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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  July 1, 2024 1:05pm-1:50pm MSK

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personnel, officials blame it all on the population decline. several western european countries are suffering from severe floods in northern italy. the rains have been going on for a week without a break. in a number of cities in the province of piedmont, mudflows and flooding of residential buildings have been recorded. in switzerland , mudflows and rivers overflowing their banks caused the death of four people; the alpine regions of the country were especially seriously affected by the violence of the elements, here heavy rains turned city streets into deep rivers, a similar disaster neighboring austria also suffered; settlements in the alpine foothills are also experiencing difficult times due to a sharp increase in water levels in rivers. in belarus, in early july there is a change in abnormal heat.
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rains and thunderstorms will come, tomorrow the temperature will begin to drop during the day from +19 in the north to 27 degrees in the southeast. it will be cloudy and windy midweek. on thursday friday the republic will be under the influence of atmospheric fronts and unstable air masses. therefore, there will be occasional short periods of rain in some areas. thunderstorms, light fog in places at night and in the morning, air temperature at night +11, +18, during the day +20, 27, on thursday in some places in the southeast up to +30. but this weekend the summer will again take course to a maximum of above 32°, short-term rains are possible. my colleagues will have more information at 15:00. with this i say goodbye to you, all the best.
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may you love me like a flower in the field, like a young bird, like a flock of crayfish, like a patched bird, who is alive in the wild, may i love you, for the song that i hear, for the laughter that is loud, for the frequent call, for the voices clear, for my young soul, may i love you, may i love you for the bright hours that you give me every now and then, for the most intense, dear daughter, may i love you.
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natalya pavlovna, good evening, good evening, the most successful female cardiologist in belarus, professor, chief non-staff cardiologist, head of the republican scientific and practical center cardiology, at the age of 27 you already became the head of the department, yes, but how quickly why did you? you realized that your heart
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lies in saving millions of hearts of belarusians, and not only belarusians. thank you, marat sergeevich, you take me back to the happy years when i was young, a schoolgirl, and read the trilogy of yuri german, if you remember, the cause you serve, my dear man, i am responsible for everything, and there volodya ustemenko in the ninth grade understood , what he wants...
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in the direction in which i am still moving , well, the number of your scientific awards, prizes, regalia, it cannot be counted, however, i have spent enough. time, yes, so i’m not kidding, just go to the cardiology website and you’ll grab your heart, yes, well in reality, this is a lot, and at the same time you are the head of a school of emergency cardiology, and it often happened not only at work, but in everyday life that a specific person depended on your help, you know, this is not such a clear-cut question as it might seem to you. because it seems to me that my whole life was devoted to ensuring that, to one degree or another, i and my numerous students influenced the life of every single belarusian, our school is fully called emergency
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cardiology and preventive medicine in clinic of internal diseases, this means that understanding how important it is to help a person in a timely manner... there were several situations, thank god, as a rule, i was not alone, in particular, one day a person became ill in the subway, and i remember this feeling when people retreated to the side, and i saw a relatively
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young man, who clearly felt ill; another young man was next to me, cuckooing right in the subway. there was such a wonderful story that ended happily in the store in the elevator, i could talk about this for a very long time, but fortunately i have a sufficient amount of simple practical skills to provide first aid to a person, but in general the country should have a well-organized system of naturally providing assistance to such patients, fortunately at the moment we have. .. in general , not only we have it, but by all possible means of improvement, apparently, those people for whom this happened, and next to whom there were real professionals at that particular moment, yes, apparently they did not sin too much in this life, on the contrary, i i must say that here is a system for preparing
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the population for such situations, it may be one of the most important, i once saw this in stokolm, i am very glad that in our country they are now preparing... according to forecasts in the thirtieth year 24 million people will die from cardiovascular diseases alone, well, this is the forecast, this is the situation in belarus today, can we minimize the number of heart patients given that life expectancy is growing, and this in itself, well, let’s say, is one of
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reasons for the deterioration of statistics? you know, throughout the world, as you rightly said, these numbers look very good so far. accessible to understanding and much more favorable, we include in these indicators of mortality from diseases of the circulatory system, not only cardiac pathology, but also cerebrovascular, so we sincerely believe that in europe or america
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, demonstrating these statistics and limiting them to a certain age, let's say , 70-75 years old, representatives of medicine in these countries hide a certain part of information, but we we show everything, and we sincerely believe that that system.
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well, i’ve heard talk more than once that some people
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developed heart problems after suffering from covid, but today we can talk openly about the damage from this disease, that is, are these diseases somehow related? dear marat sergeevich, this is also a very sore subject for me, because as soon as covid began, we began to talk about how this would become a problem for quite a long time, because...
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the syndrome, well, that is the truth, i understand so what if you really care about
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your health, the likelihood that these consequences will overtake you is definitely less, of course, and not only will they overtake you, but will also manifest themselves in full, yes, okay, here’s a question from all men, yes, what is a beer belly, everyone knows what it is beer heart, it ’s real, how problematic this is, what it is fraught with, you know, i... marat sergeev spoke here not so much even about beer heart, but in general about the detrimental effect of alcoholic drinks on the cardiovascular system, because this problem exists . she is described both in serious scientific literature and in popular literature, and people should understand that every sip of alcohol creates a precedent, as a result of which arrhythmia may develop, and chronic heart failure may begin to progress. i belong to that category of specialists who do not support the idea
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that alcohol in small doses is beneficial, because i have seen people. who, especially without the skills to drink alcohol, take a certain dose for the first time, even a small one, they problems develop in the cardiovascular system, reminiscent of myocardial inflammation or some kind of arrhythmia, and if this happens constantly, then i had to see these hearts at autopsy, maybe not quite...
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a round that does not fully perform in the body a person’s main function, that is, its contractile function is significantly impaired, these people develop arrhythmias, conduction disorders, and stories that they develop athersclerosis in the coronary vessels to a lesser extent, somehow they don’t convince me, yeah, but the french, well
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, traditionally they say, well, a glass of red wine. yes, but they are leaders in liver pathology. okay, then let's do something to calm the heart, right? there is an opinion that in soviet times our belarusian cardiology lagged behind, yes, well, it was believed that two main centers in moscow in st. petersburg, yes, in leningrad then, all difficult patients could be sent there, when the union collapsed, it turned out that in ...
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once upon a time the institute of cardiology in minsk, they are honored, remembered and used technologies and ideologies are still present throughout the entire post-soviet space, this is firstly, secondly, i once asked my japanese colleagues how you achieved this, this was in the early nineties, i asked this question, they answered very simply : natalia , the state invested huge... money after the second world war in the development of medicine in japan, and so, if we recall the same period in belarus and compare with what we have now, it is quite obvious that the state invested, firstly, absolutely gigantic money, i remember the time when we literally had two or three angiographs throughout the country,
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now there are 36, we have cardiac surgery departments in all regional centers, that is... with the training of doctors, including cardiologists, cardiac surgeons in canada, in in japan, in europe, we have a very good level of training, which is why they are literally torn away with their hands. and thank god that few leave, and some return. at the moment, we have three cardiac surgeons who have returned to the republican scientific and practical center of cardiology, i personally
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am very happy about this circumstance, well, we already talked with them, why they are returning, there is no recognition, i do not ask these questions, i understand very well and know why they are returning, that’s because once upon a time canadian specialists who... in my opinion prevails over many things, in 2001 by decision of the president of the institute of cardiology, it was transformed into the republican scientific and practical center of cardiology, but how did the change in
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the abbreviation affect practice and why, what did this change give? you know, i sincerely believe that it was the wisest decision, and when i came to work to the center, which in general was not a problem for me, because... i worked with all these brilliant specialists for many years, supervising cardiology in several clinical hospitals in minsk, a lot of my students work there, i told them, dear colleagues, let's not forget, first, we are a republican center, by the way, in the twenty-third year we provided assistance to 31% of minsk residents, 69% are the republic of belarus, regions, regions. and this assistance is distributed quite evenly, secondly, we are a scientific center, that is science is that area of ​​activity in
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cardiology that leads to its continuous movement forward, forward upward, that is, the scientific component of our activity is extremely important, the next word is practical, that is, everything that science achieves. should be immediately implemented into practice, and what is currently being carried out at the republican scientific and practical center of cardiology is an institution of the fourth level in the republic of belarus in terms of its efficiency, level, and significance in world cardiology, it is in the most advanced positions, we can compete with anyone, we have performance.
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yes, with serious practical implementation, these are works that i still quote in a variety of situations, these are brilliant young people
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who, in general, joined such a unique professional elite of the republic of belarus, this was a very serious gift, at the moment my doctoral dissertation was defended by a student, she became the best doctoral dissertation last year, the president presented her with a diploma.
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a certain serious attitude in order to optimize technological processes improving the quality of food products. fats should be in our diet, because they are still a source of energy and a component of our hormonal system. we explain complex things in simple language. yeast extract is... the product obtained from dragee, we isolate all the valuable components that are in the dragee, and also share the most interesting facts. by the way, in russia, ice cream has been made with the addition of milk since ancient times. of course, this was a winter dish; the sweet milk mass was taken outside, and in the morning they put spoons into plates. the soviet doctor, lev zilber, invented an effective cure for vitaminosis based on
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moss and yeast. watch the science nearby project on our tv channel, here is the center for cardiogenic shock, yeah, the creation of a center for hybrid cardiac surgery in belarus, yes, all this sounds to me.
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that i was in a hurry to go to you, but i came in because it was of great interest to me, that we are almost a year after the opening of the building, but we have already reached the operating mode that will allow us successfully report in december twenty -four for this project. natalya, please excuse me, yes, but still i understand perfectly well that when you talk to professionals, what does it mean to him? hybrid technology, hybrid operation, well, obviously these are the basics, yes, which he immediately understands, what you are talking about, i don’t understand the tv viewer, let’s explain what hybrid technology is, specifically in this particular case, unfortunately, most patients they come to us at the stage when they already have not one, but several problems, including cardiac ones, yes, precisely cardiac problems, namely cardiovascular ones, and sometimes these are also
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combined. with other diseases: diabetes mellitus, thyroid pathology, kidney pathology, liver pathology, the question arises of how to perform a set of interventions, for example, a person needs surgery on the heart, on the vessels of the neck, and at the same time it is quite difficult to do this, this is a high-tech tactic , which requires, of course, all the same to some extent.
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firmly on the road along which it goes modern cardiovascular surgery, not just cardiac surgery, but cardiovascular surgery, i believe that we will go through many more different stages, i think that there will be many approaches, points of view, disputes on this matter, but at the moment, this is one thing one of the most promising areas, why do i ask, well, people of my generation? i still remember a stethoscope when the heart’s function was checked literally by hearing, well, now they probably check it too, i don’t know in the same way, but recently i had an examination and saw it in person and on myself i felt this, yes, and through a vein, and
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with additional load, and holters, and a contrast agent , yes, which is driven into the heart, with such a contrast, it was and became possible, today every belarusian can, is such help available to every belarusian? well, first of all , let me say a few words that no one has yet buried the stethoscope, yes, that is, it is still necessary, that is, a very competent therapist, cardiologist, cardiac surgeon must master the simplest technologies for examining a patient and 70% of diagnoses , as staged in the 19th century century, in the twentieth early twenty-first, they are placed at this stage, but then there is an advantage. in order not only to confirm this diagnosis, but to clarify it so that subsequent interventions are absolutely error-free, this is
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the achievement of modern cardiology, and for this, if doctors in the regions have the slightest doubt, we are capable of doing so, and we we do it every day, it’s harder to pick it up. patients and in the presence of the most high-tech methods in the republican scientific and practical center of cardiology and in the presence of specialists through whose hands the a much larger number of such patients, to perform such interventions most accurately, and you mentioned the cardiogenic shock center, precisely because the most severe patients are concentrated in the fourth level institution. we absolutely need resuscitation at a different level, there are already more than 300 such resuscitations in the world, and belarusians deserve that in the presence of a completely
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exceptionally difficult situation, we have every opportunity to take advantage of the advantages of intellectual resuscitation, give a person a chance, and lose not nine of ten.
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experimental work, research, but we are the first in the world in recruiting patients, and the results of our work were reported in the united states of america, recently by my deputy for therapeutic care, we perform completely unique interventions for complex occlusions of cardiac vessels, that is , in the situation where stenting performed with very high risk.
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of course, on the one hand they showed that people were really in the profession, on the other hand they sometimes caused shock, but at the same time it was very cool, so that’s why doctors in the west hear us, why do you hear each other, and this does not interfere, sanctions do not interfere, you know, marad sergeevich, it seems to me that there are any sanctions in the medical system?
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such a low-grade anonymous letter was that supposedly the russian belarusian society was not expelled, but suspended activities within the european society of cardiologists, but when i came to the european congress of cardiologists that same year, my foreign colleagues happily greeted me, hugged me and said: “natalia, how it's good that you have arrived." i regularly call all my colleagues. with whom we have collaborated for many years,
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our canadian colleagues have simply been waiting all these years for the end of covid-19 to resume our cooperation, just like our european colleagues, in august a team of my specialists is leaving for germany for an exchange experience in hybrid surgery, one of the best clinics in germany accepts our specialists. well , that means they also have a lot to learn. great, it helps only two-way traffic, how much of a patriot do you think the doctor himself should be and how not to take to heart all the manipulations, technologies that affect doctors, including doctors, and often specifically doctors, because they are closest to people, yes. after all, as
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lermantov wrote, an empty heart beats evenly, yes, and we belarusians are very responsive and vulnerable, and you know, murat sergeevich, when we discuss our failures with my colleagues, and i see their eyes, i understand that their hearts don't fight exactly, that is, a true professional never gets used to the troubles of his patients. always very sadly experiences unfavorable outcomes, quite clearly, by the way , speaking of the life expectancy of doctors, this...
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and i think that this is the reason that some colleagues are already returning to belarus, that is, i am very grateful that there is peace here , this is very important, being the daughter of a man who went through the whole war, the granddaughter of a man who went through several wars, i really want our wonderful, beautiful country lived in peace and prosperity, and bow to the people who provided this. provide, this is my policy, and i like this approach, you know, it was not by chance that i asked this question, you probably understand this perfectly well, you had to head the center in the most difficult period, in september of the twentieth, i don’t it was difficult to negotiate with these people, many
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of them are my students, many of them knew me as a workaholic who...
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i can’t help but remember the famous heart of a dog, and my favorite book, i adore the movie book, this phrase, probably yes, many people know, quote, remember, if you care about your digestion, here’s some good advice: don’t talk about bolshevism about
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medicine at dinner, and god save you, don’t read soviet newspapers before lunch, here it seems to me that we have now broken all the rules, but that’s it...


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