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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  July 2, 2024 1:05pm-2:05pm MSK

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a war to free up living space for the nazis, nazi germany and its accomplices, and russia and belarus know very well what price was paid for freedom, for independence, for the sovereignty of our states. young people from all regions of belarus and 24 regions of russia gathered at the forum. macron is taking desperate steps to retain power. more than 180 candidates withdrew from the second round of parliamentary elections in france, lemonde reports. by clever design, this should interfere. national the association led by marine lepin will receive a majority. her party emerged victorious in the first stage, with 33% of the votes. macron and representatives of the left forces called on everyone who took third place after the first round to abandon further election race and to give their votes to national rivals.
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association marine le pen. biden is not being released, as bloomberg reports. the democratic national committee may officially nominate him as a presidential candidate on july 21. a solution like the agency notes, will put an end to internal party conversations about replacing biden after unsuccessful debates. at the same time, over 70% of americans, according to a cbs poll, believe that the mental state of the owner of the white house does not allow it. the consequences of the bad weather are being eliminated in belarus; the day before, wind gusts of up to 24 m/ sec knocked down trees, one fell on a car in the kopol region, the vitebsk and minsk regions suffered the most from the disaster, power supply was disrupted in almost 800 settlements over the past 24 hours, and roofs were damaged.
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s unexceptional call god's voca. the name of the lake was inspired by the dzyakuyuchy abras, which reminds us of the waters. vozera is in the shape of a regular circle, which does not change for many hours. there is a shame that there are so many people on the right from nyabiesa, and there is a lot more than such enchanting lusteraks in belarus.
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hello, i’ll have to start with the section on their morals. the european union rolled out its fourteenth package of anti-russian and anti-belarusian sanctions, and managed to include bersm there. you heard right, the belarusian republican youth union. it looks like from now on they will only have to take on ours. kindergarteners, and apparently, they are also ready to reach this point, we have a lot of topics ahead, in order to understand them, we need to start with this question, andrey evgenievich, what is in the minds of those people who make such decisions today, with on the one hand, this is, of course, a degradation of morals, political culture, and public administration in general; to impose sanctions against a youth organization, and even for saving children who are being rescued from a combat zone, that is, this is a direct mission humanitarian. any normal public
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organization, this is one of the cornerstones of the tasks of the united nations, well , then immediately introduce sanctions against the un, which operates with its peacekeeping missions, saves children, saves people from hunger from bombings in the hottest spots of the planet, on the other hand, for me personally and for the absolute majority of belarusians, i looked at public opinion this way, this is evidence that they lost the battle for our youth, because they...
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absolutely right, of course, this is how one should answer, we are not afraid of their sanctions, for us this is just another proof that there is no legal, legal, or political system there. read all this ridicule on these public pages, especially since they have degenerated, there are several hundred people left on many of them, let them compare their own community, i’m putting it mildly now, with the real youth movement that has been built, including including with the support
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of the republican youth union in belarus. well, i think the battle for youth continues, and this is from one of the episodes of this battle, because...
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for a long time, if not forever, well, this really, as the leader of the belarusian republican youth union showed us, is something we can be proud of, this is already a sign of the quality of the work done. by the way, look at the biographies of those who are imposing these sanctions, the children are grandchildren of nazis, ss policemen, well, from our policemen, former policemen who
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fled there and are preparing sanctions lists, because they are not european unionists, but our fugitives are feeding them, they are already introducing sanctions against their grandchildren great-grandchildren generation win, that is, in a sense , the process of liberation continues, vladimirovich, your opinion, well, i think that in this case, young people are always the future, but they are trying to impose sanctions on our future, they can no longer influence the present, so they are trying to influence the future, so at the moment i will say that they simply have nothing to do - they just already agree with their colleagues that this is a dead end, because then everything can be reached to the maternity hospital, that is, in the pioneer organization they can still introduce everything - they don’t touch it there, that is, that’s all, not their audience, yes not their level, so today they are not
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powerless, they begin to strike tomorrow, that is, today they are trying to influence the consciousness of those who will be at the helm tomorrow, and look.
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but the task is precisely to group the type left with left, right with right, this is what everyone is in charge of, which means that the same european people's party, which is the permanent leader of this european union of ours, for children i can also add that... because the films are on this topic was even filmed, and after the ied , all the children were kidnapped, brainwashed, they are there this internal topic began to be expanded externally, that is, the belarusians are stealing further , it means that there is other stuff, the second point is, of course, sanctions, the new package that the europeans introduced, we have already said, and the third is a negotiation topic, that is, exactly they are trying to sell the item on children as quality.
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all 32 members of the alliance agreed on the outgoing prime minister
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of the netherlands markat, they say not such a hawk as stoltenberg, but for some reason each new appointment aggravates the behavior and condition of these structures, andrey, what do you think? it’s worth waiting for something fundamentally, well , imagine, some kind of elections are taking place in the military structure, that is, to what extent they really influence the change of control, i don’t think it’s too much to choose a commander for the battalion, for example, well, most likely it won’t work out. there is such a game going on here, look, we listened to all of you, it means that each country expressed some kind of wish, there is turkey - please, hungary, please, and after that there is such a collective, that means, a certain figure who is here everyone is happy with it, in reality, of course, this is an american structure that is controlled from one point, that is, who is the middle-level executive, this is, well, a person for some public statements, a talking head, yes, let’s say, such a type of speaker, well, nothing more, is he a hawk or is he a downed pilot, like in this case, who lost the elections in his homeland, here he is...
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to catch him by the tongue and build information work. well, actually, this was a prelude to the main topic, which shocked us all and which once again showed who we were dealing with, two events, which blew up the information field. the kiev regime attacked sevastopol with operational-tactical missile attacks, equipped with cluster warheads,
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deliberately hitting civilians, many victims on the beach, including children, on the same day there was a terrorist attack on dagestan. victims of makhachkala and derbent set fire to synagogues ; a priest was brutally killed in an orthodox church. the russian foreign ministry called the ukrainian armed forces' attack on sevastopol a ritual crime; the holiday of the holy trinity was not chosen by chance. patriarch kirill also stated that the day chosen for attacks on churches in dagestan, exposes the devilish essence of terrorists. alexander vladimirovich, you agree with those who claim that the attack on sevastopol and the attacks in dagestan are all the same force behind all these manifestations. well, let's look at it this way, both missiles and radical islam, which in this case are suspected of these matters.
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fear, destabilization, that’s why, because the americans themselves won’t do this, they won’t expose russia in any case, now they won’t be able to fight against themselves, we remember the cold war, yes, that’s who won there, not america, the russians won there, the russians defeated the russians, that’s the essence of the matter, in the
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same way they want to repeat this scenario, because it’s working, yeah. therefore, they will go exactly this way. monstrous footage that was previously published, here from security cameras from the beach, children running, shrapnel flying into their backs, here the use of previously prohibited weapons, cluster munitions, uh, they say high-precision weapons, well, what kind of high-precision weapons, if uh, the americans are theirs companions - they don’t see that there are children there, or they see deliberately, if they see it, it means it is information-terrorist. the company and the action, i agree, is aimed deep into russia in order to cause horror panic, and it, i just spoke with one of my american colleagues a few days ago, asked my old contacts, imagine if this happened somewhere on the beach in florida, he says: this happens here about every week, you forgot
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that in america we have a whole culture of mass jokes, this, unfortunately, is another one.
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recently, a railway was opened connecting azerbaijan and iran, that is, in fact, this north-south corridor, it has finally been built, the railway passes through the territory of dagestan, western analysts believe that dagestan is very complex, complex from an ethnic point of view, religious, this is an explosive region, it needs to be attacked in order to cause these internal contradictions, interethnic and interfaith. and at the same time we see how lately russia has really been going to dagestan, well , in general to the region, to crimea, to dagestan is invested, that is, the task was set, and it was not for nothing that vladimir putin came there, to make a tourist pearl, and what does this give to the dagestanis, jobs, development, increasing the level of reducing the danger of this radicalism, which ends up in
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a disadvantaged environment and grows there, then there is, on the one hand, to knock out the logic, to show that...
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to destroy someone in dagestan or maybe to legend this first terrorist attack in crocus is bloodier, more terrible, what can i say, look, it’s still isis, they repeated their action, look, then there may be a third, a fourth, which will also take on isis, that is, this is not ukraine, this is not a gur, not the sbu, this is not the west, look, some bad isis people we have appeared, the second point regarding dagestan, but this is from the moment the second chechen war ended, it was the most problematic point in russia, that is, there is really a very wide underground there, but it was connected not only to the americans, also to saudi arabia, and there you you know... today i have a brilliant attitude russians, that is, it couldn’t have been precisely orchestrated in terms of wahhabism there, something controlled from there, no, it was something that disguises itself as wahhabism, hence the strange choice of target, because if
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you carry out a terrorist attack, let’s say, well against the war there in the gas sector, for example, yes, it is understandable then there is sabotage against a synagogue, there is a terrorist attack and the destruction of two buildings, but why then against the orthodox church, if russia takes a pro-palestinian position, this is wrong from the point of view of the political task of the terrorist attack, if this is a terrorist attack, let's say well, only against russia, right? again, this sets up the arab world, the islamic world, well, let’s say, against isis, which thus knocks out, let’s say, an ally, so the goals were uncharacteristic in terms of the fact that this also coincides in dates with the negotiation process there, which is what ukraine is talking about stated just the other day that we are ready to sort of discuss something, well, that is, in the west there are also different lines that some want, some don’t want these negotiations, and others are also governing along different lines. these terrorist acts, that is, it is not only one center that makes the decision, there are conditionally british, there are americans. there is someone else, they are trying to change this agenda among themselves, so of course, as a rule, even the british are always more responsible for the escalation, for the aggravation, for making such a decision, and then, if i may allow one
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informational-psychological moment , we need to see who carried out this terrorist attack, and this is generally one of the signs of our time, the golden youth of dagestan, who did not need anything, who belonged to one of the clans, which, well , no one in dagestan, here i am... the mujahideen, which means this is external influence pumping, and here i absolutely agree, but no one would say that this is some kind of remember , who was the face of that same isis, jihadi john, who cut off the heads of unfortunate people on camera, including two catholic priests, he is a citizen of great britain, he is from the same golden... top youth who received an education there in the european union, i'm saying this because that our young people need to be very careful, especially from such urban
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golden advanced youth, we need to be very attentive to what influences are exerted on them through the information environment, what ideas are thrown at them, i will still try to return to this question of mine about strikes by ukrainian missiles, ukrainian, american missiles. on sevastopol and in parallel with ongoing conversations about peace negotiations, why? because around this topic, around this question constantly we are organizing our discussions, but for some reason, probably considering that it is obvious, we are not touching on it, i will try to formulate why , instead of creating this endless illusion of success from a counter-offensive there before the next nato summit in july, before the biden and trump, why... at some defining moment , ukrainians are not trying to save themselves, their country, with all possible forces, or
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this stage has already been passed, because every next proposal that will follow kiev will be worse than what what is now. well, we need to look at who benefits, that is, who benefits from peace negotiations now? no one, there are no players on the geopolitical map of the world who would benefit even... well, china maybe, if it ’s the chinese formula, i agree, but no, the ukrainian people are not subjective, a strict nazi dictatorship has been established there, detachments will play there, neo-nazi gangs operate there, hundreds, thousands, tens of thousands of people are in prison, including our fellow journalists, or killed without trial for alternative position, biden peace talks. they are definitely not needed before the elections, because they will be perceived as a defeat, because they will have to compromise. there may be a new administration, although, depending on
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what conditions, a russian one... in this process, it is no longer possible to give them a back, excuse me, as they say, in the alley, at least, well, for france, imagine, before extraordinary parliamentary elections, what a blow it would be, but there is unity among these remnants of macronovsky, so there are no interested parties, large, involved here, now in a direct clash, i mean, well, i agree with alexei valerievich, yes, the russian
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federation, ukraine. nato countries, if we take it collectively, the united states of america, have no interests in peace negotiations, therefore the last conference is not peace negotiations, but an attempt to present an ultimatum to the russian federation and an attempt to win some of the countries of the global majority of the global south to the side of nato, although it’s obvious even to alexey aristovich that he needs to cling to negotiations, and he draws attention to this; he expresses not interest in itself, but the fact that many ukrainians now... who publicly express a similar point of view of not taking into account the interests of russia and belarus, are inclined towards this, they say that when we talk about peaceful negotiations about the fate of ukraine, we cannot listen to a small fragment. ukrainians have a very simple one, for which they don’t like me: you want to get to the paraguayan version, or you want to stop in time to save your life, economy, future, prospects, and so on further, the solution is not russian-ukrainian negotiations, but the transformation of the world or...
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we want normal relations, economic, friendly with all countries, and sanctions, well, seem to be one of the obstacles on this path, so this is exactly what the belarusian interest lies in freedom
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of relations with other countries, freedom of trade, freedom, let’s say some projects and so on, that is, this is the whole interest that should be taken into account in essence. definitely agreed, the west would agree to it, would put pressure on him, and this is apparently american the signal that they are showing us today, hence the next question, you said why they are using missiles, why they are resisting so fiercely today, but if tomorrow there is a freeze along the front line, they are throwing resources today to preserve
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that very front line, this is the question of kharkov, the question there of sum, the question there i don’t know the approach of kiev to the withdrawal there, that’s why they are putting people in today, that is, apparently there is some real version of this very freeze along the front line, maybe there without a peace agreement, but at least least. they they are losing, so aristovich, he gives such a position that the military doesn’t want to fight, the army is poorly managed, which means there is a lot of corruption, it’s not effective, and let’s hold elections against this background, well, it’s clear that with the holding of elections a certain thing changes the situation and maybe it is also beneficial for russia to hold such elections, look who will come there, new ones, that is, well, i think that maybe there are korean options , several options, and there are still mines of the world, then, as alexey said, if elections are held, it will already open something for us window, well, who knows what will happen there and how, then...
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according to media reports, he reached a deal with the us regime, he pleaded guilty to a single charge, namely conspiracy to obtain and disclose information about national defense. but all this, of course, is a screen; assange was kept behind bars for an inconvenient truth, for completely reliable information about us war crimes. andrey, where does such humanism come from? before the elections they want to show off or something, when your deal happens, well, so do you. must give something in return, here he sat in prison, now he is being released, well, in fact , no matter what, he admits guilt there, the question is, this is a deal between whom and who, him there with the americans, or maybe the british and the americans who released him, they are actually he was controlled all this time, apparently they finally agreed on something,
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the next question is yes, that is, in this case wikileaks was like this, that means an accomplice, an american intelligence officer convicted there in the usa, who gave him information on iraq, so obama pardoned him all the time, that is, before the american elections, well probably yes, it’s logical...
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which turned into a growing political headache for the government , the deal became an elegant solution to the problem, the usa, well, when there were all the wikileaks scandals . the british press was constantly beating the americans, that is, it was precisely a british-american conflict, which, of course, also resulted in support around the world, there against the american military company, well, this was definitely beneficial for the british, so well, what is today ...
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how does it differ from the afghan version, yes nothing, just everything is like a carbon copy, i agree that they simply decided to remove the extra figure from the information board, because asansh is one of the first information partisans in the information era, who came out and said, he brought out this ins and out of all the dirty laundry, he was giving information not only about, well , wikily as a whole as a movement, not only... about crimes against humanity in iraq and afghanistan, not just about the atrocities of the american military machine, but remember how many diplomatic secrets were made public through wikileaks, how many secret agreements, how many corrupt deals, including with the participation of the european union elite, there, on the basis of these investigations that were thrown out by wikileaks, many deposits in swiss, supposedly independent banks were damaged, this was one of the conditions that they say there... there something lies, so on the one hand, of course, no one from
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julian osanju, his time spent in the ecuadorian embassy in a british prison will not return, and although the deal is personally beneficial to him, he will remain in history as the first information or one of the first information partisans, on the other hand, for me this is another confirmation of the weakness of that american-british or british american machine as a whole. western, which said that it is a city on a hill, it demonstrates freedom of speech, democracy, pluralism, the famous british law, all these four myths, they no longer exist, and it’s even embarrassingly embarrassing to cling to them, yes, well, for me less optimistic opinion, but i think that this is a brilliant special operation to neutralize everyone these possible partisans, because what they showed us, well, firstly, i agree: that initially this project, it could have been a project
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of the struggle of one part of the global elites against another, but with the use of a supposedly independent such a romantic figure, now the romantic has made a deal there, then there is something he handed over that was important, necessary, he is not chagiwara, but he could have waited right away, he, well, yes, he won, that he saved his life, but this is not chagiwara, he did not fight to the end, so, initially, why did he have to die? well if he is like that a fighter for his beliefs, then yes, then yes, which means there is some kind of double one, initially he played for someone, he was used against someone, and here the western system showed that it always insists on what, we are soft, we are not these, how come the totalitarians didn’t all remove him on the sly, although they could, you see, all the other partisans, even if you are weird, you can come to an agreement with us, and you will even save a life and.. . even more in the future,
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you guys somehow also comply with the norms, because you have the option of either rotting away. prison, possibly execution, as the republicans demand, or, that is, australia, when you still negotiate with us a little, and best serve, therefore, knowing these approaches... of the so -called western democracy, when necessary, they can be very tough work, and here, that means, another goal is to show all these partisans that you guys are still controlled by us, but they rather showed that it was necessary to flee not to the ecuadorian, but to the russian embassy, ​​because another information partisan who asked protection in the russian federation, works quietly and remains an information leader of public opinion, well, it’s quite possible that we are seeing a big political show in the person of asandzh. the trail of this story will continue for some time
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to be truly graceful, as the wall street journal wrote, but i don’t know if there is grace in this show that they are trying to offer us all, especially americans , but nevertheless , americans are waiting for the biden-trump debate, the main intrigue is not what they will say candidates, in what condition the current head of the white house will appear before them, joe is frankly bad, this is obvious, so specialists have been working with him for a week now, apparently not only. the decline of the west, when two, well, let's say, not the best politicians , gently, you see, i say diplomatically, two not the first politicians put on a show, and millions of people look at it, in general, quite seriously, i mean, of course, americana is not the first freshness, it means rotten, if i’m going to quote it to the end, thank you for clarifying,
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the thing is that the option is purely american, in fact, if so, this is an analogy,
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witnesses of some next elegant decision, when suddenly these two comrades turn out to be from the category of favorites, go somewhere into the shadows and some kind of then a new figure, i just wanted to say about grace, that’s generally the reason why i spoke with my american colleague, he says: so in the american democratic party, in the intellectual elite, no one views this as the election of trump and biden, because behind biden is vice president kamala harris, in fact , biden's only task is to survive until the election, and indeed more or less. part of the republican party will not be indignant, because this is a weak politician, a compromise figure, even a lot is against her , but i’m afraid that here the americans can outplay themselves, these behind-the-scenes
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games, intrigues may not understand the depth of the american state, at least those people who came on a tour. to the white house - in the last elections, at least those who consider themselves deceived and who did not they will want to be dolls, just puppets, and who will say: we are citizens of the united states of america, we have an amendment allowing us to bear arms and we are ready to defend our right to choose our government and leadership. by the way, here’s an interesting thought that slipped through, i would formulate it like this: this is not an election for the president of the united states. and the elections of vice-presidents, because now the question is acutely raised: who will be the vice-presidents and whether the elected presidents will survive, if anything, because the vice-president does not need to be elected, he becomes president us history, so here’s the nuance, that the elections are not between trump and biden, but between
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their vice presidents, yeah, andrew, well, i would also say that they literally have a little bit every year.
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they will see that russia is ready to make a deal, commerce will of course say, let me have excellent relations with vladimir, we met, he understands me, there is generally a right turn on...
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independence day, what we are celebrating, this is very important for us event, we join as a full member of the shanghai organization of cooperation, that is, just with
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china with the global, as i liked the wording, not the global south, but the global majority, we are on the same path, and 30 years of the institution of the presidency, which we have not just you know, a damn anniversary in the fate of one of state institutions, for us it is a powerful symbol, it is personified, in this sense we seem to have collected, if you look at these events, look, well, yes, here are anniversaries, some round dates, but these are all parts of one whole, and well, since these are round dates, which means they are symbolic for us, and means pushing us to realize with what and in what way we approached all these dates and events, here andrei evgenievich, i address this question to you, with what and in what way we approached the eightieth anniversary of liberation, the thirtieth anniversary of the institution of the presidency and the entry into a new stage within the framework of the shanghai organization i will erase, well, i’ll add one more date, june 26. in seventy-four, minsk received the well-deserved title of hero city, 50 years of hero city minsk, our beloved capital, congratulations to all minsk residents, and we are very
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how minsk residents remember, feel, carry through, pass through this feat of both the belarusian underground and the belarusian resistance as a whole, for us this is also important and significant, but you are absolutely right that these 80 years from the liberation of belarus through - restoration, after all, the city of minsk and the vast majority of 200 belarusian cities were simply restored from the ashes and formation, this is the story when we were balancing, like 30 years ago, we were balancing on the edge of an abyss, the president said this in his first program, to take the people and the country away from the abyss, at the beginning of the great patriotic war we stood over the same abyss that threatened us with destruction, so in my opinion, all these dates are connected by the main logic. this is the logic of development, when belarusians, despite genocide, despite the possibility of falling into the chaos and collapse
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of the late soviet post-soviet, they choose strong institutions of power, and if there were no presidential republic, like this, well, even if we discard everything else, the republic of belarus would not have survived , it seems to me so, that’s why this is a belarusian application. russia on our joining the shanghai cooperation organization, the full participation of belarus in this organization, we really
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hope that this will happen in astana, at least judging by your statements recently, i see that we have fulfilled all obligations and such problems on belarus is not joining the sco today, this is very important for belarus, you must agree that... at such a specific, more or less international platform, where leading leaders, leaders of world powers are present, it is very important for us to be present not only from the point of view in terms of the image of politics, but from an economic point of view, there is an opportunity at any time to discuss any issues, including specific ones, well, i think that’s the introduction to the show. and the previous path, a thirty-year path within the framework of the institution of presidency and 80 years
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after liberation, shows that belarus, like a young ... bloody upheaval, like many of its neighbors, and how our president emerged from among the managers, who essentially continued the line for more partisan managers, now we are entering a new stage when we begin to play the game is already in the new security architecture in eurasia, that is, our system shows that, in general, all
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the institutions necessary for a truly sovereign state are taking shape... if relations between russia and china are good, and not bad, as was also the case there in different periods of history, then everything will be fine within the framework of the sco in terms of presidential elections , this path has been traveled, of course, you know, it’s even a little offensive that people there, when choosing a used car, for example, they look at i don’t know thousands advertisements, study the characteristics
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, then they see what they bought, when people make a choice... in elections they often don’t think about anything at all, that is, they get a person out of nowhere who is conducting some kind of high-profile campaign, i’m talking about the elections of the twentieth year, for example, yes, i say, it turns out that people are ready to exchange this long , understandable path, which follows a certain upward trajectory, and to replace it with simply scrapping the entire system, consider this correct for some kind of leap somewhere towards freedom towards democracy, this is quite gloomy, that is, if we follow the model of face-to-face politics, we need to do it like the republics of central asia, russia and others do it, and not according to the western model, that’s how people explain it. well, in essence, we are building this continuity, because it’s not just about the fact that we chose a person once, so we got this path, people didn’t quite understand then, what are the alternatives, but the abyss, and what if not abyss, well, already knowing today this path that exists and which has passed, we need to build the next segment of our life there in belarus, and precisely in continuity with the previous one, absolutely true, thank you, well, i will say this, that
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the sco issues of our membership there - in principle, i will also say this, tell me who your friend is , and i’ll tell you who you are, that’s why we’re declaring this, i thank you for participating in this program, well , that’s it for today, happy.
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80 years of peace, a generation that does not know war, a generation that keeps the world in memory of the feats of grandfathers and great-grandfathers, of destroyed war heroes our cities, a generation that restored the country from the ashes, tamed the peaceful atom, and conquered our space. july 3 at 9:00, kustelli, minsk, hero city.
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33 happy summers, the favorite holiday gathers friends again from july 9 to 15 for the thirty -third time. the international arts festival slavic bazaar will be held in vitebsk with popular songs, fiery dances, a bright show and the smiles of thousands of spectators, welcome to the infinity of art, look for details on the website in the official communities of the festival, you know on
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naturally, the light poured into the price, all the humming evenings were known and only... like the wind, the sand of the ear, when you sleep and understand what the price was screaming. the skin magic is applied to nature, near the forest, near the field, on rivers and lakes, smelling the fresh wind, smelling the clean skies. listen to the singing birds and the woods. smile at sonya. respect your fat,
2:05 pm
jumping and screaming. in harmony with nature. belarus 24!


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