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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  June 27, 2024 7:55pm-9:00pm MSK

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we live, we live, we work, the most important thing is to get things done first. the president held a meeting on the functioning of the banking sector, among the participants were the prime minister, the chairman of the national bank and his deputies, the ministers of foreign affairs and finance, the financial market regulator represented by the national bank introduced... on the further development of individual
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banking structures, their implementation should expand opportunities financial sector, help the development of domestic enterprises, including in support of foreign trade, but the president is convinced that all proposed approaches should contribute to solving national problems. the issues of conducting cross-border settlements were discussed in detail at the meeting. i would like to very briefly discuss with you today several issues regarding the functioning of the bank.
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russia this time is the host of the vitebsk region site. for the first time, the forum is being held in three cities at once: vitebsk, polosk and novopolosk; official delegations arrived the day before. there is huge interest in the event. it is planned to sign cooperation agreements, commercial contracts. today there were thematic sections; a colorful cultural program, open-air exhibitions, concerts, and master classes from craftsmen were also prepared for the guests. acceptance of documents starts in belarus. target-oriented applicants are first in line. the admission format has not changed. this year, more than 5,600 places were allocated for them, which is a thousand more than last year. all these are applications from organizations and enterprises where the target students will work for 5 years after graduation. most children choose medical, pedagogical and agricultural specialties. a prerequisite for admission on the terms of targeted training is the conclusion of an agreement on targeted training with the organization.
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customers, a list of enterprises, the number of places that are allocated this year for admission of target students, is currently located on the information sources of higher education institutions, on the website of the ministry of education, we have and have developed an interactive map, where any applicant can, taking into account his preferences, their interests to choose both an enterprise, a specialty, and an educational institution that this year accepts applicants on the terms of targeted training. a forum of rectors of leading universities in belarus and china was held in minsk. today , there are more than 700 bilateral agreements between universities in china and the republic of belarus, over 200 of which were signed in the last 2 years alone. there is an interest in expanding student exchanges, communication among youth and university contacts. emphasis on teaching methodology to prepare competitive and professional specialists. an important outcome of the forum was the signing of an initiative on chinese-belarusian cooperation. in
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the field of basic scientific research. we visited the belarusian state university and note that, for example , the faculty of biology really occupies a leading position on the world stage. thanks to the belarusians, we have achieved excellent results in the field of biotechnology, medicine, chemistry and physics. what professions will be the most in demand? the question is complex. i can assume that prestigious specialties there will be those related to artificial intelligence and new materials. we showed an exhibition for...
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the total amount was close to 70 million rubles. we are talking about a joint agreement between retail chains and the ministry of antimonopoly regulation and trade. the agreement is valid from 2022. the other day it was extended for another quarter. a social discount of 10% is provided when purchasing a large group of everyday goods for vulnerable categories of the population, including pensioners, large families, people with disabilities possibilities. the program is essentially a talk show, on which today we will discuss the topic that
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we talk about at the end of june, at the beginning of july, constantly, the end of the war, the beginning of operation bagration, liberation, and you know, parallels arise, these are the parallels we will draw with modern times. alena syrova and kirill kazakov are with you today in the studio. if you want to join our conversation, a qr code appears below, point your smartphone at it and join our program. if you want to read what happens behind the scenes in our editors, there is also another qr code there. join our telegram channel. begin. good evening. well , yes, indeed, the end of june, the beginning of july. yes, probably starting in may.
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historical period, in general, to those events that preceded the beginning of the great patriotic war, the beginning of the second world war, read this history, study it, interpret it, again in different ways, yes, and the head of state also very often talks about that it is important for us to prevent the mistakes that were made and which led to in general, to the losses that we received during the very...
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first, first, as the regional center was liberated, at the same time on august 28 , 1941 it will only be occupied, so there are many, many such significant, as if accents in this case, it
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seems to me that after all, the focus can best be transferred precisely to the territory of belarus, to the events that will take place on it, probably even to emphasize, despite the fact that it was, of course, a disaster , we believe a large number of prisoners of war, and lost battles, but at the same time, it was heroism, this is the heroism of those soldiers who were there, defending their land, their cities, their towns and villages. kuzma ivanovich, without begging for a feat, we understand perfectly well, but the president very often returns to the history of the forty-first year, says that not all of our mistakes can still be made...
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we could have done everything here, precisely on the territory of belarus, because almost all of europe was against it, we must talk here not only about germany, but also five countries that declared war, 51 people, 50 nations, somewhere they say this, when the targeting was developed, the operation was designed to last 2 months, the blitz krieg, and it failed, so here, probably, we still need to focus more on what was successful in this regard , because... we will say that, well , how did we allow that so many, such a number of red
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army soldiers, young, courageous, were captured, we know that on the territory of belarus, this is precisely this period, you know what the figure will be total prisoners of war, there will be more than 1 million prisoners, and of course, we all just talked about this, but on the other hand, there should already be a format, well, to a certain extent, and explanatory, but why, and how? and we said, the most prepared army. the most well-calibrated and well-thought-out operations that were carried out, because they still did not expect, did not expect the main directions that were carried out precisely on the territory of belarus, because there were points of view that this would be the north, this would be the south, this is exactly what fist, he walked across the territory of belarus and, of course, these phenomenon, because when they took minsk on june 28 , 1941, it was recorded in the documents that they were captured...
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so now various steps are being taken, yes, there is everything on the territory of belarus, not to be taken by surprise, in general, that’s how assures the country's leadership, as the leadership of the military department assures, there is everything in order, in general, to fight back if something happens, to deliver an unacceptable blow to our enemy, so if you are talking about the fact that then a lot was already a foregone conclusion, and in fact this factor of inevitability, then...
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the capitalists drove off to romania in good faith, only after that soviet troops entered there, and we know about this liberation campaign. so, what i want to say is that we waited, prepared, there is no doubt about it, but the blow was colossal.
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and let’s just say that back in 1417 we had only 25% of the educated, but this liquidation, you know what i’m afraid of our viewers, so that we don’t have such a story in parallel, we are now, of course the point is that we are telling the facts of history, i understand that there is no history subjunctive mood, and we also survived this catastrophe that happened in 1941, we are now trying to build parallels with modern times, and so that such a feeling does not arise, the german army was strong then. the german army was then ready to enter abroad, and now we are just starting to watch the news reports, but alena, yesterday the minister of defense told you that the conversation between the heads of the general staff, including the american one, was that we have a tank - well the tanks are near the border, and he says he will leave, he didn’t leave, so three years have passed, so
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tell me, yes, can we really draw a parallel with the forty-first year? or not, i would like to say the following, undoubtedly, there is a topic, it is separate, if we talk about it, then we can go on for a very long time, lessons and conclusions, so we can discuss for a long time the chronology of the great patriotic war, all the battles, it will take more than one program , lessons and conclusions, that’s the main thing and what the head of state is talking about, clearly, so that the audience understands, and drawing parallels, many say that 1939... practically this is an analogy of today's situation, objectively, unequivocally, it is so. the next aspect is important, which in my opinion, and the president has said more than once, do not miss, do not oversleep, including military leaders, in my opinion, the most important and important thing that was then and what is now, the west cannot be trusted, this objectively , clearly, nothing has changed, but here
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i want to say one thing, as soon as we crossed the state border.
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from a warning, from a declaration of war, from long-term mobilization, from border battles, with diplomatic scrapings, in fact, the polish company has already shown that the war is now being waged differently, the highest military-political leadership of the soviet union did not fully appreciate the changes in strategy, but there was such a professor georgy serson, who in the forties executed, published a book: new forms of struggle, where he made the following conclusions: that war is started without a declaration, uh-huh, without presenting claims, by already prepared and
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assembled groups, secretly assembled, in general, they lead it, concentrating on the directions of the main attack, the main troops, well, if we take history, then according to the data it means ... military historians in some directions of the main attack the germans concentrated superior forces in two, three, four, in separate in places 10 times more than our defending troops, this seems to be a paradox, the total number of our troops, tanks, aviation approximately corresponded, and in some things exceeded the german one, which means the team, but the whole point is that the germans concentrated on the direction of the main attack they used their main forces. this means attacks on the encirclement, and all this turned out to be a big surprise for our command, while the higher headquarters were able to assess the situation, a lot of time passed,
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many territories were lost, large casualties, here we still need to evaluate the fact that there was a lot of misinformation from the germans, which means the question , stalin is to blame, not to blame, he received dozens of messages about the timing of the start of the war, this was also an attempt to overload ours...
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with fascist troops, yes, that is, well, how is this, how is this happening? so here it is using those methods of goebbels, does it work now in historical science? yes.
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you always ask such difficult questions that, after a while, several master’s and doctoral dissertations may be written. look, historians have gathered here, political scientists and public figures, journalists, so i think that this is a definite advantage at our present stage in order for what happened 80 years ago, we are discussing on june 22, 41.
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looked at me round eyes, says: i, when i saw the numbers on the monument to your losses, i was shocked, because he didn’t know this, a man twice my age, everyone knows about the holocaust, but not about the genocide of the belarusian people.
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germany simply dealt a sudden blow, and with the help of this blow they hoped to carry out a close-cry, when they beat in boxing, when it is open, germany acted from the point of view of war by deception, it deceived the soviet union, that’s why all this happened, but the soviet union, why did i i say that he is no weaker than germany, he gave a blow. could withstand such a blow inflicted on any other country, then resistance would not have worked, the soviet union was never weaker than germany, this is all a myth, i think, then as for
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deception, i am drawing parallels, analogies with that period and today, yes, i will say this, that the threat of war will be greatest. they stand faster when peace negotiations begin, then when it will be possible to deceive, now we are preparing, we see that forces are accumulating on the other side, sharpening knives, lubricating guns, there is an accumulation there, we are preparing to meet, they are not fools, they won't go to this moment is upon us, they will come when we turn away from the situation, when we think that everything is over, we can breathe, take a break, right? then we’ll get hit without dying, it’s never right, i agree, you can’t trust the west, the west will always deceive, it builds on this, remember the minsk agreement, its turkish
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documents, yes, everything was built on deception, so you can fail, carry out there are many parallels, a lot of similar things, yes, but the most important thing is that the technology of deception is repeated compared to that period... one on one, but it’s impossible to be in such a stance all the time, this is the task of anyone as its strength component, muscles exist for this purpose so that the body does not fall, but look, aleksandrevich, if you compare the two periods, many they say, well, well, in 1941 the soviet union did not have nuclear weapons, now belarus has them, it doesn’t matter if they are allied, but they are located on the territory of belarus, the same north korea has nuclear weapons and a peculiar... as they say in west the regime exists and is not afraid of existence, because nuclear weapons allow it to exist, so maybe this presence of nuclear weapons is precisely that constant tension on the part of the west,
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you know, when two knights meet, both have balls, yes, but the one who gets hit on the head is the one who turned away from the strike and was looking at the other side during the strike, so it’s the same with nuclear weapons, it’s just that north korea is on alert all the time. look, this is a country on high alert, so they and they don’t attack, that is, we are now coming to the conclusion that we too must be on high alert, andrei petrovich, well, i’m just trying to relay a loud statement, well, actually, well, look, israel lives in constant combat readiness, because there are enemies all around such a country, a fortress, korea, perhaps, and we also actually look, latvia, lithuania, poland, ukraine, we have only one friendly russia, everything else. these are enemies, by and large, let's say correctly, enemies of the government, friends of the people, but we are so we live, so we also have to move into this very permanent martial law, well , the first hybrid world war, it is also the first hybrid world war, yes, that by and large, i think that in the near future they will
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at least be involved in all these processes, not only ukrainian-centric states, say, where, which are all around ukraine, but you already see what statements are taking place today in the asian pacific region, what is happening with... not in africa, what is happening in south america, everywhere, as they say , little by little the boiler starts warm up, well, here i would like to say that the most important thing was during the war that took place precisely... the great patriotic war and how did it differ from the beginning of world war ii? the basis of the great patriotic war was the confrontation between two ideologies that were absolutely opposite, absolutely opposite, and fascist germany, in addition to hating the communists and not considering that it was no longer possible to deal with them, it planned to destroy them. in addition, they also had a nazi theory in terms of the destruction of the slavic peoples, because as i said, the poles, they were also the bourgeoisie, yes, but... look, 6 million people were exterminated in fact,
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today they are following exactly the same path, today they are looking for that idea or at least the narrative behind which can be grabbed in order to dehumanize, dehumanize the same russians, belarusians, and so on and so forth, we already have values, we are divided according to values, traditional western ones, we are divided according to some other criteria, look what is happening with our athletes, yes, turns out to be belarusians and russians? well, they can be deprived of their flag, coat of arms, anthem, at the last moment even our champions can simply be prevented, as happened today with our wrestlers who received this ticket, but in the end do not participate in the olympics, this is the creation of the idea of ​​​​dehumanization, it’s like once all this is put inside, already look, there are statements, and the belarusians and the russians seem to be not slavs, and look how even the stratification of us between belarus and belarus is built around just two words inside, you understand, we are already starting even in these aspects. to divide each other into the center, that is, here is what they have grabbed at our
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mentality, this is the ideology that they are trying to foist on us today against the backdrop of all this, in order to undermine the first from within, the second to crush us with external forces, and how since this moment, what our two military speakers were talking about, is that it is at this moment, when we are maximally carried away by internal problems, that most likely there will come what we call outside... well, such a chance to arrange idea of ​​how we have all this, the internal turmoil, the internal turmoil, in general, was a year ago, so you see, i say again, this will not be a war, as many say, this is not like the second world war, this is not like into the first world war, we are plunged into it, this is how the thirty years' war used to be, that is, these are many different states solving their own problems in their own interests, this is most likely why the split is happening, it is we who
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are entering into... essentially, ruslan anatolyevich, about the rods? today we are talking about important things, including those that connect parallels: the war, the great patriotic war, the current situation, in general everything that is happening in the world, in general, at the heart of the war, those who study political science will probably agree with me, this power everything that concerns the economy, that is, change power, conquer... living space, conquer resources, a - natural, b -
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human. now returning to the great patriotic war, look, german propaganda, it clearly said, these are subhumans, the fight against communism, everything that concerns the solution of tasks to destroy the soviet people, including leaving a minimum so that they work for germany, everything else for genocide, that’s what we are today... what we are talking about today, and on june 22 we remembered this, in including within the framework of rallies, requiems and events, and of course these are resources: the caucasus, oil, ukraine, grain, land, factories, all this was, now we take it today, americans, that something has changed, absolutely nothing, and today the same goal, strategic task - this is the collapse, soviet the union collapsed, then gradually. "the russian federation, its allies in the immediate vicinity,
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including the republic of belarus, will collapse russia, and into a number of specific states, in the twenty -second year, in my opinion, they have already divided russia, and the central part went to where siberia is, where the resources are “, the americans have already drawn their flag there and are clearly defining some other goals, no, to change power, what else are the resources to turn both the republic of belarus and the russian federation into a raw materials appendage.” source of cheap labor, nothing has changed, so once again, returning to our main topic, lessons and conclusions, we definitely must understand, and people who are watching today’s program must all understand, that these are the aggressive goals of the collective west, as they say today, they are not have changed in relation to neither russia nor the republic of belarus, and their ultimate goal is the same: the collapse of the state, what they are working on, then everything is within the framework, we have said more than once, information attacks, information war,
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including such in use today , is the term moreover, it was untied, it was untied then, of course, it was untied.
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is friendly towards us, yes, so returning to our today’s program, how important this is, how important it is, and probably not for us, but for the military, political scientists, journalists, it is important for those who watch the program and that’s all passed down, as our head of state has said more than once from generation to generation, why, and it’s not in vain that we, having assessed the situation, including when we talked about strategic documents, we we are talking about patriotic education, historical heritage, everything that concerns...
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goes, because hitler also colonized this territory, now there are colonialists there too, they are just now hiding behind democracies, we can compare, for example, historical events, that’s what colonization continues, we, as it were , should become part of the colonies, so they europeans just live by this, yes, well, you know, you can always. that is, this is a good historical method, a method of comparison, but here there is, as we have indicated, essentially a completely different situation, i very much agree with you, when you noticed at the very beginning that what was in forty-five and what is now are already
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two, two different concepts, that is, for some reason we have already turned from winners in the losers,
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in ukraine, in ukraine in ukraine, the russians are fighting precisely for an idea, they are primarily fighting to prove that their
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idea of ​​winners, their idea of ​​​​anti-nazis, is correct, we are not talking about russia now , we are talking about the fact that and i am saying that the belarusians, yes we are, we may not be fighting, we maybe we can prove, you know, like at a certain moment, when the soviet union, well, let’s say, was in the know, yes, many went to europe, to israel, because it seemed better there,
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but let’s say, take the same zelensky , whose grandfather was a war veteran, and he fought, well, this connection was simply forgotten or was it broken, this connection was broken artificially for 30 years, i think the events in ukraine became possible because one of the results is...
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my son, he found the battle path of my grandfather through the computer, there is such a possibility, my father, or rather his grandfather, there is a trace, and a map, there are awards there, that is, if, for example, at school we give the children such work so that they compile histories of their kind, remember their participants in the war, there is no need treasury events, sometimes we overdo this matter, it’s probably still necessary. they no longer understand what’s what,
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the main thing is not to miss this, and the president is emphasizing precisely this, the main thing is to preserve the continuity of the generation, to pass on our traditions, our history, further, further and further, but we are getting closer to this period that the head of state is talking about, generational change, in general, we have already entered this period, and this is a situation when...
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for many decades in ukraine, it led to the fact that they already fiercely hate russia, everything connected with the soviet union, the same work was carried out in relation to the states neighboring us, including those that once fought with us along the same line of barricades, and of course, this continues now both against russia and against republic, i just.
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to everyone, and it was correctly said, this is not only at the state level, everything begins in the family, everything begins, including the memory of relatives, friends, including those who fought, in schools, in universities, in workplaces of enterprises, government institutions, this is our common task, not to allow this general winner, which our grandfathers and great-grandfathers handed down to us, to dissolve somewhere and to disappear, if it disappears, if we have already repeatedly...
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ceased to be ourselves constantly compare with someone others, let us look at what we are doing at the moment, here we are talking about some ideological foundations, we are talking about historical memory, today we have no problems with this, if we look into the future, about the role of the individual in history, alexander grigorievich directly says that this is not a question of today, a question of the coming years, decades of what can happen to our country during... during the transitional period of generational change, you can guarantee, you can be there confident in themselves, in their children, well, maybe even in your grandchildren, and this is not at all accurate in how you raised them, what ideological foundations you laid, but the situation can change radically, our task today is to make some kind of groundwork and be sure that that we took into account as much as possible, went around, i don’t know
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, smoothed out the sharp corners that could stick.
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and so on, education, kindergartens, schools, institutes, yes, then healthcare, ecology, culture, medicine, this, this is all meshura, ecology and so on, this, it’s like gave such a coloring of kindness, yes, that’s nice, in fact, they went where they could punch any state in the gut, they came to children, to
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the health of the nation, look what they broke you... even today , look at the textbooks now, yes, let’s take history, yes, history books, how the president doesn’t fight, yes, but i’ll say this, at the moment, look how much attention is... paid to the great patriotic war, the partisan movement, resistance, yes, there are a couple chapters, for how many are dedicated to the damned french kings, it’s mind boggling incomprehensible, and we are talking about the fact that we have not yet returned to that line, when we can say that we saved something there, we just haven’t... fallen yet, but in fact it’s easy to tell, you know, this it should be like our father to fly away this whole story, how to absorb it, today, you watch films, before, when i was
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little, yes, every week they showed a new film about the war, about heroism, about exploits, about labor, the military in the rear, at the front, in the partisan, now what? only war, in in general, it’s clear what you’re talking about, about these ideologically educational moments, i think that a separate issue of the program should be devoted to this, but in conclusion, andrei petrovich, well, as a question for a military man, some people came up with words our minister of defense yesterday that the army, and we proceed from this, our belarusian army, is also setting itself the task of preventing war, because if anything happens, the whole people will have to get into formation, that’s how right it is from the point of view military man's view interpret this phrase, because various speculations have already begun that the military is almost washing its hands. alyon, the wonderful story was so short, but at
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the same time so succinctly connected against the background of our military equipment, what we have achieved beyond any doubt, but i would like to start with the fact that i slightly disagree that we have no problems, we have problems, and it’s not in vain that we talk about cognitive wars, about everything else, this is what our body, it’s like a cancerous tumor, it doesn’t... perceive as something malignant, the same thing, and this is what consciousness affects the minds of today, including, first of all, our youth, this is very scary, because a person can then be forced to abandon those ideas, from what he has thought up for himself , he supposedly already made up his mind, it’s very difficult, people are not ready to admit their mistakes, it’s unlikely that they will ever admit them at all, well, that’s how a person works, today we are in the deepest information defense, no... he said, these are
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precisely the questions related to by what we are so the minister of defense very correctly represents our army, our army is, firstly, it is a people’s army, this must be understood, it has still retained its conscription basis, this is inherent in it a priori. we still address each other as comrade, we have no lords, no masters, or anyone else, but the most important thing, returning to the upcoming parade, i would like to say, this is one of the main actions, it shows our statehood, our independence , but here, too, look at what approach, even from this point of view, some yes, western countries, without any doubt, military specialists, andrei petrovich, but my question was about something else, how to interpret these words so that they would consider that... just as the army can prevent war, so is the army, so i since i’m bringing this all to an end, i would like to say at the end that the army was created as the most important instrument that should not, that is
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, a deterrent factor, a factor of the possibility that we will not allow ourselves to be attacked, i would like to end with the words , i don't think we're in forty-one now, i think we're in forty fourth, there are these 10 stalinist blows ahead, yes, probably somewhere in the middle there is a fifth stalinist blow. just operation bagration, where you understand, we solved all our problems, and today there are russian troops stationed near kharkov, i’m sure that in the future we will still be able to defend our history, because history is always written by the winner, and i didn’t want to would be among the losers. it is not the army that wins the victory, it is the people, and this is the main thing, i don’t quite agree with everything that the ideologies said, we are definitely moving forward there is, and we moved towards a new story, covering all of these in more detail and globally. questions, and now not only ideology, yes, at a certain time in the soviet period we thought that the system would work and the mechanism would not fail, it passed, so we must understand, we also talked about the internet, they will always try
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to find vulnerable places, therefore work, everything related to the ideological component is the basis and the head of state emphasized: first - the economy, strong government, armed forces and a unified society, which just understands that...
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high-profile personnel decisions in belarus include three new ministers, a deputy prime minister and the head of the presidential administration. the attention of the head of state today is also focused on certain issues of the functioning of the banking sector. attempt the coup d'etat in bolivia was a fiasco, but revealed a familiar scenario of reprisals from outside. the welcome blow came exactly after the country announced its intention to integrate into brix. and the unknown page of bagration’s operation of the secret mission of state security detachments behind enemy lines this evening.


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