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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  July 1, 2024 7:00pm-7:25pm MSK

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hello, live news, lyudmila kazak is with you, watch this evening episode. mechanized convoy on the country's roads. dress rehearsal for the parade to commemorate independence day. let's watch live how the preparations are going. be a patriot, abide by and respect the constitution.
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new citizens took the oath of allegiance to belarus. response measures. belarus will tighten the import of goods from unfriendly western countries, a statement by our foreign ministry. selfless and dedicated to their work, on behalf of the president, state awards were presented to representatives various professions. our country is preparing for an important event. the military is honing its skills. before the parade, a mechanized column advanced for a dress rehearsal to commemorate the independence day of belarus and the eightieth anniversary of the liberation of the nazi invaders. the large convoy stretched for several kilometers; a gradual restriction of the movement of all types of transport was introduced along the route. we will see everything that the belarusian army is proud of on july 3. but what is happening now on the streets of minsk. vladimir korolev will tell and show. just in
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the parade will involve about 300 pieces of equipment and now the main task of the military is to deliver all parade participants to the center of minsk for the dress rehearsal. a mechanized column is an integral and one of the most striking components of a military parade. it includes the best examples of military equipment, new items from the belarusian defense industry, which are in service in the belarusian army, mechanized brigades, ground forces, special operations forces, and missiles. troops and artillery of anti-aircraft missile forces. the total length of the parade column will be several kilometers, although now the equipment travels in groups, which significantly increases its length. the mechanized column includes tanks, infantry fighting vehicles, armored personnel carriers, self-propelled howitzers, armored vehicles, reconnaissance vehicles, mortar systems, multiple launch rocket systems, as well as powerful missile systems. after the passage of the mechanized
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column, the traffic police will open the streets for vehicle traffic, the dress rehearsal itself will begin at 22, at stella minsk, the city of kiroy, my colleagues are already preparing meet foot and mechanized columns. on july 3, belsiradiocompany will broadcast live the big parade. lyudmila, thank you, colleague, vladimir korolev observed the movement of a mechanized column to the site of the dress rehearsal of the military parade. today, on the eve of the holiday , belarusian diplomats and parliamentarians in the military attaché laid wine from the embassy of our country at the tomb of the unknown soldier in moscow. the monument is located in the alexander garden near the kremlin walls. for every belarusian day independence is an important symbolic holiday. it can be considered the birthday of our country. if there had not been the great victory of the successful operation bagration, during which minsk-belarus was liberated, a terrible future would have awaited. much work to restore historical memory is being carried out within the framework.
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materials - this is a huge layer that still needs to be raised, plus the work of our prosecutor general's office as part of the investigation of the criminal case of genocide, a huge amount of materials that still require processing and comprehension. our two president, signing the main directions of our union integration for a three-year period , especially highlighted this block, this is of course connected with our date of 80 years, the liberation of belarus, this is connected with the anniversary...
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next year is victory day, so our task is to develop all this, multiply and be sure to involve young people in this. ceremony participants also laid flowers at the memorial signs. the city of hero minsk and the brezskaya hero fortress, which are installed on the alley of the cities of heroes in the alexander garden. the belarusian pavilion at vdnkh again invites muscovites and guests of the russian capital. today the exhibition of the liberation of belarus was solemnly opened here. this is a joint project of the ministry of culture and the museum of the great patriotic war. opening the exhibition, the head of the belarusian presidential administration noted that today nazism is finding new followers in the west and in europe. and the history of the great patriotic war is purposefully rewritten.
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spiritual values, we have a common history that has connected us for millennia, and of course we are talking about the connection that we felt during the great patriotic war, and this connection is not only between belarus and russia, it is the connection of all the countries that lived in the post-soviet space, each of these countries felt the pain of loss that brought...
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resistance in the exhibition is the handbag of intelligence officer elena mazanik, in which she carried a mine with the help of which wilhelm kube was destroyed. preserve the historical memory of the belarusian people, defend the independent sovereignty of the country and be a patriot. words foreigners receiving belarusian citizenship took a solemn oath today. the official ceremony took place at the city hall in minsk. 17 people took the oath, these are people from different countries.
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the west cannot sit still, nato has begun transferring forces to the eastern borders.
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spain sent 800 troops to slovakia, the country's largest military deployment in the region. the spanish media celebrate, thus demonstrating the alliance. the forces are not reported, but it became known that american pilots in germany were banned wear a uniform outside of work. the decision is presented as a precautionary measure. belarus has prepared symmetrical measures in response to new eu sanctions, this was announced by the ministry of foreign affairs of our
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country. they will be associated with tightening conditions for imports and activities in belarus of entities from unfriendly countries. according to the official representative of the foreign ministry, the sooner the eurobirocrats understand. the futility of their actions, the less harm they will not be able to cause to the population of european businesses. these steps on our part are not proactive. all the blame for this lies with the initiators of the sanctions, the eu leadership, although we are still convinced that in order to remove mutual claims, it is more effective not to exchange restrictions, but to dialogue, for which belarus is ready in any formats on any of the most sensitive issues. let me remind you that on june 29, the eu council extended to belarus the sanctions that had previously been imposed against russia; new restrictions are aimed at trade, services, transport and preventing the circumvention of existing sanctions. the project clear politics continues its long journey, belarus on four continents,
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people, cities, enterprises where they know, appreciate and respect minsk. the final point of the route - italy, as one of the key countries of the european union, found itself on the other side of common sense, from the roman empire to the us colony, where the government of prime minister giorgi miloni leads italy. an italian squad in the middle of europe, exclusive interviews and places where the cameras of belarusian tv channels have not yet been. watch the new episode of the clear politics project, the finale of a great journey, today after the panorama. to figure out what it is, let's move on to italy right now for the real attitude towards belarus. we need to do everything possible to improve relations with minsk.
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nato and america are to blame for ukraine. i lost my sight in prison when i was imprisoned on false
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charges. the italians, they began to delve into the essence of the problem, and often even the same teachers at school come up to me and say: katerina, we are for you, we just can’t talk about it. our economy is very much in ruins, this is the role. this kind of plasticine of democracy has long become a tool of geopolitics. enough a significant number of belarusian manufacturers continue to work with italy, despite the existing difficulties. belarus is a wonderful country and i believe that doors will open. slavic bazaar deserves the highest praise. four modern peak-standby sources with a total capacity of 800 mw were commissioned in '.
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system of the country. this will increase the reliability of energy supply to consumers by creating a fast-acting power reserve that will cover peak loads, the opening was timed to coincide with the thirtieth anniversary of the presidency. over the years the installed capacity of generation facilities almost doubled and amounted to 12,000 mw. and thanks to the modernization of the electrical infrastructure, the total length of electrical lines has increased by 30,000 km, and thermal ones by almost 4.0. the decisions
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of the president of the republic of belarus were decisive in the development of the belarusian energy system, and thanks to the support of the head of state , a large-scale modernization of the main production assets of the belarusian energy system was carried out, this is a five-year modernization of the electrical grid infrastructure, if in the twenty-second year, this figure was 1,700 km, then last year the total length of reconstructed, built new... amounted to 2,7,000 km, for this year the target is 3.00 km. the goal of implementing this project was, first of all, to increase the reliability of the brest energy system and not only the brest one. of the entire republic, all this was implemented in 3 years at the berezovskaya gress site. the equipment installed here has a high degree of digitalization and automation, so the number of people here is minimal 258 mw of installed capacity of our peak-standby source, there are only five people on shift. also for
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conscientious work and contribution to the development of the country's energy system. the best employees in the industry received well-deserved awards. the true basis for the well-being of any nation is its people, selfless and true to their ideals. this was stated by prime minister roman golovchenko, presenting state awards today on behalf of the president of belarus: professionals whose work, talents and dedication to their work are rightfully noted by the state, represent various spheres from government managers to workers in the agro-industrial complex and the education system. the award ceremony takes place on the eve of the main national holiday , independence day. gives it special importance and solemnity. unity, national identity and the unbending will of our ancestors predetermined the creation of a sovereign belarusian state. belarusians deserved the right to live in their own country, an independent country, they did not spare themselves in the fight against the occupiers during the great
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patriotic war, selflessly worked to recreate the liberated country. restoring the national economy. it is our duty, our sacred duty, to cherish the achievements of our ancestors and to make our contribution to the strengthening and prosperity of our native belarus. today, the country is developing dynamically its economy, agriculture, science, culture, every industry, the contribution of everyone who is today being awarded medals for labor merits. today there was a special reward for saving lives.
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that to receive such state grapes, we are proud, grateful to our teams, from everything we sincerely thank the management for appreciating us, noticing our work, of course we will continue to work, we are all working for the benefit of belarus, so that there is a desire, the work is not difficult, the main thing is that the person has a desire to work, the team is good, everyone there are desires, in everyone, everyone is trying, everyone is working, there is...
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hot sewerage, a street and road network, but here, in my opinion, is one of the most interesting places, probably not only volozhino, the preserved architecture of volozhin, which is represented by such wonderful buildings, a palace and park ensemble, a church and a shrine, and we believe that in the future this place should be a place of attraction for tourists. the city has updated most of the roads and sidewalks, and new pedestrian paths and eco-trails have appeared for dozhin guests. today i will present an address of gratitude for peaceful skies from the chairman of the chamber.
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provided us with a peaceful life. on the eve of independence day, veterans of the great patriotic war are honored throughout the country. july 1, 1944, during
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the offensive operation bagration from borisov was liberated from the nazi invaders. units of the red army crossed the berezina river and liberated the city in fierce battles. the first to fight the invaders was the crew of the t-34 tank, led by its commander, lieutenant pavel rak. 17 o'clock team. tank crews resisted the enemy and died heroically. the crew members were posthumously awarded the title hero of the soviet union. in memory of their exploits, a monument was erected in borisov. today residents and guests of the city gathered at the monument to honor the memory of the heroes. in takes part in objection ceremonies. our russian friends came to us, these are six sister cities with heads. accordingly, we will celebrate these events together, laying flowers will take place throughout the city, honoring this holiday, so that we never forget
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what happened 80 years ago, we remember it, honor it and never repeat it again, so that we always have there was the same bright sky overhead, clean, peaceful and most importantly, without war, inscribed in history in golden letters a heroic feat of all our soldiers. those who liberated our hometown as part of operation bagration, those who liberated our republic, belarus, then belarus, and of course, today we remember those who died in battles for our city, for our borisov, undoubtedly , the memory of these people, those who won this victory, who won today's peaceful sky, it will always be in our hearts. an event of the day of liberation and the day of the city of borisov was the solemn opening of the worship cross, this is a symbol of the founding of borisov for all who in different times sacrificed his life defending
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his homeland, the authors of the symbol were konstantin and dionysius kozela, the cross was illuminated according to the canons of the orthodox church. i have all the information for today, the sports review will continue to air, the results of the day in panorama at 21:00, have a pleasant evening. arina sabalenka will not compete in the third season of the grand slam tournament, the belarusian leaves wimbledon due to a shoulder injury, the press service of the competition reports, the belarusian will be replaced in the main draw by the russian erika andreeva. in the first round she will play against american emina bektas. thus, of the belarusians , only victoria azarenka remains at the grass major in london. today she starts with a match against the american.
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