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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  June 28, 2024 1:05pm-2:05pm MSK

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based at finnish airfields and provided the americans with unhindered access to military installations. in the near future , the headquarters of nato's command in the region will appear in finland. and the newly elected president alexander stup insists on the deployment of nuclear weapons in the country, all under the pretext of protection from illusory russian aggression and for the sake of someone else’s geopolitical goals. belarusian border guards have stepped up measures to cover the state border with ukraine. state border committee. has information about being in the zone of responsibility zhitomir border detachment , a unit of the so-called russian volunteer corps. our border guards record active intelligence activities of mercenaries, including with the exit of the state border of belarus. thus , reconnaissance flights of ukrainian unmanned aerial vehicles are regularly observed along the border. on june 26, in the yelsky district, as a result of the use of suppressive weapons, a violation was stopped by border guards. airspace
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by a quadcopter moving from the territory of ukraine deep into the republic of belarus. the unmanned aerial vehicle was forced to land 150 m from the state border. the drone carried out reconnaissance of industrial facilities located in the border area, as well as border infrastructure. in addition, the day before, in the same direction , a cache with components for making improvised explosive devices was discovered, and containers with 2 kg of plastic explosive were found.
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people, shchodrasts, adzin times you want and don’t plant any more, here everything is in the sapraudnam, good evening, this is the economic environment on belarus-1 and satellite tv channel belarus24. the gross domestic product of belarus continues to grow, already more than 90 billion rubles. this is the primary estimate of belstat in current prices for 5 months, this is + 5.2% in comparable prices to the level of the same period last year. investments in fixed assets are also growing. in 5 months they reached the twenty-fourth year. 14 billion rubles.
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this is almost a quarter more than in the same period last year. the leaders are construction and installation works. they account for almost half of the total volume investments. the american government budget is falling deeper into deficit. the congressional budget office estimates the projected deficit to be about $2 trillion. this is 27% higher than expected at the beginning of the year. the key growth factor is said to be an increase in military spending. belarusian builders. operate in more than 70 regions of russia. according to the ministry of construction of architecture, in the twenty -third year, construction organizations in russia earned over $700 million, which is 8.5% more than a year earlier. basic objects being built - schools, kindergartens and housing. the popularity of non-cash payments is growing among belarusians. according to the national bank, according to the results of the first quarter of 2024, their share in retail trade turnover reached 60%. let us remember that in 2014 this figure was less than twenty. as of april 1
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, over 19 million cards were issued in the country, of which 6 and a half were from the domestic belka system. high-flying cooperation. the russian enterprise tupolev will work with belarusian partners to produce the tu-214 passenger aircraft. according to the message united aircraft corporation, near minsk, plans to produce parts for russian airliners and paint finished aircraft. according to the plan, the tu-214 should be included in a single line of civil aircraft. fleet of russian airlines, the first aircraft has already arrived in belarus for a new livery. how the aviation industry in belarus is developing, from new flight programs, the state of the fleet, infrastructure to the creation of a domestic aircraft, we will discuss with competent experts right now.
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today we have experts in our studio who are well versed in the development of the aviation industry. igor cherginets. general director of belavia airlines, igor golub, director of the aviation department of the ministry of transport and communications, nikita seredich, deputy general director of the minsk national airport, irina novikova, head of the department of the belarusian state technological university. dear guests, good evening, we are glad to see you in the economic environment studio. so the airline industry, that's how important it is for the country's economy, here. what effects does it have now and can it give in the future? well, the effect is great, firstly, if we talk in general about the development of our republic, then we are a republic with medium-tech production and it is very good, you shouldn’t think that if the word average is something
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that is not good enough, but when they appear in our country such enterprises as a biotechnological corporation, when a new industry like this appears...
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you need to start from the demand for these services, yes, probably not very fair to acquire an aircraft fleet in an amount greater than what we need, yes, that is , there are also objective things here that you teach, but if we are talking about cooperation, and with russian colleagues, we need to emphasize
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that belarusians are already cooperating with aircraft manufacturers from russia supplies components, repairs and modernizes aircraft, but the prospects are much broader. during a recent visit to the irkutsk aviation plant, our president invited russian partners to expand cooperation with belarusian enterprises in the field of aircraft manufacturing, let's listen, we want to be in high-level processes, you can do it in belarus for the production of aircraft, the second thing is that it should be our common thing, belarus and russia should not be divided,
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this civil aviation program involves the minsk civil aviation plant 407 with its subsidiaries , at the moment, we... already had the opportunity, before entering this program, to carry out maintenance and repairs of aircraft such as those operated by our airline and the airline of the russian federation, this is booing 737, airbus a320 of various modifications went to russian operators,
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the tupolev tu-134 line of aircraft, which we just saw on the screen, these are il-76 aircraft, which are also operated in our republic, but also about... in the twenty-second year the technical operation of the superjet aircraft has already been mastered, the plant has received all the technical, so to speak, documentation, has undergone training, and trained specialists have received certification already this year. the plant received, underwent retraining and received a certificate for maintenance of the tu-214 aircraft, which is currently located on the territory of the aircraft repair plant and some work is being carried out by our specialists. within the framework of what the president outlined while visiting the irkutsk region, the plant has already concluded contracts for about 95 million russian rubles, and we are confident that in the third quarter with our manufacturers, and this exactly. for the production of parts of assembly units, that is, those components that are always so let's say, the republic of belarus was
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a high-tech industry, a country that specializes in this, we are ready to supply all this; already within the framework of this program there are already more than 1,300 items of parts for assembly units that we can supply to the russian market for import substitution and the production of their new installation equipment , that is, the order of the head of state is being actively carried out; it is being carried out increasingly.
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to ensure that this never happens, the issue of flight safety is the number one task of the aviation authorities of all aviation personnel, precisely what is associated with the operation and maintenance of aviation equipment, the work that has been done so far has been 23 years, 24 years, and allowed us to ensure that we did not allow a single serious aviation incident that would threaten the lives of the health of our citizens , yes , a colossal work will be done, we may be ours... citizens simply don’t see it, yes, but everyone is in their place, be it a pilot in
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the cockpit, be it a technician who services aviation equipment, be it the specialist who is responsible for aviation security, who controls luggage, suitcases, the same control, yes, maybe some of our citizens are now complaining a little that there has been a little more inspection, but at the airport, somewhere more carefully, yes, but it's safe, it's accepted. yes - the questions that you say are technical operation, this is also a question in this subsection, which i said, this is in the first place, why, because everything that is in the air, yes, it is heavier than air, yes, it must fly, yes it must fly and to fly safely, therefore, training and certification of aviation personnel in accordance with all world requirements, so to speak, that world, international standards, icao, and other international organizations promote. this is the only way to maintain maintenance, we have enough spare
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parts, spare tools, and others, we have enough of it all, at the moment we are guaranteed to provide the necessary required approvals for aviation equipment, the periods of its operation, the completion of various types of maintenance, civil aviation calls them checks, it’s all under strict control, everyone in their place, in aviation there is always triple control. as i say, three signatures are put here: the first one is put by the one who completed it, the second one puts the signature who verified this work, how it was done, and the third one is now the control of the first, second, that is , three signatures, without these.
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for flight safety, nothing has changed to ensure it, we put the same spare parts in the planes that we put there two, three and 5 years ago, nothing in the garages we do not supply anything manufactured, of course, these are all the same spare parts, components, completely original, how we do it, this is another question, how much more expensive has it become for us, how much has logistics changed, these are other questions, but for the consumer, for the passenger, the most important thing , whether it’s security or not, it’s safe, 100%, nothing has changed in this regard, but it’s nice to hear that these issues are being resolved here, let them know that all these sanctions restrictions can be used for other purposes. igor nikolaevich, please tell me, here humanly speaking, yes, they, including against
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belavia, introduced sanctions, yes, restrictions on flights to certain points. and so on, and you and we, the country as a whole, several years ago, during the pandemic, belavia took out tourists, citizens of the european union, other countries from regions where no one flew, and they did it on a humanitarian basis, and they see how us, this feeling of annoyance does not humanly cause you, probably, at some very beginning, it probably did and you wanted to look into the eyes of those faces who... they said thank you to the officials, they sent them, we have a lot of documents, gratitude from prime ministers, foreign ministers, diplomats, embassies and so on from all over the world, and i’ll just give one example, besides the pandemic, there was also a piece of politics,
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for example, there was a crisis in turkish-american relations. and there was an evacuation of diplomats and military personnel from turkey to the united states of america, this was during a pandemic, some routes were already closed, and it was impossible, it was very difficult for americans to leave turkey and return to homeland, so these people, i’m afraid to say what percentage, well, large, we brought out thousands of people, diplomats, american military. they were taken out of turkey, we brought them to minsk, from minsk we flew with them to paris and amsterdam, and from there airlines, mainly delta, they flew home, in fact, at that time we still had oleg kravchenko alive, this is the deputy minister of foreign affairs, who supervised american
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relations with america at the foreign ministry, and he literally sent me text messages there every day that came to him from...
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hour, for this, sanctions were imposed on belov, there is no logic at all, or the following sanctions, the chinese leadership there, the representative, the representative of china at the un said that the sanctions imposed on belavi are illegal, so xinhua published the second package, and the general director of belavi i republished this on my facebook page, for this republication. the following sanctions were imposed on belavia, you know, it’s nonsense, the sanctions there are very, these are the nuances , so how is it? well, we share your position, because we are in approximately the same situation. i mean the belarusian television and radio company, according to similar wording , sanctions were imposed on us in relation to a legal entity, in relation to a representative of the management, the wording there is approximately that they support
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the system of government and personally president alexander grigorievich lukashenko, well, that’s our job, we are financed from the republican budget and carry out state tasks, this is stated in our charter because we pay taxes, this applies to almost everyone, so their ... foreign ones were european after all, and
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after european control, this organization in europe that supervises the sky, recommended, they did not directly ban european airlines, they recommended not to use the airspace of the republic of belarus , everyone took it up , unfortunately they refused to fly to us. of course , we immediately, it was almost immediately after covid, we felt it ourselves, felt it, unfortunately, in a very harsh way, well, financially, financially for us immediately, unfortunately, they asked for passenger flows, people, and so on, this is the most important parameter for us, of course, yes, but in the last 2 years we have been gradually growing from year to year, that is, today we have already 5 months since twenty years the increase in passengers
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we do not exaggerate the potential that we now see, we understand where we are limited, what we are limited in, unfortunately, here are many,
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we are faced with sanctions, indirect, so to speak, we are coming to foreign airlines, we talk to we show them the passenger flow, they see some kind of interest, then they are at their level, often they refuse us simply because of the fear of falling under secondary sanctions. concerns foreign countries, in particular turkey and the united arab emirates of the middle east, to connect minsk with cities, from where it will then be more convenient for people to travel further around
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the world, but these are mainly tourist destinations, no, why is it both tourism and business, that’s all together, no, why? well, that’s good, well, returning to the issue of cooperation, we need it should be noted that the experience of belarusian aviation specialists is highly valued by their russian colleagues... the airliner is already in our country, how the flying car was met in belarus, what exactly will our specialists help with, in the story by alina loppo, please. this mid-range russian aircraft has been resumed in the interests of tuallive. belarusian
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aviation and right now the first, one might say, experimental model is being worked by belarusian specialists at the minsk civil aviation plant. this airliner is called a flying laboratory, the fact is that it is russian components and on-board equipment will be tested on it under the program of complete import substitution. replace everything, including imali foreign ones. parts, and there are about 15% of them left, they intend to release 70 of these carcasses in a new import-substituted form by the end of the year, and by 2030. in russia , they are making a big bet on these aircraft; they are planning to use them as the basis for aircraft fleets. this is ventilation during painting, now it is on, the whole plane is working for exhaust. the task of belarusian specialists is to remove the old coating and apply a branded coating to the liner
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and retrofitting are necessary. above all. the plane is updated with a new one , you can call it that, where the safety of the angarezavod, its features and essentially uniqueness is that in addition to painting work, maintenance and repair of aircraft is possible. the complex was opened only in april of this year, and the order portfolio has already accumulated over 10 aircraft in the queue for the new look. basically, during the pre-station period, the russian federation
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mostly painted its aircraft abroad. that is , this is in western europe, after closing borders, in fact there are not many opportunities left, i think we will lend our shoulders so that all russian aircraft, not only those that have already flown, that have been produced for a long time, but also new aircraft, their new aircraft, will be made at our factory. in general, the plant operates in three niches at once; specialists undertake major repairs of old soviet ships and maintenance of new russian western ships. yak, sukhoi superjet, buing airbus have enough competencies, but here, as they say, you have to learn all your life, to keep up with technology. under the conditions of sanctions, the range of work is expanding; mechanical production has been actively developing since last year. basically, the plant was designed specifically for services, for production, it was only small-scale production and those parts that needed to be used for repairs and maintenance. today we are boldly beginning to join the line of those enterprises
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that produce. not only large-unit parts, but also the aircraft themselves. the main strategy of our company is to create a center of competence and act as a one-stop shop for the customer. the plant does not intend to stop there in its plans, although not for the immediate future, but by 2030 it will place an engine maintenance base on its premises. at the enterprise, there will be a strong demand for such competencies, so it is important to have time to occupy your niche. a long journey begins small, little by little, little by little, from one technological process to another, to a third, over time it will all expand, i am sure that great prospects await us and our russian partners in this area. igor nikolayevich, well, continuing the topic of these sanctions restrictions, yes, but these are not only sanctions, remember, for the industry, times were difficult even before these restrictions, meaning the pandemic, yes, when
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absolutely nothing , so it was a very right decision, which really helped us, minsk national airport, this is firstly, secondly, that... we have been investing in people at the airline for decades, this had an impact just during covid, all our competencies, all our technologies, commercial technologies, it technologies, they had an impact, we actually got there for the first time in probably 15 long years, in the twenty-first year we had a loss, a small one, but a loss, before that we were profitable and after that we... restrictions on flights to europe, otherwise what nikita said, we survived, and this
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is even a question of unsurvivability, we work, yes, there are restrictions, there are some difficulties, but we continue to work, we have very good training from our people, we have very good education from our specialists .
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are concerned, let's try to answer the question is, when will belarusian passengers be able to keep their finger on the pulse, yes, but the prices will still be for people to fly from minsk at the prices of low-cost airlines, this is how people can save on flights, very basic, what is a low-cost airline? well, of course, experts tell more, i flew once, i don’t want to, i also flew 5 kg of luggage for every additional kilogram, some crazy surcharges. yes, the casing has been removed there, it’s cold, you’re so completely in vain , you can’t use them there, it’s a low-cost airline , low cost in english, low consumption, low budget, demonize them, no, these are
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high-tech companies, of course, they play like this with profit, with a share of the profit on the thin, yeah, here, but the division into low-budget... carriers of traditional carriers, let's call it that, it's quite arbitrary, because mm low prices for a flight can be offered by a traditional airline, often the last tickets or some part of the tickets, the low-cost carrier sells at a price at which the traditional airline is higher, much higher, but the loost companies essentially pay the last one he is the last one to pay. for the one who first paid 2 euros there, and the last one will pay 200 euros, there’s more to this, there they are, i said that it’s highly technological from the point of view of it technologies, there are a lot of additional services that are sold, yes, of course ,
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sometimes they impose themselves there, well , to be honest, they increase due to this, that is , it’s not a miracle, you have the cost of a flight, so let’s call these services, luggage, food, what? there are not many options now where we can take additional airlines at different routes, so here it seems to me, including ours, lies the possibility of reducing prices in the development of competition on various routes, but
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do i understand correctly, making such an intermediate conclusion that in essence there is free cheese in the mousetrap, that is, that we sometimes see foreign examples, but this rarely happens in life. and the package of services that, for example, belavia provides its passengers, bought from a budget company, will cost about the same, it’s just that someone is ready to put up with some temporary there...
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on these lines there are no, we even have more flights and there are more passengers flowing there, we are often cheaper than igor nikolaevich, before we break for advertising, maybe a life hack from the head of belavia, what are some ways to save money, maybe some magical minutes, hours, how can you not pay extra, i can now tell you my personal phone number.
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the smaller the aircraft load, the cheaper, the less load, when, well, six months before departure, a year before departure, several months before departure, if it’s in advance, yes, if you go at the last moment, well, of course there, if the airline works well, then the load there is already quite high on this plane, accordingly the price is at the maximum or there are no seats at all, now there are very few seats, for example. relatively speaking, in march for
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the month of july, they paid the minimum cost, that is, plan their movements in advance and book, purchase tickets in advance, this is the main life hack, the main secret, the belarusian state aviation academy, an institution that has recently time. civil pilots, belarusian pilots, international standards, what are the requirements for candidates, what are the features of the domestic aviation school? details in the story of victoria sharkova, let's see. inspection of the aircraft using virtual reality glasses and cutaway components on monitors. this is how future pilot engineers study the design of parts and learn how to conduct diagnostics. and clear instructions about action algorithms from the lips of the most experienced. these screens display all
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aircraft parking positions, taxiways and directly the runways themselves, yes, from which aircraft take off and land . the growth of passengers and cargo traffic, the opening and resumption of flights to the regions of russia and the countries of the far arc, all of which is why the training of domestic pilots is ripe. we recruited three pilot courses, that's about 30 people, now the guys are on the third. this is a subject that is studied in our
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language training department and prepares pilots who will directly fly the aircraft to conduct radio communications in english, these rules are mandatory for all pilots who fly air routes around the world. before taking to the skies, future pilots hone their skills here on special simulators. for example, this one completely duplicates the cockpit, everything that happens overboard, everything is fully automated, a few clicks on a button and you can change the weather, flight conditions, as well as the time of day. by graduation, cadets must have flown more than 150 hours in real aircraft. one of the first batch of cadets alexander parkalov has already flown from deina during practice and admits that he will remember this experience for the rest of his life. how did you feel?
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some kind of pride in oneself, responsibility, i understood how important this is, because you are alone in the cabin, no one will tell you, everything depends only on you and... everything worked out, such specialists will be in demand all over the world, without work they definitely won’t stay, and the main thing is not to miss leaving such personnel in the country, because all the conditions have been created for self-realization. upon graduation we will be given a certificate, a commercial pilot's license, this it is a global practice that in educational institutions they do not teach specifically, let’s say, roughly, for a large aircraft, that is, the airline recruits pilots who... already have a commercial pilot license, then they retrain specifically for a certain type, there is boing, embrier or airbus , i am studying on a budget, so they will assign me, i hope that i will be assigned to our national airline belavia and there i will continue my training
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as a pilot. the priority task of the academy is to form a national school brand training pilots so that the whole world knows that belarus is capable.
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that is, he is constantly working, changing time zones in flight, these are night flights, flights, these are day flights, flights, this is the hardest work, then as for now our belarusian state aviation academy, this year we are actually now entering the creation cycle national school for training and structures, now we have reached the national civil school, why is a cadet pilot he commented that upon graduation i will receive... we still have entrance control, we still have own exams, those that are carried out,
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those pilots that carry out, the commander of the aviation detachment, we will also test their knowledge, and we are ready. all for the sake of safety, of course, respected experts, to summarize our conversation, how do you see the future of our aviation industry, and what do we all need to do for this, igor nikolaevich, we will someday return to restoring all lost ties with the european union and with others countries, everything
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will be fine, this is not a normal situation, they understand this in principle, a recent forum in dubai international association. air transport, in principle, this is what everyone was talking about, the tops of the global aviation industry, it will all come back, all these restrictions will go away, business will develop, there will be flights, there will be normal flights, there will be normal flights, let’s go back to those numbers at the national airport 5 million, i think that soon enough there will be more destinations, there will be long-haul destinations, there will be hainan, there will be...
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irina vasilievna, you are like the daughter of a military pilot, what are the prospects, what is the future do you see the aviation industry in our country? i would like to paraphrase, once the slogan of military pilots who went through the great patriotic war was to fly the highest, the farthest, the fastest, so i wanted to paraphrase a little, we are still talking about civil aviation, fly the furthest , cheaper than everyone else, great from the doctor. we thank our guests
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and say goodbye to you, set goals higher than the sky , successfully achieve them for the benefit of our country, and may the economic environment be favorable for you, goodbye. secrets of good morning and good mood. dobroye ranitsa belarus is broadcast on satellites of the belarus 24 tv channel, the program is dobroye ranitsa belarus. svetlana barovskaya is with you in the studio. do you have a large family with children? three kids? three children, everything was done, how is she so small for this world, she gave birth to three children for you.
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dominates the information field, since the twentieth year our audience has grown, it has a very clear request for socio-political broadcasting. many people
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say: you cannot teach to love your homeland, you can you need to teach to love your homeland, you need to talk about its achievements, how much has been done for people, and you need to talk about it. the media is a very important link between, well, i’ll call it very loosely, the people and the authorities. without the media, this communication cannot exist. the media reports.
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on june 28, 1944, troops of the first baltic front liberated the city of lepel, the second belarusian front. breaks through enemy defenses and occupies the cities of mogilev, klichev, krugloye, bykhov, osifovichi. troops of the first belarusian front entered bobruisk and connecting with the third belarusian front, they develop an offensive in the direction of minsk. there were 30 days left until the complete liberation of belarus.
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russian troops pinned down significant enemy forces, preventing them from maneuvering in the main direction. the troops of the second belarusian front were tasked with defeating the enemy’s mogilev group, eight infantry and two motorized divisions of the fourth army of the army group center and liberating mogilev. the nazis turned the city into a strong center of resistance, covering its defensive lines from the east at
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a distance of 5-15 km, 3-4 km along in mogilev itself, certain areas were mined, and the enemy proposed to use some of the houses for defense. machine gun points were placed on the roofs of stone houses, and the enemy mined all the bridges across the dnieper and prepared them for destruction. the main role in the mogilev offensive operation was assigned to the forty- ninth army under the command of general grishin. it concentrated 50% of all divisions and 60% of artillery. and 80% of the tanks of the entire combat strength of the second belarusian front. on june 23, troops of the forty-ninth army crossed the pronya river, and on june 24-25, with the right-flank units of the fiftieth army, the basya river. on june 24, on the left flank of the front , the 121st rifle corps of the fiftieth army went on the offensive. after heavy three-day
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battles, the troops in the forty-ninth fiftieth army still managed to break through. disturbed enemy defenses and advance to a depth of 30 km. on june 26-27 , the army crossed the dnieper, north of mogilev, bypassed the city to the west and southwest, cut the mogilev-minsk highway, mogilev bobruisk on june 26, troops of the thirty-third army went on the offensive on the right flank of the front and liberated gorki on the same day. on june 27, kopys and shklov were liberated. troops of the fiftieth. on june 27, they crossed the dnieper south of mogilev, captured lupalovo, a suburb of mogilev, and united with units of the forty-ninth army. thus, by 19:00 on june 27 , the enemy in mogilev was surrounded. the twelfth infantry division, 632 security regiment, 490 security battalion and several special and rear units
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of the fourth army of the wehrmacht were encircled. german group command. 70 enemy tanks and assault guns, more than 200 guns and mortars, 316 machine guns, 840 vehicles, in addition, 15 tanks and assault guns, 160 guns, 70 mortars, 300 machine guns, 600 rifles and machine guns, 30 thousand shells, 1200 vehicles were captured , 2180 horses, as well as 45 different warehouses.
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the red army was also helped by the partisans for three years. the day before the operation, they began to destroy the enemy’s railway communications using rail warfare and paralyzed his transportation. partisan brigades and detachments of the mogilev and minsk regions. kept under control many sections of the mogilev-minsk, mogilev-bobruisk, orsha-minsk highways, a dense network of improved roads between the dnieper and druti, druti and berezina, in the triangle borisov osipovich and minsk. in these areas they steadfastly held large zones through which hitler’s troops tried to break through. the mogilev offensive operation was of great strategic importance. soviet troops pinned down significant enemy forces. allowing them to maneuver in the main direction. german-fascist the command was unable to systematically withdraw its troops, as a result of which they were surrounded and destroyed in the areas east of minsk, bobruisk and vitebsk. for excellent
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military operations during the crossing of the dnieper and the capture of mogilev by the troops of the second belarusian front on june 28, 1944, the supreme commander-in-chief declared gratitude for the heroism shown during the mogilev war. hero of the soviet union. 21 military formations and units received the honorary name mogilev. in addition to mogilev , osipovishche, old roads, klichev, kruglaya, krupki, lepel and bykhov. we are not telling dry historical facts,
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we are immersing ourselves in an era when people sailed along the neman, but here on the shore there were columns, you could jump on boats, and well, vetins, so yes, columns again, it doesn’t matter, everything is correct. the name svyatilovichi, svyatilovichi, suggests that it was a holy place, and one of the legends says that once on the shore of lake svyatilochi there was a pagan temple, artifacts with a centuries-old history, a real puzzle for us as time travelers. during their stay at this site, our ancestors hunted 25 mammoths. in addition to mammoths, a lot of remains of reindeer were found here, one. six hundredth rhinoceros, the task of our guides is to ignite in you a desire to touch the belarusian culture personally, we have a klf tradition, everyone who enters the houses
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where yakub kholas was born, here they make a wish on this couple, travel with tv channel belarus 24, i just thought, in order to the man was happy... he just needed a very tasty meal on time. we will prove that belarusian cuisine is not only potato pancakes , freshly grated raspberries with flour.


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