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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  June 27, 2024 9:00pm-9:45pm MSK

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official communities of the festival. high-profile personnel decisions in belarus include three new ministers, a deputy prime minister and the head of the presidential administration. the attention of the head of state today is also focused on certain issues of the functioning of the banking sector. the coup attempt in bolivia failed, but revealed a familiar scenario of reprisals from outside. the welcome blow came exactly after the country announced its intention to integrate into brix. and the unknown page of bagration’s operation of the secret mission of state security detachments behind enemy lines with this in the evening. my colleagues will complete the picture of the day.
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high-profile personnel appointments in the presidential administration and government, what was alexander lukashenko guided by when making his decision and what tasks does he set for top managers? everything is in the first report of the panorama. new contracts and a single platform for discussing common issues. the vitebsk region is hosting the forum of regions. nine sections operate in three cities at once. results of the first day in the panorama material. signing of commercial contracts worth 6 billion russian rubles, the result of the section’s work in novopolotsk during the eleventh forum of regions of belarus and russia, we are talking about the supply of passenger and freight transport, electronics products, motorcycles and bicycles. belarus continues to prepare for a significant date: on july 3, at an air parade, aviation will paint the sky in minsk in the colors of the belarusian flag. aircraft from russia will fly over the capital...
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gomel today delighted the jury with its incredible talents, the atmosphere and experiences of the selection participants in the panorama. the efficiency of the power vertical needs to be increased incredible to withstand the furious struggle. this main emphasis from the president was heard today for top managers, and not only for them. the high-profile personnel decisions of the head of state became the news of the day. appointment in the leadership of the presidential administration. essentially
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put an end to the formation of the leader’s political headquarters. the country has a new agricultural tandem, a dedicated deputy prime minister and minister of agriculture . the rotation affected the ministry of industry and the diplomatic representation of belarus in russia. a new chapter for belarusian diplomacy. in in the presidential personnel decisions , a global trend is clearly visible: there is a change of generations in key positions , young, promising and, most importantly, professional people are increasingly appearing in key positions. what guided alexander lukashenko’s decision? solution and what tasks does it pose for top managers? natalya breus with details of the personnel day. this morning the main personnel intrigue of recent months was resolved. all this time , the position of head of the president’s political headquarters remained vacant. making personnel forecasts on this matter is, in principle, a thankless task. and today the composition of the participants at the beginning also did not help, because, given the importance of the moment, they invited to the meeting both those whose positions became known that day, and those who already... work in the administration and
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government and do not change their positions. the president himself dotted all the i's, breaking the rather familiar format of the personnel day, because those gathered certainly did not need a special introduction. noah made the decision to appoint the head of the presidential administration. starting tomorrow, these obligations and functions will be performed by dmitry nikolaevich krutoy. you were appointed head of the presidential administration, you are in charge. for the implementation of all our agreements on the russian federation, you, like no one else, know these problems, accumulate them at home, as our two main partners do in china - russia and the people's republic of china, there must be a responsible and targeted approach to the implementation our obligations and the development of our relations, this remains up to you for now, when you feel that this... should not
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be, you will tell me in all directions, right up to your visit, as you did in your post as ambassador, to russian regions, there are no forbidden topics, but... this does not mean that you will replace the new ambassador, you are a correct person, i know this, the questions are not your own, you will not interfere, but be careful and correct in your relations with the new ambassador, he must deal with issues, you suggest, and sometimes push, controlling certain processes, and naturally, until you tell me, the corresponding commission remains, this remains behind you, but priority attention, presidential administration, why are you, of course, you have not worked for a long time in the presidential administration, you worked in the government, you are very knowledgeable about the issues of the presidential administration, interaction with the government, especially in terms of monitoring the implementation
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of the president’s instructions and what we agreed on, but we will come separately with the prime minister and discuss what krutov’s trick is, well, in addition to his active and visible work as an ambassador... for the last 2 years, according to the president, it was clear that he was captivated and the fact that the cool guy managed to work in the government, knows the kitchen, in the administration itself, energy and efficiency did not go unnoticed, which is worth taking note of the new head of our diplomatic mission in moscow, alexander lukashenko did not delay his appointment. rogozhnik, the current minister of industry, is appointed to the post of ambassador to the russian federation. our perspective.
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owe today three times more than it was yesterday. ragozhnik’s assignment to diplomatic work helped alexander take a step up the career ladder efimov from the position of deputy in the ministry of industry. now he heads the department. the president instructed to schedule a report by the relevant minister after his return from china.
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you can’t advance the interests of industry much just by sitting in minsk offices. sometime before his appointment to the ministry of industry, this was mine. there was once an initiative, we met, looked at some of the things that amkador produces and produced, i then told him, well, we need to replicate this throughout the country, but what to replicate, we are a machine-building country, so, so, we make engines for all our cars, no, we don’t make gearboxes at all, except for tractors, there and so on, that’s our perspective, one of the directions, then cars for the people.
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to carry out the feeling, i speak in open language, it is necessary to shake up mid to start working, roman aleksandrovich failed to do this, so let’s work together so that mid would deal with his issues and implement what he must implement
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for the country, all issues related to china, cool in russia and on the far arc we will have a responsible minister, and you will also have india. the prime minister is a distant arc, everything should go to the ministry of foreign affairs, no one should do the work for the ministry of foreign affairs and no one...
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is actually subordinate to the president, but also because he does not have this in his character, so that they they urged, but control must be careful, honest, decent, let's consult before appointing ambassadors to the commission, discuss and so on, so on, so on, we will do exactly the same for ministers and other officials, returns to the state apparatus, natalya petkevich, alexander lukashenko appointed her first deputy head of the administration, president. there will be no applause, knowing your exactingness, your principled approach,
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your knowledge, you know everything, democracy has sipped in the united states of america, it’s time to return home and start working. a new agricultural tandem has been formed in the country. if before everyone had heard of the deuce hare-rusa, now it will be shuleika lenevich. from now on, supervise the position the deputy prime minister in the agroprom government will now be the ex-head of the brest region. this is an iron job yuri vitolyevich shmash, control over the implementation of those programs that
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are defined by the president, we worked out together, you know them well, it’s very special that he worked as a governor , i’ll be honest, he’s not the worst governor today, he did it, it’s very important, it means he knows what ’s going on there, he worked in processing, well, we talked about this before, i’m grateful that... you agreed to this position, i i understand that the governor, he is the governor, is away from golovchenko, from ryzhenkov, the cool one, it’s quieter there, here we need to build a good system of work in agriculture, especially in agriculture, and you, as a knowledgeable person, agreed to take this job , thank you, if you want some other job, i promised you, you’ll come, tell me, we’ll consider it. but i think that you will succeed, we are ready to support and help you in this
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regard until a new leader, yuri shuleika, is appointed to the brest region will keep the region in sight, but the new head of the ministry of agriculture and food, anatoly lenevich, is moving from vitebsk to minsk , the vitebsk region remains with you, there is a small debt, maybe, i don’t know yet, we’ll go there with you and we’ll sort it out like saturday. whether there are debts or not, what they did, what they didn’t do, but the conversation about how the integration structures ruined something, they ruined it, is a useless, pointless conversation, they are structured in such a way that they cannot ruin anything, that’s how they were structured, it won't work, well we will let's disband and everyone will remain in their own interests, it is necessary, we will return shersnev there to be responsible for this, we will return not as a governor, to a meeting, i will find everyone who stood up for...
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it worked out, i really want to, i will help you in every possible way, the task facing the country , you know in the field of agriculture, hare, yuri vitordovich, connect him.
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president, firstly, a thoughtful attitude towards personnel; those who have proven themselves will always find work; secondly, a course towards strengthening the team and a focus on the professionalism and energy of promising managers. courage in decisions, as life shows, takes not only cities, but also new professional heights. the change of generations will go away, new knowledgeable,
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professional people should come, who should be implemented within a few years. what we agreed on at the all-belarusian people's assembly, the country must get a good government, wire belts from the president to the government through the administration down, there must be a result of efficiency, i categorically warn everyone, the prime minister is already getting the worst of it every day, no red tape of bureaucracy, no, if you need to solve an issue, and you see, it can be solved in a day or two, solve it. god forbid, from monday i will be informed as before about this pile of bureaucracy, i especially warn the presidential administration, ministers should run, move, if somewhere the government apparatus has not worked, prompt and demand in the cruelest way, once, twice you demanded, the third time he has to leave for another job, efficiency must be increased
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incredibly if we want to build in this frantic... struggle, what is happening around, each of you knows, therefore, based on this, among other things, the appropriate decision was made, which i voiced. the posts are key and important, but to be honest, there is no reason to envy those appointed today, and they themselves, like no one understands, in addition to a high position, there automatically comes a high responsibility for the result, the president’s strict demand is to rest on his laurels, even if he really wants to. will not work. natalya breus, olga anishchenko, alexander oleshko, ilya puchko, television news agency. also in in the presidential schedule , a number of issues from the banking sector were discussed at a meeting in the palace of independence with the participation of the head of government, top managers of the national bank of ministers. the financial market regulator, represented by the national bank, made a proposal to the head of state on the further development of individual
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banking structures. we mainly took into account the prospects for cooperation with investors and external contractors. to help the development of domestic enterprises, no matter how difficult it is. there shouldn't be any red tape. i already told you at the beginning, for you there are no sanctions. in any situation you can find a way out. i would like to ask you to dwell in more detail on the issues of conducting cross-border payments. at the end of march, we already
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discussed this topic and agreed that, where necessary, we would help domestic enterprises make payments to foreign partners and return foreign currency earnings to the country. following the meeting, the head of the national bank gave an up-to-date assessment of the work of the banking system. it functions steadily. aims to support enterprises in conditions of external pressure, help the real sector adapt to the sanctions reality. this confirms the progressive growth of lending. over 5 months, the increase in loan portfolios of legal entities amounted to 10.8%. what is important is that 12.9% is an increase in long-term loans, that is, these are loans that are over a year. banks too. the demand of consumers and individuals was well financed, the growth of the loan portfolio, consumer lending increased by 10.7%. we are observing
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a very interesting trend, when the demand for loans in the belarusian ruble is very significantly exceeds the demand for lending in foreign currency. well, this is such a new phenomenon for our economy. today banks comply. these are all the indicators, nothing threatens their safe operation in the priority of supporting the export of enterprises, these issues are under special control of the head of state, pavel kalaur emphasized. integration and closer interaction in practice, today the eleventh forum of regions of belarus and russia began, guests from sixty regions, territories and republics of russia are being hosted by our northern region. nine work is devoted to innovation in the economy, agricultural sector, higher education, science, medicine and other industries. sections. for 2 days in a row, participants work closely to bring together approaches to legislation, implement new initiatives, promote trade and create common projects, so as not to slow down
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the previously set pace in cooperation. our correspondents will tell you about what marked the first day of the forum. with 45 enterprises in belarus on one site, the store to home concept is already familiar to many belarusians. now there is one in vitebsk. bellekprom opened a store for the city holiday. in anticipation of the shape of the regions. in fact, this is a clear example for russian partners of what such a business model looks like in practice. the concern is actively promoting its brand in the cities of its eastern neighbors. similar sites are already operating in novosibirsk and yekaterinburg. well, after today’s meetings , there will definitely be more belarusian in russia in the future. on the first day of the forum, the concern's enterprises concluded contracts worth more than 2 billion russian rubles. in recent years, it’s just not we have only... successfully established trade with our colleagues, with russian regions, and precisely through industrial cooperation, we have our own strong point, we have a very strong textile light industry unit, so
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we can offer russian small , medium-sized businesses , enterprises, just this textile, which we can jointly alter into finished products with high added value, this is also a topic for conversation, meeting, agreements, real contracts and a decent amount, forum regions today, for many this place is new. long-term work together. the platform first announced itself in 2014 in minsk and has been gaining momentum every year. the forum is being held under the auspices of the upper houses of the belarusian and russian parliaments. our countries have in common not only the present, but also the past. today, the allies are united in opposing the rewriting of historical truth. therefore , natalya kachanova and valentina matvienko began the first day symbolically with a visit to the polovsky cadet school. the speakers presented the restored russian historical architects.
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where indeed it once took its beginning and the cadets of those years took the oath in front of this banner in russia and belarus, cadet schools are those institutions that train real patriots of their countries, i want to take this opportunity to thank you, in your person, the teaching staff, for the important work you are doing.
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covers all areas of interaction between allies, from ecology, education to the forum of regions - this is the platform where medicine legislation, but at the forefront, of course, the economy, the pace of which is set by cooperation between regions, and the dialogue on this topic is worthy of a separate platform, while in terms of the number of participants, one of the largest, the specialized section in poltsk brought together 200 people, there is no doubt that the effect of such meetings will be felt for a long time years,
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the tasks of our priorities are strong regions, and how we work in this direction, what solutions we already have, i would very much like to share with russian colleagues, show how we develop small regions, what concepts we have identified in the southeast of our republic of belarus, these are 47 regions of the chernobyl program, which we are also working on separately, this is a separate direction, the flagships of mechanical engineering development are our regions. plus, of course, this is the capital and regional regions. then, the control departments of the two countries closely monitor how funds are spent in the union state. this new forms of interaction were discussed separately at the panel session. the state audit office notes a reduction in violations in this area. therefore, henceforth the authorities will pay more attention to the effective implementation of the projects themselves and assess their impact on the economy of the union state. this year , a strategy for scientific and technological development
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of the union was adopted. if we identify any bottlenecks in promotion, innovation, the regional forum increases its potential every year both in the number of contracts and in the number of participants. today , partners from the republic of tva came to the meetings of the chambers of commerce and industry for the first time and immediately immersed themselves in the agenda, especially since on this platform, the participants, whose experience is definitely worth borrowing, talked about business, support for exporters, new mechanisms and
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this is the development and implementation of joint actions, which will allow the implementation of very important, continuous innovative projects. the task is much easier to implement together, building together. friendship is growing stronger, this suggests that this suggests that every year our economies of our countries are developing. we have strong science and decent material resources, experience and knowledge. it's important to do it correctly transform into innovation. belarus is among the top ten countries in the world for training specialists in the field of science and technology and creating mobile applications. as for russia, here, of course, the scale of the domestic market is impressive, as well as employment in knowledge-intensive areas. these advantages
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must be used as effectively as possible to ensure our technological independence. here our task is to work together and see where we can help each other in terms of compliance. developments, joint production, technology, there are areas of development and space here, i think that we will take the initiative to create an association, or something, or technoparks of the two countries, so that we can increase our competencies and so that our subjects are much more separated from each other we found out, we were in ulyanovsk literally a year ago, we took our technopark participants, believe me, they have already formed cooperation chains, they have already learned more from each other, because large industrial enterprises, of course they are well known.
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oppresses the ten-year mark in the post, what events or business trips were the most extreme, what events were remembered most, how she experienced august of the twentieth, how often she communicates with the president, what they talk about, what kind of leader natalya eismant is, who runs the telegram, i’m also taking a lot of risks now, voicing this thing in the public space, as a joke , my colleagues in the presidential administration call the commissioner president of the gerzhinsky district. a lot of people called me. after the president spoke about that the first deputy prime minister and the president’s press secretary were engaged in a project called makbai, when not for real, then 18 hours so intensely without sleep and without a minute
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of rest, they don’t negotiate, i have exactly the same format, the head of state calls, calls when he has something to ask or wants to listen to you, i’m demanding, and i’m a tough leader, i understand... the untold riches, what the president has learned over the years, and what he hasn’t been able to learn, what’s on the agenda at the head states are now a priority, tomorrow 28 refers to opponents’ fakes about their june at 10:55, don’t miss the program, say
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don’t be silent, there is one in belarus, these days the country is preparing for a large-scale holiday in honor of independence day and... liberation of belarus. the military parade on july 3 will begin at 9:00. to ensure security, access to the venues for organizing ceremonial events will be carried out from 6 to 8 am, the ministry of defense reported today. aviation continues to prepare for the large-scale holiday 12 ceremonial air echelon crews will fly over the sky over the capital on july 3. aviation training took place today in the skies over minsk, all the elements that will be presented on independence day were practiced. this year , journalists had a unique opportunity to watch the air parade rehearsal from above for the first time. our film crew was on site. victoria radevich has all the details.
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three mi-8 helicopters with flags open the aerial performance. behind them , two more groups line up in peling battle formation, including mi-35 helicopters. they are participating in the belarusian parade for the first time. this is an improved version of the mi-24. the equipment is intended for aviation support. ground forces, landing and evacuation of the wounded, to work out the procedure for gathering and disbanding, reaching control points, all the elements that will present on independence day in the city gathered today together with the russian aviation in full force. taking off from different points, part of the aircraft from the airfield in machulishchi, the other part from baranovichi, they line up in a single line over kurgan glory, in the order in which they will fly before the eyes of the audience, over stella minsk, the city of hero. the aerial performance lasts 7 minutes. each group starts at intervals of 30 seconds. this year, for the first time
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, russian knights and swifts will perform with us, these are russian fighters. the presence of such an aerobatic team is a striking feature of the upcoming parade. on july 3, belarusian aviators will be represented by a powerful team. 11 helicopters and 19 airplanes. for the belarusian air echelon, today’s training for the parade is the fifth in a row, but the first in general course. flying over the city has its own difficulties. the ships move at different speeds from 60 to 500 kilometers. the crew needs to decide on the terrain, set specific landmarks in the city, take into account some features associated with roughness, wind and other features. the most colorful part of the il-76, accompanied by five more aircraft, will paint the sky over minsk in the colors of the belarusian flag. the aerial performance will end.
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there are no trifles in this complex matter; everything is important from launching the aircraft on the ground to a clear formation in the sky. they will demonstrate aerobatics, the most trained specialists will be at the helm, they admit there is no anxiety, because such maneuvers for them are an element of preparation for real combat work. victoria radevich, andrey ivanenko, telenews agency. day after day 80 years ago, the soviet army recaptured belarusian cities from the fascist invaders. the day before, vitebsk and zhlobin were liberated on june 27, orsha. and today, in honor of the memorable date of liberation, orsha became the location of the action on the roads of glory, dedicated to the eightieth anniversary of the offensive operation bagration. here, during the war, the nazis killed over 37 thousand civilians and 40 thousand prisoners of war. no one is forgotten. as the legendary earth remembers the feat of konstantin zaslonov and the first salvo of katyusha. today we honored the memory of the heroes with a minute of silence at the central monument. 80 years ago. the city of orsha was liberated, this is a memorable date at
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the present time, at that time it was the joy of the people that they became free, free from the fascist yoke, they began to restore the city from the ruins, what they did is visible now, we remember the heroic the exploits of our ancestors, we remember at what cost this world was conquered, because all the cities were completely destroyed and restored by titanic labor, we are grateful that we now have peace. beautiful independent country. i am very glad that today i visited such a wonderful holiday and i am very proud of our people, because they won the war so that we now live under a peaceful sky, in a wonderful country in a beautiful city. we want to reach out to every person and show that these blocks of monuments in all the parks stand about her, for what? so that we remember and know, because in every monument there are the souls of warriors, a liberator, in everyone. borisov,
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minsk, the patriotic marathon will end on july 28 in brest. the unknown page of operation bagaration, a story that has not been made public for 80 years. it's time to get the facts out there. for the first time on the screen, the secret history of the great patriotic war, the secret mission of state security units behind enemy lines. will develop the data that soldiers of special detachments and special groups transmitted to front commanders, changed strategy to classify orders and reports
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from special groups as top secret. to this day they are classified as certain information that was hidden in the archives of the special services, about whom the information bureau reports were silent. there are no such documents in any state archive, a very... large number of historians, both belarusian and foreign, would like to gain access to them, secret operations of state security officers,
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on thursday, june 27 in the evening broadcast. the attempted coup in bolivia was coordinated from outside and is connected with the country’s desire to join brix. such a resonance on
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international track vazumeli events in bolivia. let me remind you that the day before a group of military men surrounded the square in the government quarter in lopas. the rebels were led out by the general. who the day before was removed from his post as army commander, everything lasted about 3 hours, at least nine casualties are known. a big hunt for lithium and unprofitable cooperation with the west. how is bolivi being prevented from charting its own course? details from yana mendeleva. it’s an early hour, troops have been brought to the square, special equipment is moving along the peaceful streets that were just yesterday. attempt to take by storm presidential palace, rammed...
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zuniga could not come to terms with the dismissal of the army commander, allegedly demanded the restoration of democracy and the release of political prisoners, declared the head of state unstated, president arce called on the international community to put pressure on the puchistas, and the citizens of the country to defend democracy. workers' unions and the confederation of peasant trade unions of bolivia called for an immediate , open-ended general strike against the military. this was something unprecedented.
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specifically stated his desire integrating the country into brix is ​​not accidental; it is obviously a preemptive strike against attempts to include south america in the project of building a multipolar world. an important clarification: a day before the sluggish coup, the country’s authorities twice protested in washington. due to interference.


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