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tv   247  BELARUSTV  June 29, 2024 3:55am-4:20am MSK

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take a walk along the cascade of lakes along the banks of the rivers and be sure to make a secret wish, because miracles happen to those who believe in them. the nalibogsky republican landscape reserve is another natural treasure on the map of our country. it is located on the territory of the nalibokskaya pushcha, one of the largest forest areas with protected status in belarus and throughout eastern europe. nalibokskaya pushcha truly. a vast region of untouched forests, its area is 96,000 hectares. permeated with numerous with streams and rivers like veins, the pushcha is a unique natural complex that has become home to many rare plants and animals. more than 820 different plant species grow here. the liboki forest is rich in birds. there are individuals of 29 species. they nest here.
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numerous populations of kingfisher and lesser spotted eagle; guests of the reserve can observe torpan-shaped horses; in winter , it is possible to encounter bison in the wild. when traveling on forest roads , deer and roe deer are often encountered, and hikers walkers will be happy to explore eco-trails to enjoy this amazing region and listen to its stories. welcome to belarus. in the guide section we will get acquainted with the best projects of the tv channel, the latest news from the sphere of the belarusian economy, a real knightly festival, as well as an introduction to the peculiarities of working at ojsc integral. the government hosted a meeting of the joint commission on cooperation between belarus and the leningrad region. we agreed that starting next
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year we will determine contracts based on formula price in russian rubles and fix it in russian rubles road construction equipment - a new direction of our work. in the ballroom, a meeting of the two chambers of parliament took place, the focus was on monetary policy. the moderate intensity of inflation processes, as well as the stability of the exchange rate, contributed to strengthening confidence in...
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this is a full production cycle, that is, there is both the development and production of developed products, this is when we talk about microcircuits, the scope of application of integrated circuits, which integral produces, it widely covers mechanical engineering, medical products, and space. what are integrated circuits? in a nutshell, this is a device that processes signals or stores them. each microcircuit has its own functionality, some of its own characteristics; naturally, we produce it to meet the needs of a specific consumer who sets these characteristics. silicon is used to produce microchips. on the one hand, it is an inexpensive material, while its physical and chemical properties are good, allow us to subsequently produce a fairly reliable and multifunctional device, plus it is easy to process. together with the tv channel belarus2. we will visit the company,
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which has become the largest manufacturer of integrated circuits and semiconductor devices in central and eastern europe in a one-day program. what kind of diet did people in the middle ages follow? three meals a day certainly did not exist then. for breakfast there was a glass of water and a piece of bread. lunch was also quite light, we drank some drink and very low-calorie food. and here is dinner, which started at 3:00 pm. let's solve the riddles from ancient belarusian dishes, these are potatoes, onions, peppers, butter, eggs, salt, all this is mixed and such cybriks are made, so tovchennik is a potato or rice base, no, these are dumplings, no, etory, and this is fish, well , that’s right, this is fish, yes, let’s find out what belarusian kulesh tastes like, kulesh has a very interesting texture, it’s meat jelly with
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flour, and the flour is very good, clearly felt on the tongue. if only i could try it with my eyes closed. i would call this is pureed onion soup. let's go on a gastronomic journey through medieval msteslavl in the food hit where program. watch these and other projects on tv channel belarus 24. meeting amazing people, immersing yourself in their profession: the breeder wants to get
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the maximum yield and not lose quality, since with an increase in yield, in some cases, there is a dilution of... a decrease in the amount of nutrients, we we mix the ingredients, which consist of clay, sawdust and sand, and ultimately get the product, called shitta. all the characters are completely different, what unites them is the desire to achieve the best result. our consumer who buys our products can check whether the brick is of high quality or not. after all , few people know that the composition of fatty acids is close to olive oil, but rapeseed oil is very oily, and although we do not have our own olives in belarus, we do have excellent modern varieties and hybrids of rapeseed. watch
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the project one day on our tv channel. i have to tell you that today for the first time in many years i was truly happy. kindred spirits, you see, this is how long i’ve been living, everyone only needs my money, but i think the reason is different, if you want me to push, i’ll scam five women in a week , i’ll submit an application with them to the legislative office, and then i’ll tell you that i don’t have money, i i agree, be my wife, where are you going to get your passport? here is alphonse, already frowning for the second time before my eyes. they all pay for it, can you imagine? what a mess! i saw you in a dream! anatoly? how could you hide this goddess from me for so long? i
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want to marry you. i've dreamed of something like this all my life. sure, that my love will soon appear, and this makes me both scared and happy. well, now i understand why there is such disgusting service here. what can you expect from waiters who read such cheap golema? watch the series on how to scam a millionaire on the belarus 24 tv channel. only for our tv viewers, we are here, welcome to baranovichi and set off on an exciting journey. the good news is that you can touch the exhibits with your hands, that is, literally touch them. to history, not so long ago, by the way, a local resident on a wobbler, then there is a plastic decoy fish that i caught myself, weighing 41 kg and 2 m long, to show
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how unusual and wonderful our country is. in america, houses afloat are called the fashionable word houseboard, house, ship, this is the term for floating ones. they haven’t invented any train stations yet; landscapes full of thoughtfulness and sadness enchant even the most fastidious travelers. watch the program cities of belarus on the belarus 24 tv channel. 80 years of peace, generations that did not know war, generations that preserve the world's memory of the feat of their grandfathers and great-grandfathers, the generation that restored the country from the ashes that tamed the peaceful atom, conquered our space, and created a peaceful future. together we will celebrate the main holiday of belarusian
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statehood, a military parade, commemorating the independence day of belarus and the eightieth anniversary of liberation from the nazi invaders. july 3 at 9:00 at stella's, minsk, hero city.
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we live on pripyat, and i was born in khonensk, and pripa is also not far away, and it was as if a river was pulling me all the time since childhood, when i was still going to school, i used to ride a bicycle to this village all the time.
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this is confirmed by documents stored in st. petersburg museum, there is a very difficult translation there, because the old church slavonic writing, old belarusian, requires a specialist, well, as a translation, this is the name of the river, well, for some reason, the city, gorodishche, the translation is not accurate, but the fact that the river is in this area, it is, two, 2 and a half, maybe three kilometers from the village. in the forest there is a trench, a rampart and is surrounded by a moat with water, it is called an old settlement,
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as i understand it, once upon a time people, maybe, well, our peruvian ancestors lived, lived there, and the river may have flowed there, because in the forest there is there are many like the old river bed, the village is located on the bank of pripyat, and the river, as is known in ancient times, as a road, timber was floated along pripyat, the river is uneven, meanders with its... the main work is what in all villages is agriculture cows there a pig garden in
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addition to this and fishing of course always always at all times people who lived on the river were engaged in fishing, this was a good help for people's lives. in recent years , even a street has appeared, we call it locally perorovsky ruble residents minsk
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the circle of the river is happening, everything you tell me about is still somehow connected with the river, i noticed behind them, they have mushrooms, berries, they don’t have a river, they, they have everything, all these conversations are connected with this with these places, but here we have everything, everything is in pripyat, so
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we meet some friends there, the first thing you ask is, did you go fishing or not, did you go, what did you catch? where is so much, what is the first conversation all the time about the river, about the river about fishing, because we are here, we only live by this, sometimes you get upset, you know something somewhere, you got some kind of stress, well, a small one, you come here to the shore, sit down, look at the water, so you calm down, take off negative emotions from yourself. it flows smoothly, you look at it, you look and calm down, i’ve been on some rivers in belarus, but there are no places like ours here, well, it’s not straight, it’s a winding river all the time, if you look at it from above, its turns even reach more than 90°, the river turns, and of course,
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when there is big water... in the spring, it looks for another direction, gradually it digs out a new channel for itself, and an old channel, someday, i think it will be an old man, in maybe hundreds of years, it will be an old river, the river will go in a different direction, the current in it is large, the floods in it in the spring reach several kilometers , there are many picturesque... places, there are many backwaters from the river, old, old beds, i have a place, this is my favorite place, you can say , i remember where, where i even caught the first perch, how much joy i had, how the city is full of pants, i didn’t even go to school, seniors flies for fish, i stuck with them, they
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chased me, but i still stuck with them, a homemade fishing rod was made from a stick, i found a hook somewhere, i made a float from pine bark, that’s where i’m still at i remember all the time now, i’m fishing there in that place, i learned to swim and i ’ve already taken my children there, everyone says this is lenino lake , you say where to your lake, i say yes.
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only one river, the river itself, there are many tributaries into it, formed from the old riverbeds of the pripyat, every 500 m there is such a formation, there are many such tributaries into it, here we are now on one of them, it’s called virki, this is also the old bed of the pripyat, once upon a time many centuries ago the pripyat flowed here, then it changed its course, but this tributary remained, now it’s like a lake, well, basically... fish on these lakes both in summer and winter, in the summer with a spinning rod, in the winter with winter bets, in this lake i even caught a 7 kg pike, but it was not my pike, i caught it, and my friend caught it next to me, well, he he was a beginner fisherman, he took it to pull it, that’s it, he said, i can’t pull it out, his hands
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they were pulling, i helped him pull it out, it was a 7 kg pike, it was winter. there are a lot of fish in the lakes, pike, perch, roach, how many species there are, erzh, tench, crucian carp, carp, catfish, pike perch, except for eel, which is somewhere in narachi, and trout, basically all the fish are there, although the old people told me that it was better, maybe even the wars, maybe the revolutionaries. we had this fish, i don’t know about eel, well, well , they say there was trout, well, they said that we also had such an exotic fish. so that the water is clean, in principle, all, all an animal that is in the national park, a beaver can
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be seen in the evening or early in the morning, well, almost every day, mink can be seen, andats, white-tailed eagles , there are a lot of white herons, gray herons, cormorants, everything that feeds on fish, everything, everything here, here on the shore you can meet both elk and deer. well, and wild boar, well , in principle, i don’t pay attention to elk anymore, but i went out, went out, he looked at himself, he climbed in, left, you can see a lot of roe deer, but i had a surprise, this is winter fishing on the lake, i set my bets and stood there with a jig, catching a perch, then i turn away, well , the snow was falling a little bit, it was shaking, i turned away, there was a wolf standing behind me, well , 20 meters, and he and i watched, well, for about 5, maybe 7 minutes, we watched alone on...
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i was with a wolf, and you can see the beast, well , now it’s hot, it’s all over somewhere , it’s also hard for him, he’s huddled somewhere in the shadow somewhere in the wind, and the blind waters are biting him just like and us people, about there somewhere i found a place, late at night you can see any animal in any lake, in basically, my wife and i have the same favorite. activities, mushrooms and fishing, this is what i love, these desires arise as mushrooms ripen, when there are none, you go there, you just need to walk through the forest,
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just walk through the forest without a specific goal, the forest, it’s like it calms you down, you go to the water, here you also find some kind of peace, sometimes i asked myself this question, if i were 2 and 5 years old there, how would i plan my life, i probably did the same thing and did the same things that i did all my life, she is my life i like it, why should i change it, i started working with bees relatively recently, maybe 10 years ago, i ’ve known this business of beekeeping since childhood, my father had bees, these are almost all hives, this... i don’t remember anymore, so i had to buy this honey, and i
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thought, why should i buy it, if i know the whole business, how to deal with them, that there are honey extractors, and frames, everything, all the tools were left over from my father, in my old age, in my retirement... i’ll do it ... bee, i'll retire, that i'll sit next to them and watch them fly, sometimes i'll come, i'll come here, and i look at how i have them here, if they didn’t bite yet, then it would be great, i have two young paradises, i connected them, now we will add frames to them, a frame, so that they can continue to work, so that they don’t sit idle , let it develop nano for the winter. this honey in this place is a good bribe in the spring, when all the willow is blooming, you don’t have to fly far, you can say, the light jumped off right away, immediately in a boule, and not
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quickly, then all this willow leaves and already blooms, i chose a place here, there are a lot , but here we call this tree buckthorn, here it is, it’s still blooming, it blooms for a long time, and there’s a lot of it here and... so they take honey from it, they take honey, i chose this place so that they wouldn’t fly very far, but when it blooms, they already fly to forest somewhere, looking for themselves.


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