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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  June 30, 2024 3:15pm-4:05pm MSK

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struggle and exploits of heroes. the almanac consists of five ten-minute episodes. unfulfilled dreams. buinicheskoe field, ola. breakthrough operation bogration. the main premiere screening took place at the zubrenok children's camp. an ideological platform was held with representatives of the film crew. we showed the films to children in other children's camps across the country. we get to know the heroic past through routes to iconic places. star treks along the roads of military glory are again gaining popularity. this is how it was not too long
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ago, watch the joint atn project without retouching dedicated to the eightieth anniversary of the liberation of belarus.
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further sports news, i will remind you that news agency projects are available on all social networks in our mobile application, see you at 19 o'clock. the fourteenth round of the belarusian football championship will end today with three fights in the first duel of the game day. soslutsk and minsk. the starting whistle will sound at 16:00. next in molodech isloch will host mogilev dnepr, and the sports weekend ends with derzhinsky arsenal and naftan novopolotsk, start at 20:00. in case of victory, the home team can bypass vitebsk in the standings and become equal on points with dynamo brest and slavia mozyr. meanwhile, the thirteenth round continues in the first league. the central match of the last gaming day will take place vitebsk maxline will take on baranovich. the home team are favorites in this match. they are in
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fifth place in the standings, while the guests are only fourteenth. this game will be shown live on tv channel belarus 5, starting at 16:50.
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three traditional bakings of bread and four sacks of loaves of bread in the world element of the intangible cultural decline of belarus.
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bolivian coup vaccine, a drop in the ocean of the latin continent. cognitive dissonance, cadences, interference, party members actively searching for a replacement for biden in the democratic party. see paris to die from the charm of couture. haute couture week took place in france. you are looking around the planet. we are on the air on tv channels belarus-1 and belarus 24. daria tarasova is in the studio. hello. the coup in bolivia, whatever its reasons, had the most far-reaching consequences, the country. the coup turned out to be a dummy, a pathetic shock of the air, it could have been immediately forgotten if the recent history of bolivia did not allow us to observe with expressive
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clarity the most fundamental processes taking place in all countries of the continent. knowing what is happening in this country, one can easily predict the future of bolivia's neighboring countries and latin states. at all. word to oleg romanov. the bolivian pucha started while we were in the middle of the night. those who have been following the news feeds since tuesday, it was only on wednesday morning that they were finally able to breathe a sigh of relief. with relief, or with bitterness if you were rooting for the puchists, although there are probably no people with such strange political views on the planet after all. it all started with the fact that the military suddenly appeared in full equipment and with weapons on the square in front of the presidential palace in lopas. they surrounded the residence of the head of state and then tried to occupy it. for this one of.
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thank you people of bolivia! in the early seventies , the francoists tried to stage a coup in spain, the bunch burst with a fetid fart when it collided with a company of civilians protest, the streets of madrid chanted idiot, hispaniyata, that is. general tejero, idiot, spain didn’t vote for you, they were drinking something similar and the crowd in lapas was applauding this chant with all its might: suniga, idiot, a couple of hours after the arrest, suniga was looking for
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an excuse for his unluckiness of explanations, a rather clumsy one was born, the president said for me, the situation is very difficult, the week will be critical, i need to help somehow. to increase my popularity, i asked: we are withdrawing armored vehicles, we are withdrawing, he said, and i brought out armored vehicles on the street. it is very doubtful going to negotiations with the president. he told reporters that he would demand the release of political prisoners and arce's immediate resignation. it turns out that then the general acted according to some kind of his own program, and did not play the main role in someone else's political idea. you need to understand that the top officers in bolivia are representatives of the local elite, they received training in the states, the americans were the de facto masters of balivia 20 years ago, they easily appointed and overthrew local presidents. the last attempt, by the way, was recently in 2019, when president evo morales was removed. but even then in the mechanism of american control over. something broke, the puchistas tried to maintain power with executions and dispersals, but lasted only a year in power,
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now the usurper president jeanine áñez is serving a ten-year sentence for involvement in the murders of her fellow citizens. in general, the failure of the current puig was inevitable, simply because bolivia now has other partners, not the americans. as a loyal friend and partner of bolivia, china believes that the bolivian the government will cope with the crisis while maintaining national peace, stability and a course for progressive development. latin american solidarity played its role, contrary to usual, there was no demagogic chewing gum, on the one hand, on the other hand, everyone immediately condemned the path. since i am a supporter of democracy, i want democracy to prevail in latin america, coups never bring anything good. chile is ready to defend democracy in bolivia, we judge the attempted coup. legitimate government of the president arce must continue to fulfill the duties entrusted to him by the bolivian
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people. chile will demand this in all authorities and international organizations. i got a call from president arce of bolivia, i spoke to former president morales, then i spoke to the president of honduras, the president of the organization of latin american states. we all unanimously condemn.
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coca, no, no, not cocaine, but the plant from which the drug is made, coca itself is not a hallucinogen, but a natural energy drink, known to the indians for many millennia, after legalization, the cultivation of coquea moved from the criminal twilight under the bright fiscal lights, cocaine production decreased, and bolivia gave way to peru and colombia as the leader in this area. eva morales, the first indian president in the history of bolivia, probably the planet, sought to remove the un curse from coca. moralis even staged a performance where the cook lived at the headquarters. they were overthrown, not for coca, of course, but for the fact that they were building indian socialism of the 21st
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century in the country. indigenous peoples, led by the kichura and aymara, gave rise to the movement for socialism, we are a program born of the people with policies dictated by the people, by the people, not by the world bank or the international monetary fund. the current president arce also got dirty, bolivia successfully fought poverty. now there is no catastrophic poverty in the country. along the way. the state is trying to start industrialization and is now known to the world not only for its landscapes. i must say, the country was literally showered with gifts from the lord god, this is one of them, the so-called salar deyuni, a huge salt marsh, i repeat, it is the largest in the world, it is the highest mountain in world, as far as i understand, it contains the largest reserves of salt on the planet, well, in recent years the bolevians have learned not to wait for mercy.
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finally, the country of the indians, which was previously considered a planetary backyard, no longer has only a space program, but also an atomic program. a year ago , a nuclear reactor supplied by russia appeared at a research center not far from lapas. every year bolivians have more and more reasons to be proud of their country. blood, soil, common history, this, of course, inspires, but truly unites
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people have a common idea, and now it seems the bolivians have it. the path is clear, no matter who is behind them, the latifundists. the military, the americans, there’s definitely nothing else going on in bolivia. oleg romanov, around the planet. a complete cognitive fiasco, the opening debates of candidates for a seat in the white house took place in america. in atlanta, the current us president, veteran democrat joe biden, and veteran republican donald trump had a discussion. the first 90-minute round turned into one complete loss of composure. before the start of a heart-to-heart conversation, opponents refused to shake hands with each other. the american president succinctly called his ex-colleague a loser. trump retorted from the criminal i hear. to be honest, the main task for sunuvajo was not with an asterisk, to convince the voter that the honorary age of the cadence was not a hindrance. in fact, they had to sleep it off in defense while simultaneously reminding their own
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administration about the withdrawal of troops from afghanistan and then get confused in billions and millions. judging by the tsunami of reviews... democrats are in a panic discussing replacing biden after the debate, writes about it politics and more. an adviser to one potential democratic candidate said he had received several messages about the disaster from key donors who said something needed to be done about the issue. materials about the problem of biden's age.
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negotiations between the heads of foreign policy departments of belarus and russia took place in the belarusian capital on cooperation in a wide range of areas. sergei lavrov's visit is timed to coincide with the anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between minsk and moscow. mutually beneficial all-weather cooperation turned 32. the parties strongly condemned the actions of the west to escalate the military-political situation in
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europe. the latest statements by the head of the polish mit are completely inconsistent with the statements that... only and not so much against polish citizens of polish regions, economic development , that these calls and these proposals are not aimed at polish regions, but against many other citizens of the eu, cis and the so -called greater eurasia, so we must also clearly understand that migration...
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the solution to this task is facilitated by the joint regional grouping of forces deployed on the territory of the republic, as well as modern russian defense systems and tactical nuclear weapons, which reliably cover our common western borders in accordance with the decisions taken by the presidents of the two countries. we analyzed the progress of work on the draft security concept of the union state and a bilateral interstate treaty. security systems in europe based on euro-atlantic patterns. next package military assistance to kiev in the amount of
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$150 million, washington announced. it will include hymars missiles and large-caliber projectiles. the active desire of americans to incite conflicts in europe and throughout the planet is noted by the former head of french foreign intelligence. i don't know if you know that since 1945. americans have fought 52 wars, and since 1945 they have directly or indirectly started a war 52 times. you can imagine it, this is a world record. no country has fought so many wars in such a short period of time. 52 american wars - only part of the bloodshed that was started by washington. in the post-war period, the chinese human rights society estimates that the united states intervened eight times. of all the conflicts on the planet, that is, they were involved in at least two hundred wars. moreover, in the 250 years of the existence of the united states, they
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have not been at war for less than 20 years. this is an obvious consequence of the specifics of american hegemony. one more confirmation of this. this week kenya found itself on the brink of a coup. the country did not have time to receive the status of the main us ally outside nato, as protests against the authorities broke out in it. it is noteworthy that the unrest began at the moment when kenyan peacekeepers, under the patronage of washington, set out to restore order as far away as nagaita. according to the latest data, the death toll as a result of protests in the kenyan capital has already exceeded 20. the president of kenya on june 26 refused to sign a financial bill that sparked nationwide protests and sent it back to parliament for amendments. the new secretary general of nato has been officially confirmed. in the next 5 years the post will be held by mark ruete. ambassadors of thirty -two alliance countries supported the candidacy of the prime minister of the netherlands at a meeting in brussels. he will take up
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his duties as secretary general on october 1, when stolteng’s term of office expires. as prime minister of the netherlands, the politician was remembered for his ruthless suppression of protests during the pandemic. the latest is a harsh crackdown on demonstrations in support of the gas sector. the eu approved the candidates. leadership positions for the next 5 years, vonderleen may remain head of the european commission for a second term. premier estonia's kaja-kalas to become head of diplomacy? former prime minister of portugal antónio costa, head of the european council. the fact that the head of hungary, orban, voted against the candidates did not affect the final decisions of the united europe. now the european parliament must vote for the candidates at the plenary session in july, after which the decisions will come into force. hello. post of prime minister for the entire term of office, now goes to work in
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brussels as the eu high representative for foreign affairs and security policy. kalas cannot be trusted, the newspaper concludes. similar already happened when she suddenly brought up the topic of raising taxes, something she never mentioned in the election campaign. poland from the country. that such a system will satisfy the urgent need to protect them, and at the same time other eu countries from military and hybrid threats, for the construction they naturally ask for 2.5 billion euros. here i remember the polish fence on the border with our country for 400 million euros, an illegal immigrant to overcome it. it takes no more than 25 seconds, said the country's defense minister. characteristically, that he made his speech just when the recording of the german police sending illegal immigrants to poland was published, and this is
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not the first such episode. according to residents of the western part of the country, a significant number of illegal immigrants exposed by berlin have already accumulated in some places. warsaw does not yet have a strategy to combat this. is it possible to build a new fence? more recently, the polish authorities made threats. it is located on the route of the china-europe railway transport corridor. warsaw intends to invest about 800 million in the project euro. a tender has already been announced to select a construction contractor. biden, in an attempt to score pre-election points, temporarily loosened the grip of censorship. a court in the us pacific territory approved the deal and finally freed the wikileaks founder after he pleaded guilty to violating the espionage act. the court took into account the time served and decided that no further imprisonment was required. the us department of justice confirmed that the criminal prosecution against the journalist was completed, but
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did so within the framework. with the investigation he was banned return to the states. the plane with the founder of the wikileaks website on board took off for australia. a hellish inferno, an apocalyptic heat wave has hit southern europe and the middle east. forecasters are announcing worse things to come; in eu countries they are talking about the first victims of an abnormally hot summer. 290 million people are already on the list of victims of non-trivial weather scenarios. the heat with the prefix extra in europe will not recede in august. climatologists blame the african cyclone for the number 40+ on thermometers; this is not an alarm signal for humanity is of particular concern to the un. tourists not only risk their health, but also their finances. for example, each additional degree increases the price of a holiday in spain by 110 euros. about the low season on earth, tatyana volkova. summer has just begun, and the abnormal heat is already gathering its terrible harvest. in saudi arabia, where millions of people perform the annual
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hajj. already more than a thousand have died from the scorching heat. the pilgrimage tradition involves spending many hours in the open air, and the temperature in mek has reached 52° in recent days. the authorities are trying to protect pilgrims as best they can, they install special artificial fog systems, refrigerators with drinks and cooling centers. we drink a lot of cold water and try to stay in the shade. we usually use. also with umbrellas, but not when we are wearing special clothes for prayer. north and south america are suffering from the heat. the southwestern united states is engulfed in wildfires. in mexico, the death toll from high temperatures has exceeded 150 since march. about 100 residents died from the merciless sun india. new delhi experienced its warmest night in 55 years, 35.2°c at 1am.
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during the day the real one. the heat was 50°, or even higher. in europe, june was marked by the arrival of a powerful heat wave along with an anticyclone from africa. thermometers rose to 40° in italy, and in cyprus and greece, the heat claimed several lives. the authorities are closing schools and tourist sites; in the vicinity of athens , forest fires are being fought with the participation of aviation. more than a thousand people have already fled their homes. the holidays of many tourists are under threat. we must be very careful, we need bulldozers to clear dry vegetation to prevent the flames from spreading to our homes. the sizzling heat has arrived in the balkans and has already led to certain power outages. almost all of montenegro, bosnia and herzegovina, some areas of croatia and albania were left without energy supply. the operation of hydro and thermal power plants was stopped. lights went out in houses, chaos ensued on the roads due to
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non-functioning traffic lights. power systems cannot withstand long periods of heat. the cities of bosnia and herzegovina are suffocating from the heat. streets mostar is empty during the day and even at night the temperature rises to 35-37°. possible problems primarily include sunstroke , heat exhaustion, and dehydration. sunstroke is one of the most serious risks. streams of hot air covered romania. temperature in bucharest. below 40 and clear skies, for several days now, residents have been looking for a break from the scorching sun near ponds and fountains. we go out only after 18:00, because it is too hot before, for a walk in the park we choose comfortable cotton clothes, we take water with us and stay in the green zone, it’s hard at night, so in the evening we turn on the air conditioning at home. most of serbia is under a red alert level.
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rescue services on the lake have been working for several days now, with temperatures forecast at forty degrees, and the rp radiation rate is also increasing, so the standard recommendation, especially for small children and elderly people, is not to be in the open area from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. without sunscreen, an umbrella, and water bottles. in north macedonia due to the heat of the authorities limited working hours for certain categories of workers. scientists remind us of the importance of personal responsibility during such periods. it is necessary to use only light food, drink a lot of water or other natural liquids that will increase the level of potassium and magnesium in our body. you also need to wear light clothing and be sure to cover your head. europe, according to climate scientists, is warming twice as fast as
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the rest of the world. scientists’ warnings about the need for adaptation measures by 2024 have become an alarm bell. mortality associated with heat has increased by about 30% over the past 20 years. so the hot summer of 2022 , according to the lancet magazine, killed 70 thousand people in europe, and 2024 promises to break all temperature records. according to the european union's climate change monitoring service, heat waves have been rolling in for 12 months in a row, they are considered the hottest on record, so the risks of abnormal temperatures will continue for europeans until... in sub-saharan africa, as well as in
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asia-pacific region accounts for 80% people living candles. traditional healers of the black continent suggest replacing vital treatment with herbs and decoctions. and yes, recently everyone has had lek. i have a test kit with me for ever, a pilot project - a chance that overcoming stigma is possible, yes, treatment is free, but people do not want help due to confidentiality issues. traditional healers, herbalists and shamans began to be recruited to test young people for hiv in the republic of south africa, a country that, along with ethiopia, scientists consider the cradle of humanity, ranks first in the world in the number of cases of infection. 5 million or 10% of the population are carriers of the virus, there are several reasons for this state of affairs, but there are two main ones: the first is that the country’s authorities have long denied the problem as such, moreover, at one time
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absurd information was spread that the disease was supposedly easy to cure by eating onions and beets. the second problem is a consequence of the first - the misunderstanding and reluctance of young people to go through... ordinary ritual actions, are scattered shells, after which the healer communicates with the person and carefully guides him to the point where he needs to get tested. we start with our traditional practice, then i talk about
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navich testing. many people didn't really believe that we could actually do these kinds of procedures because it was unusual for shamans. most people know that research is carried out only in clinics, so from the very beginning. at first they looked at us with disbelief. the people's doctors themselves also viewed this with a degree of skepticism. i was it is very difficult to trust the authorities. i thought we, as traditional healers, were being deceived, but in the end i saw the benefit of it. i understood what hiv is and how it is transmitted. now i myself work with people living with hiv. i make sure that they are treated correctly and can move on with their lives. and according to world statistics. the plague of the 20th century claimed more than 40 million human lives. mikhail gromov, around the planet. we tell you how to choose
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high-quality products for healthy dishes; when choosing zucchini, it is important to consider the way they are preparations. when choosing, it is important to pay attention to the whole. nikita, looking at the ingredients, i honestly can’t even imagine what we’re cooking today, you’ll be making oatmeal pancakes with eggplant, and i’ll be making minced zucchini, today, friends, we’re celebrating the belly, an unforgettable one. the first exercise we will pull the muscles from the neck, lower the head down, put the hand on the ear and stretch the other arm back to the side, do this several times, watch the breakfast of the champion project on
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the belarus 24 tv channel. you are watching a program around the planet on belarus 1 and belarus 24. see paris to die from the charm of couture france hosted the week of haute couture. spoiler dna of the fall-winter season made of fabric silhouettes on the stylish catwalk there were no surprises. fashion houses, as usual, rethought the legacy of the great terrible fashion syndicate or completely went through the poetic clichés and jaded ones. visually and conceptually it stood out. show ramps, while with a nod to the salon
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presentations of the middle of the last century, were composed according to the patterns of the story of a bird resurrected from the ashes phoenix. the prototype of certain vestments was the ballerina anna pavlova, precisely her iconic dying swan. about brand trends olga davidovich. how does madonna sing? take a pose. vok gathered hundreds of celebrities from all over the world at place vendôme in paris for his annual show. this time the event was dedicated to the last century of french fashion. popular looks on the catwalk from 1920 to the present day. and all this through the prism of sports, because soon paris will host the next olympic games.
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i found an audience called phoenix. on there is sand on the catwalk, models look like birds, with golden plumage, sharp shoulders resembling wings and deep slits on their dresses. the house turned out to be a mysterious, very beautiful display in spirit, reminiscent of intimate salon presentations from the middle of the last century. the pomerkamsky ramp collection itself
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turned out to be modest and restrained, which slightly upset fans of the brand, which cannot be said about the couture show of giambatista valli, this is the real charm of fashion week. since its creation in 2005, the house has become the epitome of glamor. with notes charm. each collection is an explosion of colors, shapes and emotions. giambatista vale is one of the few designers who continues to choose beauty and femininity in 2024. his dress is reminiscent of classic flower shapes, and there is another hidden meaning here - new couture work. the fashion designer believes that beauty has healing properties, and the main source of beauty for him is flowers. the theme of the botanical garden at
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paris fashion week was reflected in the collection of george habeika. the lebanese brand has always been distinguished by its passion for luxury, which is why his signature style, which is impossible to miss, is sparkle, glitter, flowers and an impeccable silhouette. each season, the spotlight of the fashion world is balenciaga, a wild extravagance house that breaks codes and every year shows more and more wild names on the fashion week catwalks was jean-paul gathier. this great french couturier left the department back in 2020, but the brand continues.
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some smoothly turn into futuristic lace, while others become part of airy flowing sleeves, hemlines are fixed separately, gassy compositions, decorated pearls. true visual meditation. the house of chanel also demonstrated a close connection with art. it was used as a location for the show. the opera gornie was chosen. traditionally for the brand, the catwalk featured a lot of tweed in different shades. the main part of the collection consisted of suits with jackets and skirts. and the band in the hair became a recurring element. i especially felt it. eighties aesthetic and the final wedding dress was reminiscent of princess diana's iconic outfit. the dior show, naturally, became one of the main shows of haute couture week in paris. creative director maria grazia took advantage of the occasion and decided to rethink sportswear, showing it through the prism of high fashion. inspired by ancient greece, the birthplace of the olympic games. many pieces featured draping,
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white and beige shades, gold, and one-shoulder straps. the emphasis is on comfort, the dress is loose, the fabrics are light and delicate. main. sandals with flat soles and laces, also like in ancient greece. and all this is in the raden museum. the culture week in paris has ended, leaving behind a whirlwind of new trends inspiration for fashion enthusiasts around the world, once again reminding us that fashion is still an art. which you can and should watch with bated breath. olga davidovich, around the planet. capybaras from brazil have become the first violin of the internet. a copybar march or a night walk to who knows where gets views on social networks. 15 masters of cold-blooded attractiveness,
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young and old, paraded in the night scenery. for a carnival, a retreat in the tropical amazon jungle or a beach holiday in... until where the pilgrim's path took him, history is silent. the largest part-time social georgians in the world have long turned into memes. so the recipe from khandra is this: just look at the frames with copybars, their photogenic poses will not leave you without a smile, and you are definitely doomed to optimism. what else? happened over the past 7 days, what events will not leave you without emotions, what you should definitely find out about, yana mendeleva has prepared a special selection for you: the ugliest dog, where the thematic a competition among special animals, the secrets of the bottom, what researchers discovered at the bottom of lake ladyshkoe and what does the leviophane have to do with it,
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why chinese pandas were sent to stay in the usa, we will find out together in the next few minutes. who is the scariest in the world? a competition was held in california to find the ugliest dog in the world. eight-year-old pikinese was declared the winner. wildd tank and his owner have already taken part in this competition several times. and in the fifth year the attempt was crowned with success. this dog finally received the coveted title and 5.00 dollars in prize money. i definitely met a special group of people here. they are really passionate about this business. this is an opportunity to show dogs with different abilities, you know, they can live full happy lives. second place in the competition and a prize of $3,000 went to fourteen-year-old mobs room, who moves with the help of a prosthesis. a similar
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competition among dogs with special appearance has been held for more than 50 years. the main task is to support dog shelters. what does depth hide within itself? ladyrsky heritage expedition depths discovered a floating structure with unusual filling. at a depth of 34 m on the deck of a dilapidated ship lay a compass box, a telegraph, a steering wheel and an image of the mythical monster leviothan. the condition of the ship allowed scientific researchers to sail above the deck and study the hold. at the beginning of the 20th century , there was a customs border between the principality of finland and europe. and it was much easier to bring such bricks here to these places from europe than from russia, so this brick is very common here, but this particular type of brick, this particular variety, it is quite rare, it differed in the size of the inscriptions, symbols and drawings
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depicted on the brick, this variety is quite rare in these places, in the center of underwater research... they reported that there is an assumption that the ship was a pirate. it is also noted that the study of the sunken ship will continue, as experts are still figuring out the secrets it holds. china sent a pair of giant pandas to the united states. this is the first time in the last 20 years. xinbao female was born in 2020, as noted journalists, she is affectionate and smart. her intelligent and active companion is yunchun, male and one year older. during the move, the animals were accompanied by five experienced breeders and veterinarians. at the san diego zoo in the usa , chinese specialists will remain for about 3 months to accompany the antlers during the quarantine period and help them adapt to the new one. among the habitat. pandas in zoos are part of china's diplomatic strategy around the world. beijing shares the animals with the condition
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that the bamboo bears remain the property of china, as their offspring. syllable the master of the word gave us the little prince before the oligarchic fairy tale. he worked on postal airlines, served as a civilian and military pilot, for which he was awarded the french legion of honor. he took part in battles with pilots of the third reich. the writer replaced amploa during the war in spain and worked as a front-line reporter. he literally disappeared into the sky in 1944 during a plane crash and went missing, but forever imprinted his initials on the reader’s heart. by the way, the landing from which the little prince’s story begins is a detail autobiographies. the narrator meets the character in the sahara, where the pilot lands due to a faulty engine. the canvas is full of allegory, roses. this is the wife of the winner of the french academy baobabs award. fascism wrote his bestseller at the height of world war ii with his left hand. 46 illustrations in
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the book are also the work of the singer of humanity, love and friendship. date of the week - june 29 125 years without the author of the high-flying, antoinate exupere. you looked around the planet, thank you for staying with us. visit the website caretaker. online tv news agency projects. goodbye. if you love a flower that grows somewhere on a distant star, it’s good to look at the sky at night. watch everything that modern belarus lives today on the belarus 24 tv channel, this is
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news from foreign countries, broadcasts of particularly important events, live broadcasts from the scene , current interviews with famous people. exciting travels around the country, feature films for all ages. in the countries: finland, sweden, norway, denmark, the netherlands, germany, france, spain, portugal, cyprus, austria, switzerland, italy, greece, romania, serbia. croatia, poland, lithuania, latvia, estonia. set up a satellite dish satellite
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express am8. the channel's signal is broadcast in the clear and is available 24 hours a day every day. be with the belarus 24 tv channel and discover belarus.


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