located in minsk. all exports, if divided into components, consist of the russian federation and countries of south-east asia. about 90% of products go to the russian federation, the remaining 10 are shared or included in consumer countries such as china, south korea, taiwan, and india. our crystal production is measured in plates. the production capacity for each of the plate diameters is as follows: about 42,000 plates per month - this is a diameter
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of 100, about 3,850 plates per month - if we if we talk about the packaging of our devices in the end, then in total this is about 800 thousand devices per month. the holding currently employs a little more than 6,000 people, the management company itself is integral, which... educational institutions such as the belarusian state university of informatics and radioelectronics, the belarusian state university, the national technical university and
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the gomel state university named after francis skaryn. these four educational institutions are, in essence, those institutions who supply us with personnel. first of all, these are design engineers, engineers, technologists, including our future developers. if we... integral today has a sixty-year history, and if
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we talk about it, and i don’t hesitate to say this word with our consumers, then the first thing they say about integral is quality, integral’s products are of high quality, we guarantee a 25-year warranty on all products . from the foreman, the head of the site, and finally, at the moment, the deputy general director for development and preparation of production. in general, i
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really like the work, i like the drive that is present in it, these are not moments of peace, that is, work for me is not only a conditionally second home, yes, but it is a way of self-development, self-realization and receiving moral satisfaction from my work. probably, today it is impossible to imagine life without microelectronics, for the simple reason that the inhabitants of the globe are so accustomed to the conveniences that exist, to the speed of movement between countries, to communication using mobile phones, that life is even impossible to imagine; to be honest, i can’t even imagine it like it is now, if microelectronics suddenly disappeared.
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svyatlana and volga sustrulіsya kala getai stands at the centers of studa. the item on the right is geta hamuty, i fly, that geta without greed, padparadkavat, nyahay budze, mabyts, geta pasudzina, and geta belarusian dishes, tsikavy
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varyant, tsikavy, dobro, velmi, glad gastsyam, not having a lunka, vos i everything is ours gulnya, dear daughters, tsikava know what you were doing nekali belarusians, shavets, shiў abutak, kravets - adzenne. and what were the professions of rymar and the chamberlain. the broadcast has an intellectual and entertaining program in its own words. i am alena tracenka, and we are starting to grow. sennya will work on the search for knowledge in language and literature, and the tax itself will produce its own development and exhaustion will be the great pride of the departmental organs of the gomel region. good day, let's get to know you. good day, i love volga. i am asking the departmental inspectors from the city of mazyry, the leading supervisors of the sector
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inpharmacy-tlumachal. i believe that my work as a noble is important for the community, because it ensures the economical and social stability of our country. in my opinion , i have a great deal of cooperation with people who pray in our native belarusian language. i promise you that i can understand them and the pains and tortures i have developed. volga, you are kind to the belarusian, and what about the vedas? i pray in belarusian. i have lived since i was a child, where my father, my relatives, i grew up as a child, and i also studied at a belarusian school. thank you for your admonition, this applause for volza, and we hear your brother, good day! good day, i know you, victoria, i am working with the inspectors of the ministry of labor and elections of the republic of belarus in the gomel district, in addition to the physical
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disability. i love yashche. he lived, an sable dog, my husbands and i gave birth to a dog, he is great and happy, and in my free time i like to play with hedgehogs and splash with beads. what are the retail interests of you, dear victory, thank you, this applause to you. let's get to know the townspeople another team. good zen! good day, my name is svyatlana, i am working and praying.
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and i work in the city of zhlobina, i am a senior duty inspector of the control work department, i completed my inspection as a young specialist, and have already been working for three years. whenever i have free time, i do yoga and pilaths. tsudouna, and this, and the other kamanza, i hope for success. shanouny udzelnitsy, our gulinas come to watch writers, scholars of literature, publishers of belarusian language and literature. expert of our program svyataslav krupenka, yago parades dapamoguts we get a lot of help from your words. sardechnaya privitannym sennyashniy udzelnikam chargovay gulni vіktaryny in your own words. my dear shanavanna and you, our dear tv presenters, amatars of the native word. udzelnikam sunny viktaryny, zychu remove the gulni, drain adkaza, padrymki
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balelshchyka, although the roof. good luck, think, you can have a good time on your own, at the end of the program, we are walking, as belarusians seem to be, one galava of goodness, and two of them, two of the milder ladies have a good time and a hell of a life, don’t be afraid to give orders, all such small signals will help you understand that you are on the right path, the memory options will be intended differently, so that paspyakhova can complete the first task, requiring knowledge of the yago umova. let's get to know them. teams translate words, words derived from russian language into belarusian. the first signal was given to the command that was guessed first, and the correct order for the skin is 10 points. respect, the first words for translation: embankment. kali weasel, svyatlana and yulia, embankment. the adcas is correct. advent words
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are known to all the stars and the first were volga and victory, bridesmaids, heta sharp-sighted, so it is, malays, and all these words are short russian century, yulia and svyatlana, kali weasel, i know for sure that the century is geta stagodze. malaychinki!


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