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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  June 27, 2024 4:20pm-5:00pm MSK

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but not all the winners of them turn out to be famous people, are you afraid that people will forget you, many don’t know who wrote the song “my dear kut”, many don’t don’t know who wrote such a wonderful song, like, for example, the city , which does not exist, unfortunately, this is how it has become that our authors are mentioned in passing, or they are some impersonal authors, my answer is that the main thing is that the main thing is for people to grasp the meaning of the song, grasp the meaning and carry it further, so that they remember at least a line from the text and they didn’t forget literally a month, or even two, this is... what i and
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any other artist should strive for. i have one more question: what is your biggest fear? well, i don’t think that the fear of death is a super-global fear, it’s something that is inherent in a person, but the most global fear is, the most important global fear is losing yourself...
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that’s how many songs, probably, well, 20 years 30, but absolutely everyone knows it, so we just all sing along, not only, i don’t know what to tell you. when i meet, i can’t find at least a couple words, but a short evening, but a short evening, will soon become a dark spring night, and not a long evening, and not a long evening. it will become a dark night
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of spring, the dark night is all over again, only i trust it, you know i am gray in the night, you are all my secrets, but even you can’t help, you can’t live, the darkness is yours. to me alone, absolutely, absolutely nothing, this signal means it’s time for questions.
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expired, daniel, now you have to choose the best question of this program, it was the question, what superpower would you like to acquire for yourself, who is the author of the questions, how are you name, what grade and what school do you study in? my name is alisa, i am a student of the tenth b-grade of high school, number 54. according to the rules of our program, the author of the best question receives a special gift from ours. guests, come out onto the playground, this is for you, thank you very much for your question, thank you very much, thank you, daniil, now you have the opportunity to ask the children your question, it is believed that children should not lie. but now
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i would like to understand how honest the children are with us, dear guys. what does love for your country mean to you? i think that love for your country means loving it and never betraying or selling it. i believe that love for your country is when you are proud of the people, culture, proud of the history of this country, the past, when you are proud that you... of this country, it seems to me that love for the country is, when you are ready to give everything in order to preserve it, for me, love for your homeland is wherever you end up, wherever you end up, it is possible to remember this, at some
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point return to where you grew up, where you appeared, remember these wonderful moments, for me this is love. daniel, it's time to say goodbye to our audience. a short forgiveness, be happy, love and be loved, thank you, so, the winner of the third season of the show factor byy daniil saveni, today visiting the program 100 questions for adults, i’m waiting for you, daniil, at the entrance to the site, daniil, what question was for you the most difficult? “what kind of famous person would i like to meet and what would i like to ask her ? how did the children surprise you? the children surprised me with their interest, their depth and
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with your devotion. today you managed to answer 44 questions. tell me, if we call you again, will you agree to come? certainly. i address our audience. do you think that our hero was as frank as possible with you today? whoever thinks so, raise your hand. i believe that danik was completely honest with us because he answered all our questions. danik impressed me with such a kind, sweet, sympathetic person who... i noticed that in every question that was asked to him, he saw that he was interested in answer correctly and honestly, is there
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anyone in the audience now who thinks that daniel was a little cunning when answering some questions, raise your hand, well, daniel, we have such a rule, the last word always belongs to the hero, sum up the conversation that took place . i am delighted, amazed, surprised and delighted that i was able to talk to such sensitive, kind children like you, because children are literally the voice of the country, a reflection of its essence. thank you all, guys, for your sincerity, for your honesty, and be healthy. the winner of the third season of the show factor by daniil savenya was a guest today on the program 100 questions for adults, see you in a week.
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mir castle is a symbol of the revival of independent belarus; it is not for nothing that the first museum exhibitions appeared here in 1992, when our young state with great economic problems was still able to find some funding, as shown at that time. how important our historical and cultural heritage is for us. my name is igor loshnik, i am the scientific secretary of the mir castle complex museum, and we are preserving our a unique legacy for future generations.
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i come from the village of turets, which is 12 km from mir and... perhaps this craving for a historian and cultural heritage was brought about by my former class teacher, a historian by training, we sometimes went on trips, including through the world to nesves , to the nesvesh castle, at that time it turned out to me that it was something like a huge black ruin, nothing more, after graduating from college, fate... it turned out that i was sent here by assignment to a secondary school, having worked for 3 years , for some reason i started
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to realize that in the future it was the castle that would become the center of attraction for the entire life of this urban village, with the arrival of a branch of the national art museum in the museum at that time, our museum part was represented by a single tower, we call it the southwestern one, where six museum exhibitions were located since december 2020, it was there that we received all visitors year-round without heating, but it was a good school for becoming how i consider myself a museum worker, and as for the transition to this kind of verge from a ruined state to a completely complex that operates year-round, seven days a week, it must be said that at the beginning of the 2000s we did not have a clear
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understanding that this would happen until the active phase of restoration of the castle began already in the mid-2000s after the first visit to our site by the president . the castle was taken under state protection in 1947, and the first conservation work began here in the 1960s and 70s. officially, we believe, and this year marks the 40th anniversary of the start of the restoration of this castle, this is 1983, later it came to the understanding that the object, which is on the balance sheet of the district administration, the district authorities, does not have enough strength or resources to carry out these works here in the future, in 1987 this object was on the balance sheet was accepted by the national art museum of the republic of belarus. at that time the state art museum of the bssr, from that moment until april 1, 2011 we
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were part of the national art museum in the status of a branch, having left the already national art museum until the present period , we are an independent museum of republican subordination. today, the mir castle complex is a fairly large area, there are many objects that are included in the state list of historical and cultural values, and this is not only a mir castle, it is a church, the burial vault of the last owners of the princes svyatopolk of mir, it is a watchman’s house with a gate, the so- called these are all the existing earthworks that appeared here...
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this includes interaction with others government organizations, this is publishing activity, ranging from a catalogue, ending with a collection of conference materials that... need to be prepared, which we conduct practically every year, including some scientific seminars, but these are clear and dry formulations, but if necessary, functional responsibilities can be expanded, the black secretary can be anyone in the museum, from the caretaker to the person who
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can solemnly fire a cannon when welcoming guests of honor. to date we can say with confidence that the mira castle complex is a city-forming enterprise, in which, of course, local residents work, and this is important, and every day we aim to bring all these services and all these amenities for those visitors who come to us , which we have at our disposal, creating exposure and comfort here in every corner.
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we always, when we take a tour of those people who come to work with us, we aim them at the fact that through museum objects, those that are presented in any exhibition hall, we must go to the general history of the castle, and accordingly, we are trying to explain that each room has its own unique object, formed thanks to a local resident who worked in his garden, and we got the object that is on ... this period, the pride of this hall is the metal matrix of the seal of yuri ivanovich ilyinvich, a museum object, it goes through different stages and in order for this matrix of the seal to acquire the status of an exhibit, getting into the collections, it went through there are quite a lot of procedures to make a special showcase for it, this
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process is very important for a museum worker, not every museum object can become an exhibit, that’s what i’m talking about. what is also very important in each exhibition hall is to trace the line of owners very clearly. we have a unique castle in the fact that we were built by the same owners, yes, as an object, at the beginning of the 20th century, these are already the fifth owners, replacing each other, who replaced them. we are now in that part of the exposition which is quite unique for...
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with the radevils, later passed on to the rodevil family, the rodevil line, the rodevils, as the rightful owners of this residence, became right up to the beginning of the 19th century, thus, the radevils period was one of the longest, there was their own garrison here, there was an arsenal here, as we know from documents, and there was even a small prison of its own, which was located at one time under the central tower. thanks to the efforts of the first representative of this family, nikolai kristafar, the orphans are completed here building this worldly castle, but not on that scale. which yuri ilyinich planned, they were even more deployed in the direction of increasing the living space, and thus, already at the end of the sixteenth, beginning
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of the seventeenth, the construction of those residential palace parts is underway, in which we currently have the main museum exhibition. according to the concept of museumification and reconstruction of interior parts, thanks to the efforts of our researchers and restorers.
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the castle and the garden itself, that is, the owners themselves have already said that those archaic certain elements of defense or something else, this is not
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the main thing in this, in this residence, the main thing is that tranquility, that spirit of the environment, which should correspond to this period, in the aftermath, of course, already at the end of the 18th, at the beginning of the 19th century, when political process... a romantic ruin, but it so happened that it turns into one huge one . in 1891
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, nikolai svyatopolk mirsky turned my attention to these lands, and these lands were purchased along with the ruins of this castle, well, rather, svyatopolk mirsky turned his attention here for connection, for some connection, as it seemed to them, their name was the name of the town, and not... svetopolk mirsky, here the name of the town is mir, a very ancient castle, perhaps to maintain someone, a certain status, these people decided to settle here, the last owner of the mir castle, prince svyatopolk mirsky, we have several halls in the exhibition, and we are now in the hall called prince mikhail’s study.
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we are with you in the place where we have a memorial plaque stating that we are included in world heritage site, this memorial plaque was erected here in 2002 with the arrival of. here the director general for that period - unesco katir matseura. behind the ceremonial opening of this memorial plaque is the enormous work done by our
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state on inclusion.
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our scientific work, which we carry out annually, every day, thanks to our scientific staff, and it seems to me that by the intensity with which we publish our collections of scientific and practical conferences or historians on topics that are related to our owners, we have the right to consider ourselves a fairly serious museum that is completely open to scientific research and scientific publications. good afternoon, guys, today i’m glad to see you at another museum lesson. in addition to the main scientific and educational work that our departments are engaged in, we work quite closely with our little visitors, for whom a whole range of museum and pedagogical activities have been developed, dedicated to certain aspects of the history of our castle. today there is a lesson dedicated to stove tiles, which
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and we came to the conclusion that since we had already purchased several tapestries for that period, we decided for ourselves to continue the formation of this collection and at the moment we have in belarus the largest collection of tapestries from the period of the late 16th, early 20th centuries, in this room the trellis that served as such an impetus is presented. for the development of this collection, because it was one of the first to enter our funds, this is flanders, the second half of the century, we are in
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the workshop, this is the room that adapted to first prepare objects for exhibiting. my main work is related to textile objects, besides the fact that there are such thin, delicate objects that require painstaking work, there is also a trellis, the trellis is called the triumph of mordecai, this is france, abeson, the end of the 16th century, the lining fabric was damaged here, its i had to tear it off, that is, this is a complete dismantling, then later after... cleaning, washing, all this will have to be restored literally soon, it’s a very long time, a painstaking process that lasts more than one year, this is a fragment where this city of susa is depicted, and the turrets of these
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temples, here i just need to stitch and strengthen this thread like this so that it is fixed and does not move anywhere, then there it lies now...
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that the basis of the lands of this state were the current lands of belarus, these are not some overseas lands that belonged, then did not belong, this is the territory on which you walk, and... you must very clearly realize that's when you you understand this, you understand that this is your land, it seems to me that everything is simple.
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in braslava, the azers are blue like the early skies,
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which are in the right and the racing forest, at the beginning of the glowing dawns, the washing of creatures and the world, and the knowledge of the fall, the rise of the world. the grains of charm are woven into the sun, smiling at the sun, you can look from the sea, the bottom is golden, and from their end. in braslau , the azers, as many years ago, are in pain, so i want to sustrezza, no matter what we know, mountains, seas, and the azers have never been forgotten, my love sir. patrus brouk.
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i have to tell you that today for the first time in many years, i was truly happy, we are kindred spirits, you know, that’s how long i’ve been living, everyone only needs my money, and i think the reason is different, do you want me to fool five women for i’ll submit an application to the legislative office with them for a week, and then... i’ll tell you that i don’t have money, i agree, be my
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wife, where are you going to get a passport, here’s alfons, in front of my eyes he’s already fooling me for the second time, and they’re all for him they pay, can you imagine what it’s like, i saw you... anatoly, how could you take so long hide this goddess from me? i want to marry you. i've dreamed of something like this all my life. i am sure that my love will appear soon, and this makes me both scared and happy. well, now i understand why there is such disgusting service here. what can you expect from waiters reading such cheap golema. watch the series how to scam a millionaire on the tv channel. you are watching
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the news now, tatyana korol is with you, hello! high-profile personnel decisions of the head of state, vacancies for a number of important positions in the country were closed today, took place reshuffles in the government, so the post of deputy prime minister in charge of agroprom is no longer vacant, yuri shuleika became it. former head of the brez regional executive committee.


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