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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  June 29, 2024 10:35pm-11:12pm MSK

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dad, when i grow up, i will become a driver and work in the subway, i will transport our whole family and my friends. great idea, do you know how many passengers the subway carries? so many. 800 thousand per day, and in a year this is about 300 million people. in terms of passenger traffic, the belarusian metro ranks third in the cis. the mechanism works like a clock, even passengers. they don’t notice that behind this rhythm and coherence there is clear team work. our situation center is sometimes called the eyes of the metro. why? because continuous video monitoring occurs throughout the day. this is what video surveillance inspectors do. for these purposes , we have three video surveillance systems and about 2,500 cameras. but the main tasks of our center are to organize the interaction of duty services and structural divisions of the metro. and emergency services of the city
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of minsk, a digital panorama that monitors the stable operation of the metro and profiling of passengers, suspicious behavior of people, going beyond the limit line or an ownerless find, all information is instantly transmitted in the security service, they are the first to greet passengers in the lobby. in addition to the safety of passengers, i think this is also ensuring security throughout the republic, because people. who is in our metro, he may be a visitor, he may be from the city, he may be here, go into the metro, go to the bus station, to the railway station, and may go to another city, respectively, if we identify him prohibited sign, prohibited transportation, or prohibited circulation in the republic of belarus, we pass it on to the police officers, perhaps we even prevent offenses or crimes, there are force majeure, which are a separate column, the fall of a person on and
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a full-time psychologist, a very good simulator, the city of kazan supplied us, they brought the simulator, it works exclusively, there are a lot of problems there, yes , for example, let’s say the doors on a carriage don’t open, what are we going to do? today the minsk metro’s rolling stock has 390 carriages, on average 1,200 trains run daily, stops for repairs depend on mileage, a major audit, for example, send.
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the latest train traffic control system, the so-called automatic train traffic control system, which involves complete automatic control of the train. today, on the third line , automatic station doors are also being used for the first time in our metro. the novelty has justified itself. during the 4 years of operation of zelenoluzhskaya , there were no passengers or objects falling onto the tracks at the new stations. in addition to protective barriers.
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19 on blue - these are underground routes where there are no there are traffic jams and traffic does not depend on the weather, thousands of minsk residents especially felt this in march 2013. then the snowy javier brought snowdrifts half a meter high and completely blocked the roads, but underground life did not stop because of the elements. it is a dual -use object, so at a certain time, during a cross-border situation, it can steal people, for this we have everything necessary here , including drinking water from wells, special ventilation equipment that can purify the air, if we receive a civil defense signal, then we we have 10-13 minutes in order to ensure complete closure of the distance and sealing, this is in the case of a radiation hazard or some kind of man-made
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accident; in shelter mode, each metro station can receive from one to two thousand people, a radius of 500 m, so way to the station.
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the so-called night window, a short period of time when the metro is closed to passengers, but the underground city is just waking up, in the tunnels, checking equipment and repairs, and in the vestibules on the platform... general cleaning, cleanliness, which seems so familiar to belarusians, it is also the nationality of the neatest cities in the world. bloggers from london, paris, new york are shocked. on subway trains, people don't fight, but read books. there are no rodents or flood debris here. passengers are greeted by order. videos on social networks go viral. the emotions of this american woman. for example, they collected a million views, it’s clean here, no one wore anything to learn, the lifestyle is not for show, it’s clean, this is what distinguishes belarusians, which means our metro, gloss even where no one sets foot
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passengers, in the tunnels after stress relief, complex work is carried out every night, the most difficult thing is replacing wooden sleepers in tunnels on a concrete base with...
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with all desire, it does not have a geometrically correct round shape. so that when hanging these cable products, equipment, the rolling stock does not touch or cling to it all. the main educational institutions where we recruit personnel are breda college, railway college, gomel belg, now guir, called the university, bento, academy. communications belarusian, these are the main suppliers of personnel in our profession, at one time i watched a cartoon, well, wait, if you remember about the metro, where a wolf was going down the escalator, and after that i got sick in the metro, for passengers of a metro station this is the lobby,
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the ticket hall , platform, but all the main processes are hidden from the eyes of visitors; where the tunnel begins, there are dozens more auxiliary rooms, several floors high. in minsk, the metro, if compared with all the metro systems of the former soviet union, where in other countries, service electricity supply is at one of the most good levels in terms of equipment provision; when colleagues from other metropolitan areas come to us, they look at everything we have with interest, because we have assembled equipment from leading manufacturers that is reliable and of high quality. confident domestic technologies coupled with many years of experience. belarus is included in the international association and almaty in moscow. at the same time , we expect new russian -made trains to continue the zelenoluzhskaya line: 28 cars are already ready.
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test drive and get acquainted with three new stations this year. the underground route will include an airfield and a non-marshand garden. slutsky hotel. plus the sludskoye electric depot. construction is now being completed, commissioning work is underway. the period for the second section of the third metro line is four more stations. to bangalor square, where traffic will also be opened in the future , additional rolling stock will be purchased, and i want to say that line three will have 14 stations to the lagoya highway. once upon a time we didn't think about space, and today we have our own satellite and even cosmonautical thought and have created high-tech production. entered as usual. bringing the metro into life is also an achievement of modern belarus, the comfort and convenience
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of millions of residents and guests of the capital. i think if we stop construction, there won’t be this great school, which is comparable to space, only underground. my dream is, perhaps, to at least start a megaproject for the construction of the fourth metro line, the ring one, which will relieve congestion. minsk ring road, thanks to this in in the foreseeable future , full-fledged transport hubs will be created between all types of urban and suburban transport. duplicating the second highway, the fourth underground highway will be 25 km long and will have 17 stations, this is in the plans, but for now, metro workers, when they come to work one day, you think, the main thing is that everything is fine, work gives. satisfaction gives a feeling of joy that we were able to preserve the team, that we remained faithful to the
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traditions that were laid down, that even the service that i head over all these years improves, acquires something new, all i have is everything in the subway, all my awards, all this is the subway. the minsk metro for me is my life, if i had to start back from that day, i would probably devote my whole life to, well, the same thing. it is a great success and responsibility to work in the minsk metro, and on this day, of course, i wished that my family and relatives would be healthy, that our enterprise would develop and prosper. happy birthday, forty-year history of the minsk metro, the path that has been traveled not only underground, this enormous economic opportunity, large-scale creation and unity of the people. belarus has new plans ahead, which means new
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underground discoveries. those who have tamed the peaceful atom, conquered our space, and created a peaceful future. together we will celebrate the main holiday of belarusian statehood. military parade. naming the independence day of belarus and the eightieth anniversary of the liberation from the nazi invaders, july 3 at 9:00 at stella, minsk, hero city.
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test date fully confirmed our marketing department forecast that products with new labels are in greater demand than products with old ones. this. the star that you stuck on, people buy better than xo, uh-huh, uh-huh, why, people
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are so used to stars, but we have not three, not five, but seven, well, how much do i care, the sting is gone again, well, yes, as always, i have no brains, how many times did he say, don’t talk, grandpa. grandfather, but he was tired of waiting, they didn’t give us an increase, they promised everything, well, that’s it, thank you, here’s where i should sign here, right here, and you’re all working, i’m working, but the spleen aren’t the same anymore, i’ve been fiddling with this boot for three days, but
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i can’t fix it, maybe you’ll drink some kvostka, but no, grandpa. i still have to work, i’m going to a restaurant, senior lieutenant skvortsov, what do you mean i’m on a plane, come on, i’ll be right there, what are you talking about, yes, i wanted to warn him about the road repairs at the entrance to pukhov, that’s what, yes, it’s harmful .
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oh well done for coming, kiryukha, hello , great, come on, show yourself, a friend has arrived, glad to know you as an ideal husband, thank you, the potency of a rabbit and the brain of spinoza are the strength that let's go to.
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alcoholic products are here, well, as you know, and i’ll probably pump you up, well, i suggest an enema, but why don’t you put flowers, well, put flowers, stop it, you’re like that. i remember everything, buy two chickens and mayonnaise, yes, the bride is beautiful today, people are watching, i ’ll bake them in the oven, mom, your wedding will be the best, well, really, i’ll reward you, but i’m starting to get tired now, this terrible wedding has struck my chakra has eight holes, so i ’ll restore it for you now, yeah, i ’ll restore it for you now, we’re working, we’re working, we’re like,
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let's go dance, you, you're all joking, but i know very well that you are kirill toropov, the son of a local millionaire, yes, yes, well, let's go quickly, i can't wait to find out my future, i recently broke up with my boyfriend and i'm suffering a lot , he cheated with an aerialist, and then he danced with me, but in general, well, thank you
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old man, he returned it to you, yeah, the subscriber is temporarily unavailable, call me back, no, is it really so difficult for him to dial the phone, well, you look really handsome, guys, so what? we breathe air, breathe, breathe, soon your oxygen will be cut off! calm down, sick, that's it under control, i didn’t understand something, but where is the bachelor party, where is the sorshi promised to us by the farmer, where is the wild dance screaming in karoki, what is this? yes, friends, i look at your generations with concern.
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goat, who? yes, that one over there gets the bride drunk, pours vodka into the juice, why? what a moron, and i want to drink to your parents, who gave you such a wonderful time, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, come on, congratulations to you, uh-huh, valerka, welcome to zina’s parents, how about valerka, after all she’s very lucky, she has such a wonderful wife, and she’s also beautiful. a you know, the very ones, i wrote them at night, remember, maysonat, it’s in the same vein, the fish swam with its belly up the water wave of the reservoir,
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like zhemurik, go away is not up to you, go away, edik, you ’re not working again, i swear, mom, i 'll kill you someday, check if she's ready, no, talyan, ready, happy, all is well, darling, calm down, now let's get in the car and go home, bye, bye, i have a wedding today, i wonder with whom, no it's your business, listen, let's go for a walk, load up, let's go for a walk, some bastard... my bike was crushed, how can i get it home now drag, rudeness all around, here i am, a poet, forced to work side by side for a piece of bread with this non-anderthal bartender instead of
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finishing my poem, you write poems, yes, interesting, yes, let me read it to you now, which was under construction. .. in parallel with that first house from which it all began here, and here i want to tell you - a corner of india, here - people lie, but everyone will be so happy, i am from the village, and i come home here, this is mine, i really like it here i liked it, and i didn’t think about anything else when everything was assembled, here five children, yes, yes, there was an idea that, as if to prevent the children from scattering everything in their rooms and spending as much time as possible outdoors in the open air, in general , ask them to leave the house aggressively.
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i have a lot of them, come on, it’s okay, we’ll fix it,
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what are you doing, she’ll go with me, what are you talking about, well, kryzma, so girl, we should go tomorrow. oh, i can’t, you fool, i got drunk, i forgot that i got married, look at yourself, a teacher of life, the white rose screamed, i kissed her feet, well, i like it, well, yes, i really didn’t understand everything, well, in general, i don’t really understand the train. yes me no one understands, my parents are wild people, for them there are poems, chinese letters, what a bastard,
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this is the same jeep that crushed my bicycle. hi, how are you in general, i don’t know, we are still far away, we need to stick together, tell me, you have a day off tomorrow, yes, but so do i, so tomorrow at 6:00 at the entrance to the park, we will walk, read poetry, i will be very wait for you, tell me, you will come, right? well, that’s it , i won’t see you off further myself, well, for now, what a nice little area, they were sitting downstairs well, why come here, oh my, it was necessary, the main thing is, yes, i chose the creepiest chick in the bar, and i also wanted to lock her here, are you a deer yourself, with tunnel thinking, yeah, she was beautiful, an ideal partner for sex therapy according to the masters
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johnson method. ugh, an enema, well, i don’t even want to know what it is, have you heard, no, it gives, oh, oh, after all, kirill grigorievich, it’s good here, it’s like an island of freedom right here for you... then, drink if you want, don’t drink if you want, dance if you want, don’t do anything at all, this is bad, why, this is because a person should be restrained. framework, well, what kind of framework, and it’s high time for you toropov to get married, while yours they won’t experience a psychological state here, why are you the only one living in such mansions, and ah-ah-ah, kids, it’s a sin to envy, oh, well, why envy, no one is jealous, and in general toropov, you’re an idiot, i’m like your doctor i say, to prove that when a person lives
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alone for a long time, he degrades. “you have to take care of someone, that’s it, and it’s also good when someone takes care of you, yes, well, my little girl, you know, she’ll take you, hug you, it’s so warm, cozy, good, i i don’t know, oh my, it’s your first day of living, or what? worry, everything will be different for you, minusik, well, take a break, look, it’s gorgeous, yes, well, i don’t know what, in my opinion, is bright, how bright it is, you want me to come to my own wedding like a gray mouse, to make me look like a cleaning lady? yes, no, of course, but , yes, what but, in this suit i made a splash at the eleventh grade graduation, my parents gave me a standing ovation, i was awarded a prize, the most elegant factory in the school, this, by the way, is also sergeevich, not a trudovik, but a teacher
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labor education, well, yes, mom, it’s for me today they gave me an advance, you take it, buy yourself a handbag, shoes tomorrow, okay, no, ninotchka, no, no, no, no way, you need the money for moscow yourself, and i’ll get it, ninotchka. in general, i think that your fear of getting married is a banal phobia, and it’s time for you to overcome this psychological barrier, otherwise you will end up with diagen syndrome. exactly, what is this? clinical condition of a lonely person. what? fear of regular sex. okay, that's enough.
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we agreed, so tolin and i choose only these brides, we circled the herotsakenu, yes.
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this is the sister of one of his patients, by the way, she says she’s beautiful. are you, uh, what kind of bride, whose, yours, stupid, have you forgotten that we argued yesterday, well, you give, okay, in short, go ahead, good morning, i’m a journalist from the publication pukhovsky careerist, galina mon, our publication interested in an interview with you, you're like, "is it really possible, i just saw you in a dream, please, thank you, i
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'm sorry, i'm a mess here, but that's okay, i'm an old bachelor, yeah, without a woman's hand everything turns into chaos" where are you going to get your passport? grandfather, we’ll fix it, who’s going to crush you like that,
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some guess in the jeep crushed it, well, if it’s necessary, we’ll fix it, just daughter, you’d better buy a new one, but no, i’ll get around to it, i’ll be heading to moscow soon anyway. i’ll go to study, well, come tomorrow, father, no outrages, quiet, intelligent wedding, you’re lying again, you think i can’t hear you smiling there, or you go to krasnodar immediately, or i’ll close off all your accounts, sell the house and cut off this pukhovskaya to hell with the umbilical cord and don’t make your insults against me, i understand, yes, father, great, so together, we’ll fix it, let’s see, wonderful, good, thank you, oh, kiril, well
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, where are you, dear, listen, and i would already know what i thought for you, can you imagine, dear, for what lies ahead, no imagination is enough, what do you have in i mean, thank you, excuse me, would you like a photo as a souvenir, of course, great, more? so thank you, but for the third time, i stood there, worried, the cheburek here is simply classy, ​​the best in the whole city, a great place, and on behalf of our entire depot, we cordially congratulate you on your anniversary and wish you to roll along the rails of life, motive, you know, when i enter the academy of restaurant business, i finish it, i will definitely open my own restaurant, i even thought through the menu, i will have risotto, povincian scallops and lamb, well, all the dishes
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i want are from haute cuisine, but low prices, because no, prices should be high so that the rich public will go, in different ways, i lost my bra somewhere, i can’t find it, kiril, i don’t understand why we can’t celebrate our birth in a more worthy place , it’s terrible here, yes, but i like it, by the way, we’re completely they forgot about your interview, you wanted to ask me about something, probably a tragedy in my family, i knew that sooner or later this story would leak to the press, forgive me, but what are you talking about now, write it down before you sit down prison, my father tried to sell both our houses here and...
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gal, let's go, okay, here's alphonse, in front of my eyes he's already fooling for the second time, and they're all paying for him, can you imagine how disgusting, yes, come in, little darling, come in, don't be shy, here is my bed, it’s strong, let’s hold them, you live here, well... not alone, of course, with me two more guys, your hand, madam, sit still,
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little dear, where are you going, this is temporary, well , at least leave your phone number, we’re having a wedding, minus one, and well done guys, good makeup, you should add for talent, compensation, etiquette . the main thing is to choose your path, even if it is the most dangerous, calmly, take your time, wait, wait, not there, not there, not there.
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