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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  June 26, 2024 1:05pm-2:00pm MSK

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applied and certified the contract with the buyer, then upon purchase the buyer already has this contract, if we have information about its certification with us in the state inspection, he may not provide it at the time of purchase, he no longer has such an obligation, the period for which it is necessary has also increased register a car with the traffic police, previously it was necessary to do this within 10 days after purchasing abroad, now 30 days are given for the procedure for obtaining license plates, this was done taking into account that not everyone has time. meet this a short period, because many people buy a damaged car, they need to have it done in time to register it, now they have a month for this. 2 months of work in test mode, 2 weeks of the innovation have shown that this is a convenient system, it is planned to introduce electronic passports for cars that are located in our country, but this process is not so fast, no one is canceling the registration certificate. alena leshkevich, andrey novgorodtsev, tv news agency.
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the new secretary general of nato has been officially confirmed. for the next 5 years there will be a post occupy mark rutte. ambassadors of 32 alliance countries supported the candidacy of the prime minister of the netherlands at a meeting in brussels. he will take up the duties of general secretary on october 1, when stolteng’s term of office expires. however, one cannot expect anything optimistic from the new head of the alliance. the politician was particularly memorable as prime minister of the netherlands. the ruthless suppression of anti-quarantine protests during the pandemic. and the latest is the harsh crackdown on demonstrations in support of the gas sector. presumably, just such an irreconcilable rutte will pursue a policy towards dissenters in his new position, only on a completely different scale. the united states is preparing for elections, or rather for their falsification. elon musk reposts a new york post article, it says: social security offices in 49
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american states are issuing voter registration cards to illegal immigrants, documents about american citizenship, without asking. the bet is that illegal immigrants will vote for democrat biden rather than trump, who advocates control of the us southern border. meanwhile, tomorrow at the first debate of candidates for the main post takes place in atlanta. there is an unprecedented excitement among bookmakers; according to american media reports, you can earn the most on tiffany trump's bet of all. relatives of candidates will be mentioned first. among other things, they argue about who will swear first at the debate: the forty-fifth or forty-sixth president of the united states. people's statistics are also being distributed on the internet. in stores in washington, time magazines with trump on the cover are almost sold out, and the edition with the headline: what will happen if biden wins is not popular yet. hot air, abnormal heat, on the wings of kuwait. in
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some areas the air temperature exceeds 50° plus. even road marking cones are melting on the streets. the owners of the establishment install air conditioners on the summer terraces. local residents and tourists are urged not to appear in the sun without hats. asuka is no more. the legendary messenger has closed. icq was developed and launched by an israeli company in 1996 after several owners. peak. icq popularity came in the 2000s, then it was one of the most used means of communication. more information from my colleagues at 15:00 on our air, all the best! they hoped that soviet soldiers would not shoot at their own. and so it was. having let
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civilians pass through the battle formations, the soviet wars fought the enemy in hand-to-hand combat and destroyed him. the vitebsk-orsha offensive operation was carried out from june 23 to june 28, 1944. during its course, the regional center was actually liberated. this operation was one of the first stages of the operation bagration. the vitebsk-orsha operation involved the third belarusian and first baltic fronts. and it was of paramount importance for the german command, since it made it possible to maintain interaction between the army groups center and north. already on the first day of the offensive operation bagration, a formation of the sixth guards and forty-third army of the first baltic front broke through the nazi defenses north of vitebsk and advanced 12-16 km. on the night of june 24, they reached the western dvina and crossed it. captured
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several bridgeheads on the left bank of the river. the offensive of the troops of the first baltic front was a complete surprise for the german command. on june 25, troops of the forty -third army of the first baltic front and the thirty-ninth army of the third belorussian front encircled five infantry divisions of the enemy’s third tank army, numbering about 35 thousand people, near vitebsk. the nazis desperately resisted, they tried to break out of the shrinking ring and go to the southwest, but nothing worked, and then the fastas decided to make a breakthrough, hiding behind the local population, old people, women and children. they...
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and the city was taken. 145-204 rifle divisions took part in the liberation of vitebsk, 155 - the fortified area of ​​the 92nd rifle corps. 105 - separate tank regiment, 43 armies of the first baltic front. 158, 164, 262 rifle divisions of the 84 rifle corps.
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957.7% before the military housing stock, and of the almost 170 thousand population on the banks of the western dvina, only 118 local residents met the liberators. to restore the previous it took more than 50 years for the population of vitebsk to grow. in honor of the liberation of the city, 62 military units and formations were given the honorary names of vitebsk. 230 military personnel were awarded the title. hero of the soviet union. moscow saluted the soldiers of the first baltic and third belarusian fronts, who liberated vitebsk with twenty artillery salvoes from 224 guns. the enemy group surrounded near vitebsk was finally
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defeated on june 27. the nazis lost 20,000 people in killed alone. more than 10,000 soldiers and officers were forced to surrender. an enemy group surrounded near vitebsk. on june 27, it was finally defeated, only the nazis lost 20,000 people killed, more than 10 thousand soldiers and officers were forced to surrender, among them were the military commandant of vitebsk, general of the infantry, friz galvitser and the commander of the 206th infantry division, lieutenant general alfons heeter. on june 26 , 1944, dubrovensky, tolochinsky, goretsk, kirovsky, parizhsky, zhlobinsky and krupsky were also liberated.
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hello, the saz program is on air authorized stated. i and the presenter nadezhda sas, i welcome you and remind you that this is a program for those who want to better understand what is happening and understand how these processes, events, and people will affect the life of the country. each of us. we will talk in more detail about the lack of progress in the peaceful resolution of the conflict in ukraine immediately after the digest of key events in world politics this week. dutch prime minister mark rutte will become the new secretary general of nato. en stoltenberg confirmed that the alliance is close to agreeing on the candidacy of a new secretary general. he called rüte a strong candidate. at the same time, the prime minister of hungary, viktor orban, stated in an interview with the publication that: hungary wants to conclude an agreement with the new secretary general of nato that budapest will not participate in operations against
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russia in ukraine, remaining a member of the alliance. he also added that one of hungary’s complaints about ryuta’s candidacy for the post of nato secretary general is that he advocates the mandatory participation of all member countries in military operations outside the territory of the alliance. as a result mark ryty promised viktor orban that if he becomes nato secretary general, hungary will have the right to refuse. from participating in the activities of the alliance outside its territory in support of ukraine. the decision to appoint a new secretary general should be made at the nato summit in washington in july. stoltenberg's powers expire on october 1. the swedish parliament has approved a military cooperation agreement with the united states, which will give the american side access to swedish military bases. after almost five hours of debate, 266 deputies voted in favor documentation. 37 voted against, the remaining 46 legislators were absent from the meeting.
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it is clarified that the agreement, which was signed by stockholm and washington in december last year, provides the united states with access to seventeen military bases and training grounds in sweden, and also allows the american side to store military equipment, weapons and ammunition there. for the treaty to take effect, the swedish parliament must also decide on the legislative changes needed to allow u.s. troops. could act in sweden. us military personnel will be subject to american law when on swedish soil. the norway-us treaty stipulates that norway does not accept stockpiling or exercises involving nuclear weapons. according to the swedish newspaper, there is no such clause in the swedish-american agreement. but sweden may refuse to store certain defense materials if it deems it necessary. a forum was held between the chairmen of the supreme courts of the brix countries. the heads of the highest judiciary took part in it
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authorities of belarus, russia, china, south africa, egypt, india, iran, united arab emirates, ethiopia. the forum participants and the chairmen of the brix supreme courts signed joint statements on the results of the work. during the meeting, issues of ensuring uniformity, judicial practice, judicial protection of the social rights of citizens, investors, and fundamental human freedoms in criminal proceedings were discussed. that judicial dialogue within the brix contributes to the achievement of the goals of the association, the development of cooperation within the brix, and also strengthens mutual trust and goodwill in relations between states and peoples. the preamble of the unesco constitution says: wars begin in the minds of people, therefore the idea of ​​protection must be rooted in the minds of people. these principles were put at the forefront of the generation that survived the horrors
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of the second world war. on the contrary, current western politicians are trying to root in the consciousness of a generation that does not know the great misfortune described in orwell’s dystopia the principle “war” is peace. therefore, at the so-called peace summit in switzerland, they talked mainly about how to wage war even more actively, about why today is a serious conversation about settlement. the ukrainian conflict is impossible and how to eradicate the passion for war from the minds of leaders in kiev, washington and brussels, will be discussed in today’s program, i am glad to welcome to our studio the political scientist and deputy of the minsk city council vadim borovyak, hello, good afternoon, also with us today is rafael nikitovich ardukhanyan , political scientist, americanist from the russian federation, glad to see you, according to tradition, we begin our program with the blatz question, and vadim, what do you think, in this will the fighting end in your opinion? do events like the world summit really contribute to this? well,
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firstly, everything must be done to ensure that there are prerequisites for ending the conflict, there are several scenarios for the development of the situation, one of the scenarios assumes the possibility of concluding an agreement, the second, regarding the peace summit, without the participation of both sides this is impossible, then it was obvious that this was a diplomatic political step. in order to strengthen our contractual position, by the way, here we are today we hear both positions of both the russian federation and ukraine, putin taught it the day before, look at this. i am sure that both ukraine and russia can make mutual concessions, what they will be depends on the situation on the ground, if during the operation on the ground one of the parties strengthens its position significantly, but we will count on and support our ally, then naturally it will the contractual position may even change not in favor of
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the opposite country, but in general today russia is demonstrating.
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you asked very, so to speak, such, with one a provocative question from both sides: will it end this year, will the conflict be permissible or not? yes, of course, it will not end, because we have a lot of events that are absolutely, it would seem, unrelated to the relationship between russia and ukraine and what is happening there now, we have now held elections to the european parliament, we are now there are elections in the united states of america in november, so that’s it, we must consider the conflict that is now happening in ukraine solely in context. global to vietnam, given the nature of relations, i think we understand very well now, especially after the visit of our president to the dprk, which is now being built with china, you and i , the processes that are taking place, and you and i, i must understand perfectly well that the so-called conflict in ukraine is part of global changes, which are now taking place in the world, and these changes are not liked by our enemies, they, unfortunately, given
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the internal state of the economy, we know, you and i understand perfectly well what is happening now in europe, europe. is simply deindustrialized completely, what is happening in america, this is a separate program, we just need to do it now, what is happening now in the economy, what is happening now at the border, what is happening now in families, in general, this is a whole separate thing, so to speak, such, you know, an absolutely absurd and terrible picture, which we are describing, therefore, to our deepest regret, those people who are now manipulating public opinion in america, much less ukraine and europe, they are not interested in peace, the only way out of this... infighting of the west or a peace conference i am grateful to you and we will talk in a little more detail about switzerland, which is remembered for its refusal of constructive dialogue in favor of ultimatums
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and the failure of attempts to enlist the support of the global south; we will tell the details in our story. the ukraine peace conference set a course for the continuation of the conflict. the result of the meeting was a communiqué, which was signed not by everyone, but by the majority of the forum participants. but first of all, more about the details of the summit. a lot of politicians flew to switzerland, 101 delegations in total, but the level this did not make the event any higher. the same washington, which shouts the loudest about support for ukraine, was represented by the vice president. and the adviser to the head of state on national security, there were those who immediately refused to participate in the summit, as did, for example, china, if we talk about another fundamentally important participant, moscow, the russian delegation was not invited, however, the kremlin in advance and repeatedly gave understand that they consider the summit and its decision to mean nothing. without russia, discuss security issues that
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concerns us, is absolutely hopeless. most likely it will be such empty scholasticism without any prospects of getting at least some tangible result. this is exactly how we feel about this conference. russia does not consider the swiss conference a serious attempt to resolve the conflict in ukraine. the west's plans to intimidate russia and its supporters have failed again. however, the failure of the conference was obvious even before it began. the only benefit is a clear division of countries in the management of world development. and this is perhaps the only result. he was appreciated and leading foreign media. they unanimously noted that the meeting did not bring any concrete results and talk about peace in ukraine without the participation of the russian side, at least countries.
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and the achievement of a comprehensive, just and lasting peace for ukraine must be based on the principles of the un charter. in addition, the importance of free navigation in the black and azov seas for ensuring global food security is stated. specific points include the complete exchange of prisoners and ukrainian control over zaporozhye npp. as for the rest, it was supposed to be agreed upon later. in the process, the document caused a mixed reaction from the meeting participants. the global south refused to sign the final communications, demanding that kiev seek a compromise with moscow. the goals of the swiss summit were never achieved. the final document was
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reduced to three points and somewhat diluted in order to gain maximum support from those present. however, 11 countries refused to sign it, such as the brix countries. thus, the conference ended not only without practical results, but without particularly loud statements. but no scandals. it didn’t work out, and kiev came down with criticism. the verkhovna rada did not appreciate the general photo of the summit participants; ermak, the head of the office of the president of ukraine, showed up in it at the same time as the state leaders. according to protocol, only the first persons are present in the general photo at such events. experts do not rule out that this is a hint about zelensky’s next successor. and right now waldemar gert, german, joins our broadcast politician, member of the bundestag. nineteenth convocation, waldemar, i greet you, well, my first question: the swiss peace conference on ukraine says a lot about the state of tasks, in order to impress,
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to create the necessary images, what conclusions did you draw from the results of this event, well, we must start with the very name of the summit, the summit on a peaceful settlement, it basically turned into a summit of the club of ukraine supporters. because peaceful settlement can only be done when all parties to the conflict are at the table, and here it was there to show the world unity, e support for ukraine, somewhere to educate voters a little, but it didn’t work out, not only that many didn’t come to this summit, but even those who came, there were those who abstained and voted against, that is, such a united front that i would like to demonstrate. it didn’t work out at this summit, but in itself, well, let them gather, it’s good when they say, any, any war ends at the
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negotiating table, well, little by little they begin to take small steps towards this table, let they do, yes valdemar, but one gets the impression that the united states of america completely leaked this entire conference even before it began; the current president biden did not go to it, his deputy kamala haris held it. there for only one day, then leaving in his place a completely unhappy assistant on national security issues, mr. salevan, that is , serious work with wavering countries was not carried out at all, and the same former continental grants, such as germany, france, great britain - this is an example states no longer decide anything, but continue to do something, that is, only the illusion of influence on world processes is created; scholz, by the way, also did not wait for the end. he flew away, citing the difficult situation within the country, although yes, he has something to refer to, that is, this is such an attempt,
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a demonstration to do something, this is, well, to keep a good face in a bad game, so the united states, well, they didn’t refuse at all, but we know very well that when the united states puts this as a priority, then the main... players in the world political the establishment does this like this, they gave us freedom and freedom, in general there was not much pressure there, so it turned out to be such a sit-down, unnecessary to anyone, yes, thank you very much, waldemar gert was in touch with us, vadim, well, you must agree that fatigue, weariness of ukraine, its specific image today, you know, here... on the one hand, boorish, on the other hand, with a begging outstretched hand, and that is , even those who 2 years ago, with such an eager desire to help the state,
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today they understand that... that is, now washington’s bet before the elections, just before the elections, they allocated this assistance before the elections to show a certain success of the ukrainian troops or to contain the russian, this is a slow offensive, because there is a positional struggle there, i will clarify rafaelnikich, but sociology shows the dissatisfaction of the americans with biden’s policies, not was it beneficial for him to at least create an imitation of the desire to stop the war in ukraine to earn himself
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new points on the eve of the elections? we... we expect too much from this incompetent administration, you know, sometimes the explanation is very, very simple, because if you and i now analyze specifically the absolute policy towards ukraine and european countries, nato, in general and the united states of america, then you and i will understand that this policy is a suicidal policy, well, at least , look at the results, as i already said , of the european elections, this is exactly what people voted for, do they want the european nato alliance to continue in this way, biden’s ratings. to such an extent that they are ready for absolutely everything, even shoot themselves in the foot, just to continue this course, because only in this globalist-russophobic hang-up will their absolutely
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fantastic, absolutely unrealistic plans be realized to some extent. regarding the future world order, they understand perfectly well that we now, namely russia, china, our so to speak, allies, friends, we are showing another alternative, so they are now at a dead end, and this dead end, from my point of view, is already mental, certain psychiatry, here there is no political science, politics for a long time, and even more so the realpolitik we are talking about, their task is to prolong the conflict and unbalance socio-political stability in russia and...
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but the americans agreed with saudi arabia, collapsed oil prices, used gorbachev, and then elson gave everyone: take as much sovereignty as you want, and today the task, the option is prigozhin’s rebellion, the collapse of the union, to destabilize the internal political situation in russia, therefore it is dangerous, plus they will drag europe into war, why the fitz was shot, in order to drive all european leaders into the war, so there is no need to belittle the role of those circles that stirred up this mess, the only competitor for the coming decades. which can arise for the united states can only arise on the european continent, either china is an alliance with russia, or there was an option of an alliance, european technologies, russian resources, so they are hitting this continent in order to keep us for a decade, so the situation is extremely dangerous, we one step away from war in europe, he said correctly the president of serbia that today vucic that today we have come to the point, i
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talked about this a couple of weeks before him on the air.
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co-capitals, these are asian countries, north america, they have already transferred their chips from taiwan, partially production to north america, weapons, etc., so the situation is dangerous for us. today we need to do everything to de-escalate, the position that we are here until the end and will fight will lead to disaster, we must prevent a disaster, and a disaster is the third world war. yes, rafael nikitovich, here you go indeed, today they are not led by specific politicians, whom we see, most often hear in the media, and many even make statements, the same words of macron, when hot heads, yes, those that cannot be cooled down, this is also probing the soil.
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a little differently, and then here the question even, well, who were we surprised by, rothschild, rockefeller and by the way, you are right, there is no single, you know, such an octopus that controls, that is, there are financial clans that sympathize with the democrats, there are those that sympathize with friends who certainly will be, i want to say that during the second world war it was also a fight, to a certain extent, of the financial circles that stood behind fascism and, accordingly, that stood behind the anglo-saxon financial, as they say, world. but then there was another force, which, in fact , surpassed them all, it was the soviet union, this also should not be discounted, so there they may have decided something there in their clubs of the most diverse kind, that they are now trying to do it, but the question is different, because what is fundamentally specific
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right now over the last literally 20 years, why and how the overall picture has changed, what happened, what happened is that now two, at least world powers, have acquired subjectivity, these are, so to speak, china and russia. what it was, it was expressed in very concrete steps in an area in which they had never expected. i remember very well, i just worked in america at the beginning of the 200s, on all absolutely, so to speak, points, ah, the development of modern civilization, it’s like it was noted once, i remember it was, here’s my colleague, david cohen, the late political scientist, they noted that in the political field, in the military field, in the economic field, in the financial field, in the information field, there was one hundred percent angosation dominance. china's economy then was 30%, it's american, the dollar ruled there, 80% of all these transfers were, it was all in dollars, petrodollars, everything worked, talking about the political influence of china or russia at that time, it was funny, that's right in those days very days, so to speak, our
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so-called president spoke in congress and spoke, so to speak, ingratiating himself, yes, so to speak, ingratiating himself, i don’t even want to repeat what he said, yes, look what happened now, politically , we, russia now... have absolutely seized dominance in this area, russia's political influence is much stronger, only military dominance, economic we will take, china has now challenged the parity already, as they say, it is ahead of america a long time ago, moreover, we caught up russia bypassed japan, bypassed germany, it was sanctions, so to speak, now you said the military sphere, but no, the military sphere is contested, we now have such types of weapons that the americans and the west have not even dreamed of yet. there are two areas left where they dominate, for now, financial and informational, and here we are also knocking the ground out of them, we ourselves know very well what is happening with de-dolarization, the so-called, so now at the moment, agreeing that yes , there are circles, yes, there are those
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such dictates, but guys, another guy appeared in the area, and you didn’t notice, it’s no longer up to you to decide and say who walks on which side, who eats what, and that now there are forces that say, these are the latest events, i want pay attention, on the one hand... this is a complete failure of this so-called gathering, i don’t even know what we call it a summit, what kind of summit it is, a summit is a summit meeting, and we are just saying that there everyone at the higher level disappeared. i agree with my colleague, the only thing is so, it is precisely because my dear colleague that subjects appeared, primarily russia, china, and yes, the eec was a serious competitor, especially when they had the peak of cooperation with the russian federation, and they are arranging a third world war for us, but they want to fight in our continent, but we cannot act today. demonstrate a threat to them, so we need to demonstrate a threat there, dear colleague, you never know what they want, that’s where we’ll fight, that’s where we’ll be, but we won’t tell them, they’ll let them in our own, as our president says, wants, as many as you like, but we have done our job, and we will do ours, it will be necessary and we will spread, as
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they say, across the ocean, at this moment i want to connect mikhail pavlev, political strategist, political expert, to our broadcast, mikhail, welcome to the program, good afternoon. yes, we are talking about a western cabal, we have already nicknamed it that way, let’s not say that this is a summit, despite the fact that the organizers of the conference set the task of attracting. as many as possible for the event countries, the summit in switzerland was attended by less than half of the un member states, china, most of the cis countries, asia, latin america, africa, it was simply ignored, for clarity, i would like to draw the attention of our viewers to the list of countries that signed the final declaration of switzerland, it is important to note that many states were not represented at a high level. for example, india was represented by the former ambassador of the wrf country, and
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brazil attended the summit as an observer, what conclusions did you highlight for yourself after this event, and are there any the point of holding such congresses, the so-called, if the result, so far no one has noticed, the failure of this summit, is the work of at least the ministry of foreign affairs of the russian federation, the work of the international bloc of beijing, which also made great efforts to prevent this conference from taking place, nevertheless , london carried out very important work against this summit; all the states that can be called partners, satellites or proxies of great britain in the world, they either did not come at all, such as the same aman and pakistan is the most important player in the middle east, or brunei, where the most important naval base is located. the united arab emirates,
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jordan, like bahrain, which did not sign the final declaration, if we take the african continent, then the key partners, london, again, cameroon, nigeria, batswana, tanzania, yes, they, gambia, they simply were not present, rwanda, yet one of their partners did not sign the final declaration. as well as important partners and members of the british commonwealth in general, and australia, new zealand, the most important partners in the indo-pacific of london, they sent, well, a representation there, actually of the third level, the minister of emergency situations and the minister of affairs of disabled people, if i’m not mistaken, yes, that is, in fact, this project of this summit, it’s not even about ukrainian history, yes, it wasn’t about ukraine at all, it was a planned election... technology as part
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of joe biden's election campaign, this process was supervised by jack salevan, the whole story didn't work out, but it didn't work out, didn't work out at all, as they say, mind you, kamala haris, who was there less than half a day, she simply left immediately after her speech, but mikhail, many experts believe, excuse me, i’ll interrupt you, that the americans treated the forum carelessly, and now it’s worth thinking seriously about. about how to build a dialogue with the united states in general, whether one can count on their support, and therefore, as a mobilization of world public opinion, it did not happen, that is, he himself confirmed this, nothing worked out for the americans, they lost in the palestinian , yes, in the israeli case, they are now in conflict with the cabinet netanyahu, they essentially have a defeat in the ukrainian direction and an impending military defeat, now a diplomatic one, right? blinkin's visit, which was intended,
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let's call it that way, to stall the ukrainian administration, it turned out to be ineffective, he demanded the resignation of the head of the ministry of defense umerov, it did not take place, he demanded that ermak give up claims to the cabinet of ministers, to head the cabinet of ministers, they refused and refused to promote oksana markarova to this post, they demanded that everyone give up criminal cases and anti-corruption prosecutions.
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he is the round-headed manager of ukraine, a gray eminence, as if confirming this, as it were , of what has long been polishaneli’s cigarette. ermak is the first person in ukraine, and not zelensky at all, everyone understands this perfectly well, zelensky is purely, well, absolutely, like a papilled masha, and nothing more. yes, rafael nikitovich, please, sometimes just one photograph is enough for us to answer
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your question to some extent, hope, for me, for example, it’s like americanist, i’m looking now, the association immediately played out for me, because i was working in america then, when... george w. bush came to power, when he started working, when he became vice president cheney, these are the photographs of the president, the so-called bush and the vice-president, who had much greater powers than the president, that’s all to say, for me it’s absolutely clear, from this photograph you can already roughly understand what the trend will be and what will happen if the same the very parallel, then i want to remind you how this epic ended, in fact, with dick chain, and so to speak, since i drew this parallel, and for...
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the president was popular, but nevertheless, of course, with this clown he, too, as they say, will not compare, but the result will be the same, so to speak, i sincerely hope, at least, either the voters, and i think not only the voters, and our armed forces, we are just all this riffraff let's get it out of there, and i sincerely hope that the air will become much cleaner, so to speak. ukraine after that. right now i propose to hear the direct speech of the president of ukraine, by the way, the question arises: is he the president of ukraine, because, legally, he is not one, but they sounded during an international conference and the main call: the time for compromise has passed. ukrainians deserve peace of mind and an end to the war
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that leaves no doubt about who won. the time for compromise is over. yes. vadim, how would you comment on this statement? the most dangerous thing behind this summit is that while listening to the statements of the parties the first person of russia and the person whom russia does not consider the first, but nevertheless, whom washington appointed zelensky first, not an exemplary position, but zelensky voices the position of washington, as long as washington has a free hand, he will voice the policy and the position that it is beneficial for washington, they are dragging europe into war for nothing, i say again, they are dragging us for nothing.
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that is, washington, so you understand, has already won back some of its interests, but today what could be the next step, as they say , a chessboard to the head, if the russian federation it will be possible to knock control of the international financial system out from under them and the dollar will lose its role as a reserve currency, the architecture of the world will change, which is what i said, dear rafael, today there is a global struggle, a global confrontation, a new architecture of the world is being built, here is russia’s chance in that together with china... together with the sco countries, brix and a number of other states, they will be able to offer the world that architecture of international relations when the countries will not be 70, not 92 states will come to this summit and 78 will sign up. i propose to hear the direct speech of alexander lukashenko, the poles are rubbing their hands, pushing
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the americans, they will cut off the west from you, you will have this piece left, if it remains, this is what will happen to you, and states like ukraine, our state with you, will not have our native land , yours and mine, this is already a foregone conclusion, this is what you are now...
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mikhail, what do you think are the moods in ukrainian society, is there a chance to change the situation from within, you are also a fairly well-informed person who understands ukrainian politics, and you know that the consensus is against it. zerensky, of course, has already been formed within ukraine. another thing is that the martial law and the control of law enforcement punitive agencies, yes, do not allow either large oligarchs, large financial and industrial groups, or large political and media associations, well, to get involved in an open war against zelensky now. yes, poroshenko, having guarantees from washington, security, personal, i repeat, yes, not for his entire team, but nevertheless he allows himself to suffer finance -
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we understand perfectly well that there are other major players there who are completely tied to the west, and to a certain extent are connected in the maneuver. mikhail, is there any consolidation at the moment of all political figures who are zelensky’s opponents? well, of course, such consolidation exists, that is, no, he doesn’t even have a manageable parliament today, even his own faction, of which more than 60 people included , wrote a statement to leave the faction. yes, when our svr says that the west is preparing to replace zelensky, this is the absolute truth, long non-public negotiations that have been going on seem to have reached
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a dead end, because the americans refused , during their election campaign, chronologically and by indicator, to remove zelensky with their own hands, although they really have a big bench reserves, this is zaluzhny, and umerov, and budanov, and the same tymoshenko, many, many others, thank you very much, they fixed the position, that’s what delighted me...
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within their administrative borders, which it was from the entire territory of these regions that existed at the time of their entry into ukraine, as soon as kiev announced that they were ready for such a decision, they would begin a real withdrawal of troops from these regions, and also officially notify about the abandonment of plans to join nato, with our sides immediately, literally at the same minute, an order will follow to cease fire and begin fighting. but at the same
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time, the heads of turkey, hakan fidan, in his speech, considered them an important part of the peace process and even a glimmer of hope for a future settlement, and this again can talk about the important role of ankara in trying to become a bridge between the participants of the swiss meeting and russia. yes, rafalnikich, please. there is no need to dwell on the situation in ukraine. once again , i want ukraine to be part of global processes. they are here, so to speak, speculating on the topic where our interests begin. putin said quite well that the russian world is...
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dialogue begins again, we say, listen, crimea was included in accordance with all international ones, you can recognize it or not , donbass, let's agree, this is where the minsk, normandy format, minsk agreements came from, we admit, and putin said what i said when i signed minsk, when, or rather, so to speak, they were being considered, i say, i already cheated, i didn’t know how i would say to the donbass that you are part of ukraine, yes, there were certainly a lot there, yes, he says, i didn’t know, we didn’t even have one, but we went for it.
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they were trying to somehow establish themselves here, and this advancement would be completely understandable if the motives were clear here, we said now, listen, lugansk, donetsk, crimea is part of russia, kherson, zaporozhye, let's come to an agreement, let's not listen to this again, kherson, zaporozhye became part of russia, do i need to continue further, so to speak, the moment when there was a chance to stop, ukraine rejected it and lost more and more and more territory and life. the processes in ukraine are part of the universal, you noticed, i think quite rightly, they have an economic, financial background, but i say that here it is already moral, satanic, this is a satanic project, ukraine unwittingly became part of this, persecution of clergy, persecution of the church, we ourselves see that this is happening, so in this situation we are fighting here, our friends understand this, thank god, we are fighting for much more than territories, much more here, this halo
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ours, because being a subject of the international... those who try us, i will even say this, not that they agree, those who do not want to listen to us, it will be exactly what you said with hope, as gradually since 2014, then this is exactly how to turn it around please note, i apologize for the quote from the director of the foreign intelligence service.


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