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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  July 2, 2024 1:50am-2:10am MSK

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5, 10, 15 years later, but we will get a decrease in mortality rates from diseases of the circulatory system, we will teach people to love their health, value it, we are very glad that we have this position in our constitution that people should care.
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there is a little extra, yes, but wait, you touched on the topic a little, why are your western colleagues hiding these statistics, what is the point in this, well, they always wanted to be ahead of the rest, you and i know, yes, that the truth is not always becomes a priority in their information system, i i always assume that if a fool understands that he is a fool, he is no longer a fool, you need to talk about problems, otherwise you simply will not solve them. they will get worse, but natalya pavlovna, what about your joke that we will all die from arrhythmia anyway, well, let’s say it’s a sad joke, that is, every joke has a grain of joke, yes, yes, but we must certainly strive to minimize the likelihood of such a premature situation, the point is that this should not happen prematurely, it should not...
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occur because there is no contact between the person and the doctor who practices preventive medicine, or between the patient and the doctor who treats that patient. i’m talking here about compliance, and the so-called adherence to treatment, this is a weak point, unfortunately, for belarusian citizens, you need to listen to the doctor, trust him , understand that he cares about your life, about your health. i agree, well...
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the influence of this virus, unfortunately, is systemic, most people believe that it mainly affects the lungs, in fact in fact, even at the very beginning of the pandemic, chinese colleagues said that the central nervous system was under a gigantic blow, american colleagues began to pay attention to the fact that the cardiovascular system was seriously suffering, and we saw the development of severe multiple organ failure in these patients. there is one more point: studies have been conducted that have shown that even if covid-19 in a particular person was asymptomatic, that is, only laboratory diagnostics confirmed its presence. in-depth research shows that several serious systems in this person’s body were affected. does it go away and how quickly? many people say that weakness haunted them for many months. now. there is a theory that in some
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situations a depot of this infection may occur in a person’s body, in a situation where he is weakened, it can make itself felt, so our main task now is to strengthen, get healthier and not give a chance, a healthy lifestyle matters, without a doubt, this is a reduction in the likelihood of the harmful effects of these consequences, that is, post-covid. well, that is, the truth is, i understand that if you really care about your health, the likelihood that these consequences will overtake you is definitely less, of course, and not only will they overtake you, but will also manifest themselves in full, yes, okay, that’s it a question from all men, yes, everyone knows what a beer belly is, what a beer heart is, and really, how problematic it is, what it is fraught with, you know, i would... talk here not so much
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even about the beer heart, but in general o the harmful effects of alcoholic beverages on the cardiovascular system, because this problem exists, and... it is described both in serious scientific literature and in popular literature, and people should understand that every sip of alcohol creates a precedent, as a result of which arrhythmia can develop , chronic heart failure may begin to progress. i belong to that category of specialists who do not support the idea that alcohol in small doses is beneficial, because i have seen people. which, especially without the skills to drink alcohol, for the first time they take a certain dose, even a small one, they develop problems with the cardiovascular system, reminiscent of myocardial inflammation or
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some kind of arrhythmia, and if this happens constantly, then i had to see these hearts at autopsy , maybe not entirely. it’s not entirely comfortable to talk about it, but the heart loses that elasticity that allows it to be called the heart pump, that is, with prolonged use of alcohol it turns into a rag, literally, and i had to see this, it is much more convincing than any stories, you need to see it once to understand that, in general, well...
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which does not fully perform its main function in the human body, that is, its contractile function is significantly impaired, these people develop arrhythmias, conduction disturbances, and stories that they develop athersclerosis in the coronary vessels to a lesser extent somehow do not convince me, yeah, but the french, well , traditionally say that, well glass red wine. but they are leaders in liver pathology, okay, then let’s put our hearts at ease, but there is an opinion that in soviet times our belarusian cardiology lagged behind, well, it was believed that two main centers in moscow in
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st. petersburg, yes, in leningrad then, were enough, all difficult patients can be sent there; when the union fell apart, it turned out that it was sovereign. once the institute of cardiology in minsk, they are revered, remembered, use their technologies and ideologies to this day throughout the post-soviet space. this is the first thing. secondly, i once told my japanese colleagues that
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the state invested huge amounts of money after world war ii in the development of medicine in japan. so, if we remember the same period in belarus. to compare with what we have now, it is quite obvious that the state has invested, firstly, absolutely gigantic money, i remember the time when we literally had two or three angiographs throughout the country, now there are 36, in all regional centers cardiac surgery departments, that is, this is an absolutely brilliant development of my specialty within a very short time, i have already cited the words many times...
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they are literally torn away with their hands and thank god that few leave, and some return. currently, we have three cardiac surgeons who have returned to the republican scientific and practical center for cardiology. i personally am very happy about this circumstance, well, you have already communicated with them, why are they returning, there are no confessions, i do not ask these questions, i understand very well and know why they are returning, that’s because once upon a time there were canadian specialists who came to us every year since '98, my colleagues asked, well, now you're on your own say that you and i are already moving headlong in the profession. why are you coming? they say, because communication with you
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is an amazing gift, and once a year we should enjoy this gift, that is, that moral and psychological atmosphere is probably worth more than money. of course, in general , the comfort of just such communication and environment, in my opinion, prevails over many things. in 2001, by decision of the president of the research institute of cardiology, it was transformed into the republican scientific and practical center of cardiology, right? that's how the change in the abbreviation was reflected in practice and why did it give these changes? you know, i sincerely believe that it was the wisest decision when i came to work at the center, which in general was not a problem for me, because i worked with all these brilliant specialists for many years, i supervise cardiology in several clinical hospitals city ​​of minsk, a lot of my students work there.
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who, in general, joined such a unique professional elite of the republic of belarus, it was a very serious a gift, at the moment i have a doctoral dissertation defended by a student, she became the best doctoral dissertation last year, the president awarded her a doctor of science diploma, the same work received an award in the field of medicine at the national academy of sciences, the only one in the twenty-third year, that is, it was ... well , it’s really a definite achievement, you must admit, when i report the results somewhere
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abroad, my respected colleagues just come up to me and admire these results, but the fact is that the guys, well, they were in a hurry, they they wanted them to give me their dissertation papers in this particular year, but i had something new to do , and it turned out beautifully, but on december 31st. meeting amazing people and immersing yourself in their profession. the breeder wants to get the maximum yield and not lose quality, since with an increase in yield, in some cases there is dilution and a decrease in the amount of nutrients. we mix
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information. the twenty-minute format allows us to talk about what is happening in belarus and the world. take a linguistic walk around the capital in the company of our guides, find a new place on the map of belarus that is definitely worth seeing, and also suggest projects and films that will certainly become your favorites. this and much more awaits you in the ether 24.7 project. watch on the belarus 24 tv channel . imagine that all the countries of the world suddenly stopped cooperating through interpol. essentially, the same thing is happening now between eu countries and belarus, in particular lithuania. but this is probably different. we know that criminals are coming to us. when we cross, we receive an alert, a notification. about the fact that your
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wanted person was checked. we have three to five people like this a day, and not a single one. the filters don't actually work. ksenia lebedeva’s author’s view on the policy of double standards in the project is different. watch on tv channel belarus 24.
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this is the center of cardiogenic shock. yes. creation of the center. and our president speaks about this most high-tech care in the field of cardiology, this help should be available to patients from all regions of the republic of belarus. hybrid surgery in world cardiology is today. we already have several centers in the republic where
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such operating rooms have been built. or, so that the republican center has a structure that meets the highest requirements in this area, in july of the twenty-third year the construction of a hybrid building was completed, in december of the 24th we must complete an innovative project for the implementation of hybrid technologies.


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