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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  June 30, 2024 10:55am-12:00pm MSK

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we put it out, we kissed. just don’t worry, dashul, i’ll call the little one now, he’ll get your dentist out of the ground. what do you say his name is? yes, i, i don’t know his name, but i know for sure that it’s not sergei, not andrei, not vladimir, not dmitry, yes, and not nicodemus. well, that's a good start. maybe you have his phone number? i don’t have his phone number, why do i need his phone number, we already live in the same building, we almost never parted with him. you know, don't worry. we let's find him, i understand, i'm afraid that i 'll never see him again, hello. dasha, marry me, you
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are not afraid that i will agree, i only dream about it, otherwise your nephew, he will completely ruin me, my name is stas, by the way, it’s very nice, i told you, he is not offended. he ran like a sweetheart, and even asked me to marry you, so you better tell me why you ruined my car again, and i need it, i have a dog now, so who painted my headlights with green paint, who stuck butterflies on my license plates, i have butterflies, that i’m a girl or something, so wait, and it’s definitely not me, it’s him, yes, no, well, of course, everything is clear, you’re one bunch of watering cans, right?
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it was worth going away for a few days, where did you go for a few days, and i went to my mother’s dacha, i have a very good mother, she is an honored teacher of the russian federation, what is the dog’s name? jack, good one, well, jack, let's live, get along, hello, aola, mom! yes, give me, okay, i understand, give me, give me, she gave up, when she comes, she said in a year, van, vanechka, she will come, she said that she will come in a year, but no will come, she, that i don’t know, or something, listen, vanya, then look, in the summer we will all
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go together to visit our mother in sochi at the seaside, have you been to the seaside? no, but we’ll definitely go, but i promise you, hurray, hurray, hurray, hurray, oh, what ’s going on with you all the time, well, i’ll arrange it for you, oh, take it, go feed him, and let’s go, feed him, dash, i saw you drawing butterflies at night. “please forgive me, vanka has a bad influence on me, and he has a bad influence on everyone, we need to do something with the school, we should probably send him to some club, we’ll send him to circle, this is not a problem, and most likely you also need to contact guardianship, but why guardianship, wait, your sister will come in a year, stas, she won’t come, she doesn’t need vanka, she’s dreamed of him all her life..." on
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legally i will flog him, but i was joking, i won’t go to ballroom dancing, i’ll tell you right away, so you will go where i say, i understand, well, since you’re marrying a dusk, give the commands,
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hello, i’ll have to start with the section . their morals. the european union rolled out another, already fourteenth, package of anti-russian, anti-belarusian sanctions, managed to include the belarusian republican youth union there. you heard right, the belarusian republican youth union. it looks like the only thing left for them to tackle next is our kindergarteners, and apparently they are also ready to get to that point, we have a lot of topics ahead of us, in order to understand them, we need to start with this question, andrey evgenevich, what’s in our heads for those people who make such decisions today, on the one
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hand, this is, of course, a degradation of morals, political culture, public administration in general, to impose sanctions against a youth organization, and even for saving children who are being rescued from a combat zone... that is, this is a direct humanitarian mission of any normal public organization, this is one of the cornerstones of the tasks of the united nations, well, then immediately introduce sanctions against the un, which operates with its peacekeeping missions, saves children, saves people from hunger, from bombings in the hottest spots of the planet, on the other hand, for me personally and for the absolute majority of belarusians, i looked at public opinion, this evidence that the battle for our...
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thank you for the congratulations, i felt like it was my birthday, absolutely true, of course, this is how we should respond, we are not afraid of their sanctions, for us this is just another proof that there is no legal, there is no legal or political system, there are evil freaks sitting there who write these sanctions lists, prepare them, carry them through their legal decisions, who are simply haters of all living things, naturally.
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brsm, then the so-called west is for you closed so that there is an outflow, to scare them, and to show the youth, they say, do not be loyal to your state and people, leave for yourself a chance to run away there or go to study, that is, become
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mankurts, become mankurts, do not join organizations that support president, our state, the meaning of this, the pain points that are actually for... and the same belarusian republican youth union, well, everyone needs to be prepared that sanctions are for a long time, if not forever, well, and this really, as shown to us leader of the belarusian republican youth union, and you can be proud of this, this is already a sign of the quality of the work done. by the way, look at the biographies of those who impose these
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sanctions, the children are grandchildren of nazis, ss policemen, well, from our policemen, former policemen who fled there and are preparing sanctions lists, because they are not european unionists, but ours are throwing them... they are imposing sanctions against their grandchildren already great-grandchildren of the generation of winners , so in some sense the process of liberation is your opinion?
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for example, during voting on a number of issues, including anti-russian sanctions for aid to ukraine, writes financial times, plus, of course, we heard the day before that they want to nominate estonian prime minister kallos for well, instead of a barrel, so that she heads european diplomacy, after all, re-elect ursela vonlein, that is, andrey, it turns out nothing good for us we can’t expect anything from them in the near future, well, these are the people who accepted these sanctions, the new packages, these are the ones who are today electing a new governing body - these are the european people. the party is ours in quotation marks says ursula, the most important friends there for probably 15 years already, that is, they support our
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belarusian opposition, they launder money through it , when they were re-elected again, of course, nothing good could be expected for the european people, i must say they have no direct relationship, because when an election system, when parties from different countries are elected, and then they unite into a new faction, well, it’s clear that it’s difficult to unite there with a hedgehog, but the task is precisely to group like left with left, right with right, that’s what is at stake everyone, that means the same european people's... party, which is the permanent leader of this european union of ours, for the children i can also add that, of course, this is such an internal topic of ukrainian propaganda that was last there for another eight years, that is, since the events in donbass, that is, they explained to their ukrainians that why they don’t support us there, because all the children were kidnapped, brainwashed, they even made films there on this topic, and after the svu they began to expand this internal theme further outside, that is, well belarusians are stealing further, so there’s something else, the second point is, of course, sanctions, the new package that the europeans introduced, maybe... they said, and the third thing is a negotiating topic, that is, they are trying to slip the item on children as a plan to the countries there
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africa, the countries of latin america, like, let us impose some of our agenda on russia through a good deed, we protect children, and this is also a torque in terms of negotiations, that is, whether children will be discussed there or not, russia doesn’t want that, they are under such pressure, including including at the belarusian republican youth union, they are trying to introduce all this into the negotiation agenda for us, so how can i say, the games are less frequent, the money is the same, that is , the people are still the same who are working against us, in principle, the mechanisms remain under the european commission. they also include pr, they have this loud topic with epstein then and ostrov, when they really have problems with pedophilia, they are trying in every possible way , obviously at the international level, to divert attention from, in general, their big problems that they got into, that’s us too we see we note, ending this topic of new old people - in the camp of our opponents, and nato, active trials are now underway for the new secretary general, stoltenberg should leave in october.
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change of control, i think, not much, try to choose a commander in a battalion, for example, well, most likely it won’t work, there’s such a game going on here, look, we listened to all of you, which means that each country has expressed some kind of wish , there is turkey - please, hungary - please, and after that there is such a collective, which means a certain figure who suits everyone, in reality, of course, this is an american structure that is controlled from one point, that is, who is the middle-level executive, this is, well, a person for certain public statements, a talking head, yes, let’s say, like a speaker such, well... in this regard, well, by the way, it is indicative that she
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is apparently a weak figure, who is a compromise, who is also convenient for the americans , as in this case, who lost the elections in their homeland, so they put him there, what a class act was considered for the head of nato, and now in the end she, this hawk in skirts , has now found himself at the head of european diplomacy, there the barel was of course not a gift, but the rock will also be all that is why the barel was a gift for us, he said so much stupidity, vileness and meaninglessness. that for us he was just a political informationist, he was just a gift, i won’t say manna from heaven, because he said things that... in most civilized countries it’s simply embarrassing to say, that’s why, well, if a more experienced one comes, i’ll agree in words, not in deeds, in words a person, this will, of course, be worse for us, imagine, with a smart player, with a smart opponent, it’s more difficult to build, catch him by the tongue and build information work, well, in fact, this was
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a prelude to the main topic that we all shocked and which once again showed who we were dealing with. patriarch kirill also stated that the day chosen for attacks on churches in dagestan exposes the devilish essence of terrorists. alexander vladimirovich, do you agree with those who claim that the attack on sevastopol and attacks in dagestan. this is all, behind all these manifestations there is one and the same force. well,
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let's look at it this way, both missiles and radical islam, which are in this case. are suspected of these cases, they are all of american, so to speak, origin, so obviously they have one common master, secondly, i will say this, that it is already clear and clear that it is the americans who are waging this war, with russia, today everyone is waiting for a moment, let’s say, a counter-offensive, yes, there will be some kind of counter-offensive, changes, i will say that what is striking is that they are trying to teleport the war, the fighting, deep into russia, because the front line, the line of contact, today it is becoming secondary, today even it is somehow not particularly covered or touched, it has lost some the point is, now everything is focused on throwing active actions
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precisely into the depths of russia, into the depths of russia, this means who to beat, to beat civilians, that’s it. today, looking at this tragedy on the sevastopol beach, it’s immediately i remember a picture from the time of the great patriotic war, when german pilots ironed children's beaches in evpatoria, this is one on one, so here everything is in one package, today it is american, what is the goal? well, i have a formula that no one beat or defeated the russians better than the russians, that’s why the task here is to cause a russian rebellion, fear, destabilization, that’s because the americans themselves won’t do this,
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they will expose russia in any case, now against themselves they don’t fight themselves... the americans don’t see their satellites, what’s there children or see consciously, if they see, it means this is an information-terrorist company and i agree, the action is aimed deep into russia in order to cause horror panic, and she, i
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just spoke with one of my american colleagues a few days ago, i asked for old contacts , just imagine: if this happened somewhere on a beach in florida, he says, this happens here about every week, you forgot that in america we have a whole culture of mass jokes, this, unfortunately, is another sign of our the information age of the cynical truck horror has an entertainment function today, a horror film, it entertains, just like a picture from life, i agree here and gave such an assessment and... the missile attacks, i think, were most likely aimed primarily at military targets, that is , there were missiles there when they were shot down over the territory
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of sevastopol, well, relatively speaking, cassettes for these ammunition fell on the beach, although it cannot be ruled out that the target was specifically civilians there in any part of sevastopol, here it is clear, with dagestan the situation is a little more complicated, in my opinion, we’ll see, well, with this... and iran, that is, in fact, this north-south corridor, it has finally been built, the railway passes through the territory of dagestan, western analysts believe that this is very complex, complex dagestan from an ethnic, religious point of view, it is an explosive region, you need to hit there in order to cause these internal ones.
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on the one hand, logistics to show that this is an unstable territory, the population, let’s say , to turn away from some positive things, related to the development of the region towards, again, the poor, radicalism, violence, this is the task of finding the pain points and putting pressure on them so that from within russia begins, begins to seethe, andrey, such a question, here ... a monstrous blow to sevastopol, and in parallel, what about all these peace formulas in switzerland? this suggests that this blow has ruined all intentions to go
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along the peaceful track, or in their coordinate system , one and the other somehow coexist. well, russia made a separate statement that this it doesn’t interrupt any negotiations there, if there are any, but again, i agree with alexey in terms of dagestan, i think that after all, the primary task there, remember the crocus, who took responsibility in the end? isis, who believed in it, no one really believed it, why did this organization do this, which is half dead there, it is unclear, now the same thing is happening, again the same isis cell in afghanistan is taking responsibility, the question is for what, that is , really, who is isis, yes, that is, the task was, say, to actually destroy someone in dagestan, or perhaps this first terrorist attack in crocus will be legendary, bloodier, more terrible, what can i say, look, it’s still isis, they repeated their action, look, then there may be a third, fourth, which will also take over isis, that is, this is not ukraine, this is not gur, not the sbu, this is not the west. look, these are some bad isis fighters who have appeared among us. the second point regarding dagestan, yes, this has been since the end of the second chechen war, it was the most problematic point in russia, that is, there this underground was really very wide, but it
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was limited not only to the americans, also to saudi arabia, and there you know, the current attitude of the russians, that is, it could not have been orchestrated in terms of wahhabism there, something controlled from there, no, it was something that masquerades as wahhabism, hence the strange choice of target, because if you carry out a terrorist attack, let’s say , against the war there... she stated just the other day that we are ready , like something already discuss, well, that is, in the west there are also different lines that someone someone wants, someone doesn’t want these negotiations , someone in the same way controls these terrorist acts along different lines, that is
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, it’s not just one center that makes the decision, there are the british, there are the americans, there is someone else, so they are trying to change this agenda among themselves, so of course, as a rule, even the british are always more responsible for escalation, for aggravation, for making such a decision, and here again, if i may allow one informational-psychological moment that needs to be... look who were the performers this terrorist attack, and this is generally one of the signs of our time, the golden youth, dagestani, who did not need anything, who belonged to one of the clans, which, well, no one in dagestan, so i listened to caucasian specialists, experts who know perfectly well who whoever it is, remember who was the face of that very isis jihadi john, who cut off the heads of unfortunate people, including the priest, on camera. our young
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people need to be very careful, especially from such urban golden advanced youth, we need to pay very close attention to what influences are exerted on them through the information environment, what ideas are thrown at them, i will still try to return to this question of mine regarding the attacks of ukrainian missiles, ukrainian, american missiles on sevastopol and in parallel with the ongoing conversation about peace negotiations , why because we constantly build our discussions around this topic, around this question, but for some reason i probably think that it is obvious, we don’t touch on it, i’ll try to formulate why instead of creating this endless illusion of success from a counter-offensive, before the next nato summit in july, before the biden-trump debate, why, at some defining moment, are the ukrainians not trying to save themselves, their... country
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with all possible forces, or or this stage has already been passed, because every next proposal that kiev will follow will be worse than what is now, but we need to see who benefits, that is, who benefits from peace negotiations now, no one, no players on the geopolitical map world, which would benefit from even a truce, well, why would they, i don’t agree, china, china, well, china maybe, if it’s the chinese formula, i agree. but no, in modern times the ukrainian people are not subjective, a tough nazi dictatorship has been established there, troops are burning there, neo-nazi gangs are operating there, there are hundreds, thousands, tens of thousands of people in prison, including our fellow journalists, or killed without trial for investigation. alternative position. biden definitely doesn’t need peace talks before the elections, because that they will be perceived as a defeat because they will have to compromise.
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and the solution is not russian-ukrainian negotiations, but the transformation of the world or any other initiative into global negotiations of collective security in europe, in general, pazdamayakovsky’s place, here lies the solution with the invitation of russia and belarus and real consideration of their interests. well, i think, yes, specifically aristovich is working on a certain, so to speak, opposition agenda, by the way, zelensky said the same thing before the elections, when he needed to be elected president the facts are as follows.
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that is, who will still be involved in the restoration of part of ukraine there, some territories there, this is a big question, so, of course, china is interested, first of all, why, this is the traditional chinese
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formula, it is better to cooperate and trade than to fight, of course, in eurasia they need unification, to further promote the belt and road project, the community of the common destiny of humanity, the war interferes with all this. i think that one of the motives for this war, including to prevent the unification of eurasia, is ukraine it is used as a battering ram, of course, primarily against russia, but also against china’s global ambitions. look, you said about the interests of china, restovich says the same thing, but about the interests of russia and belarus, which must be taken into account, well, everyone understood about the interests of russia, vladimir putin spoke about this more than once, but not everyone understood, but what they are the interests of belarus in this case in relation to ukraine, i’ll try to explain, well, first of all, the most basic ones, we want...
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an interview, that this is kind of a desirable option taking into account belarusian interests, russian interests, but the impossible, possible option in his words is a freeze on the current front line, this is exactly what, from his point of view, should have been offered to putin before the summit by switzerland, then zelensky would definitely
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agree, the west would agree to it , would put pressure on him, and this is apparently the american signal that they are showing us today, hence the next question, you said why they use missiles, why are they resisting so fiercely today, but if tomorrow there is a freeze along the front line, they today they are throwing resources away in order to... preserve that very front line, this is the question of kharkov, the question is the sum, the question is i don’t know, the approach of kiev there is a withdrawal, that’s why they are putting people in today, that is, apparently there is some real option this very freeze along the front line, there may be no peace agreement there, but at least they are losing it, so aristovich he gives such a position that the military doesn’t want to fight, the army is poorly managed, which means there is a lot of corruption, ineffective, and let’s it’s against this background that we’ll hold elections, well , it’s clear that with the holding of elections a certain situation changes and maybe it’s also beneficial for russia... what kind of elections to hold, look who new ones will come there, that is, well, i think it might be , that is, the korean version, with instruments, then, as alexey said, if elections are held, some kind of window is already opening for us, well, who knows what will happen there and how, then it will be easier
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to work with them, the zamoruzian conflict is not beneficial either belarus, nor russia, because this is a former ulcer, which with the help of it’s just that the americans will get into our space, it’s either escalation or freezing, unfortunately, that’s the only alternative for now. television in our country, as in the russian federation, dominates the information field, since the twentieth year our audience has grown, it has a very clear request for socio-political broadcasting, many say, you cannot teach to love your homeland, you can, you need to teach to love your homeland, you need to talk about her achievements, how much has been done for a person, and this needs to be talked about, the media - this is a very important link between, well, i’ll call it very... conditionally the people, the authorities. without the media, this communication cannot exist.
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the media conveys the main meanings, ideological directions, and the course that determines the state. feedback must come from the population. not a single achievement of our country, not a single one of our citizens. we will never give them up, we will not betray them. and with all our strength, even if necessary, and the president said this, even with our lives, we owe all our values, all our achievements. protect the markov project nothing personal, watch on belarus24 tv channel. we are observing such trends that crime is moving into the digital sphere, more and more of our citizens are involved in the internet in one way or another, payments are made remotely, but at the same time, the risks have increased, the vast majority of the population, we need to train them - the basics of our own information security for so that they
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feel safe in those new realities. there is always a threat, the internet, the darknet, someone always wants to make money from this, criminals have a variety of ways, how to involve young people there, in the digital world everything leaves digital traces, by deleting information about yourself in one place, it will be saved in another place, this information can be picked up, analyzed, you can earn money once, perhaps not even earn money. wikileaks founder julian assange completed the deal. assange was released from
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prison in the uk and headed to australia. according to media reports, he reached a deal with the us regime. he pleaded guilty to a single charge, namely conspiracy to obtain and disclose information to national defense. but all this, of course, is a screen. assange was kept behind bars for an inconvenient truth, for completely reliable information about us war crimes. uh. andrey, where does such humanism come from? before the elections they want to show off that when you have a deal, well, you also have to give something in return, so he was in prison, now he is being released, well, in fact, as if for nothing, he admits there it’s all to blame, the question is, is this a deal between whom and whom, him there with the americans, or maybe the british and the americans who let him go, they actually controlled him all this time, apparently they agreed on something after all, the next question is, that is, in this case , wikileaks had such an accomplice , convicted there in the usa. an american intelligence officer who gave him information on iraq, obama pardoned him at one time
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, that is, before the american elections, well, probably, yes, it’s logical to pardon this guy, at least frame it as biden’s initiative there usa, in order to, well , maybe increase his rating a little more, look, he generously forgave him, why is that, well, because republicans have always been very, very against any kind of deals there, and there is the electric chair, which means executing him there, michael pompeo stated this at the time, that is, they were not going to let him go under any circumstances, so...
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we can also say in the same way whether afghanistan won the war with america? 20 years, yes, and the result is the same, asansh, how does it differ from the afghan version, but nothing, it’s just like a carbon copy. i agree that they simply decided to remove the extra figure from the information board,
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because asansh is one of the first information partisans in the information era, who came out and said he got it. afghanistan, not just about the atrocities of the american military machine, but remember how many diplomatic secrets were made public through wikileaks, how many secret agreements, how many corrupt deals, including with the participation of the european union elite, there are many contributions based on these investigations that were thrown out by wikileaks in swiss, supposedly independent banks they suffered, this was one of the conditions that they say that there, there, there is something lying. therefore, on the one hand, of course, niktosanju, his time spent in the ecuadorian embassy, ​​in a british prison will not return, although the deal is personally beneficial to him, he will remain in history as the first information guerrilla or one of the first information partisans, on the other hand, for me this is still one confirmation of
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the weakness of that american-british or british american western machine as a whole, which... could be a project of the struggle of one part of the global elites against another, but using a supposedly independent such romantic figure, now the romantic made a deal, that is, he gave up something there that was important, necessary, he’s not a chigiwara, but he could have waited right away, he’s, well, yes, he won, that he saved his life, but that’s not chugiwara, he
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did not fight to the end, which means from the very beginning that it was a stagnation for him to die, well, if he is such a fighter for... it means that this is a signal to these partisans, who of course arise, and this is an even greater danger in the future, that you guys somehow also comply with the norms, because you have the option of either rotting in prison, perhaps execution, as the republicans demand, or it means australia, when you
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still negotiate with us a little, and the best thing is to serve, therefore, knowing these approaches of the so-called western democracy, how... but they rather showed that it is necessary to flee it was not to the ecuadorian, but to the russian embassy, ​​because another information partisan who asked for protection in the russian federation quietly works and remains an information leader of public opinion, well, it’s quite possible that we are seeing a big political show in the person of asandzh there will be a trail from this story for some time...
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looking at all this, you don’t have the feeling, vladimirovich, that it’s as if we are seeing this, you know, symbolism, an image of the decline of the west, when two, well, let’s say , politics is not the first freshness, soft, you see, i say diplomatically, two politicians are not the first freshness, they put on a show, and millions of people look at it, in general, quite seriously, i mean, of course, bulgakov is not the first freshness, it means rotten if to quote to the end. the option is purely american, in fact, if so, this is the analogy of mud fighting, these...
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this is generally the reason why i spoke with my american colleague, he says: so in the american democratic party, in the intellectual elite, no one views this as the election of trump and biden, because biden stands vice president kamala harris, in fact , biden’s only task is to survive until the elections, and i really more or less agree with the cardiogram...
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we are citizens of the united states of america, we have an amendment allowing us to bear arms and we are ready to choose our right yours to defend the government and leadership. by the way, here’s an interesting thought that slipped through my mind, i would formulate it this way: this is not an election for the president of the united states, but an election for the vice president.
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first they will take on china and give some kind of sop, they say, well figure it out, okay, we skimmed all the cream from ukraine, now
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we need to pull russia closer in order to create a counterbalance to china, so trump is in favor of china being the main one biden’s goal, well, the strategy is different in this, who to gobble up first, he’s a commerce, yes, yes, yes, well, commerce is a commerce, but behind him is deep state, yes, that is, if they see that russia is ready to make a deal, kommers will of course say, let me have excellent relations with vladimir, we met, he understands me, we are generally seeing a right turn there, that means this a signal that they will try to drag us all, by the way, into anti-chinese arrangements, but our task is to refrain from all this, and despite the changes in these... first ones, which in fact, the first list will not decide anything, everything... still lead your strategic line, understand it clearly,
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lead and avoid over-involvement. look, this is july 3, 80 years of liberation, independence day, which we are celebrating. this is a very important event for us, we are joining as a full member of the shanghai cooperation organization, that is, just with china and the global, as i liked the wording, not the global yu, but the global majority, we are on the same path, and 30 years of the institute presidency, which for us is not just a significant anniversary in the fate of one of the state institutions, for us it is a powerful a symbol, it is personified, in this sense we seem to have collected it, so if you look at these
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events, well, at first glance, well, here’s the anniversary.
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minsk and the vast majority of 200 belarusian cities were simply restored from the ashes, and look at the number of burned villages and the genocide of the people, but we are this, and 30 years of presidency, this is the story of restoration, this is the story when we balanced, just like 30 years ago, we were balancing on the edge of an abyss, the president said this in his first program, to take the people and the country away from the abyss, at the beginning during the great patriotic war we stood at the same level.
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the republic of belarus would not have survived, it seems to me, so this is the request of the belarusian people to sovereignly decide their own history, which is manifested in the fight against an external aggressor, in the ability and opportunity to build their own state, we will now continue such a summing up of this result, awareness of what and how we approached all these events, i will remind you that yesterday the president met with russian foreign minister sergei lavrov, where, among other things, the topics of joining the shanghai...
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the partisan generation restored the country and played an important role within the soviet union. then we have this second period of occupation without time. when the bc sign of trouble also appeared in the nineties, we overcame it quickly enough, without any particular bloody upheavals, like many of our neighbors, and as if our president emerged from among the managers, who essentially continued the line of the partisan managers, now we are entering a new stage , when we start playing the game already in the new security architecture in eurasia, that is, here is our the system shows that... in general , all the institutions necessary for a truly sovereign state are taking shape, continuity, strong power, our role in international politics, respected
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by other players, this will be the key to our further, let’s say, development, existence, normal, uh-huh, andrey, the better they are, the better it will be for us there, our belarusian task is also to try to improve these relations, where we can somehow work as some kind of... intermediary in some projects, it doesn’t matter , we are talking about logistics, transit or there are some political issues, but if relations between russia and china are good and not bad, as was also the case there in different periods of history, then everything will be fine within the framework of the shanghai cooperation organization in terms of presidential elections, this path has been traveled, of course, you know , it’s even a little offensive that when people choose a used car, for example, they look through i don’t know, a thousand ads, study the characteristics, then they see what they bought, when people make a choice in the elections, they often don’t think at all o how. that is, they get a person out of nowhere, who is conducting some kind of high-profile campaign, i’m talking about the elections of the twentieth year , for example, but i say, it turns out that people are ready to exchange this big path , understandable, which goes along a certain upward trajectory, and replace it with simply the elephant of the whole
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system is to consider this correct, some kind of leap somewhere towards freedom, towards democracy, this is quite gloomy, that is, if we follow the model of public policy, we need to do it, well, like the republics of central asia and russia do there someone else, not the western model, by explaining this to people, we are essentially building things.
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“tell me who your friend is, and i’ll tell you who you are, that’s why we are declaring this, i thank you for participating in this program, well , that’s it for today, happily. 80 years of peace, generations that don’t know war, generations, preserving the world's memory of the feat of our grandfathers and great-grandfathers, of the war heroes
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of our destroyed cities, the generations who restored the country from the ashes, tamed the peaceful atom, conquered our space, creating a peaceful future. let's celebrate the main holiday together. belarusian statehood, a military parade, commemorating the independence day of belarus and the eightieth anniversary of liberation from the nazi invaders. july 3 at 9:00. stella's minsk is a hero city. everything you wanted to know about the unique relics that are found in ancient temples. here. parts of many other saints and people know from vitebsk they come and pray for these saints and turn to them. about the history of the most ancient theological educational institutions:
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future regents, future regents graduate and study in our school singers, icon painters, florists, and readers, that is, all those that the church needs everywhere now.
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the birthday girl goes to the village to find out why it is better than the city, this is a house that was built in parallel with the first house from which it all began here, and here i want to tell you, a corner of india, here people lie on the highway, everyone will have a small table, tandoor here, right here, right here, it will be prepared on a bed, lay down and everyone is lying down , someone is wearing this, someone is serving it, it’s not you, i hope i won’t lie down, we turn ours over.
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i work, that means i’m alive, when they don’t work, that means i’m already like that, so i’ll work and work, we’ll come up with something, we’ll do something, watch it on the belarus 24 tv channel.
12:00 pm


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