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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  June 26, 2024 8:00pm-9:00pm MSK

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prohibited; these areas are marked with special road signs and markings. violation of the rules may result in administrative liability, ranging from a warning to a fine. in case of violation, traffic police may forcibly evacuate the vehicle to a fine parking lot. as part of the campaign, the emphasis is on parking cars in courtyards. pottery, weaving, sculpting, blacksmithing. traditional folk crafts are presented at the exhibition of crafts of the belarusian land in derzhinskaya. work within the project territory of creativity presented by members of the lokon folk studio. the studio of the center for creativity for children and youth has been cooperating with the library for a long time, supporting national themes; they organize thematic exhibitions for various holidays and illustrate fiction. the studio is headed by olga gurko, and these are the works of children who are participants in this studio. the presented works are made in two techniques: one of the threads for knitting. colored threads for knitting
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using cardboard, on which our belarusian crafts are presented. second part the exhibitions are works made using japanese techniques using colored scraps, fabric and hard surfaces. the exhibition is very interesting and varied. reconstruction of the dynamo sports complex has begun in minsk, with plans to create a multifunctional modern site on the shore. the buildings will be covered with mirrored white and blue sandwich panels, there will be a climbing wall inside, new wrestling gyms and gyms, and rooms for gymnastics and fencing will be reconstructed. the arena itself, it will be almost completely dismantled, only the support structures will remain. columns, everything else will be built anew, there will be two grounds, transformers, which will be transformed into a mini-football court, and a court for...
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basketball, for handball, for volleyball, there will be a circle for holding athletics competitions. the sports complex was built more than 40 years ago, the reconstruction will make the site in demand among professionals and lovers of an active lifestyle.
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soviet union. in 1940 he was called up to serve in the workers' and peasants' red army. since october 1941, on the fronts of the great patriotic war. by october 1943, guard lieutenant boris mikhailov commanded a battery of an anti-tank artillery regiment. once surrounded, the battery.
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was awarded the high title of hero of the soviet union. hello, on the air of the sas program i am authorized to announce, i am the host, nadezhda sas, i welcome you and remind you that this is a program for those who want to better understand what is happening and understand how these processes, events, people will affect the life of the country of each of us. about the lack of progress in peaceful resolution of the conflict in ukraine, let's talk. dutch prime minister mark
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rutte will become the new secretary general of nato. stoltenberg confirmed. that the alliance is close to agreeing on the candidacy of the new secretary general, he called ryute a strong candidate. at the same time, hungarian prime minister viktor orban stated in an interview with the publication that hungary wants to conclude an agreement with the new nato secretary general that budapest will not participate in operations against russia in ukraine, remaining a member of the alliance. he also added that one of the complaints hungary's reason for ryuta's candidacy for nato post-general secretary is that he advocates the mandatory participation of all military member countries. operations outside the territory of the alliance. as a result, mark rutte promised viktor orban that if he became nato secretary general, hungary would have the right to refuse to participate in the alliance’s activities outside its territory in support of ukraine. the decision to appoint a new secretary general is due to be made
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at the nato summit in washington in july. stoltenberg's powers expire on october 1. parliament sweden approved the military cooperation agreement. usa, which will give the american side access to swedish military bases. after almost five hours of debate, 266 deputies voted for the document, 37 were against it, and the remaining 46 legislators were absent from the meeting. it is clarified that the agreement, which was signed by stockholm and washington in december last year, involves providing the united states with access to seventeen military bases and training grounds in sweden, and also allows the american side to store military equipment there technique. weapons and ammunition. for the treaty to take effect, the swedish parliament must also decide on legislative changes needed to allow american troops to operate in sweden. us military personnel will be subject to american law when on swedish soil. the norway-us treaty
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stipulates that norway does not accept stockpiling or exercises involving nuclear weapons. according to the swedish newspaper , there is no such clause in the swedish-american agreement, but... sweden may refuse from storing certain defense materials if deemed necessary. a forum of chairmen of the supreme courts of the brix countries was held in sochi. the heads of the highest courts of belarus, russia, china, south africa, egypt, india, iran, the united arab emirates, and ethiopia took part in it. the forum participants and the chairmen of the brix supreme courts signed a joint statement on the results of the work. during the meeting were discussed. issues of ensuring uniformity, judicial practice, judicial protection of social rights of citizens, investors, fundamental freedoms people in criminal proceedings, the processes of introducing technology into judicial proceedings, the harmonization of the legislation of the brix states were considered, the forum participants noted in the agreement that the judicial
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dialogue within the brix contributes to the achievement of the goals of the association, the development of cooperation within the brix, and also strengthens mutual trust and goodwill in relations between states by peoples. the preamble of the unesco charter says: wars begin in the minds of people, therefore the idea of ​​protecting peace must be rooted in the minds of people. these principles prioritized the generations that survived the horrors of the second world war. on the contrary, current western politicians are trying to root in the consciousness of a generation that has not known great misfortune the principle “war” is peace, described in orwell’s dystopia. therefore, at the so-called peace summit in switzerland, they talked mainly about how to wage war even more actively, about why today a serious conversation about resolving the ukrainian conflict is impossible, and how to erase the passion for war from the minds of leaders in kiev, washington and brussels, will be discussed in
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today's program. i am glad to welcome to our studio the political scientist and deputy of the minsk city council, vadim borovyak, hello, good afternoon, also with us today is rafael nikitovich ardukhanyan, political scientist, americanist. from the russian federation. glad to see you. by tradition, we begin our program with a blitz question. and vadim, do you think that this year the fighting will end; in your opinion, do events like the peace summit really contribute to this? well, firstly, we must do everything to ensure that there are prerequisites for ending the conflict. there are several scenarios for the development of the situation; one of the scenarios assumes the possibility of concluding an agreement. second, regarding the peace summit, this is impossible without the participation of both sides, that is, it was obvious that this was such a diplomatic political step of ukraine in order to strengthen its treaty position, by the way, today we hear both positions of both the russian federation and ukraine,
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putin taught the day before, look, some say an ultimatum, this is not an ultimatum, this is a starting position for negotiations, i am sure that both ukraine and russia can make concessions to them.
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ukraine doesn’t solve anything. you asked a very, so to speak, provocative question on the one hand: this year , let’s say, the conflict will end or not. yes, of course, it will not end, because we have a lot of events that are absolutely, it would seem, unrelated to the relationship between russia and ukraine and what is happening there now. we have now held elections to the european parliament, we have now. elections are coming up in november in the united states of america, so we all must consider the conflict that
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is now taking place in ukraine exclusively in the context of the global processes that are taking place, and you and i, i think, now understand perfectly well, especially after our president’s visit to the dprk, now to vietnam, given the nature of the relations that is being built with china, you and i must understand perfectly well that the so-called conflict in ukraine is part of the global changes that are now taking place in the world, and these changes... our enemies do not like them, they i deeply regret, given the internal state of the economy, we know, you and i understand perfectly well what is happening in europe now, europe is simply deindustrializing completely, what is happening in america is a separate transfer, we just need to do it now, what is happening in the economy now , what is happening now at the border, what is happening now in families, in general this is a whole separate thing, so to speak, such, you know, an absolutely absurd and terrible picture that we are describing, therefore, to the deepest.
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fixed the course for the conference in ukraine to continue the conflict. the result of the meeting was a communiqué, which was signed not by everyone, but by the majority of the forum participants. but first of all, more about the details of the summit. a lot of politicians flew to switzerland, 101 delegations in total, but this did not make the level of the event any higher. the same washington, which shouts the loudest about support for ukraine, was represented by the vice presidents. advisor to the head of state on national security, there were those who immediately refused to participate in
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the summit, as china did, for example. if we talk about another fundamentally important participant, moscow, the russian delegation was not invited. however, the kremlin made it clear in advance and repeatedly that they consider the summit and its decision to mean nothing. without russia, discussing security issues that concern us is absolutely futile. all this will be such empty scholasticism without any prospects of getting at least some tangible result. this is exactly how we feel about this conference. russia does not consider the swiss conference a serious attempt to resolve the conflict in ukraine. western plans to intimidate russia and its supporters failed again. however, the failure of the conference was obvious even before it began. the only benefit is a clear division of countries into a vision of world development, and this is perhaps the only thing. leading foreign media also appreciated it. they unanimously noted that
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the meeting did not bring any concrete results and it is at least strange to talk about peace in ukraine without the participation of the russian side. it’s a pity that not everyone at the conference itself recognized this. these were not peace talks because putin is not serious about ending the war. he insists on capitulation, he insists on the cession of ukrainian territory, even territory that is not currently occupied by him. he insists on disarmament of ukraine. no country will ever accept outrageous conditions. first of all, the final document points out the importance of dialogue with all parties to the conflict. and the achievement of a comprehensive, just and lasting peace for ukraine must be based on the principles of the un charter. in addition, the importance of free navigation along the black and azov seas is stated seas to ensure global food security. specific points include the complete exchange of prisoners and ukrainian control over the zaporozhye nuclear power plant. as for the rest, it was supposed to be agreed upon
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later. in progress. the document caused a mixed reaction from the meeting participants. key countries. the entire south refused to sign the final communications, demanding that kiev seek a compromise with moscow. the goals of the swiss summit were never achieved. the final document was reduced to three points and somewhat diluted, to gain maximum support from those present. however, 11 countries refused to sign it, such as the brix countries. thus, the conference ended not only without practical results, but without particularly loud statements. but there are no scandals. it worked out, and kyiv came down with criticism. the verkhovna rada did not appreciate the general photo of the summit participants; ermak, the head of the office of the president of ukraine, showed up in it at the same time as the state leaders. according to the protocol, in the general photo at such events only the first persons are present. experts do not rule out that this is a hint about zelensky’s next successor. and right now
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waldemar gerth, a german politician and member of the bundestag, is joining our broadcast. well, my first question: the swiss peace conference on ukraine says a lot about the state of western politics. many experts called the event a summit of unfulfilled expectations ; it is obvious that at the moment western policy is not aimed at solving problems, at impressing, at creating the necessary images. what conclusions did you draw from this event? to start with the very name of the summit, a summit on a peaceful settlement, it basically turned into a summit of a club of supporters of ukraine, because a peaceful settlement can only be done when all parties to the conflict are at the table, and here it was there to show the world unity and support for ukraine , somewhere a little bit
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to educate the voters, but it didn’t work, not to mention that even many didn’t come to this summit. even before it began, the current president biden did not attend, his deputy kamala haris, spent only one day there, then leaving in her place a completely unhappy assistant on national security issues, mr. salevan, that is, serious work with wavering countries was not carried out at all, and the
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same former continental grandees such as germany, france, great britain - this is an example of states no longer deciding anything.
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i didn’t give an assessment, because there is a process going on, why washington didn’t participate directly, because they don’t need a peace agreement, they benefit from a protracted conflict, then
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there is now washington’s bet before the elections, it was precisely before the elections that they allocated this assistance, before the elections to show a certain success of the ukrainian troops, or to restrain the russian this slow offensive, because there is a positional struggle, i will clarify there, rafaelnikich, but sociology shows the dissatisfaction of the americans. biden’s policy, wouldn’t it be beneficial for him to at least create an imitation of the desire to stop the war in ukraine to earn himself new points on the eve of the elections. we expect too much from this incompetent administration, you know, sometimes the explanation is very, very simple, because if you and i now analyze specifically, absolutely the policy towards ukraine and european countries, nato, in general and the united states of america, then you and i will understand that this politics is suicidal politics, well, at least look at the results, as i already said, and the choice. european, this, these are the people who voted for exactly this, do they want the european union to continue nato in this way, biden’s ratings, they are just like that
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to say, in america now, as they say, is below par, this is the worst president in history, this is no longer donald trump, so in this situation their behavior can be justified from my point of view by only one thing: the level and degree of russophobia has reached such an extent that they are ready to do absolutely anything, even shoot themselves in the foot, just to... continue this course, because only in this globalist-russophobic agenda will their absolutely fantastic, absolutely unrealistic plans for regarding the future world order, they understand perfectly well that we now, namely russia, china, our so to speak, allies, friends, we are showing another alternative, so they are now at a dead end, and this dead end from my point of view, it already has a mental character, certain psychiatry, here already political science, politics a long time ago... their task is to prolong the conflict and unbalance socio-political stability in russia, they do not care about the victims of ukraine, their task
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today is to allow attacks on the territory of the russian federation. the goal is not military defeat of russia, and the goal of creating defeatist sentiments, unrest and undermining socio-political stability. that's why it's going today. a war of attrition, but the more we drag out this conflict, so to speak, the more dangerous, you know, in 1990 or 1989 you didn’t think that the union would fall apart, but the americans reached an agreement with saudi arabia, collapsed oil prices, used gorbachev, and then elson gave everyone, take as much sovereignty as you want, and today the task, the option is this prigozhin's rebellion, the collapse of the union, destabilize the internal political situation in russia, so this is dangerous, plus they will drag europe into the war, for which the fitz was shot, in order... to drive all european leaders into the war, so there is no need to belittle the role of those circles that stirred up this mess, the only competitor for the coming decades that
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may arise for the united states can only arise on the euroasian continent, either china is an alliance with russia, or there was an option of an alliance of european technologies, russian resources, so they are hitting this continent in order to keep us for a decade, so the situation is extremely dangerous, we are one step away from war in europe, infrastructure is being created, equipment is being transferred, there is an escalation even in the form of tactical nuclear weapons, the americans are absolutely comfortable with the use of
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tactical nuclear weapons in europe , they will give a standing ovation if russia is the first to use it. the next step will be exclusion from membership in the un permanent security councils and additional sanctions, which is why they provoke this, so there is no need to do so americans who are frail, incompetent, especially don’t need to look at these. elderly presidents, these decisions were not made, will be made by financial and industrial circles, already prepared, which means the regions where capital can be transferred are asian countries to north america, they already have their chips from taiwan, partially transferred production to north america, weapons and so on, so the situation is dangerous, today we need to do everything to deescalate, the position is that we are here to the end and will fight, will lead to a disaster, we must... the media and
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even many statements, the same words of macron, hot heads, but those who cannot be cooled down, this is also probing the soil, the desire to understand whether the europeans are ready for this, whether there is a chance for them involve, but the decision in fact is made by completely different political and economic transnational circles. well, i want to say that i generally agree with the pathos of my colleague, of course, here we know who is behind these circles.
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what they are trying to do now, but the question is different, because what is fundamentally, specifically, now over the last literally 20 years, why has it changed in what way? the general picture of what happened, what happened is that now two, at least world powers, have acquired subjectivity, these are, so to speak, china and russia, what it was, this was expressed in very specific steps in the area in which they are still never expected, i remember very well, i was just working in america in the early 2000s on absolutely all points of development, so to speak, here is modern civilization, it’s like once noted, i remember it was also my colleague david coin, peace... they noted: in
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the political field, in the military field, in the economic field, in the financial field, in the information field there was one hundred percent anglo-sation dominance, the chinese economy was then 30% from the american one, the dollar ruled there, 80% of all these transfers were, it was all in dollars, petrodollars, everything worked, talking about the political influence of china or russia at that time, it was funny, it was just in those very days with us, so to speak, our so-called president spoke in congress and said:
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the military sphere, but no, take the military sphere, so to speak, now you said it’s contested, we now have such types of weapons that neither the americans nor the west have even dreamed of yet , there are two areas left where they dominate, so far financial and information, and here we are also knocking the ground out of them, we ourselves know very well what is happening with dedolarization, the so-called, so now at the moment, agreeing that yes there are circles, yes they are such dictates, but guys, another guy appeared in the area, and you didn’t notice , it’s no longer up to you to decide and say who walks on which side, who eats what and what they drink, now there are forces that say, i want to reverse the latest events attention, on the one hand, this is a complete failure of this so-called gathering, i don’t even know how we call it a summit, what kind of summit it is, a summit is a meeting at the highest level, and we are just saying that everything there is at the highest the level faded, i agree with my colleague, the only thing is and so it is precisely because, my dear colleague, that subjects have appeared on our continent, but
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today we cannot effectively demonstrate. will not speak, let them be their own, as our president says, as long as we fight, we will be there, and we are what they want, and we do ours, and we will do ours, yes, it will be necessary and we will exchange, as they say, across the ocean, at this moment i want to connect to our broadcast mikhail pavlev, political strategist, political expert, mikhail, welcome to the program, good afternoon, yes. talk about the cabal of the west, they have already nicknamed it that way, let’s not say that this is a summit, despite the fact that the organizers of the conference set the task of attracting as many countries as possible to the event, the summit in switzerland was attended by less than half of the un member states, china, most cis countries, asia, latin america, africa, it was simply ignored, so for clarity i would like
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to draw the attention of our viewers to... the list of countries that signed the final declaration of switzerland, it is important to note that many states were not represented at a high level level, for example, india was represented by the former ambassador of the country of the wrf, brazil was present at the summit as an observer. what conclusions did you draw for yourself after this event, and is there any point in holding such so-called congresses if no one has noticed the result yet? the failure of this summit is the work of at least the ministry of foreign affairs of the russian federation, this is the work. beijing's international bloc, which also made great efforts to prevent this conference from taking place, nevertheless has very important work against this the summit was held by london, all the states that can be called satellite partners
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or proxies of great britain in the world, they either did not come at all, such as aman and pakistan, these are the most important players in the middle east, and brunei, where the most important naval base is located . the united arab emirates, jordan, like bahren, which did not sign the final declaration, if we take the african continent, then the key partners, london, again, cameroon, nigeria, botswana, tanzania, yes, they, gambia, they simply were not present, rwanda, yet one of their partners did not sign the final declaration.
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how to build a dialogue with the united states in general, can you count on their support, because the mobilization of world public opinion did not happen, that is, the summit confirmed this, nothing worked out for the americans, they lost in
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the palestinian and israeli cases, they are now in conflict with netanyahu’s cabinet, they essentially have a defeat in the ukrainian direction, and an impending military defeat, now a diplomatic defeat, and a visit. blinkin, who was called upon, let's say, let's call it that, put the ukrainian administration in a stall, he turned out to be ineffective, he demanded the resignation of the head of the ministry of defense umerov, it did not take place, he demanded that ermak give up claims to the cabinet of ministers, head the cabinet of ministers, but they refused and refused to promote oksana markarova to this post , they demanded to abandon all criminal cases and so -called anti-corruption prosecutions. the usa, that is, in fact, the usa is now completely losing in the ukrainian direction, and losing to london, yes, that’s why, again, this information is in full swing preparing sanctions against ermak, the head
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of zelensky’s office, against oleg tatarov for the english office zelensky is responsible for law enforcement and against rastislav shurma of zelensky’s office i am responsible for the economy, here we are in a little more detail, mikhail , stay with us, let's talk about the internal affairs, but now statements appear from the press bureau of the foreign intelligence service of the russian federation that the west is preparing to write off zelensky, according to information received by the svr, washington and his the satellites are satisfied with the situation that developed after may 20, in which zelensky’s legitimacy is completely dependent on western support, they are already announcing alternative candidates, the name of mr. ermak is also heard, so let’s look at the family photo, which...
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is the first person in ukraine, and not zelensky at all, everyone understands this perfectly well, zelensky is purely, well, absolutely, like a plump papier mache, and nothing more, yes, rafael nikitoch, please, sometimes one photo is enough for us to be approximately in... i have an association instantly played, because i was working in america then, when george w. bush came to power, when he began to work, when he became vice president cheney, these are the photographs of the president, the so-called bush and the vice president, who had much greater powers than the president, that’s all to say, for me it’s completely clear, from this photograph you can already roughly understand what the trend will be and what... will happen, if we draw the same parallel, then i want to remind you how
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this ended an epic, in fact, with wild cheney and so to speak, since i drew this parallel, and it ended with an absolutely disastrous invasion, the so-called iraq, at the origins of which dick cheney stood, moreover, he stood at the head of the corrupt, multi-billion dollar component of hallie barton, when they robbed literally the budget, they ruined a bunch of companies when a pack of cigarettes was sold for $120, so to speak , for the soldiers who served there.
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ukraine is part of russia’s global interests, cooperation in the supply of energy resources to europe was beneficial to russia, and european technologies were needed, that is , washington, so you understand, has already won back some of the interests, but today what kind of step could be taken, as they say, with a chessboard to the head, if the russian federation manages to knock control of the international financial system out from under them and the dollar will lose its role as a reserve currency, the architecture of the world will change, what did dear raphael talk about? today there is a global struggle, a global confrontation,
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a new architecture of the world is being built, russia’s chance is that, together with china, together with the sco countries, brix and a number of other states, they will be able to offer the world that architecture of international relations when there are no longer 70 countries at this summit, 92 states will come and 78 will sign, two will withdraw their signature, and 20 will come, you know, that’s this needs to go, yes, i propose to hear the direct speech of alexander lukashenko. the poles are rubbing their hands, pushing the americans, they will cut off the west from you, you will be left with this cluster, if it remains, this is what will happen to you.
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having security guarantees from washington, personal, to repeat, yes, not for his entire team, but nevertheless, iskopady allows himself to finance the opposition, some kind of opposition discourse against zelensky, he financed razumkov for a very long time, now razumkov is no longer, well, no longer part of his agenda , but they are now trying to unite with yulia vladimirovna tymoshenko, who was recently in london and had meetings in very high offices, and received approval, let’s say, for certain actions in ukraine. and he supports poroshenko today the day that sits in the dugout, does not stick out and does not go to london, where he is persistently sent, on the other hand, we understand perfectly well that there are other large hills tied to the west, completely and to a certain extent connected in the maneuver. mikhail, is there
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currently a consolidation of all the political figures of zelensky’s opponents? well, of course this consolidation exists, that is, no, he doesn’t have one. even a controlled parliament today, even its own faction, with more than 60 people in its composition, wrote a statement to leave the faction, yes, when our foreign intelligence service says that the west is preparing to replace zelensky, this is the absolute truth, the long non-public negotiations that have been going on seem to have reached a dead end, because the americans refused during their election campaign, according to chronological and indicators, removing zelensky with your own hands, although they really have a large bench of substitutes, is misguided.
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i remind you that the program “sas” is authorized to announce this on air. we continue our discussion, talking about the lack of progress in peaceful resolution of the conflict in ukraine. what is important to note: there were no specific peace initiatives presented at the end of the conference except for general words, but first of all, the participants reacted to the proposal of vladimir putin made on the eve of the summit. and let's hear the direct speech right now. the conditions are very simple. ukrainian troops must be completely withdrawn from the donetsk, lugansk people's republics, kherson and zaporozhye regions, and i draw attention specifically from the entire territory of these regions, in within their administrative boundaries that existed at the time of their entry into ukraine. as soon as kiev declares that
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they are ready for such a decision, they will begin a real withdrawal of troops from these regions.
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well, yes, then we we we we we we would try to explain to people that you are still part of ukraine, you didn’t listen, now it means
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it’s happened, lugansk, donetsk have become part of russia, nato’s advance to the east begins again, and we must with you consider the situation in ukraine, you said, vadim, that it would be necessary to avoid war, it is impossible could have been avoided, this war did not start now, it began in the mid-nineties, when nato began to expand to the east, ukraine was part of this project, it didn’t work out with georgia, now they say so. here to somehow establish ourselves and this advancement would be completely understandable, there would be clearly motives here, we talked now, listen, lugansk, donetsk, crimea are part of russia, kherson, zaporozhye, let's agree, let's not listen to this again , kherson, zaporozhye became part of russia, do i need to continue, so to say, the moment when there was a chance to stop, ukraine rejected it and lost more and more territory and people’s lives. the processes in ukraine are part of the universal, you paid attention, i think quite rightly, on the economic, financial basis, but i say that here it is already moral,
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satanic, this is a satanic project, ukraine unwittingly became part of this persecution of clergy, persecution of the church, we ourselves see that this is happening, so in this situation we are fighting here, our friends, thank god understand, we are fighting for much more than territory, much more here, this eagle is ours, because being a subject of international law.
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we have the only chance to demonstrate a real threat to washington, more than one submarine should sail there in cuba, and we must demonstrate a normal presence there, including a fleet before the deployment of tactical nuclear weapons there, i told alexander gorivich about this a year and a half ago, he said me that vladimir vladimirovich answered him that we have underwater boats can surface anywhere in the world, we need to place tactical poisonous weapons there, then they will us, then they will agree to withdraw tactical nuclear weapons from europe, then we go, that means we agree with each country, i’m telling you that it will be sooner just yes...
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they clicked the soviet union on the nose, they took a bite, but we still remained a sovereign state, it allows integration into the eu, then they will start talking about military blocs, unfortunately, but they will do it and justify it for their internal electorate, they fought , we fought, but let’s say it didn’t work out, there will be a freeze according to the north korean scenario 99%, no matter how much we would like it, but there will be peace for 70 years, peace for 70 years, peace for 70 years is better than war and
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war in europe.
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also that in the military sphere we now have a colossal advantage, why are the americans now feverishly allocating money for the construction of two additional missile carriers, which means submarines, and because our missile carriers are now in the form in which they are, i’m just, as they say, i don't i don't think i'll open it as they say some secret, but one of our missile carriers, so to speak, here is prince vladimir and so to speak donskoy, which we have now commissioned new, he alone, one missile carrier can destroy, so to speak, the territory of the east coast from america from montreal to florida.
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where is this end? ok, you, what is the problem with this special military operation and hear me, that there was always a calculation that they would not go all the way, first they entered with a limited group into the country with the first territory in europe, without having reinforcements, then, this means that we did not calculate all these points with our assets, which were confiscated, today we are talking to the end, let’s say the total gdp,
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the total gdp of the russian federation is a hundred times less than the total. the gdp of the coalition, if we prolong the conflict and we assume, one second, we assume that they increase the allocation for this operation 10 times, russia today spends 8% of gdp, you will spend 80% of gdp if they, so we need not allow escalation, we will not be able to go to the end, inevitably, strike first, everything, the other alternative scenario. military actions, but we are learning, we are learning, we are correcting the mistakes that actually happened during the time, now regarding the internal product, where do you get these numbers from, what are you talking about, you are now saying that they
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will allocate allocations, they what will they shoot with these allocations, and at which factories in europe? you are talking about which factories that will supposedly produce something there, they have been there for a long time, all dear colleagues, we have run out of time, i just want to finish, these are our fraternal people, and we will always support you and better when... actions, but we have no right to forget what marshal ferdinand forsch, who ended the first world war, said at the treaty of versailles. this is not peace, this is a truce for
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20 years. and he turned out to be absolutely right, the current confrontation between the western hegemon and those striving to create a fairer system of international relations also cannot end the shaky truce; seriousness is needed.
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panorama live, in the studio elena nasacheva, hello!


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