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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  July 4, 2024 3:05am-4:50am MSK

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we rarely manage to bury our comrades in arms with proper honors, the war does not leave us time for this, but today is a special occasion, sergeant menchikova did not live long. but an extremely meaningful life, during the days of the offensive across the neva, menchikova took out 86 wounded people, on sergeant menchikova’s personal account there were more than 600 discovered neutralized mines, it’s impossible to even count how much life. saved the soldiers
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of menchikova’s squad, whom she shielded with her body, we must firmly remember how their lives were paid for, and we must fight in such a way that be worthy of your commander. eternal glory to the hero. sergeant menshchikova, death by fascist, squad, load, gulp, fire, gulp. or, in one gulp, or,
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and we didn’t know then? that from this grave to the end of the war there are only 340 km, and don’t expect that the front is far away, here such forests begin, that intelligence, and ss men, and the devil... what could be, therefore, in my
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absence, so that the night inspection by the guard service, everything is as it should be, do you understand? i understand, and also, you don’t really want to stay late after lights out, what do you mean? well, what, well, what myself? you know, i should be a personal example, in general, make sure that there are no emergencies, let me go, go, comrade senior lieutenant, let me contact you, please contact me. let
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me go to granz next friday, why, my husband will be there, okay, you’ll go, well, there was a post office, there was, well, nothing yet. i can’t fit it into my head, so forget my comrades, not a single letter for so long, it doesn’t look like bulkin, no, it doesn’t look like something happened, senior lieutenant, there were letters from her, well, she told me to keep quiet, with her leg is bad. address, is this lena
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’s life, god willing, for everyone, 75 years old, suits you? that's enough, now let's see how you're doing on the love front, let's see, this is venus hill, i heard this one without hands, what, wow, you have such an intertwining here, you live richly, comrade senior sergeant, no we complain, goryunova, freely, so what? already stuck, and why did you get the idea that i stuck, and not he stuck, that’s why i didn’t want to start this conversation, you’re forcing me, goryunov’s chatter about you in such a way that it’s inconvenient for me to repeat, this is good, this is not good, but why are you giving a reason for such chatter, and
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this is a conversation about work or a heart-to-heart, well , heart-to-heart, heart-to-heart, heart-to-heart, you must understand, senior lieutenant, that my 30-year-old age is approaching, nothing will bother me, you’re talking nonsense, you’re panicking prematurely, you think there’s no claim to your service, no, decide to go, go, comrade senior lieutenant, here you go.
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girl, who are you, ninka, ninka, came, returned, i don’t believe it, dear, god, how are you, let’s go, let’s go. who is this, i don’t know anything, but our lieutenant has arrived.
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grenova, listen, comrade senior lieutenant. what are you? zina, assemble a platoon, eat, quickly! platoon, line up, stand up! turn to the right, smirna, comrade senior lieutenant,
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the platoon has been formed by your order! dear fighters, the eighth! may 1945 in berlin, representatives of the german high command signed an act of unconditional surrender of the german armed forces. the great patriotic war, waged by the soviet people against the nazi invaders. victoriously completed, germany
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is defeated, my dear girls, the war ended, victory, peace, eternal glory to... our dear comrades who fell in battles for the freedom and independence of our homeland.
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evening, this is the economic environment on belarus-1 and the satellite tv channel belarus24. the gross domestic product of belarus continues to grow, already more than 90 billion rubles. this is the primary estimate of belstat in current prices for 5 months, this is plus 5.2% in comparable prices to the level of the same period last year. investments in fixed assets are also growing. for 5 months of twenty-four they reached 14 billion rub. this is almost a quarter more than in the same period last year. construction and installation works are among the leaders. they account for almost half of the total investment. the american government budget is falling deeper into deficit. the congressional budget office estimates the projected deficit to be about $2 trillion. this is 27% higher than expected at the beginning of the year. the key growth factor is said to be an increase in military spending. belarusian builders
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work in more than 70 regions of russia. according to the ministry of construction of architecture, over twenty third year builder. organizations earned over $700 million in russia, which is 8.5% more than a year earlier. the main objects being built are schools, kindergartens and housing. the popularity of non-cash payments is growing among belarusians. according to the national bank, based on the results of the first quarter of 2024, their share in retail trade turnover reached 60%. let us remember that in 2014 this figure was less than twenty. as of april 1 , over 19 million cards were issued in the country. of which 6 and a half are the domestic belkar system. high-flying cooperation. russian the tupolev enterprise will work with belarusian partners to produce the tu-214 passenger aircraft. according to the united aircraft corporation near minsk, they plan to produce parts for russian airliners and paint finished aircraft. according to the plan, the tu-214 should be included in
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a single line of civil aircraft in the fleet of russian airlines. the first liner has already arrived in belarus for the new livery. how is the aviation industry of belarus developing from new flight programs, the state of the aircraft fleet, infrastructure to the creation of a domestic one? aircraft, we will discuss it with competent experts right now. today we have experts in our studio who are well versed in the development of the aviation industry. igor cherginets, general director of belavia airlines, igor golub, director of the aviation department of the ministry of transport and communications. nikita seredich, deputy general director of minsk national airport. irina novikova, head of the department
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of the belarusian state technological university. dear guests, good evening. you're welcome.
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they are developing with an eye to the fact that in the future a full-fledged, well, let ’s say, union industry will be formed, and together we will be able to build a joint aircraft with... the russian federation, but the union cluster ensures technological sovereignty, it’s absolutely true that we will not depend on the purchase, what kind of planes you have are brazilian, yes
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, brazilian, american, yes, today, today, well, something needs to be done for them, in addition to what we are doing, it’s starting now, well, let’s talk a little about the national air carrier further, probably here you also need to take into account the demand for these services, but it’s probably not very fair to purchase.
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russia shouldn’t divide belarus, it’s like states, listen, let’s equalize in often we say, here are the goods of the union rights, belarusian russian goods, so that there are no problems, and then conversations will disappear, who is absorbing and uniting whom, the economy will absorb everything, well we heard, yes, cooperation in this area needs to be developed, this is an imperative, one might say, an order from the head of state, dear experts, tell me please, how about...
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already aircraft such as our airline and the airline of the russian federation operate, this is the 737, the airbus a320 of various modifications were used by russian operators, the line of topolev tu-134 aircraft, which we just saw on the screen, this is il- 76 aircraft, which are also operated in our republic, but this year the technical operation of the superjet aircraft was already mastered, the plant received all the technical ones.
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illegal sanctions that have been imposed on our country and from which the including the aviation industry, and here there is a question for you as
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a pro... operation, undergoing various types of maintenance, civil aviation names checks, this is all under strict control, everyone in their place, in aviation triple control is always, as i say, three signatures are always put, the first one is put by the one who
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completed, the second one signs the person who checked it. this is the execution of this work, as it was done, and the third, now control of the first, second, that is, three signatures, without these three signatures not a single aircraft will leave, but do i understand correctly that there are problems with spare parts, components for those aircraft, well, for airplanes, let’s put it simply, we don’t have, well , there are no difficulties, they, that is, there may be difficulties, but there are thoughts, but we are successfully solving them, and thanks to the representatives and our national airlines. other companies, they are being resolved, we will not disclose the scheme, of course, but we will not disclose the scheme, of course, for flight safety, nothing has changed to ensure it, we put the same spare parts in the planes that we put there and two and three and 5 years ago, we don’t put anything manufactured in garages, of course, these are all the same spare parts, components, completely
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original. how we do it is another question, how much more expensive it has become for us, how much logistics has changed, these are others questions, but for the consumer, for the passenger, the most important thing is whether it’s safety or not, it’s safe, 100%, nothing has changed in this regard, but it’s nice to hear that these issues are being resolved, let them know that all these are theirs sanctions restrictions can be used for other purposes, igor nikolaevich, please tell me, in human terms, right? they, among other things , imposed sanctions against belavia, yes, restrictions on flights to certain points and so on, and you and we, the country as a whole, several years ago during the pandemic bellavia took out tourists citizens of the european union, other countries, from regions where no one flew, and they did it on a humanitarian basis, but they see how it is with us, doesn’t this
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feeling of annoyance humanly cause you? probably, at some point at the very beginning, she probably called and wanted to look into the eyes of those people who told the officials, they sent us thank you, we have a lot. documents of gratitude from prime ministers, foreign ministers, diplomats, embassies and so on, from all over the world, i’ll just give one example, except pandemic, there was also a piece of politics, for example, there was a crisis in turkish-american relations, and there was an evacuation of diplomats and military personnel from turkey to... the united states of america, this was during a pandemic, some routes were already closed, and it was impossible it was, it was very difficult for americans to leave turkey and return to their homeland, so these people, i’m afraid to say
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what percentage, well, large, we took thousands of people, diplomats, military, american, from turkey, we brought them to minsk, from minsk we flew with... them to paris and amsterdam, and from there airlines, mainly delta, they flew home, in fact, at that time we still had oleg kravchenko alive, this is the deputy minister of foreign affairs, who oversaw american relations with america at the foreign ministry, and he literally sent me text messages there every day that came to him from state department, from pasovs, thank you belovets, thank you, we are very... i remember a clear phrase, we will never forget such help, they did not forget, they did not forget, they thanked us in their own way, they did not forget, we say sanctions there, well we have an economic transfer, of course, but nevertheless a little bit of politics, and sanctions, sanctions,
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well, the general name is sanctions, restrictions, sanctions, but if you look inside there is a decoding of these sanctions, well , let’s say, european, no longer american, but european sanctions were imposed on belavia first. and there, in my opinion, point number one, for what? for the fact that, and i am proud of this, that in my sanctions there are these two names: lukashenko and putin signed and agreed to the restoration of air traffic between belarus and russia, after covid, that they basically did the whole state now, and for this they imposed sanctions on belav, there is no logic at all. or the following sanctions, there is already the chinese leadership, the representative, the representative of china at the un said that the sanctions imposed on belavia are illegal, so xinhua published the second package, and
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the general director of belavia republished it on his facebook page, and for this republication the following were imposed sanctions on belavia, you know, it’s nonsense, sanctions there are very, so...
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in politics, alexander grigorievich has already become a figure in scale that goes far beyond the post of president of belarus. nominally he is responsible only for his country. in fact, thanks to his colossal experience and great respect in the world and even in the democratic world, although they are not recognized there, he has a strong influence.
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it is unlikely to end quickly, but no matter how long it lasts, it will end with a stable and long-lasting peace. the author's project of igor tur is propaganda. watch on belarus tv channel. 24. we will tell you about the progressive experience of various organizations in our country. was and the goal is to create not just a museum, but an atmosphere. all this did not happen in one moment. all this was gradual. of course, we walked under the strict guidance of our district and region, and the ministry of culture. our technology today is actually very reliable. the safety margin is built into it colossally,
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these are the most knowledge-intensive, the most complex machines, in principle in mechanical engineering, that exist in the world, we will introduce people who are sincerely devoted to their work, one of the most important organizers and ideological inspirers in general it was the director of our museum who became this museum, it was her long-time dream, i have three children and it is impossible to love someone more, someone less, these are also our children, right? they are all good in their own way, so in fact the attitude towards any product is the same. watch the quality mark project on our tv channel. nikita ruslanovich, what are you doing there at the minsk airport, how did you survive these sanctions, did this situation affect you, how is it for you, well, i won’t lie if i tell you. that of course, first of all, it affected
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they said sanctions, because the majority of many foreign airlines were european after all, and after eurocontrol, this organization in europe that oversees the sky, recommended, they did not directly ban european airlines, they recommended not to use the airspace of the republic of belarus, they took everything under the visor unfortunately refused to fly to us, of course we immediately, it was almost immediately. after covid we experienced it ourselves, felt it, unfortunately, in a very harsh way, well financially, and financially , unfortunately, we were immediately asked for passenger flows, people, and so on, but this is the most important parameter for us, of course, yes, but closer to the last 2 years we have been gradually growing from year to year, that is for example, today we have already had a 15% increase in passengers in 5 months of the twenty-fourth year compared to the same period last year.
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this is a medium-range russian aircraft tu-214, it was developed in the early nineties, but for a long time the airliner was used
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special flight squad russia. after the imposition of sanctions, aircraft production was resumed in the interests of civil aviation and right now is the first. one might say that belarusian specialists are working as an experimental model at the minsk civil aviation plant. this airliner is called a flying laboratory. the fact is that it is on it that russian components and household equipment will be tested under the program of complete import substitution. replace everything, including imali foreign parts, and there are about 15% of them left. intend to finish year, and by 2030 to release 70 of these carcasses in a new import-substituted form. in russia , the nazis are making a big bet on airplanes; they are planning to put them at the heart of aircraft fleets. this is ventilation during painting, now it is on, the whole plane is working for exhaust. the task
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of belarusian specialists is to remove the old coating, apply a branded coating to the liner and retrofit it with the necessary assembly parts. precisely in belarusian ones. safety comes first. the liner is being updated in the plant's new hangar. its features and essentially uniqueness are that, in addition to painting works , maintenance and repair of aircraft is possible. the complex was opened only in april of this year, and the backlog of orders for the new look has already accumulated over ten aircraft.
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basically, during the pre-sanction period , the russian federation mostly painted its aircraft abroad, that is, in western europe. after. closure of the border, in fact there are not many opportunities left, i think we will lend our shoulder so that all russian planes, not only those that have already flown, that have been flying for a long time were produced, but also new aircraft, their own levy, a new one, will be made at our plant, in general the plant operates in three niches at once, specialists take on the overhaul of old soviet ones, maintenance of new russian western ships, il, yak, sukhoi superjet, buen , airbas, there are enough competencies, but here, as they say, you have to study all your life in order to keep up with technology. under the conditions of sanctions, the range of work is expanding; since last year, mechanical production has been actively developing. basically the plant was sharpened specifically for services, for production, it was only small-scale production and those parts that needed to be used for repairs and
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maintenance. today we are boldly beginning to enter the line of those enterprises that produce not only large-unit parts, but also aircraft themselves, the main strategy of our enterprise is to create a center of competence and act as a single window for the customer. the plant does not intend to stop there; its plans, however, not yet for the immediate future, but until 2030, are to place a maintenance base on its premises engines. the company is confident that the demand for such competencies will grow, so it is important to have time to occupy your niche. club of editors wasting effort on knocking on a door that is locked, uh-huh, there is no point, but there are enemies there, and the president, and
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the president went to where the door is open, there are not many friends, but there are many enemies, you are a sponsor, yes. .. we are actively moving into international markets in new countries. we came as friends with specific proposals. don't miss it on belarus 24 tv channel. we will prove that science closer than you think. research related to tremors requires a certain
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serious attitude in order to optimize technological processes to improve the quality of food products. fats should be in our diet, because they are still a source of energy and a component of our hormonal system. we explain complex things in simple language. road extract is
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like a flight attendant, listen, yours flew into space, but this is an indicator of quality, yes, yes, and this is exactly what gave us those results,
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of which we are rightfully proud, dear experts, well, i can’t help but aggravate, people, well, what do people care about, people care first of all, but safety, we have already answered this question, and industry pricing, that is, well... there’s a lot here to say, yes, but belavia one way or another, well, it’s a national monopolist, yes, so it has such an exclusive, no, well, in terms of market share, well , there is a certain monopoly position, you can discuss this issue, and of course, well, experts, economists, they understand that it is easy to achieve financial sustainability, for example, by raising prices, but we see that raising prices, you keep your finger on the pulse, yes, but the prices are still people... very basic, what is
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a low-cost airline? well, of course, experts tell more, i flew once, i don’t want to, i flew too, 5 kg of luggage, for every additional kilogram there are some crazy surcharges, you have to pay extra for food, it’s completely in vain, they can’t be used by low-budget airlines in english low costs will demonize them no it is.
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some of the tickets are sold by the low-cost carrier at a price that is higher there, a traditional airline is much higher, but the company’s looost essentially pays the last one, whoever is last pays for the one who first paid two euros there, and the last one will pay 200 euros, there’s also what they have there, i said that it’s highly technologically advanced from the point of view of it technologies, there are a lot of additional services that are sold. yes , of course, sometimes they are imposed there, well , to be honest, due to this they increase, that is, it’s not a miracle, you have the cost of a flight, let’s call these services, luggage, food, there are more than 50 items, which are sold there, i don’t know how much people will fly directly with low-cost tickets, it’s just that everyone understands that low-cost is 10 euros per ticket, this is probably unlikely
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to ever happen, and for the prices... for tickets to go down , first of all, there should be competition on the line on which one carrier flies, so that other carriers also come there and somehow try to settle the price, uh, as i said, unfortunately, this is not the case with us there are now many options where we can take additional airlines for different routes, so here it seems to me that ours is also the possibility of reducing prices in the development of competition on various routes. but do i understand correctly, making such an intermediate conclusion that essentially free cheese in a mousetrap, that is, what we sometimes see, foreign examples, well, it rarely happens in life, the package of services that, for example, provides to its passengers belavia, bought from a budget company, will cost about the same, it’s just that some people are ready to put up with some
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temporary hardships, others don’t need it luggage, some don’t need food, some... don’t need something, and so on, but in general, well , you see, the cost of belavia’s services at this level of quality, but it is quite balanced, in my opinion, of course, you always need to find reserves to reduce costs, develop competition so that the market has new, well , impulses for development, so that the passenger has a choice, here we have a very good example, we remember there, well, there is an airline that... . which operates flights from moscow to minsk, from st. petersburg to vidinstvenny, by the way, a low-cost airline that flies from minsk. we fly on these same routes, uh, sometimes it’s cheaper with us, sometimes it’s cheaper with pobeda airlines, but in principle it all works and the passenger chooses who to fly with, to say that we died here, because
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a low-cost airline appeared on these uh lines. no, we even have more flights there, more passengers, we are often cheaper than igor nikolaevich, before we break for advertising, maybe a life hack from the head of belavia, what are some ways to save money, maybe some magic ones minutes, i can now give you my personal phone number, but if all our viewers start calling you, this is a crazy joke, of course, but no, there are standard life hacks in aviation, this is not only in relation to belavia, when the price increases for all airlines , low-cost airlines, before departure, no, no, no, it depends - on the season, on the forecast, yes, of course, but mainly it depends on the plane’s load, the less
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the plane’s load, the cheaper. the load is less when, well, six months before departure, a year before departure, there several months, if it is bought in advance, yes, if you go at the last moment, well... of course there, if the airline works well, then the load there is already quite high on this plane, accordingly the price is maximum or there are no seats at all, now there are very few seats, let’s say you buy a ticket in georgia, if it jumps out to the last seats there, then the price is very high, certainly very high, and those who bought there, relatively speaking in march for the month of july, they paid the minimum price,
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with their hands, that is, literally touch good news, you can touch the exhibits with stories, not so long ago, by the way, a local resident caught a wobbler, that is, a plastic fish , weighing 41 kg and... 2 m long, to show how unusual and wonderful our country is. in america , floating houses are called the fashionable word houseboard, house, ship, but they
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have not yet come up with a term for floating stations. landscapes full of thoughtfulness and sadness enchant even the most fastidious travelers. watch the program of the city of belarus on the belarus 24 tv channel. minsk has long headed to the east, this is a response to the challenges of the time and the desire to establish mutually beneficial partnerships with those who are ready for such cooperation, ready to work, accustomed to talking from a position of strength: asia, africa, europe and latin america, people, cities, enterprises where minsk is known, appreciated and respected . it is impossible not to notice belarus; it has preserved and is developing healthcare, industry, and government.
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belarusian state aviation academy, an institution that has recently been training civilian pilots, pilots belarusian, international standards, what are the requirements for candidates, what are the features of the domestic aviation school. details in the story by victoria sharkova. let's get a look. inspection of the aircraft using virtual reality glasses and cutaway components on monitors. this is how future pilot engineers study the design of parts and learn how to conduct diagnostics. and clear instructions about action algorithms from the lips
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of the most experienced teachers. these screens display all parking areas, aircraft, taxiways and the runways themselves, yes, from which aircraft take off and land. growth of passenger and cargo traffic from.
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they train here on special simulators , for example, this one completely duplicates the cockpit, everything that happens overboard, everything is fully automated, a few clicks on the buttons and you can change the weather, flight conditions, as well as the time of day. by graduation, cadets must have flown more than 150 hours in real aircraft. one of the cadets of the first intake, alexander parkalov, already flew alone during practice and... some kind of pride in himself,
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responsibility, i understood how important this is, because you are alone in the cabin, no one will tell you, everything depends only on you, everything worked out, such specialists will be in demand all over the world, they certainly will not remain without work, and the main thing is not to miss out on leaving such personnel in country, because all conditions have been created for self-realization, upon graduation we will be given... a certificate, a commercial pilot's license, this is a worldwide practice, educational institutions do not teach specifically, let's say, roughly, for a large aircraft, that is, the airline is recruiting pilots who already have a commercial pilot's license can then be retrained specifically for a specific type, boeing, embrier or airbus, i am studying on a budget, so i will be assigned, i hope that i will be assigned: to our national
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airline belavia and already there i will continue my training as a pilot. the priority task of the academy is to form a national brand of pilot training school, so that the whole world knows that belarus is able to adequately train aerobatics. well, it’s interesting, especially interesting for those who study in high school, or finishing school and thinking about which path to choose, a good option for those. for those boys who are attracted by the sky, moreover, just recently i looked at the average salaries and saw that an aircraft commander is, of course, a general in the hierarchy of civilian pilots, but he earns at least 15 thousand, or even more depending on the intense intensity of the work there are routes and so on, so this is a very interesting career, and the country needs such people, right, well, the first thing is that you are now they said about... wages, the monetary
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expression of this wage is the hardest work, this pilot, you can say, he has no schedule, day 8 hours, night 8 hours, that is, he is constantly working, changing time zones in flight, these are night flights, flights, these are day flights, flights, this is the hardest work, now as for our belarusian state aviation academy, this year we are... in fact, we are now entering the cycle of creating a national school for training civil aviation pilots, before that in the republic belarus, a school was created - a national school for training pilots of state aviation, that is, they are for the armed forces, for various law enforcement agencies, now we have reached a national civil school, why is a cadet pilot, he commented that upon graduation i will receive a commercial aviation pilot certificate and come to the belavia airline, well, he wants, maybe he’ll come to us.
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management will already consider, again based on the level of knowledge, they should know about this, even if there is a cadet, a graduate, who gets a red card diploma, diploma, yes, we still have entrance control, we still have our own exams, those that are carried out by those pilots who are carried out by the commander of the aviation squad, we will also test their knowledge and readiness to fly on belavia airlines, that is, in order to in order to carry... belarusian foreign guests on board belavia you need to meet very high requirements, well , extremely high, in principle, this reassures those who are worried about safety and security requirements in the vastness of the former soviet union, it has such a bad reputation, she says that we are too demanding, that it is very difficult to get to us, all for the sake of safety, of course, respected experts, here is the summary. our conversation, how do you see
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the future of our aviation industry, and what we all need to do for this, igor nikolaevich, we will someday return to restoring all lost ties with the european union and other countries, everything will be fine, this is not a normal situation, they understand this in principle, the recent forum in dubai, the international air transport association, in principle, this is all about they said, the top leaders of the aviation industry. it will all return, all these restrictions will go away, business will develop, there will be flights, there will be normal flights, there will be normal flights.
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what prospects, what future of the aviation industry in our country do you see? i would like to paraphrase, once upon a time the military pilots who went through the great patriotic war had a slogan to fly highest, farthest, fastest, so i would like to paraphrase a little, we are still talking about
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civil aviation, fly farthest cheaper than everyone else, great, from a doctor of economics, professor, this sounds with double meaning, dear experts, thank you for. your opinion, thank you for taking the time out of your busy schedule to come to our studio of the bel tv and radio company on makaonka 9. we thank our guests and say goodbye to you, set goals higher than the sky, successfully achieve them for the benefit of our country, and may the economic environment be for you auspicious, goodbye. soviet, july 3, 1944, troops of the third
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belarusian with the assistance of formations the second and first belarusian fronts liberated minsk. moscow saluted the liberation of the belarusian capital with 324 guns, troops of the first baltic front liberated the cities of glubokoe and dogshitsy, entered polotsk and began fighting for the city. the third belarusian front liberated lagoisk, butslov, dolginovo, and ostroshitsky town. the first belarusian completed the occupation in smilovichi, pukhovichi, shatsk. there were 25 days left until the complete liberation of belarus.
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"rainbow trout is the most promising for cultivation under artificial conditions; it specially modified, this is one of the most productive species in ras. it is relative to life." it is persistent and grows relatively quickly, in principle we don’t need anything else, no matter what we do, it is always made from freshly caught fish, this is today’s trump card of the sucker, that the fish is environmentally friendly,
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of high quality and most importantly - fresh, i am vasily, the chief fish farmer of the number one trout farm in lakhva. what is the key to the success of successful cultivation of rainbow trout. us in belarus. the answer is simple. compliance with technology. the lakhva parel farm was established in 2014. initially it was one enterprise. four swimming pools, an administrative building and a garage, over time it expanded; today lakhva
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includes four complexes, three complexes for growing marketable fish, as well as the rearing of planting material, one complex in the city of gorka for the production of fry, until the establishment of a commercial enterprise. .. not easy, but such a segment in any case in demand, we have occupied this niche,
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we are developing, today in belarus there is rainbow trout of belarusian production, it all starts with the import of caviar, tykra comes to the fish-farming-industrial complex in gorka. conventionally, this is the maternity hospital of our enterprise, an incubation workshop, eggs are received here, incubated, grown to a weight of approximately 0.2 g and transported to another workshop when they switch to active feeding. our rma is highly productive, specially designed for the installation of a closed type of water supply. that is, the meaning here is that the food should not decompose when it gets into
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the water, that is, if it fell there, it should retain this granule. each bath contains about 15-18 cubic meters of water. this workshop receives fish from the hatchery workshop. here she is growing up, that is, conditionally, from 0.2 to 03 years, active feeding gradually begins, accordingly, we begin to feed her with compound feed, small granules, if suddenly the fish farmer notices that the fish has a weak appetite, accordingly we need to sound the alarm and make the right decisions , very important, so that there is light above the pools, because fish that are accustomed to the light, if you turn it off, they... simply may not respond to food, well, it is very important to walk around the pool less so that the fish does not get
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stressed and does not have to approach a person again , at the moment there is sorting of fish, that is , the fry sorts the large ones from the small ones, for which this is done, so that there is no competition for food, that is, when in the same pool... there are large small fish, the large ones create their own flock, it simply does not allow small fish come to feed, accordingly, it is depleted, accordingly it gets sick, and subsequently it can die, therefore, at the stage up to 25 g , fish is constantly sorted, the concept of marketable fish - it can be 250 g, and it can also be 1.5 kg, this and that is marketable fish, here are three complexes kostyukovichi, bykhov and vishova, they will be implemented. from the moment when the caviar arrives
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in a heap, and it takes about 5 months to grow it to about 10 g, that is, and already, if we take the moment when we receive fish for cultivation or growing, that is from 5. until the end of the year we can grow about a kilo, 200 kilos, that is, by the second year we can have about 3 kg of trout. the specificity of production is such that you are constantly connected with nature, you see this living fish when you plant it, even we and the fish farmers plant 5 g fry when we already catch one and a half to 2 kilos. well, there is some kind of good feeling that you managed
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to raise such a wonderful fish. our region through the eyes of foreigners, i was surprised that the nature was so beautiful and so clean, how everything was different, so neat, the building, groceries, supermarkets and so on, how did they end up?
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when choosing zucchini, it is important to consider the method of their preparation; when choosing, it is important to pay attention to the integrity of the fruit and its skin; in no case should there be any cracks or damage on the skin; a proper breakfast is the key to health and good mood. nikita, looking at the ingredients, i honestly can’t even imagine what you and i are cooking today, and you’ll be
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making oatmeal pancakes with eggplant, and i ’ll be cooking - stewed zucchini, we have today, friends, is a celebration of the belly, don’t forget about invigorating exercises, the first exercise we will stretch the neck muscles, lower our head down, put our hand on our ear and stretch our other hand back to the side, we will do this several times, watch the breakfast of the champion project on the tv channel belarus 24, we are taking care of...
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brothers snut, noў i bras, yana paabyatsa vystsi za khto peramozha sapernikaў. kind tribute to the house. kind. for all share, for wealth-will. sonya kazaidze. i take a breath from the old traditions, a new life.
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porel is a cold-loving fish. summer is here belarus is quite warm and the water reaches 20°. that is, it is very important. that is, conditionally, if the pools were outdoors, in the summer one could have a lot of problems, starting with the temperature. in all areas, concrete pools are not located indoors, this was done for a reason, we present to your attention a typical pool for growing fish in a recirculating system,
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that is, this is one pool, its volume is 1200 cubic meters of water. respectively, 700 cubic meters for keeping fish, and the rest turns out to be 400 cubic meters, this is technical water, that is, it mechanical biofilter why is this good for us regardless of the ambient temperature, that is, in winter we are not cold, in summer we are not hot, the fish feels great. every enterprise has wells. the food coming from them undergoes a certain degree of purification, it is favorable for the growth of fish, accordingly , we only have to monitor the technology
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of growing and feeding, our feeding is automatic, it happens 14 times a day, where the automation does not reach, we feed by hand, this is necessary for that, for small fish... is there food for ras, that is, what kind of food is it? and it is very poorly soluble in water, and has low dust content, and most importantly,
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it contains the necessary micro and macroelements, as well as the presence of a large amount of protein. today we are conducting an experiment with belarusian feed, we are looking at how it will behave under ras conditions, and if the experiment goes well, we will use belarusian feed. each section of the lakhvaa farm can contain about 100-120 tons of fish at a time, if something is disturbed somewhere, 30 minutes is enough for the trout to fall asleep in the pool. this is monitored by certain sensors, and a diesel station, an oxygen station, if any one aspect can fail...
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sedimentation tanks, so we have about 10-15% water changes per day. we monitor sanitary standards, that is, we carry out preventive maintenance twice a month in order not to create an overgrowth of various microflora of all kinds of parasites, well, here we have little choice, we use table salt from salt water. that is, we can talk about environmentally friendly products behind the parel plot in the agricultural town of vishov, which means we
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are trying experimental baths for keeping and holding fish, that is , today we are trying to raise fry here, there are nuances, but we are working on them so that there are conditionally favorable growing conditions for planting material. we started working at this enterprise when it first appeared, how to handle trout, in principle, no one knew, what he knew, he offered, and somehow, conditionally, we started feeding, and something grew, and with over time, some experience has appeared, in our region in the cheripovo region, where the breeding stock will be kept, incubation of eggs is carried out to grow planting material, thanks to this complex we
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will be able not to conditionally depend on the purchase of caviar abroad, but to produce our own caviar, that is, with take eggs from their females and obtain planting material from it, which you can later sell and use yourself. when production just started, we started trying to sell fish in nets.
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a couple of years ago they already started transporting fish to brest. on the site in kosichi there is a fish processing workshop; live fish freshly caught from the pool and holding place arrive there and are processed accordingly.
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because no food additives are added, all the fish is smoked on alpha chips and no preservatives are used, a minimum of time is spent on the processing process, it’s about 12-14 hours, this is good because the client receives a high-quality product, fresh, always fresh, it comes straight from the oven. fish, in order to choose the right fish, it should be with the head, that is, by the head you can always determine the quality of the fish, why some manufacturers sell fish without the head, you can no longer determine what quality your fish is, only by defrosting it at home, conditionally, fresh fish, it will always be dense, when when pressed, it will return to its original form, and if it is not quite fresh,
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conditionally... when you press it, this dent remains, we produce chilled fish, which is in great demand, we produce fillet steaks using a machine in a modified gas environment, which immediately go to the buyer, then at mgs we do hot smoking, we do cold smoking, these are headless, back, side, the fish is very tasty, they are very successful, in demand, we produce salted fillets, vacuum-packed caviar, we also have preserves in our production, fish grown in the enterprise is a pure product, natural food is used, no additives, it’s tasty and
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healthy. it contains a lot of vitamins, omega-3 acids, a lot of protein, which is very useful for the body, after some time of restoration of the economy, but to this day every day there is a feeling of joy that a project that was done and no one believed in it, today there is a full-fledged farm that produces commercial fish and which... is present on store shelves. they know exactly what success is on sports
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grounds. assets. expresses herself not only in front of the screen, but on sports grounds, she has worked as a volunteer at many major tournaments, and she herself prefers dancing and zumba. at one time he played in the svistich football club in the second league of the belarusian championship, and also was the captain of the amateur hockey team red fire. but what will be the result in a real battle of intellects? what is the name in artistic gymnastics for an element that involves turning 360° or more in the air over the head? andrey, somersault, somersault, of course, the diagram shows special exercises for training athletes, and what sports discipline are we talking about, i think it’s shot put.
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to work, i had the feeling that i was in the vatican, a kind of state within a state, with its own clear structure, each unit commander during the existence of the honor guard company contributed something of his own, now we continue these traditions and are ready to surprise again and again, what is the work of concertmasters,
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only for our tv viewers, we choose the best routes, the only city in belarus to which you can arrive at one train station and wake up at another. we are located in the west of the country, welcome to baranavichy and we are setting off on an exciting journey, good news, you can touch the exhibits with your hands, that is literally touch, i caught a plastic snag fish weighing 41 kg and 2 m long to show how unusual and wonderful our country is. in america, floating houses are called fashionable. in a word, a houseboard, a ship, they haven’t yet come up with a term for floating stations, landscapes full of thoughtfulness and sadness enchant even the most fastidious travelers. watch the program of the city of belarus on
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the belarus 24 tv channel . trout production is a new thing, relatively speaking, we just started producing trout 10 years ago, there is something to be done strive for science, because it is possible to develop various drugs in the fight against fish diseases, improve production technology, and the fish farming-industrial complex in gorki from the very beginning.
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it is precisely according to the water supply lock installation system that all trout complexes work, including the lakhva trout farm, so students are already in class, they are learning how such installations work, what main elements are included, what components are available, and how to work with them, how to maintain them , if you look around belarus there are also directors graduation...
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and i chose my future profession because i had a childhood hobby of fishing, i haven’t given up my hobby, although you seem to see fish every day. her, but i also don’t miss the opportunity to go to the river on a day off, to hunt in particular for pike perch, pike, some people believe that foreign or imported food is always better, but i think that using the example... trout lakhva farm, today we showed that
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what is produced in our country can be, not only the same in quality, in some moments even surpass it, our rainbow trout, if you compare it with imported fish, what is different with us is, firstly,
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and with proper work you can achieve a lot, we hope that in the future the products of the lakhwa trout farm will also have solar a sign of quality, as conventionally our meat and dairy products, and i would like the concept of red fish... to leave belarus as
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a product of some kind of festive feast, so that it would be, if not every evening, well, twice a week or every thursday on the tables of our residents.
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