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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  July 3, 2024 2:00am-3:10am MSK

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a completely new imperial concept of classical architecture has appeared, which passed away with the nearby russian empire, and the whole of the earliest traditional rechy paspalitai. let's get down to history and some important facts. forums are round. and what happened during the battle then? the armatures are such that stone cannonballs were fired, and the hell of the forms are yana rykashetsil velma good. the architects of this palace would know the vilensk maystar shilthaus, like the darechs, who publish the palace at garodnya, which is a pity not to be taken away. glyadzitsa is a prime example of the architecture of belarus. everything on the upper reaches well, certain things have appeared, and this will be done to ensure the stability of the getai.
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by the hand of the publisher himself, while others consider them to be subject letters, which were actually written by a portuguese nun, and the name of this amazing woman was mariana alcafarado. my god, how simple it is, simple, well , don’t tell me, wait, what do these letters have to do with my wife, and most directly, maryana viktorovna was preparing her phd thesis, she made her own version of the russian translation. letters, which
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by the way, it was much brighter, more accurate than the well-known translation of academician rebernikov, but the academic council considered your wife’s work incorrect, rebernikov was still alive at that time, the defense did not take place, maryana viktorovna was very upset, left graduate school, and burned her translations. hello, semykino, what are you doing here? evgeny nikolaevich, i have nowhere to sleep, tanya and i had a fight, why is this all of a sudden? yes, there is incompatibility of views on some moral aspects. can i spend the night with you and go home tomorrow? stay the night what do i need? do it, let's go, let's do it!
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nice one, come here. doesn’t look like belmanda at all, i don’t know, we
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said, i’ll go and wash my face, yes, yes, what... well , friend, to hell with it, you need to take everything and tell it, but today is open day, what? who 's there, hello, hello, i need to talk, i'm calling, i'm calling on your mobile phone, your mobile phone is turned off for some reason, well, the battery is dead, the battery is dead, you're like a schoolboy, well, can i come in, well
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, come in, hello, yulia, hello, but i didn’t believe it, i didn’t believe it, i, i’ll probably go, right? what do you mean don't command, why me should talk to you in front of strangers, she’s not a stranger, oh even so, zhenya, look at her, she’s a child, i’m not a child, evgeniy nikolaevich, i’ll go to the store, buy something for dinner, yes, yulechka, go to dinner, i wonder if she’s going to spend the night here, yes, she’s going to, zhenya, what are you, me and... i also defended him, that’s right, of course, i let the goat into the garden, damn it, you fool, so you came here to swear, in vain , in vain, i haven’t slept for 2 days and two nights and i’m not going to quarrel with you here, here you go, you’re old, disgusting, lousy cat, you understand, she
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is suitable for your daughter, she is suitable for a daughter not for me, but for stasik, which stasik, your stasik, empolsky stanislav arkadyevich , nicknamed belmando, there is cognac, in yulia, hello, hello, but why did you leave the concert yesterday, you were in a bad mood, wait, now, it’s even worse, and why is this happening, because two of me are suffering. a good person is understandable, but if simykina had nothing to do with it and it wasn’t your mariana who wrote the letters, then why are you sitting here, i really value our friendship, thank you you're huge, but this is all empty talk, she's dating her ex, you know, i saw it, i saw them kissing in the car, i saw it with my own eyes, he
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doesn't mean anything to her, he's nobody to her, the apartment is glass, yes, of course , here it is, just you, yes, yes, that’s it, i’ll wait for you there. there are no one of them, they left when eugenics screwed up the sea today on thursday, wait, wait, where you don’t know, i’m not a help desk, but they called me, you know, they called me and said that. he’s not cheating, you’re adults, but some guy scammed you brat, valya, what a brat, a man called me, and you can’t distinguish a man’s voice from a voice, remember, she read mayakovsky in the opening bass, i forgot, polikov,
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an hour ago she came to me in tears, snot, swore, repented that she has no malicious intent, for some reason she decided to marry you in semykina, you know, i’ll kick this intriguer out of... i don’t have it, listen, you know, that’s the thing here, zoya, hi, so, oh, hi, quirk, well, tell me what you saw, and what did i say, right away, zonka, okay, okay, come on, well, well and why do you need her, it’s a question of life and death, well, i saw how she got into a taxi half an hour ago, go to vitebsk, she has some relatives who live in lipetsk, maybe you’ll have time, thank you, she’s at the station, she’ll have to go through half an hour, she’s leaving for lipetsk, let ’s run faster, maybe you’ll make it in time, car sixteen, seat fourteen, oh great, zhenya, where are you going, zhenya, car sixteen, did you remember,
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zhenya, oh, where are you from here, and i’m here , i quit the theater, uh-huh, pretty, listen, valya? adopt me, but definitely, only first will you adopt your daughter, which daughter?
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why are you laughing glass? write a script, do you have an idea? first, i still burned these
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letters, second?
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hello, i’ll have to start with the section on their morals. the european union has rolled out yet another fourteenth package of anti-russian and anti-belarusian sanctions. and he managed to include bersm there. you heard right, the belarusian republican youth union. it looks like all they have left to do next is our kindergarteners. and apparently, they are also ready to get to this point, we have a lot ahead of us in order to understand them, we need to start with this question, here andrei evgenievich, what is in the minds of those people who make such decisions today, on the one hand, this is, of course, the degradation of morals, political culture, public administration in general, to introduce sanctions against the youth organization, and even for
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rescuing children who are being rescued from a combat zone, that is, this is a direct humanitarian mission of any normal... public organization, this is one of the cornerstones of the tasks of the united nations, but then immediately impose sanctions against the un, which operates with its peacekeeping missions, saving children, saving people from hunger, from bombing in the hottest spots of the planet, on the other hand, for me personally and for the absolute majority of belarusians, i looked at public opinion, this is evidence that they are fighting for our youth lost because they crawled their car in here.
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yes, well, this is true, as the leader of the belarusian republican youth union showed us, and we can be proud of it, this is already a sign of the quality of the work done. by the way, look at the biographies of those who enter these
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sanctions, children, grandchildren of nazis, ss policemen, well, from our policemen, former policemen who fled there and are preparing sanctions lists, because it’s not the european union, but our fugitives who throw them, they impose sanctions against the grandchildren of the great-grandchildren of the generation of winners. i agree with my colleagues that this is a dead end, because it’s possible to go further than random, that is, in the pioneer organization they can still introduce it, but they don’t touch it, that
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is, this is not their audience, and not their level, so today they are not powerless, they they begin to hit tomorrow, that is , today they are trying to influence precisely the consciousness of those who will be at the helm of the country tomorrow, and look, the face of these democrats, who... well, these are the people who accepted these sanctions, new packages, here those who are today electing a new governing body are the european people's party, these are our, in quotes, most importantly, friends there for about 15 years, probably, that is, they support our
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belarusian opposition, they launder money through it, that's when they were re-elected once again, of course , there was nothing good to be said to the european people, they have no direct relationship with what they say, when the election system, when parties from different countries are elected, and then they unite into a new faction, well, it’s clear that there is horror like a hedgehog it’s difficult to unite, and that’s the task... the package that the europeans introduced, we have already said, and the third is a negotiating topic, then the second point is, of course, sanctions, there is a new item on children that they are trying to slip
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as a plan to african countries, countries latin america, like, let us impose some of our agenda on russia through a good cause, we are protecting children, and this is also a torque in terms of negotiations, that is, whether children will be discussed there or not, russia doesn’t want this, they are going through this there is pressure, including on the belarusian republican youth union, they are trying to put all this on us on the negotiating agenda, so how can we say it? that is, the games are cut, the money is the same, that is, the people are still the same who are working against us, in principle , the mechanisms remain under the european commission, under the european council, they indirectly also include pr, they have this loud topic with epstein then the island, when they really have problems with pedophilia, they are trying in every possible way, obviously at the international level, to divert attention from , in general, their big problems that they got into, we also see this, we notice, ending these are the topics of new old people in the camp of our opponents. nato is now actively looking for a new general secretary, in october stoltenberg must leave his post, it seems, finally, after
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many attempts by all 32 members. look, we listened to all of you, this means that each country has expressed some kind of wish, there is turkey, please, hungary, please, and after that there is such a collective, which means a certain figure that suits everyone, in reality, of course, this is an american structure that is controlled from one point, that is, who is this mid-level executive, is he a person for certain public statements, a talking head, yes, let’s say, like a speaker , well, nothing more, am i a stribon or is he a downed pilot, as in this case, who lost there are elections in my homeland, here it is
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they put it there, well, apparently it was... a gift, i won’t say, manna from heaven, because he said things that in most civilized countries are simply embarrassing to say, that’s why, well, if a more experienced one comes, i agree, in words, not in in deeds, in words people, it will be worse for us, of course, imagine, with a smart player, with a smart opponent it’s more difficult - to build, catch him by the tongue and build information work, well, actually, this
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was a prelude to... the main topic that we shocked everyone and which once again showed who we were dealing with, two events that blew up the information field. the kiev regime attacked sevastopol with operational-tactical missile attacks, equipped with cluster warheads, deliberately hitting civilians, many victims on the beach, including children, on the same day a terrorist attack on dagestan, victims of makhachkala and derbent set fire to synagogues in an orthodox church brutal. priest killed. the russian foreign ministry called the ukrainian armed forces' attack on sevastopol a ritual crime; the holiday of the holy trinity was not chosen by chance. patriarch kirill also stated that the day chosen for attacks on churches in dagestan exposes the devilish essence of terrorists. alexander vladimirovich, you agree with those who claim that the strike on sevastopol and the attacks in dagestan are all, behind all these manifestations is the same force. well,
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let's. so, both missiles and radical islam, which in this case are suspected in these cases, are all of american, so to speak, origin, so obviously they have one common owner, secondly, i will say that already it becomes clear and clear that it is the americans who are waging this war, with russia, at the moment... contact, today it is becoming secondary, today even for russia, because the front line, the line is somehow not particularly illuminated and they don’t touch it, it has lost some meaning, now everything is focused on giving up active actions
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. russia, deep into russia this means beating someone, beating civilians, today, looking at this tragedy on the sevastopol beach, this immediately i remember a picture from the time of the great patriotic war, when german pilots ironed children's beaches in evpatoria, this is the only one who does this, well, me. there is a formula that is better than the russians, no one beat or defeated the russians, that’s why the task here is to cause a russian rebellion, fear, destabilization, so, because the americans themselves will not do this, they will put the russians in any case, now against themselves they won’t be able to fight themselves, we remember the cold war, but
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whoever... will go exactly this way, monstrous footage, there were earlier published, here are from security cameras from the beach, children running, shrapnel flying into their backs, here is the use of previously prohibited weapons, cluster munitions, they say high-precision weapons, well, what kind of high-precision weapons are they if the americans don’t see their companions that there are children or they see it consciously; if they see it, it means it is an information-terrorist company. i agree, directed deep into russia in order to cause horror, and she, i just spoke with one of my american friends a few days ago colleagues, old contacts asked, just imagine if this happened
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somewhere on a beach in florida, he says: this happens about every week here, you forgot that in america a whole culture has matured of mass shootings, this, unfortunately, another sign of ours is this. is he entertaining? here is exactly the same picture from life. i agree here, and the president of belarus gave the same assessment: information-terrorist aggression? well, i see several components there, i would still divide what is happening by region, indeed, the missile attacks, i think, most likely had a primarily military target.
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it’s clear here, with dagestan the situation is a little more complicated, in my opinion, let’s see, well, from this angle, firstly, it recently opened up. the railway connecting azerbaijan and iran, that is, in fact, this north-south corridor, it has finally been built, the railway passes through the territory of dagestan, and western analysts believe that dagestan is a very complex complex from the point of view of ethnic, religious, this is an explosive region, you need to hit it in order to cause these internal contradictions, interethnic and interfaith, and... at the same time, we see how lately russia has really been investing in dagestan, well, in general, in the region, in crimea, in dagestan, that is, the task was set, and it’s not for nothing that vladimir putin went there came to make a tourist pearl, and what does this give
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to the dagestanis, jobs, development, increasing the level of reducing the danger of this radicalism, which finds itself in a disadvantaged environment, usually grows there too, that is, to knock out logistics on the one hand, to show what it is unstable. these peace formulas in switzerland, does this indicate that this blow has ruined all intentions to go along the peaceful track, or in their coordinate system do one and the other somehow coexist? well, russia made a separate statement that this does not interrupt any
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negotiations there, if they exist, but again, i agree with alexey in terms of dagestan, i think that after all, the priority task there , remember crocus, who took responsibility in the end, isis, who believed in it, no one really believed it, why this organization? did, which is half dead there, it’s unclear, now the same thing is happening, again the same igilov cell in afghanistan is taking responsibility, the question is for what, that is, who really was the regist, yes, that is, the task was, say, to really destroy someone in dagestan, or perhaps this first terrorist attack in crocus will be legendary, more bloody, more terrible, what can i say, look, it’s still isis, they repeated their action, look, then there may be a third, fourth, which isis will also take over itself, that is, this is not ukraine, this is not the gur, not the sbu, this is not the west, look, some bad isis people who have appeared here, the second point.
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this is the arab world, the islamic world, well, let’s say, against isis, which in this way knocks out, yes, let’s say, an ally, so the goals were uncharacteristic in terms of the fact that this also coincides with the tax, there with the negotiation process, which ukraine directly stated the other day, that we are ready to sort of discuss something, well, that is, in the west there are also different lines that some want, others don’t wants these negotiations, someone is also directing these terrorist acts along different lines, that is, it is not just one center that makes the decision, there are conditionally british, there are americans, there is someone else, here they are... among themselves they are trying to change this agenda,
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so of course, as a rule, even the british are always more responsible for the escalation, for the aggravation, for making such a decision, here also, if i may allow one moment, such an informational and psychological one, we need to look at who were the perpetrators of this terrorist attack, and this is generally one of the signs of our time, the golden youth of dagestan, who did not need anything, who belonged to one of the clans, which, well, no one in dagestan, but i listened to in the caucasus. specialists, experts who know very well who is from what kind of tribe - it happens, but no one would say that these are some kind of mujahideen, which means this is an external influence pumping up, and here i absolutely agree, remember who was the face of that very isis, jihadi john, who cut heads on cameras unfortunate people, including two catholic priests, so he is a citizen of great britain, he is from the same golden highest. young people who received education there in the european union. i say this to the fact
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that our young people need to be very careful, especially from such urban, golden advanced youth, we need to be very attentive to what influences are exerted on them through the information environment, what ideas are thrown at them? i'll still try to return to this question of mine about the blows ukrainian missiles, ukrainian, american missiles on sevastopol. and in parallel with the ongoing talk about peace negotiations, why? because we constantly build our discussions around this topic, around this issue, but for some reason , probably believing that it is obvious, we do not touch upon it, i will try to formulate why, instead of creating this endless illusion of success from the counter-offensive there before the next nato summit in july before the debate between biden and trump, why is it at some decisive...
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depending on what conditions, the russian federation wins victory after victory on the battlefield, it also does not need these peace negotiations based on an ultimatum, although the russian federation and belarus would agree with the normal outcome of all the formulas and the belarusian side proposed by president putin and the russian federation. voiced, the ukrainian government, the regime is a puppet, there is simply no one to talk to there now, and vladimir putin said this several times, the european unionists, they are so involved in this process that they giving back, excuse me, as they say, in the alley, is also impossible, at least, well, for france, imagine, before the next parliamentary elections, what a blow it would be, but to these remnants of macron’s unity, so no. interested parties, large ones, involved here,
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now in a direct conflict, i mean , well, i agree with alexei valerievich, yes, the russian federation, ukraine, nato countries, if we take it collectively, the united states of america, there are no interested parties in the peace negotiations, that’s why past conference - these are not peace negotiations, but an attempt to present an ultimatum to the russian federation , an attempt to pull some of the countries of the global majority, the global south, to the side. a similar point of view is inclined towards this, they say that when we talk about peace negotiations, about the fate of ukraine, we cannot ignore the interests of russia and belarus, listen to a short fragment. the message to ukrainians is very simple, for which they don’t like me: do you want to reach the paraguayan version or do you want to stop in time to save your life, the economy,
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the future, prospects, and so on, and the solution is not russian-ukrainian negotiations, but the transformation into the form of a peace forum or any other initiative. zelensky’s formula was essentially abolished even by the law that prohibits negotiations, that is, they gently, so to speak, overturned everything that they had been doing in recent months, well , the president signed it, now it’s possible, well, yes, yes, a command came from above, there the gentlemen said, it’s possible, but i think that these are the
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events that are happening now, there was an interesting statement from china that it will begin independently work on the topic of peace negotiations.
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therefore, this is precisely the belarusian interest: freedom of relations with other countries, freedom of trade, freedom, for example, of some projects and so on, that is, this is all the interest that should be taken into account, in fact, well, our sovereignty comes first, so that no one else dictates how we should live, where we should go, what we should build.
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this is why they are putting people in today, that is, apparently, there is some real option this very freeze along the front line, there may be no peace agreement there, but at least they are losing it, so aristovich, he gives such a position that the military doesn’t want to fight, the army is poorly managed, which means there is a lot of corruption, ineffective, and let’s it’s against this backdrop that we’ll hold elections, well, it’s clear that with the holding of elections a certain situation changes and maybe it’s also beneficial for russia to hold such elections and see who will come new, that is, well, i think that maybe there are korean options. further, as i said alexey, if elections are held, some kind of window is already opening for us, well, who knows what will happen there and how, then
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it will be easier to work with them, freezing the conflict is not beneficial for either belarus or russia, because this is a former ulcer, which with the help of which simply the americans will get into our space, either escalation or freezing, unfortunately, so far this is the only alternative. they know exactly what tournaments are, but she herself prefers dancing and zumba. at one time he played in the svistich football club in the second league of the belarusian championship, and was also captain of the amateur hockey team red fire. but what will be the result in a real battle of intellects? as in artistic gymnastics , an element that represents a 360° flip in the air is called.
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watch the intellectual and sports show " head game" on our tv channel. to become part of a foreign country, you don’t have to be born there. and here it is. this is a symbol of belarus, yes, but as in russian, you have ice, yes, ice, yes, that’s right, i say, ice, yeah, memorial, okinchitsa estate, that means, yes, it’s him, yakuva kolosa, it’s enough to behave in guests, as the host of a show, at home, i specifically chose dramas, this is my love, how delicious it is. looks and smells, we study the history of belarus and explore its sights together with foreigners,
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our region is considered such a homeland, such a poetic page, because we have such beautiful nature and it inspired kolos, and many other poets, writers, biosmio, what sir, yes, this is an ideal life, this is what it looks like, i agree. watch on tv channel belarus 24. we continue, big news, trial of wikileaks founder julian assange completed the deal. osange was released from prison in the uk and headed to australia. according to media reports, he achieved it. with the us regime, he pleaded guilty to a single charge, namely conspiracy to obtain and disclose information to national defense, but all this, of course,
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is a screen, asandzha was kept behind bars for an inconvenient truth, for completely reliable information about us war crimes, andrey, where does such humanism come from when they want to show off before the elections or what, when you a deal is happening, well, you also have to give something in return, so he was in prison, so... there is an initiative by biden usa, in order, well , maybe to increase his rating a little, so that look, he generously forgave him. why is this so, well, because the republicans
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have always been very, very against any kind of deals there. in terms of some new information, here he is , when he has already become completely useless , he is released, but again to british jurisdiction, australia is, let’s say, a former dominion and a british one, he is not leaving for the usa, therefore, the british still leave it as... a growing political headache for the us government, well, when there were all the wikileaks scandals, it was through the british press that they constantly hit the americans, that is, it was precisely a british-american conflict that of course spilled out also in support all over the world, there against the american military company, well, it was
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definitely beneficial for the british, so what is being said today is that this is pretty awesome... how does it differ from the afghan version, yes nothing, just everything is like a carbon copy, i agree that they simply decided to remove the extra figure from the information board, because asansh is one of the first information partisans in the information era, who came out and said, he brought out this ins and out of all the dirty laundry, he was giving information not just about, wikily
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in general as a movement, not just about crimes against humanity in iraq and afghanistan. not just about the atrocities of the american military machine, but remember how many diplomatic secrets were made public through wikileaks, how many secret agreements, how many corrupt deals, including with the participation of the european union elite, there, on the basis of these investigations that were thrown out by wikileaks, many deposits in swiss, supposedly independent banks were damaged, this was one of the conditions that they say that this is there, that is where it lies something, therefore... on the one hand, of course, no one from julian osanju will return his time spent in the ecuadorian embassy, ​​in a british prison, although the deal is personally beneficial to him, he will remain in history as the first information or one of the first information partisans. on the other hand, for me this is another confirmation of the weakness of that machine, british american or british
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american in general western, which said that... it is a city on a hill, it demonstrates freedom of speech, democracy, pluralism, the famous british law, all these four myths, they no longer exist, and clinging to them is already embarrassingly embarrassing, yes, well, i have a less optimistic opinion, but i think that this is a brilliant special operation to neutralize everyone these possible partisans, because what they showed us, well, firstly, i agree that initially this project could have been a project of the struggle of one part of the global elites against another, but using an allegedly independent such a romantic figure, now the romantic has made a deal there, that is he passed something there that was important, necessary, he’s not a chigiwara, but he could have handed it in right away, he, well, yes, he won that he saved his life, but that’s not good, he didn’t fight to the end, which means initially,
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why should he die in the wall, well, if he such a fighter for his beliefs. there, there, which means there is some kind of double bottom, initially he played for someone, he was used against someone, and here the western system showed, it always emphasizes the fact that here, here are the soft ones, we it’s not these totalitarians, like all the totalitarians at once, who didn’t remove his birder, although they could, you see, all the other partisans, even if you’re weird, you can come to an agreement with us, and you’ll even save your life, you’ll be tumbling with kangaroos in australia, that means ...
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can work very hard, but here, that means another goal is to show all these partisans that you guys are still controlled by us, but they rather showed that it was necessary to flee not to ecuador, to russian. embassy, ​​because another information partisan who asked for protection in the russian federation quietly works and remains an information leader of public opinion. well, we are watching a big political show in the person of asandzh, it is quite possible that the trail under this story will continue for some time so that it is truly elegant, as wall wrote street journal. but i don't know if there is grace in this show that they are trying to offer to all of us, especially americans, but nevertheless, americans are waiting for the debate.
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let's just say, the politics is not the first freshness, to put it mildly, you see, i say diplomatically, two politicians are not the first freshness, they put on a show and millions of people look at it, in general , quite seriously, i mean, of course, bulgakov's americans are not the first freshness, that means rotten, if i’m going to quote it to the end, thank you for clarifying, the point, the point is that the version is purely american, in fact, if so, this is an analogy of fighting in the mud, these ones here - it should be funny, interesting, it entertains, in fact, and distracts from real problems, because everything that one and the other is fighting for, in fact, well, the game is around such small
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nuances that could be resolved at one moment, the same border, the same relations with russia, the same issues of supporting ukraine, working with china, neighbors...
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at least those that count themselves deceived and who do not want to be dolls, just mappers, but who will say, we are citizens of the united states of america, we have an amendment allowing us to bear arms and we are ready
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to defend our right to choose our government and leadership, by the way, here’s an interesting idea that slipped through, i would formulate it this way: this is not an election for the us president, but an election for vice -the president, because...
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the foreign policy line is most important for us, i don’t think it will change radically, the united states will try to maintain its dominant position, it’s another matter how they will try in this chessboard first finish off russia, and then china, or first they will take on china and give some kind of sop, and they say, well, figure it out, okay, we skimmed all the cream from ukraine, now here is russia, we need to pull it closer in order to create a counterbalance to china, here trump. for
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the fact that after all, china is the main goal, biden has, well, the strategy is different in this, who to gobble up first, yes, yes, yes, well , trade by trade, but behind it is the deep state, yes, that is, if they will see that russia is ready to make a deal, commerce, of course, will say, let’s have it with me excellent relations with vladimir, we met, he understands me, we are generally seeing a right turn there, so that means... this is a signal that they will try to drag us all, by the way, into anti-chinese situations, but our task is to refrain from all this, and despite the changes of these first ones, which in fact, the first list will not decide anything, still follow your strategic line, clearly understand it, lead it and avoid excessive involvement in the american one.
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a very important event for us, we are entering as a full member of the shankai cooperation organization, that is, just with china with the global, as i liked the wording, not global, but a global majority, we are on the same path, and 30 years of the institution of the presidency, which we don’t just have, you know, the damn anniversary in the fate of one of the state institutions, for us it is a powerful symbol, it is personified, in this sense we have, as it were, collected, so if you look at these events, well, at first glance, well, yes, some anniversaries... to ensure that we
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realized with what and how we approached everyone these dates and events, here andrei evgenievich, i address this question to you, with what and with what we approached the eightieth anniversary of liberation, the thirtieth anniversary of the institution of presidency , the entry into a new stage within the framework of the shanghai organization, well, i’ll add one more date, june 26, 1974, minsk received the well-deserved... title of city hero 50 years of the hero city of minsk, our beloved capital, congratulations to all minsk residents, we, like the residents of minsk , remember, feel, carry through, let through ourselves this feat of both the belarusian underground and belarusian resistance in general, this is also important and significant for us, but you are absolutely right that these are 80 years from the liberation of belarus through restoration, because the city of minsk. and 30 years of presidency
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is a story of restoration, this is a story when we were balancing, like 30 years ago, we were balancing on the edge of an abyss, the president said this in his first program, to take the people and the country from the abyss, at the beginning of the great patriotic war we stood over the same abyss that threatened us with destruction, so in my opinion, all these the dates are connected by the main logic, this is the logic of development, when...
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towards the shanghai cooperation organization, the full participation of belarus in this organization, we really hope that this will happen in astana, at least. judging by your statements recently, i see that we have fulfilled all obligations and there are no such problems regarding belarus’s accession to the sco today, this is very important for belarus, you must agree that such a specific, more or less international platform, where
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leading leaders are present , leaders world powers, it is very important for us to be present not only from the point of view of the image of the policy, but... a system of continuity with fairly clear strategic guidelines. on the one hand, this partisan generation restored the country and played an important role within the soviet union. then we had this second period of occupation without time, when the war sign
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of trouble also appeared in the nineties, we overcame it quickly enough, without any special shocks, bloody, like many of our neighbors. and how would ours emerge from among managers? president, who essentially continued the line of partisan managers, now we are entering a new stage, when we are starting to play the game in the new security architecture in eurasia, that is, our system shows that, in general, all the institutions necessary for a truly sovereign state are taking shape , continuity, strong power, our role. this is our belarusian task
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, but as it were, the core of the organization determines for us the relations between russia and china today, the better they are, the better it will be for us there, and we also try to improve these relations, where you can somehow work with some, maybe intermediaries in some. projects, it doesn’t matter if we are talking about logistics, transit or some political issues, but if relations between russia and china are good and not bad, as was also the case there in different periods of history, then everything will be fine within the framework of the sco, in terms of presidential elections, this path has been traveled, of course, you know, even a little somewhere...


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