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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  June 28, 2024 5:05pm-5:35pm MSK

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relations in microelectronics, our enterprise proton, integral, planar, belarusian, today is moving into another stage, plus we supply innovative equipment, pumping equipment, fuel dispensing equipment, including additional areas of microelectronics, but now an intergovernmental commission with the brest executive is planned for july the committee and the president set the task of placing belarusian enterprises as... a multi-brand service center, a representative office for the assembly of equipment, the forum was held in three cities, for the first time in vitebsk itself, polotsk and novopolotsk they worked in sections, there were nine of them. i have everything by this time, see you at 19:00.
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the mogilev offensive operation was of great strategic importance. soviet troops pinned down significant enemy forces, preventing them from maneuvering in the main direction. the troops of the second belarusian front were given the task of defeating the enemy’s mogilev grouping. eight infantry and two motorized divisions. fourth army group army center and liberate mogilev. the nazis turned the city into a strong center of resistance, covering it from the east with defensive lines at a distance of 5-15 km, 3-4 km along the city’s outskirts. in mogilev itself, certain areas were mined, and the enemy offered to use some of the houses for defense. machine gun points were placed on the roofs of stone houses, and the enemy mined and prepared all the bridges across the dnieper. humiliation. the main role in
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the mogilev offensive operation was assigned to the forty-ninth army under the command of general grishin. it had 50% of all divisions, 60% of artillery and 80% of tanks of the entire combat strength of the second belarusian front are concentrated. on june 23, troops of the forty-ninth army crossed the pronya river. and on june 24-25 with the right-flank units of the fiftieth army. kubasiu, on the left flank of the front on june 24, the 121st rifle corps of the fiftieth army went on the offensive. after heavy three-day battles, the troops of the 49th fiftieth army still managed to break through the deeply chaotic enemy defenses and advance to a depth of 30 km. june 26-27 49th army crossed the dnieper, north of mogilev, bypassed the city to the west and south-west, cut the mogilev-minsk, mogilev highway. georgian
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on june 26, troops of the thirty-third army went on the offensive on the right flank of the front and liberated gorki on the same day. on june 27 , kopys and shklov were liberated. on june 27, the troops of the fiftieth army crossed the dnieper, south of mogilevo, captured lupalovo, a suburb of mogilevo, and united with units of the forty-ninth army. thus, by 19:00 on june 27, the enemy in mogilev was surrounded. the twelfth was in the ring infantry division, 632 security regiment, 490 security battalion and several special and rear units of the fourth army of the wehrmacht. the german command of the group was presented with an ultimatum: stop hostilities and surrender. the germans did not accept the ultimatum, so the city had to be taken by storm. fierce fighting in mogilev ended on june 28 at 18:00. there was a city.
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released. on the same day, moscow saluted the front troops with twenty artillery salvoes from 224 guns. the nazis lost more than 6,000 soldiers officers. red army troops destroyed 70 enemy tanks and assault guns. more than 200 guns and mortars, 316 machine guns, 840 vehicles. in addition, 15 tanks and assault guns were captured. 160 guns, 70 mortars, 300 shells, 1,200 vehicles, partisans also helped the red army, in 3 days 2,180 horses, as well as 45 different warehouses. before the operation, they began to destroy the enemy’s railway communications using rail warfare and paralyzed his transportation. partisan brigades and detachments of the mogilev and minsk regions controlled many sections of chassis roads. mogilev minsk,
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mogilev-bobruisk, orsha-minsk, a dense network of improved roads between the dnieper and druti, druti and berezina, in the triangle of borisov osipovich and minsk. areas, they steadfastly held large zones through which hitler’s troops tried to break through. the mogilev offensive operation was of great strategic importance. soviet troops pinned down significant enemy forces, preventing them from maneuvering in the main direction. the fascist german command was unable to systematically transport their troops, as a result of which they were surrounded and destroyed in the areas east of minsk, bobruisk and vitebsk. for excellent fighting. after the crossing of the dnieper and the capture of mogilev by the troops of the second belarusian front, on june 28, 1944 , the supreme commander-in-chief announced gratitude for the heroism shown during the mogilev operation; 92 soviet soldiers were awarded the title of hero of the soviet union.
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21 military formations and units received the honorary name mogilev. in addition to makelev , osipovichi was released on june 28. old roads, klichev, kruglaya, krupki, lepel and bykhov. the project was created with the support of the national tourism agency and the ministry of antimonopoly.
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russian cuisine is not only potato pancakes, see for yourself, because cuisine is a reflection of the history, culture and character of the people. we will show you what they eat in the west and east of our country, how they cook in the suburbs and napolesie, we go on a journey to create a gastronomic map of belarus. today in the slides i tried dairy products in all their diversity, aerated baked goods, a taste straight from childhood, roast with potatoes in a pot, a dish for men who are not given meat, this is
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an exclusively youth city, there are a lot of young people here, everything is done so that these young people have a good time, a huge number. although any tourist will like this fact. welcome to gorki. gorki is located in the north-east of the mogilev region, in the verkovye of the pronya and basya rivers. the city has a rich history; it is inextricably linked with the goritsa agricultural academy, which was opened in 1840. at first it was simple agricultural school, but later it grew to an institute. this is probably why, despite its long history, it is away from the city. exudes youthful student enthusiasm. the belarusian agricultural academy is exactly the case when an educational institution makes a city world famous, much like oxford or cambridge. and this is true, because the academy is one of the oldest and largest in the cis. there
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is even a museum where you can take a closer look at the history of this institution. if you think that the food on your table starts at the store, you are wrong. food on your table begins with an agricultural academy, we have one in belarus, many people know it, but i personally don’t know anything, but tatyana knows. tatyana, please tell me how the agricultural academy appeared on the territory of belarus? well, the story begins back in the 19th century, when there was a famine in russia, and crowds of hungry peasants walked along russian roads in search of food. it was then that the free man's friend economic society mardvin. made a memorandum for the all-russian emperor nicholas ii, he said that the peasants sow as they did 100 years ago, reform is necessary, because the well-being of the people depends on the fruits produced by the land, and the quality and quantity of these fruits depends on today’s science. when choosing where to locate the academy,
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many factors were taken into account, they looked at the presence of large water, water meadows, forests, roads and much more. it’s not surprising, because everything plays a big role in agriculture. and in the end the choice fell on the hill. from before the session, students live happily. and especially at the agricultural academy. by the way, how did the students live? well, our students lived there. according to a certain daily routine, for example, in winter they got up at 6:00 in the morning, and i see that breakfast is present from 7:30 to 8:00, and what did the students of the agricultural academy eat then a long time ago, well then we say about the agricultural school, and they ate quite modestly, tea with milk and a crust of rye bread, for lunch they ate meat , cereal cabbage soup, cereal soups, meat, and there were pies. with rice, meat, uh, and they had milk for the afternoon, but the students remembered that
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it was very pleasant to have an afternoon meal in the cold dining room, with cold milk, so they usually took their milk and made coffee, tea, etc. only the school inspector didn’t particularly like such arbitrariness; if he found violators, he forced them to pour everything into a common vat and drink from it, it turned out to be a kind of coffee based on a tea and milk drink, they say the taste was unforgettable, but after the inspector changed, the students' menu became richer, and the attendants had the important duty of preparing mustard for the entire school. i ground it into powder, then they added sugar, salt, boiling water, and oil, they added vinegar, this is the recipe, this student, he says, for the rest of my life, i will remember it, just how much we cooked, because there are essential butter and this... it was not so easy to prepare mustard for the whole school, but there was a compliment from the cook, because the person on duty
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was entitled to a large cutlet with a side dish, in addition, a large cutlet with a side dish for labor, it would seem that they feed well and teach useful work, but there was a time when they were simply afraid to send children here, the following legend has reached us, when the tsar’s circular came out about sending young children to the zemstvo school, the police officer of the poyarkov traveled around the provinces and he told a story that... the mogilev province is located on the edge of siberia, they built a mountain on the grave, they started a school on that mountain, they will teach your children about every grief, that’s why it’s called the highlander school. trusting peasants believed in this, and so that their children would not be taken to such a terrible place, they paid in gold. in return , the transcripts indicated that the potential student was deaf, blind, and yum. what a wonderful history of this place, and this story is even about food. although not only. this is a city within
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a city, it is immediately clear that the town’s academic history is two hundred years old, here modern buildings coexist very harmoniously with ancient, even royal ones. on the territory of the academy there are several very old buildings dating from 1840, these are...
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the creation of new source material, new varieties. last question: when in belarus
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will bananas start growing? are they in the academy botanical garden? so, you imagine, everything is here. and this is not an empty phrase, i wanted to drink tea, and olga had everything ready for this. i believe that herbal teas are a brand of our country, i sincerely think so. we don’t need black, we don’t need any other, green, for example, type of tea. there are many aromatic belarusian herbs that are in no way inferior to overseas ones, otherwise they can quench your thirst in the hot summer, well, just a nice thing, let’s move on, peppermint. like this it looks like this, it’s in the form of tea, it’s funny, they would let me smell it with my eyes closed, i would say that it’s chewing gum or toothpaste, i recommend trying it, but just a little bit, it’s a medicinal sop, a funny word, i just understand , that it is medicinal means you can drink it in liters, i’m joking, of course, but tea
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based on it is really useful, it has a light ginger-sage taste and is good to drink during a cold. you know, it seems to me that this is a godsend for our country, i sincerely say, and the most important thing is that everything where were these varieties bred? in our native belarusian state agricultural academy, for which i thank her very much. many of the plants grown here can be seen in the botanical garden. the botanical garden was also designed by an italian architect; it was opened in 1847, which means that it is much older than the minsk one. there are about fifty plants from the red book growing in the park, but besides them there is something to admire. do you think these are big bills? you are mistaken, these dominoes indicate the age of the botanical garden, although locals joke that it is a big back massager. in the warm season, the botanical garden resembles a blooming garden, everything is green and colorful. and here is a banana, not
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collected, growing in belarus. gorki is famous for something else... for its academy, they have another symbol, and this is not grain, not meat, but milk, it usually happens like this, you see such a milk tanker, and then you sit at the table and eat some kind of dairy products, but no one knows what happens between these two stages, so it’s damned to me interesting, so i go to the dairy production plant. belarusians love milk, belarusians drink milk, well, in the mountains they also cook from it... there are a lot of delicious products and mira will now tell me, show me, maybe even treat me. in fact, we’ll tell you a secret: mira and i have known each other for a long time, she’s my good, old friend, she just works at a wonderful dairy enterprise, for me it’s magic, that’s why i came to see, i, of course, decided to start with the most important meal , breakfast, we have cottage cheese with sour cream,
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a delicious product made from natural milk using modern equipment, and also gave me a lot of little sandwiches... i’ll be happy to try them, what do they come with? guess what it is? this is a sandwich with butter, the simplest thing there can be, but here it is the most delicious. i probably haven’t eaten such wonderful sandwiches with butter since childhood, in principle i didn’t think that it was possible to repeat that taste, but it is possible, the taste of childhood, i want to tell you, reminds me of a morning in the village, a sandwich at my grandmother’s with butter, and from natural cow cream. local the company is more than 100 years old. today, it produces more than 50,000 tons of dairy products per year, and i can see how this happens right now. remember the movie charlie and the chocolate factory, there in every department, in every department, something magical happened in the dairy industry, the same thing, just look. milk is wonderful on its own, you can bottle it and drink it that way, or you can put in
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the effort and get something else out of it. sour cream, butter, cottage cheese or kefir? the choice is extensive. at first glance, this is sour cream or any other dairy product, it’s so difficult, but in fact, in any dairy product there are two main ingredients, this is cream and sourdough. depending on what is required, one of the ingredients comes first. in the preparation of kefir or yogurt, the main role is given to the starter culture, but for butter, cream is very important, everyone has a package of butter, i’m certainly not just anyone. there is a village cat, but the desire to break off a piece is there, as if it has awakened. in fact, the packaging process simply fascinated me; i had never thought about how much there was types of packaging, and now i know for sure that each product has its own. and what’s also amazing is
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that here in every room, in every workshop there is a different smell, somewhere it smells like cottage cheese, somewhere. vanilla, somewhere fresh sour cream, these are such magical sensations, they are definitely worth experiencing. and now we are smoothly moving into the territory of another enterprise. products are stored here, it’s incredibly cold here, even in such a refrigerator you won’t be able to sit for long if you don’t have sour milk. they will introduce us to all this. very tasty and really refreshing, in general yes, on their own whey proteins from a biological point of view, they are more balanced in contrast to other types of protein, in fact, the
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company has fulfilled the dream of all bodybuilders, additives are no longer needed, there is an absolutely natural product, and what is included in the composition of this drink, we use such components as sweeteners sevi extract and sucrolose, why sevi extract and sucrolose, right? yes, you heard correctly, for the common man, in fact, this is a generally incomprehensible word, so to make it clearer, i’ll decipher it, these are sweeteners, which do not affect blood sugar levels and are therefore considered more beneficial. i tried everything, i looked at everything, but i really want to see how all this is produced, can you let me into the enterprise, give me a short tour? let's go, great! the raw material for the production of fermented milk products is whey, let's get started. from ultrafiltration. on this wonderful device, a process called ultrafiltration takes place. what is this? here the whey is separated into two fractions:
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carbohydrates and proteins. by getting rid of carbohydrates, we we leave the protein concentrate and get a lower calorie product. these huge reservoirs contain protein, from which a fermented milk drink will be made a little later. want to see what it looks like? then lactobacilli are added to the protein, which begin to work actively within 5 or 7 hours. lactobacilli are responsible for the taste and consistency, then the drink is bottled. this drink has a short shelf life, but it has a lot of benefits. a complete snack in one glass. the slides have many culinary symbols. and one of them - pies. to leave not only pleasant but tasty impressions on your trip, i advise you to stop by a cafe with standard pastries, which is located not far from
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the station. so, pies. when i was preparing for my trip, looking for information about gorki, i came across the word pie at least 10 times, so i decided to try what the pies of the city of gorki are famous for. i want to try more of everything, the table is literally bursting with pastries and nightly cheesecake. i will immediately say that even in appearance it does not look like cheesecake. our belarusian cottage cheese pies are neither a casserole nor a cheesecake, it is an absolutely separate dish, and the dish is quite popular and in demand. they didn’t skimp on the curd filling, it’s sweet with a vanilla flavor, it literally melts in your mouth. i think i could easily eat the whole pie, but i'd rather try something else. especially since there is plenty to choose from, and this pastry will cause amazing
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nostalgia for every person born in the soviet union, this is sour cream, we did n’t buy this pastry so often, it was not cheap, cost about 12 kopecks, but nevertheless it was the most, most beloved, i’ll explain why: this is a very simple dish, the secret of people’s love for sour cream is in the filling, the filling was made from cottage cheese, fat sour cream, sugar, then all this was carefully put into the dough and baked, which all soviet boys loved to do, when sour cream fell into our hands, this crust was eaten at the very last moment, it was put aside, and then happiness began and even... now it gives as much pleasure as before, sour cream is still just as fluffy, tender and beloved. this would seem to be a simple pastry, but it seems to me that it is precisely under this that one can evaluate
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the skill of a cook, a pastry chef, if the sour cream is a success, and here it is wonderful, it is fresh, juicy, very soft, tender, this means the chef is simply a genius. i’m not afraid to say that local baked goods could qualify for a mishlyan star. well, for now it gets five out of five stars from me. for example, in turkey or greece this is a common thing, when a restaurant is open downstairs, and the owner of the restaurant himself lives on the second floor. in in belarus, i only heard about such things, they say it was once upon a time in... how is this still the case? i would like to introduce you to a restaurateur, a farmer, an atelier all in one person, this is all
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tatyana. an outsider, there are a lot of ingredients on the table, we will need all of them to cook a roast with potatoes in a pot, usually in belarus they say that a roast means just meat, yes, we are used to seeing it that way, but i always add a little potato, let's start first, that means i have sunflower oil, well, first of all, you have me, oh don’t forget about this either, if you need help, please, i’m ready for strong help , okay, can i ask you to cut the meat into small pieces for frying.
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and, of course, at the request of our district, i help fulfill the state order for buckwheat, and so, with such a serious farmer , today we cook a roast, grate carrots and also put them in a frying pan, after our frying is ready, we put it on the bottom pot, we make a pillow of vegetables, we make a pillow because the meat can
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burn, and the meat, by the way, i’m already on... not we forget about the tomatoes, peel them, cut them up, throw them into a pot, now a load of meat has arrived, put it almost to the top, now we need some salt, yes, i’m on your call, oh, but you didn’t regret the salt, that’s okay, that’s enough, yes , and i love rock salt, which is unrefined and iadated, these are the spices, i smell paprika, dill, however, every housewife has her own favorite set of spices, so we don’t regret it, we add more of them for aroma and taste. now we take the potatoes and cut them large, slightly smaller than pieces of meat. there is not much space left in the pot, so we will only need one or two potatoes. now we close it, and of course i’ll also add a little butter. this is our secret ingredient, we won’t
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tell anyone about it, taste. it will be what you need, awesome, put our pot in the oven at 245° for 1 hour, recipe for roast with potatoes in a pot: for the roast we will need pork bones and the neck part, cut the meat into small pieces, at the same time cut the onion, garlic, three carrots, warm up pour sunflower oil into the frying pan to soften the taste, add a little butter, put the vegetables in the frying pan until they turn golden brown, put the frying on the bottom of the pot, before cutting the tomatoes, remove the skin from them, put them in the pot only after that we send the meat there, add salt and spices, cut the potatoes, put them in the last layer, the secret ingredient: another piece of butter, put our pot in the oven for an hour at a temperature of 245°. at all
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the word... roast comes from the word heat, in no case should you fry, because this dish is not fried, but it is cooked in the heat of a russian stove, or oven, this is also possible. we open our magic pot , the smell alone makes your mouth water, i can’t wait to try it, but so that you can also see our wonderful dish, i’ll put it on a plate. i see that below we have m...


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