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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  July 1, 2024 12:00pm-12:10pm MSK

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my warrior comrades are listening. live main news at noon, in the studio olga kalairova, hello and briefly about the topics of the issue. medals for labor merits, impeccable service and saved lives. state awards for true professionals and people dedicated to their work. the parliamentary elections in france are won by marine lepine's party in the first round. will
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the national unity be able to form a government? to prepare for a possible blackout in ukraine, every family was recommended to purchase generators. cherished the document with the results in belarus was sorted by the issuance of certificates of passing the ct. the true basis of the well-being of any nation is its people, selfless and faithful to their... ideal. prime minister roman golovchenko stated this when presenting state awards today on behalf of the president of belarus. professionals whose work and talents are dedicated to their work, rightfully noted by the state, represent various fields. from government officials to workers in the agro-industrial complex and the education system. the awards ceremony takes place the day before the main public holiday, independence day, and this gives it special importance and solemnity. unity, national identity and the unbending will
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of our ancestors predetermined the creation of a sovereign belarusian state. belarusians earned the right to live in their own country, an independent country, did not spare themselves in the fight against the occupiers during the great patriotic war, worked selflessly to recreate the liberated country and restore the national economy. it is our duty, our sacred duty, to protect. the economy, agriculture, science, culture, every industry are developing dynamically - the contribution of everyone who today is awarded medals for labor merits. on the eve of the eightieth anniversary of the liberation of belarus and independence day, wine and flowers from our embassy in russia were laid at the tomb of the unknown soldier at the kremlin wall in moscow. the ceremony was attended by state secretary of the union state dmitry mezentsev, representatives of the russian ministry of foreign affairs, integration structures, and belarusian diplomats. ceremony participants
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they also laid flowers at the memorial signs “hero city minsk and hero brez fortress” on the alley of hero cities in the alexander garden. the ceremony ended with the solemn march of the guard of honor to the sounds of a military band. and we continue to acquaint you with what happened on ivan chernyakhovsky, together with partisan formations, they liberated borisov, which the nazis turned into a powerful fortified area.
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the actions of the zheleznyak partisan brigade ended the occupation in begomlsky. troops of the first baltic front liberate sharkovshchina. the occupation in the gressky and kopalsky regions ended. the immediate task of the four fronts is to destroy the forces of the fourth german army and liberate minsk. there were 27 days left until the complete liberation of belarus. the right in france celebrates victory. according to preliminary data from the parliamentary elections , marine le pen's party, the national association, received 34% of the vote. left new popular front - 29%. and macron’s supporters are a little over twenty. at the same time, the turnout is the highest since 2002 - almost 67%. as a result of an unequivocal vote the french people have demonstrated their desire to revolutionize.
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the final composition of parliament will be determined only in the second round of voting, but already now there are supporters of leftist forces on the streets, from moderate to the most radical. already after the preliminary results were announced, french cities were engulfed in protests by opponents of the right. only in paris did a hundred-thousand left-wing rally take place, and then the riots began. in lyon , cars were set on fire at night, barricades were built, and rioters fought hand-to-hand with the police. and today at... hungary's presidency of the european council begins. supporters of ukraine in the eu were afraid of this in panic, and therefore, before july 1, they tried to approve aid packages for the armed forces of ukraine, with money and weapons along all possible lines. hungarian prime minister orban has already made a statement that european law is beginning to unite, in
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particular creating a common faction in the european parliament. it has already included, in addition to the hungarians, representatives of the austrian freedom party. right-wingers from the czech republic and slovakia are also expected in this association. however, the composition of the faction will be. much wider, but it’s hard to judge yet how much. orban published a manifesto saying the eu is at a critical juncture in its existence. it was a dream project for the europeans, but has now turned against their interests. the rights call for the defense of christian values, as well as the protection of the families and national home of each of the european peoples from the invasion of an alien element. in ukraine, every family was recommended to purchase energy. this advice was made by the association of energy efficient cities of ukraine, back in april the country’s minister of energy asked the population to prepare for possible blockouts by purchasing generators. emergency power outages have already been introduced; moreover, in winter, residents are expected to remain
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without electricity for up to 12 hours. such ostentatious indifference of the authorities to the needs of the people was criticized even in the verkhovna rada. ukraine is waiting for a new maidan. more merciless and even more destructive, the trigger will be the complete collapse of economic stability, which is still living due to the help of the west. verkhovna rada deputy yevgeny shevchenko noted that prices for energy equipment are too high for most ukrainians, and it is unknown how those who do not have enough money for such equipment will continue to live. canada celebrates independence day today. the president congratulated the people of this country on the holiday. in 1867, three provinces of belarus became a confederation, which, under a common flag , received the status of the independent state of canada, with which belarus, alexander lukashenko noted, has a long history of relations. even the geographical distance between minsk and otava did not prevent us from finding
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common interests, create families, develop trade, provide mutual support in difficult life situations. joint projects in industry, science, education and sports include. the priceless wealth of contacts between belarusian and canadian families, ordinary people, scientists and businesses will help overcome temporary difficulties and restore full-fledged interstate dialogue, and invited canadians to belarus. the clear policy project continues its long journey. belarus on four continents. people, cities, enterprises where they know, value and respect minsk. the final point of the route is italy. how one of the key countries of the european union found itself on the other side of common sense. from the roman empire to the us colony. where is the government of prime minister george miloni leading italy? italian squad in the middle of europe.
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exclusive interview and places where cameras of belarusian tv channels have not yet been. a new series of the project clear politics. the finale of the big journey, watch later today. to figure out what the real attitude towards belarus is, let’s move right now to italy. we need to do everything possible to improve relations with minsk. i was bullied for my trip to belarus, but we need to be friends.
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that is, it is not the italians who are saying no to minsk, it is the politicians who are trying to do it for them.


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