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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  June 28, 2024 11:00am-12:00pm MSK

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the emerging azers are blue like the sky in the early days, which is right in the racing forest, at the beginning of the evil dawns, creatures and light, and we know. you, the accumulated azers are woven with charms, smiling at the sun, you look for yourself, and never from the sea, the bottom, which is gilded with gold , and from their end, the accumulated azers by the end of this year, it hurts so much and i want to sustrezza, that i know nothing, mountains, seas, but i have never forgotten the azeri, my dear.
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petrus brouka. now i’m also taking a lot of risks by voicing this thing in the public space. as a joke, my colleagues in the presidential administration call me the representative of the presidential district.
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no and cannot be, let’s leave it to those who don’t know any other way. hello, you are watching the program "tell me, don't be silent." victoria popova and tatyana shcherbina in the studio. and today is our guest.
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it’s just that there’s no way to place them in one photo album, it’s at least a whole photo gallery or a series of photo albums, if we talk, for example, about foreign business trips, during this time there were about one and a half hundred of them , different countries, different regions, and i somehow
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i recently set a goal and calculated that since 2014, working with the president, i have visited 25 new ones. maybe not in the moment, in the moment you are busy implementing the tasks assigned to you to implement them, but with the passage of time, now somewhere looking back a little, you understand what scale of events you took part in, well, the most famous thing is that and the president often
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recalls the opening of a nuclear power plant, the opening of the bnsc, infrastructure projects that are important for different regions, our space program, there is... last week the president came to derzhinsk. even though i’m from iminsk, i consider derzhinsk, this city, my small homeland. the city is not easy, i worry about it very much. just a joke, my colleagues in the presidential administration, many of them, they know this, call me the presidential commissioner for derzhinsky and derzhinsky district, why? because when i was there, i very often, if possible, of course, shared and share my impressions with colleagues in the administration and sometimes with the head of state,
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i tell them what’s good, well, i concentrate on that is bad, i really want my hometown, as i consider it, to become better and better, it is so close to minsk, and i was really, really looking forward to this trip, i wanted the president to see derzhinsky, i wanted so that he could communicate with people, this happened, this, i repeat, at first glance, a fairly ordinary event in the president’s schedule, for me, according to my emotions, according to my feelings, it became epoch-making, or something, it became iconic, this is what important, albeit personal, but important for i’m an example, well, many regions, agricultural towns, villages, small towns, our large cities, well,
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let’s call it extreme, it begins at the moment when we switch to the format of improvisation, and of course there is enough of it, we are preparing an event, and of course , the president always starts from this, but when there are these moments that everyone loves very much, when the president has a route, when the president flies in, arrives, goes to a place where he was not expected at all, then this is the minimum.
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i know these are negotiations between the norman four at the independence palace in 2015. in this case, if we take the organizational, and not the political, context, it is clear to everyone, very much so.
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the schedule of communication with the president, my job is wonderful because the schedule is quite flexible,
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yes, within the framework of the president’s public events, which are covered in the media, we work from start to finish just like this, then we will have to work for some time to complete this process, but then the second half of the day is built, well, in principle, quite improvisationally, since you consider necessary within the framework of the tasks assigned to you. but this is mcdonald's, will anyone then be able to work like mcdonald's in
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belarus? the main slogan was, send the walkers to me, we can’t cut a bottle there in half, shove sausage or meat in there, we can’t, there are fries in there, and we can’t, we can’t do anything, i think, let me check if we can or we can’t, the press secretary is sitting, i say, i was at mcdonald’s, i was, you know that... “i know, you will control it, in the government snapkov is engaged in strong-willed thus, it was put to two characters, i just happened to get it, go do it, a lot of people called me after the president talked about how the first deputy prime minister and the president’s press secretary were working on a project called makby, and the resonance i personally had a lot of questions from friends, acquaintances and strangers, from friends of friends, from friends, members of my family, very interesting questions, i told everyone how it
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happened, so of course, you yourself you build this schedule, prioritize, and so on. this is wonderful, this is very consistent with my character, on the one hand there is such absolute discipline, on the other hand there is such relative, but freedom in building your work, but at the same time, with this relative freedom, you naturally have to be in touch 24 hours a day and call from the president. and the report to the president by telephone, first of all, naturally, can take place at any time, often this happens on weekends, i have a government phone number at home communication, closed communication.
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before requests for interviews, this, of course, is also promptly reported to the president. yes, we are working on everything with my colleagues from the administration, with colleagues from the ministry of foreign affairs, but the president must be aware. sometimes, you know, i call my mobile phone a book of complaints and suggestions. for me, my phone number has not changed for many years, it was naturally in all the black books and so on, and it is in wide open access and i have a huge amount. appeals to the president first all sorts of people are coming in, writing, you would be very surprised now to hear some of the names. natalya nikolaevna, maybe not now, maybe in 10-15 years, will you want to write memoirs and reveal to our viewers the names of those people whom you are so sparing today. i want to say that
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if everything goes well, if you, well, i wouldn’t say a memoir, if we talk about... a book, then maybe now, i’ll boldly declare somewhere, but if everything goes well, then there will be a book, not because definitely not because i i want to get into some kind of writing, that’s definitely not the case, but i perfectly understand the importance of this moment, i perfectly understand that our enemies will tell, write, leave behind everything, that’s all the lies that are being poured out on us today, we must, we must talk someday, when we can... talk when we are allowed to talk about it, and the moment comes, we are obliged to leave behind this truth, we are obliged to capture it, but the main thing is not even this, now i am also taking a very big risk voicing this thing in public space is very i’m taking a risk, i’ll be honest, but many people come to me with a question about a book that
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the president would write, it’s clear that there’s no time for books now. it’s clear that now we don’t even approach the president with this question, but we all understand how important this is, this is the first president of our country, and what he knows, of course, no one knows, i really hope, i’m very i believe that such a book or a series of books will one day see the light, soon, at the right moment, everything should happen on time, if you remember yourself, say, 10 years ago...
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when, well, some kind of mistake happens, let’s say, in simple language, even if it’s not your direct service, even if it’s just some subordinate organizations, but i always try, in principle, this is my principled position, i teach my subordinates to think about this , where we didn’t do enough, where we could have helped to avoid this, where we could have strengthened, accelerated, yes, of course,
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what at first glance seems to be less significant and trifle, here are the same appeals in the same phone , messages in messenger - this is the same example, when there seem to be global tasks, when there seem to be such important assignments, there is a flow, there is a flow, at night, the next day, in a week, i will definitely sort everything out, apologize to the person, answer and take his question into account work, this is exactly how the president always sets it up, i understand that in this... case i am not me, and they don’t write to me, but they write to him, because how i treat this or that appeal, even if completely private, will be
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judged i can’t say enough about how the president organizes the work of his team. to say that i’m probably learning as a president to understand many processes, maybe even forgive some people, i haven’t learned this yet, well, now we’re taking this again... after tasting the events of the twentieth year, which were acute for us, i just i know and see how the president in any situation, in any, i won’t be specific, puts the interests of the country, and not some personal, maybe grievances, i’ll say roughly, or emotions to the fore, if we talk about what you until we learned from the president, and i remember, yes, what did you do then spoke with the first... after these heated events they said that among those who betrayed, the first were those whom alexander grigorievich personally helped, and this is so understandable, for some reason it is always the first to rush to stab
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in the back, yes, those closest , there is such an expression, a person who bites the hand that feeds him, usually uh-huh, but licks the boot of the one who kicks him, and for now we’ll take a break for a while, i remind you that we have a telegram channel, say don’t be silent, subscribe, ask questions and make suggestions guests. we are in touch, the say no program is on air again keep quiet, and today our guest is the press secretary of the president of the republic of belarus natalya eismand. natalya nikolaevna, since we have already mentioned 2020, we cannot help but ask you about how the president behaved during these difficult days. august days, what did you say? well, here you have, in fact, everything is on the screen, and they often ask me this question, many people after the twentieth year have greatly
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expanded, their social circle has seriously expanded, the format of work, the simplest example, which comes from all over our country for an excursion, very simple people, when we meet again, when we’ve been talking for 2 hours, walking around, looking at the halls, the chair where the president works, here in the museum, in the museum we have a small exhibition dedicated to the event.
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that everything will be fine, how, when, this, of course, was the question, but you were imbued with this confidence and its strength, that’s what i ’m talking about now, to people who looked far away and worried, they have no one to tell them was to be fueled, they talked with friends, neighbors, acquaintances, the excitement, perhaps, only grew, the president was naturally incredibly immersed. in everything processes, was constantly in touch with everyone, we had a situation center in our palace on the third floor in the meeting room of the security council, on weekends the president worked there, round-the-clock communications, round-the-clock reports by phone, the president wanted to see the situation from the inside, he communicated with those guys , with the unit commanders who were directly involved in the situation, he
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knew everything that was happening.
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i’ve been testing this formula for many years, it works, but let’s talk a little more about the telegram channel half past one, why natalya nikolaevna is with you i want to discuss it, because i heard more than once that you are the only one doing it, is it true, this is the first question, alone, it seems to me that the funniest thing is that you say there, your laughter is the answer to this question, for i was completely surprised, let’s dot
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the telegram channel. means of participation, but to be honest, specifically, not a single post was ever launched by me personally, and not a single day was the channel created in the fall of 2019, not a single day did i have, well, in modern language, an admin button, never telegram channel hollow - i will say this, a team of like-minded people, moreover, a team...
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message for the media: you will give at 12 to belta, to sbf, to belarus alone, how do you set priorities for yourself? everything is absolutely situational; when i have important information that needs to be voiced as quickly as possible, my first glance is at my watch. i understand perfectly well that at belta or 10 we can drop this information at any second, but for me.
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how to either dictate a text, or transmit some theses to belt, and to the guys from telegram channel pool of the first, all this is happening quickly like this, there are no priorities and there cannot be, we must simultaneously work as quickly as possible, i know that
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many journalists, in particular even the heads of the republican media, they were jealous, why should i find out information from the telegram channel when i came to work as the presidential press secretary in 2014. “well, of course, then the same story began with the tv people, the ont managers said from that, well, of course, it’s a tv and radio company, but i understood where i had come, and here , in fact, are my native pinatas, but i perfectly understood that i needed to get comfortable in the same way and be like a duck to water in the print media." and the internet, news agency, and so on, as well as is happening here now, if media managers or any of the journalists think so, then it’s very in vain, and, frankly speaking, it’s even a little sad, in no case
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has polpervoy’s telegram channel ever competed with either belta or sat belarus today, not with others telegram channels are not worth the task in any case and cannot be given away. somewhere first, absolutely, moreover, the scope of the task is such that you throw in the information, and you see when it has already been released in a formatted video in that very telegram channel, and first you throw it in as a belta journalist, then immediately instantly duplicate it in group, we have a group with media executives operationally, then the editorial board of the first pool, and then , excuse me, who’s first, i used to think about this especially often, a few years after there are just a lot of creations for this telegram channel. a variety of people, from ordinary people , from the youth with whom we communicate, to senior officials from our country, began to tell me about this and say that for them the most important source of obtaining information about
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the activities of the president is half past twelve, not because everything is so good there, you can work much better, i also criticize them very seriously, but in general and in general, i then realized that of course this is actually already full-fledged. why not publish? the base is the president's schedule, it is illuminated everywhere all the media and not only the pool of the first, but all the telegram channels that we have in our circle, and not only in our circle, in the russian telegram channels, they are still watched, read, and these are also full-fledged sources of information now, therefore , the president’s schedule is the basis, this is the base, then, of course, well, just some kind of variety if possible, again, i say again that i understand perfectly well that...
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initiatives of some creative ideas, then for which maybe i don’t have time for sometimes enough, i try to think, come up with something, constantly, but i don’t always get a very large amount of tasks. so, natalya nikolaevna, your husband, ivan mikhailovich eismand, literally announced the release of a new information channel the other day, how deeply immersed you are in this agenda, we here have so far hidden from view everything that happened at this presentation, but. ..
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and we will naturally follow this path, well
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, we just started a little later, the head of your channel did not miss the moment and invited me to just a few minutes to the neighboring studio, we went into the control room in which the director's team will work on the information channel, and we went into the studio, it is of course still in this - far from assembled state, but for me, too, this is a turning point, somewhere i think it’s so important today, so i... today i crossed the threshold of the studios of the information channel beat the television and radio company, there was a pang of nostalgia, you started as a newsman, many people ask about nostalgia, no, there is no nostalgia, you know, 10 years, almost 10 years work in white tv and radio companies allowed us to realize ourselves absolutely completely, i went through this ladder of being a presenter, a journalist, an editor, well... in fact, from the beginning to the very top point to the evening finals, in principle
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, a weekly final program, so this is probably such a realization full-fledged here too, it allows me to work in such a way that now no nostalgic notes arise, but at the same time, of course, there was such a warm feeling when i return to these walls, well, you are a dangerous press secretary, of course, because that you can’t tell you why you didn’t do it, that is, you know everything about journalistic work, yes, of course, absolutely, and this helped me a lot at first. of course, especially at the beginning, when you had to enter many processes, feeling that colossal responsibility, at every moment, well, this complete knowledge of journalism from the inside, it allowed you to talk quickly and set operational tasks and talk with all your colleagues in the same language. natalya nikolaevna, our opponents have become more active, because the reasons are completely obvious, while the presidential campaign is going on, and we are again reading old new ones. an expose about your life, in particular about expensive watches,
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citroen cars, about summer cottages in the village of telesad, or something, yes, well, about apartments, of which there are also a lot, how do you feel about these fakes, you laugh, you get angry, you take action decisive measures, well, our opponents, you put it mildly, our enemies have a problem, they have no content... they have nothing to write about, and what to do about it, obviously, they just have no idea, which is why those very threads have become active, we have information about what tasks they are facing, to write at least something.
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and the president set a task, we must carry it out, to create immunity among our people to all these informational processes of stuffing. let's start for a while, after a short break we'll return to this studio again, for now subscribe to our telegram channel, say don't be silent, look for all our episodes on the belarus 1 youtube channel. this is the program say don't be silent, our guests today press secretary of the president of the republic of belarus, natalya eismand. you have already said, natalya nikolaevna, that our president is active in the public sphere, and not everything always goes according to plan, but we cannot help but ask you whether the official statement that the president will take part in
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the upcoming election campaign has already been made or not , but it has already been heard, what publications are interpreting it? that it was said, other publications do not interpret it that way, so we are asking you personally, it is clear where the legs come from in this situation in march of this year at a women's forum in such a very good company, the president commented on this moment for the first time, answered the question, well, a thousand girls and women from all over the country, of course he did not leave this question unanswered, someone there asked a question, you go to the elections, i didn’t listen to the end, i’ll go, this, this doesn’t, doesn’t mean that i have already decided and made a decision, i just wanted to tell them, yes, i’ll go, calm down, many of you, i understand this perfectly well, just then, well , they gave out, very actively, they gave out our journalists, our people, somewhere maybe even wishful thinking, and this
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can be perfectly understood, and this is not bad, i will answer this question this way, we really want this. he himself will say about this, we note that many successful brands in the country are associated with the first person of the state, let's name in this series the first floor, the first merch, the first handel house, and finally, the first information channel, which we have already mentioned, how would you evaluate the historical structure moment belarus, indeed, many things are happening
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for the first time, the republic of belarus, our country, although unconditionally strong, although certainly established, but still of course...
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what is happening globally to a greater extent, to a lesser extent, but we are a country in the very center of europe, all processes reflect directly on us, we are at the intersection of those very geopolitical paths, and such a complex historical context, naturally, for the first time within the country, well, of course, we are probably for the first time so seriously improving our political system, the all-belarusian people's assembly, we talk a lot about it, and you tell us a lot we are mastering it for the first time, although we have already achieved a lot, but yes, this is also happening for the first time, and we are developing technologically and our very own space program.
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with our country, which is why we can and should be sure that everything will be fine, but under no circumstances should we relax. it is known
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that our president is the number one non-maker, not only for our country, but for the whole world, but for the press secretary - is this rather a blessing or is it still a reason for insomnia? this is at the same time an unconditional benefit, well, a reason for insomnia, including the president, speaker, in modern terms, himself. the lecturer calls, the president knows how and loves to communicate with the audience, and of course, for the press secretary this is, well, simply the best leader, because i know absolutely for sure, and i never have to worry about doubting that the president will answer all our questions people, journalists, opponents, working with this, of course, is a pleasure, but the fact that insomnia is just that...
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a question, excuse me, but we can’t help but ask it, because our group is predominantly female, tell me, don’t be silent, how do you look so amazing and how did you lose so much weight? well, yes, this is one of the most popular questions that i personally have been asked over the last six months, first of all, there is little interest here in some behind-the-scenes details of political processes, the first question is always from completely different people, in short, willpower and nothing, that’s all inside.
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moreover, some kind of orchestrated processes, he spoke about this publicly more than once and publicly criticized us, he simply does not accept any prepared questions, no stage-managed scenarios, i ’ve been hearing this for 10 years of working with the president, moreover, more than once, of course, we have faced harsh criticism on this matter when we tried, well, at least somehow to create that very base, and there it is clear that the president gives a word to everyone and 8:15. the longest event in the history of our country, a big conversation with the president august 9, 2021, 8:15, how can this
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be staged, we are sometimes asked a question: they prepared it, handed it out to everyone, how can it be staged 8:15, 300 people in the hall, in including, but a very sharp composition, our western colleagues, and the president, he feels the audience very well, as long as at least one hand is raised in the hall, or even hands are not raised, but in the eyes of someone present, the president feels a question or dissatisfaction with the current conversation, no matter how much time has passed, no matter how tired the president... will answer these questions, this is why it’s 8:15, and not because someone wants to talk for 8 hours without a break, no directing no and it can’t be, let’s leave her for those who don’t know how to work differently, well, i remember that these 8 hours then have millions of views, that is, well, the level of dramatic tension, yes, as the president himself
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says, he is a lecturer, and live broadcasts with translation... well, natalya nikolaevna, we were lucky today, after all, in your busy schedule, we know how busy you are with such a leader, that you came, thank you very much, because, first of all, for your openness, through you, here we have the opportunity to hear what the leader of the state is thinking, what is there at least a little bit get closer to the mood.
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which, as usual, puts everything in its place, the time will come when everything that has been done , everything that is done every day for each of us and for our entire country will be fully appreciated. natalya nikolaevna, today we discussed a lot about the historical moment, that we live in such a turning point, but i would like
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to record the fact of your presence in our studio. financially, so leave us wishes and an autograph. the time has chosen, we must comply. we do not tell dry historical facts,
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we immerse ourselves in an era when...
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minsk has long set a course for the east, this is a response to the challenges of the time and a desire to establish mutually beneficial partnerships with those who are ready for such cooperation, ready to work without ultimatums. we have long-standing friendships. we are moving across the world map in all directions, despite the closed nature of individual countries that are accustomed to talking from a position of strength. asia, africa, europe and latin america - people, cities, enterprises where they know.
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glyadzitsa is the main city of belarus on our tv channel.
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live broadcast of the main news at noon, in the studio olga kalairova, hello, and briefly about the topics of the issue: an award from the hands of the president to the best graduates and university teachers. in the evening, the guys have a republican graduation on the svistlocha embankment. forum of regions of belarus and russia , day two, what are they talking about today and what issues are on the agenda?


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