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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  July 1, 2024 6:15pm-6:51pm MSK

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the festivities of asia, the playoff stage of the european football championship and the festivities of the belarusian football championship, the matches will start already in the early hours. that's it, i understand, you're welcome on the tv channels of the beltelerady campaign. love the sport and we love it. this concludes our issue. news of the region and other projects of beltaler.
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on a scale that goes far beyond the scope of praemnag vechar! in politics, alexander holds the position of president of belarus. nominally, he grigorievich has already become a figure in his own way responsible only for his country. in fact, he thanks to colossal experience and great respect. in the world and even in the democratic world, although they are not recognized there, has a strong influence on many regions of the world. only those who do not have some desired power speak about democracy and democracy all over the world; they want to get it, but cannot. politics is when public comments along the way speak rather about the absence of real actions. we'll see, we're not going anywhere. for me, these are the main words of alexander grigorievich about our future. region and
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the fact that we are not in a hurry, there are two sides of the coin, the conflict in ukraine is unlikely to end quickly, but no matter how long it lasts, it will end with a stable and long-lasting peace. author's project of igor turai propaganda. watch on tv channel belarus 24. a show that will not leave anyone indifferent, as soon as they lifted me up, i looked down and thought, maybe i don’t need it, that i came here at all, please let me in. and meanwhile alexander is almost catching up with him, cling on with your hands, come on, the main thing is to choose your path, even if it is the most dangerous, calmly, don’t rush, don’t, stop, don’t there, not there, not there, stop, take your time, yes, carefully, above below, who is ready to overcome themselves and become a hero, it’s time for the big ones. feats, this is a turn,
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we have never seen such emotions, this is a cossack, i don’t know about sports, i don’t remember when something like this, you can cry, you don’t come to compete in order to compete, in order to win, i always the same attitude, either everything or nothing, watch on the belarus 24 tv channel
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. for the majority of belarusians, and not only, for example, for residents of the post-soviet space, the city of rogachev is associated with condensed milk. a blue-sided jar with a sweet, sticky filling is a legend, a taste of childhood, and for several generations at once, apparently, the love for belarusian condensed milk is inherited, this is top. product and today we
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will find out how it is made. hello everyone, my name is aludi ezekel, i come from nigeria, i really love heaped milk, so i'm interested in finding out. how will they make it, hello, hello, i’m pasha, i’m ezekiel, it’s very nice, very nice, i’ll say right away, they’re waiting for us today there are big things and adventures, but first let’s get to know each other better, what are your hobbies, what do you do, i’m a general practitioner, i graduated from the gomel state medical university, i work as a doctor at rogo. central district hospital, okay, it’s been a long time, it’s been here for almost 2 years, oh, a lot already, i want to tell you, as i understand it, in ragachovo you tried condensed milk, and you already tried it, in your homeland you have condensed milk, but we have it - condensed milk, to taste, well, the same class is here
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cool, yeah, it’s clear, but have you been to the factory where they produce food after all , you live, well, to be honest, since it’s a furniture factory, today we’ll find out everything there, but... first, why did we meet with you at farm, we need to understand where condensed milk begins, are you ready? yes, ready, great, let's go, it seems they are already waiting for us, let's go faster, hello, good afternoon, we are going on an excursion today, welcome, before going on the excursion, put on protective capes and go to the milking, where we will see how we milk. by the way, yes, here we are we wanted to know all this, first of all we want to know how condensed milk is made, condensed milk won’t work without us, great, that’s it, let’s go, let’s go, how does this whole process happen, the cow is driven in,
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before that the udder is treated with a disinfectant solution, then wiped dry and connect the device, when the cow has milked, after that it applies again... the hero connects the device to try, we ’ll just equip it, give it gloves, okay, let’s try, okay, well, of course, i’m a little scared, because well, this is the first i don’t know how to do this, so you took the device, take it, press the button,
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pull the device, now take the second, third, fourth glass. oh, he’s coming down, i think a little that i’m not succeeding, i saw that he was worried, i was worried about him too, everything, everything, everything, you see, the milk has gone, it’s not scary, no, it’s not scary, in general everything is great, everything super, come work with us, cameramen, let's think about it, think about it, we have good salaries, here we can first come and see how we feed the cows. fine, come on, i filmed a video of a cow, because i have never seen so many cows in one place, here are the cows, here they are given food, here they are milked, he was interested, it was visible, we feed our cows
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twice, we have a strong feeding type, we use our own compound feed, all our milk comes with an extra grade, we don’t have a premium grade at all. you also have 5,205 cows, in total there are 15,500 heads, in general we have six dairy complexes on the farm, you see behind us two tanks for cooling milk, where it is subsequently cooled to a temperature of 40°. ok, i have a question, have we already milked the cows, did it get here right away or is it still undergoing some laboratory testing first? it gets here first. and then upon dispatch they undergo additional laboratory tests, that is, all our milk is of high quality, there are no antibiotics, no impurities, nothing gets in, why does it need to be cooled to 4°, well , milk products quickly develop, if the temperature is high, bacteria, not
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food that is undesirable for consumption, and how much volume will be stored in general? well, this is a tank for cooling milk with a capacity of 10 tons. but our milkman comes twice a day, and we sell 21 tons of milk on the street, i saw. a large cart of milk, and i wondered how this process is processed by the machine, after each shipment of milk to the milk station , the milk tanker is washed, the milk truck itself is a container, the same thermos, two-layer stainless steel on the outside, stainless steel on the inside, between them there is foam, which excludes raising the temperature of the milk during transportation to the plant, and how many hours approximately...
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everything you wanted to know about the unique relics that are located in ancient temples, here are parts of many other saints, and people know from vitebsk they come and pray in these saints and turn to them. about the history of the ancients.
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happy, he just needs a very tasty meal on time, we will prove that belarusian
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cuisine is not only potato pancakes, freshly grated raspberries with flour and honey and honey, yes, that’s right, you see, you guessed everything right, delicious taste, this dish, i think, is hundreds of years old and has been prepared here for a long time, but what remains unchanged is the quality and taste of ilvere chanterelles, we will learn more about the historical... we will show you what they eat in different parts of our country, chanterelles, chanterelles, potatoes , sour cream, pepper, salt, everything, everything, and you want me something tasty, i want to feed you, very curious.
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"barisan calls himself the heir of komsomol, but why do we even need to preserve this soviet
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legacy? i believe that a successful state and country understands that construction a reliable foundation and state is possible only with respect for the past. look at the project 100 questions for adults on the belarus 24 tv channel."
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what do i know about the ragachovo plant? well, there is a big jar of sweets there, i think that these are the only ones like this in belarus, hello, hello, i brought you our hero ezekiel. he has a sweet tooth, me too, in principle, i think that you also adore everything sweet, because you work at one of the sweetest factories in our country, absolutely true, but can you tell us everything about condensed milk today, of course, but since we have food production, we first need to go through the correct training with you, get dressed, sanitize your hands, and so on, absolutely, and
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by the way, we brought milk, it’s just like at your work, in a terrible zone. how many tons of milk do you receive per day for production per batch? in general, the parent enterprise is capable of processing up to 1,400 tons of raw milk per day. it's like a swimming pool, but you can swim in one. specifically for the production of condensed milk with sugar, and we accept 350 tons of milk per
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day and process it. how much does the farm actually participate in everything there? about 54 farms - yes, our milk supplies us a lot, so as i understand it, what we need now is to take samples, absolutely, i already have experience in this, now they will help you do all this, great, as far as i understand correctly, this is uh, like a whorl, a whorl, this is to mix it, to mix it. i look at the woman, she stirs for a long time, interferes, you need to stir for about at least 3 minutes each section, 3 minutes each section, well, that’s how it’s supposed to be, but how many liters are there in general in this sector, each section
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has about 4-5 tons, we mixed it, we mixed it, yes, what do we need now, yes, and now we need to take it. according to the selector, and i also know how it works, everything is correct, we press with our finger, we press, we pour, we pour, when she does it, it seems to me that it is easy, but in the end it is not so easy, when i tried it myself, everything is correct, lower it to the bottom, that's right, you need to reach the bottom, to the bottom, press it with your finger, press it with your finger, but no, now lift it up and carefully lower it into glass, and carefully into the glass, yes, try not to spill it. more, more, more, more, it was a long time, it was slow, well, it’s clear that he tried, it’s clear that
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he tried, well done, that’s it, try the milk, we go down to the laboratory, so we actually took the milk, it wasn’t difficult , no, everything worked out, everything worked out, well , please tell me what parameters are now being used to study milk in order to send it into production. each batch of raw milk undergoes physical, chemical, microbiological and radiological parameters, that is , safety indicators, if at least some indicator does not correspond, even like temperature, such milk is sent back to our supplier, according to what parameter? now we will check it, since the technological process for the production of canned milk has a high-temperature treatment stage, we must make sure that our milk protein
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is heat-stable, that is, it does not curdle, i just wanted to say, oh, i’m even beginning to understand something , which means to carry out laboratory tests, we heat the milk to 20°, because all tests carried out here must be at 20°, well, accordingly, i see we poured it, yes. we heated it up, so exactly 20, exactly 20, exactly 20, and what do we do next, we need alcohol, and accordingly the milk itself, we take 2 ml of alcohol and 2 ml of milk, it’s just calm, when i took a subject in microbiology and general chemistry at the medical university is only a kick-ass - 10 times less white.
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look, that’s it, there are no clots, no impurities, nothing has curdled, that means milk thermostable, everything is perfect, then we let it pass, of course, we’ll go through it, let’s see how we will produce our tasty delicacy from this milk, well, in fact, that’s what we came for, for the sake of a tasty delicacy, that’s it, let’s go, which means
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heat exchange, further mixing of milk with sugar, a milk-sugar mixture is obtained, which is then sent to another
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compartment, to the brewing compartment to thicken it to obtain condensed milk, and wait, nothing else is added, only sugar syrup and milk, more fine-crystalline lactose is added, this is a special additive that is necessary for... so that natural lactose, natural, which is contained in milk, when cooled, is formed into such crystals that will not be felt organoliptically, these crystals have dimensions of less than 10 micrometers, that is, so that i as i understand it, it shouldn’t be felt on the tongue, like some kind of crumb, that’s right, absolutely right, everything is done according to gost and there are no additions or flavorings. no palm oils or anything another thing, of course, quality is important, food for people for the second car has run out, and that is
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. that is, all communication comes from here, one might say, with the plant, but here it’s like some kind of calculator, what is it for controlling each unit? all these buttons so that i can collect the necessary route, yeah, you are a milk navigator, thank you, you see, i came up with a new position for you, it’s beautiful, well, as far as i know, condensed milk was invented about 200 years ago and - the technology for its production is special hasn't changed, it's the addition of these ingredients and evaporate the water until it becomes thick. they explained to me that it takes 6 hours for the milk to be mixed with condensed milk. we walked around the factory and saw all these pipes, it is through them that the milk of this mixture is normalized, that is, it is cleaned, sterilized, then it is cooled, then it goes through the process
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of mixing with syrup with... sugar, and then it ends up in yellow these tanks , that ’s where the process of its destruction takes place. here we are in the laboratory, which controls everything. technological process you i pass it on to our leading engineer katerina, who will tell you everything in detail. ekaterina, we are sweet tooths who have just cooked condensed milk, and before we give it to the people, so to speak, for sale, as i understand it, we must check it here, of course, this device is called a viscometer, we use it to determine viscosity, i didn’t know either, for the first time we had a tasimeter connected to the thermostat to maintain
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optimal temperature. temperature is 20°, i noticed that in your laboratories it is exactly 20°, this is the optimal temperature, the optimal temperature for testing, that’s right, but in general, how many laboratories do you have in production? we have only 11 laboratories, we have our own laboratory in each workshop at each site, yeah, this is serious, i want to tell you, well, let’s take it as an example, let’s, what do we do, what do we do, we pour our condensed milk here, and how much is needed pour this condensed milk already ready, look, we have dashes, see? inside we have what kind of liquid is vodalized and distilled water, well, it seems like we got it, we got it, we take it a ball, oh, you are also sure to have some balls here, and you measure the time it takes to measure it from the top line to the bottom, and how do you know that it is all the way to the end, you can’t see anything there, look, but it’s already timed, ok, how long have we had there already, but
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what is the norm? in general, our viscosity is from 3 to 15 pascals per second, that’s half a century, from 3 to 15 pascals per second, as this is our ordinary language, we are ordinary people, since we have a lot of brews and we did all this a long time ago , we have already calculated such a sign 114, look 114 look found it, here it is 5:13, the norm is from 3 up to 15 and our cooking is suitable for filling, well, it turns out that yes, everything is correct. i watch how the little girl pours it into the jar, i thought it was a slow process, well, he says it’s not like that, everything turns out quickly and, of course, the process is beautiful, before pouring the condensed milk directly into the jars, the jars are sterilized, and more , by the way,
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there was an ultraviolet lamp there, i also think that it somehow works, and i also noticed that in this particular workshop there was an installation that disinfects the air, then there is as much as possible so that the environment is clean, hello, good, we were walking here and came into your workshop, as i understand it, you are in charge here, yes, i am the head of the content workshop oleg nikolaevich samyshin, it’s very nice.
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ragachyovskaya condensed milk is loved not only in belarus and the countries of the post-soviet space, because it is supplied not only to russia, kazakhstan, and jordan. to serbia, i was surprised that belarusian snacks are even sold - to the united arab emirate, well , i would like belarusian snacks to be sold here too, they say it’s a good product they are counterfeiting, i know that in general there are also a lot of counterfeits and rogachev condensed milk, in some cases there are counterfeits of our products, and at our plant we have an economic security sector that deals with each case, well, actually, in principle , ours... the production bank of the production plant, the difference on the bottom we have the sign belarus, the mebels loop, the sign of food products printed, at the top we see the dairy industry, assortment and number, shift, date of manufacture, radio of interest
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protective data matrix, but no, there is a special a program - which can be downloaded to your phone - it reads the security braid, yes. unfortunately, it didn’t work out for me, because i didn’t have any applications, i thought that my camera would react to this, but they corrected me later, since we took the jar right off the assembly line, it was not registered in the database, but apparently when they come off the assembly line they go into packaging, registration takes place later, these are these stiffening ribs so that it is strong, yes, so that the can is more rigid, does not bend, does not deform, you can become a leg, no no i want to, but seriously, he can stand it, seriously, seriously, can he? so, with my weight of 83 kg, the can passed the test, and i don’t know mine, to
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be honest, i had the thought that it might bend, or even worse, burst, since we are not skinny or small boys, but it and the truth has not been deformed anywhere, so that’s what to do before that. rigidity so that it does not deform, try it, again, well, i don’t know, come on, up to how many kilograms it can withstand, well, now let’s check how much you weigh, 97, here’s 97, come on, come on, come on, come on, this is the most funny moment for me, i think that i can’t see it, well, everything will work out, everything is fine, that is, it also withstood 90.7 kg, that’s what quality means, noisy production, and
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a lot of things, and my suggestion to you is to try it , what can we say, today we cooked with you, oh well, i agree, yes, let’s go to the store, store, great idea, let’s buy condensed milk for home. yes, a jar of milk, sugar, and how many personal nostalgic memories there are for me, it comes straight from childhood, this moment is the most cool, well, let me give you the first try as the hero. what we prepared for you today, well, like a doctor, please tell me how many cans a day you can eat, oh, well, i can say that when
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there’s a lot of something, then it won’t be very pleasant, better adequate this is possible and in moderation, yes, let's try again, yes. now you know how the real belarusian legend, rogachev condensed milk, is made, but if you want to become the hero of our program, record a short video, send it to us, and together we will find out how it is made. club of editors waste effort knocking on a door that is locked, uh-huh, no point, they are.


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