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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  July 2, 2024 10:00pm-11:49pm MSK

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understand in the west those who suffer from historical amnesia, against the backdrop of an unprecedented boorish attitude, to the memory of older generations who fought to defeat nazism, to our monuments in europe that are being demolished, and these people are fighting with the dead, knowing that there will be no answer, we we are obliged to be more united and wiser, we want to say again that... we, first of all , for young people, the older generation, are obliged to make sure that their understanding of the great feat is akin to and commensurate with ours. i am present here in minsk as an unofficial person, in i came to belarus on vacation with my family in order to show my daughter, who was 14 years old, everything that truly connects us, our peoples. it seemed extraordinary to me. it is important that in my family everything
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that connects us between the two states, everything that is common between the two peoples, also becomes, well, one might say, part of history at the modern level. let me note that half a billion rubles have been allocated through the union state for the museumification and restoration of the brest fortress. in total , just this year in the humanities... cultural agenda of the union state, 37 commemorative events, remember the brutal grin of fascism in other countries, even where the authorities are trying to rewrite history. our national holiday, together with belarus, is shared by many nations. these days there are a lot of foreign guests in minsk, those who sacredly honor history, like us, respect for their ancestors lives in their hearts, who, at the cost of their own lives, granted freedom from the brown plague to the whole world. this is memory. ours
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is common, it is simply impossible to divide it, this is what we have, and we will never let’s refuse, and you know, i just really have to work with veterans, it was that iron generation, thanks to which peace existed in our world for quite a long time in historical terms, and it’s just a shame that this generation is leaving, it is leaving and, as a result, we we see that there is a lot...
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so tomorrow we will celebrate independence day and the eightieth anniversary of the liberation of belarus from the nazi invaders together live. on the first button, from 8:00 am we will open an information channel, in 9:00, let me remind you, we will pass the baton to our colleagues on mobile television stations, which will broadcast the military parade from the stela. minsk, hero city, belarus-1 has prepared a rich program for the achievement of belarus over the years of independence. the road of heroes, liberators of space conquerors, from morning to evening , the on-site studios of the television news agency will work, we will move in real time and cover our entire country. our journalists and cameramen are already in full combat readiness, microphones are charged, cameras are set up, pts verified. 80 years of peace, a generation that knows no war. a generation that preserves the world
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's memory of the feats of our grandfathers and great-grandfathers, of the war heroes of our cities destroyed. who formed a country from ash, tamed the peaceful atom, conquered our space, creating a peaceful future. together we will celebrate the main holiday of belarusian statehood, a military parade, commemorating the independence day of belarus and the eightieth anniversary of liberation from the nazi invaders. july 3 at 9:00, pustella, minsk, city. hero. in connection with celebrations and organization mass celebrations, law enforcement officers were transferred to an enhanced version of duty. traffic in the center of minsk will be limited and parking will be prohibited. city authorities ask for your understanding
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of the increased security measures being taken. checkpoints with personal searches will be installed at celebration sites. therefore, everyone who wants to watch the parade with their own eyes is asked to do so. come early, you can take your seats as early as 6:30 a.m., law enforcement officers also pay attention to items that cannot be brought in, you can have non-alcoholic drinks with you liquid in a transparent container (no more than one and a half liters), entry to events with dogs, bicycles and scooters is prohibited, separate checkpoints, they will be orange for veterans of the great patriotic war, disabled people, pregnant women, parents with small children, control... . the access control will work at the holiday fair near the sports palace, as well as during the evening concert at the stela minsk, the city of hero. the government
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has determined the lists of activities that are allowed to be carried out in as individual entrepreneurs and self-employed. the list for... includes 127 items for the self-employed 87. work on the documents has been going on since last year, an important part was a broad public discussion with the active participation of government agencies, local authorities and the business community. we heard different opinions and took into account the interests of business as much as possible. when developing the lists, there were a number of priorities. this is to maintain a balanced development of the regions; for this reason, the list includes the corresponding types, such as retail trade. shipping passengers including taxis, as well as catering and others. the main objective of this principle was to respect the interests of the regions and preserve jobs in terms of meeting state social standards to meet
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the needs of the population. the second principle is the equalization of the competitive environment among different participants in the business sphere. and third, stimulating development. entrepreneurship for existing individual entrepreneurs, types of economic activity that are not included in the list, a transition period is provided until the end of next year for re-registration as a commercial organization in a simplified manner, there are approximately 20 thousand of them. in the uruchish tract in the capital , three tokens were found on bone remains. a valuable find was discovered at the excavation site of a mass grave of victims of genocide during the war. they continue there. artifacts were shown today to participants of the youth forum about nazi crimes without a statute of limitations. these are young belarusians and guests from twenty regions of russia, they came to get acquainted with the progress of the investigation into the case of the genocide of our people. field search work on this site has been carried out
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since the twenty-first year. to date, the remains of at least 2.0 victims have been found and recovered, five names have been identified. the youth forum without a statute of limitations started yesterday, it will continue tomorrow, participants will visit a military parade in minsk, the museum of the great patriotic war, and then there will be dialogue platforms on the preservation of historical memory. preserving historical truth is also important
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for representatives of the youth of the cis countries. two cities of belarus met today memory train participants. schoolchildren visited the riotous pool of military glory near mogilev at forty. a fierce battle took place here with tank units of the wehrmacht. soviet soldiers managed to burn 39 enemy tanks and repulse several attacks. she ran away four times and for the fourth time she and some of her friends were lucky enough to escape from there, this project is , first of all, memory, without the past there is no future, we must remember everything that our ancestors did for us, and pass it on to our descendants, appreciate to... remain human. the guys also visited the mogilev zasad and took
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part in a safari with roe deer and bison. the second point on the travel map was gomel. here there was an acquaintance with the flagship of the belarusian mechanical engineering enterprises gomselsh. the gomel program ended in the palace of the rumyantsevs and paskeviches. there are fewer and fewer living participants of the second world war, and sincere words of gratitude to each of them. in the capital , honorary veterans received congratulations on the upcoming holiday as part of the parade under the window. minsk resident valentina lukyanova has been taking participation in the activities of the minsk underground, was a private in a partisan detachment. arkady libenson survived the leningrad blockade and has been living in belarus for many years, and pyotr komshchakov began his combat career in 1943 with anti-aircraft artillery. for these heroes , the minsk police orchestra played today and...
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survived the leningrad blockade and remained alive, so i have the warmest, most sincere feelings for this great holiday of our people, who suffered colossal sacrifices during the great patriotic war, a double holiday, july 2 it's my birthday, 98 years old the third day has passed, the independence day
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of the republic of belarus, so i am a happy person, the patriotic event parade under the window is the gratitude of the generation of winners, it takes place on the eve of victory day and independence day. these are the main events of this day, look.
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president of the republic of belarus alexander grigorievich lukashenka.
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dear compatriots. our respected foreign guests, dear veterans, today we remember the most important pages of our history, celebrating the anniversary of the country’s liberation from the nazi invaders, we mentally walk the roads of victory, starting with
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the liberated komarin. ending with a heroic breschina, this is our path, the path to our independence. exactly 80 years ago, on july 3, after the wild years of occupation over the capital of our homeland, the red banner was raised again, a banner that instantly became historic. symbol of our freedom, by the will of the belarusian people, the image of this banner is preserved in the national flag of the republic of belarus, by the will of the belarusian people, the day of july 3 became a public holiday, a day independence, and the holiday, the symbols of our
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country, all this is a tribute to the memory of the victorious soviet people. tribute to the memory of the belarusians, who bore on their shoulders all the hardships of a terrible war, today we look at those events from the height of a thousand years of historical experience, we look at the most stupidity of centuries, this is the challenge of time, time, the aggravation of geopolitical risks of threats, nothing fundamentally new...
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a sacred knot was tied east slavic unity, unity tested by wars, between strife, endless intrigues, replacing each other political centers of power. the milestones of our historical development are a succession of eras of great power and greatest upheavals. this is the historical path on which... our belarusian people tempered and formed their national identity. i once said, i am addressing our and not our journalists. we need to abandon all debate about whether the forms
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of statehood that replaced each other here were or were not belarusian. this is important, but not that significant. there were people, people. which has become a nation, what is important is what happens now, the end result is important, if there had not been this self-awareness, there would have been no great victory, there would be no country today, neither ours nor any other, throughout the entire territory of the former soviet union. then, 80 years ago, a new sacred knot was tied in the holy belarusian land. multinational soviet unity, even stronger, we remember the sons and daughters of all the republics of the ussr, western and eastern, southern and northern, everyone who looked death in the face, but rose into battle, liberating our belarus. everyone knew that here, on this
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border, the fate of his small homeland was being decided, the fate of his relatives, even if they... of the belarusian front itself, every soviet soldier fought a holy war for the future of the huge were thousands of kilometers from this country, from brest to vladivostok, from murmansk to tashkent, fought her here in belarus. belarus remembers heroes. the names of many natives of the fraternal republics are immortalized in the names of streets, our cities and... in their honor , a kurgan was erected near minsk, the land for which was collected from all corners of the soviet union. great in his own way according to the plan, it rises as... a symbol of the soviet people, the victorious people. belarus remembers, remembers the contribution to the victory of the countries participating in the anti-hitler coalition. it's a pity that
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that coalition no longer exists. and it’s a pity that the new western european elites are repeating the mistakes of their predecessors. what really unites the collective west today? at the expense of others, and genetic hatred towards the winners, towards us. i will never tire of reminding you that all of europe fought against the soviet union. a legion of citizens of its states stood under hitler’s swastika, more than a dozen foreign collected from collaborators, divisions, fanatics who sacrificed their peoples. and behind them stood the elites. politicians and businesses who bet on the victory of nazi germany. everyone, from the wehrmacht soldier to the producers of chocolate, clothing,
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weapons and equipment for the needs of the german army, is responsible for the genocide of the soviet and belarusian people. it was they who, in more than 3 years of occupation, turned belarus into a scorched earth, and today their... descendants , instead of repenting and atone for the sins of their grandfathers, are strangling us with sanctions and threatening we have weapons. i have seen and experienced a lot in my life, but the map of belarus with burial places is shocking and heartbreaking. behind each badge are thousands of brutally murdered peaceful old people, women and children, millions of our... old people, our women, our children, who were they threatening? 80 years have passed, we ourselves look at the faces
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of people who survived this horror, photos and newsreels of those years, our memory is our pain, because in every frame the history of our families, does the west need this truth? no, the heirs at the helm are the ones
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who died liberating warsaw, more half a million didn’t make it then, a few steps away from victory, they forgot about it, but we remember, didn’t we extend the hand of friendship to all the countries of the hitler alliance, putting peaceful life and good neighborliness above the pain inflicted on us then, we have been for many decades in every memorable... on the date of that terrible war , words were carefully chosen so as not to offend the national feeling of the germans, austrians, czechs, romanians, our baltic states and even our brothers
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ukrainians, they spoke of the executioners who trampled the belarusian land as people without a face and citizenship, what this led to, they reviewing the results, crazy people. you can turn over all the graves of our soldiers who died in the fight against nazism, destroy all the monuments, finally rewrite all the textbooks, you can endlessly wipe your feet on the decision of the nurenberg tribunal, but the results of the great war cannot be changed, our victory is their humiliation, they must agree with this . a shameful page in the life of western european civilizers, which they are trying to erase from memory. and not only our own, but also our peoples, but for every broken memorial we will respond with new facts of their crimes,
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new... names of the killers of our women, our elderly, our children. we have no illusions that the international court will recognize the genocide of belarusian civilians or condemn the criminals who have lived to old age. this supposedly independent body is too biased and dependent. but neo-nazis will have to listen to hear the terrible details of the crime.
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look who is at the forefront of the anti-belarusian, anti-russian company, childless politicians, their lineage is ending, they don’t even have anyone to pass on the gene of hatred, the curtain is on the people of western countries, with those who live for the sake of the future of our children and grandchildren, we will always find a common language and agree that nothing and no one will force belarus to turn away from this path, the path to peace and creation. dear compatriots, next year we will celebrate the eightieth anniversary of our greatest victory. for us, this is also the anniversary of new milestones in national construction. in 1945, the belarusian soviet socialist republic signed the charter of the united
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nations. just as a person comes into the world through pain, so nations are born in terrible pain, grow up, are growing stronger in the struggle for life, for freedom, for their historical memory. we have learned this law, so we did and are doing everything so as not to deviate from the road laid by previous generations. for more than 30 years we have been following it, overcoming political sanctions.
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historical memory, therefore we live in the world, we have huge plans for this very life, our goals are the highest technologies, work for people, sales outside the country, we sell half of it, export, investment, this is the basis of the national security of any state,
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our priority is people. we will continue to do everything to improve conditions in every corner of the country for creating a family and having children, for work and leisure, for achieving the desired heights in science, creativity, and sports culture. success in all directions is in our hands. technologies, advanced production, space exploration, all this will happen if we concentrate on our goals and capabilities, i repeat, our gold.
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we laid new ones to the east, north, south, abandoned our goods, they are happy to buy them from us. other countries, on real incomes of citizens have increased, the cities and towns of belarus are transforming beyond recognition, we have built and repaired thousands of kilometers of roads, and we are not stopping, we are building new stations, launching new metro lines. our successes in mechanical engineering, agriculture, space, biotechnology, military industry, and the production of laser technology. and microelectronics are recognized all over the world, especially in russia during these difficult times. together with the russian brothers, they built their own nuclear power plant, together with chinese friends from scratch, created the passenger
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car industry, rocket science, and in medicine reached a level that we had not even dreamed of some 20 years ago. belarusian scientists work in the arctic, in... in antarctica, we have managed to create an economy with such a margin of safety that it is very difficult to manipulate us, today no one will say that we will stop supplying you with food and you will die of hunger, remember, this happened quite recently, we feed ourselves and sell food on the market in more than 100 countries of the world, receiving from this more than 8 billion dollars. every year, it is useless for us to threaten with a ban on the sale of cars and their service units, we do a lot ourselves, from combines and laptops to cars and electric buses, but if
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there are no opportunities yet, then the world has not converged like a wedge in the west, there are friends in other parts light, look, i was never wrong in my forecasts, another 5 years will pass, and the russians and i will do everything that is necessary for the life and prosperity of our states. here, among our friends , a creative agenda is being formed today, economic, international, ideological, here the sun literally rises in a figurative sense. our foreign policy vector is not a turn or a reversal, as experts and some politicians like to argue, i repeat, this is not a turn or a reversal, it is a consistent
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civilizational choice that our ancestors made, and that we are making. belarus consistently takes an active, constructive position in integration formations in the post-soviet space. csto. we consistently work within these structures and expanding interaction. belarus' entry into the shanghai cooperation organization. a matter of several days. we have completed all domestic procedures. we have submitted an official application to join the brix format as a participant.
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it is high time to understand that the policy of sanctions enforcement only makes us stronger; there are a large number of countries in the world that are ready not only to work with us, but also to develop partner, friendly, allied, mutually beneficial relations. their trust in belarus as a partner is based on respect for our consistent position, recognition of the quality of everything we do. dear belarusians. this is your victory. i am infinitely grateful to you for your perseverance, for your unity and hard work, for your choice that you make, working for the good of your native country, preserving traditions and defending
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our sovereignty. i congratulate you on independence day, a day that connects eras and people, provides guidance and helps withstand the onslaught of new geopolitical storms. to you, prosperity, good health, peace and harmony to our common home, our native belarus. us there's nowhere to go because it's yourself.
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nothing special,
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our neighbors have become very active in the last few days, maybe a couple of weeks, they have become very active, our military, especially the border guards, immediately noticed this and reported it, we in principle expected this, many regard this as a large contingent of foreign representatives, of all our fraternal russia, came to us, but under no circumstances should we allow any escalation and any aggravation, i want the ukrainian leadership to hear this, the concentration of armed forces, even if it means nothing, is very dangerous.
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it would be terrible, you know, if someone approached the border where i served, and i know well what a border is, i’m not just a good talker, night blindness could fall on me, so the answer would really be tough and sharp, everything would be nothing, but recently our border guards and military interceptions. dozens, one might say,
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of reconnaissance means, especially drones, already on our territory, which go deeper than one meter on territory of belarus. you saw in the media that several of these unmanned aerial vehicles were destroyed, but i appreciate the ukrainians for the fact that they gritted their teeth and took it normally, so destroy it?
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how the russian volunteer corps was recently involved in the attack on the belgorod region and the belarusian volunteer corps turns out to be no. kolinovtsy, it turns out, there is also a belarusian volunteer corps, although there are less than a hundred people there, but it’s a corps, and what’s surprising is that, as the ukrainians say, they fight better than themselves ukrainians, naturally, are against the russians, i would also like to warn you
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not to strain yourself too much outside our country, this is very dangerous, our answer is the border guards. it turns out that they were carried out not in vain, so special operations forces, mainly other units, have been deployed, i think the minister of defense will inform you about this in the next 2 days after the holidays. the air
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force and air defense forces, both ours and the russian ones, are in high combat readiness; there is full cooperation here missile system positions. polonaise and iskander, what kind of ammunition they have, you also know, no red lines, strikes with all types of weapons on specific targets, we undertook this, but i want to warn you, don’t worry, remember many years ago, or a little, i always i told you that everyone should mind their own business, everyone should do their own thing at their workplace.
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it will be with the russians to close this border later, but it will be even more difficult for the ukrainians to maintain this border, so when i analyze the situation, every day, for the military it may not be a special secret, i came to the conclusion that they want to distract us from the main thing, from the main dirty trick, which you know where, so there... they started stirring, well, i would like to drag belarus into the war, but this will not work, we are not going to get involved in any hostilities, because we know what this will lead to, but nato members need a reason, understand, the situation at the front, there for the ukrainians is catastrophic,
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very serious, constantly from the west in response to the proposal of peaceful negotiations there is an escalation. today, huge amounts of money have been thrown into ukraine, i am absolutely convinced that the americans, first of all, and the west are not going to leave ukraine, this is a wonderful springboard, good lands, they have already been mortgaged, they have already been sold, who will leave there, but there is no one to fight, so a serious escalation is needed to bring in nato units, nato troops, mercenaries cannot cope with... the russians, that is the danger of the situation, and we know where they will come from, remember, i reminded you of putin’s phrase, who at the beginning of the conflict, turning to me, he says: cover me from behind, so they will come from there, and so that these movements and mouse-ups of the ukrainians on
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our border would not be a cover for the main thing, we will speak in military language of the blow that we may receive. well, here we have provided for everything, today i awarded the chief of the general staff of belarus and the general who heads our northeastern operational command, i asked him a direct question: do you feel it, do you understand that aleksandrovich, our unit is where we are decided he didn't is located, that is, we have blocked both the southern and western borders. so that god forbid we do not allow any mistake, as has already happened in our history, if we react like this together with ours...
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why am i touching on this problem, because it is used today, this is migration in order to prevent us in the west, especially our friends, our closest neighbors, friends, in quotes, the leadership of poland are persistent in this, they have already reached out to us, we received this information, president duda went to sidinpin, complained about lukashenko, use your influence on... lukashenko on putin so that they stop this migration. i’ve talked about this more than once, but i’ll remind you again
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that in order to answer the question of migration , you need to ask a simple question, like the character in the famous film said: where from, where why? people from where are fleeing from those countries that the americans ruined with their allies, we... but the main thing is to pay the poles there to go to germany, they don’t flee to poland, they don’t run to these stupid
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lithuanian politicians, they go to germany, why are they going there, because they were once invited there, you remember that, well , they were invited, so arrange it, there ’s no one to work there anymore, they keep shouting, worried that we already don’t have enough labor in russia, well, yes, we have definitely. we have practically no unemployment in russia, but you called them, they come to you, they don’t come to us, before the introduction of their sanctions we cooperated very seriously with the west, to the point that we concluded a readmission agreement if they ran there , they proved it through us, we will take it back, they collaborated with them, they they built centers where we could support these people, but then they abandoned all of this. we don’t need this, okay, we don’t need it, but what do i need
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? should i create a septic tank on this piece of land in belarus? i don’t need that either, i talked about this two or 3 years ago, when they started escalating with these sanctions against belarus, russia and so on, we will not restrain them, there is also misfortune, the conflict in ukraine, who will go through... they were beaten, now they are simply being killed there and thrown out to us at the border, we are already tired
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show all these facts, well, where did they pour water on democracy in winter, vaunted democrats, when european, and where are these americans who care about human rights, why do they kill people, why do they kill children, women, they are coming to you, you ruined their homes , you called them there, they are coming, why are you? is killing them, god will ask if he exists, he sees it, but the main thing is that i do not intend to give the order to the border guards, military and other civilians to defend the european union on the border of belarus and poland, you put a noose around our necks...
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about migration flows, well, a very small question that i see sounds like, our assistants guided me, i somehow didn’t even pay attention to it on social networks, exchanges of military personnel between russia and ukraine, just recently, i would n’t have raised this issue, it’s ordinary work, it was determined by the president of russia, he tells me
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much less about the captured russians in ukraine, i know that too. already from the lips of ukrainians, but if our fugitives, pay attention, had not noticed, that the man who tried to blow up the russian reconnaissance plane machulichi disappeared, remember, within two days, after carrying out the operation, we neutralized him and his communities, he disappeared, well, naturally, they found him in ukraine, oh, they exchanged him, just like they exchanged him, so do you. ..
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we received them in the brest area, handed them over to the russians in the gomel area, one without an eye, the second without arms, the third without legs. one of the famous military people in ukraine, he himself suggested these people and asked me, take them, because they will die. what was i supposed to do? well, yes, we would condemn this man
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for 10-15 years, he would sit here eating our potatoes with lard. ukrainian or belarusian, but if people died, we returned them. i say again that i am touching on this issue, because it is now seething, our people are talking about how he escaped, from where, no one escaped anywhere, i am honestly and frankly telling you how it happened, and no popes were involved in this, it was the request of the president of russia, which we fulfilled, saving, especially these three guys, who will at least somehow live, these are the three problems that i have recently, well, you see, you support such an action, i had no doubt about it, we are still people, and we must act like human beings, don’t
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be surprised if in a few days they are released... because we are such people, slavs, we don’t want wars, we don’t want conflicts, but if we get caught, we are forced to answer where to go, thank you.
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respect, dear minsk, city. blessings to you, dear comrades.
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good evenings, good people, good evenings on this earth, good, kind. to the people, to the people of this land, ubachyn kalgase, wide singe, nya far
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happily, the chateau was blooming, while the cabbage was welding in the afternoon, and there was a need for it .
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85 years ago, western belarus became part of the armed forces of the soviet socialist republic, the artificially divided belarusian people were reunited, which was an act of historical justice. on the liberated lands , conditions were created for the construction of a new life by the hand of creation. i always have the right to the earth and the earth, i have the same soul , when i rule mine, i will be in control, as i am in all my life, i will be of all souls, i will be of all souls. hey! who's the idze? and who
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there іjo? do agribusinesses have such a grammar? belarusians! why are they trotting on thin beaches, on their arms near their wings, on their naked paws? i'm right! and why, why did i fall in love with him, with his dark eyelids, with him, blind, deaf! people, wedding! and rivers, down with choirs, i will not be heard. spakoray, there i will listen, there i will righteousness, there will be an open cord of hell, the flocks will be on the field, i will build a future for the bride, the holy things will fall in the sky, the flowers will shine white, so i will be... give birth to the gifts of our family and
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i will be king on vele i'll be me chalavek i i'll be a chalavek. attention, says moscow. we convey an important government message: today at 4:00 am, without any declaration of war, the german armed forces. attacked
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the borders of the soviet union, the great patriotic war of the soviet people against the nazi invaders began. our cause is just, the enemy will be defeated. victory will be ours!
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in 1939, i was sent to the city of smolensk for a medical instructor course, and upon completion i was enrolled in the 333rd infantry regiment, sanitary unit of the brest fortress. on june 22 at 4:00 am a powerful shelling. we grabbed our weapons and took up defensive positions. it was very difficult with water. water to the wounded and a machine gun.
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the heart is beating, it’s getting quieter, the stones were talking about the war, we will live, the soldier will write, low on the melted wall, the morning roar is getting closer, death passed like a wave over the flycatcher, the fastidious garrison came out like a wall. against the enemy without fear, son and father, granite is burning, steel is smoking, whoever does not drink is standing next to him, shoulder to shoulder, butt in cheek, twisted, blood is running in the river,
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granite is burning, steel is smoking, whoever is not killed is nearby got up, grabs the fluff, and facial poison, there is on... on earth, sacred hell, vulture on the air, i am a fortress, forts, bastions, everything is on fire, on yours there is water and a shot, a thing for two for you and me gorin granite, stand in the heat , whoever is not killed stands next to you , shoulder to shoulder, butt to cheek, the blood runs in streams, the granite burns, you are created, whoever is not
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killed, stood next to you, grabs the beech, with a shave and i, there is no more need for sacred will on earth, your tears are too empty, just dreams will be shattered, blood is stained in the screws, fingers choke the triggers with such wild delight, there is no more pain, suddenly the pain is too much for them to survive, the honor fell on the shores of the great bug for those who gave their lives for a sip of water, not for themselves for the sake of a friend, for the faith that moves forward, for the will to win, for their... carelessness, for the heroism that marches into eternity, there will be no more freedom, like this clear sky, beautiful, life was given, for your courage, for your efforts, squeezing the mountains of the earth with my hands, i pray, barely breathing, for those who remained from the mortal steppe, for those whose
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immortal soul remained, granite is burning, steel is creaming, whoever is not killed stands next to him, shoulder to shoulder, butcher.
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here the birds don’t fight, the trees don’t grow, we just grow shoulder to shoulder. the earth is here, the planet is burning, the planet is spinning, there is smoke above our homeland, and that means we need one victory, one for all, we will not stand for the price. we cannot stand the price alone for all of us,
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mortal fire awaits us, yet it is powerless, doubt goes away into the night, separate, our tenth airborne battalion, tenth. our airborne battalion, as soon as the fire went out, another order sounds, the postalion will go crazy, look for us, a red rocket flies up, the machine gun hits tirelessly, and that means we need one victory, alone for all we will not stand for the price, alone for all we will not stand for the price
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, a deadly cold awaits us, yet, uninhabited, doubts go away into the night, individual, our tenth airborne battalion, our tenth airborne battalion. otkursky eagle, the war brought us to the very enemy gates, such, someday we will remember this, and not believe it ourselves, we need one less victory, we will not stand the price for all of us, we will not stand for the price for all of us.
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lieutenant colonel losik rushed along the highway to minsk on the night of july 3, immediately deployed into battle formation and burst into the city outskirts from the northeast. late in the evening, july 3, 1944, the capital of belarus was liberated from the occupiers.
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our army system is coherent and clear, we are your soldiers, a common native land, in every heart there is courage and honor, we are united like never before, yes, yes, yes, forever according to... fate, and in my dream i am always with you , if there is a battle above the ground tomorrow, we will all become a wall in the enemy’s path, if suddenly our villages and towns, and my country will be like this. then forever, victory sieves, nariflay, fresh
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i meet my beloved, war is war. fate is with fate, and i am always with you in a dream, when the war ended, there was silence, everyone returned home from that war, and the old day was dying and nearby, may gives victories, meet with love, i meet those who died, who gave their lives, became a legend, became our glory,
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areya! give arrows of victory, greet your beloved candle, but never give me any advice from heroes, great pabeda nasyga, great pabeda. "for the sake of performance fireworks, the entire new era in the history of belarus. darechy, then in the reports on the most popular words with punishments “new” and “pershy”, adnaulenne, newborns, pioneers. all this,
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this blessed era, has been replenished. in peace and glory, sunny, bright, golden, my white russia, you are my white russia, white. horses bulbs, white braids jingling, clouds white swollen, eternal parade, white white fish purses, white, white shoulders feathers, white-white dew, bezolki, pure their russia, you are my white russia, white russia you are may,
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pure, you are may , dear, you are may, white, you are may, white fogs of dust, white adze beads, what a fun of the white ones, krykbe. power, eyelids, eyelids frame white, white-white fish curls, pure, pure souls, brave, humble of your people, a whole load of you in may, white rus you
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in may, you are my pure, fashionable you are mine, white rus you are mine,
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sennya 14 kastrychnika 1953 years from the gallery of the minsk tractor plant syshou...
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belarusian mazs were the first in the ussr to take part in international auto racing. the film world guy was dedicated to this legendary event.
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as soon as the snowdrop blooms on time , as soon as it gets closer. the first thunderstorms appear on the white trunks, who cry birch trees then the birch trees cry, as often drunk from a bright day, i wandered at random along the spring channel, and my homeland generously poured birch sap on me forward.
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today he is performing a sweaty service, far from his homeland from his homeland, where these fogs of his native land, and the branches that spin over the backwater, there you and i must certainly go... one day
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to return, one day to return, open to us clearly your open spaces, cherished more often than not narog, and just like in childhood they attacked me with birch trees. sap, birch sap.
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and ivana sowed lanks, ah sirtsa lanoks, may rejoice, you, lyanka, all the little ones, kuzhalek, pasture, vulyanitsa, pasture, vulyanitsa, pasture.
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they sat down, they sat down, they sat down, they plucked peppers, they plucked, they searched, they collected them, near, near, then, everyone ran away to visit, they all walked, they walked here, and they poured the burners, oh, and the sowing of vulcania of the former enchantresses at the wedding parties!
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for the first time in the history of soviet football, dynamo from the capital
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of belarus became national champions, we warmly congratulate the winners. with you, we traveled halfway around the world, but every time we were drawn home, put on my favorite cassette, let's take a break before the game, you my destiny is bershi. you alone can judge me, the team of our youth, the team without which i cannot live, bark-bark, the team
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of our youth, the team without which. the grass in the stadiums turns green, and wisdom, as if autumn is coming, we become more tender to each other, when the struggle becomes more and more fierce, you decide my fate, you alone judge me, the team of our youth, the team without which we cannot live. the team of our youth, the team i can live without. we will not part with sports soon,
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but time cannot be appeased or held back, they will come ambitious understudies, god bless them. you decide my destiny, you alone judge me, the team of our youth, the team without which we cannot lie, the team of our youth, the team without which... talents are tested for loyalty, we have something to thank fate for, we are
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devoted to the only team, the team, without which we cannot live, you decide my fate, you alone promise me, the team. on our cheerfulness, the team without which i cannot live, the stone of our youth, the team without which i cannot live. seventies and eighties centuries became the time of the dawn of belarusian art, which conquered.
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oh lyuli-lyuli pancakes ladachki oh kalyadachki you are hutchey hutchey oh lyuli-lyuli you are hutchey hutchey and oh lyuli-lyuli you are hutchey hutchey kalada kalyada kalada kalada kalada.
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i can’t even imagine that my dear friend was with me, the lady was going to sleep, you sang all the songs for me. i went through the oak tree , i circled the galava, cultivating the varovs, i came here and walked, i was already tired, and i don’t know myself, my tongue was loose, it’s with me, you are so harsh, not the circling galavas, the pachavarovs.
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we take the most raspberry sara when i'm on the edge take lard, raspberry basyaary.
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only the heat is in the guest’s house, there is a glass, there is a harmonica, there are cubes and a gaspad. the polish and the rassiyaya bolka belarusian, here on our holy day, the polish belarusian, they didn’t throw out the icons, they didn’t forget god, our hut,
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five icons, so you are a bastard, so white, a baala, but a bastard. for you, the trousers are small and the waist is high, the pajamas are polish and russian. bolka belarusian, here on our holy day, bolka belarusian!
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30 years ago we were at a crossroads in the ruins of a once great country. the belarusian people then made their a historical choice, together with the president, alexander grigorievich lukashenko, on the foundation of centuries of history, we are building on... belarus, a state for the people, for each of us. we live in difficult times, but no matter what, we are open and welcome to everyone who comes to us in peace. we love our belarus, sovereign, peaceful, beautiful and unique, and we will not give it to anyone. thank you
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time for choosing us. we had to live in a very difficult moment, significant in the history of the country, if a state has a strong president, then any storms are not terrible, he didn't bend down or stand. the people are a western partner for pennies behind his reserves 30 years in advance, the bulbashi voted, our troops are cool, in the world, he is like that, father,
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a calm country, rich will of size, important. we have a different vaskha, we are next to you, you have chosen a set and will not let you down, we will stand with our backs to the bark, the bark, european politicians, also, the populus is great in appearance. dreams, who have fallen into dependence on uncle joe, aren’t you the face of your country, you should cut down your problems there, come here through the slaughter, otherwise our supreme may do this
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send that the conversation will be short, hope we have a cool world. adzin he is so calm, a calm country, he is slaughtered and quickly, palsky. we have a cool one, father, we are next to you, you chose it!
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