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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  July 2, 2024 9:00pm-9:45pm MSK

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evening prime time and this is a panorama, tatyana korol is with you. hello, let's sum up this day together. a super-saturated agenda of the first reports of the new head of the presidential administration and the ambassador of belarus to russia. meeting with the speaker of the russian state duma, as well as events in honor of independence day.
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belarus recalls the most important pages of history, analyzes the trends of modern events, and its independence. let us preserve, in memory of our ancestors, a solemn meeting in the palace of the republic. state awards on the eve of july 3, today at the palace of independence the president presented it to people of completely different professions: military teachers, industrialists, social workers, oil workers, we will show the details of this beautiful ceremony in the evening in a panorama. common pain , national memory, participants in the youth forum, nazi crimes without a statute of limitations, visited the site of the mass grave of victims of fascism during the war.
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we’ll tell you what the finds say in the panorama. two cities of belarus today welcomed participants of the memory train project. which the program was prepared by mogilev and gomel for a multinational composition, we will tell you the details. concert whatever the weather, the patriotic event parade under the window pleased the veterans today. belarus is preparing to celebrate independence day on a large scale. the date is significant: on july 3 we celebrate the eightieth anniversary of the liberation of our country from the nazi invaders. on this occasion , a solemn meeting was held at the palace of the republic today. the head of state took part in it; among the honored guests of the event, of course, were veterans, blockade survivors, children of war. the generation that, with its feat of arms, provided us with a peaceful sky above our heads, made a huge contribution to the development of a sovereign country. we will never forget this, our goal is to... prevent a repetition
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of these terrible events. the head of state today spoke a lot about courage, historical facts, such a concept as the formation of the self-awareness of the belarusian people, without him there would have been neither a great victory nor a country. alexander lukashenko, also in his characteristic manner, spoke accusatoryly about those who are trying not only rewrite history, and organize a new crusade, provoking the beginning of the third world war. alexander lukashenko told in detail what is happening now on the belarusian-ukrainian border. migration crisis and prisoner exchange between russia and ukraine. ilona krasutskaya will continue the topic. the memory is alive, it is our duty to tell our children and grandchildren that peace and prosperity did not come to us simply. which annual meeting in the palace of the republic is one of the memorable events on the eve of the great day of our independence. among the invitees are several thousands of people. the main guests, of course.
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what is important is what is happening now, the final result is important, if there had not been this self-awareness, there would have been no great victory, there would be no country today, neither ours nor any other, throughout the entire territory of the former soviet union. the reason for the meeting is solemn, but the situation around, the nervous background, constant information attacks are direct threats to our security. poland and the baltic states, their course towards militarization, interference in internal affairs.
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explodes the heart, behind each icon there are thousands of brutally murdered peaceful old people, women and children, millions of our elderly, our women , our children, who did they threaten? 80 years have passed, but we still feel uneasy when we hear the occupation, genocide, death camps and ghettos, tears in our eyes when we look at the faces of people who survived this horror, photos and newsreels of those years are our memory.
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uncontrollable, he will break loose, but will come to them . again, they do not understand that this beast is their own home. the world is again teetering on the brink of another global catastrophe. what did we do wrong? did n't we, the victorious heirs, behave correctly and worthy. did we force people to build our memorials? hero of the same poland, this was done by the polish people, people who knew and saw how many soviet soldiers died liberating warsaw, more than half a million did not reach then, a few steps to victory, an alliance,
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putting in a peaceful life and good neighborliness, above the pain inflicted on us then , for many decades, on every memorable date of that terrible... war, we carefully selected our words so as not to offend the national feeling of the germans, austrians, czechs, romanians, our baltic states and even our brothers ukrainians. talked about the executioners who trampled the belarusian soil as people without a face and citizenship, what did this lead to? they are reviewing the results: madmen, you can turn over all the graves of our soldiers who died in the fight against nazism, destroy all the monuments, finally rewrite all the textbooks, you can endlessly wipe your feet with the decision of the nurenberg tribunal, but... the results of the great war cannot be changed. our victory is their humiliation, they must agree with this.
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a shameful page in the life of western european civilizers, which they are trying to erase from the memory of not only their own, but also their peoples. but we will respond to every broken memorial with new facts of their crimes, new names of the murderers of our women, our elderly, our children. we have no illusions that the international court will recognize the genocide of belarusian civilians or condemn the criminals who have lived to old age. this supposedly independent body is too biased and dependent. but neo-nazis will have to listen to hear the terrible details of the crimes of their predecessors. peace and independence are the greatest values ​​of belarus, you are especially aware
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the relevance of this thesis when it is blazing very close by. our country has always declared its peace-loving policy, while not for a moment forgetting about the protection of its borders and its citizens. cooperation in various formats in terms of security, modernization of our army, training for the return of tactical nuclear weapons to our territory as a deterrent to aggressors. they can talk a lot, but the gunpowder must be kept dry. this is our security policy. the great patriotic war is a thousand-year apophilos history of wars, battles of western and eastern civilization. we have already put an end to this story once, but it will happen, we will put it a second time, although they can cope without us. the rejection of traditional values ​​and the fashion for child-free food have done their job. look who's at the forefront. anti-belosian, anti-russian company, childless politicians, their line
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is ending, they don’t even have anyone to pass on the gene of hatred, envy, with the peoples of western countries, with those who live for the future of their children and grandchildren, we will always find a common language and agree, nothing and no one will force belarus should turn away from this path. paths to peace and creation. thanks to this victory, we have achieved a lot: strong industry, medicine, the issue of food security has been resolved. we have conquered space, are thinking about a second nuclear power plant and are on the defensive in every sense to protect ours. it is useless to threaten us with a ban on the sale of machines, units and their maintenance. we do a lot ourselves, from combines and laptops to cars and electric buses. there are no opportunities yet, so in the west the light has not converged like a wedge,
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there are friends in other parts of the world, look, i was never wrong in my forecasts, another 5 years will pass, and the russians and i will do everything that is necessary for the life and prosperity of our states.
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belarus consistently takes a constructive position in integration formations in the post-soviet space, and is active in our eurasian economic union, in the community of independent states of the csto. we consistently work within these structures and expand interaction. belarus' entry into the shanghai cooperation organization. a matter of a few days, we have completed all internal state procedures, we have submitted an official application to join the brix format.
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time. it is high time to understand that the policy of sanctions enforcement only makes us stronger; there are a large number of countries in the world that are ready not only to work with us, but also to develop partner, friendly, allied, mutually beneficial relations. they are based on trust in belarus as a partner, respect for our consistent position, recognition, and quality of everything we do. given the difficult
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echelon, for which i am grateful to the minister of the russian federation, but under no circumstances should we allow any escalation and any aggravation, i want the ukrainian
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leadership to hear this, concentration of armed forces. even if it means nothing, it is very dangerous during hostilities, very dangerous, we have analyzed the situation, we understand perfectly well that we do not need any aggravation, we have always talked about this, the ukrainians understand that we will respond, and how recently some of my journalist friends in russia they said that lukashenko positive color vision.
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i would also like to warn you not to exert yourself too much outside our country, it is very dangerous. our answer: border guards have been transferred to enhanced security of the state border. we, knowing the forty -first year, do not want to repeat these mistakes again. special operations forces have been deployed, that is, not only border guards, but ours.
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the air force and air defense troops, both ours and russian, are in high combat readiness, there is full cooperation here, missile positions are in place polonaise and iskander systems have been withdrawn, you also know what kind of ammunition they have, no red lines, strikes with all types of weapons on specific targets, we undertook this, but i want to warn you, do n’t worry, remember, many years ago, or a little , i have always told you, everyone should mind their own business, everyone at
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their workplace should do their own thing, that’s all i’m talking about, this is my concern and the people in uniform, we can handle it, i guarantee you that there will be no clashes at the borders with ukraine, we will not allow them, they will not it will be, because we don’t need them, but they... ukraine doesn’t need them even more in connection with the events that are unfolding on the battlefield, it’s getting worse and worse for ukraine, well , another 1500 km front needs to be opened, yes , it won’t be easy for us to close this border with the russians later, but it will be even more difficult for the ukrainians to maintain this border, so when i analyze the situation, every day for the military can be special... i won’t reveal a secret, i came to the conclusion that they want to distract us from the main thing , from the main dirty trick, the action, we are not going to get involved,
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because we know what this will lead to, but nato members need a reason, understand, the situation at the front, there for the ukrainians is catastrophic, very serious, constantly from the west in response to an offer of peace...
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in the language of a blow that we can receive, and here too we have provided for everything, today i awarded the chief of the general staff of belarus and the general who heads, i see, pavel, i see, who heads our northeastern operational command, i asked him a direct question, you feel it, you understand that aleksandrovich, is our subdivision. where we decided, it is located, that is, we blocked both the southern border and the western, so that god forbid we do not allow any mistake, as was already
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the case in ours... we have already reached out to that, we received this friends in in quotation marks, the leadership of poland, they information, president duda went to
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sidinpin and complained about lukashenko. use your influence on lukashenko and putin so that they stop this migration. i have spoken about this more than once, i will remind you again in order to answer the question of migration you need to ask a simple question, like the character in the famous film said, where from, where why? people are fleeing from those countries that the americans are their allies. ruined, we know this, we see who is fleeing through belarus, these are, first of all, residents, these are no longer residents, these are the poor fellows of afghanistan, they sell everything there, sell for some pennies, accumulate several thousand dollars and flee, why do they need money, no it’s a secret that those in belarus, taxi drivers and carriers, private and
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so on...
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have given up on this, we don’t need it, okay, i don’t need it, what do i need, should i create a septic tank on this piece of land in belarus, i don’t need that either, i talked about this 2 or 3 years ago, when they started escalating with these sanctions against belarus, russia and so on, we will not restrain them, there is also misfortune, the conflict in ukraine. who will go across the front to this vaunted germany? nobody. this is how it turned out that along the land border everything converged on belarus. and i said straight out, we won’t catch them here. our job is to ensure the safety of our people. i don't think so you especially noticed that someone is preventing us from living, including those poor fellows fleeing from the east with their children. do you remember this
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epic with refugees? the democrats, when they were beaten, now they are simply killed there and thrown out to us at the border, we are already tired of showing all these facts, well, where is european democracy, and where are these americans, when they were doused with water in the winter, the vaunted ones who care about human rights, why they kill people, why do children kill women, they are coming to you, you destroyed their houses, you called them there, they are coming... why are you taking them are you killing? the lord will ask if there is one, he sees it, but the main thing is that i do not intend to give orders to border guards, military and other civilians to defend the european union on the border of belarus and poland. you have put a noose around our neck,
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you are strangling us, you are forcing us. so that we protect you from these poor fellows, well, you built this fence, i warned you that it won’t hold back, it won’t hold back these migrants, not... for a few minutes they climb over the fence from above, yesterday the polish leadership said that the jacks push these posts into the fences and enter in crowds, they are killed there, they are shot at, that’s all migration, it won’t work to use migration flows against us, we need our journalists to show this truth about migration flows even more widely. yes, the background is nervous, but the president emphasizes that without panic, people should know the real picture of what is really happening. the ceremonial meeting ended with a big concert, historical facts, the path to our independence was so difficult. the great one has begun
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patriotic war of the soviet people against the nazi invaders. the date of our independence is both a symbol of our time of peace and a reminder of one in three who died. on social networks, alexander lukashenko shared details about the figure of the saboteur accused of carrying out a terrorist attack in machulishchi. i wouldn’t raise this question, it’s ordinary work, it’s determined by the president of russia, he told me about it,
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it’s going on, it’s difficult, it’s difficult, but anything can happen, people are captured both there and here, by the russians. the order is greater, there are much fewer russian prisoners in ukraine, i also know this from...
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gomel, one without an eye, the second without arms, the third without legs, one of the famous military people in ukraine, he himself suggested these people , asked me, take them , because they will die, what should i do, well, yes,
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we would have sentenced this man to 10-15 years, he would have sat here eating our potatoes with ukrainian or belarusian lard, but people would have died, we them... well, you see , you support such an action, i had no doubt about it, we are still people, and we must act
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humanly speaking, do not be surprised if in a few days very seriously ill people, as they write ours, who did not manage to escape, are released. is located in places not so remote that broke and crumbled the country in the twentieth year, but these are really seriously ill people, mainly with cancer, we... have a humane approach and treat everyone, a person in trouble, i believe, has no citizenship, and we must help them, because we are such people, slavs, we don’t want wars, we don’t want conflicts, but if we are hooked, we are forced to answer, where to go, the television version of the solemn meeting dedicated to the independence day of the republic of belarus. the eightieth anniversary of liberation from the nazi invaders, as well as
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a festive concert of masters of the arts of the way to independence, see immediately after the panorama. and today, on the eve of the main national holiday, the president presented state awards to deserving people from various fields. july 3 is a holy symbolic date from which the countdown of 80 years of peaceful life of belarus. now is the time to write new pages of history. katerina krutalevich will continue. the ceremony of presenting state awards is one of the most emotional, if you take into account all the events that take place in the palace of independence, but the events of this day, of course, are especially special: on the eve of july 3, to receive well-deserved recognition, as if touching history, the result of your work is publicly recognized as a continuation of everything that what did the generation of belarusians who defeated fascism do. we were taught to love our homeland, i think how it should be loved like this, i’ve always wondered about this question, i’m teaching now. academy, how to convey this to our listeners, cadets,
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after this moment i understood, it turns out, how you need to love your homeland so that it loves you in return. high praise from a professor at the military academy with thirty years of teaching experience; in general, the biography of each of those present can make a movie; in such interiors, especially, a tour of the palace is a pleasant, welcoming part before the ceremony, especially since many halls have something...
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oil workers, nuclear workers, teachers, social workers, doctors, people who make furniture in our country, manage poultry farms, no, less or more important professions, so belarus is moving forward quite quickly in a short period of sovereignty, so we don’t lose this pace. the president will talk about this. among you is a large group of authoritative managers who have devoted themselves to difficult public service, ensuring constitutional legality and democracy, heads of large enterprises and entire sectors of the economy. i am glad that workers from the fields of science, education, teachers, scientists, inventors, educators, olympiad winners. you make a huge contribution to the future of the country,
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the intellectual and technological future. among the recipients are those who work above and below ground, farmers, miners, builders, and transport workers. and behind every person who comes here there is a large and friendly team. i address my warmest words to those who are engaged in social and public work, caring for the elderly, especially those who survived the war. dear friends, on this holiday i want to say that you worthy successors to the work of those who 80 years ago defended our freedom and independence, and then, having overcome the devastation, fulfilled the five-year plan in 4 years. after gaining sovereignty, we together built a truly people's state, now, no matter how difficult it is, it is our turn to write new pages of belarusian history, bright,
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happy, but also necessarily peaceful, because there is no escape, as i said, time has chosen us. order of the fatherland. second, third degree: for service to the homeland, labor glory, honorary titles, in their fields about these people they know, there are those who worked side by side with the president for a long time, the order of the fatherland of the second degree will be awarded to vladimir simashov, also not the easiest career, he also led the energy sector and was the ambassador of belarus to russia and served as the first deputy chairman of the council of ministers, this is far this is not a complete list, it’s not such a difficult task, we were able to build a nuclear power plant, we built stations.
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“thank you from the entire team,” said energy minister viktor karankevich. the nuclear power plant brought domestic energy related industry to a qualitatively new level. we proudly joined the club of world nuclear powers that use atoms for peaceful purposes. i assure you that industry workers will continue to provide the highest level of work. fulfilling the tasks assigned to them for the benefit of the development and prosperity of our country. awards for the military, border guards, officers of the state security and internal affairs committee, the head of the general staff pavel moraveiko and alexander naumenko, commander of the night-running operational command of the armored forces, general may.
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honorary title to people of science from the grodno agrarian university, republican scientific and practical center, neurology, neurosurgery, academy of sciences, title. honored social security worker, honored builder, lawyer, agricultural worker and of course, teacher, what profession could be more important, very nice, that’s not the right word, that is, well, it’s even much nicer, i was awarded the francysk skaryna medal at the palace of the republic, prime minister -minister, and here it’s very nice to receive a worthy award from the head of state. order of the fatherland the third degree will be awarded to the deputy manager of presidential affairs, yuri nazarov.
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about infrastructures, cities, hospitals, schools, roads, today we are a nuclear, space, and biotechnological power, behind this lies a lot, but most importantly , the systematic work of the president, among others. we have time to accomplish our next feats, labor and military.


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