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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  June 30, 2024 7:35am-9:00am MSK

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clear, noticeable, beautiful bodies, radiant hearts, for the beauty of people, the warmth of my land, sodom, sodonnaya, i will always return, stocky, peace-loving, so proud, so sweet, for motherly.
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80 years of peace, a generation that does not know war, generations that keep the memory of the world, about the feat of our grandfathers and great-grandfathers, about the war heroes of our destroyed cities, a generation... that restored the country from the ashes, tamed the peaceful atom, conquered our space, creating a peaceful future. together we will celebrate the main holiday of belarusian statehood, the military parade, commemorating the independence day of belarus and the eightieth anniversary of liberation from the nazi invaders. july 3 at 9:00, kustella, minsk, hero city,
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hello, the club of editors is on air on tv channels belarus 1 and belarus 24, we will discuss all the most important, interesting topics among those walking.
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they set the strategic agenda, here are the corridors, here are the infrastructure projects, here is the economy, there is import substitution, big projects again, here is the energy sector, nuclear power plants, pipes and so on, here at the level of interregional interaction, direct that very colossal foundation is being created, tens of thousands of new projects, so this experience, our belarusian-russian one, which the president of belarus, by the way, launched in the union state, is now in demand among the most influential... well, by the way, returning to
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the forum of regions, the academy of management at president, they also participate in it, yesterday , by the way, i also made a little contribution, so really, this is an invention.
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more difficult than the official ones in kiev and minsk, that is, for ukraine and the ukrainian regions it was profitable, otherwise they wouldn’t have worked, it wasn’t very profitable for our overseas friends who put on a show tonight, but we know that ukraine, unfortunately, is not an independent country, but the forum, yes, it’s a very good event, and there are two such big state the people who are doing this are natalya ivanovna and valentina ivanovna, and i’m sure that it’s a tradition to live by, by the way, we’ve also never had such a practice in recent years. we interact with russian regions, although we have enough information about what is happening in russia, in basically from federal channels, and just last year our film crews went on business trips to the russian federation more than 80 times, you can imagine, and now i’m working on one big project, i’m working with text, there was such a thesis, i’m doing it
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now i remembered, just yesterday i signed up for 2022 92, i think there were visits from russian regions at various levels, can you imagine the volume of interaction.
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on us, but also to limit the access of their citizens to belarus, because they are wildly irritated by the fact that lithuanians are primarily this is the first place, these are hundreds of thousands of people, then poles or latvians come to us without a visa, they see how our country lives, and each of them is a civilian journalist, what and what bothered them, that the border areas, at the last presidential elections in lithuania did not vote the way they wanted, they voted for another candidate, not for these two, who 5 years later turned out to be the same candidates in...
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the historical stages of the development of our country to develop, continue to develop and be competitive, because here are our colleagues, who curtailed economic cooperation, cultural, political cooperation with us, under the dictation of third countries or due to some historical grievances
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against the russian federation, against someone else, they suffered economically and today they fell under external control, today they are being driven into such a situation , when they may be forced to be involved in the third world war, we do everything to save them, too, because this is our sound, reasonable policy, because it is aimed not only at... to ensure peace and order on our land , to continue progressive development, but also in order to maintain peace in europe, we are truly donors of regional and international stability in the context that we are trying to pursue a policy, i emphasize once again, common sense, without relying on any then seven-minute opportunistic aspects of interaction, because in any relationship there are nuances and there are acute phases, but when we stand above the fray and see...
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near kiev 120 km, there is belsakovskaya fur factory, at this time i am with my father, the director of the factory, yes, orders come to him from the modern ussr, that with fokim then from the soviet past, as it were, an order from january 1 , 1992 to break all ties with the russian federation, sits factory director, so what? no where can i get the fur, i bring everything from siberia, it was made from spain, who benefits from it,
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it comes down from above, which means the authorities, roughly speaking, are involved, this is the corruption component of external management, we are lucky, you understand in due time that you will understand, you will remember these 93, ninety-four years, when there, if poznyak had come to power, he would have, in order to spoil russia, he would have cut off all relations there, he would then have fallen under external control, so they are officially announcing this even now.
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economic system, and what will happen to you this time, well, something will happen, i know what will happen.
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that is, this is shocking, this means that they have nothing sacred, no brakes, taking into account the new appointment of the person responsible for foreign policy in the european union, remember, we are all with you time they jokingly said that in europe each subsequent one is worse than the previous one, i think we will still remember with a kind word old barel, because now the foreign policy of the european union will rule, kaya kallas, european foreign policy.
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in foreign policy, they are absolutely dependent people, there is a strategic planning committee, which is headed by americans and in general, all the other bosses - it all doesn’t mean anything, that ’s what worries me, so i just want to explain to you, washington’s goal, and especially not washington, and the financial and industrial circles that at one time financed hitler, what was nazi aggression, it was an economic project that had an ideological basis, there is a nation without space, which means... circles were allocated for this by very large financial groups for liberation of the territory, because the liberation of our territory simply meant destruction, eviction of the population, subsequent economic occupation, this does not mean liberation, capture, well,
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in their understanding, in their understanding, liberation from of the population, they called it deportation, they called it the exterminated inhabitants. they set the goal of weakening and destroying this soviet union, today the same task is being set by these financial-industrial circles, but using other methods, on our territory, in the eurasian region, and today they have achieved very excellent results, you and i are sitting at this table and we say what is beneficial to washington, because
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it is beneficial for them that we destroy, well, we are telling the truth on the one hand, we are telling the truth with you that... this is the problem, the problem is that what is happening today, and it is going very well according to the established rules, the fact that they are bringing us closer and closer to a military confrontation is correct today.
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the socio-economic conditions in which the world is breathing war have developed, the united states of america, wanting to maintain its hegemony, cannot maintain it either in the socio-economic or military-political sphere, all the goals of american individual leadership declared with the end of the cold war are not completed. never in history has it happened that the change from one political, world political system planetary to another passed without war, but it is happening, you mean a world war, a world war, yes, we have now formed three centers of military tension, each of these hotbeds... a third world war could explode, this is eastern european, this is not only ukraine, eastern european in general, this is the middle east and this is the pacific, these are three areas where the third world
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war could break out, i would also add the south caucasus, well the south caucasus there is no such tension, yes, but the middle east, but this week the two defense ministers of russia and the united states talked on the phone, yes, as far as i can see, regarding the phones, many compare them with the caribbean crisis, they talked on the phone as if
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they were their own counterparts, remember the meeting in ankara that took place, there are their visitors both open and closed, tsiru, mi-6, french intelligence, these contacts support negotiations are always ongoing, they may not be public, colleagues, once again, i agree, sladio francis came, but today we have it’s still happening from all sides, on european channels, on russian, belarusian, in ukraine, the situation is that we are inevitably moving towards a global one.
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dobrynin had a special door leading into the white house, this is the same door, yes, this is the same door about which there was a correct door, even when the war was at its coldest, dobrynin walked through the back door, roughly speaking, through the back door relevant negotiations, if we speak, returning to history, but the first world war, today, vadim correctly outlined, but the main conflict then was what, germany wanted to seize the colonies, yes, england and france resisted, both sides were ready for war.
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they are proposing a new concept of a multipolar world - this is a way out of this situation without war, well, that’s the genius, if you like , of our leaders, but in the west there is no adequate politician, you all saw the tv broadcasts today, but what’s there, barely a debate, i care i’m sorry, i even published an article with that title, barely a debate, yes, because i barely walked there alone, this man, who now heads the white house, he is generally adequate, i don’t know, yes, yes, it was a gorgeous company created, yes, jane fonda and so on, a little funny, a little sad, shameful, as it seems to me, the show, i never said that about the debates between candidates for the us presidency, because, in my opinion, there were no such reasons, today there is a reason and we can talk about it, of course, biden is in an extremely sad state, and
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i... well, age is age and a person needs help leave him alone, it bothers me that he is president the united states of america, yes, we say that there, by and large , nothing depends on him anymore, completely different people make decisions, he is only a sign and voices some decisions made, but it looks terrible.
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now we are celebrating the 80th anniversary of the liberation of belarus, the operation began on june 23, the same german generals who shone there in france, even let’s say frankly, in the first period of the great patriotic war, there was bush, a model, tepelskirch, army commander, yes, suddenly in in 1944 they were replaced, this there was a sign of a growing, well, yes, that’s forty of something when bogartion, in general they slept through bogartion’s operation, could not oppose anything, and this...
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returning to the thoughtfulness or ill-conceivedness of the american system, they probably already decided everything electorally in the swing states, then they brought so many migrants there that biden really just needs to survive. the second observation is that they constantly pointed out to us freedom of speech and
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freedom of the press. why weren't journalists invited to this debate other than journalists? cnn, which provided this for the first time, by the way, if i’m not mistaken, for the first time did not invite other journalists. and what was the rationale, they can see something. not how biden comes down from the back stairs, how his wife picks him up, or how trump blurts out something wrong. third, regarding rhetoric, but it just looked disgusting and, well, even aesthetically ugly, when one, therefore, accuses the other of insanity and cognitive impairment, yes, trump naturally accused biden of complete cognitive inconsistency position, he says, well, you’re a woman there with reduced social responsibility during your pregnancy... many things that americans don’t want the world to know about them are let slip, for example, at
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the last debate biden let it slip that in america how at least 36 million us citizens are hungry, malnourished, or suffer from illnesses due to hunger, you can imagine the percentage, that is, every tenth. american. now put that into our situation, if we had 900,000 million people undernourished, starved or had illnesses due to malnutrition. in the same way, within the framework of this debate, they shared several sensitive moments that the united states did not want to tell about itself to the whole world. this is also the fact that they are sliding towards the status of a third world state, although this is not true, i would rather agree with vadim frantsich that they will remain a great nation. decisive, but not a hegemon, they talked about their defense capabilities when trump talked about how american troops fled from afghanistan and that they were simply not in able to ensure the security of nato in europe, by nato forces in europe. well, finally,
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the most interesting thing is that i really liked the exact headline of the american publicists, who wrote that it was not a debate, it was a dialogue not with the president. not yet president, but wait, the headlines, let's, well, to understand, although by the evening they, of course, will disperse by our broadcast, i'm in times, democrats are in a panic, while biden is stumbling, irritable debates with trump, muttering sullenness, biden's speech at debate sent democrats into a panic, this is nbc, the new york times, this is scary, democratic voters are worried about biden's struggles in the debates, biden was never able to develop an eye in the debate with trump.
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yes, yes, yes, i didn’t get enough sleep, yes, but it was really very interesting, firstly, of course, you can’t call it a debate, rather it was some kind of open lecture, an open appointment with the attending physician, because there was not one in the studio person, there were no journalists or personnel, except for the moderators, which means that the microphones were turned off all the time, that is , either one or the other was turned on candidate, accordingly, there was no incentive to discuss.
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the question is whether, in my opinion, how many 25 republicans are asking the governor, in the example of texas , we saw that they formed a coalition that the federal government is forced to consider. let the americanist finally make up his 5 kopecks. so, firstly, regarding these televised debates, i also watched them, well, briefly, it means that biden didn’t choose his time, he finished before his timer stopped, which means, secondly, he had a hoarse voice, they later explained that he had a cold, and yes, he had been in prison for a week.
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as if not for me, for everyone, yes, what’s the first thing, he said that your son, meaning a hunter, means he’s a criminal, things are still going on for him, he’ll go to prison again, and if i’m with...
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in history so that the dem party can look at it, do something, see it in action, but unfortunately, hillary clinton, it’s all her gang that is now in control, she trampled everyone around biden, so that you, so they call him killary, she is the killari, yes, she trampled everyone literally, look at the vice president, at kamala haris, it means there are simply no candidates, as for michelle obama, so i ’ll tell you what, of course, obama is in charge of this process. as one of hillary clinton’s representatives, but apparently, i may not give data now, but there is compromising evidence against obama himself, very serious, as soon as he puts forward his position, yes, well, let’s say, he puts forward himself, yes, he is afraid, that it will end in his disaster, the same will happen if his wife goes, that is, if his wife goes, they will start digging under obama himself, so
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let’s check, but michelle obama will not agree to this matter, in fact, i will tell you this, the democratic party has ruined itself. maybe even in the next elections of the democratic party as such there will no longer be an obvious discord i sincerely congratulate the democratic party and i also honestly remembered the plague on both of their houses and about belarus i’ll say it now i’ll say it later and then i’ll hear the news that just arrived let’s listen that this great american politician is good though he was a politician, but listen, well, biden, and a senator, can you imagine, he remembers he also has braids, let’s listen.
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has information about the presence of units of the so-called russian volunteer corps in the zone of responsibility of the zhytomyr border detachment. reconstruction of the area and active reconnaissance activities were recorded, including crossing the state border of belarus. along the border , reconnaissance flights of ukrainian drones are regularly observed. attempts to fly drones into our territory are being stopped using standard weapons and electronic warfare equipment. on june 26, in the yelsky district of the homer region, a border guard patrols the mozar border outpost. the pogrin detachment, as a result of the use of military weapons and means of suppression , detected a violation of airspace by a quadcopter moving from ukrainian territory deep into belarus. the unmanned aerial vehicle was forced to land 150 m from the state border. video files were found on the flash card, analyzes of which indicate that
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the aircraft carried out reconnaissance of industrial facilities located on the border territory, as well as border infrastructure. in addition, the day before, in the same direction, in the course of pro...plastic explosives, used devices, fuses with fuses and detonators and detonators for them, the border service authorities, in cooperation with the ministry of defense, carried out a set of measures to additionally cover the state and border, this very serious, this is very serious, russian we remember the volunteer corps, what...
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we didn’t say, the situation is stabilized, tense, but under control, these are typical moments they have, the resignation of general sodol, there is discord in the ukrainian army, the commander, chief of staff of the twelfth brigade of the tazov national guard simply speaks with devastating criticism addressed to one of the leading commanders, this is a unified command, which means hortes with joint forces, sodel, he is immediately removed from his post, this is a recognition that the actions of the ukrainian generals at the front...
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did not support, i say again, we are going to the end of these idiotic statements, it is unclear to what end and to whose end, because from the point of view of the logic
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of war, any escalation, if the parties are comparable, can lead to the most catastrophic consequences when the side that is direct beneficiary, the conflict does not directly have its borders, it will carry out such an escalation and such a degree of escalation that can have the most destructive consequences for...
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he says, sometimes the worst is better than the best, he he says that if they had used it somewhere within a radius of 10 km two years ago, then everyone would have been sitting at the negotiating table long ago, everything would have ended, now 750 thousand, according to various estimates, are buried in the ground, i am not calling for anything against all of this, i just a thought, we won’t work out a solution here at the table, we’re not even going to. the weak heads of our country are working on this, especially the first person controls this situation, but vadim correctly said that today they need
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asymmetrical actions, first of all, to create panicky anti-war sentiments in russian federation by striking the rear and military targets and civilian objects, but there is a danger of escalation and the transfer of the drg into our territory, especially since they understand that come on, let me simplify, this means their task is not a little bit different, no panic in they will not sow russia. you see how the russian people answer yes and you won’t panic anyone there, come on and we are so russian yes we are not afraid of anyone it’s stupid let’s listen already listen it means the only thing they want is ukrainian nationalists yes today it’s right to say, the americans themselves do not directly communicate, do not enter into battle, and therefore their task is to provoke an indirect conflict so that either french or american nato troops will come there and a direct confrontation between russia and nato will begin. and putin really avoids this, so he acts very carefully, here is the conversation between belousov and austin, yes, which we mentioned, ivan mikhailovich, and of course we don’t
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know what was discussed there, but it’s completely clear, this happened after a provocation on sevastopol beach, by the way, i am this personal i know the beach, i’ve vacationed there 100 times, it’s one of the best places near sevastopol, and of course, that means austin got scared when it was announced that there would be some kind of retaliatory measures, what kind of retaliatory measures.
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we told you, but, but i now, we remember under what pretext and then putin spoke about it, and stoltenberg later confirmed it, we have shown more than once that you see, putin demanded that, wait, vadim alexander, ukraine is not not accepted into nato, around this, in general, speaking, now information has already circulated, contacts have come out again with
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another european politician.
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this is what i was talking about, which means cameron said, the americans will not let them through, the americans were scared, and until that moment they were not afraid, yes, their situation in a sense was ideal, yes, they are causing damage to the enemy, bullying him, and they themselves receive nothing but earnings, so when they themselves came to this brink, yes, after sevastopol and other operations, they realized that putin was finally starting to get tough, went to phinyan, yes, went to vietnam, and what is phinyan, i tell you...
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this is the result of the fact that the same james cameron, yes, one of the main provocateurs, who demanded that ukraine be immediately accepted into nato, he himself admits, yes, this is a tailcoat, it is a fact that no one will let ukraine there now, too dangerous, too hot for the usa, believe me, the united states of america understands only strength, but if
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we show them our strength, we will show that we are not afraid.
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neighbors should not undertake any provocations, because peaceful belarus, the opening of a second front - no one needs this, but if on a call from... this time there were unscheduled inspections on alert, this suggests that we have worked out the scenario, i had to be on this border, this is the zhytomyr direction, there is the elsky district, not only
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border guards are there, but our troops, there are several scenarios of work, the president clearly outlined them, they may be a separate provocation, there may already be larger ones, it can be coordinated in several directions, there are scenarios where it is stopped with conventional weapons, we have enough strength for this. worked out by the ministry of defense, border guards, internal troops, of course, if it’s large, all the indicators are placed there, it’s not for nothing that at the all-belarusian people’s assembly we understood the concept of national security, by the way, out of nine spheres of national security, eight are peacefully oriented - this is social , environmental, political, only one military and military doctrine, all indicators are in place, the military will act clearly, we see what they say through open... open channels are not collegium, and opponents or, well, neighbors, as they say, they recognize how much the combat capability of the belarusian armed forces has increased over these 2 years, how we have learned, what appropriate
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training has been carried out, i am deeply convinced that we should not argue about development of scenarios, but the president will do everything possible and is doing it now in order to prevent escalation, and the fact that the border committee made this situation public is... also a very effective element of information weapons, counteraction and effective preemption, as the head of state said, we have several such provocations a week, but when we make them public, we show the potential enemy, we see everything, we know everything, we determine, be prepared, or don’t be prepared, just understand that you you will meet with resistance, and as our president also said at the all-russian congress, yes, there are so many of these provocations that if everyone reports, well... this very panic will rise, which means i also want to note one more important thing, which means this the ukrainian group that formed there, and he’s preparing some kind of provocation, well, i don’t want to sound like too much of a military strategist,
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but behind them there is a standing field that goes straight to kiev, that’s all i wanted to say, so such provocations are a hint, yeah, i said it as a private person , but those who are preparing these provocations even understand perfectly well that this could turn out very badly for them, until...
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i’ll tell you something you don’t know, i spoke in the european parliament in 2014 , i stated, i quote , there will be a war in ukraine, why i said this was obvious to me. that the continued expansion of nato and the european union gives putin a reason to tell his russian people that they are coming after us again and start a war. i have been talking about future conflict since the 1990s, since the berlin wall fell. wait a second, we provoked this war, of course it's putin's fault, but he used what we did as an excuse.
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a person who represents the interests of the trumpist part of the us republican party, they say that he even refused a us tour in support of trump in order to, well so to represent the interests of this particular part of the republican party of the magician of this bloc in the uk in order, first, to bury the conservative party of great britain, and second, to put up at least some kind of counterweight. libarists, who are likely to decisively win the next uk elections, simply want the us to control part of british politics. as for what he stated, but he also did not tell the whole truth, he said it from the british position, you need to listen to it, you can listen to this position, but the role nobody will forget the butcher boris johnson, and i hope that first of all the ukrainian people will not forget, this is great britain and boris johnson is personally responsible for that.
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the agreements on preventing a full-scale war, essentially initialed in belarus , were not signed, the ukrainians lost so many people, territories, subjectivity, regarding najeel farage, i want to add something else, which means he is the father of brexit, yes, the exit of great britain from the eu, when he held it, he said, i'm leaving politics, he's a businessman, i'll never go back to i won’t return to politics, if he returned, he was returned, well, let’s assume he agreed or... he was returned and that means he considers the situation really dangerous, in this sense , yes, there is no difference between the laborites and the tories, now a new laborist will come and it will be like this the military bullshit there, i beg your pardon , to spin in the uk, and farage wedges in, firstly, he chops off a lot of votes from them from these libraists, and secondly, he raises and promotes this anti-war theme, and if you like, he again hits the european union, because great britain today, yes, it again seems to be drawn into european politics, the same.
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if they have pushed themselves to such an extent that they are below the plinth and are chasing the ukrainians to war as meat, then any sane person, and farage is one of them, he begins to raise a hubbub about this, contact anyone, europeans, remember, take your head, otherwise we will all get a third world war, well , yes, well, god bless them, so i think we discussed this topic, we talked about the personnel who are in power in the united states states of america.
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people's assembly, the country must get a good government, wire belts from the president to the government through the administration down, there must be a result of efficiency, i warn everyone categorically, the prime minister already gets from this every day, no red tape of bureaucracy, no if the issue needs to be resolved, and you see, it can be solved in a day or two, decide, god forbid, happy mondays. will , as before, inform about this red tape and bureaucracy, i especially warn the presidential administration, ministers should run, move, if somewhere the government apparatus has not worked, give advice and it is demanded in the most severe way, once, twice they demanded, the third time he must leave
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for another job, efficiency must be increased incredibly if we want to build each of you knows this frantic struggle that... is going on around you, therefore, based on this, among other things, the appropriate decision was made, which i voiced. well, i completely agree with vladim gigin’s analysis, but i want add something: firstly, when i found out about this appointment, the president turned out to be true to himself, 5 minutes before the announcement no one could predict that he was doing this, and as soon as everyone knew, everyone thinks, and this is really the most logical solution. what is the logic here, as it seems to me, i am responsible for the political part, in recent years the most important direction has been cool, union relations, and he was the driving belt, to put it, which means in the language of our president in these relations there is a whole headquarters, a whole part of the government in fact yes, but he led this process, he was
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, as it were, the main mediator and guide, so everything here is very logical, this is the definition of our strategic course, which should never change. as for the strengthening and rejuvenation within the presidential administration, here again i have already said everything quite clearly, i would like to draw another important point, it seems to me that we should in no case forget about another position of our president, chairman of the presidium, belarusian people's assembly, which means i just i assume that today our president, as you said, not only forms, the administration has already been actually formed, but he forms... the team itself , including distributing responsibilities , capabilities and functions among them, and this is sort of a dualism in some way... in a sense, yes, the fact that the president occupies two of the most important positions in our state, it gives him... the ability to create
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a team that would be internally balanced and truly would lead our the country to new and new achievements, because the election campaign for next year is really very serious ahead, we are not saying anything more yet, but its task for this company, the most important thing, is to maintain the continuity of the political course, we must set this political course for the future at least 30 years -50. i presented, set tasks for him, that i was choosing from a large number of candidates, and
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for me the main criterion for the president was that the person is connected with this area and has already shown results there. second, president he also outlined this, the presence of super powers was discussed for a very long time, we have a super-presidential republic at the head of state and the president also noted this. okay, i’m ready to share powers, but it won’t be spontaneous, don’t worry.
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i’ll add one more point, you and i talked about how we
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can respond to these challenges, including at the border. i think that this personnel policy of the head of state is sometimes tough in some places, and in others sometimes management decisions are made very quickly, because he sees ineffective in those other departments, it is associated with the need to be very effective at this historical stage in order to ensure national security and preserve. sovereignty, that ’s what he said, that today we don’t have the right, if we want to live in a sovereign country, if we want to live under a dirty sky, to be ineffective, to delay, to obfuscate or to be unprofessional, so this is what we’re talking about, about efficiency , i'm only one, yur, sorry, here's another important point, our the president in this appointment means that he is thinking about prospects, about creative possibilities, about development, we do not have a military psychology, we do not have a mobilization economy, we are just looking into the future development of integration with...
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people are becoming broader specialists in various fields, and i really liked that due to the fact that time has chosen us, this is the slogan from the belarusian people’s assembly, the president set the task to be more active and assertive, and if we move on to some specific examples, here’s how i citizen of belarus expects from the new leaders, including the heads of the ministry of foreign affairs.
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specifically, the preparation of such a claim - it would be a wonderful move and it would be a trump card that belarusian diplomats would always get at negotiations, by the way, a brilliant lawyer, well, yes, we’ll see, in general , i think there will be some work in the near future decisions, difficult times, who
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we have to fight with, we all know, i still have a lot of news, but here’s one for the end, with whom i have to fight...
8:55 am
week, goodbye, the whole trouble with the war today is not only that ukraine has limited sovereignty, the trouble is that europe...
8:56 am
8:57 am
is shit, talented and powerful. zhanchyna palyashuchka is a janchyna who knows everything. well, on the contrary, i can tell you what i mean and here i fall. unbelievable, obsessive history of your little radzima. the fruits of the myastechka have been declining since 1820, and it began with alexander skirmunt. archaealgic news reports that the first people appeared here in the thousands.
8:58 am
africa, europe and latin america - people, cities, enterprises where minsk is known, appreciated and respected. it is impossible not to notice belarus; it has preserved and is developing healthcare and industry. state structure, you did not allow the country to be destroyed, you held it, this is a victory, and belarus is gathering friends, we are already citizens of your country, our country, our country, i have been living for 31 years, it’s good, we are happy with everything. belarus is wonderful, my wife is belarusian, my children are here, already three sons, we have settled here for 45 years. main topics in main broadcast. watch on tv channel belarus 24. 33 happy summers, your favorite holiday brings friends together again. from july 9 to 15
8:59 am
, the international arts festival slavic bazaar will be held in vitebsk for the thirty-third time, with popular songs, fiery dances, a bright show and the smiles of thousands of spectators. welcome to infinity art. look for details on the website in the official communities of the festival. live news in the studio, live
9:00 am
news in the studio lyudmila kazak, good sunday morning for everyone, watch this graduation, a clear step, army endurance, admiring glances, preparation for a grandiose holiday and the first general. liberation of belarus. fight for the white house ghosn on independence day and 80th anniversary trump accused biden of provoking.


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