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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  July 3, 2024 5:25pm-5:45pm MSK

5:25 pm
katya, tell me some poetry. what he wrote for you,
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i won’t tell you, but please, the soldier died of pain before sunset, without even covering his heart with his hand, and i am the successor of this soldier, who loved you so devotedly, like that soldier who died in an open field, i love you to tears . therefore i will shield your heart from pain, let it hurt my heart, you love him, but there is a war, today he is here, tomorrow there, or we will be transferred somewhere, what about you then, i don’t want to think about it, it doesn’t matter i envy you. do you have love, do you ever have
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there will be love, that's when it will be, if only i were as beautiful as you, so very beautiful, well, if they don't kill you, uh-huh, girls, oh, where are you, come here, we're here, anya, katya, girls , i'm... looking for you, looking for what happened, what happened, oh, not for you, well, i'm all on fire, tanya, i don't understand, stop tanya, the dagun has arrived, tanya, but actually there is news, our lieutenant received an asterisk , so why are you silent, let’s go quickly.
5:28 pm
am i a commander or don’t you command, lose your authority, but we are no worse than others, we do the same work, men and women, better, better, at headquarters they did the calculations and it turned out that female miners work much more carefully than men, we have 2.7 times fewer explosions than in other units, so what other news, comrade junior? excuse me,
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lieutenant, we will be attacking soon, from which the rear is marinating us, and they don’t trust us with front-line work, they are not marinating you, they are taking care of you, it is clear, it is clear, we will soon have to attack, on those fields over there, this is our task for the near future, to liberate clearing them away so that grain can be sown, clarified, clarified, that means... we will advance, in in belarus, we had to get a little behind the front line, we removed mines, the woman and the kids planted potatoes in the same holes, now it seems funny, then the dogs were tired, well, they’re going well, where are the aphids over there, okay, okay, okay, you 're fine, lieutenant, lieutenant, what are you doing to me...
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he's my horse there for a visit, take it, take the horse, masha, it's your patronal
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holiday, or what? yeah, you're talking about these, these are our soldiers, they received a funeral, but the grave is unknown where. they want to grieve, cry with everyone, you ’re against me, anything can happen, why , maybe you’re remembering the living, it’s a woman’s sin. sin, i told them too, you don’t listen to me, at least listen to the military girl, but maybe you know, dear, tell me, yes, what do i know, i know that you have to wait for the women, until
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the very end, soon you will end her damned life, now i think that soon, hear, soon, but... “mom, lord, soon this forest will end, be patient with bulkina, be patient with me, i’m all bulkina and bulkina, i’m no longer your soldier, i’ve fought back, can you just not now? name, you’re panicking, who told you such nonsense, but you meh..." here you’ll be like two, you’ll still serve like a copper pot, it’s unlikely, comrade lieutenant, they’ll most likely cut off my leg, i can’t feel my fingers anymore, but you don’t give, they have no right without your consent, you must clearly understand this, and most importantly
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, don’t panic, i didn’t feel my hand either, the last time i was hit in the shoulder blade, i went to bed again in the unit, the main thing is to immediately write from the hospital, and we’ll you... we'll send you a request, listen, half a meal, you hold on, you seem to like it now i want to sleep, but don’t sleep, weakness is, you know, keep in mind, i’ll wait for you, no way, commander, do you understand? “i always distinguished you, i didn’t show it, but, you know, it’s in vain yegor stepanovich,
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it would have been more fun for me if you, well, at least a little, well, at least some kind of sign, but i couldn’t, nina, what will happen? ?" i must be a personal example, i’m a personnel person, and they sent my nina to a rear hospital, we were transferred to the baltic states, the doctor wants me to see my dog, he showed up, he didn’t get dusty, and there’s no time... busy, if anything it’s important, tell me, i’ll tell you, i can even kiss you, and what else, excuse me, why do this, since i’m running out of time, and what is a date if we’re running out of time, transferring us, you know?
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is this exactly what translates you? exactly, it’s a pity, i’m very interested in motorcyclists. but i feel so sorry, yes, screw you, katya, she’s transferring us
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to where, first to staffing, and then. katya, i want you to marry me, is that possible, there’s a war, so what, we’ll get a leave of absence, we’ll go to the city, we’ll find some clerk, why, i’ll be with you wait, you don’t believe me, i want not just katya to wait for me, but my wife. katya, i gave katya leave, of course, they
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found the deputy, and 2 hours later dagun drove off to the second belarusian front. goryunova, cover it, eat it, for the bride. how many people? allow me, on behalf of the entire army, on behalf of our unit and myself, to congratulate soldier somova on his legal marriage. with the fighter dagun, man, he
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is kind, a good man, good, quietly, well, he fights well, so katya, peace and love, bitter, bitter, happy, i will sit on the horse’s bay, i will ride to distant lands, i i will sit on a bay horse. i will go again to distant lands, forgiving my dear father and mother, farewell
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my son, perhaps a sharp shotgun, from behind a bush, will kill me, maybe i should have such a rifle, from behind a bush, to defeat me. the inner cup contains a charge of up to
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300 round bullets. when the igniter fires, the outer glass remains in the ground, the inner one flies into the air about a meter and a half and explodes. what else? damage radius 80-100 m. spring mines - bouncing mines. yes. usually not used for... menshchikov, i saw there was mail today, yes, there was, comrade lieutenant, bulkina writes, no,
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yegor stepanovich. let me go. comrade sergeant, this is a glass of a bouncing mine, but it’s empty, as you can understand, it was in the ground or lying on top, in the ground, which means there should be others nearby, loaded, go out onto the road, i’ll look, you should take a look,
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i’ll find it, i’ll show you everything, gather a squad, yeah.
5:43 pm
how did this happen, i don’t know, i can’t imagine, she’s so experienced, and recently she was explaining how to fall, but she walked right into a landmine, a brainless fool, didn’t you understand that it was she who shut us in with herself. we rarely manage to bury our comrades in battle with proper honors; the war does not
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leave us time for this, but today is a special occasion. sergeant menchikova lived a short, but extremely meaningful life. during the days of the offensive, menshchikov brought 86 wounded people across the neva, more than that on sergeant menchikova’s personal account. thousands of mines discovered and neutralized, it’s impossible to even count how many lives she saved to the soldiers of menchikova’s squad, whom she
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shielded with her body, we must firmly remember, their lives were paid for. and we must fight in such a way that be worthy of your commander. eternal glory to the hero, sergeant menchikova. death by a fascist. department.


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