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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  June 30, 2024 7:50pm-8:50pm MSK

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this is news from foreign countries, broadcasts of particularly important events, live broadcasts from the scene, current interviews with famous belarusians, exciting travels around the country, feature films for all ages. on the territory of the countries: azerbaijan, kazakhstan, turkmenistan, uzbekistan, kyrgyzstan, tajikistan, georgia, jordan, lebanon. set up a satellite dish azer space 1 satellite . the tv channel signal is broadcast in the clear and is available 24 hours a day, every day. be with the tv channel belarus 24. and open for
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yourself belarus. hello, i’ll have to start with the section on their morals. the european union has rolled out another, already fourteenth, anti-russian, anti-belarusian package.
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management to introduce sanctions against a youth organization, and even for rescuing children who are being rescued from a combat zone, that is, this is a direct humanitarian mission of any normal public organization, this is one of the cornerstones of the tasks of the united nations, well, then immediately introduce sanctions against the un, which acts with its peacekeeping missions to save children, saves people from hunger, from bombing in the hottest spots of the planet, and on the other hand... for me personally and for the absolute majority of belarusians, i looked at public opinion, this is evidence that they lost the battle for our youth, because they crawled here with their car of sarosyats, ngo media-like structures, but the belarusian republican youth union, the belarusian republican youth union, won the battle for the minds of young people, it was for this that with such rage against the belarusian republican youth union and the leader of the belarusian republican youth union, lukyanov was imposed sanctions, uh, he answered brilliantly,
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when he found out that sanctions had been imposed against him personally, he wrote everyone a huge thank you for their congratulations, he felt like he was on his birthday, so absolutely right, of course, this is how we should respond, we are not afraid of their sanctions, for us it’s just another thing one proof that there is no legal, legal, political system there, there are evil freaks sitting there who write these sanctions lists, prepare them, carry out legal decisions through their decisions, who are simply haters of everything living, natural natural, but we noticed that every time such a decision is made regarding belarusians, somewhere there are always such tobacco in the form of our runaways, and they howl, you know, i, frankly speaking, already lack internal nerves calm down reading all this ridicule on these public pages, especially since they have degenerated, many of them remain there...
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organizations that support the president, our state, the point is in this, but i think that they will not achieve their goal, this truly a sign of running out of tools.
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policemen who fled there and are preparing sanctions lists, after all, they are not european union members, but our fugitives are feeding them, they are introducing sanctions against the grandchildren of the great-grandchildren of the generation of winners, in a sense, the process of liberation, your opinion, well, i think that in this case the youth are always the future, but they are trying to impose sanctions on our future, they need more today.
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they begin to strike tomorrow, that is , today they are trying to influence it is precisely the consciousness of those who will be at the helm tomorrow , and, look, the face of these democrats who teach us to live in the eu want to abandon the principle of unanimity in order to bypass the hungarian veto, for example, during voting on a number of issues, including anti-russian ones sanctions for aid to ukraine, writes the amencial times, plus, of course, we heard the day before that they want to nominate a prime minister. well, instead of a barrel, so that she heads european diplomacy, we should still re-elect ursela vonlein, that is, andrey, it will do us no good from them we can’t wait anytime soon, well, these are the people who accepted these sanctions, the new packages, these are the ones who are electing the new governing body today - this is the european
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people’s party, these are our, in quotes , most important friends, they’ve been there for probably 15 years already, that is, they support our belarusian opposition, they launder money through it, so when they were re-elected again, of course, nothing good could be expected.
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from, in general, their big problems that they got into, we also see this, we note, finishing the topic of these new old people, in the camp of our opponents, nato, active discussions are now underway for a new day, in october stoltenberg should
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leave his post, it seems like, finally, after many attempts, all 32 members of the alliance agreed - the outgoing prime minister of the netherlands, marcata. and they say it’s not a hawk like stoltenberg, but for some reason each new appointment aggravates the behavior and condition of these structures. andrey, do you think there’s anything worth waiting for? fundamentally, well, imagine, some kind of elections are taking place in the military structure, that is , to what extent they really influence the change of control, i think, not much, to choose a commander against a battalion, for example, well , most likely it won’t work out, here there is such a game going on, look, we listened to all of you, which means that each country expressed some kind of wish, there is turkey - please, hungary, please, and after that there is such a collective, which means a certain figure that suits everyone, in reality, of course it's american a structure that is controlled from one point, that is, who is the middle-level executive, this is... well, a person for some public statements, a talking head, yes, let's say, like a speaker, well, nothing more,
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is he a hawk or is he a downed pilot , as in this case, who lost the choice in his homeland, so they put him there, well, apparently, this is a weak figure, who is a compromise, who is also convenient for the americans in this regard, well, by the way, it is indicative that the same callas was considered for the head of nato , and now in in the end, she got this hawk in her skirts and got a woman at the head of european diplomacy, there the barrel was certainly not a gift, but there will be a rock too. why was barel a gift for us, he said so much stupidity, vileness and meaninglessness that yes, yes, that for us he was just informational and political, he was just a gift, i won’t say manna from heaven, because he said things that in most it’s simply a shame to talk about civilized countries, that’s why, well, if a more experienced one comes, i’ll agree in words, not in in deeds, in words a person. this will, of course, be worse for us, imagine, with a smart player, with a smart opponent, it’s more difficult
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to build, catch him by the tongue and build information work. well, actually, this was a prelude to the main topic, which shocked us all and which once again showed who we were dealing with, two events that blew up the information field: the kiev regime attacked sevastopol, attacks with operational-tactical missiles, equipped with cluster combat units, deliberately hit... vladimirovich, do you agree with those who claims that the strike on sevastopol, and the attacks
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in dagestan, that’s all, behind all these manifestations is the same force. well , let's look at it this way, both missiles and radical islam, which in this case are suspected in these cases, they are all of american origin, so to speak, so obviously they have one common owner, secondly, i will say that... already it becomes clear and clear that it is the americans who are waging this war, with russia, at the moment everyone is waiting for, say, a counter-offensive, yes, there will be some kind, counter-offensive, changes, i will say that what is striking is that they are trying to teleport the war, the fighting deep into russia, because the front line, the line of contact, it is becoming today.
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they won’t do this, they will expose russia in any case, now they
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won’t be able to fight against themselves, we remember the cold war, but who won there, not america, the russians won there, the russians defeated the russians, that’s essentially the same thing they want to repeat this scenario because it works, yeah therefore, they will go exactly this way, the monstrous footage was published here... exactly, if the americans do not see their companions that there are children there, or they see it deliberately, if they do, it means that this is an information-terrorist campaign and an action, i agree, aimed deep into russia in order to cause a panic attack, and she, i just spoke with one of my american colleagues a few days ago,
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asked old contacts, imagine if this happened somewhere on a beach in ... well, i see several components there, i would i still divided what was happening by region, indeed the missile attacks, i think, most likely were aimed primarily at military targets, that is, there were missiles when they were shot down over the territory of sevastopol, well, relatively speaking, cassettes for these ammunition fell on
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the beach, although it cannot be ruled out , that the target was specifically civilians there in any part of sevastok. it’s clear here, with dagestan the situation is a little more complicated, in my opinion, let’s see, well, from this perspective: firstly, the railway connecting azerbaijan and iran has recently opened, that is, in essence, this the north-south corridor, it has finally been built, the railway passes through the territory of dagestan, and western analysts believe that this is a very complex, complex dagestan from a point of view. recently, russia has really been investing in dagestan, well , in general , it has been investing in the crimea region in dagestan, that is, the task was set, and it was not for nothing that vladimir putin came there,
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to make a tourist pearl, and what does this give to the dagestanis, jobs, development, promotion.
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again, i agree with alexey in terms of dagestan, i think that the priority is still the task there, remember crocus, who took responsibility in the end? isis, who believed in it, no one really believed it, why this organization did this, which is half-dead there, is unclear, now the same thing is happening, again the same isis cell in afghanistan is taking responsibility. the question is for what, that is , who is this, yes, that is, the task was, say, to really destroy someone in dagestan, or maybe to legend this first terrorist attack in crocus, more bloody, more terrible, what can i say, look, that’s all. such isis, they repeated their action, look, then there may be a third, fourth, which will also take over isis, that is, this is not ukraine, this is not gore, not the sbu, this is not the west, look, they’re kind of bad... then the isis that we have, the second point about dagestan, yes, this is from the moment the second chechen war ended, it was the most problematic point in russia, that is, there is a really very wide underground there, but it was limited not only to the americans, but also to saudi arabia, and there you know
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today the russians have a brilliant attitude, that is, it could not have been precisely orchestrated in terms of wahhabism there, something so controlled. from there, no, it was something that disguises itself as wahhabism, hence the strange choice of target, because if you carry out a terrorist attack, let’s say, against the war there in the gas sector, for example, yes, it’s clear then sabotage there against a synagogue, there is a terrorist attack, yes , the destruction of two buildings, why then is it against the orthodox church, if russia takes a pro-palestinian position, this is wrong from a political point of view the task of a terrorist attack, but if it is a terrorist attack, say, only against russia, yes, then again this sets up the islamic arab world, let ’s say, against isis, which in this way knocks out. yes, let’s say, an ally, so the goals were uncharacteristic in terms of the fact that this also coincides with the negotiation process, which ukraine announced just the other day that we are ready to sort of discuss something, well, that is, in the west . there are also different lines that some want, some don’t want these negotiations, some are exactly the same different lines manage these terrorist acts, that is, it is not just one center that makes the decision, there are conditionally the british, there are
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the americans, there is someone else, so they are trying to change this agenda among themselves, so of course, as a rule , even the british are always more responsible for the escalation, for the escalation, for making such a decision, here also, if i may allow one moment, such an information-psychological one, we need to look at who the perpetrators of this terrorist attack were, and this is generally one of the... signs of our time, the golden youth of dagestan, who did not need anything, who belonged to one of the clans, which, well, no one in dagestan, so i listened to caucasian specialists, experts who know perfectly well who comes from what kind of tribe, but no one said would be that these are some kind of mujahideen, which means this influence is pumped up from outside, and here i absolutely agree, remember who was the face of that very isis jihadi? who cut off the heads of unfortunate people on camera, including two catholic priests, so he a citizen of great britain, he is from the same
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golden advanced youth who received education there in the european union, i say this to the fact that our young people need to be very careful, especially from such urban golden advanced youth, we need to be very careful about what impacts on them. to create this endless illusion of success from a counter-offensive there before the next nato summit in july, before the biden -trump debate, why at some defining
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moment the ukrainians do not try to save themselves, their country, with all possible forces, or or this stage has already been passed, because every next proposal that kiev will follow will be worse than what is now, well... see who benefits, that is, and who now benefits from peaceful negotiations, no one, there are no players on the geopolitical map of the world who would benefit from even a truce, well, why would they, i don’t agree, china, china, well, china maybe, if it’s the chinese formula, i agree, that’s it, and not in modern times, ukrainian the people are not subjective, there is a rigid nazi system dictatorship, there will be detachments there, there will be neo-nazi gangs operating there. there are hundreds, thousands, tens of thousands of people behind bars, including our fellow journalists, or killed without trial for an alternative position. biden definitely does not
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need peace negotiations before the elections, because they will be perceived as a defeat, because he will have to compromise. there may be a new administration, although, depending on what conditions, the russian federation wins victory after victory on the battlefield, so far these peace negotiations are also for it on the basis of an ultimatum... are not needed, although the russian federation and belarus would agree with a normal outcome, all formulas were proposed by the belarusian side, proposed by the russian federation, president putin, voiced, the ukrainian authorities, the puppet regime, there is simply no one to talk to there now, and vladimir putin said this several times, the european unionists, they are so involved in this process that it is no longer possible to give them back, excuse me, as they say, in the gateway. at least, well, for france, imagine, before the early parliamentary elections, what a blow it would be, but to these remnants of macron’s unity, so there are no
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major interests involved here, now in a direct clash, i mean, well, i agree with alexei valerievich, yes, the russian federation, ukraine , nato countries, if we take it collectively, the united states of america, have no interests in the peace negotiations, therefore. we cannot ignore the interests of russia and belarus. let's listen to a short fragment. the message to ukrainians is very simple, for which they don't like me. do you want to reach the paraguayan option or do you want to
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stop in time? the agenda is already, by the way, zelensky said the same thing before the elections, when he had to be elected president, well, the facts are that even this failed summit, the peace forum in switzerland, he essentially abolished zelensky’s formula, in fact even abolished the law that prohibits negotiations, that is , they gently, so to speak, overturned everything that they had been doing in recent months, well, you the president signed it, now it’s possible, well, yes, yes, a command came from above, the gentlemen there
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said, well, but i think that these are the events that are happening now, there was an interesting statement from china that it would begin to independently work on the topic of peace negotiations, that is, the chinese understood that they had to rely especially on the position europe separately, the usa, there is no need for ukraine separately, although i think the chinese will come with very tempting offers to the ukrainian side, if only because someone has to think.
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and china you said, here aristovich says that well, yes, about the interests of russia and belarus, which must be taken into account, well, it became clear to everyone about the interests of russia, vladimir putin spoke about this more than once, but not everyone understood, but what are the interests of belarus in this case in relation to ukraine, i’ll try to explain, well first of all, the most basic thing, we want our southern neighbor to be calm, there are no threats from there, in general, for the border to be controlled, it is advisable to return to
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the state when we have... normal, and best of all fraternal, relations with ukraine relationship. plus, in my opinion, our national interest lies even more with russia, because in any case this is an imbalance. if the western part of ukraine is under poland, our balcony will be surrounded on all three sides by hostile states. therefore, it is our interest that ukraine, or the part of it that will remain sovereign, be at least a neutral state.
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what to build in what place to put a nuclear power plant, at least the same power plant, after all , what did aristovich talk about in this interview, that this is like a desirable option, taking into account belarusian interests, russian interests, but the impossible, possible option, in his words , is a freeze on the current front line, this is exactly what, from his point of view, should have been offered to putin before the swiss summit, then zelensky would definitely agree, the west would agree to this, put pressure on him, and this apparently the american signal that
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they are showing us today, hence the next question, they said why they are using missiles , why they are resisting so fiercely today, but if tomorrow there is a freeze along the front line, they are throwing resources away today, in order to preserve that very front line, this is the question of kharkov, the question there is sum, the question there i don’t know is kiev’s approach to withdrawal there, that ’s why they are putting people in today, that is , apparently there is some real version of this very freeze along the front line, maybe to be there without a peace agreement, but at least they are losing it, so aristovich, he gives such a position that the military doesn’t want to fight, the army is poorly managed, which means there is a lot of corruption, ineffective, and let’s hold elections against this background , well, it’s clear that with with the holding of elections, certain alignments change and maybe it is also beneficial for russia to hold such elections, to see who will come new, that is, well, i think it may be...
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every day we work to ensure that you receive the latest and most useful information. the twenty-minute format allows us to talk about what is happening in belarus and the world. take a linguistic walk around the capital in the company of our guides. find a new place on the map of belarus.
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our region through the eyes of foreigners, i was surprised that the nature was so beautiful and so pure, everything is different. it was so neat, the building, food, supermarkets and so on, how did they end up in belarus and why did they stay here ? it so happened that belarus occupies a special place, i first came here as a student in 1983 in 1984, 2 years ago i was sent here to participate in the student olympiad, i came from venezuela 8 years ago because i fell in love.
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we continue the big news the trial of wikilex founder julian masange ended with a deal asange was released from prison in the uk headed to australia. according to media reports, he reached a deal with the us regime; he pleaded guilty to a single charge, namely conspiracy to obtain and disclose information to national defense. but all this, of course, is a screen; people were kept behind bars for an inconvenient truth, for completely reliable
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information about us war crimes. andrey, where does such humanism come from? they want to show off before the elections, or what, when you have a deal , well, you should too. give something in return, here he was in prison, here is his they let him go, well, basically, no matter what, he admits his guilt all the way. the question is, is this a deal between whom and whom? he was there with the americans, or maybe the british and the americans, who let him go, they actually controlled him all this time, apparently they agreed on something after all. the next question is, yes, that is, in this case wikileaks was like this, that means an accomplice, an american intelligence officer convicted there in the united states, who gave him information on iraq, so obama pardoned him all the time, that is, before the american elections, well, probably yes, logical, have mercy. also this guy, frame this as at least an initiative of biden, the united states, so that, well , maybe he can increase his rating a little more, look, he generously forgave him. why is this so, well, because the republicans have always been very, very against any kind of deals there, and there is an electric chair,
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which means to intrigue him there, michael pompeo stated this at one time, that is, they were not going to do it under any circumstances let go, so well, apparently, it depends on the different positions of democrats and republicans, why the british do it, again, well, probably, for 5 years he didn’t just sit there... everything he could tell, it was still double-checked for a very long time, that’s when he became completely useless in terms of some new information there , so he is released, but again to british jurisdiction. australia is, well, let's say, a former, yes, american dominion, it is not leaving for the usa. the deal was an elegant solution to what was becoming a growing political headache for the us government. well, when all the wikileaks scandals happened through the british the press was constantly beating the americans, that is , it was precisely a british-american conflict, which of course also resulted in support all over the world against the american military company, well, this was definitely beneficial to the british, so well, what today...
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is like that well, asansh, well, how does it differ from the afghan version, nothing at all, just everything is like a piggy bank, i agree that they simply decided to remove the extra figure from the information board, because asansh is one of the first information partisans in the information era, who came out said, brought out this ins and outs of all the dirty laundry, he gave information not only about, well, wikis in general, as a movement, not only about... crimes against humanity in iraq and afghanistan, not just about the atrocities
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of the american military machine , but remember how many diplomatic secrets were made public through wikileaks, how many secret agreements, how many corrupt deals, including with the participation of the european union elite, there, on the basis of these investigations that wikileaks threw out, many contributions to swiss, supposedly independent banks suffered, this was one of the conditions that they say that there, there... there lies something, so on the one hand, of course, niktosanju, his time spent in the ecuadorian embassy in a british prison did not will return, although the deal is personally beneficial to him, he will remain in history as the first information partisan or one of the first information partisans, on the other hand, for me this is another confirmation of the weakness of that american-british or british american machine, in general for...
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initially this project, it could have been a project of struggle of one part of the global elites against another, but with the use of a supposedly independent such a romantic figure, now the romantic made a deal, that is, he handed over something there that was important, he is not chagiwara, or he could have surrendered right away, he, well, yes, he won that he saved his life, but this is not chagiwara, he did not fight to the end, which means initially, well , he had no choice but to die. if he is such a fighter for his beliefs, then yes, then yes, which
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means there is some kind of double bottom there, initially he played for someone, he was used against someone, and here the western system showed that it always insists that we are soft, we are not these, like totalitarians right away, you see, all the rest are partisans , even if you are weird, you can come to an agreement with us, and you will even save a life and will... the so-called western democracy, when necessary, they can work very hard, but
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here, that means, another goal is to show all these partisans that you , the guys are still controlled by us, but they rather showed that it was necessary to run not to the ecuadorian, but to the russian embassy, ​​because another information partisan, who asked for protection in the russian federation, quietly works and remains an information leader of public opinion, well, we are seeing a big political show in the person of assange, quite possibly. ..
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kata of the west, when two, well, let’s say, politicians of not the first freshness, to put it mildly, because i say diplomatically, two politicians of not the first freshness, put on a show, and millions of people look at it, in general it’s enough seriously, i mean, of course, an american, bulgakov is not the first fresh, this means rotten, if i quote to the end, thank you for clarifying, the point, the point is that the option is purely american, in fact, if so, this is an analogy - battles in the mud, these here, it should be funny, interesting, it entertains, in fact, and distracts from real problems, because everything that one and the other is fighting for, in essence, is a game around such small nuances that
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can be would be decided in one moment, the same border, the same relationship with russia, the same issues of support for ukraine. i wanted to talk about grace, that’s generally the reason why i spoke with my american colleague, he says: so in the american democratic party, in the intellectual elite, no one views this as the election of trump and biden, because behind biden is vice president kamala haris , in fact , biden’s only task is to survive until the elections and he really more or less agrees with
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the cardiogram, with medical support, to win them, then no one is interested anymore, kamala harris is a compromise figure, even against her... most of the republican party will not be indignant, because she is a weak politician, but i am afraid that here the americans may outplay themselves, these behind-the-scenes games, intrigues may not be understood by the depth of the american people the state, at a minimum, those people who went on a tour of the white house, in the last elections, at least those who consider themselves deceived and who do not want to be dolls, just idiots, but who will say: here we are citizens the united states of america, we have an amendment allowing us to bear arms and we are ready to defend our right to choose our government and leadership. by the way, here ’s an interesting thought that slipped through, i would formulate it this way: this is not an election for the president of the united states, but an election for the vice president, because
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now the acute question is being raised: who will be the vice presidents and will the elected presidents survive, if so?
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victory will not be there, victory will be in changing the landscape of the elections themselves. well, for us , first of all, the foreign policy line is important, i don’t think that it will change radically, the united states will try to maintain its dominant position, it’s another thing, like in this chessboard they will try to finish off russia first, and then china, or they will first take on china and give some kind of sop, and they say, well, figure it out, okay, we skimmed all the cream from ukraine, now...
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we’re watching, and that means this is a signal that he understands me, there’s a right turn there , trying to drag us all, by the way, into anti-chinese uh-huh. uh layouts, but our task is to refrain from all this, and despite to the changes of these first ones, who in fact, the first ones will not decide anything, still follow our strategic line, clearly understand it, lead it and avoid excessive involvement in american arrangements, it seems to me that this is our disease somewhere , maybe there is a complex that we are so dependent psychologically on the results of these elections, the worst thing for them is that when this dependence disappears, they will understand that it is not they
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who are playing, but we who are playing them, so let’s really talk about our interests, we have july is turning out to be an interesting month, look, it’s july 3, 80 years of liberation, independence day, what we are celebrating, this is a very important event for us, we are joining as a full member of the shankai cooperation organization, that is, just with china from.. .
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we, like minsk residents, remember, feel, carry through, pass through this feat of both the belarusian underground and the belarusian resistance as a whole, for us this is also important and significant, but you are absolutely right that these are 80 years from the liberation of belarus. through restoration, because the city of minsk and the vast majority of 200 belarusian cities were restored simply from the ashes and look how many. genocide of the people, but we are, this is 30 years of presidency, this is the story of restoration, this is the history
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when we were balancing, like 30 years ago, we were balancing on the edge of an abyss, the president said this in his first program, take the people and the country away from the abyss, at the beginning of the great patriotic war we stood over the same abyss, which threatened us with destruction, so in my opinion, all these the dates are connected by the main logic. this is the logic of development, when belarusians, despite genocide, despite the possibility of falling into the chaos and collapse of the late soviet post-soviet, they choose strong institutions of power, and if there were no presidential republic, like this, well, even if we discard everything else, the republic of belarus would not have survived , it seems to me so, that’s why this is a belarusian application. people to sovereignly decide their own history, which is manifested in the fight against an external aggressor, in the ability and opportunity
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to build their own state, we will continue now this is the summing up of this result, the understanding with what and how we approached all these events, i will remind you that yesterday the president met with the head of the russian ministry of foreign affairs sergei lavrov, where they also touched upon the topic of joining the shanghai cooperation organization, let’s listen to a short fragment , i am especially grateful for the work that russia has done to join us in the shanghai cooperation organization and the full participation of belarus in this organization, we really hope that this will happen in astana, at least judging by to your statements lately, i see that we have fulfilled all our obligations and there are no such problems regarding belarus’ accession to the shost today, this is very important for belarus, you must agree that... on such a specific , more or less international platform, where leading leaders are present , leaders
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of world powers, our presence is very important. not only from the point of view of the image of politics, but from the point of view of the economy, there is an opportunity at any time to discuss any issues, including specific ones, but well, i think that entry into the sco and the previous path, a thirty-year path within the framework of the institution of presidency and 80 years after liberation, shows that belarus, like a young ...
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bloody upheaval, like many of its neighbors, but as if ours came from among managers , a president who essentially continued the line of partisan managers, now we are entering a new stage, when we are starting to play the game in the new security architecture in eurasia, that is, our system shows that, in general, everything necessary for a truly sovereign state is in place institutions at...
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well, if relations between russia and china are good and not bad, as was also the case there in different periods of history, then everything will be fine within the framework of the sco in terms of presidential elections, this path has been traveled, of course, you know, even it’s a bit of a shame that when people choose a used car, for example, they look through i don’t know thousands of ads, study the characteristics, then they see what they bought when people make a choice. during elections they often don’t think about anything at all, that is, they get a person out of nowhere who there is some kind of high-profile campaign, i’m talking about the elections of 2020, for example, yes i say, it turns out that people are ready to trade this long, understandable path, which goes along a certain upward trajectory, and to replace it with simply scrapping the entire system, consider this still correct some kind of leap somewhere towards freedom towards democracy, this is quite gloomy, that is, if we follow the model of public policy, we need to do it, well, like the republics of central asia,
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russia and others there do, and not according to the model western, that's how people explain it. we're on in essence, we are thereby building this continuity, because it’s not just about the fact that we chose a person once, so we ended up with such a path, people didn’t quite understand then, what are the alternatives, but the abyss, but what if not the abyss, well already knowing today this path that exists and which has been passed, we need to build the next segment of our belarusian life there, and precisely in continuity with the previous one, absolutely true, thank you, well, i will say this, that the sco issues of our membership there are probably a continuation that belarusian numerology, according to essentially, this is for us an entrance ticket to the economy of the great arc, this is the choice of a comfortable pole of the future multipolar world, so i think this is beneficial from all sides, in principle, i will also say this: tell me who your friend is, and i i’ll tell you who you are, that’s why we
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declare this, i thank you for... and participation in this program, well, that’s all for today, happily, the most current events from the world of sports, 50 days before the start of the olympic games in paris french authorities presented the olympic rings that are installed on the eiffel tower. minsk is stronger than victoria, 5:1. with this score, the third match of the final series of the belarusian field hockey championship among women's teams ended. hard training and exciting competitions. the second training camp, the belarus national biathlon team, has begun in the current off-season. in july there will probably be a gathering of srednegoria, and it will also probably be the very familiar
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tsakhkodzor in armenia. friendly match belarus russia. was the first international in our country in 2 and a half years, a lot of effort was put into its organization many ministries. exclusive interviews with athletes. here in russia everything is at the brix games. it works like at the olympics, we have a common village where we can meet representatives of other sports. it was not an easy path to victory for me, but i am happy that everything worked out. all this is in the sports projects on the belarus 24 tv channel. television in our country, as in the russian federation, dominates the information field, since the twentieth year our audience has grown, it has a very clear request for... many people say: it’s impossible teach to love your homeland, you can, you need to teach to love your homeland, you need to talk about its achievements, how much has been done for a person, and this needs to be talked about, the media is a very
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important link between, well, i’ll call it very conditionally, the people to power, without the media this communication cannot exist, the media conveys the main meanings, the ideological direction, the course that is determined by the state, feedback must come from the population, not a single achievement of ours. when you are in nature, it seems that the world has plunged into silence, all the sounds of bustle have disappeared,
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only the song of the wind specially caresses the ear, so that you look around and realize how quiet it is all around. opportunities to go into nature, go to forests, fields, rivers and lakes, breathe fresh air, admire the clear sky, listen to birdsong, rustle of leaves, smile at the sun, nature belarus 24 notice this beauty around in harmony with
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we have a huge number of projects these are the so-called ones. that's what people call them at home.


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