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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  June 30, 2024 7:20pm-7:50pm MSK

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with the advent of the russian empire , a completely new imperial concept of classical architecture emerged, which arose from the earliest tradition of rachy paspalitai. let’s take a look at their history and salient facts: the shape is round, and sometimes in battle, that was the case, the armatures are such that stone cannonballs were fired, and the hell is the shape of the yana...
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we have forgotten how to enjoy the little things, to be surprised, to feel the connection between generations, just to notice, but every day is made up of traditions, today. or centuries ago, everything that is considered ancient was once to new people, without noticing it ourselves, we pass on knowledge and experience through generations, it’s in our smile, the waves of our hands, in such a familiar look.
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true traditions are formed from simple happy moments. we are proud of the heritage of our ancestors, we value the past for our present. belarus 24. tavan in belarusian, first of all, we pay attention to the quality of the laid cement-concrete pavement, how the president’s instructions for road repairs are carried out, we go around the entire network of our highways, we assign points based on criteria assessment. why do belarusians criticize road workers? they pour the asphalt from a kettle and pour it with a hot water bottle. what technologies do scientists offer? we are currently working on creating a standard. and what roads will we drive on in
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the future? the secret of high-quality coverage is in the optimal ratio. watch the project under the control of the president right now. border of the russian federation gomel-kobrin. the m10 highway is increasingly causing indignation among drivers on the internet. numerous. and dozens of accidents. the prosecutor's office is interested in long-term repairs and state control. the scam will come to light as quickly as it was knocked out in povesne. on paper there is a new coating and fencing, but in fact someone took and embezzled 3 million rubles. a criminal case has been opened. this is not the only example. in total, over the past year, road organizations reimbursed 13 million rubles to the budget. however, collecting fines is not the goal of controllers in themselves. recently, the work of inspectors. concentrated more
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on preventing violations, searching for reserves, saving money during road construction without compromising quality and - identifying additional income sources to the republican road fund. one of the latest proposals to limit the appetite of bitumen producers. the introduction of marginal profitability allowed us to save millions of rubles for the budget. due to these savings, tens of kilometers of roads were repaired. on the proposal of the state control committee, supported. head of state, the profitability of bitumen producers was limited to 12% for the purposes of road construction financed from the budget; for 2023 alone it was over 65 million funds allocated for these purposes have been saved. as decided, if briefly about the road to the village of sovelinka, shklovsky district. local residents have forgotten when there was normal coverage here. look what's happening to this road here. people walk to the train.
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they can’t drive mopeds here, they have a bad attitude towards the road, and especially since it’s been a long time, for example, in the month of february there are potholes, let’s say, potholes, all this, they pour the asphalt from the kettle, it’s hot. pour boiling water over it, this is done in cold weather, it has become cool, cars let's go through these pits spirit-spirit, spirit-spirit, and this asphalt is all, it's scattering again, people have a lot of jokes about road workers, but a kettle of boiling water is something new, but in every joke there is a grain of humor, complaints about the quality belarusians really have enough road work, they need to be repaired using all the technology so that this repair or re-laying of asphalt will serve its intended period, no less than 15 years. for asphalt, at least 25 years, and for concrete, by some isolated measures, patching holes, we still won’t solve this problem. highways in belarus are divided into two categories: republican and local. republican ones provide transport
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links between key settlements within the country and neighboring countries, all others are local. for example, the m3 is awaiting a complete upgrade. this is one of the busiest highways that connects. with proper care, the coating can last over 40 years, which is the case when we are building not only for ourselves, but also for our grandchildren. first of all, we pay attention to the quality of the laid cement-concrete pavement, that is , by visual inspection, there are pores, cavities, compaction, if not achieved, then we order the contractor to eliminate defects, the thickness of the laying is also controlled.
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one of the highest among the cis countries, therefore in the future the emphasis will not be on the construction of new highways, but on the reconstruction of existing ones. this year it is planned to repair more than 5,000 km of roads, 1.3 billion belarusian rubles have been allocated for this. the latest figures from the ministry of transport, more than 1,800 km have already
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been restored. the main implementable objects of republican significance are the p-53 highway in the section from smolevichi to zhodino. already in early july , it is planned to open traffic, in addition, reconstruction will continue further on this road, from zhodino to borisov, and in august of this year we plan to complete the reconstruction of the bypass of the city of lida. by the end of the year, it is planned to complete work on the already familiar m3 from logoisk to pleschenitsy, and a large construction project on the r-46 from lepel to polotsk. it is clear that it is impossible to cover all the roads in the country with concrete. yes and there is no such goal; for example, some local roads pass through forested areas and do not always have a hard surface. road experiment in the goritsky district of the mogilev region. our film crew is the first of the media to delve into the process; if recycling
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proves itself, it will be used throughout the country. this is a technology for reusing old coatings with the addition of new ones. we prepare the road, then we distribute the cement, we mill it. mix it and then distribute it with a grader , roll it, and then we’ll maintain it, well when it gains strength for 28 days and this road is ready for use. the technology is designed for the restoration of gravel roads; in the magilev region alone there are more than 3.00 km of them. the traffic flow on such routes is small, but heavy agricultural machinery is constantly driving along them. during the off-season, roads become unusable and people experience inconvenience. but here it is not economically feasible to lay asphalt or concrete, hence the emphasis on recycling; the technology should improve the quality of the coating and reduce costs significantly. our task is to ensure that good roads and good services are provided to every person in our country, every person
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is valuable to us, and we must also take care of these people who live in remote parts of our region. and this is already the molodechna district, there are almost two dozen complaints about the same section of the road, i want to draw your attention to the molodechna ilya road, the section is broken up in such a way that in some places you have to drive either through the center. or one wheel on the side of the road. such conditions lead to an increase in emergency situations if the road is left unattended, we will sue for damaged rims, tires, wheels. please tell me when the road surface will be repaired on the molodichna ilya section. it's just impossible to drive on such a road. there is practically no asphalt covering, there are continuous holes, and very deep ones. desperate drivers asked, they were heard. reset.
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undergoes a seasonal inspection twice, during which time we spend a month, together with employees of the state traffic inspectorates, technical supervision of the beldorcenter, completely driving around the entire network of our highways, according to points, according to we assign a rating to the criteria, the so-called score, and we already see the score of those roads, those sections that require priority repairs in order to assess the effectiveness of the work of government agencies at the end of last year... a hotline was opened at kgc. in just a few days, 450 requests were received. it is noteworthy that more than half of
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the problems were resolved within a month and a half. and recently , the department received information about problems on the roads through an online panel on its website. this year , the head of state instructed the government to the ministry of transport and others interested in putting the roads in order by may 9. as part of monitoring this assignment, the committee organized an online meeting on the official website. feedback panel, which received about 280 requests in just a month of its operation, most of the shortcomings were eliminated within a few days, a number of problems, of course, were not immediately resolved, since this requires the development of design estimates somewhere, the allocation of additional financial resources, however, all requests left under control, the order will be induced. inspections are not meant to punish; by being proactive, as practice shows, it is possible to find reserves to reduce the cost of work without losing quality. valuable material, sometimes literally under our feet. current technologies make it possible not only
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to lay it on top of asphalt, but also to remove a certain layer; the result is also, let’s say, quite valuable material that can later be used to backfill local roads, we monitored this issue, only at one enterprise , minsk dortocenter, such material crowded more than 50,000 tons that can be used. in the future, on road repairs, which will save budget funds, let’s say, and will not be of worse quality. most problems on highways are associated with temperature changes; it is not for nothing that they say that the worst enemies for the road are water and frost. we need road building materials that can withstand any weather conditions. asphalt concrete contains three main ingredients: crushed stone, sand and bitumen. the secret of high-quality coating is... the optimal ratio. above this is what our scientists do. each road surface has its own characteristics.
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there is no universal recipe. but let’s still try to figure out how to mix the perfect mixture. and the head of the organic binders department of the belarusian road research institute will help us. we take granite, domestically produced by the way, add screenings, knock off the dust with a small amount of water. at each stage , mix thoroughly to obtain a homogeneous mass. and finally, add bitumen binder, our road dough is ready. we are often surprised why did the hole appear here, why did the crack appear here, why? this is all the result of heterogeneity. that is, even if we look at our mixture, it is approximately homogeneous, but due to the fact that we used quite small pebbles and a small amount of sand. accordingly, we were able to create uniform films, and you know, the well-known russian saying, where it is thin, it breaks. that is, if we have a thin film, then in this place most likely someday we will have, well, not immediately, but
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after some time it may form crack or some kind of defect. here is a ready-made sample of asphalt concrete, you don’t need to wait several years to find out what load it will withstand, this installation allows you to determine the depth of the rut. the unit imitates the movement of a car wheel, so experts determine the service life of the future road surface. method for determining the depth of a loaded rut.
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there is a different type of asphalt concrete for each weather, in summer it is hotter type of asphalt concrete, in winter you can produce warm ones, these are special modified bitumens, special additives are used, there is priority pothole repair, when of course our people joke that the work cannot be done, but they allow summer mixtures to be carried out in wet weather, because the safety of our people is most valuable to us , so in some cases it is better to seal the potholes. than allowed a person to run into it. remember the road workers’ teapot, which was so memorable to a resident of the village of savelinka. we found a local team along with the ill-fated kettle, but the workers are not going to give it up either in winter or in summer. what was inside was not boiling water, but a special emulsion. according to the technology, we pour
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the grooves so that the grip between the asphalt and the old surface is good and normal. was a ride, here’s a life hack from road workers, you can laugh, they say, what teapots in the 20th century, technology has long stepped forward, yes, our specialists are aware of all road trends and actively use them, multi-lane concrete roads, like the m3, there is confirmation there, it doesn’t matter , this is a small gravel road or a highway of republican significance, we need a result, i would like it to i wouldn’t be ashamed of the roads that we are building today, tomorrow, i always watch with... my children also watch when i pass even an overpass somewhere in the river i made there, they pass by and they say that’s what my dad built and that’s how it will be someday driving along this road will also certainly be memorable.
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everything you wanted to know about the unique relics that are in ancient churches, here are parts of many other saints, and people know from vitebsk they come and pray to these saints and turn to them. on the history
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of the most ancient religious educational institutions. this is the pokrovsky church, about the sacraments of church services, if there is a priest, then there should always be a choir, because the choir symbolizes, in principle, the prayer of all those praying, those people who stand at the service, we will tell and show in spiritual and educational projects on the belarus tv channel 24. we will prove that science
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is closer to research than you think. associated with tremors require a certain serious attitude in order to optimize technological processes to improve the quality of food products. fats should be in our in your diet, because they are still a source of energy and a component of our hormonal system. we explain complex things in simple language. yeast extract is a product obtained from yeast. we share all the valuable components found in yeast... and also share the most interesting facts. by the way, in russia , ice cream, with the addition of milk, has been made since ancient times. of course, it was a winter dish, sweet milk dish. the mass was taken outside, and in the morning they were spooned into plates. soviet lion doctor zilber invented an effective cure for vitaminosis based on moss and yeast. watch
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the science nearby project on our tv channel. over the past year, the memorial was visited by more than 520 thousand people, and these were citizens not only of belarus from neighboring countries, but also from abroad. the memorial was visited by representatives from myanmar, angola, vietnam, china, great britain, france, the usa, and a number of other countries, it must be said that as part of the reconstruction, a completely new museum was created, a new museum exhibition, which was visited by more than 130 thousand man, but what unique exhibits were added to the museum’s exposition and how these exhibits came to you, well, i must say that firstly...
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it’s a copy of the one that was in khatyn before the tragic events, but in addition to the church itself , the bell tower was also reconstructed, which was mentioned in the same documents, a bell tower
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on four pillars, it had three bells of different weights, so everything is real, this part of the village of khatyn, it was really recreated, well, let's say, completely down to the smallest grains of very important, here they say that it is of particular interest to visitors... presented in each room there are information panels containing information and not only about the period of the great patriotic war. the first hall, for example, is generally
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historical, it covers a large period of our history, from the 10th to the twentieth century, there is information about the post-war period, about how the memory of those tragic events and tragedies that occurred on the territory of our country during the period of 3 years was preserved occupation, but of course this is...
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80 years of peace, a generation that does not know war, a generation that preserves the world's memory of the feats of our grandfathers and great-grandfathers, of the war heroes of our destroyed cities, a generation that restored the country from the ashes, taming the peaceful. conquered our space, creating a peaceful future. together we will celebrate the main holiday of belarusian statehood. military parade, commemorating the independence day of belarus and the eightieth anniversary of liberation from the nazi invaders. july 3 at 9:00. ustella, minsk, hero city. the most
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current events from the world of sports. 50 days before the start of the olympic games in paris french authorities presented the olympic rings, which are installed on the eiffel tower. minsk is stronger than victoria 5:1. with this score, the third match of the final series of the belarusian field hockey championship among women's teams ended. hard training and exciting competitions. and the second gathering began. the belarus national biathlon team in the current off-season. there will probably be a gathering in july.
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all this is in sports projects on the belarus 24 tv channel. watch everything that modern belarus lives on today on the tv channel belarus 24. this is news from a foreign country. broadcasts of particularly important events. live broadcasts from the scene, current interviews with famous belarusians, exciting travels around the country, feature films for all ages. on the territory of the countries: azerbaijan, kazakhstan, turkmenistan, uzbekistan, kyrgyzstan, tajikistan, georgia,
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jordan, lebanon. set up a satellite dish azer space 1 satellite . tv channel signal.


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