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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  June 27, 2024 10:00am-11:00am MSK

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during their stay at this site , they hunted 25 mammoths; in addition to mammoths, a lot of reindeer and one woolly rhinoceros were found here. the task of our guides is to ignite in you a desire to experience belarusian culture personally. we have a tradition of klr, and everyone who enters the house, the place where yakub kolas was born, is here, here on this one. porushki make a wish, travel with the belarus 24 tv channel
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. television in our country, like in the russian federation, dominates the information field, since the twentieth year, our audience has grown, it has a very clear request for socio-political broadcasting, many say that you cannot teach to love your homeland. it is possible, you need to teach to love your homeland, you need to talk about its achievements, how much has been done for people, and this needs to be talked about, the media is a very important link between, well , i’ll call it very conditionally the people, the authorities, without the media, this communication cannot maybe the media conveys the main meanings, ideological directions, the course that determines state, feedback must come from the population, not a single achievement of our country, not a single citizen of ours, we will never... give up, we will not betray with all
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our might, even if necessary, and the president said this, even with our lives, we we are obliged to protect all our values, all our achievements, markov’s project is nothing personal, watch on the belarus 24 tv channel, history, nature. culture, faith, people, beauty, you adore it once, and you won’t forget it again, everything here is right for us.
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hello, the program "sas" is on air. authorized to declare. i and the presenter nadezhda sas, i welcome you and remind you that this is a program for those who want to better understand what is happening and understand how these... processes, events, people will affect the life of the country of each of us. we will talk in more detail about the lack of progress in the peaceful resolution of the conflict in ukraine immediately after the digest of key events in world politics this week. dutch prime minister mark rutte will become the new secretary general of nato. en stoltenberg confirmed that the alliance close to agreeing on the candidacy of the new secretary general. he called rüte a strong candidate. at the same time, hungarian prime minister viktor orban stated in an interview with the publication that hungary wants to conclude an agreement with the new nato secretary general that budapest will not participate in operations against russia in ukraine, remaining a member of the alliance. he also added that one of hungary’s complaints about ryuta’s candidacy for the post
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of nato secretary general is that he advocates the mandatory participation of all member countries in military operations for outside the territory of the alliance. as a result , mark rutte promised viktor orban that if he becomes nato secretary general, hungary will have the right to refuse to participate in the alliance’s activities outside its territory in support of ukraine. the decision to appoint a new secretary general is due to be made at the nato summit in washington in july. stoltenberg's powers expire on october 1. the swedish parliament has approved an agreement on us military cooperation, which will give the american side access to swedish military bases. after almost... an hour of debate 266 deputies voted for the document, 37 were against it, and the remaining 46 legislators were absent from the meeting. it is clarified that the agreement, which was signed by stockholm and washington in december last year, provides the united states with access to seventeen military bases and
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training grounds in sweden, and also allows the american side to store military equipment, weapons and ammunition there. for the treaty to come into force, the swedish parliament must also make a decision. legislative changes necessary to american troops could operate in sweden. us military personnel will be subject to american law when on swedish soil. the norway-us treaty stipulates that norway does not accept stockpiling or exercises involving nuclear weapons. according to the swedish newspaper, there is no such clause in the swedish-american agreement. but sweden may refuse to store certain defense materials if it deems it necessary. a forum of chairmen of the supreme courts of the brix countries was held in sochi. the heads of the highest courts of belarus, russia, china, south africa, egypt, india, iran, the united arab emirates, and ethiopia took part in it. the forum participants and
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the chairmen of the supreme courts of brihs signed a joint statement on the results of the work. during the meetings, issues of ensuring uniformity, judicial practice, judicial protection of the social rights of citizens and investors , fundamental human freedoms in criminal proceedings were discussed, the processes of introducing technology into judicial processes, harmonization of state legislation were discussed brix. the forum participants noted in the agreement that the judicial dialogue within the brix contributes to the achievement of unification goals, the development of cooperation within the brix, and also strengthens mutual trust and goodwill in relations between states and peoples. the preamble to the unesco charter says: wars begin in the minds of people. therefore, the idea of ​​protecting peace needs to be rooted in people’s minds. these principles were put at the forefront of the generation that survived the horrors of the second world war. current western politicians are trying, on the contrary, to root in in the consciousness of a generation unaware of great misfortune,
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the principle “war” is peace described in orwell’s dystopia. that’s why at the so-called peace summit in switzerland they mainly talked about how to be even more active. to wage war, why a serious conversation about resolving the ukrainian conflict is impossible today and how to eradicate the passion for war from the minds of leaders in kiev, washington and brussels will be discussed in today's program. i am glad to welcome to our studio the political scientist, deputy of the minsk city council, vadim borovyak, hello, good afternoon. also with us today is rafael nikitovich ardukhanyanyan, an american political scientist from the russian federation. glad to see you. by tradition, we begin our program with a blitz question. and... vadem, do you think that this year the fighting will end, in your opinion, do events like the peace summit really contribute to this? well, firstly, everything must be done to ensure that there are prerequisites for ending the conflict. there are several scenarios for the development of the situation, one
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of the scenarios suggests the possibility means concluding an agreement. secondly, regarding the peace summit, without the participation of both sides this is impossible, that is. it was obvious that this was a diplomatic political step by ukraine - with the aim of strengthening its contractual position. by the way, today we hear both positions and the russian one. i am sure that both ukraine and russia can make mutual concessions, what they will be depends on the situation on the ground, if during the operation on the ground one of the parties strengthens its position significantly, but we will count on and support our ally, then naturally the contractual position may even change not in favor of the opposite. but in general, today russia demonstrates a desire to negotiate, the problem is that ukraine is not
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ready for the conditions that russia offers, it does not hear them, it pretends that the reality at the moment is completely different, that is, two mutually exclusive events are taking place in parallel : ukraine’s peace initiatives, which exclusively focus on western allies, patrons and indeed the russian proposal federation.
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they are not interested in peace, the only way out of this debt hole, and in the literal sense, i want to say that just the other day america’s debt reached 35 trillion dollars, the way out to deep regret is only in war, i am grateful to you and let’s talk in a little more detail about the western get-together or the peace conference in switzerland, which was remembered for its rejection of constructive dialogue in favor of ultimatums and the failure of attempts to gain support. global south, we will tell you the details in our story. peace conference on ukraine
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set a course for the continuation of the conflict. the result of the meeting was a communiqué, which was signed not by all, but by most of the forum participants, but above all, more details about the details of the summit. a lot of politicians flew to switzerland, 101 delegations in total, but this did not make the level of the event any higher. the same washington.
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russia does not consider the swiss conference a serious attempt to resolve the conflict in ukraine. the west's plans to intimidate russia and its supporters have failed again. however, the failure of the conference was obvious even before it started. the only benefit is this. a clear division of countries in the vision of the development of the world, and this is perhaps the only result, it was also appreciated by leading foreign media, they unanimously noted that the meeting did not bring any concrete results and... these were not peace negotiations, because putin is not serious about ending the war, he insists on capitulation, he insists on the concession of ukrainian territory, even territory that is not currently occupied by him, he is in agreement with all parties to the conflict,
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and the achievement of a comprehensive, just and lasting peace for ukraine must be based on... on the principles of the un charter. in addition, the importance of free navigation in the black and azov seas for ensuring global food security is stated. specific points include the complete exchange of prisoners and ukrainian control over the zaporozhye nuclear power plant. the rest was supposed to be agreed upon later. in progress. the document caused a mixed reaction from the meeting participants. key countries in the global south have refused to sign final communications, demanding that kiev seek a compromise with. is yours. the goals of the swiss summit were never achieved. the final document was reduced to three points and somewhat diluted in order to gain maximum support from those present. however, 11 countries refused to sign it, such as a brix member state. thus, the conference ended not only without practical results, but without particularly loud statements. but
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there were some scandals, and he was criticized kyiv. the verkhovna rada did not appreciate the general photo.
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the kind of united front that i would like to demonstrate at this summit did not work out, but on its own, well, let them gather, it’s good when they say that any, any war ends at the negotiating table, well, little by little he begins to take small steps towards this table, let them do it, yes valdemar, but one gets
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the impression that the united states of america leaked this entire conference even before it started; he didn’t go to it. his deputy kamala haris spent only one day there, later leaving in his place the completely unhappy assistant on national security issues, mr. sullivan, that is, serious work with wavering countries was not carried out at all, and the same former continental grants, such as germany, france, great britain - this is an example of a state that no longer solves anything, but continues to do something, that is, only the illusion of influence on world processes is created. scholz, by the way, also did not wait for the end of the summit, he flew away, citing the difficult situation within the country, although yes, he has something to do to refer, that is, this is such an attempt, a demonstration to do something, this is, well , to keep a good face in a bad game,
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so the united states did not refuse at all, but we know very well when...
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the extent of their absolutely fantastic, absolutely unrealistic plans for regarding the future world order, they understand perfectly well that we now, namely russia and china, are our, so
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to speak, allies, friends, we are showing another alternative, so they are now at a dead end, and this dead end from my point of view, it already has a mental character, psychiatry there has been no definite, here political science, politics for a long time, and even more so the realpolitik we are talking about, their task is to prolong the conflict and...
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who started this mess, the only competitor for the coming decades that can arise for the united states can only arise on the european continent, either china is an alliance with russia, or there was an option of an alliance of european technologies, russian resources, so they are hitting this continent in order to keep us for decades, so the situation is extremely dangerous, we are one step away from war in europe, the president of serbia spoke correctly about what today is today.
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in the vein of tactical nuclear weapons, and the americans are absolutely satisfied with the use of tactical nuclear weapons in europe, they will give a standing ovation if russia is the first to use them. the next step will be expulsion from the permanent membership of the un security council and additional sanctions, which is why they are provoking this, so there is no need to make americans weak, incompetent persons, especially don’t look at these elderly presidents, not from a hospital bed, these decisions were made, will be made financially, industrial circles have already prepared the regions where capital can be transferred, these are the countries of asia to north america, they have already transferred their chips from taiwan and partially transferred production to
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these are slightly different interests, slightly different financial and industrial circles, it ’s a little different there, and then there’s even the question of, well, who did we surprise rothschold, by the way, you’re right, there’s no one, you know, there’s an octopus that rules, that is, there are financial clans who sympathize democrats, there are those who sympathize, friends, who will certainly be there, i want to say that during the second world war, it was also a fight, to a certain extent , of the financial circles that stood behind fascism and... accordingly, that stood for the british the saxon financial world, as they say, but there was another force there at that time, which, in fact, pulled everyone in, it was the soviet union, this also shouldn’t be discarded, so there they may have decided something in their own most clubs diverse, what they are now trying to do, but the question is different, because what is fundamentally specific right now over the last literally 20 years, why and how the overall picture has changed, what happened, what happened is that
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two sides have now acquired subjectivity... talking about the political influence of china or russia at that time was ridiculous, it was precisely in those very days that our so-called president spoke in congress and spoke, so to speak, ingratiating himself, yes, so to speak, ingratiating himself, i don't even want to
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repeat what he said. look what happened now, politically, we, russia has now absolutely seized dominance in this area, russia's political influence is much stronger, economic, economic, we'll take it, china has now challenged the parity already, as they say, it is ahead of america a long time ago, moreover, we pulled ourselves up, russia bypassed japan, bypassed germany, it was sanctions, take, so to speak, now you said the military sphere, but no, the military sphere is disputed, we have now with these types. weapons that neither the americans nor the west have even dreamed of yet, there are two areas left where they still dominate, financial and information, and here we are also knocking out the ground from them, you and i know very well what is happening with de-dolarization, the so-called , so now, at the moment, agreeing with the fact that yes, there are circles, yes there are those who dictate, but guys, another guy appeared in the area, and you didn’t notice, it’s no longer for you to decide and say who for what walking around , who is eating what, who is drinking what, they have now appeared
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strength. who say, these are the latest events, i want to draw your attention, on the one hand, this is a complete failure of this so-called gathering, i don’t even know what we call it a summit, what kind of summit it is, a summit is a summit meeting, but we are just saying that everyone there has faded from the highest level, i agree with my colleague, the only thing is that it is precisely because my dear colleague that subjects appeared, primarily russia and china, and yes, the eu was a serious competitor, especially when them was the peak of cooperation with the russian federation, they suits us.
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were not represented at a high level, for example, india was represented by the former ambassador of the wrf country, brazil was present at the summit as an observer, what conclusions did you highlight for yourself after this event
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and is there any point in holding similar congresses, the so-called, if the result, so far no one and didn’t notice, the failure of this summit is work, at least. and the ministry of foreign affairs of the russian federation, this is the work of the international bloc of beijing, which has also made great efforts to ensure that the conference did not take place, nevertheless, very important work against this summit was carried out by london, all the states that can be called partners, satellites or proxies of great britain in the world, they either did not come at all, such as the same oman and pakistan, these are the most important players on. .. the united arab emirates, jordan, like bahrain, which did not sign the final declaration, if we take the african
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continent, then the key partners, london, again, cameroon, nigeria, batswana, tanzania, yes, they, gambia, they simply were not present, rwanda . another partner of theirs did not sign the final declaration, as well as important partners and members of the british commonwealth in general, yes, australia, new zealand, the most important partners in the indo-pacific of london, they sent, well, representation, actually there at the third level, the minister of emergency situations and the minister of disability affairs, if i i’m not mistaken, yes, that is, in fact , this project of this summit is not even about ukrainian history, yes. it was not about ukraine at all, it was a planned election technology, as part of the election campaign, and joe biden supervised this process, all jack salevan, the whole story didn’t work out, but
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not many experts believe, excuse me, i’ll interrupt you, that the americans treated the forum carelessly, and now it’s worth seriously thinking about how to build a dialogue with the united states in general, whether you can count on their support , a? because the mobilization of world public opinion did not happen, that is, he himself confirmed it, nothing worked out for the americans, they lost in the palestinian and israeli cases, they are now in conflict with the netanyahu cabinet, they essentially lost in in the ukrainian direction, and the impending military defeat, now diplomatic, and the visit of blinkin, who was called upon, let ’s say, to put the ukrainian one in a stall... he turned out to be ineffective, he demanded the resignation of the head of the ministry of defense umerov, it did not take place, he demanded from ermak to abandon claims on the cabinet of ministers, the head of the cabinet of ministers,
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they refused and refused to promote oksana markarova to this post, they demanded to abandon all criminal cases and prosecution of anti-corruption, so so-called bodies in ukraine that are focused on the united states, that is, in fact, the united states is now completely in the ukrainian direction. they are losing, and they are losing to london, yes , that is why, again this information is in full swing, the preparation of sanctions against ermak, the head of zelensky’s office, against oleg tatarov, the deputy head of zelensky’s office is responsible for law enforcement and against rastislav shurma, zelensky’s office is responsible for the economy, here we are in a little more detail, mikhail, stay with us, let's talk about the internal kitchen, rafail nikitovich, but now statements appear from the press bureau of the russian foreign intelligence service.
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than zelensky, and the recent publication in the times newspaper that he is the puppet master of ukraine, the gray cardinal, seems to be a confirmation of this, as if already of the fact that he has long been the segarette of polichennel, ermak is the first person in ukraine, and not zelensky at all, everyone understands this perfectly well, zelensky is purely, well, absolutely like a papier doll, and nothing more, yes, rafael nikitovich, please, sometimes one photo is enough for us to to approximately answer your question to some extent, i hope, for example, as an americanist, i’m looking now, i have an association. cheney, these are the photographs
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of the president, the so-called bush and the vice president, who had much greater powers than the president, all this to say, for me it is absolutely obvious, from this photograph you can already roughly understand what the trend will be, and what will happen if we draw the same parallel, then i want to remind you how this epic ended, strictly speaking. with wild cheney and so to speak, since i drew this parallel, and it ended with an absolutely disastrous invasion, the so-called iraq, at the origins of which dick cheney stood, moreover, he stood at the head of the corruption, multi-billion dollar component of hali barton, when they robbed literally the budget, they ruined a bunch of companies when a pack of cigarettes was selling for $120, so to speak , for the soldiers who served there, everything connected with it, a wonderful film about this story, dear viewers, if anything.
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listening to the statement of the parties of the first person of russia and the person whom russia does not consider the first, but nevertheless, whom washington appointed zelensky first, an irreconcilable position, but zelensky voices the position of washington, as long as washington has a free hand, he will voice that policy and that position , which is beneficial to washington, zachupte.
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the supply of energy resources to europe was beneficial for russia, and european technologies were
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needed, that is, washington, so you understand, has won back some of the interests, but today what step could be taken, it’s like says a chessboard on the head, if the russian federation manages to knock control of the international financial system out from under them and the dollar loses its role as a reserve currency, the architecture of the world will change, as i said, dear rafael, today there is a global struggle, a global confrontation, a new architecture of the world is being built. russia’s chance is that, together with china, together with the sco, brix and a number of other states, they will be able to offer the world that architecture of international relations when countries are already on their own no... 70 not 92 states will come and 78 will sign, two will withdraw their signature, but 20 will come, you see, this is what we need to go to, yes, i propose to hear the direct speech of alexander lukashenko, the poles are rubbing their hands, pushing the americans, they will cut you off west, you will have this piece left, if it remains,
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this is what will happen to you and a state like ukraine, our state with you will not exist, our native land.
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he financed razumkov for a very long time, now razumkov is no longer part of his group, but they are now trying to unite with yuliy vladimir tymoshenko, who was recently in london and had meetings in very high offices, and received approval,
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let’s say, for certain actions in ukraine, he poroshenko maintains a zaluzhny today, who sits in a dugout, does not stick out and does not.. . is not going to london, where he is persistently sent, on the other hand, we understand perfectly well that there are other major players tied to the west completely, and to a certain extent, connected in the maneuver. mikhail, is there any consolidation of all political figures at the moment? zelensky’s opponents, well, of course this consolidation exists, that is, no, he doesn’t even have a controlled parliament today, not even his own faction, with more than 600 people in it , wrote: application for secession from the faction, yes, when our svr says that the west is preparing to replace zelensky, this is the absolute truth, long non-public negotiations that have been going on, as it were, have reached a dead end, because the americans refused during their election campaign, chronologically and according to the indicator, with their own hands remove zelensky, although they really
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have a large bench of spare ones, including zaluzhny, umerov, budanov, and the same tymoshenko, many, many others, mikhail, thank you very much. this political fuss continues in ukraine, the treaties who at one time destroyed ukraine, but perhaps it is in this time period that they will save it. the meetings are fun and positive, it breathes something light, something pleasant to even hold in your hands , in principle, work only in a good mood. people like great people love
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belarus, ordinary people, and we have now arrived we took so much land, we work here, we live happily. glyadtse project belarus on the tv channel belarus24. let me remind you that the program “sas is authorized to declare” is on air. we continue our discussion, talking about the lack of progress in
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the peaceful resolution of the conflict in ukraine, which is important to note: no specific peace initiatives were presented at the end of the conference except for general words, but first of all, the participants reacted to vladimir putin’s proposal made on the eve of the summit, and let’s we'll hear directly now direct speech. very simple: ukrainian troops must be completely withdrawn from the donetsk, lugansk people's republics, kherson and zaporozhye regions, and i draw attention specifically from the entire territory of these regions within their administrative borders that existed at the time of their entry into ukraine. as soon as kiev declares that they are ready for such a decision , they will begin a real withdrawal of troops from these regions. will officially notify about the abandonment of plans to join nato, on our part immediately, literally at the same minute
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an order will follow to cease fire and begin negotiations. yes, on the one hand, these statements were called an ultimatum and contrasted with what was voiced at the conference in switzerland. for example, us vice president kamala haris described them as a call for surrender, but at the same time , the heads of turkey, hakan feidan, in his speech, considered them an important part of the peace process and even. a glimmer of hope for a future settlement, and this again may indicate the important role of ankara in trying to become a bridge between the participants in the swiss meeting and russia. darov alenikich, please. there is no need to dwell on the situation in ukraine. once again, i want ukraine to be part of global processes. they are here, so to speak, speculating on the topic where our interests begin. putin said quite well that the russian world has no borders. therefore , here, let us a little, so to speak, appreciate a certain humor, a certain humor only, but that too. what happened in 2014 before the annexation of crimea, they said: don’t join nato, behave normally, don’t
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invite it, crimea is yours, donbass is yours, you calm down, stop banning the russian language, stop oppressing the russian people, give them the opportunity to talk, they didn’t listen, 2014 crimea is included, after that the dialogue begins again, we say, listen, crimea was included in accordance with all international ones, you can recognize or not recognize . donbass, let's agree, this is where the minsk, normandy, minsk agreements came from, we recognize and putin said that i, he says, when i signed minsk, when , or rather, so to speak, they were considered, i he says, i’ve already been around, i didn’t know how i would tell donbass that you are part of ukraine, yes, there were certainly, so to speak, a lot there, yes, he says, i didn’t know, we didn’t even have one, but we went for it, well, yes, we then, we would try to explain to people that you are still part of ukraine, you didn’t listen. now, that means, it has happened, lugansk, donetsk have become part of russia, nato’s advance to the east is beginning again, and we must consider the situation in
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ukraine, you said, vadim, that war should have been avoided, it was impossible to avoid, this war did not start now, it began in the mid-nineties, when nato began to expand to the east, ukraine was part of this project, it didn’t work out with georgia, now they, so to speak, were trying to somehow establish themselves here, and this is advancement it would be completely understandable if the motives were clear here. we talked now, listen, lugansk, donetsk, crimea are part of russia, kherson, zaporozhye, let's come to an agreement, let's not listen to this again, kherson-zaporozhye became part of russia, do i need to continue, so to say, progressive development, when there was a chance to stop, ukraine rejected it and lost more and more territory and people’s lives, the processes in ukraine are part of the universal, you paid attention, i think quite rightly, to the economic, financial background. and i say that here it is already moral, satanic, this is a satanic project, ukraine unwittingly became part of this, the persecution of clergy, the persecution of the church, we
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ourselves see that this is happening, so in this situation we are fighting here, our friends this, thank god they understand, we are fighting for much more than territory, much more here, this halo is ours, because being a subject of international law , russia has completely different interests and other goals, which we will still pursue in any case. to one degree or another, those who try us, i’ll even say this, not that they agree, those who don’t want to listen to us, it will be exactly what you said with hope, as gradually 2014, then this is exactly the case pay attention, i apologize, to the quote from the director of the foreign service intelligence of the russian federation, sergei naryshkin, fresh quote: the following conditions under which peace can be achieved and some kind of peace agreement signed will be for ukraine... and more stringent, that’s all, yes, that means, in order, what are the four options, in short, good, we can allow it,
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no one thought that prigozhin would go to moscow, i said two weeks in advance that it should not be allowed. without 5 minutes a war of 30-40% in europe will iron us out, turn our guts out, then we will sit down at the negotiating table and the european countries will restore us, this is a real option, then what it will be, putin outlined to you, in principle , russia’s starting contractual position, we need to build on it in principle, i’m sure, at some moments there may even be progress,
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ukraine, among other things, will also be ready for progress if... today we can only a chance to demonstrate a real threat to washington, there should be more than one submarine in cuba, and we should demonstrate a normal presence there , including a fleet, before deploying tactical nuclear weapons there, i told alexandruch about this a year and a half ago, he told me that he answered that our submarines can surface anywhere in the world, we need to place tactical weapons there, then they will us, then they will agree to withdraw tactical nuclear weapons from europe, then we go further, that means , we agree to each side, i tell you what will happen...
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they allowed us to talk to us from a position, strength, supported our brothers in donbass, donetsk, lugansk and so on, which means they demonstrated the power of the russian federation, ukraine, finland, remember there was conflict, they punched the soviet union on the nose, they took a bite, but we still remained a sovereign state, it allows integration into the eu, then they will start talking about military blocs, unfortunately, but they will do it and justified it for their internal electorate, they fought, they fought, but let’s say, there will be a freeze according to the north korean scenario of 99%, no matter how much one would like it, but there will be peace for 70 years, peace for 70 years, peace for 70 years is better than war and war, from the lips of the leader of the russian federation, i don’t hear about desire and readiness resolve the issue peacefully way, because ukraine will still be
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a kind of irritant, and there is a struggle here for many generations. what are you now, that we are now going to, so to speak, tease, pull the beard, as they say, of this, so to speak, old man biden in this situation, we now have fundamentally different, absolutely, so to speak, weapons, it’s not in vain that i hope you said, and you agreed with me, as i understand it, and so do your colleagues, that in the military sphere we now have a colossal advantage, why are the americans now feverishly allocating money for the construction of two additional missile carriers, which means submarines, but because our missile carriers are now in the
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form in which they are, it’s just me, as they say, i don’t think that i will reveal, as they say, how... it’s a secret, but one of our missile carriers, so to speak, here is prince vladimir , and so to speak, donskoy, which we have now commissioned new, he alone, one missile carrier can destroy, so to speak, the territory of the east coast of america, from montreal to florida, just erase it everything from the face of the earth in one gulp, why do we need some kind of tactical weapon there, the situation has changed fundamentally, we are already at war, there is no need to say that it would be good if it were like this, it would be good if it were like this, these are our enemies, we are now proceeding from the concept, what's on that... what are we doing? we are in this situation, we are protecting, we are protecting the russian people, and we will go to the end, and by the way, it was said that we did not finish off the nazis at one time, which means that here we come to the most interesting thing, why we go to the end why we will fight this nazi europe that now exists, and i wrote in my articles that this and america is already a nazi state, only this is nazism of the late twenties model, this
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is not yet a stove from sventsem, not yet, so to speak .
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you said that we did not achieve our goals, which means we did not achieve our goals, we annexed two regions to ourselves on the basis of our constitution, do you think that this is just like that? now what you are, please don’t mix up tactical mistakes, which really happened during the hostilities, but we are learning, we are learning, we are correcting this, now regarding the internal product, where do you get these numbers, what are you talking about, are you now saying that they will allocate funds, what are they doing with these will they shoot with appropriations? what factories in europe are you talking about, what factories that will supposedly produce something there, they have been there for a long time, all dear colleagues, time has run out for us, in short, i just want to finish, these are our fraternal people, and we we will always support you, and
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it’s better when some of your activities are criticized by your allies, and not by those who will then run away when there are problems, and we will always stand next to you, i think that we will always agree here that it’s great for belor, when despite on allied relations, there is still a place for discussion with... democracy, democracy, absolutely right, in conclusion i would like to say the following, as normal people who sympathize with the human suffering of so many people, we naturally talk about the need for an early cessation of hostilities, but we do not we have the right to forget about what marshal ferdenant foch, who ended the first world war, the treaty of versailles, said, this is not peace, this is a truce for 20 years, and he ended up with...
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