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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  June 28, 2024 9:45pm-11:10pm MSK

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there was nothing like that, no one can joke with us these jokes, secondly, when we say that i am the worst president, go to the internet, presidential historians, i already talked about this, reporting decided that he is the worst president in us history , this is a fact, this is the opinion of scientists, this is not just guesswork. trump has talked a lot about the conflict in ukraine, one of the main culprits of which is biden. this is a war that should not have happened, that should never have started, would never have started with me, and he... because of him we are in such a terrible situation with ukraine, with russia, because ukraine is not winning this war, but they have no people left, no soldiers left, they have lost so many people and these beautiful thousand-year-old cities, all because of him and his stupid decisions, judging apparently, the american president's charge ran out just after the spotlights were turned off, and his wife led him off the stage. joe, you did a great job, you answered all the questions, i ask the audience.
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what did trump do? we have a lot of supporters here, everyone is delighted. the american press suddenly discovered well known. the physical condition of the democratic candidate is extremely deplorable. here are just some of the newspaper headlines. it's very sad that president barmochi stutters and freezes during the debate against trump. we have witnessed the end of the biden presidency. it scares. democratic voters are concerned about biden's performance in the debates. oh my god, why are the democratic elite panicking about biden's debate performance. biden's debate performance is a nightmare for democrats. the first debate was complete a disaster for joe biden. 90 minutes of painful debate biden mumbled while trump ranted. as a result, biden presented us with exactly the caricature that the conservative media came up with for him. and no editing, you saw everything with your own eyes. i talked to many leaders of the democratic party and there is panic after this speech.
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agree, you don’t even need a translation here. usually there is another debate right around the corner of a us presidential election, but there probably won't be one this time. a situation arose when biden needs to be changed, but alas, the democrats’ proverbial bench is empty. the only salvation for biden can be a global crisis, as has happened in the past, because it was because of american domestic political problems that the wars in iraq, afghanistan, and libya once began. it looks like it's time for the world to freeze in anxious anticipation. olek romanov, telenov agency.
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warsaw suddenly decided to start reconstructing the malosevichi transport hub. the flow of goods from china follows this hub to europe. investment of 820 million euros will increase the capacity of this node. currently , only 4% of chinese cargo reaches europe by rail. it is hardly an accident that this decision was made after the recent visit of the polish president to beijing; the chinese know how. convince. warsaw’s threats to close the crossings on the belarusian-polish border now look increasingly doubtful. firstly, they are an element of the trade bridge that connects europe and asia. secondly, poland’s exports to belarus for the last, first third of the year amounted to billion euros. the loss of such money for farmers in the neighboring country will be very sensitive. yes, the warsaw regime, of course, knows how to stay in the air, here is another example, for some they... do not
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renew student visas for six months, do not pay scholarships, who is to blame and what to do? plan b from anastasia benedesyuk. one of these days , certificates with the results of centralized testing will begin to be issued in belarus. targeted applicants are already submitting documents to universities. students close the session and go on internship or vacation. stress, if there is any, is justified and quite predictable. yes, you may not get into your chosen university or take a retake, this happens, if it happens, it’s your own fault, you didn’t finish your studies. now imagine, you passed the selection process, the competition, got admitted, maybe your first year is already behind you, spent a lot of your parents’ money, passed the exam, maybe even excellently, they won’t let you into the university, or into the country. belarusian students were abandoned by poland, these are the modern realities.
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student visas are more often issued not for a year, as before, but for six months, which is worse they refuse. students miss classes and do not know how to deal with absences. the dean's office is in position. is not included, and the polish ministry of defense does not require it. when i started to figure out why i was refused, it turned out that the polish ministry of foreign affairs did not make an official request to the university, without which the university does not have the right to disclose any information. most likely, i was rejected for this reason, although when submitting documents to grodnoy, i attached official confirmation of my student status with university seals. and such stories now there are many, they are all in the public domain. they begin to figure out what’s wrong, it turned out that poland is not sure that this student will leave the country after graduating from university, that is
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, they are not really needed anymore, the money was handed over and that’s enough. the polish edition of the polish-lithuanian commonwealth writes that the government is reducing the issuance of visas by 50-90%, depending on the type of documents. this is it, the end. visa eldorado, the ministry of internal affairs and administration of poland is conducting analytical work that will determine the priority of immigration policy. the tightening will continue, colleagues are sure. let me remind you that the polish prosecutor's office, the central anti-corruption bureau, the supreme control investigative committee of the sejm continue to investigate corruption visa schemes. so, almost three times less this year , the poles issued work visas in format d to foreigners. indeed, only a year, while belarusians are denied more often than, mind you, ukrainians; humanitarian visas are also not scattered around, as in 2020, after all, they were issued en masse, arguing in belarus unsafe, now it’s good, the same picture with schengen, they suspended the issuance of special
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visas for it specialists. poland, business, harbor, everything, from now on it specialists will be in line for a work visa, and there, we remember, the percentage of refusals is growing. part to students, they pay for their studies, plus apartment rent, food, but they didn’t extend their visa, now without education and without money, it turns out that they don’t pay a scholarship for six months, the debt for one belarusian has reached $3.00. belarusians in poland, unfortunately, are second-class people, black sheep, as a student at bsu, victoria, will say, she studied in warsaw for a year and took the documents herself. with lisa, yes, it was really sick. topic, unfortunately, because i entered, i was enrolled in september, the documents for a visa only came to me around the end of december, only in january i was able to get it. faced with reality, it’s one thing when you come as a tourist, with friends, with your parents, it’s a completely different thing to find yourself in an unfamiliar country, with a different language, in a stressful situation, when
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you just got admitted and you need to study, i for some time i thought and decided that i still want to return home, i want to study in minsk, and the program provided by the belarusian state university on... international relations, international law, this was just my dream, and i happily returned, i was probably the first thing that bribed me when i first came that they saw me behind the papers, saw my problem, and treated me very kindly. belarus has good programs, practice, and a guaranteed first job, so applicants are their parents, read the chats of belarusians in poland, they are spammed, even those those who have received an education cannot find a job later. and if there is no job, there is no visa, although a direct connection is already here and not required. life, in principle, in poland turned out to be far from heavenly for fugitive belarusians; groans are increasingly heard from the other side of the border that the polish
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healthcare system is hell, created more to maintain the number of fatal statistics than to save the living. the problem is systemic, including the lack of personnel. so in 2023 , the waiting time for a specialist is more than four months, for example, for an appointment with an endocrinologist patients wait 10 months, these are very average figures, so the fugitive belarusian, as she complains on the internet, received an appointment with the doctor only for march 2026, i was at transi, which means i have a referral, i’m not deceiving anyone, see the date 04/21/26
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how fugitives are now drowning in the swamp of polish healthcare, what systemic errors led to a total medical crisis in poland, watch the katyushin calculation section on sunday on the main broadcast. the agricultural sector of belarus faces serious challenges; it forms about 13% of the country’s gdp, this idea was expressed by prime minister roman golovchenko during the presentation of the new deputy prime minister, yuri shuleik, to the team. the former head of the brest region will oversee issues of the agro-industrial complex. aic, of ​​course.
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the governor will have the region in the sights of yuri shuleik, and the new head of the ministry of agriculture and food, anatoly lenevich, is moving from vitebsk to minsk, ensuring the growth of agricultural production, completing the program for the construction and acquisition of modern dairy complexes, effective use of reclaimed lands, these are the guidelines in the work of the new minister. it is necessary to work with personnel, that is, today there is a lack of population not only of specialists, but also... of people of mass professions, so this needs to be done in order to work out the issue of new
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technologies in order to simplify as much as possible and get the maximum return from it, to effectively use all available capacities that are available in the military-industrial complex, the task of achieving exports, increasing exports to 9 billion. on behalf of the head of state of the new the minister was introduced to the mit team until now maxim. rozhenkov served as first deputy head of the presidential administration, supervised issues of international cooperation, and began his professional career in the foreign policy department. the main direction of the ministry's activities now is foreign economic affairs. in the context of the economic war being waged against us, this is a key priority. concrete results are needed in terms of balancing foreign trade and ensuring the growth of our exports at a faster pace in relation to import. the head of state set a specific task for all of us: to increase
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the export of goods and services by no less than 7.6% this year. the tasks before the department are important, but the new minister has no doubt that the team is strong, which means that all plans will be fulfilled. deputies of the house of representatives of the eighth convocation of the national assembly closed the first session and considered several documents. questions are under the close attention of the renewed council of deputies.
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in the criminal procedure code, in the code on education, a number of other issues that
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require further development and clarification; between sessions , deputies will work in standing commissions and electoral districts. the independence palace hosted special guests today, on the eightieth anniversary of the country's liberation from fascist invaders, the symbol of independence was visited by veterans and children of war. residents of besieged leningrad, former minor prisoners of fascism, are those generations who saw with their own eyes how industries, entire cities and how many...
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this is one of the photographs that were symbolically placed in the independence palace on the eve of the eightieth anniversary of the country's liberation from fascism. simple and peaceful people are fleeing the war, taking all that is most valuable, these are children. and for today’s guests of the palace of independence, these frames are reflected not just as a chronicle of films, but as their own childhood memories. collage depicting the telespol gate of the brez fortress, especially.
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why childhood years bring tears, i would like to forget such stories, but no matter how hard you try, for those whose childhood was spent in besieged leningrad or a concentration camp is countable, today this is a special category of guests in the palace of independence, finding themselves in the hall of the ceremonial ceremony, he is the first to greet the largest and most capacious, they choose an observation position, and here, perhaps, every detail is unique, there are no words even to express the delight when you visit... in this temple, which was created by the hands of creators living on belarusian soil, this is an achievement, this is the uniqueness of every corner of this building, hardly anyone is better than those who saw how labor-intensive it is to restore
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what was destroyed, they could understand what it was like to erect the main building in record time... bow to him, beauty, of course, and the fact that the most important thing is that it was all done by the hands of our people, our fellow countrymen, belarusians, i’m very glad, pride takes over, really, pride, yes, pride in the fact that we can do not worse, but better than what they show us abroad, this excursion group was very different from
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those that were here before, suffice it to say, average age of excursionists 86, the beauty of the palace was not taken into account... through the screens of mobile phones they looked a lot, as if trying to remember the colors and architecture, and of course, the history that the event and people write here. i came to belarus in 1983, i still remember at the station there were ramparts such that the metro was built in belarus, which is unrecognizable. so everything has changed, all this is being done for the better, such a huge building has been built, and it feels like there is some kind of approach to it, you know, right away.
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this management personnel appointments of alexander lukashenko, this is not only directly now,
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hello, the club of editors is on air on tv channels belarus 1 and belarus 24, we will be there. read all the most important, interesting topics of the past seven days, allow me at the very beginning of the program, according to tradition, i will introduce the guests who came to our studio today, well, vadimirov, head of the department of social policy, ideology, academy of management under the president of the republic of belarus, vadim gegin, member of parliament, general director of the national library, andrey krivasheev, general director of the minsk news agency, head of the bsg, deputy minsk city council, yuri voskresensky, political scientist, head of the ksds and borovik, political scientist, also a deputy of the minsk city council, good evening, dear friends, today we have a slightly unusual composition of regular participants in the business club, by the way,
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i didn’t think about the forum, well, here’s three cities, such a big event, they began to participate, sections were held and in fact i want to tell you, this is not only an economic agreement that is signed, but you very much feel this spiritual connection when they handed over the banner of the polotsky cadet schools yes. belarus and russia have worked in the format of a union state, this interaction is direct interregional, believe me, for those large platforms where belarus is striving, in which it is already. the shanghai brix cooperation organization is participating. filling with interregional direct cooperation provides a colossal foundation for communication, because belarus has already worked out this scheme with the people's
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republic of china, a year has passed for the regions of belarus and china, look how many lively, new projects have emerged, that is, the logic is this: presidents at the level of summits of heads of state, the sco or brix set the strategic agenda, here are the corridors, here are the infrastructure projects, here is the economy. import substitution is again a big project, for example, energy, nuclear power plants, pipes and so on, at the level of direct interregional interaction, that very colossal foundation of tens of thousands of new projects is being created, so this is our belarusian-russian experience, which the president of belarus, by the way, launched in the union state, is now in demand at the most influential global platforms, by the way, returning to the regional forum, the academy of management under the president also participates in it, yesterday i also contributed a little, so really, this is the invention of alexandravich lukashenko, when he was back in the late nineties established this
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direct diplomatic line and connections between minsk and russian regions, and today this has been extrapolated with the support of vladimirovich putin, this is truly interstate and union communication that has great prospects in the economic sphere, this is understandable, but it seems to me that the most important thing is the humanitarian and ideological sphere, because...
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they put on a show, it’s not very profitable, but we know that ukraine, unfortunately, is not an independent country, but the forum is yes , it’s a very good event, and two such big statesmen are involved in this, antalya ivanovna and valentina ivanovna with and... i’m sure that well, this is a tradition to live by, by the way, we have never had such a practice either, in recent years we have been interacting with russian regions, and although we have enough information about what is happening in russia, in principle, from federal channels, and just last year our film crew went on a business trip to the russian federation more than 80 times, you can imagine, i ’m now working on one big project, i’m working with text, there was such a thesis, i remembered it now, just yesterday i signed up for 2022. i think two visits were from russian regions at very different levels, can you imagine the volume of interaction, a 140 million market, we are an industrial country, well what else needs to be invented, of course
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the advisers there say that it is necessary... they grow their own spanish tomatoes, i am categorically against this, and you are saying that we have a spiritual connection, a common history with the russian federation, as i always want to say, we had nothing in common with the poles, we had nothing in common with the lithuanians.
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better than they live, i’ll give you a small example, what concerns every citizen, yes, in 2021 there was no svo yet, in fact, they all know very well that we and belarus were not accused, that we a co-aggressor on the ukrainian side, the ukrainian side unilaterally denounced the pension agreement, all of whom, and we have many and common families,
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were somewhere there, a lot of citizens.
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to save them, among other things, because this is our sound, reasonable policy, because it is aimed not only at ensuring peace and order on our land and continuing progressive development, but also at preserving peace in europe, we are truly donors regional and international stability in the context that we are trying to pursue a policy, i will once again emphasize common sense, not relying on some seven-minute opportunistic aspects of interaction, because in... any relationship there are nuances and there are acute phases, but when we rise above the fray and see the strategic line of our development , we can avoid wrong actions, our baltic friends, unfortunately , made such fatal mistakes when they fell completely under external control, they put their economy under external control, the poles today fell into that a situation where they have practically been prepared for military contact with the russian federation, this is very dangerous for us, so
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i still hope that... before the first year, the white church is 120 km near kiev, there is a belaya tserkov fur factory, i’m in this time i am with my father, the director of the factory, yes, he receives an order from the modern ussr, even from fokin then yes, from the soviet past, as it were, an order from january 1, 1992 to break all ties with the russian federation, the director is sitting factories, and what should i do, where will i get the fur, i bring everything from siberia, from spain, close the factory. and there haven’t been any historical insults yet, yes, we haven’t done any insults yet, that’s what lukashenko did, that it wasn’t the ukrainians who did it, who benefits from this coming down from above, which means the authorities, roughly speaking, are dealing with it, this is the corruption component
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of external management, that we were lucky, you understand in due time, that understand, you will remember these ninety-thirds, if poznyak had come to power, he would have spoiled russia, he would have had all the relations there interrupted.
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and to understand what awaits us in the next five-year period, it will be the most difficult five-year period, we are all, therefore, neighboring countries, it is clear that the population loves us, respects our president, our choice, our
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sovereignty, but unfortunately, they bank and rule on in this market there are completely different people, and we see that our neighbors, the officials of our neighbors, have gone beyond all these human... norms, this applies to the murder of migrants, bullying of truck drivers, bullying of their own population, and even remember this example, we didn’t promote it much, but when they watered some kind of pig waste, and the perimeter of the border, i just didn’t understand whether it was true or not, is it really true, when i found out that it was true, i was shocked, because it’s classic incitement of religious hatred, this is prohibited. all legislative acts of the european union, that is, the polish regime is inciting religious hatred, and it directed, chose as its target this time people who profess islam, that
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is, this is shocking, it means they have nothing sacred, no brakes, taking into account new appointment, responsible for foreign policy in the european union, you and i remember all the time... you said that in europe each subsequent one is worse than the previous one, i think we will still remember with a kind word old barel, because now the foreign policy of the european union will be. ..
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there is a nation without space, which means a nation without living space, the people are proletarians, and accordingly racial theory and so on, plus for this very large financial groups allocated circles for the liberation of the territory, because liberation our territory simply meant destruction, eviction of the population, subsequent economic occupation, this does not mean liberation, capture, our well, their understanding is liberation.
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side, he was right, this is all abnormal, that is , it was done using other methods on our territory, in the eurasian region, and today they have achieved very excellent results, you and i are sitting at this table and we are saying what is beneficial to washington, because it is beneficial for them that we destroy, well, we are telling the truth on the one hand, we are telling the truth with you about that the short-sighted policy of the europeans, that actions that destroy.
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the fact that they are bringing us closer and closer to a military confrontation, the president of serbia said correctly today, and i said this two weeks before, we are approaching the stage of uncontrollable escalation, when the decision to use serious weapons will no longer depend on politicians theft and crossing borders, now the law, i’ll finish, i ’ll finish for you, you ask me a question, i’ll finish quickly, and this will be the situation that will control the actions of politicians, therefore... we say everything correctly, this is true, but the problem is that this
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confrontation right up to, they have already achieved an economic interruption of trade and economic relations, an interruption of political relations, and today they are trying to ensure that we enter the military phase , thank god, i know that we are negotiating with european partners through certain channels, and the russian federation is leading, thank god, but we still need to follow the path so that, first of all, i draw your attention, we see negotiable parties, so that we are there politically back.
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regarding how the situation is controlled by politicians or not, in fact, because of this murder, no first world war would have started, and austria was not going to start it without pressure from germany, the then emperor did not like franz ferdinand, but by this point, we must remember that there have already been a number of crises, moroccan, bosnian, that is, the world was breathing war, and it no longer mattered what the reason for this would be. now, unfortunately, the world is breathing war, socio-economic conditions have developed in which the united states of america, wanting to maintain its hegemony, cannot maintain it either in the socio-economic or military-political spheres, all the goals of american individual leadership
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declared with the end of the cold war have not been fulfilled, they have not led to economic prosperity, crises, they did not lead to the security of an increase in terrorism.
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came to the soviet embassy, ​​the minister of justice, the us attorney general, with ambassador dobrydin, they say they drank whiskey there, they sat in the soviet embassy and agreed on as a result, a direct line was established, the kreb crisis was resolved (11 factors), i can’t imagine now that let alone the minister of the united states, in general some official would come to the russian embassy and talk there, can you imagine what the americans brought to the conversation with the new russian defense minister, but clearly. remember the meeting in ankara that took place, there are their visitors both open and closed, the cia, mi-6, french intelligence, these contacts support negotiations are always ongoing, they may not be public, colleagues,
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once again, i agree, sweet frantsich came up, but today we still have it from all sides on european channels. come out, yes, returning to history, it means that they mentioned dobrynin correctly, so that you know, yes, dobrynin had a special door, a passage to the white house, he is that very door, yes, that is the same door that the correct door was about , even when the coldest war was, yes, brennin passed through, yes, through the back door, roughly speaking, through the back door,
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germany wanted to seize the colonies, yes, england, france resisted, both the side were ready for war, one shift yes, but it was militarized, this situation was in ours. in our specific historical situation today, yes, the united states of america is losing, but no one wants to take it from them, we are not preparing for war, we don’t want to destroy them, we will act, like china, using economic methods, war is proposed by the aging american empire , in this unique situation, this is not a complete repetition of the first or second world war, and today, by the way, when our president, the president of russia and xinden, the chairman of the people's republic of china, they propose, yes, a new concept of a multipolar world, that’s you...
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to mock him, well, age is age and a person needs to be helped to be left alone, it bothers me that he is the president
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of the united states of america, yes, we say that there is something from him nothing by and large depends anymore, completely different people make decisions, he is only a sign and voices some decisions made, but it looks terrible, trump, he’s the same, only healthier than this person, yes, but i’ll just say now, yes. didn’t they understand that it was necessary to remove this man long ago? is it really so bad with the second, third echelon that no one could be recognized as the crisis of that very thing? now we are celebrating the 80th anniversary of the liberation of belarus, the operation began on june 23, the same german generals.
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biden’s effective and main task is probably to survive until the elections, because in my opinion, returning to the thoughtfulness or ill-conceivedness of the american system, they have probably already decided everything electorally in the swing states, that is, they brought there there are so many migrants that biden really just needs to survive. the second observation is that they constantly pointed out to us freedom of speech, freedom of the press, and why they didn’t invite journalists to these debates, except for cnn journalists, who provided this for the first time, by the way. other journalists, but there was some justification, they can see something, not how biden comes down from the back stairs, how
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his wife, if i’m not mistaken, was not invited for the first time , takes him away, or how trump blurts out something wrong. third, regarding rhetoric, but this it just looked disgusting and, well, even aesthetically ugly, when one means accusing the other of insanity and cognitive impairment, and trump naturally accused biden of complete cognitive inconsistency. are malnourished or suffer from illnesses due to hunger, you imagine the percentage, that is , every tenth american, now transfer this to our situation, if we had 9000
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million people.
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by the evening they, of course, will disperse by our broadcast, i’m on tims, the democrats are in a panic, while biden is stumbling, and the irritable debate with trump, muttering sepia, biden's performance at the debate sent democrats into a panic, it's nbc, the new york times, it's scary democratic voters are worried about biden's struggle in the debate. hey look, in the debate with trump, biden was unable to develop concerns about his age; the republican, full of personal attacks , stormed the president with hoaxes and lies, and so on. economist, biden's terrible debate performance casts doubt on his candidacy the president had one task and he completely failed at it coped with what task is unclear, to withstand, oh god, for what, rolin stones writes, the democratic elite was in panic from biden’s speech, at the debate, democrats looked with horror at the first presidential debate in 2024, wondering out loud: is it possible to replace biden as candidate at such a late stage. the guardian, this debate was
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a disastrous performance for biden, slammed biden's performance.
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at one time he completely changed the political system in the country, you remember that our supreme council had such power that, well it was very difficult for the president or the head of government at that time to steer accordingly in a number of situations, and even in the chamber in the chamber ours in the supreme council could not agree on this and accept it, and therefore a politician who is young, strong, energetic, economically independent, is dangerous for them, which... may change the general principles and approaches of washington's policy; perhaps it will not fully correspond to the policies of these financial and industrial groups, so i think that there is still a certain the idea is that people who are not fully capable or who are absolutely clean from the point of view of the law will compete for the presidential seat in the united states; the only danger for us is that these
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financial industrial circles want to solve their problems at our expense. i watched this debate live today and didn’t get enough sleep, but it was really very interesting, firstly, of course, you can’t call it a debate, it’s more like some kind of open lecture, an open appointment with the attending physician, because in the studio there was not a single person, there were no journalists, no staff, except for the moderators, which means the microphones were turned off all the time, that is , either one of them was turned on.
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biden can live to live, he will live, and of course, taking into account the votes of migrants by postal voting, they will give him a victory and can pull out a victory, but what, what the american empire will turn into next is a big question, so they have a very big crisis now, and i think that such a candidate could be michelle obama, because she is a - a woman, b - black, maybe, but i don’t believe that it’s 40% right away.
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regarding these tv debates, i’m also behind them i watched, well, briefly, which means that he didn’t choose biden’s time, he finished before his timer stopped, which means, secondly, he had a hoarse voice, they later explained that he had a cold, yes, he sat in camp david for a week and i caught a cold somewhere, this is a consequence of an overdose of stimulants and drugs. but he refused to take the test that trump instructed, and any motorist knows that if you refuse what was certified, there are, these are other questions, which means what else, he was stuck, trump left, and jill took him away, he
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in fact, as they say, i was in the ward, as for trump, which means that he told me something important, well, not to me, to everyone, yes, that first, he said that your son, meaning hunter, means. he is a criminal , things are still going on with him, he will go to prison again, and if i become president, then you will go to prison for your son, so here andrei evgenevich said correctly, ginsburg , an academician, once said that you have to live to receive the nobel prize up to 100 years, that’s about the same task now facing biden is worth it, he must be held out until the elections so as not to go to jail, so he will fight to the last, and this will completely drown the democratic party, which means, yes, today the question is, in fact, these televised debates were scheduled for the first time in now we understand, why is this for june history, so that the dem party can look, do something, see in action, but unfortunately, hillary clinton,
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this whole gang of her yes, who are now in control, she trampled everyone around biden so that they call him killari, she is killari, yes, she literally trampled everyone, look at the vice president, at kamala haris, which means there are simply no candidates, as for...
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the use of standard weapons and technical means for the sake of electronic warfare. on june 26, in the yelsky district of the gomen region , a border guard at the border outpost of the mozar border detachment, as a result of the use of military weapons of suppression, committed a violation of airspace. moving from ukrainian territory deep into belarus. the unmanned aerial vehicle was forced to land 150 m from the state border. video files and analyzes were found on the idp flash card, which indicate that the aircraft was conducting reconnaissance of industrial facilities, as well as border infrastructure, located in the border area. in addition, the day before, in the same direction , during operational activities , a cache was discovered, a cache with components for the manufacture of homemade fatty devices.
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found a container with 2 kg of plastic explosive used devices, fuses with fuses and detonators for them, the border service authorities, in cooperation with the ministry of defense, are carrying out a set of measures to additionally cover the state border, this is very serious, this is very serious, and we remember what the russian volunteer corps noted for, let’s say frankly, this a division of the main intelligence directorate headed by budan. it was budanov’s unit that played, they held up there, well, yes, no, the russian offensive, now it’s really russian, when they entered kharkovskaya region, yes, the situation is really alarming, look what is happening on the ukrainian front, no matter what they say, the situation is stabilized, tense, or even under control, these are typical moments for them, the resignation of general sodal, the ukrainian army is in discord, the chief of staff of the twelfth brigade of the national guard tazovtsy simply comes out with devastating criticism. addressed to one of
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the leading commanders, this is a unified command, which means that hortes with the combined forces, having done so, he is immediately removed from his post, this is a recognition that the actions ukrainian generals at the front are unsatisfactory, now there is more and more talk about the real state of the armed forces of ukraine, they need to give something to society, they have a way out, the so-called asymmetrical war in relation to russia, these are missile strikes, these are provocations, terrorism , well, forays.
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why do i care about this situation, why did i constantly talk about the need for de-escalation and never supported it, i say again, we are going to the end of these idiotic statements, it is not clear to what and whose end, because from the point of view from the point of view of the logic of war, any escalation, if the parties are comparable in strength, can lead to the most catastrophic consequences when the party that is the direct beneficiary does not directly have a conflict at its borders. it will carry out
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such an escalation and such a degree of escalation that it can have the most destructive consequences for those parties that are using, both sides are being used today, you see, they are implementing today the policy of the nazis, who here pursued a policy to cleanse our territory, today only we are clearing our own territory with our own hands, destroying our own population, getting a demographic crisis, what to do, in your logic, i always argue with you in the editors’ club, there is a flaw in your logic, the first flaw, well, here you are. the third reich of the nazis, so according to your logic, if the anti-hitler coalition united under the banner of europe under the nazi reich has comparable forces, then they had to negotiate after. after the ovens, after the genocide, after the holocaust, stop esca, why are we being let down, are we being led to the provocation of using tactical nuclear weapons, that’s what they want from us, they want to subsequently accept the toughest sanctions pressure, turn china away from russia and
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exclude russia from it, i recently spoke, by the way, with one european, by the way, he speaks sometimes the worst is better than the best, he says, if...
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how to put it correctly, the americans themselves do not directly contact, do not enter into battle, so their task is to provoke an indirect conflict so that either french or american nato troops will come there troops, a direct confrontation between russia and nato would begin, and putin really avoids this, so he acts very carefully, here is the conversation between belousov and... austin yes, which we mentioned ivan mikhailovich, and of course we don’t know what was going on there speech, but it’s completely understandable, this happened after a provocation on the sevastopol beach, by the way, i know this personal beach, i ’ve vacationed there 100 times, it’s one of the best places near sevastopol, and of course, that means osten got scared when it happened
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it was stated that there would be some retaliatory measures, which after the strategic american drone fell, they say, the same one that dropped missiles on the beach, whether it still fell or not, i still don’t understand, it is reported. i think that it was the american side that was worried, trembling about what would happen, what it would be, although on the other hand, it seems to me that the new american authorities and the fact that trump will come to power in this situation, it is beneficial to escalate to some greater extent, to delay russia when they're scared, when they're scared, if they
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really get scared, because provoke some very direct action. in vahan lexus, in van lexus, contacts again came out with another european political politician, it was the minister of foreign affairs in great britain, the current cameron, this is what he said about the prospects for ukraine joining the nato, there will be no invitation, because america will not support him , this is what i
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said to president zelensky: let's try to express the most correct words about nato support for ukraine, but let's not, we shouldn't have a dispute between nato and ukraine. "let's do our best to creating a bridge to membership. membership is irreversible, irrevocable, no matter what we may receive. and then, let's make sure that we go into the conference united in our approach, because we can't afford to have a public argument about where ukraine stands in relation to nato in the run-up to the july summit. i think this is reasonable. i support ukraine's membership in nato, i always have, and i'm sure it will happen." but this time we won't get that invitation, so i think it's important don't argue about this. this is what i was talking about, which means memeron said, the americans will not let it in, the americans.
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the ocean for them is like a home lake, all their communications are there, and if someone there starts to put pressure on their nerves, that’s what they call it, remember there was such a film, the meeting place cannot be changed, when zhiglov said there, this is fox, this is his rookery, here he is, as they say, love with gain, the americans don’t want to allow anyone there, so there is already china, yes, china, with the decisive behavior of the russian federations, china is very careful, frankly speaking, when putin and kemchinin agreed there, this is a completely different situation. do a very simple thing, you already noticed , yes, that it was announced that
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tests of a hypersonic north korean missile were being carried out, i’m not saying anything more, but it’s not easy to fly there, but 2 minutes and that’s it, that’s why the republic of korea has 30,000 american soldiers, us citizens, not only that, nuclear submarines, yes, nuclear cruisers go there, i’m talking about this now, that they themselves brought to this very red border, which they prescribed for themselves, and putin is quietly pressing on it... this is the result of the fact that the same james cameron, yes, one of the main provocateurs, who demanded that ukraine be immediately accepted in nato, he himself admits, yes, it’s a tailcoat, it’s a fact that no one will be allowed there now, it’s too dangerous, too hot for the usa, believe me, the united states of america understands only force, but if we show them our strength, we’ll show that we are not afraid, then they will listen to us, and we this is exactly what we are showing, here is the republic of belarus for 30-odd years. yes, it is under sanctions, it puts pressure and pressure, why did we expel it, but because nothing can
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be done with us, that’s all, we went a little to the side, and that means it’s clear that when asked who is to blame, we all agree here, we all understand , but vadim frantsivich correctly posed the question of what to do, and i return to this shocking plot, the fact is that if such a detailed, detailed reorganization was carried out, it means...
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it’s not about preventing a full-scale war were signed, the ukrainians lost so many people and territories of subjectivity. regarding najeel farage, i want to add something else, which means that he is the father of brexit, yes, the uk’s exit from the eu, when he carried it out, he said: “i’m leaving politics, he’s a businessman, i’ll never go into politics again.” i won’t come back, if he came back, he
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was returned, well, we’ll assume he agreed or was returned, and that means he considers the situation really dangerous, that’s all.” i mean, yes, there is no difference between labor and the tories, now a new labor member will come the same military bullshit is being spun in the uk, i beg your pardon, and farage intervenes, firstly, he chops off a lot of votes there. they have these liborists, and secondly, he raises and promotes this anti-war theme, and if you like, he again hits the european union, since great britain today, yes, it again seems to be drawn into european politics, the same kaya callas , about which she shouts, we must create a european army, that is, great britain will not be in the eu, but will be in the european army, that is, it will pay money, still not receive anything, that is, this is generally the policy of idiots, and it’s an absolutely economic loss to play in the minus, so at least...
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contact anyone, europeans, remember, take your head, otherwise we will all end up with a third world war, well, yes, well, yes, god be with them, so, i think we discussed this topic, we talked about the personnel who are in power in the united states of america, one had to spend a week there, well, probably with the help of doctors, to come to his senses .
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