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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  June 29, 2024 9:20am-10:06am MSK

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rock festival, we really liked everything, we liked the feedback of this event, 18,300 people were present at the stadium, we broke this record today, we are always for good traditions, we are always for the development of the regions, and we chose pruzhany, enjoy this atmosphere, take a walk in pruzhany, look at the beautiful murals on the buildings, you probably saw and read on our social networks, that’s why we are for good traditions and we sincerely believe that this will be a good tradition. annual rock festival. main the media partner of the rock festival this year is the stolitsa radio station. who else but our professional djs and radio presenters know a lot about good music. there is a lot, a lot of rock here, if there is a lot of rock, then there cannot but be a radio capital here. well, in general, seriously, there is a traffic jam from the bresskaya highway to pruzhany. that is, so that you understand, it turns out that so many people come here, the same number as live here, this is cool. this is
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the most powerful sound in belarus ever present on the territory of our country, 400 kw of sound, this is incredible power, such a lineup, there were no headliners at any festival, this is also unambiguous, while some artists are already performing on stage, someone is preparing and waiting for their appearance, now we will try to talk with them and see how they have a sound check, everyone here knows. what needs to be done, there is a good culture here, and rock culture, pop culture, everyone will apparently clap, relax, dance, even look at some performers here and there, so i expect that everything will be fire, from huge monitors into the crowd the starting chord bursts in, musicians appear on the stage, a grandiose open-air show begins, the decibel scale is at its highest level, and this is what is needed, music lovers from all over belarus sing familiar verses along with...
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vach, tv news agency. we will tell you about the development of events at noon. let me remind you that the tv news agency projects are available on all social networks, as well as in our mobile application with a qr code on the screen. have a nice day and see you later.
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80 years of peace, a generation that does not know war, a generation that keeps the world in memory of a heroic deed grandfathers and great-grandfathers, war heroes are destroyed.
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space creating a peaceful future. together we will celebrate the main holiday of belarusian statehood. military parade, commemorating independence day. on june 9, 1944, troops of the first, second and third belarusian fronts begin the minsk operation, the first baltic front begins the polotsk operation, and ushachi is liberated. after fierce street
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fighting, the red army soldiers occupy babruisk. moscow salutes the liberation of the city. by decree of the presidium of the supreme soviet of the ussr, the commander of the first. until complete liberation belarus had 29 days left. hi, by the way, hi, how are my three, so to speak, pines, check, i haven’t ground them for a long time, do you know, please, comrade commander, you know all this, you said it again, okay, imagine that we
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kindergarten, shoot beautifully, high, if they don’t film us beautifully, we’ll tear off everything that comes off of them, oh, the cameraman almost knocked us over. so you see, there are two teams at once, and you and i confessed our love, a low bow, as good ranitsa belarus says, on the air of the belarus 1 tv channel, from satellite tv channel belarus 24, program dobroya ranitsa belarus, svetlana borovskaya is on the air with you, today is june 29, saturday, the first month of summer has flown by unnoticed, and no matter what happens, as the song says, the summer has passed as if it never happened, it won’t be like this... spend this morning cheerfully, actively in our warm company. for interesting acquaintances, useful advice, interesting stories, we go to ivatsevichi and the ivatsevichi region. our next destination is
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the memorial complex of partisan glory khavanshchina. on an island among the polesian swamps there are partisan lands. headquarters of the brez partisan unit, medical unit, forest school and whole life. let's go on an excursion. hello, comrades, i am the partisan liaison officer. hello, baba raya. this is baba raya poroli , and you are raisa ivanovna, the director of the museum to which she belongs. this complex has existed for almost half a century, yes, for more than half a century, and you have been working here, heading, since 2006, in these places, during
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the great patriotic war, deep in the rear the nazis had a partisan camp, a partisan formation, located here. the headquarters of the partisan unit, but most importantly, here was a family camp in which there were more than 300 people, that is, raisala, look, it means here, at this point where we are going, these were swamps, they have just been drained, they have never walked here military operations, in this forest there was actually no war of military operations, there were swamps around and how there was a connection, what kind of clutch, yes, there was a special clutch that was not visible.
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germans, fascists, which means the entire family will be destroyed up to the seventh generation, and no matter how the policemen were not afraid of the fascists, it turns out, of course, of course, for our family, for our relatives and friends, where are we going next, now we are walking along the masonry, the length 150 m, and now we ’ll get to the partisan camp itself, where families were located, as i already said, there were many children, many old people, here
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there was a forest school, and even during the war , life took over, as they say , yes, above death, we had partisan weddings here and since families went to partisans, that means to a family camp, then, well , naturally life went on, they gave birth to children without love, maybe it’s easy to live with love, no way, no way, well, then you know, it seems to me that even if the enemies had gotten here, if , well, the mosquitoes would have them they've definitely finished eating, you have them here like that, well, yes, like that, let's go, but they didn't touch their own, you know, you can always see when a person is in the right place, that's what you like most about this work, more everything that... these places are filled with the voices of grateful descendants, in the voices of children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren,
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great-great-grandchildren, those people who were in these swamps, survived in unbearable conditions, and still found the strength to fight, you know, you said, mosquitoes bit you, and i walked along the bridge and just mentally i would also thank you about this, yes, this place is filled with these, but here there are already dugouts, these are the first objects that greet us, already in the camp itself, on both sides, dugouts, in which local residents lived during the war , i mean the family camp, and those who were in headquarters, because only later, by the winter of 1943 , houses were built, at first they were like this, how many can you go there? how many people were there, you know, it was different, it was different, there were 20 and 30 people,
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it was accommodated, well, it’s clear that it’s not a small family together, however, the trees are centuries old, yes, just centuries old, you know what it is unique, this is a witness of that heroic time, always when visitors come to us, they always make two wishes here, the very first, the most important thing is that in a peaceful land, the second is your innermost and i will tell you that whoever comes to us for the second time, but comes to the partisan grandfather. frost, if someone has visited at least once, they will definitely even visit a second third, so they come and
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say that the second wish also came true, here are the desks, yes, this is our forest school, one of such unique places in the partisan camp, what makes it unique? family camp, children of different ages, they had to go to school, of course, this forest school was made for us and you for our convenience, but in general - during the war years, small low desks, low benches of crowns - stunted trees, because it was a swamp, were connected to each other, well, in general, it’s amazing raisa ivanovna that there was a war going on, it would seem that some adults say, what is school like now, will the world learn then, no, all life was, what it should be in these conditions, they taught children to read and write, it’s 6-7 years old, go to
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school, go to school, let me tell you, children studied, then the five-point system was four, five, if the child received four, he was very upset and upset, imagine, they wanted to learn to write so that they could be the first to write, the enemy would be defeated, they wanted to learn to read so that they would be the first to destroy, victory would be ours. and this is not our invention, this is the testimony of those who studied here at the forest school, of course, there was not enough ink, but a notebook, but paper, but a notebook, paper, german leaflets were used, look, you see we have a victory, on german leaflets, between the lines, in the margins, if, for example, there was a blank piece of paper on the back side, they also used it, but when there was not enough paper, well, they came up with such an interesting notebook, which is the only one, well , there wasn’t anywhere else in any school, you see it, and it’s made of plywood and a piece of
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board, then it means a tree trunk is in the split. with your parents you will understand how beautiful your notebooks are, everything is in comparison, of course, everything is in comparison, yes rais ivanovna, i also saw such a fire pit there, a large table, there we have a partisan fire pit, uh, a partisan fire pit in the shape of a star, yes, yes- yes, yes, and the partisans also gathered there, whoever came meant from family camp, because
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there was simply no access, only through a specialty, but if there were some holidays, we gathered around the partisan fire, and... well, this is our partisan sergei, the commander of the partisan camp, and in life, so to speak, sergei sergeevich machalov, head of the memorial complex of partisan glory of khovanshchina, uh, part-time. naturally, in order to get a partisan, they simply got bread, fed the grain with bread, they first had to carry the bread, grind the grain, so that the flour went, then went into flatbreads, so that the grain it shined, it was already on the porridge, go ahead, let's go , the grain is filled up, all that remains is to turn it, now it's already gone, and let's sprinkle it,
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we'll give it to our guest, take the grain, let's take the grain, fill it up. for such, you know, a well-fed life, 100 varieties of bread are sold, all that, thank you, i tried it, everything, corns, homars, let's go, what is this, compared to what was here, this is our team, our partisans, well, and
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so, as they say, in life, in the memorial complex, this is ours... a museum caretaker, so lyudmila, well, i won’t give her last name, yes, as lyudmila wants, ludmila will be, so museum caretaker alina budris, this is you in a normal peaceful life, yes, a normal peaceful life, yes, this is senior researcher kirill, wow, this is our research assistant, lada galkina, chief custodian of funds . marina ivanovna, marina golub, well , we also have a unique person, a member of our club , two wars, irina borisovna, what roles do you have in this recreation, well, for me, it’s like i’m a liaison, you’re a liaison, so a komsomol member, a komsomol activist, well, the entertainment
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part , interactive, i thought you were a saboteur main. so good, well, i’m in the kitchen, you’re in the kitchen, yes, i’m in the editorial office of zarya, in the editorial office of the underground newspaper, i’m a doctor, you’re a doctor, well , that was very important, but we already know everything about seryozha, he’s both a commander and a flour miller all together, and also, and he’s also our liaison, listen, but like smoke, i’m choking on smoke, but there are no mosquitoes, although it’s always like that, there’s no such thing as an ideal life. you see, either mosquitoes or smoke, i’m figurative, everyone thought about their own, yes, well, let’s cook with nettles, yes. so, irina borisovna is already at the fire, what are we doing? we picked nettles, cut the nettles, recipe, cut the nettles, it can
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be larger, it can be, no, because it’s already scalded and then it won’t bake, then it won’t bake, throw it in, pour it in, well, ideally, whey, but unfortunately we now have whey no, she disappeared somewhere, that's why. well, i’m talking about peacetime, so if i’m some housewife who wants to make such a thing for herself, they doused the nettles with boiling water, they poured the kefir in, not whey, eat it further, but then let’s take it, let’s try the cucumbers that were delicious during the war, yes, they were very tasty, please, sour, reindeer, as it should be, as well as it should be, yes, barrel, so we add here... we also add an egg to this dough, when in the winter, naturally, there were no eggs, but now we have them, a little salt , of course, there was little salt, so sometimes there was
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no salt, we now do it, well, as it should be, as it should be, and add a little more soda, add a little more flour, but during the war years 50/50 it was 50% rye,
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oh, beauty , oh, what a beauty, my god, it’s hot, oh, it smells, it’s always delicious, listen, scrappy, by god i’ll do it, by god i'll do it. thank you, you really plunged me into the atmosphere, you know, that’s all you can do and you won’t go wrong with you, thank you very much, baba rai and raisa ivanovna, thank you very much, you are so positive, you know, it’s such a blessing to meet such a hero for the program , they just took us into circulation and didn’t let us go, thank you very much for your kind words, thank you, thank you bye, all the best, well , goodbye, goodbye. katyusha, on the high
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bank, on the steep one, came out over the door katyusha, on the high bank, on the steep one, oh, song, song, girlish, you fly beyond the sun. the last time is possible and your state task will be about trees for children 18 times did i say your last name? sometimes you know how good it is to make mistakes, but you remember everything. to
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become one of your own in a foreign country, you don’t have to be born there, this, this is the symbol of belarus, yes, but what about in russian?
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nature and she inspired kolos, and many other poets, writers, bios mio, what a beautiful, prominent you, yes, this is one life, so win, i agree, watch on the belarus 24 tv channel, show, which will not leave anyone indifferent, as soon as they lifted me up, i looked down and thought, maybe i don’t need it, why did i come here at all, please let me out of here? and meanwhile alexander is almost catching up with him, cling on, with your hands, come on, the main thing is to choose your path, even if it is the most dangerous, calmly, take your time, wait, wrong way, wrong way, wrong way, wait, yes, neatly above and below, who is ready to overcome himself and become
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a hero, it’s time for big... just recently we showed you how the reforestation process is going, hello to my three pine trees in the shchuchinsky district, and today we will see how those same seedlings are grown
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that after several decades... turn into majestic trees, hello, hello, you are probably the chief forester, yes, my name is svetlana, it’s very nice, svetlana, roman, tell me, you are producing trees, plants, shrubs, seedlings here, that’s the main thing for you, no, the main thing for us is the main forest-forming one...
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depending on the need for planting , we switched entirely to pine, we grow only pine, well, we're aiming for 3 million this year get 3 million. well, that’s the essence of the complex: i understand, to improve the health of the earth, the planet, our country in particular, but what do you say, professional? well, it’s clear that growing in open ground is cheaper for an enterprise to grow planting material. this is more before the apical movement begins , as weather conditions allow, if the buds grow in cold weather, subsequently the survival rate decreases sharply, here during cultivation.
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we plant a lump of earth with a lump, if the bud begins to grow, we had experiments, our own experiments here, we planted in june, not it is necessary, say, to observe the time period in june and feel pleasant, therefore, in order to lengthen the fox culture period, the planting period, it is grown in a closed root system, a novel, and you someday have time to walk through these beautiful moleikas at your work and see what ... do you have time to admire it or do you still have time to grow, it’s your job, you should, yes, you have time to look at the beauty, here i stand, listen to you and think how good it is that professionals work in every business, that’s me you because how you are they talked about how to make a kidney grow, how about a beloved wife, that’s what you say, thank you
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svetlana, but it’s never too late to learn. we are all improving, everything we know, yes, let's go for a walk further, who is this girl? standing there so cute, hello, hello, head of the complex for turning the closed root system of planting material, yagnish inna sergeevna, inna sergeevna, hello, my name is svetlana, it’s very nice, what are we going to see, let’s go to the greenhouse, i ’ll show you how we we grow seedlings with closed root system, a seedling with a closed root, great, we’ll show everything to us, the audience and everyone, come on, at the moment in these two greenhouses there are seedlings that...
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yesterday new future seedlings, new future crops, were just sown, yes they they haven’t sprouted yet, in a week the first shoots will appear , here they are, that’s how many of them there are, 33,000, you see, they say what
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a beautiful green country we have, and of course it is like that itself, but this is it, these are these pens, these people, their colleagues, employees. yes, thank you, that’s great, what you said, you always know, a good word, it’s always nice, especially in public, and this is watering, that is, they should always be so wet, the ground, yes, in greenhouses there should be a humidity of 90-100 %, and the air temperature
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is 20-25° celsius, almost like being outside now, well, yes, almost like being outside, yes, it’s clear that we have a rich imagination, here the seeds will be composed. may god grant them to grow far, far away in 100 years and swing in the sky, let's go see something else, hello, lovely red-haired, blue-eyed girl, head of the nursery of the soviet union, rhonda olga, tell me, olenka, my name is svetlana, where have we come and what are we growing here, you have come to... a permanent nursery, here we grow mainly forest crops, and we grow a small part of ornamentals here, that is, there is a small part of ornamentals there in greenhouses at the zks complex, there already in pots, which not every buyer wants to go and
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dig up, they want the root system to be fully formed, well and decorative - this is what we call it, here you say, these are the bushes, that’s how we have barberries, mahonia scum, thuja, mazhevelnik, these are all related to the decorative element, a beautiful birch grove, this was also not planted by chance, this is a forest protection strip, that is, there are very large areas of fields here and in order for us not to blow away the land as much as possible, they stand like in a fairy tale, tree to tree, it seems that they cannot grow so beautifully in nature themselves, but there will be branches some small plants you need to take care where your hands are attached and the tree will be beautiful, immediately oh you have such a beautiful tail. beautiful, really, olya, we really have roman, i’m asking you, of course, of course, of course, and roman, so, where is olya, olya, where is olya, well, this is a great shot for the family, what’s your wife’s name, natalya, natalya, you understand, she sees nothing but a birch tree,
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she just works in the fields, greetings to you and your three children, olya, good success to your family, there are children, not yet, not yet, i wish you a lot, you see here boss what a fine fellow! three children, lead by example, and you will have a state task for trees, for children, and good things for you at home , i wish you all the decorations around you, thank you very much, thank you very much, novel, thank you, all the best, let everything grow for the joy of people, and as you said at the very beginning of the interview, we’re saving the planet, but what if every person saved it like that, it would probably be saved, thank you, svetlana, thank you, white grimbedstaya, maybe you’re alive, maybe you see how i’m waiting for love how i dream about her, i know that the lilac of love is blooming?
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the puslovski palace, which many call the kosovo castle, is an architectural monument of the 19th century. history has not spared the palace and for more than a dozen years it was in a state of disrepair and continued to collapse under the influence of nature. everything changed in 2008. a long restoration process has begun, which is still ongoing, they are already waiting for us at the castle, hello, hello, my name is svetlana, fellow artyom, researcher at the kosovo park and park complex, it’s very nice, how are you living artyom in the castles, wonderful, where do we start, let's start with this room. a person who is directly connected with this place, yes
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wojcach puslovsky, the father of the founder of the palace, he acquires in kosovo in 1821, and his younger son, puslovsky, decides to build his palace here, here you can see the original tab of the palace. according to legend, each brick construction site was delivered wrapped in a separate piece of paper, adding... yolk, as well as animal blood, to the solution, as they said, for strength, for reliability, we entered the living room, what kind of amazing izratians, did the izratians do this in belarus, have they already restored it? yes, restoration was carried out, respect to the masters, of course, respect to the paintings, yes, in this room there are also productions of paintings by belarusian artists of the 19th century. artem, where did the story of the destruction of the palace begin,
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this palace has such a complex history, the light of the palace did not last long, only 30 years, the decline was associated with children, vandalina, he had three children, two daughters, one son, and just the same vandalin's son, leon, got into debt, he had to put the place in a land bank and from there it happens with parents and children, and kosva is bought from there, first by the moscow merchant aleksandrov. well, then the palace will not be separated from its owners and becomes state property, well , the greatest destruction it received during the great patriotic war, when the palace was burned and all that was left was the roof collapsed, only bare walls remained, yes, and what a wonderful forest, and somehow from this window, from any window in general, there are wonderful views, look, the birds are flying in such huge numbers, an interesting fact is that many people have a question, why... fits to the palace through a terraced park, they walk
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around the palace, why does this happen, the fact is that this is actually the front side of the palace, in fact, before the place of the forest there was an english landscape park, according to legend there were more than 150 species of different trees in it, perhaps in the future the park will be restored, and the living quarters will be sleeping?
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legends and secrets surrounding the palace, well, this is a classic, so tell us the legends and secrets, well, according to one of the legends, there are several underground passages under the palace, the first of which led short to the family chapel, was around. palace, well, the second passage was already 20 km long, leading to the palace was just a snipe in ruzhany, not far away , a carriage drawn by three horses could not pass, that is, there was somewhere to run 20 km underground, perhaps on a visit travel, and legends, we were in different palaces in belarus, of course, you just get into
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this palace life, well, everywhere they say that such and such a soul walks, here such and such, there is also an example. mother or father, grandmother or grandfather, the truth is, in any century, at any time, amazing too, so i see... fireplaces and stoves were not used often here, yeah, the palace had an
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air heating system, there were separate rooms in the basements, one had a firebox, they burned wood there, the wood burned and hot smoke through copper pipes got into a separate room, a room from hot rooms and a chimney, the air was heated, the warm air rose through the channels that were located inside the walls of the palace, warming the room itself, so that the owners were warm, and such a system was used, for example, in the winter palace st. petersburg, you like your work, of course, and where do you live, in ivatsevichi, the regional center in ivotsevichi, and where did you study at the pushkin brest state university, and what kind of faculty was it, history, historian of archeology, artyom, thank you very much, please , are you the only son in the family or do you have brothers, one? one son in the family, and one son, i am one son, well, then wave to your sisters, parents, it was your research assistant, artyom sergeevich, and the last name is saevets, saevets, saevets, saevets, saevets, 18 times i said your
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last name, saevets , it happens, you know how it’s good to make mistakes, but you remember everything, thank you very much. several days, a week, such lands, such meadows and so far away, you can look for a long, long time and think that one has happiness, another has misfortune, everyone chooses their own path, but we wish you good morning, a happy, joyful life. this is how the morning of saturday june 29 turned out, don’t be bored this weekend, thanks to all of you who helped us prepare this program, see you in a week, your svetlana
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borovskaya is always with you, and look forward to visiting. don't think down on the seconds, the time will come, yourself you'll probably understand, they whistle like bullets at your temple, let's go into the swamp, let's go, let's go, moments, moments, moments, compressed into years, moments compressed into centuries, and sometimes i don’t understand where the first moment is, where the last...
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