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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  July 3, 2024 3:40am-4:01am MSK

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a healthy bird is active, very inquisitive, if a veterinarian enters the poultry house , he shows a lot of attention to it, here we can already observe the rearing poultry house, pre-slaughter birds, 140 days old, these are males, as you can see, the bird is already large, at this stage birds.
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the temperature is lower, since the bird has already grown up with large plumage, it certainly no longer needs high temperatures. we keep females separately, we keep females until they reach 105 days of age, we adhere to this technology, since the conversion of feed to meat increases. useful qualities, also in females, when fat deposits are formed, she loses her achievements. at 140 days of age , the egg-laying period begins, males are sent for processing at 145 days, weighing 22 kg. our premises are used on an empty basis, that is, after slaughtering a bird, we have 2 weeks to prepare the house for the next one. our preparation includes such
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activities as removing manure, washing the poultry house, disinfection, whitewashing, bringing in sawdust, washing the feeding line, watering line, all walls, well, in general, all the equipment that we subsequently use for raising poultry, the veterinarian also keeps a lot of documentation, this is such documentation as the wallpaper shop, the veterinarian makes his conclusion and gives the go-ahead to transport it for further processing. as part of my job, i often visit poultry processing, where, together with veterinary specialists , we monitor sanitary standards and production processes in general. when entering the slaughterhouse, the bird enters the hanging department, then it goes to the department exsanguination, removal of plumage. after all
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the technological manipulations, the bird enters the finished product packaging department, here you can see the packaged part of the turkey, this is a bucket that is packaged in a modified gas environment, thanks to this environment our products can be stored much longer, now we are in the massaging department and curing of meat, we can observe equipment in which brine is injected into meat, brine is poured into a container, then the brine enters the meat through needles, we supply products both raw and prepared, these are sausages, smoked, dried, cutlets, turkey steaks, we are in our sausage take, here we do the preparation. raw materials for the preparation
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of sausages, that is, here the appropriate grinding on a grinder is necessary, depending on the type of product, then our meat mass is sent to cutting, where it is mixed at a certain temperature - it goes to the molding machine, to the syringe, where it is knocked out into the casing , then hung on the frames after molding. we we send the sausage to the thermal department, here at a certain temperature and conditions our sausage is cooked or smoked, undergoes heat treatment, now he also measures the temperature inside the loaf to know whether the sausage is cooked or not, that is, it should not be lower than 72-73 ° inside the center loaf, specifically for this type of boiled sausage, subsequently our sausage is sent for souling until it is cooled to temperature. 35°, after which it is sent
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to the finished product chamber. we have the most modern equipment, it matches everything. technical requirements, standards and safety systems. our thermal chambers are fully automated, the operator carries a certain program with a number, depending on the manufacture, what kind of sausage product we are making, and accordingly makes sure that there are no errors, all programs are switched by themselves. the dermic treatment chamber can perform several functions, that is , they are multifunctional; if the product is smoked, it becomes drier. before smoking it is smoked, we do not stand still, we are expanding, we offer the consumer a larger range of products, and derzhinsky cancan is one of the enterprises that uses natural smoking, and such
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as wood chips, alchi, fruit trees, more natural ones are used in our sausages additives, corn leaves, pepper, coriander, new products such as those used for rolls with sun-dried tomatoes, with gherkins, which we will later export and can also be seen in the counters our chain stores. in politics, alexander grigorievich has already become a figure in scale that goes far beyond the scope of the post of president of belarus. nominally he is responsible only for his country. in fact, thanks to his colossal experience
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and great respect in the world and even in the democratic world, although they are not recognized there, he has a strong influence on many regions in the world. all over the world, only those who do not have the desired power speak about democracy and... practicality; they want to get it, but cannot. politics is when public comments along the way speak rather of the absence of real cases. we'll wait and see, we're not going anywhere, especially russia. for me, these are the main words of alexander grigorievich about the future of our region and the fact that we are not in a hurry, there are two sides to the coin. the conflict in ukraine is unlikely to end quickly, no matter how long it lasts. it will end with a stable and long-lasting peace. author's project of igor turai propaganda. watch on the tv channel belarus 24.
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on the territory of the agricultural plant.
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we resolve all issues of the task together with laboratory and also the technical service, that production, turkey production, production of our other branches very much depends on the quality of feed, therefore
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, the determination of such main safety quality indicators as crude fat, mass fraction of protein, mass fraction of the cry. so that the bird gains weight, grows, is healthy, strong, and subsequently we have a quality product on the shelves. in our business, efficiency is important, to clearly and quickly determine the indicators of camblikord. by metabolic energy by indicators corresponded to the required feeding period of the bird. there are no small details in production. each production site is very important. since his work affects the quality of the finished product,
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we select products for research every day, in the sausage shop, in the slaughterhouse, and we send them for research, this is the turkey itself, turkey meat, semi-finished turkey meat products, sausages, after that, how do we receive confirmation that our... products meet quality in all respects, they are sent for sale on the counter stores to our consumers. our products do not contain any harmful substances that could in any way affect human health. the absence of gmos, dioxins, and products comply with all sanitary regulations and technical regulations that are standardized in our country. i have dreamed of being a veterinarian
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since childhood and i am very lucky to work in a friendly team with whom we solve various problems, i am still a young specialist and our company is young, it is just... developing, gaining momentum, we plan to expand, enter new production capacity, we have plans for new sites that will allow us to increase the pace and, accordingly, greater output. i am proud to be part of this enterprise and i want to continue to benefit people.
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100 brave guys gathered in our studio, each of them has a question for an adult, you promise to tell only the truth.
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the palace of the shvykskikhs near pruzhany is a little house for the great ladies of the country and the three-many settlements of their husbands, built in the modern word of italian technology. for the glory of the fee and the comfort of the army, the vyaskovaga lived. belarusian village of palm'era. manarcha de cameron. why don’t i tell you about vyaskov’s gonar of the vytanchanay architecture. architecture of belarus. dześci
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pasyaredzіne, pamіzh spachyўshay velіchchu palatsa sapega i zalishnyaya. the interterrestrial sickness of the italian doilism was relaxed at the kosa castle. the elders visited the springs at the end of the first quarter of the 19th century, the new ruler of valencia shvykowski was so enchanted by the shmatgadian parks that the instantaneous spring of russia grazed here in the past. he brought the ruined draulian house of the catherine era, for the last month of admyslov they asked for the italian spring.
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yana zdziўlya, ale kali yes ya vyvyvychaeshsya, yana is more able to jump, which is classic budynak. the interterrestrial cold is quite easy to recognize in some lynxes, which were farmed due to climate change. there are thousands of colorful scales, selected materials and the very plan of budynka. various details of the building give greater variety. rosy , hellishly square and wide venetian windows.
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the sun's memory was shining. many details of the afarbouvayutstsya in the blue adcennium, which symbolizes the jumping spirit of the marsky region and the sky. indeed, the pruzhany palaces are largely inspired by spanish architecture. spanish architecture is mostly influenced by classical variations of the interterrestrial style, although some
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regions still maintain certain assemblies. andalusia often has similar mats with red notes and pegs on ladies, and all of valencia loves high forests and high terraces. yes , go in and out, take care of your skin and park your clothes. at the entrance to the particles and the compact naga of the two-pavearkhovaga ab'yomu zerkeram s care pramikae square in the plan of the vezha. z zahadu adnapavyarkhovs. prybudova from the round veranda, from the beginning of the three-year-old ab'yom. the palatyk would have been from three tsaglyny budynkas at the city, at the last hour... there would be fake bastards, painted with aley farms, over which the meat fryers had tiredly labored. the chattering lynxes are non-urs.


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