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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  July 1, 2024 7:20am-8:00am MSK

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requirements there must be at least two appraisers on staff and at least 6 years of experience. in belarus , there are eight initiatives at a high level of readiness that can receive the status of public-private partnership projects by the end of the year; all of them have been assessed by government agencies. among them, including two initiatives in the field of housing and communal services, one in the parking space. this was reported by the head of the relevant department at the eurasian development bank. the peculiarity of the projects is that they do not provide for budgetary participation and are solved locally. in belarus is successfully improving legislation in this area. for its part, yabr today sets trends in the field of public-private partnerships, selects projects and supports the activities of countries in line with international and regional trends. the next forum of the regions of belarus and russia has been completed, now it’s time to implement the agreements. thus, the enterprise of belarus and bashkartastan will form an industrial investment innovation park. this was announced by the head of the russian republic radiy khabirov. he noted. interest in participating in
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three large belarusian enterprises have already shown plans to develop a large territory with the status of a special economic zone. it is taking shape and will become another point of growth for our economies,” concluded khabirov. now the exchange rate of the belarusian ruble has weakened against the dollar, the euro has strengthened in june against the russian ruble, and so are the current exchange rates for the national bank. the dollar has risen in price, it costs 3.17, the euro has also added, its rate is 3.39. for 10 yuan he asks for 4.33 belarusian a. russian rubles, almost three times more, but only denominations of 5,000. in total, belarusian banks discovered 186 counterfeit banknotes, mostly banknotes, only two coins. most of the fakes are fake dollars (84%). the share of counterfeit russian rubles is small, less than 10, euros even less - 5%. there are generally one and a half belarusian rubles. the total number of counterfeits increased by 27%. and this is all economic news. for this hour, good luck in your
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business and see you, the morning broadcast continues with crime news in the studio violetta sokolovich, hello, 3 years old. imprisonment in a correctional facility colony under enhanced security conditions with a fine of 100 basic units in the amount of 4.00 rubles. this is the verdict of the court in baranavichy for the courier of telephone scammers. the guy was charged with attempted fraud and participation in an organized crime group. according to the case file , in march of this year the accused received an offer on telegram to earn money as a courier and agreed, thus becoming a member of an organized group. then there were calls to the victims and instructions on where to collect money from whom. in that. i gave all my savings
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to the courier, but managed to intervene in time the police detained the scammer and returned the money to the pensioner. at the trial, the defendant fully admitted his guilt, the court verdict has not yet entered into legal force and can be appealed, what he did, i promise this will not happen again. criminal and emergency incidents, further in the program. counting on conspiracy, but still a failure, the counterfeit goods will be confiscated, law enforcement officers seized a large batch of counterfeit alcohol. employees of the bp of the minsk region, together with colleagues from the koopolsky district, carried out a joint successful special operation. near the village of motskevichi they they stopped a truck; a sixty-two-year-old resident of brest was driving. law enforcement officers inspected the contents of the semi-trailer and found 10,000 liters of alcohol. the containers were hidden behind... bags of
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animal litter. the men were unable to provide documents for the cargo. currently , alcohol costs about 100,000 rubles. seized and under investigation. violators face large fines and confiscation of goods. i just wanted to sing, apparently, law enforcement officers detained a resident of the capital for stealing a speaker and microphone. the owner of the property contacted the police, who said that things disappeared during a trip on the bus. law enforcement officers found out that the woman placed a bag of property in the seat. door on the bus, she sat down opposite. she was distracted by her phone and didn’t notice how her things were taken away by a fifty-year-old male passenger. soon, of course, the police found the defendant and returned her property to the owner; a criminal case was opened against the detainee for theft. he drank, he left a legacy, and he got into trouble with the law. in soligorsk, a local resident contacted the police with a statement that someone had damaged him opel car. he left the vehicle near the house and later noticed shoe prints on the back. during the inspection. at the scene of the incident, the expert was able to
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remove shoe prints from the glass on the left wing of the car. soon the law enforcement officers managed to find the suspect, an eighteen-year-old boy. to establish all the circumstances, it was appointed. logical examination. the check showed that the traces that were seized by a specialist at the scene were indeed left by the detained young man. the guy later explained to law enforcement officers his action the amount of alcohol he drank that day. he chose the car by chance, and he had no reason to kick the vehicle. and yet you will have to answer for your actions under an administrative article. guy understands the circumstances of the accident that happened over the weekend in the capital. a female pedestrian was injured. law enforcement officers, the driver of a mercedes was driving in reverse along kuzma cherny lane when he hit an elderly woman, 74 years old. the latter was not crossing the road at a pedestrian crossing. as a result of the incident the pensioner was injured and taken to the hospital. in osipovichi, rescuers pulled a man out from under the crumbling soil. the emergency
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happened the day before. on the territory of a private farmstead, an excavator was digging a hole for sewerage. the owner was in the hole at that time, but at some point the ground collapsed and the man. covered with earth, emergency workers came to the rescue, using special tools, they rescued the victim and handed him over to doctors, the man was taken to the hospital. this was news from zone x, stay tuned to belarus 1.
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everything you wanted to know about the unique relics that are in ancient temples, here are parts of many other saints, and people know from vitebsk they come and pray. in our school, future regents, future singers, icon painters, florists, and readers graduate and study, that is, all those that
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the church needs everywhere now, about how the most ancient shrines appeared on the belarusian lands, here was the appearance of the krupetsk icon of the mother of god. so gradually a temple, a parish, a brotherhood was formed here, which dealt with the construction of this temple, this is the pokrovsky temple, about the sacraments of church services, if there is a priest, then there should always be a choir, because the choir symbolizes, in principle, prayer, the hottest news, arthur, good morning, hello, good morning, how are we there is always a lot of interesting news, vitebsk was noted. fiftieth anniversary and eightieth anniversary of the liberation of the city from the nazi invaders. participants in a solemn meeting honored the memory of those who died during the war, and in the evening on the square victory, a festive concert took place, as a gift for the city's anniversary, the inclusion of new fountains in the central square of the regional
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center. it is symbolic that the illuminated fountains consist of 118 sprayers. this is exactly how many residents met the soldiers of the soviet army on the day of the liberation of vitebsk. we congratulate vitebsk and all its citizens on this wonderful anniversary, may the city bloom, live fragrantly, and attract cultural events. this city, yes, the path from the population and city guests did not end there, yes, our city continues to attract interesting events, the second festival of historical reconstruction called ploskaya gora gathered in vitebsk about 250 lovers of traveling to the past, guests came from different regions of belarus and russia. medieval games, quests, dances, tournaments, master classes, those who wanted to try on
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a knight's helmet or chain mail lined up for a photo shoot in order to completely immerse themselves in the atmosphere of past centuries, some reenactors even abandoned mobile phones, in general they were completely immersed in history, making the most of , well we the zavitelsky region was also pleased now that such things took place there, and what else happened, well, here’s a photo diary. the slavic bazaar in vitebsk can be seen in the city hall. the regional museum of history and local lore presented an exhibition called cornflower blue stars. archive photographs of the forum over the past decades are collected here. meetings with stars, performances by young performers, creative venues, an exhibition in the regional museum, a unique opportunity to remember the brightest moments of the slovenian bazaar and tune in to the thirty-third account forum. well, yes, there were these bright events. quite a lot, and we are also looking forward to the thirty-third forum, because our team will go, as always, to traditionally
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broadcast during the slavic bazaar from the amphitheater. and regarding the exhibition, i have a question, arthur, we will see it, that is , it will still be there next week? the exhibition will be open until the end of summer, so come, we are waiting for you to visit, go to the regional museum, you can rent it out, we will definitely go and the tour is next week, so what will happen? your plot, plot will talk about the most interesting events of the eleventh forum of regions of belarus and russia, which took place in three cities of our region, vitebsk, polotsk and novopolotsk. so, about this scale, of course, we’ll be happy to see the story. arthur, thank you very much and say hello to vitebsk. well, let's look at the story. the area near the summer amphitheater in vitebsk turned into a business site for several days.
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on the central street of vitebsk there is an exhibition of equipment, nearby folk craftsmen offer unique souvenirs and conducts master classes, the focus of the business program of the regional forum.
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belarus and russia have created a format for constant interaction and expansion of cooperation in all areas. this was discussed at a meeting of the heads of the upper houses of parliaments of the two countries with the heads of government bodies . by combining the potentials and efforts of our states, we become twice as strong. the eleventh forum of the regions of russia and belarus, as they say, reached new heights, set a new bar in terms of the number of forum participants...
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36° across the country during the day, and in more detail in numbers right now. so, morning indicators: map to the studio. so, please, in the morning in minsk +18 +20, and cloudy with clearings, here in brest it rains there until 22, in vitebsk and gomel +18 +20 and dry. in grodno
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-20 +22 cloudy with clearings and cheese. but to the grave. to 20 cloudy with clearings during the day , let's see those very hot temperatures , look, these were only morning indicators and that already makes me hot. during the day the situation will change in the capital region +30 +32 +25 +27 in the breet region in vitebsk up to 33° heat. record 34°, i believe that in gomel +24 +26 grodno +32 + 34 in mogilev, in grodno, we see that there will be light precipitation, i hope that there will be light precipitation in vitebsk, minsk b... there will also be thunderstorms across the country in the end, yes, and in addition to thunderstorms , there will also be downpours, and strong winds cannot be ruled out; by the way, during a thunderstorm, gusts can reach 15-20 m per second.
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instability in atmospheric pressure will definitely be present, so take care of yourself, take care of your health, and how can you escape the heat, yes, we already said, of course drink as much water as possible, but if you are a resident of the capital, then you can also escape the heat in the metro, in the summer it is cool there, as comfortable as possible, in the winter it is warm and nothing ever drips, and you ride with the breeze, and by the way, last week in minsk the metro celebrated its fortieth anniversary, look how the subway has changed over all these years. right now in the story of olesya boyarskikh. it is no longer possible to imagine the daily life of the megapolis without it. the capital's
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metro is 40 years old. the construction of the metro in minsk began after the city's population crossed the million mark in january 1972. the first metro station that began to be built in the capital was a park. lyuskinites already on june 29 , 1984, the capital's metro received its first passengers. the first line consisted of eight stations, it stretched from cheleskentsev park to the institute of culture, its length was 8.5 km. and it should be noted that the first pile was driven in 1977 at the cherlyuskents park station, and construction work began from there. gradually, the builders moved two or three meters. moved deep into the earth to create, in general, the first line to please the foreign guests of the capital for this anniversary, for the fortieth anniversary of the liberation of belarus from the nazi invaders. the capital's metro continues
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to develop today. in november 2020 , four stations of the third metro line were put into operation. of course, we have the most modern, innovative, which makes it specially different from others. moscow automobile plant line, the fact that there are automatic remote doors on it, passengers also call them protective barriers, that is with the help of these devices , a person or object is prevented from falling on the tracks, from the moment of commissioning these lines have been built in, to this day not a single person has fallen on the tracks, no one has been injured, well, where would we be without modern trains, the carriages of which are equipped with everything necessary for comfortable travel , surveillance cameras, sockets for recharging mobile phones... that is, places for people with limited mobility, as well as additional folding seats. in total , the met has 10 such new trains, and
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four of them run on the factory metro line, they replaced those old numbered trains that had already served their time for a long time, let’s say, their operation was nearing completion, and also six four-year trains run on the third metro line. on the third line of the metro, you can even find a passenger conveyor, the length of which is more than 200 m. it is designed so that people who come with luggage can put their things here and travel comfortably, this is very important because nearby we have a railway station metro station, the intersection of roads, one might say, our guests of the capital often arrive here, imensk residents return from there, so it’s very convenient for them, and it’s interesting that when...
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after the trip, also metro passengers have already managed to appreciate the convenient information there is also such a pleasant breeze that you don’t get tired of the portals that are located in the underground passages between stations. these services allow you to find a connection with ground transport. find some cultural sites, calculate travel time according to yourself through the metro stations themselves, from station to station, and see where you can get off, where to go, well, there is a lot of information useful for city residents and guests, and i also want to note that all the information is in four languages, russian, belarusian , english and chinese, and what’s more, there are special fonts for people with poor knowledge. new modern trains will soon appear in the capital's metro. in which an air disinfection system was installed and navigation was improved in march 2023 local metro and enterprise.
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will duplicate the second urban transport ring. well, the uniqueness of the fourth ring line will be that there will be a large number of transfer points to other lines, and the metro designers are making sure that these are large transport and logistics hubs, so that there is a very good connection with ground transport, with some kind of railway transport, with some large ground infrastructure facilities, that is, to make people comfortable. 40 years since launch the minsk metro transported more than 8 billion people.
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well, we once again congratulate the capital’s metro on its anniversary and wish its passengers only a happy journey, every day of their life has begun to grow, but at the end of the day you will be in peace, if you i'm pissed.. when you sleep, you will know something unique in every corner. breathing is easy for those who wear ice. in the cold, well, everything is green, just like our weight, such weight is not enough for everyone. i are talented and beautiful. zhanchyna palashushka - geta janchyna, who knows everything. well, on the contrary, i can tell you what i mean and here i fall. it is inappropriate to focus on the history of your
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little radzima. the meat has been growing since 1820, when it began with alexander skirmunt. archaealgic news reports that the first people appeared here in another thousand years and our era. excavations were carried out to identify the boundaries of the settlement of drygavicho. glyadzice project palishuki on tv channel belarus 24. a show that will not stop. no one, as soon as they lifted me up, i looked down and thought, maybe i don’t need it, that i came here at all, please let me out of here, and in the meantime alexander is almost overtaking him, cling on, with your hands, come on, the main thing is to choose your path, even if it is the most dangerous, calmly, don’t rush, don’t then, wait, wrong way, wrong way, wrong way, wait, wrong way, wait, yes,
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celebrates his birthday, on such a significant day we are pleased to welcome to the studio good ranitsa belarus, deputy general director for foreign economic affairs of the minsk national airport, nikita seredvich, good morning, good morning, nikita, firstly, we congratulate the national airport on its birthday, thank you, yes, today it turns 41 according to the results of 2023, according to the recognition of the airport association among 117 airports, in general it took first place, tell us about this event, how valuable it is. well, this is certainly valuable, because we were recognized as the best airport in the cis, for us in these difficult times and after we survived this, so to speak, crisis, we have already begun to grow, for us this is certainly a very big indicator, this is significant for this is an event for us, especially considering that this award was given taking into account a very large number of criteria, so i wanted to talk about this, what are the main criteria, what are
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the most basic ones based on. yeah, i’d like to talk about records, because last year minsk airport served almost 2.5 million people, how did you manage to achieve this figure? well, let 's first start with the fact that this is unfortunately not our record, our record was in the nineteenth
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year and there were more than 5 million people, but after the pandemic started, then there were various sanctions have been introduced and so on, this is of course our record today , about 2.5 million people, we have an increase in composition.
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is called a secret passenger, how else will the actual service to people improve, well , we place a very big emphasis on the development of our personnel, our internal resources, because let's be frankly blunt, we have a limited selection of highly qualified specialists in this field in the country, so we we hold on to each of our specialists, we try to develop all our competencies, we also invest in infrastructure...
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we purchase equipment, new equipment for maintenance, yes, for servicing aircraft, and so on, and all this together, it ultimately leads, among other things, to the comfort of passengers in the first place, yes, of course, so let's talk more about the geography of flights, maybe there are some prospects, where else we will fly, where we are flying today, well , today we fly first of all to the russian federation, these are the cis countries, this is turkey. united arab emirates, here are flights to china, uzbekistan, this is our main direction today, we are constantly in contact with different airlines around the world, those that are ready to cooperate with us, this process, unfortunately, is not
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as simple and easy as we would like to attract new airlines , but nevertheless, i think that i think that we are doing a good job, well, if i say so, if you want some kind of insight, then we really, really want it. then in the near future, i think that in the next couple of months, if everything goes well for us, then we are waiting for the kazakh carrier skat, which will fly from minsk to almaty, from almaty to minsk, like this, this is great news, a great destination, i know that belarusians love to travel and kazakhstan will really become a good destination, but maybe there are some statistics where belarusians flew to this year most often? yes, there are such statistics, i would say that they have actually been approximately the same for the last 2 years, that is, the top five. direction this is moscow st. petersburg, this is istanbul, dubai and tbilisi, these are nika’s top five directions, but nevertheless, the airport continues to live, develop, what are the plans for the future, what else
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would i like to improve, complete, maybe complete, when we left in 1919, we had the peak of passenger traffic, then there were very serious plans for construction of the second terminal, yeah, we are moving away from these plans...
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the si news agency continues information broadcasting, in the studio olga kalairova, good morning. there are only a few days left until one of the main holidays.


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